What is the difference between true love and selfish love? Altruism and Egoism in love, relationships: who is an egoist

Most people probably know what it is altruism and egoism- first: caring for the welfare of others, second - about one’s own. Perhaps many are familiar with situations when you either showed altruism to you or selfishness in love, in close relationships. You felt it, but you couldn’t fully understand it, and the altruist...

Is altruism always good and always bad? selfishness in relationships between people, how are these antonyms usually perceived in society? Who should be an altruist or an egoist in a world where the struggle for survival comes first? Or maybe there is a “golden mean”?

Altruism and selfishness in love and close relationships

Altruism is often love relationships one partner leads to selfishness in the love of the other. Those. one is a giver, the other is a consumer, which does not create harmony in interpersonal relationships, because relations - consumer.

Often, the observed behavior of an altruist in family or friendship turns into an obsessive, neurotic need for love, which leads to love addiction and psychological games in relationships... the game of “Savior” in relation to the helpless “Victim” (according to the Karpman triangle), followed by switching to “Pursuer” (selfishness implies revenge) - such scenario games end badly.

In fact, this seemingly altruist (at the visible, social level) is in fact an egoist, because his “altruism” is obsession, excessive care and zeal, nothing more than hidden, subconscious selfishness in love. Those. he lacks love, warmth, emotional acceptance in a relationship, so he “pretends” to be an ostentatious altruist (usually unconsciously) in order to receive his love in return (usually it’s the other way around, he doesn’t receive love)... This person’s behavior turns out to be in reality and not altruism and not selfishness in relationships...more like neuroticism...

Who is an egoist in any relationship really?

Egoist in general, this is someone who cares and thinks only about himself: about satisfying his needs and desires, including unconscious ones.
A in interpersonal relationships: in the family (including egoistic parents and children), in marriage, in love, in friendship and partnership... even in sexual relationships?

Selfish in relationships is someone who doesn’t really love himself or others. He may be under the guise of an altruist sacrificing his interests or a narcissist - it doesn’t matter. He may have seemingly high self-esteem, but at the same time a low self-position in life.

The point is that an egoist, due to the fact that he does not love himself (although he pretends, or maybe illusoryly thinks, that he loves himself), he is not able to love other people... because... subconsciously he will think that he is deprived of love, and that he needs to grab it and grab it... And if there is no real love in close relationships between people, then there is no happiness and no real long-term relationships - this is an axiom.

Love itself (even without primary passion) - if you “dig” deeper - is moderate, both altruism and selfishness, because Each person has his own Ego (his own Self), and has an innate desire... and what a desire... a biological need - to love and be loved.

But when these needs are illusoryly distorted and exaggerated, due to the life script written in childhood, then ostentatious altruism and selfishness arise in love and relationships.

Very often in human life You can meet individuals who love themselves much more than their own family and friends. Unfortunately, this is now common everywhere. In general, egoists predominate among people, for whom their own interests and desires are much more valuable than the interests of others, the most dear people. If they feel hungry, they drop everything and go eat; if they like new shoes in the store, they buy them for themselves, regardless of the cost.

And this can continue ad infinitum. If you meet a person who has such qualities, you need to remember the following: Egoists have a hard time building relationships. When both partners in a couple are selfish, each will act only for their own reasons. If there is only one egoist in a couple, then there will be constant quarrels, or one of the partners will have to constantly refuse own desires. Neither the first nor the second case is the norm for a healthy family.

If your relationship is very similar to the one described above, then it’s time to deal with it. Or abandon such relationships for your own good. In healthy and happy families people put the interests of their loved ones first. It happens that someone, returning home from work, wants to watch TV on the couch and relax. However, if he sees that his loved one is also tired, and that he still has cleaning, cooking and washing to do, then the first one will rush to help him without hesitation. In a selfish relationship, only one partner will do all the work while the other partner relaxes after a hard day.

Such an unhealthy family is the result of the fact that one of the partners loves himself much more, and everyone else fades into the background for him. This person will always feel sorry for himself and justify himself. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of your loved ones from the very beginning. If you notice signs of selfishness, try to immediately help your partner change, or end such a relationship altogether. Often, selfishness is a consequence of habits that a person has formed over all the years of his life. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to change such a person.

First of all, you should take a closer look to see if he himself wants to change. If he does not strive for this, then all your efforts will be in vain. If you cannot understand what place you occupy in your partner’s life, then most likely it is not the first. Perhaps you will sometimes do selfish things, believing that this will be better and you will finally be appreciated. But if this becomes the rule, and not the exception to the rule, then your family will inevitably die.

Group Psychology of Love.


Lord, help me understand what it is real love. Let me crave her. Let me penetrate into its essence with your spirit. Let me accept the love that is You. Let her get enough! Lord, be the only one for whom my heart yearns, for whom my soul yearns, in whom my spirit is reborn. Lord, become my essence, my content, the filling of my spirit, so that it is no longer I who live, but you who are my Jesus and in everything! May Your cross destroy all my old nature and fill me with Your love. I long for my spirit to be freed from spiritual captivity and to have communion with Your Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Achieve love. 1.Cor.14:1.

Love is one of the most powerful, exciting, tender, reverent, unpredictable and sacrificial feelings of a person. But what is love?

Why does the heart of every living creature on earth strive so strongly for love?

Why is love the main need of our soul?

Why is it so mysterious and incomprehensible neither to our senses nor to our minds?

Why is love capable of making us brave, strong, happy and open, while our actions are crazy and inexplicable?

What is it - love? And what motivates us in love?

To answer these questions, you need to look into the depths of our hearts and find the reasons for this feeling that moves us when we desire love.

Look within yourself, examine your soul and answer the question:What do you want more, to love or to be loved?

The question itself is not difficult, but when we talk about love, we approach it differently. Majority normal people They themselves love those close to them and want to be loved. And these are normal human desires and wonderful gifts given to us by God!

Other people, such as Mother Teresa, received a special gift of love from the Lord! They are able not only to love, but to pour out God's love on everyone near and far, on good and evil. Their hearts are open to everyone who is unhappy and in need of help. They, like Jesus, are ready to walk this earth doing good, helping all the weak, the poor, the hungry, the sick and the wretched, wanting to look after someone, help someone, heal someone, bring someone back to life, or simply give people love and participation.

But, unfortunately, there are other people who are completely unable to love anyone - except their loved one. They, like dried-up reservoirs, constantly thirst for love, they vitally need to fill the emptiness of their hearts, often wounded or devastated by an unrighteous life, and therefore they persistently pursue their next victim, seeking its reciprocity. They are always dissatisfied, sad and lonely, while others are ready to hug the whole world and shout: - I love you life! I love you Heaven!

It is not difficult for us to understand our personal feelings; it is much more difficult to understandothers, those who claim our reciprocity. That is driving force their claims? After all, the manifestations of love themselves are very similar; in any case, we all want joy, peace, warmth, mutual understanding and simple human happiness. But what lies behind these harmless desires?

Let's look at those people in whose soul selfishness reigns, who cannot love anyone but themselves - there is always emptiness, discontent and loneliness in their hearts - hence the irresistible desire to be loved. A selfish soul is always empty only for the reason that there is no love in it. She is always thirsty; warmth, love, attention, participation, praise and admiration... The vacuum that is constantly present in her soul attracts everything that is nearby. This is a black hole that constantly needs to be filled with new feelings. The selfish soul constantly needs new friends, new partners, new surroundings, circumstances... and most importantly, it never gets enough.

Often this hole in the soul is pierced by a past dissolute life, sins of pride, envy and vanity. In any case, the reason for such love will be selfishness.

From Latin ego– translated as "I am I". Our false identity, is the source of all mental suffering and the root of exorbitantly inflated feelings self-esteem. “Ego” or egocentrism exists and is maintained in our minds through thoughts that evaluate external circumstances, our affairs and actions, as significant. That is, in fact, the “ego” is not integral part our soul, which determines its essence. “Ego” is a deception that a person feeds and nurtures within himself.

Statistics say that with age, a person’s “ego” decreases - perhaps, but rather, it turns into another, difficult to recognize, veiled, legitimized and accepted by man for the norm of behavior phase.

An egoist is a person with excessively inflated pride, who loves only himself and, as a result, is unable to love anyone else. Pride is the most ancient sin that our old man inherited from the devil, who deceived Adam and Eve. Many other sins originate from pride: selfishness, vanity, envy, greed...

It was pride that contributed to the fall of the devil: “...he said in his heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mountain in the assembly of gods, on the edge of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like To the Most High..." (Is. 14:13,14) "Your pride has been cast into the grave with all your noise." (Isa. 14:11).

Satan uses this same sin everywhere to take possession of a person’s heart. He told Eve: " ...you will be like gods” (Gen. 3:5). These words exalted Eve in her eyes and immediately struck her heart, she began to look at things incorrectly. Now she sees the world with a different perverted vision: “Then the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes and desirable...” (Gen. 3:6).

Everything that is good for me is good - good! The sin of pride, binding a person and sprouting the roots of selfishness in him, becomes his essence and changes his worldview. The only motive for human actions is the desire for personal well-being and pleasure. Pride gives rise to a state of soul in which selfish desire absorbs all other noble motives of the soul.

It always seems to such people that they are little loved, little appreciated, little cared about, little thought of, little help - that they deserve more.
No one can ever plug up the black hole of their soul with anything! It cannot be closed or saturated! This is a bottomless hole!

No matter how much such people are loved, no matter how much they are indulged, no matter how pleased they are, these people are never satisfied. They always want more - more fame, more love, more attention, respect, help, etc. They will always be insatiable and, as a result, irritable, because they are focused on themselves and only themselves, and everyone else (the so-called “loved ones”) are victims of their selfish love. Bringing their victim to complete exhaustion (spiritual, moral, physical and financial), they become disappointed in her, since she can no longer carry them on her shoulders, and look for another...

They will suffer, suffer, worry and even sacrifice in order to get you and your love, and it may seem to you that they love you so sincerely and deeply. Make no mistake! Selfish people don't like it!

But they need you! Much needed! Because they simply cannot live without you, they need someone nearby who would look after them, cook, wash, please and please, praise, protect...

They will assure you of their love, saying - “I love you so much, I love you so much, I can’t live without you!” But what this actually means is - I need you so much, I so want to sit on your neck, I can’t live a day without you.

Or - you love me so much that you definitely should belong to me, I need your love and services so much that I will simply die without you!

And this is true, because they lose the source of saturation for their egoism. It's like a vampire who is deprived of his victims! They can't be lonely, they always need someone who can they take advantage of?!

Their main accusation against the people around them: - Everyone is too selfish! Because they think all the time Not about me beloved. Everyone should think only about me, take care of me and belong to me, and in general the whole world should revolve around me, otherwise why does it exist?

Even if the whole world loves such a person, he will still remain deeply unhappy and lonely. After all, there is no love in his own soul - emptiness, a black hole. The whole world cannot meet the need of his selfish heart; it needs healing.

One eastern legend says:

One sultan had a very talented singer. His voice and songs were always filled with special meaning and feeling. His fame spread far beyond the borders of the Sultan's domain. Many noble guests came to listen to him. The song flew like a bird into the sky - openly, purely, gracefully it spread through the valleys, delighting loving hearts. He sang about love, what else can you sing about so inspiredly?

And all the songs were inspired by his only wife. I have a hundred wives - the Sultan thought - and they are all beauties, but not one of them excites my heart so much that a song flows from my soul! I want to see a woman who can inspire such beautiful songs. And the singer, one day, agreed to bring his wife to the palace.

The Sultan was looking forward to seeing the beauty. And on the appointed day the singer came to the palace with his wife. First the singer sang a love song for her, and then revealed his wife’s face. And..., the Sultan, seeing the woman, could not believe his eyes. She was very ordinary. He exclaimed: I don’t understand you, singer!? Any of my beauties is more beautiful than her! How can you sing such songs about her?

The singer replied: O Sultan, all because I love her! You have many beauties, Sultan, but you don’t love any of them. But only love can make everything beautiful in our eyes! Learn to love the Sultan and love will lift you into the sky, it will teach you to sing and enjoy life! Love will turn the parched soil of your heart into a green garden. Written: "Achieve love." 1.Cor.14:1.

Everyone is looking for their own

The Word of God says: “everyone seeks his own, and not what [pleases] Jesus Christ.” (Phil.2:21) In greater or to a lesser extent This manifests itself, friends, in our lives. We are all looking for our own, but for an egoist it is a matter of life or death!

God created man kind, honest, sincere, beautiful, unique and defined the main quality of our essence - love, but the devil, having seduced Eve and Adam, placed deception in the very essence of the human being - in our heart, perverting the concept of personality in us, giving us a false self-determination about ourselves. Selfishness has penetrated deeply into our hearts, disfiguring God’s image and likeness in us. Selfishness deprives us not only of love, but also of peace, joy, and open, trusting relationships. He who loves does good and rejoices because he is comforted by Divine consolation, but he who does evil suffers and turns earthly paradise into earthly hell.

There is such a parable: Once, in a dream, one person heard the voice of an angel: “Come on, I’ll show you hell.” And following him, he found himself in a large room, in the middle of which there was a table, and a lot of people were sitting at the table. There was a lot of different food on the table, but people remained hungry. They scooped from the dishes with spoons, but because the spoons were very long, they could not bring the food to their mouths. Therefore, some of them cursed, others shouted, and others cried in despair...

Then the angel said: “Come on, now I will show you heaven” - and they found themselves in another room, where there was the same table with many dishes and people with long spoons were also sitting around it. However, everyone was full and cheerful, there was calmness, peace and joy on their faces, because each of them, scooping food, fed his friend with his spoon, who was sitting opposite on the other side of the table. Even hunger cannot force an egoist to care about others.

Our love for God

Jesus says: “...I know you: you do not have the love of God in you.” (John 5:42)

These words resonate with pain in my heart. God Himself, the creator of the Universe, the One who, having come to this earth, proved his love for me on the cross, says: “You don’t love Me!” And this is at a time when I am shedding bitter tears that no one loves me, that I am very alone in this world. Jesus, with incredible pain in his heart, stands in sadness, saying: “You don’t love Me!”, and therefore you cannot be happy. Your heart is so small to love Me and the world I created, it is closed and seeks only its own and for itself. And love is not for you at all, it is for Me and those around you!

Written: « Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27.

And again I see selfishnessthe irresistible desire of a spoiled soul for someone to always be there! I ask myself: Isn’t this passionate feeling so familiar to me in relation to God?

- Lord, I feel so good with You, Your love, like the arms of a lover in the Song of Songs embrace me. Oh, how I want to abide in Your love! – Isn’t this selfishness?

Love - this is when you don’t demand or even ask, but give your all to your loved one! When you want the one you love to be happy.

Am I thinking about the Lord? Do I love Him with all my heart? Am I with Him in joy and sorrow? Do I drink from the same cup with Him?

When you say to God: I can’t live without You, I love You! What does it mean your heart? A selfish desire to satisfy one’s need, a search for sensual pleasures, or, nevertheless, an uncontrollable impulse to love Him both in joy and sorrow. Unfortunately, we are accustomed to coming to God for gifts, with many needs and requests, but the Word of God says: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts Ap. 20:35.

Giving is already spiritual growth! And growing in love, we finally learn to sacrifice and come to the Lord not to receive, but to give Him everything we have, and to lay ourselves on the altar as “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God.” Rome. 12:1.

Scripture says : “Above all [put on] love, which is the sum of perfection.” Col. 3:14. Love, only love can change everything, fill everything with life, nourish, heal, resurrect...

Lord, just order me

If you examine the Scriptures, you can easily notice that throughout all time God seeks communication with man and achieves his love and reciprocity. He often grieves for His people, becomes angry, leaves His people unprotected, betrays them to their enemies for plunder, but, having had mercy, draws them back to Himself. In His heart the hope of returning a person to the bosom of His love never fades.

He created us capable of communicating with Him and responding to His great, sacrificial love! He put love in our hearts, and it is there, it is alive! You just need to wake up from sleep, respond to the call of the Savior and fall at the feet of the Pierced One! There at the feet of Jesus everything is resurrected to life!

God! “What [is] man, that You are mindful of him, and the son of man, that You visit him?” Ps. 8:5. You put so much effort into acquiring it! You did not spare Your son and gave him for our sins!

Lord why? Order and we will love!

You are God Almighty! All power and all strength are in Your hands! All the heavenly host is yours. The Beginnings, Powers, Forces, Dominions, Angels and Archangels are subordinate to you...

Yes, friends, everything can be ordered if there is power and everything can be forced if there is power! All!

But just don’t love! Love is not subject to either authority or force, it comes to us in secret, unknown ways, is born in close, trusting communication, and therefore God wants to communicate with us! Our Heavenly Bridegroom has been patiently courting His Bride—the Church—for many years! He cares for every soul as if it were the only one in the whole earth and without it He will never be happy!

First He foreknew each of us, then predestined us, then He called us, justified us, and now He leads us to glory. (Rom. 8:29-30). Just think how much patience, meekness and humility, mercy and love He showed each of us in order to achieve our reciprocity!

He saved us from hellish fire, revived us to eternal life by the Holy Spirit, and washed us from sin with His blood. And today he takes care of us, shepherds us in green pastures, leads us to still waters, protects us, heals us, blesses us, and finally, personally visits us, speaking to our hearts. He set an example for us great love, giving His life for us sinners. How can you not respond to His love?

He does not take us by force, He does not break into our souls. Written: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.” Rev. 3:20.

He stands and knocks at the door of our hearts. He patiently and meekly waits for our feelings to awaken, for us to respond to His love, for us to open our souls to Him of our own free will. And finally, let us love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength, and surrender ourselves into His hands. (Mar.12:30)

He opened the way to Heaven for us! He has become for us both the Truth and the Door through which we enter His kingdom! By ascending to the cross, He showed us an unparalleled feat of love! For “Greater love has no one than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13. And He did it for us!

Friends, what more must He do to win our hearts?

Look how He lived and how He died, how He loved and how He healed, how He raised to life, fed, saved and cared for all the disadvantaged! How I walked this earth!

Today He speaks to your heart: “Here am I!” Will you accept Me? Will you respond, will you answer?

My love for you has withstood everything! I paid the price for you! You are my! I purchased you not with corruptible silver and gold, but with My precious blood! (1 Pet.1:18). But you are free, you are completely free! I don't want to take you by force!

Answer: "Do you love me?" (John 21:16) - the way I love you?

Will you go to the martyrdom for me? Will you remain faithful?

If anyone wants to follow Me

Yes, we are able to answer His call, raising the will of our Beloved above our own will. “If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me, for whoever wants to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matt. 16:24-25)

"If anyone wants to come after Me..." – Jesus does not force anyone, He presented everyone with complete freedom, He draws us with His love and invites everyone to answer His call! We are free! He introduced us to his own conscience.

What will we answer Him? Everyone decides for themselves! This is not a walk on sunny alley. First, you need to reject your loved one and give all the best to the people around you, and leave for yourself all the worst, less and not tasty, and work that is more difficult, hard and dirty. To deny yourself means to hate your soul to death and death on the cross, and this is not so easy, believe me! And then you need to take up your cross and follow the Lord, that is, walk the same path that Jesus walked. And only that one « Whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Only under this condition can you save your soul and find the closeness of the Lord! Everyone makes their own choice! But what we get always corresponds to the price we pay!

Put on Love

Force true love is to give your all Tom's best, The only one who is worthy of our warmest love! And if the desire to give of yourself, to spend yourself without reserve in order to gain Jesus is in your heart, then true love lives in you, and you will overcome this path to perfection. Written:

“...[put on] love, which is the sum of perfection.” Col. 3:14.

One young man testified that having believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, he was in amazing joy, love and grace. Communication with the Lord was the sweetest pleasure for him. He went into the forest and prayed for several hours, spending time with the Lord. His joy had no end, but one day a thought came to him: what if this state of love passes, I will grow cold and lose the Lord?

The fear that he would lose this closeness with God led him in prayer, and he said: “Lord, if I begin to lose You, if my heart begins to grow cold, please bring me back!” You can do whatever You want with me, I am ready to accept illnesses, infirmities, problems and difficult circumstances - just don’t let me lose You. Later I may not have enough strength for such a prayer, but now, being in the right state, I completely entrust my life into Your hands and allow You to do everything in it that will help bring our relationships closer together.

Dear soul, follow love, it alone will lead you to Him, lead you to amazing closeness of relationships and complete surrender into the hands of our Savior Jesus Christ. He will fill your heart and His love will blossom within you with amazing power. “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” 1 John 4:16.

Love in an amazing way connects us with God, makes us one. Written: “And he that is united with the Lord is one spirit with the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 6:17.

Just imagine how close you are - you and the Lord are one, united in one spirit! You dissolved in His infinity, like a drop of water falling into the ocean, you acquired His color, His taste and all the qualities of His Omnipotence! His strength is your strength! His Glory is your glory! He is the Head of the body of the Church, and you are part of His body. You are one!

About this state the Apostle Paul writes: “...it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” (Gal. 2:20). The wonderful closeness and amazing unity that a person can achieve while living on earth! Could there be something more? Can you dream of more?

And you, dear friend, are one of many living on earth chosen by the Lord to walk this path to glory, merge with Him in love and dissolve in Him forever! Amen!

Today we all know that we need to love ourselves and that without this love we cannot improve our lives. Only through this feeling can we begin to truly flourish in all areas of life and find success, health, love and ourselves.

And many people simply don't understand how to do it. And they cannot find and understand the line between self-love and selfishness. Agree, it is difficult to understand where is self-love and where is selfish selfishness.

Where is the line between self-love and selfishness?

Selfishness is when you want to make a difference in other people's lives. And it concerns only you personally, your life, your space. You can distinguish selfishness from self-love by applying to everyone famous phrase: “Don’t do to others what you don’t want to do to yourself.” If you have committed some action towards another person and you have doubts in yourself, “Did I really defend my rights or was I just being selfish?”, then just imagine that they did this to you. How will this make you feel?

Or, conversely: you were not treated very well, in your opinion, and you think that you a kind person and should forgive everyone, but at the same time you have doubts about your self-respect and self-love. Then put the question the other way around: “Could I do this? How would I behave in this situation? And draw conclusions. If you didn't do that, then why should you tolerate disrespect. If you don't allow other people to behave this way, then why should you allow other people to behave this way towards you.

In this case, the question arises about the boundaries of the individual, which must be protected and guarded. Not out of selfishness, but out of self-esteem. The topic of personal boundaries is discussed in the article.

By focusing on this phrase, you can easily distinguish whether you are defending your personal boundaries by showing self-love, or whether you are being selfish by interfering in the life of another person. A huge number of people still live in complete misunderstanding and rejection of themselves, believing that they must endure and sacrifice themselves, otherwise, if you do not do this, you will be selfish. And they live in a state of victimhood all their lives. What kind of self-love is here? we're talking about? Yes, you can read a bunch of affirmations and beliefs that you love yourself, this will not help you at all. Learn to defend your boundaries and your interests. Learn to show love and respect, first of all, to yourself, and through yourself to other people.

As Oscar Wilde said: “Egoism does not mean living the way you want, it is demanding others to live the way you want.” That is, an egoist is one who demands from others that they follow his interests. And not the one who puts his interests first.

Self-love is focusing on yourself and your life, not on the lives of others.

Just the other day I was visiting a friend. She baked a pie, it was very tasty, and we drank tea. Her husband came home from work and said that he didn’t want to eat because he had dinner with a colleague in a cafe. My friend started to get upset with him because he didn’t want to try her wonderful pie. He said that the dinner was very dense and not a single piece could fit into it now. She said that she had been trying all day, baking this pie (for him, the “ungrateful one”) and that she would not try so hard again. Ultimately, she said that he was selfish.

But if you figure out which one of them is selfish? The husband who doesn't want to this moment eat (well, he’ll try later) or my friend, who is trying with all her might to cram this pie into him? Do you understand? She wants to fulfill her desire at the expense of her husband. She wants him to act in her best interests. That is, he forced this pie into himself and also said a sea of ​​compliments on what a wonderful housewife she is. The situation is actually trivial, but quite obvious.

When a person keeps the focus on himself, on his inner harmony, he feels part of our larger Universe and feels unity with the world and people around him. And when a person convinces himself of his exclusivity by looking in the mirror and reading affirmations, he, on the contrary, begins to separate himself from others. It is useless to say “I am the most beautiful on the whole planet”, “I am the best” and in general “I am the navel of the earth”, this is just an empty appeal to one’s “shell”. Such people assert themselves at the expense of other people, at the expense of other people's resources, since they do not have their own resources. The fact is that any individual particle does not have a resource and therefore it must take it somewhere outside, from other people.

True self-love gives you a feeling of unity with the whole world. Feeling like a spark of the Creator, part of the Divine light. Anyone who feels like an integral part of this world has an unlimited resource (I advise you to read the article additionally). And through his heart, through the love within himself, a person has the opportunity to broadcast into the world all the beautiful things with which he came here.

Observe yourself and soon you will learn to determine where selfishness is and where self-love is.

Self-love is love for everything. This is love for the world, for God, for love itself. And such love does not violate the rights of others, and therefore is not selfishness.

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