The best way to color: Overview of tools. Is it possible to paint the car in the colors of the police, ambulance or fire department? How to paint

unexpectedly, but since there are many techniques, I decided to write with examples.

(pictures are not mine)
which is not good - wax crayons in general, thick felt-tip pens (from 1.5 mm tip), thick watercolor pencils, unless you know how to use them in watercolor mode and do not plan to paint small details.

what do you need:

1. markers, felt-tip pens are different
it is impossible to paint over large volumes with a super thin tip (0.3 mm or less) - it is better to use them for small contours or painting. medium size (0.4-0.8) is possible, but you need to carefully monitor the layers and not falling on top of each other - this does not always look neat with felt-tip pens. I strongly discourage felt-tip pens for those who love precision and accuracy in applying color. in principle, you can draw with a felt-tip pen on a felt-tip pen, but only darker for a lighter one. thin light fineliners get dirty the same way. about stamps: people complain that sharpie creep and spread after application, but it strongly depends on the paper.

with a brush tip (watercolor).
watercolor brush pen

but it is better to take double-sided - on one side a brush, and on the other a dense tip

and metal markers. you just need to be careful with them, some of them leak strongly.
metallic marker

but wide markers apply very good. hard

2. regular colored pencils. minus - slowly and cannot be less bright than markers and pens. plus - can be mixed, unlike felt-tip pens. they can also be combined with any others - felt-tip pens, markers, pens, watercolors.
the subtlety with pencils is that you don't have to press with all your might, as in childhood. better to cover in several layers. well, light shading gives a lot of maneuvers - you can do the graduation and mix colors as you like. just do not forget about the direction of strokes - it is better not to change them inside one object-place. you can make a layer in one direction, and on top of another at an angle to it. if you draw in zigzags, it may not turn out very neatly.

these two, of course, were painted by the pro ...

those for whom it is important to be able to play back should be colored using erasable pencils. I mean them

there is also a convenient version - double-sided pencils with different colors. this saves space, and still, long ones almost never end, if you do not draw professionally. but simply short if you buy (such are the kraiola), it is inconvenient to hold for an adult
colleen colored pencil

3. watercolor colored pencils. usually expensive. but you can get the pros of both pencils and watercolors at the same time

4. watercolor - the paper should be quite thick. at the world-famous "enchanted forest" - just quite suitable

5. multicolor pencils are pencils where the lead is not of the same color, but from a pack of different pigments. there are versions in shades, there are completely mixed - rainbow

6. gel pens. best professional with a wide range of colors. minus - quickly end.
bright night gel pen

you can also take gel pens with different effects - metallic, glitter, etc.
in this set, they are also of different thicknesses. but not cheap, professional quality% (
Sakura 57360 64-Piece Gelly Roll Artist "s Gift Set

about technique

I strongly recommend that you test the new marker-marker-pencils somewhere separately before starting to color the page. check that nothing is leaking, even if you accidentally make 2-3-4 layers. this is especially critical for perfectionists. experienced fighters generally recommend putting a sheet between pages, to be sure.

it is not necessary to stick to the contours. you can paint by ignoring them and creating your own color waves.

or vice versa, smaller entities inside existing drawn objects - textures, new patterns, etc.

and you can do without different colors altogether

don't forget the background. it can be left white, or you can make it dark, multi-colored, or add textures too

it is not necessary to follow any rules in colors. you can generally choose an object for coloring and with your eyes closed a random color.

if you want a guaranteed beautiful, then you should first decide on the spectrum and general rules for shading, especially if the objects are small. for example, the leaves are always purple with red edging, not randomly. love the rules - follow them, do not love - do not follow. and what is written here, you can also not follow%)

There are much more operational services than the 3 most common - police, ambulance and fire department. And even accidentally getting into the color scheme of one of them is not difficult if you want to apply stripes of colors to the body. How not to get a fine and deprivation of rights, as well as how to properly paint a car in the colors of the police, ambulance and fire service in 2020, we find out in the article.

Is it possible to paint a car in the colors of the operating services?

No. This is directly prohibited by 2 regulatory legal acts at once: traffic rules and GOST R50574-2002:

  • the former prohibit the operation of vehicles with color schemes of operational services painted not in accordance with GOST,
  • the second establishes a ban in principle on the use of paint for fire, ambulance, police services, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations, military inspection, cars of the Investigative Committee and anti-drug control bodies.

The main provisions of the Rules say that:

11. It is prohibited to use:
vehicles ... with special color schemes, inscriptions and designations applied to the outer surfaces that do not meet the state standards of the Russian Federation ...

And GOST prescribes that:

It is not allowed to use, according to this standard, color schemes, special light and sound signals on vehicles, non-operational services.

Thus, coloring the traffic police services and the police in general, ambulance and fire aid in 2020 is prohibited.

Also keep in mind that GOST R50574-2002, unlike a number of others, is mandatory (section 1 of the Standard).

What colors should not be used to paint the car?

Please note that we are talking specifically about the color-graphic scheme - that is, a certain combination of colors, among which are distinguished:

  • general background color of the car,
  • the color of the stripes (usually horizontal),
  • inscriptions,
  • designation with identification marks of a certain department.

Let's take a look at the exact color schemes of the emergency services!

Police and traffic police

White or silver background and blue stripes and markings.


White background for simple cars and yellow (lemon) for resuscitation vehicles, red stripes.

Fire brigade

The background color is red, the stripes are white.

Ministry of Emergency Situations

For rescuers, the main color is white, and the stripe is orange-blue.


Car background:

  • at the service for the suppression of terrorist acts - black,
  • at the mine clearance service - yellow (orange, green or gray),
  • at the border guard - light gray, black or green.

Band color:

  • at the service for the suppression of terrorist acts - white-blue-red,
  • demining service - blue,
    at the border service - green and blue.

investigative committee

The background color of the body is blue or black, the stripe is red.

A complete list of all colors of cars of the maintenance services can be found in Appendix A of GOST.

According to traffic rules and GOST, it is prohibited to match with all the color schemes illustrated above. At the same time, we are not talking about the exact colors, but even about the similarity of the gamut - if the color of your car is at least a little similar to the ones indicated above, then it is easy to lose your rights!

If the color matches only partially

As we said earlier, they can be deprived of their rights for this (about possible punishments below). Despite the fact that, according to the letter of the law, it is precisely the complete coincidence of color schemes that is prohibited, the practice of law enforcement in 2020 still dictates its own rules. Namely, you cannot paint your car in colors similar to the cars of operational services, including the following cases:

  • if the color of the stripe is only slightly different from the "gost" one - for example, instead of a blue stripe - blue, instead of red - pink,
  • if the car does not have an inscription indicating the service (for example, they bought a decommissioned car and painted over only the inscription),
  • in general, if similar colors of vehicles of special bodies are repeated.

If you buy a decommissioned car of operational services

And in this case, it is your responsibility to repaint it. The reason for this is the same GOST, which specifically regulates the prohibition on color schemes of operational services: fire brigade, ambulance, police, traffic police and others, if the car is not used in such operational services.

Can the car be painted in the colors of the American police or other countries?

By law, you can. But in practice, again, 50/50. Again, GOST does not directly indicate that it is impossible to paint a car only in the colors of cars of Russian authorities.

Alas, the judicial practice is merciless - neither the traffic police nor the courts like such decorations on cars, and you can lose the right to drive, even if you painted the car in colors:

  • American police cars (black and white),
  • European ambulance (white-blue-red),
  • American ambulance (orange and white).

It is possible (and necessary) to appeal against such decisions, but it is highly likely that the period of imprisonment will come to an end until you get to the Supreme Court in the order of the instances of appeal.

Moreover, in practice there are even known cases of involvement for the "Sheriff" inscription on a car.

What is the punishment?

For painting a car in the colors of the traffic police, police, ambulance, fire aid and other color-graphic schemes of the operational services of Russia, the Code of Administrative Offenses in force for 2020 provides for 2 penalties at once, which can be applied simultaneously:

  • directly for the fact of applying such a color coating (no matter whether it is paint or film), part 3 of Article 12.4 of the Administrative Code applies with a fine for citizens in the amount of 5,000 rubles,
  • and for management, a sanction is imposed under Part 6 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code, which provides for deprivation of rights for a period of one to one and a half years.

In addition, a punishment is also provided for driving and painting a car in the color of a taxi - with fines of 5,000 rubles both for driving and for the fact of applying the color.

Learning how to paint correctly with colored and regular pencils

Writing and drawing are very similar activities. Therefore, most people hold a pencil in the same way as a pen - between their thumb and first two fingers, closer to the tip of the pencil. But remember - a well-sharpened pencil tip easily breaks and crumbles with strong pressure. It is not necessary to put pressure on the pencil, as when writing with a pen.
This method makes it easy to manipulate the pencil and is ideal for specific techniques such as linear and cross-hatching.

To give the drawing more expressiveness, liveliness and lightness, let's try to hold the pencil further from the end.
It is more convenient to do picturesque energetic lines or shading by pressing the rod from above with your index finger.
"Re-capture" - the method can be useful for shading and feathering. The pencil is placed on the brush and pressed with the thumb.
In this case, the movements are short, with the whole brush.

Another way to re-capture.
Pencil tip movements are made with the entire brush.

In the academic school of drawing, there is a "correct way of holding a pencil." It is convenient for artists to use this method when they are standing at the easel. At the same time, the hand is in a canopy and the movement of the entire hand is required for work. It does not cover the drawing and it is not overwritten in the process.

Advice! When artists paint at the table (on a horizontal plane), they always put a sheet of blank paper under their hand - "Substrate". The liner helps to avoid "rubbing" of the paper and protects the finished part of the drawing.

Lesson two:
There are two basic techniques for toning drawings.
Hatching is the drawing of strokes (lines) of different thickness and pressure at a certain distance from each other. Lines can be straight and curved, short or long, overlapping each other in several layers at different angles, forming a mesh.

Feathering is a uniform (or with gradation) "fill" of the surface with a pencil without gaps between the lines.
This can be as simple as rubbing the pencil over the surface of the paper to create a solid tone of varying intensity.
Sometimes pieces of paper, cotton wool, suede, your own finger, etc. are used for this.


In order for the hand to obediently apply strokes in the right direction and with a certain pressure, the hand must be trained! Developing hand firmness, strength and timeliness of pressure requires hours of exercise!
Let's do a few exercises to master the basic drawing technique - pencil shading. Do not be upset if the first time it turned out not very nice. A little patience and you will see the result yourself!

Take a sheet of paper in landscape size, a simple TM or HB pencil and draw 4 rectangles by hand (without a ruler).

Shade the first rectangle evenly, using only one angle of inclination.
In others, the angle of inclination is changed. We try to make the distances between the lines even!
The pressure on the pencil is the same!

Let's draw two (maybe more!) Rectangles.
Learning to make strokes with different pressure
Strong pressure at the beginning of the stroke and very weak (almost without touching the paper with the pencil) at the end.
And now so that the strokes gradually increase and then also smoothly weaken and come to naught.

We hold the pencil in our hand freely, as if making waves. In this case, the wrist should work very well.
The lines must be drawn without lifting the pencil from the paper!
The sheet must not be rotated!
Do not forget to keep the same (or proportional) distances between the lines!
Shade a long rectangle, evenly thickening the tone from light to dark.
Try to achieve its maximum flat gain.

Avoid rubbing strokes into spots and try not to use shading just yet.

These techniques can be used individually or together.
When practicing or painting, try to avoid mechanical shading or shading. Always think about the nature of the surface, shape and volume of objects.
It is necessary to learn how to correctly convey chiaroscuro, the gradation of chiaroscuro of colored objects in the drawing.
Develop a sense of tone strength and skill when shading a drawing with a pencil
see the strength of shadow and contrast ratios in shading. Using the shading technique, try to convey the texture of the surface in the drawing.

"Anyone can become an artist!" - today this motto is more relevant than ever. Yes, don't be surprised, in our time anyone can feel like an inventive Leonardo da Vinci or an expressive Van Gogh. After all, before, in order to write your canvas, you had to study at an art school for years or, at least, finish expensive drawing courses. And everyone, regardless of gender and age, can create their own still life, portrait or landscape in just 3-5 days - just like a real master exhibited in famous galleries.

What is the reason for this phenomenon? In paintings by numbers, which are gaining more and more popularity in the 21st century. After all, they allow everyone who craves it to unleash their creative potential, even if they do not have enough experience or free time.

We draw on the principle of "all inclusive"

What's especially nice is that any kit for home painting already includes everything you need: numbered paint cans, one or more brushes, instructions, a checklist for checking shades, divided into sectors and marked with numbers, cardboard or canvas with a stretcher, varnish mixture and wall mounts for the finished painting. You can start creating right there! But first, you should choose the desired basis for the picture and get acquainted with life hacks for coloring.

Cardboard vs canvas

Experienced number-based painters find it worth starting with. After all, this material is very cheap, but at the same time it is capable of absorbing excess paint applied to it, which is important for novice artists. But the cardboard does not give the paintings the texture and "authenticity" that the canvas gives: a little rough to the touch, already primed and stretched over a real stretcher (). The canvas, in turn, is produced with a monochrome numbered outline or color. The latter type of canvas is suitable even for the elderly and visually impaired people, as well as children, because coloring becomes intuitive. It is better to start with small formats and understandable subjects: animals, fish, birds, landscapes, nature or flowers. But to drawing people, angels, icons or complex architectural structures should be passed after mastering the basic techniques of numbered painting.

By the rules or not?

Of course, contemporary art has long ceased to have clear instructions "can" and "not", and the rules of modern art exist solely in order to be broken. But for this you need to know at least a little, and therefore, before starting to unpack the coveted box with canvas and paints, it is worth studying the Internet encyclopedias in order to learn or refresh your memory of the concepts of light and shadow, line and shading, perspective and plane, front and background, color separation and contrast ...

And if you are still a beginner and do not have experience in creating paintings by numbers, then it is better to follow exactly the instructions that are in each set. And when you master the basic techniques of this kind of painting, you will already be able to develop the baggage of your techniques and chips. Moreover, there are not so many basic techniques that greatly facilitate drawing.

"The Magnificent Four" methods of painting pictures by numbers

There are 4 principles of painting a canvas. You will remember them without difficulty, because they are unusually logical and functional, and so common sense and convenience prompts them to anyone who draws.

From light to dark

By painting over white, yellow, blue or pink areas at the very beginning, you will avoid accidental blots. After all, it is much easier to erase or overlap a pastel shade with another color than a bright or dark color.

If you paint at the very beginning all the large details of the picture, then you will not only avoid the above-mentioned bloopers and blots, but you can then correctly arrange the nuances and draw small details, put the correct strokes and highlights. So it will be easier to compare the "small things" with the main semantic spots of the picture: you must admit that by painting the vase and the three largest buds in it, it will be easier for you to place small flowers and leaves of the bouquet next to each other.

Moving in this direction, you will definitely not smear the pattern already drawn from the edge with the sleeve of your shirt or with your elbow. As a rule, it is in the middle of the picture that classical artists have the main image, whether it is a hut in a pastoral landscape or a bowl of fruit in an appetizing still life.

This way of moving along the canvas also allows you not to erase the already applied paints with your elbows, they will dry during the application process, and when you reach the bottom edge, the top of the painting will be almost dry.

How to hold a brush and paint strokes?

The brush is easiest and most comfortable to hold in the same way you hold a ballpoint pen. At the same time, your hand should be supported. This is enough so that you do not get tired, and the picture is neat. To begin with, you should master the usual strokes: just try to paint over each numbered fragment as evenly as possible, making smooth movements with a brush from left to right (if you are right-handed), putting the paint in a layer of the same thickness, without going beyond the outline.

Once you master this, you can experiment with layer thickness, hatching, and even dotting if your artistic intent requires it. For example, if you want to draw a heavy rain cloud saturated with water. After all, its lower part is rough and dark, which is well conveyed by small ripples of dots, and threads of rain descend below, which are easiest to imitate with short oblique strokes.

Bright mix: how to mix paints correctly?

As a rule, paints are already mixed in a set, which is why there are so many numbers in it, because each of them means a certain shade, which sometimes differs only by a fraction of a tone from the previous one. If, in the process of drawing, you run out of the desired color, it is quite possible to mix it yourself from the existing paints. Usually, light tones end first, because there are usually more light spots in the picture than dark ones, and therefore you just need to slightly dilute with white the tone that is closest in shade to the one you need. It is best to do this on a palette or a sheet of cardboard, and not directly in a jar, so as not to accidentally ruin the entire mass of paint.

Effective and effective: blur the borders

This is amazing, but with just two methods - creating clear or blurred boundaries - you can give a picture both depth, expressiveness, and a professional look. To understand in which area it is worth making the most clear contour, and where to slightly lubricate the edges, it is enough to carefully consider these places on the sample reproduction.

This is shine: 3 unique varnishes

When the painting is ready, you will probably want to give it a gloss and keep it from dust, cracking and fading by covering it with a transparent protective base.

Matt acrylic varnish is good because it dries unusually quickly, and also gives the paints additional brightness. Literally in a couple of 6-8 hours after covering the picture, you can proudly hang it on the wall and invite your family and friends to your own opening day.

Gloss, as the name implies, gives the image a special shine and smoothness. This is a plus if you want to smooth out some roughness, but a minus if you want to emphasize the volume. The aforementioned matte does better with imparting texture.

Craquelure truly magical: it allows for moments to nobly age a completely new picture, covering the surface with a net of bizarre cracks-cobwebs, turning a newly created portrait or landscape into elegant antiques.

Supporting materials

Before starting work, you should cover the table with newspaper or film, install bright, but not striking lighting, and also stock up with toothpicks and cotton swabs. The former will help to draw even the thinnest lines, and the latter will come in handy in order to remove excess paint in time or correct an unsuccessful stroke. You may also need a set of brushes of the best quality and different diameters, a palette and even an easel if you are going to paint outdoors or in the country.

Don't forget to put a sippy jar of water on the table and put on disposable napkins. But do not rush to immediately open all the cans of paint: acrylic thickens quickly, so open them in stages, number by number.

Frame for a handmade masterpiece: choosing the perfect frame

Acrylic perfectly imitates classic oil paint, and therefore it is worth decorating the finished picture with dignity. A textured, slightly deepened and gilded or silvered baroque frame with fine ligature, vignettes or vines will suit almost any subject. After all, then the image will acquire the proper volume and become a worthy decoration for your home art gallery! ()

The algorithm for working with a painting is as follows:

1) Find the correct pigment number corresponding to the painting number you want to paint over

2) Paint over a fragment of the picture corresponding to the paint number. Important: do not dilute paints with water!

3) After finishing some numbers, the brush should be washed. Important: do not mix colors!

4) Using a dry brush, move on to the next number.

5) Color in all the numbers on the canvas and you will see the result of your work.

A warning

1.Paints dry very quickly! Make sure the lid of the paint can is tightly closed when not in use.

2.Do not leave brushes in the paint! Wash the brush thoroughly immediately after use.

3. Paints have a fixing power, so they cannot be washed off after drying.

4. Do not let the paint dry completely on your hands, clothes or interior items! Wash it off as quickly as possible.

5.Do not give to children under 3 years old - contains small parts!


So, in front of you is an open set of colorings with paints by numbers and you can't wait to start creating your masterpiece. The following tips will help you paint a picture so that you can be proud of your work, and after you finish coloring it will hardly be possible to guess that the picture was drawn in this way (by numbers).

Of course, in this article it is impossible to tell and describe all the nuances that exist, since painting is a real art. We just tried to summarize the already accumulated practical drawing experience together with the recommendations of various manufacturers and state it in the most accessible form. So:


Preparation of paints

Before starting drawing, you need to carefully prepare the paints. The whole trick is that MENGLEI and Truehearted products do not require any mixing of paints to obtain the desired shade and effect: everything is already completely ready and numbered, as the manufacturer has taken care of this in advance! In our kits, paints are ideally matched to the color scale and presented in the right quantity so that your future masterpiece is guaranteed to be similar to the original, or maybe even better ;-) It all depends on you!

Pay attention to the numbering of paints in containers

When painting by numbers, it is imperative that the numbers on the containers match the numbers on the canvas. Some plots involve the use of several containers with the same paint color, respectively, these paints have the same number. Therefore, the numbering sequence is as follows:

Opening vials

Open the paint bottles carefully, without using force - this can damage the bottle. To prevent the paint from drying out, always open only those paints that you really need at the moment.


For convenience, place the following items next to you: a picture of the finished painting, paint, a brush, a canvas with an applied outline, a control sheet, a glass of water, a piece of cloth and matches for stirring paints. It is better to choose a place with good lighting. Trace large surfaces first with a thin brush and then paint over the surfaces with a thicker brush. Make sure you paint over the contour lines. It is normal for dark paint to paint better than light paint. If the outlines or numbers show through, paint over them several times.

How to hold a brush

Hold the brush like a pen. For stability, place your hand on the surface and turn the painting so that its position is convenient for you.

Drawing order

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to the order in which pictures are drawn. There are several drawing techniques:

1) You can draw a picture using the line-by-line method, from the top of the picture to the bottom.

2) However, you can achieve better results by painting from background to foreground, painting in the background first and then in the foreground. For example, you are painting a landscape. In this case, the drawing order is as follows: 1. sky, 2. clouds, 3. meadows, 4. trees, 5. leaves, 6. flowers.

Sometimes the question may also arise: to paint a picture by numbers or by colors? Empirically and empirically (Attention: such conclusions are made by "practitioners" and are not the official recommendations of the manufacturer), some users have identified two options:

1) In the sequence of numbering the colors in the set:

  • from an increase in the total number of areas and contours that need to be painted with one color, to a decrease. Example: paint # 1 in a set needs to paint 15 paths, and paint # 2 - ten paths.
  • from a larger total area of ​​the contours, which must be painted over with one color, to a smaller one. This can be assessed visually "by eye".

​ 2) In sequence from lighter shades and colors to more saturated and dark. This is due to the fact that if there is an error in coloring, it is much more difficult to paint over dark segments with light paint than light segments with dark paint. In other words, in order to paint a dark segment with white paint, you need more layers and vice versa: you can paint a light segment with dark paint in one layer, i.e. much easier.

As you can see, there are many variations and interpretations of the color by number technique. Various combinations and alternations of techniques and techniques are also possible, which provides us with an infinite number of options. In other words, you are absolutely not limited by anything, except for your imagination, desires and skills. You should not get hung up on anything: you need to draw in the way that is convenient, pleasant and comfortable for you. Just start drawing a picture and in the process you yourself will understand which technique and drawing method are most pleasant and convenient for you.

For the perfect picture of the finished painting paint over unpainted areas and visible numbers. As in art galleries, it is necessary to look at and evaluate a painting from a distance of 2-3 meters.

Notes for skilled artists

The painting effect can be enhanced by applying different thicknesses of paint. To do this, apply the remaining paint in a thick layer on the elements of the picture that you would like to emphasize. This will give the picture a relief effect.


After drying, acrylic paints acquire a light gloss and a beautiful appearance. The surface of the painting can be wiped with a slightly damp cloth. No additional care is required. If you wish, a week after the painting has dried, you can cover its surface with a special painting varnish. A glossy varnish will enhance the vibrancy of colors, while a matte varnish will remove glare. The varnish can be purchased at specialty shops for artists and craftsmen.


By placing the picture in the appropriate beautiful frame, it will become a real masterpiece! To maintain the effect of the painting, you do not need to place it under glass. You can decorate your painting with a regular frame by purchasing it from self-service stores, or an exquisite frame by purchasing it from specialty stores or galleries.


To paint without problems, you must follow the rule of using paints. This is extremely important!

Therefore, we ask you to carefully read the following rules and follow the drawing instructions.

Important: once the paint cans are opened, the shelf life of the paint becomes limited!

Rule 1

Open the paint cans just before you start painting. It is very difficult to pack fast drying paints in such a small volume (about 3 ml), so that they can be stored for a long time. Paint cans, which are the development of the latest generation of the company MENGLEI and Truehearted fulfill this requirement. However, once they have been opened, the paint can dry out. Therefore, the amateur artist should complete the painting as soon as possible after opening the paint cans.

Rule 2

Use a brush to remove the adhering paint from the lid back to the jar. Boxes in a store or warehouse could be stored upright. Therefore, when you open the jar, some paint may be on the lid.

Rule 3

Although the paint containers are tightly closed and specially designed to preserve all the properties of the paint, the paint in them may thicken slightly during storage, for example, due to temperature changes. To revive the paints and use them again, simply add a couple of water droplets to them and stir thoroughly. The paints are ready for use again!

Rule 4

Once the paint cans have been opened, try to complete the painting without long interruptions. After opening the jars for the first time, there is a possibility that the paints may dry out. Therefore, after opening the paint cans, try to use them for a maximum of 12 weeks.

Rule 5

If you want to take a break from work, close the containers tightly, after removing traces of liquid or already dried paint from the lid itself, from the edges of the lid and the sealing grooves of the lid.

Figures A and B show the principle

Figure Athe container is airtight because the edges of the container fit seamlessly into the clean sealing grooves in the lid. The lid fits tightly to the edges of the jar.

Figure B improperly closed jar. It can be seen that the remaining paint does not allow the lid to close tightly. Consequently, air entering the container dries out the paint. Therefore, clean each jar thoroughly before closing it. Use your fingernail or rag to remove any remaining paint from the edge of the container, and the round sealing grooves with a toothpick or large needle. Make sure the edges and lid are clean before closing the jar.

Rule 6

If you plan to take a break from painting for several weeks, seal the paint cans tightly as described above, then wrap them in a damp cloth and place them in a plastic bag or plastic box. This will help protect the paint from drying out. However, this cannot guarantee that already opened paints will remain ready for use and retain their properties for many months or years.

Rule 7

After each break in painting, the viscosity of the paints must be slightly adjusted to ensure proper application. After all, paints contain water, which quickly evaporates from open containers. Therefore, the paints thicken a little. But it's easy to fix: add a few drops of water and mix thoroughly.


In order for the brush to serve you for a long time and with high quality, you must follow the recommendations below. Artists sometimes complain about the quality of the brushes. However, in most cases this is due to improper brush care.

The most common mistakes:

1. Do not leave the brush in a glass of water.

2. Never clean the brush with harsh chemicals.

3. Never use a paintbrush to stir the paint.

4. Do not brush off dried paint with your fingernails.

Correct care:

The brush consists of three parts: a handle, metal fasteners and a fleecy part.

1. After painting, immediately wipe off any remaining paint from the brush.

2. Rinse the brush in clean warm water.

3. Gently lather the brush and then rinse it again.

4. Wipe off water from the brush with a rotating motion. The paint should not remain on the end of the metal fasteners.

5.Using your fingers, reshape the fluffy part of the brush to form the tip.

6. Put down the brush and let it dry on its own. Do not use a heater or hair dryer!

The most important rule is not to be afraid! Color for fun - Everything will work out! Happy coloring and shopping!

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6+ "Ballet" production based on the favorite New Year's fairy tale will present the plot of the work in a completely new, hitherto unseen ...
Modern science has come to the conclusion that the whole variety of current space objects was formed about 20 billion years ago. The sun -...
Music is an integral part of most people's lives. Musical works are listened to in all corners of our planet, even in the most ...
Baby-Yolki from 3 to 8 January "Philharmonia-2", concert hall, tickets: 700 rubles. center them. Sunday Meyerhold, tickets: 900 rub. Theatrical...