What to do if you're burned out but continue to work hard. Emotional burnout: signs, pathogenesis, methods of control and prevention

People usually feel tired at the end of a work shift, towards the end of the work week, or just before a vacation. Unfortunately, there are times when you feel overtired all the time. At the same time, you notice a lack of enthusiasm for work. Along with fatigue, its faithful companions settle in your consciousness: detachment, cynicism and indifference. There is emotional burnout.

The scourge of modern people

Symptoms emotional burnout V Lately increasingly common. This is due to modern work realities and the busy rhythm of life. Employers are becoming more demanding and working conditions are becoming more stressful. The situation is often complemented by a turbulent atmosphere in the team, intrigue and gossip. Let's talk about what causes emotional burnout and how you can overcome this condition.

Burnt house analogy

The term “burnout” was coined in the 70s of the 20th century by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger. There is a clear connection here with the concepts of “scorched earth” or “scorched house”. If you have ever walked past a burnt building, you know how sad and depressing it is. Wooden buildings burn almost to the ground, leaving only part of the walls. Concrete structures have better luck. But if externally affected by the fire brick houses almost do not change their appearance, then inside the observer’s eyes see a sad sight. You will be amazed at how fierce fire can be and the scale of the disaster. Dr. Freudenberger drew an analogy with a scorched concrete structure and emotional burnout in people. On the outside, a person practically does not change, but he internal resources completely devastated.

Three degrees of burnout

Modern researchers distinguish three degrees of burnout: exhaustion, cynicism and ineffectiveness. Let's take a closer look at what all these stages lead to. Exhaustion from burnout causes anxiety, difficulty sleeping, lack of focus, and even physical illness. Cynicism is sometimes called depersonalization or a self-perception disorder. At the same time, a person’s own actions are perceived not from the inside, but from the outside. There is a persistent feeling that control over oneself has been lost, there is a feeling of alienation from the people with whom the person works, and a lack of interest in work. And finally, the third factor takes away your confidence that you are doing a good job or doing your job well. This feeling does not grow out of nowhere.

No person wants to fall into the trap of burnout. On the one hand, everything is simple: you need not to overload yourself with work. But, on the other hand, everything is much more complicated, and trouble can creep up suddenly. To know how to cope with this condition, you need to be able to identify the causes of its occurrence.

What Causes Burnout?

In fact, the idea that burnout comes from missing days off and vacations is a fairly common misconception. Here's what Alexandra Michel says: science writer from the Association psychological sciences: “Burnout occurs when there are more negative work-related factors than positive ones. When deadlines for a project are running out, the boss’s demands are too high, there is a lack of working time, and other stress factors are present. At the same time, rewards for work, recognition from colleagues and relaxation take up much less space.”


UC Berkeley professor Christina Maslach has been studying this problem since the 70s. The expert and her colleagues proposed six workplace environmental factors that are responsible for burnout. These include workload, control, reward, value, community, and fairness. A person feels emotionally empty when two or more of the factors listed above do not meet his needs. For example, an employee has a small salary but has too high demands and hard work. Unfortunately, many workplaces fail to meet the basic needs of staff. One large study conducted in Germany by Gallop found that 2.7 million workers reported symptoms of burnout. In 2013, a survey of business executives in the UK found that 30 percent of managers believed that their company's staff were at risk of widespread burnout.

Risks and consequences

The consequences of this phenomenon are comparable only to a catastrophe on a universal scale. According to Dr. Michelle, burnout is more than just a state of mind. This condition leaves an indelible mark on people's brains and bodies. Fatigue and loss of interest in work are just the tip of the iceberg. In reality, the risks of burnout are more serious. Individuals suffering from burnout experience chronic psychosocial stress that is detrimental to personal and social functioning. This suppresses cognitive skills and has detrimental effects on the neuroendocrine system. Over time, the effects of burnout lead to problems with memory functions and decreased concentration. There are also high risks of causing damage to the psyche, in particular, the occurrence of depressive disorder.

Burnout affects brain function

This problem has been studied by scientists many times. So, one of the later scientific research showed that individuals suffering from burnout have a thinning prefrontal cortex. This important department is responsible for cognitive functions. Typically, the prefrontal cortex becomes thinner with age, as part of the body's natural aging process. But, as we see, this process can start much earlier under certain conditions.

Risks of coronary heart disease

Stress and others negative emotions cannot but affect the functioning of the heart. Another study of almost 9 thousand workers susceptible to burnout showed that the risk of coronary heart disease significantly increases in this category. These and other consequences sound rather gloomy, so let's turn the topic into a more positive direction. Fortunately, overcoming burnout is possible.

How to overcome the problem?

When a person feels the effects of burnout, he becomes concerned about his condition. The first thing that can ease panic is to reduce the amount of work done. Psychologists suggest looking for ways to manage workload in the following tricks: delegating tasks, the ability to refuse help, and keeping a diary. There you can write down the conditions that make you feel stressed at work. However, burnout is not only associated with professional stress. Learn to look at the world broadly again with open eyes, try to enjoy your holidays, hobbies and any nice moments not related to work. In order to bring the negative and positive into balance, you need to learn to enjoy life again.

Do what you like

It's easy to forget about yourself when you're going through a period of burnout. You live under the yoke of constant stress, so the only outlet is to increase the amount of delicious dishes in the diet. However, sweets will not relieve you of the problem itself. But a healthy diet, enough water and physical exercise They can quickly get you back to normal. Try to do what you like, find time to meet with friends. In conclusion, here are the words of the developer software Kent Nguyen: “Burnout comes from an inability to do what you love or what is important to you on a regular basis.”

When a person takes on too many responsibilities, strives for ideals in work and relationships, and at the same time experiences constant stress, his strength can be depleted. Then he begins to feel inferior, loses interest in everything that happens around him, becomes lethargic and apathetic. Symptoms such as irritability, anger, depression, and a feeling of lack of time may also appear. The result is a deterioration in the quality of life, illness, nervous breakdowns. Career is under threat, family is almost destroyed, there is no desire to do anything... What is this?

Psychologists call this state emotional (or professional) burnout. Speaking scientific language, emotional burnout syndrome (from the English burnout - literally “exhaustion of physical and spiritual strength”) is a condition characterized by a gradual increase in fatigue and overwork, indifference to one’s responsibilities at home and at work, a feeling of one’s own failure and incompetence in the profession.

The Pursuit of Happyness

On CT scans of people exposed to long-term stressors, large white spaces may be seen where brain tissue would normally be. Nightmare? Probably evolution.

The problem is that humans were not designed to live at the fast pace of the 21st century. The body simply does not have a huge reserve of ability to withstand chronic stress. And why were they needed before? Even in the Middle Ages, rarely anyone lived to be 35 years old. This is probably why we resist stress well when we are young. But our “protective system” is not designed for a longer period.

IN last years Even the much-loved American dream is crumbling, and those who strived for it are thrown to the margins of life. People become disillusioned and their anger and resentment turn into self-destructive behavior. “Burn everything with fire! Life has failed, and I’m giving up trying!” - people who experience all the delights of emotional burnout argue in this vein.

But our grandparents perceived life differently. However, then it was more predictable. They knew how to be happy and enjoy life, although they understood that it was impossible to be in high spirits all the time.

Cure for stress

According to statistics, the less we strive for career growth, the happier we feel. Moreover, people who focus on financial well-being are more disappointed with their work and family life. What to do if there are only problems around? How to overcome stress?

1. Admit you are facing difficulties.

Don't beat yourself up. Recognizing the problem means half winning the battle. Sometimes we think that everything is our fault. But let me point out: modern world sometimes makes too high demands on everyone, so it’s normal to burn out.

2. Ask your loved ones for help

3. Regain your hope

Relax - you won't become rich by the age of 40, and Prince Charming has a boyfriend. That's it, the fight is over. You set the bar too high and worked too hard. But life is not over there: the goal was simply unrealistic.

4. Find an outlet

Whatever way you choose to deal with the vicious circle of stress, there is always a chance to break it. Meditation, physical education, changing views, new goals, openness to the world - any positive change can set in motion a spiral of adaptation, when each subsequent change strengthens what has been achieved. Our reaction to a positive event makes something else more likely - good attracts good.

5. Develop awareness

Try to monitor your thoughts and feelings. Anger often masks fear, and jealousy can be an expression of insecurity. Do not give in to impulses, but focus on deeper and, most importantly, true feelings and motives for your behavior.

6. Don't give in to emotional impulses

Do you want to take a sedative or get drunk at the nearest bar? Don't give in to your immediate desires! Wait 10-15 minutes, and then think again - do you need it?

Before you argue with your boss or be rude to your family, step aside and calm down. You will certainly regret your rash action. It's better to warn him!

7. Play sports

Movement changes thoughts. Make it a rule to go to the gym twice a week, swim or run. Ride horses, walk, play tennis - anything to take your mind off bad thoughts.

Instead of a conclusion

And one last thing. When you really can't bear it, develop an escape plan. Take a long-term vacation or look for another job altogether. Go on a trip or talk to your family about moving to another city. Just remember: “This too shall pass.”

Based on materials from the book “The Psychology of Bad Habits” by Richard O’Connor

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Emotional burnout syndrome (EBS) – negative reaction body to prolonged stress associated with performing professional duties. It often occurs among managers or employees holding responsible positions, but they are not the only ones at risk. SEV can also develop in a person who, due to his professional duties, deals with the troubles of other people (doctors, social service employees, etc.). The point here is not so much in specialization, but in a pathologically conscientious attitude towards one’s work. People who constantly strive to do everything “better than everyone else,” who exaggerate their own responsibility for the work of the whole team, and who cannot distract themselves from production problems, sooner or later become victims of burnout.

Constantly feeling tired

One of the main characteristics of a recognized workaholic is the inability to be distracted from work. After working day he continues to replay work moments in his mind, think about them, and look for ways to solve problems that have arisen. As a result, proper rest is not possible even when a person seems to follow a sleep-wake schedule. Every day he feels more and more tired, his work efficiency decreases, which, despite his responsible attitude to his duties, only increases stress.

The way to solve the problem in in this case one: you need to learn to switch your brain and forget about the service for a while. In the most severe cases, patients require the help of a psychologist, but each person can do something on his own:

  1. Outside of work, it is necessary to completely eliminate the influence of any factors that could return thoughts to the professional sphere (do not communicate with colleagues, turn off the phone, do not go to the official page Email etc.).
  2. Engage in active recreation related to sports or tourism (working in the country is also suitable).
  3. Try to find a hobby that is attractive enough to take your mind off official duties. In this sense, the best option is handicraft. Let's explain what was said. Professional activities of the majority modern people is collective. IN ordinary life we are practically deprived of unusually strong positive emotions that cause creative process and the personal creation of an object. The choice of the type of needlework is a purely individual matter. There are many training courses, master classes, and literature that can make it easier to find a hobby and prevent a novice master from getting confused in the abundance of techniques and materials.

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A person suffering from SEV is afraid of doing something wrong, of losing control over the situation. He is constantly in tension, which provokes headaches. Unpleasant sensations usually occur at the end of the working day and cannot be eliminated with painkillers. Headache reduces the quality of night sleep and increases the feeling of fatigue.

Breathing exercises can help solve the problem. It is better to entrust the choice of a specific technique and the development of an individual exercise regimen to a doctor: the patient’s lack of awareness in such matters can lead to the fact that breathing practice will not bring the desired relief.

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Back and chest pain

Constant stress negatively affects the condition of the muscles. Burnout syndrome often manifests itself as muscle spasms in the back and chest. Obsessive pain occurs, reducing the quality of life.

In this case, to get rid of unpleasant sensations, special sets of breathing exercises and long walking walks are recommended. fresh air, allowing you to relax and reduce the oppressive feeling of responsibility. Psychotherapy sessions also bring significant relief.

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The appearance of excess weight

The desire to be a perpetual excellent student creates constant stress and negative emotional background. Many people find a way out in “seizing” unpleasant sensations, which leads to an increase in excess weight. Body weight with SEV can increase without overeating. The cause is a metabolic disorder provoked by prolonged stress.

Trying to limit food intake and choose a diet for yourself in this case is useless. It is important to understand what the problem is psychological character, and start solving it.

Source: depositphotos.com

Looking for distracting activities

With emotional burnout, a person tries to find an activity that distracts from painful thoughts. Some in such cases prefer shopping, others begin to abuse alcohol, smoke or get involved in gambling.

Remedies of this kind, as a rule, do not bring relief. People suffering from SEV have a high sense of responsibility, and bad habits make them feel guilty. If a person stops enjoying even such a relatively harmless activity as shopping, this is alarming symptom. You need to see a psychologist.

Source: depositphotos.com

Problems getting things done

Emotional burnout leads to decreased ability to work and problems with performing usual duties. A person stops striving to receive new information, produce creative ideas, becomes insufficiently flexible. For people holding leadership positions, such changes are fraught with a decrease in professional and social status. The realization that he has become worse at work brings considerable suffering to the perfectionist.

In such a situation, the help of a psychologist is necessary to change the patient’s value system. It is important to learn not to compare yourself with others, try to relax and stop putting responsibility on your own shoulders for what you cannot do.

Source: depositphotos.com

Loss of interest in life

With emotional burnout, a person experiences a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. The triggering of the psychological defense mechanism makes him more indifferent to his work. As a result, he loses interest not only in professional activity, but also to other aspects of life. In this state, the patient may refuse the most attractive ways of relaxation: interesting tourist trips, going to the theater or exhibitions, and even communicating with loved ones.

If a person stops being interested in news (including professional field), entertainment, becomes harsh with his family - he needs immediate help.

Burnout syndrome is a scourge modern man. We are bombarded with so many things and responsibilities that need to be done right now or even yesterday that sooner or later we can’t stand it. The result is stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue, apathy and even serious physical illness.

The phrase “burnt out at work” doesn’t seem like someone’s joke: many of us know very well what it’s like. Fortunately, burnout syndrome can be noticed in time and prevented from taking over. How? Let's talk.

The frantic pace of life is the cause of troubles

Humans were not created to live in the 21st century right away. However, we adapted perfectly, but it came at a high price. In the past, people lived in small villages and knew each other well - even the appearance of a random traveler or a fair was a big event. Any person knew what he would become when he grew up, since everyone, as a rule, continued the work of their fathers and mothers. They went to bed at nightfall and got up at dawn. Life was predictable.

Now humanity is in a state of permanent stress due to fundamental changes.

  • Too much stimulation. We are attacked by a flow of information: from television, the Internet, our mobile phones, magazines and newspapers. We constantly make choices and decisions, which drains our willpower.
  • Insufficient security. Life is completely unpredictable. Work, home, family, intimate relationships, patriotism, freedom - for last decades these concepts have changed radically.
  • Crisis of the meaning of life. Previously, we knew where to derive the meaning of life. We believed that if a person lives a righteous life, then God will reward him and send him to heaven. Now we don’t really know why we should live a righteous life if we can’t even understand what it means.

Millennia of living this way have shaped our brains, our perceptions, and our response to stress. As long as we are young, everything is fine. But as we get older, the situation gets worse. We are faced with burnout syndrome.

Where does the energy go?

If you waste energy only on staying busy at work and managing things at home, an imbalance will arise. This in turn leads to burnout. Burnout occurs when we do the same thing day after day and feel no progress.

Health deteriorates due to stress. We make impulse purchases to please ourselves a little. Or we lose income because due to lack of ambition we work worse. We break relationships with people. We fixate on what prevents us from relaxing, and, of course, we always find many such obstacles. Controlling consciousness in moments of stress is a paradoxical process: when we try too hard to relax, or be happy, or not think about something, we inevitably fail.

And the more the consciousness tries to control what should be involuntary, the worse it becomes for us (next time you are going for a walk, try to think about how you move your feet): “This is what usually happens - the one who thirsted more for happiness falls becomes depressed, and the one who most wanted to calm down becomes anxious.”

The answer to the question of how not to completely stall is to let success into your life. The desire for success will eliminate the feeling of running in place. Balance will reign and everything will be possible.

Is there a balance?

The problem of balance is not far-fetched. Steve McCletchy, in his book From Urgent to Important, cites research showing that 88% of people have difficulty choosing between work and personal life, 57% consider this a serious problem, and 64% say they feel physically exhausted after work.

At the same time, we are forced to value work. The phrases “record unemployment” and “how to survive the crisis” are heard all around. We have to take on more responsibilities just to stay in the same position. Everyday life has turned into a race: to have time to cross things off the daily list in order to meet other people's expectations. But this is not a search for balance. It's about finding a way to survive.

Distributing a certain number of hours between work and personal life will also not bring balance. The stress that has accumulated over work time, will not disappear if you spend half the day in the office and the second half of the day at home. Balance is an immeasurable value.

Those who work 60 hours a week in high-paying jobs say they love their work. This is because they pursue success every day. The drive to succeed helps them survive grueling work hours and increased demands.

Success is not necessarily better or more. The point is to move towards the goal. Effective way defeat burnout - do not stop searching for the development of life aspects.

Getting out of the clutches of fatigue, or Preventing burnout

The main thing in the fight against stress, chronic fatigue and disappointment is to pull yourself together and give life new meaning. Let's say you set unattainable goals for yourself or were in too much of a hurry. The circle is closed. But no matter what way we choose to deal with the vicious circle of stress, there is always a chance to break it. By acknowledging the problems, we already win half the battle.

1. Be prepared for stress
Learn relaxation exercises, meditation, breathing practices. And try to come to an awareness of your emotions. As soon as you realize that everything is about to go to hell, turn to the life-saving techniques that you have learned.

2. Don't give in to immediate desires
Some of our most regrettable actions are motivated by a desire to get rid of difficult experiences. However, these actions still did not help solve the problem or alleviate the stress. There is a great temptation to take medicine or look into the bar around the corner, scream and say offensive words when the mood is at zero. Take your time! Analyze your judgments and desires. If the situation requires your intervention, wait until you can control yourself.

3. Don't forget about the main thing
Remember your fundamental values ​​and act accordingly. What is more important - letting off steam or maintaining a relationship with your loved one? Remember your core values ​​and act accordingly.

4. Get a pet
The presence of an animal in the house will help you better cope with stress, and walking with your dog will open up new opportunities for communication with people. When we are faced with making difficult psychological decisions, pets help reduce high blood pressure better than any beta blockers.

5. Pay attention to the condition of your body
If you are too anxious, angry or scared, first calm down by doing relaxation exercises. Go to Gym and do aerobics - it will help relieve stress. Engage in physical labor, it helps to get out of the situation. A long walk is also great therapy.

6. Tell yourself “Stop”
STOP is an acronym coined by Alcoholics Anonymous: Never make decisions when you are Angry, Anxious, Lonely or Depressed. Take care of your own needs first.

7. Make up your mind
If you have a really serious problem, you need to do something about it. Hard work? Look for a new one. Are your relationships with your partner at an impasse? Maybe you should break up (but just think it over carefully). Sometimes we need an escape plan.

For example, the most common problem: if the job is too demanding (long hours, no help, a lot of pressure), start developing an escape plan. Don't spend money, don't buy new house or new car, do not make any expensive investments that may tie you to this job for a long time. Save your money. Think about a job that suits you best and look for options.

Even if you can't change something right away, the fact that you have a plan can alleviate stress.

“I don’t control my life!”

You probably know people (or are one of them yourself) who managed so poorly own life, what does everyone hate about themselves now? They feel locked in a never-ending cycle of unpleasant work situations, crushing debt, overwhelming responsibilities, broken relationships, and even health problems due to stress and fatigue.

People feel that everything around them is a responsibility, and they themselves have no control. Burnout and stress rule their lives, and they are at their lowest point in motivation and productivity.

Control over your responsibilities, time and results... How does that sound? Peace? Calm? Productivity? Maybe even a triumph?

We cannot experience all the amazing opportunities that life has to offer if we are constantly busy and stressed. But you don't deserve more. Is not it? Learn to notice the signs of emotional burnout in time and take action. Then every day will be filled with happiness and joy.

Scientists say burnout is more than just mental condition, but a disease that affects the entire body.

The term “burnout” was coined in 1974 by American psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberger. At the same time, he compared the state of a “burnt out” person with a burned down house. From the outside, the building may look intact, but it is only when you go inside that the extent of the devastation becomes apparent.

Now psychologists identify three elements of emotional burnout:

  • exhaustion;
  • cynical attitude towards work;
  • feeling of one's own inadequacy.

Exhaustion makes us easily upset, sleep poorly, get sick more often, and have difficulty concentrating.

A cynical attitude towards our activities makes us feel disconnected from our colleagues and lack motivation.

And the feeling of inadequacy makes us doubt our own abilities and perform our responsibilities worse.

Why does emotional burnout occur?

We tend to think that burnout occurs simply because we work too much. In fact, it is caused by the fact that our work schedule, responsibilities, deadlines and other stressors outweigh our job satisfaction.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, identify six factors associated with employee burnout:

  • workload;
  • control;
  • rewards;
  • relationships in a team;
  • justice;
  • values.

We experience burnout when one of these aspects of work (or more) does not meet our needs.

What are the dangers of burnout?

Fatigue and lack of motivation are not the best dire consequences emotional burnout.
  • According to researchers, chronic stress, which occurs in people with burnout syndrome, negatively affects thinking and communication skills, and also overloads our neuroendocrine system. And over time, the effects of burnout can lead to problems with memory, attention and emotions.
  • One study found that those who experienced burnout experienced accelerated thinning of the prefrontal cortex, the region responsible for cognitive functioning. Although the cortex naturally thins as we age, those who experienced burnout experienced a more pronounced effect.
  • It's not just the brain that is at risk. According to another study, burnout significantly increases the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease.

How to deal with burnout?

Psychologists advise looking for ways to reduce your workload: delegating some responsibilities, saying “no” more often, and writing down what causes you stress. In addition, you need to learn to relax and enjoy life again.

Don't forget to take care of yourself

It's easy to forget about yourself when you don't have the strength to do anything. In our condition, it seems to us that taking care of ourselves is the last thing we need to spend time on. However, according to psychologists, it is precisely this that should not be neglected.

When you feel like you're close to burnout, it's especially important to eat well, drink plenty of water, exercise, and get enough sleep.

Also, remember what helps you relax and spend more time on it.

Do what you love

Burnout can occur if you are unable to regularly devote time to what you love.

To prevent job dissatisfaction from turning into burnout, think about what is most important to you and include it in your schedule.

Do something you love at least a little every day, and devote more time to it once a week. Then you will never have the feeling that you do not have time to do the most important things.

Try something new

Do something new, for example, something you have long dreamed of. This may seem counterintuitive since you're already so busy all the time, but in fact, doing something new can help you avoid burnout.

The main thing is to choose something that will restore strength and energize.

If adding something new to your schedule is completely impossible, start by taking care of yourself. Focus on sleep and nutrition, and try to get at least a little exercise every day. This will help you avoid the consequences of burnout and get back on track.

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