What happens after clinical death. What do people see at the time of clinical death


A person continues to think even after death!?

How do images and sounds and related thoughts appear in our inner world? Is all this the result of the work of brain cells? Is consciousness really born in the brain?

The mechanistic approach that the brain is the center of human consciousness is questioned by many modern scientists. The reason for this is ongoing clinical death research. Their results suggest that consciousness can exist outside of the body.

Important! These studies were based on the stories of people who experienced clinical death. And this experience, although somewhat frightening, is certainly

Dutch scientist Pim van Lommel in the annotation to his scientific article “Consciousness without a place. A concept based on a scientific study of people after near-death experiences, released in 2013 wrote:

According to my research, at present, the materialistic view of the location of consciousness in the brain, which is held by most doctors, philosophers and psychologists, is too limited for a correct understanding of this subject.

There are good reasons to believe that our consciousness is not limited to the physical brain.

A person can think and be aware of the world even when his brain is dead.

Incredible, isn't it?

I learned about these studies of Pim Van Lommel recently, and I was really struck by what he came up with.

Consciousness is not equal to the brain. The thinking consciousness exists outside the brain.

How the scientist came to such conclusions, I will tell in this article.

It all started with a question:

What did people who survived clinical death see?

It has long been known what exactly people who have experienced clinical death see. We've all heard about the light at the end of the tunnel, the dark hallway, and the meeting with dead relatives.

According to research, most often people talk about leaving their body and how they see themselves from the outside.

“I barely glanced at the crowded operating room, the sirens called for my doctor to rush to me, I saw her looking at my body and talking to him (to me) while I hovered above - happy, healthy and overwhelmed with emotions.”

“I remember how they took me on a stretcher along a long corridor, they put a type of mask with a nasty smell on my face and said “breathe deeply, like in physical education,” I breathed a couple of times and don’t remember anything. Then the memories came very clear - I leave the body (from under the ribs, solar plexus?) and head along the trajectory to the left corner of the ceiling.

I see myself in the form of a pink cloud, not quite round, but slightly squashed above and below. It is alive and moves a little, and the shape also changes a little, but the dimensions are the same. Ease, close to bliss, is difficult to describe. With earthly sensations, it can only be compared to how to swim under water and there is not enough air, and you swim with the last of your strength and when you emerge, you swallow the air with a full breast. How can you convey these feelings? Only there they are different, lighter, as if they were in their own world. From such pleasure, I was not even surprised at my condition, there was a feeling that I had already been in it once, or, in any case, it should be so. No fear, no pain - complete "comfort". Below, I saw the operating table and my body.

Two doctors stood over my body and one next to my head. All of them were women. "Oh, am I there?" I thought indifferently, “what are they doing to me?”

I immediately became uninterested. I was much more interested in what I can see through the walls - the ambulance drove up, this is also not interesting.

“Wow, but the house is made of logs!” I exclaimed to myself. I was very struck by this, although it was plastered on both sides.

Then I looked in the other direction and through the walls I saw the chambers - there was nothing interesting there, I saw a man sitting in the corridor - he grabbed his head with his hands, his elbows on his knees. Then I remembered my parents, I thought that they might worry about me.

But, I didn’t feel any longing or craving for them. There was no love that I loved them on earth. I was also overcome by indifference - I enjoyed my condition. Suddenly there was a clear, well-placed voice "It's time to go back!". I even thought that as a radio announcer, but I realized that this concerns me.

“No, no, I don’t want to, I feel so good here! I got so worked up there! I do not want!"

Both of these women went out of their bodies and continued to "think". People who had no brain activity tell about similar experiences!

They were in a state of clinical death for several minutes.

Consciousness after death

It is this phenomenon of going out of the body during clinical death that is being studied by the Dutch cardiologist Dr. Pim van Lommel.

He observed near-death states from a scientific point of view. Colleagues around the world criticized his work.

“I wondered how these people could remain conscious during cardiac arrest. Prior to this, there were only retrospective studies conducted on individual patients. Based on this, scientists concluded that such a phenomenon could be caused by a lack of oxygen in the brain, fear, hallucinations, and side effects of drugs. However, no real prospective scientific studies have been conducted.

And in 1988 we started such a prospective study in ten Dutch hospitals. We studied 44 cases where patients survived cardiac arrest.”

These data confirmed that consciousness can exist outside the body..

“Consciousness was thought to be a function of the brain. This hypothesis has never been proven. And we must return to discussing it, because people who experience near-death experience, according to the study, lose consciousness within a few seconds. There are no reflexes in the cerebral cortex and in its stem part. Clinical studies have recorded dilated pupils, the absence of breathing, for which the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata is responsible.

When trying to measure the electrical activity of the brain on an electroencephalogram, we see a straight line after 15 seconds, and in the case of all patients, it takes at least 20 seconds, and often much more, before they are resuscitated.

Near-death people, according to our study, retained cognitive ability (vision, memory, etc.), the ability to think clearly, and the ability to experience emotions, even though their brains were not functioning.

That is, it seems to me that the results of our study are sufficient grounds to return to the question that consciousness can exist outside the body.

I believe that the brain is not the focus of consciousness».

Thanks to everyone who read to the end. Write, in the comments to this article, your opinion on the question: can we now assume that consciousness exists by itself? And if you are interested in learning about my personal experience, how I use the power of consciousness, come to

The embrace of death, for very few a unique experience. For thousands of those whom he touched - a mystical fateful sensation. But is it really a brief visit to the afterlife, or a chemical reaction in the brain...

The sensational recognition by researchers from Southampton of the reality of near-death visions, which do not depend on the activity of the brain, excited physicians around the world. What happens to a person when the heart stops? What signs should be used to determine the death of a person? What is brain death? It is impossible to answer unambiguously.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, author of Interviews with the Dying, was the first physician to publish back in 1969 the stories of the “returned from the dead”. She then noticed that they have many similarities: leaving their own body, flying through a tunnel, joyfully approaching the light. He described the same impressions in his book Life After Life, which was published in 1975 and became a bestseller. Both of these researchers are unanimous in assessing the impressions of dying: death is always beautiful.

Other conclusions were made by the German sociologist Hubert Knoblauch, who presented his observations and research in the book “News from the Other World. Myths and Reality of Clinical Death” (1999). For several years, he interviewed more than 2,000 people who had a sad experience of near-death experience. Just over 4% were able to recall any visions or sensations they experienced after they passed out. But with all his desire, Knoblauch did not find in these stories anything resembling a "beautiful death." The experiences of people were so different and individual that, according to the sociologist, they cannot even be generalized. And at the same time, they were far from always pleasant: 60% of East Germans and 30% of their western compatriots suffered greatly -!

Bill Wyss - 23 min. in hell... We were on our way to a meeting. A sudden blow, a bright light. I remember how I ended up in a cell with stone walls and bars on the doors. That's if you can imagine a prison cell, that's where I ended up. And in this cell I was not alone, there were four other creatures with me. At first I did not understand who these creatures were, after I realized - they were demons. When I got there, I had no physical strength at all, I was powerless. There was such weakness and impotence, as if I had no muscles at all. There was a terrible heat in this cell.

The body looked like my real ones, but a little different. The demons tore at my flesh, but when they did, no blood came out of my body, there was no liquid, but I felt pain. I remember that they picked me up and threw me against the wall, and after that all my bones kind of broke. And when I was going through this, I thought that I should now die after all these injuries and from this heat. I wondered how it was that I was still alive.

There was a smell of sulfur and burning flesh. At that time, I had not yet seen anyone who would burn in my presence, but I knew this smell, it was the familiar smell of burning flesh and sulfur.

The demons that tormented me were about 4 meters tall, and in their appearance they looked like reptiles.

I know, because I saw what came from them, the level of reason, their considerations were zero, they were, as it were, programmed to hate God and His creations. I also realized that they had no mercy at the time they hurt me and I was in pain. But their physical strength exceeded about a thousand times the strength of an ordinary person, so the person who was there could not fight with them and resist them.

It was a very humiliating feeling that man is the crowning achievement of God's creation, to be dominated by beings of the lowest status. And when the demons continued to torment me, I tried to get rid of them, I tried to crawl out of this cell of mine.

I looked in one direction, but there was impenetrable darkness, and I heard millions of human screams there. These were very loud screams. And I also had this knowledge that there are so many prison cells like mine and there were like pits in a burning fire. And when I looked in the other direction, I saw tongues of fire emanating from the earth, which, as it were, even illuminated the sky. And there I saw such a pit, or lake of fire, that was maybe three miles wide. And when these fiery tongues rose, they illuminated, so that I could see what was happening around me. The air was full of stench and smoke. The landscape of this area, the landscape was all brown and dark, there was no greenery. There was not a drop of moisture or water anywhere around me, and I was so thirsty that I wanted even a drop of water. It would have been precious to me to receive even a drop of water from anyone, but there was no such thing.

I know that I was in hell for a very short time, but it seemed to me then that I had been there for an eternity. And there I especially realized the meaning of the word "eternity."

Information about this phenomenon can be found in the book "Acts of Thomas". In it, the sinner also talks about her impressions of hell, where she once had to visit. Suddenly she found herself on the ground, the surface of which was dotted with depressions exuding poison. But the woman was not herself, next to her was a terrible creature. In each of the depressions she saw flames that strongly resembled a hurricane. Inside it, uttering chilling screams, many souls were spinning, which could not get out of this hurricane. There were the souls of those people who, during their lifetime, entered into a secret relationship with each other. In the other hollow, in the mud, were those who parted from their husbands and wives for the sake of others. In the third place were souls whose body parts were suspended. The person accompanying the woman said that the severity of the punishment directly depends on the sin. People who in earthly life lied and insulted others are hung up by the tongue. Those who stole and did not help anyone, but lived only for their own good, were hung by the hands. Those who achieved their goals in dishonest ways were hung up by their legs ...

After all that had been seen, the woman was led into a cave, the smell of which was saturated with stench. There were people trying to get out of this place and breathe air, but all their attempts were in vain. The creatures guarding the cave wanted the woman to experience this punishment, but her guide did not allow this, saying that the sinner is in hell temporarily ...

... Knoblauch believes that visions at the moment of cardiac arrest depend on the mentality of a person, on all his previous life experience and, ultimately, on the culture of the society in which he lived: “The whole structure of the “other world” that a person meets at the moment dying, it is undoubtedly a reflection of "this light" known to him.

Scientists still cannot understand how visions and sensations arise after a cardiac arrest and a cessation of the blood supply to the brain. None of the hypotheses provides a satisfactory explanation for these enigmatic stories. In the early 1990s, scientists focused on trying to prove that "post-mortem experiences" are the result of residual brain activity, that is, its reaction to abnormal concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

So, for example, in the Virchow clinic in 1994, experiments were conducted with healthy volunteers who were asked to breathe quickly and deeply in order to lose consciousness. Voluntary "martyrs of science" experienced approximately the same thing as the sick. They "parted" with their mortal body and saw, as in the frames of a movie, the events of their past life.

But, according to Dr. Sam Parnia, director of research at Southampton, a lack of oxygen to the brain could not be the cause of his patients' visions. In seven examined patients, who spoke about typical experiences at the moment of clinical death, the oxygen concentration was even higher than in those who did not feel or see anything.

It would also be wrong to call an incomprehensible phenomenon a hallucination. “All of these patients were able to recall and recount their experiences very accurately,” said Dr. Parnia. “That doesn’t happen with hallucinations.” It also eliminates the side effects of certain medications and elevated carbon dioxide levels.

Perhaps such a striking effect is exerted by some narcotic substances produced by the human body itself. Many dying people have reported an all-consuming feeling of happiness and peace. In people who happened to experience situations associated with extreme stress of all the forces of the body (for example, sinking and swimming with all their might), as well as extreme athletes, a special hormone is released in the brain that causes a feeling of pleasure and helps to fight and survive in a deadly dangerous situations.

American scientist Bruce Grayson of the University of Virginia found out for sure that people who have experienced "post-mortem experiences" are not mentally ill. Observing his patients, he became convinced that a change in consciousness associated with such a difficult event as does not lead to painful states of the psyche.

Can the stories of people who have returned from the other world serve as proof that life after death exists? Modern science answers: perhaps yes. We must continue to observe and experiment, although we may not know the exact answer until our death.

The range of problems associated with clinical death also includes the question of when, should a person be considered dead? After the heart has stopped, and the biocurrents of the brain are not recorded? If this is a sign of brain death, then such a person can be harvested for transplantation.

In the old days, the bodies were kept for three days, until outward signs of death of the organism appeared. The so-called cadaveric spots appear about half an hour or an hour after the cessation of blood circulation. Rigor mortis occurs in 4-12 hours.

Such a concept as “brain death” did not exist before, it appeared relatively recently. After the world's first human heart transplant, performed by surgeon Christian Barnard, many media, expressing the point of view of a significant part of society, demanded that he be put on trial on charges of murder. When such operations also began to be performed in America, a special commission at Harvard Medical School in 1968 renamed the near-death coma to "brain death."

This definition is now under sharp criticism. “Transplant surgeons are always sure (although in fact they cannot know this) that a patient diagnosed with brain death is really dead, because his brain has stopped working and he no longer feels anything,” writes Richard Fuchs in his book “Business with death. In Defense of a Dignified Death (2001). Even doctors who specialize in organ transplants admit that people who have been diagnosed with brain death may feel pain and may perceive reality in some way. After all, no one can guarantee that donors whose organs are cut out for transplantation do not feel anything. But on the other hand, there are cases when people regained consciousness after a long-term coma and talked about various visions and sounds that reached them while they were unconscious.

Death is something that every person is guaranteed to face, so there is a special interest in it in society.

Many people who have been in a state of clinical death describe what happened to them, and scientists are trying to explain the phenomena that occur in this borderline state with people.

In our review, 10 scientific explanations for the sensations of a person during near-death experience.

1. Feeling out of the body

When people describe their feelings during clinical death, they very often remember that they left their body in the form of an incorporeal spirit. At the same time, they saw their body and people around from the side, as if hovering above it in the air. Scientists believe that this may be due to damage to the temporoparietal lobe of the brain. The temporal node is responsible for collecting data that comes from the senses, forming the perception of one's own body. Damage to this part of the brain is quite possibly leading to the "out-of-body" perception reported by many who have been beyond life.

2. Light at the end of the tunnel

Nearly every person who has experienced clinical death reports being surrounded by a bright white light, or rushing through a tunnel with light visible at the end. As described by people who experienced it, the white light was completely otherworldly and was accompanied by an overwhelming sense of calm. The study showed that patients who experienced near death associated with a heart attack and had similar visions, there was an increased level of CO2 in the blood. The researchers suggested that excess CO2 in the blood could have a significant impact on vision. Hence the tunnel and the bright light.

3. Images of deceased relatives

Many people who were on the verge of death saw long-dead friends and relatives who wanted to guide them from the world of the living to the afterlife. Also, in a few seconds, memories of a lifetime flash before your eyes. Scientists have suggested that there is a scientific explanation for this.
While an excess of CO2 affects the vision of people who are dying, a lack of oxygen in the brain plays an equally important role. It is well known that oxygen deprivation can lead to hallucinations and can even contribute to feelings of euphoria. Studies have shown that people have low levels of oxygen in the brain during cardiac arrest, which can cause hallucinations.

4. Euphoria

It has long been theorized that many of the sensations before death may be due to the release of endorphins and other chemicals into the brain due to extreme stress. Although this theory has not been confirmed, it can easily explain why so many people who are on the verge of death do not feel fear or anxiety.

5. Brain activity

Heightened sensory perception is fairly typical of the near-death state. The study also showed that extrasensory perception feelings can be caused by a significant burst of brain activity at the moment before death. The study was done on rats, but researcher Jimo Borjigin thinks the same is true for humans.

6. Exit from the body and anesthesia

The sensation of leaving the body can be caused not only by damage to the temporoparietal lobe, but also by anesthesia. Although people rarely remember what happened under anesthesia, about 1 in 1000 people experience exactly the same thing as people who are dying. Sometimes patients say that they see themselves and doctors from the outside during the operation.

7. Distorted sense of time

The neurosurgeon Eben Alexander wrote a book detailing his personal near-death experience when he was in a coma due to meningitis. Alexander's own near-death experience lasted a week, during which the cerebral cortex responsible for thoughts and emotions ceased to function. At this time, the neurosurgeon experienced a journey to the afterlife. Dr. Oliver Sachs, professor of neurology, offered a very simple explanation - the hallucination actually happened in 20-30 seconds, during which he came out of a coma,

8. Hallucinations

Those who once stood on the verge of death remember quite often that all the visions seemed to them more real than anything they had ever experienced before. According to Dr. Oliver Sacks, a person who had a similar experience, "the main reason that hallucinations feel so real is that they involve the same areas of the brain as normal perception."

9. Visions before death

Although ecstatic seizures are quite rare, and occur in a very small percentage of people affected by temporal lobe epilepsy, a burst of epileptic activity in the temporal lobe can lead to visions. During the study, EEG monitoring was carried out on patients who fought in ecstasy on religious grounds. It turned out that there was a complete similarity of indicators with encephalograms with patients with convulsive activity in the temporal lobe (almost always on the right side).

10. Neurology and religion do not contradict each other

Dr. Tony Chikoria was struck by lightning in 1994. A few weeks after this incident, Chicoria, who had a PhD in neuroscience, suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to learn how to play and write music. He was amazed by this, and in his own words, "understood that there are no contradictions between religion and neurology - if God wants to change a person, then he will do it with the help of the nervous system and the activation of the parts of the brain responsible for certain actions."

As long as mankind exists, so much it asks the question: is there life after death? And if it is, then what is the human soul? At different times, the answers to this question varied. For example, the Greek philosopher Democritus believed that the soul is a lump of hot and soft to the touch substance that can be touched. Plato, on the contrary, believed that the soul is incorporeal and lives where it wants.

In the twentieth century, in the age of total scientific domination, the soul was completely denied existence. It was believed that the priests invented the soul to lure people into temples, and there is no life after death. So it was customary to think until one day, a resuscitator from America, Raymond Moody, interested in the stories of people who survived clinical death, wanted to somehow systematize them. Then incredible things happened.

Instead of complying with the requirements of science and admitting that life stops after cardiac arrest, all patients, as if by agreement, talk about amazing events. And, curiously, everyone tells about the same thing, as if they had actually been somewhere in one place.

So, then, something happens to the soul after death that official science has no idea about? It was after the sensational report of Dr. Moody that the scientific world became preoccupied with the problem of the human soul and set off in search of it. For example, from the achievements of a group of scientists from St. Petersburg, they even managed to invent a special device that can photograph the soul, or rather the energy that lives in us along with the physical body ...

Alexander Shein, resuscitator:

“There was such a patient, I remember her very well. She, unfortunately, died - she had diabetes and many related complications. This woman survived several massive heart attacks, she simply died before my eyes and she literally died with a smile on her face. And always, when she was still in full memory, in consciousness, she made it clear that everything that happens to her, although it is sad and bitter, is not the final departure from life for her. This is a simple transition somewhere, into some other being, which happened to her during clinical death.

Buddhists have a special instruction, the Bardo Thodol, known in the West as the Tibetan Book of the Dead. It describes in detail everything that awaits a person after the death of the physical body. In an ancient manuscript written several thousand years ago, there are detailed descriptions of what is commonly called clinical death in our time.

One of the key points is bright light. The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a set of recommendations describing what happens to consciousness after physical death. The first thing the soul sees is a tunnel of white light:

“Soon you will exhale with your last breath, and it will stop. Here you will see the eternal Pure Light. Unbelievable Space will open before you, boundless, like the Ocean without waves, under a cloudless sky. Like a fluff you will float, freely, alone.

Do not be distracted, do not rejoice! Do not be afraid! This is the moment of your death! Use death, for it is a great opportunity. Keep your thoughts clear, not clouding them even with compassion. Let your love become passionless. After the exhalation has completely stopped, it is good if someone clearly reads these words directly into the ear: “You are now in the Eternal Light, try to remain in this state that you are experiencing.”

Modern science can explain the phenomena described in the ancient book. Clinical death is the first stage of the dying of a biological organism. The beginning of the transition from life to death. During clinical death, the heart and breathing stop, all signs of vital activity disappear. During the first 10–15 min. a person can still be brought back to life, but this is not always the case. Only 5% of people who have been on the verge of death come back.

Andrei Yurkovsky was lucky - he was able to survive clinical death. At the age of 12, Andrei ended up in intensive care with anaphylactic shock. For several hours, doctors fought for the life of a teenager, but medicine was powerless. The doctors pronounced him dead.

Andrey Yurkovskiy, naval officer:

“The first thing I remember was the doctors in white coats, the fuss around, then I seemed to be moving away somewhere ... I can’t say what happened next, but I remember, childhood memories started scrolling in my brain, I saw relatives ... "

While the boy's body was in the intensive care unit, his soul traveled in the Subtle World. Andrei recalls how he watched what was happening from the side. I saw doctors and relatives who could not find a place for themselves from excitement. I remembered how the doctors uttered the fatal words: "cardiac arrest" - and how the mother began to cry when she was told that her son had died. Andrei was considered dead for two days, but the doctors were mistaken. The boy returned from the other world. He woke up unexpectedly, and the return was painful.

The doctors could not believe their eyes, they could not explain what had happened. Andrei was examined for a long time before he was discharged from the hospital. For the boy, the journey to the Subtle World was a real revelation. Thanks to clinical death, he realized that in addition to the physical body, there is some kind of substance that continues to live when the body dies.

Rochelle Blavo, MD, psychotherapist: "Man is not only a physical state, it is also the presence of mental, astral, etheric and other bodies and, of course, the soul itself."

Ancient people believed that after death the soul does not die with the body, but passes into another world. There she continues to live. That is why they tried to provide the dead with everything necessary. In ancient graves, archaeologists find weapons and household items. The ancient Egyptians built majestic tombs for the pharaohs - pyramids. They believed that these gigantic structures would become a safe haven in the afterlife.

The famous athlete Eduard Serebryakov, the champion of the USSR and Russia in Greco-Roman wrestling, survived a clinical death. He still considers it the most important event in his life.

E. Serebryakov, former athlete, champion of the USSR and the Russian Federation in Greco-Roman wrestling:

“What did clinical death give me? She changes lives. I know what it is, but others don't. When people find themselves in some extreme situations, some kind of catastrophes happen to them, at this time some forces intervene that change a person ... "

The tragedy occurred on May 14, 1997. Eduard, as usual, went to work in a car. As he approached the railroad crossing, he felt that the car had lost control. He pressed the brake, and the pedal failed, went to the floor. As it later turned out, an attempt was made on the athlete, the brake hoses were cut, and he could not slow down. In the end, he still slowed down, but stopped right in the middle of the crossing.

And at that moment, his alarm went off, the doors were blocked. Everything happened in a matter of seconds. The athlete's car was at a railway crossing, and he could not get out of it. In a moment, he saw that the train was rushing right at him. The man understood that a collision was inevitable and there was practically no chance of survival. Time seemed to stop for him at that moment.

Edward Serebryakov:

“A thought immediately arose in my head: is this really my last day? How is that, there must be a sign from above?! It turns out that there is no sign, everything happens unexpectedly. These 2-3 sec. stretched out into hours or whole days. Then such an unpleasant thought appeared: I’ll be completely crippled ... I jumped into the back seat so that at least my face remained intact, covered my head, turned intuitively with my back to the window in the hope that I would recover from the blow.

Then a blow followed... I see that I am lying in a coffin, I see my relatives. I am being mourned. Some say that after the onset of death they went upstairs and saw doctors. I didn't have that. I simply saw my funeral, I felt myself lying in a coffin, I saw that people were saying goodbye to me ... I can’t say how long it lasted.

Edward watched his own funeral, while realizing that he continues to exist. He felt such peace and serenity that to this day he cannot find words to describe these feelings. Eduard says that he understood why people who have the opportunity to return at the time of death prefer to stay there. The thing is, there is bliss.

The return was sudden. He heard sharp, loud, unpleasant sounds, and then he made out the driver's voice: "Man, are you alive?" Edward replied: "I don't know." At first, it was not clear where, then suddenly again a sharp transition, and then the driver with his question ...

Serebryakov was able to survive by a miracle. During the collision, the train did not crush the car, but, having hooked it on the track cleaner, like on a pitchfork, dragged it several tens of meters until the train came to a complete stop. The guy was seriously injured. There is a big scar on his head. His ribs and leg were broken, his whole body would have been cut and bruised. For almost six months, the athlete was in the hospital. There he realized that after traveling to the other world, something had changed in him.

Edward Serebryakov:

“Why I came back here, I don’t know. The powers that be know this. So you need something. I can only guess, guess. Perhaps I returned in order to take the old woman across the road tomorrow so that she would not die under a car. Perhaps in order to talk to you, so that someone will hear my story ... "

After returning from the other world, Eduard Serebryakov absolutely changed his life. He retired from sports and began to write poetry. But not just poetry, but rhymed prophecies.

The girl was holding a bell
The wind ruffled her hair
Only life sadly died
And sadness was her finale
On the moon I see reflections
In this mirror of bottomless emptiness
Like a fool looking for pleasure
In killing your own soul
The sound then cuts, then fervently jumps
Sticky sweat does not confirm fear
The stone wears away the water in this fairy tale
'Cause he's softer now

Edward Serebryakov:

“I wrote these lines a few hours before Beslan. It was written on its own. I understand that it was the higher powers that guided me. On the first of September, I suddenly find out on the news about the seizure of the school. Remember how the children suffered there? You see, a stone wears away water, and not vice versa, and sticky sweat ... "

It is noticed that, after clinical death, a person changes dramatically. He seems to be rethinking his life, and there is a scientific explanation for this. Psychologists, for example, compare the post-mortem experience to shock therapy. They consider the realization of the unexpected finiteness of being one of the strongest stimuli for the disclosure of human potential.

Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. The experience of dying just helps a person to develop further. Another question: is he capable of accepting and using this negative experience for some kind of forward movement?

People who have experienced clinical death sometimes acquire the ability to telepathy and clairvoyance.

The famous neurophysiologist Natalya Bekhtereva believed that these phenomena actually exist. For a long time she worked in intensive care, watching dozens of returns from the other world. The reanimated described a black tunnel at the end of which light was visible, talked about the feeling of flying and described the bright light that was at the end of the tunnel. Natalya Bekhtereva tried to understand what was happening at that time with the human brain, and to answer the question of whether the soul of a dying person actually leaves the body during clinical death.

The result of almost half a century of scientific work of the neurophysiologist N. Bekhtereva was a sensational conclusion. The human brain is a kind of receiving-transmitting mechanism in which human consciousness is formed. But consciousness is not directly connected to the brain, it only uses the brain to receive signals. The brain receives information, processes it, and only then makes logical decisions. But who dictates these signals? After all, sometimes people get a ready-made formulation as if from nowhere. According to Bekhtereva, this “someone” is our soul. It is she who, at clinical death, leaves the body and receives information, which, after returning to the body, is processed by the brain.

Moreover, during clinical death there is a kind of “reboot” of the brain. Our thinking machine starts to work in a different mode. The most ancient sites that were not previously used are activated. It is they who endow a person with unusual abilities. In the course of evolution, these possibilities of the human brain were blocked.

Leningrad region, 2008. A house is on fire. The second floor is on fire. Thick puffs of smoke billow from the windows. A strange body rushes across the roof, and then merges with a column of smoke and rushes up. People died in the fire, and the camera was able to capture their souls. Thin bodies often fall into the lens of cameras. These are translucent balls with a heterogeneous structure. More often they appear in places where human emotions are manifested in abundance, for example, in cemeteries.

1828, May 18, Crete. At the castle of Franco Castello, a battle took place between the Greeks and the Turks. For 7 days, bloody battles were going on under the walls of the fortress.

Tatyana Syrchenko, editor of the Anomaly newspaper:

“The history of human lives leaves its mark. And what people call ghosts are, in fact, the footprints. This can be called phantoms or manifestations of some substances unknown to us so far.”

Since that time, every year on May 18, the battle is repeated again and again. With the first rays of the sun, ghost warriors appear above the horizon. They are heading towards the coast. Casual witnesses say that at the same time, horse stomp, the cries of soldiers and even the groans of the wounded are heard. Researchers call these rare phenomena chronomirages. They reproduce real historical events. Often you can observe this kind of phenomena in places where tragic events took place. The souls of dead people, the ghosts of the past, can remain at the place of their death for an indefinite time.

It is generally accepted that a person has 7 bodies: physical, ethereal, astral, karmic, and so on. Scientists call them projections of a person in a multidimensional universe. After all, it is scientifically proven that before the Big Bang the Universe existed in 10 dimensions. Thus, the physical body of a person lives in the three-dimensional world, the etheric body lives in the four-dimensional world, and the astral body lives in the fifth dimension. And after the death of a person, these essences of his begin to rapidly disintegrate. First, the physical body dies, on the 9th day - the etheric, on the 40th - the astral. And only then goes to freedom what the religions of the whole world call the soul.

A ghost is nothing but an ethereal body. The etheric body is the same as our physical body, but only of a four-dimensional nature; it seems to be a little slow in time. Such a ghost may be right here, but we will not see it, because it does not refract sunlight.

Often, in the event of a violent or unexpected death, the human consciousness cannot recognize the fact of its own death and tries to continue its usual existence. And sometimes it simply does not understand what happened to it.

According to people who call themselves mediums, most people simply did not realize that they had died. They do not know that they are already dead, just as many do not know that they are alive when they are alive. People do things mechanically throughout their lives, and when death comes, they just keep doing the same thing after death. Thus, a person can still go to work after death, meet someone there, dream about something. Especially if he died unexpectedly. Those who commit suicide and people who die suddenly become ghosts. Their ethereal bodies are doomed to eternal wanderings.

Eduard Gulyaev, Doctor of Energy Information Sciences, Professor: “Ghosts and ghosts are real-life bundles of energy. Most often these are etheric bodies thrown off at the moment of a strong shock.

The ghost of Emperor Paul I, who was killed in the Engineering Castle, frightens tourists to this day. Witnesses describe a ghostly figure walking through the castle, sometimes even playing a flute.

According to researchers, the Subtle World exists in parallel with the physical world. This is the world of energy and information. What is called the "subtle world", "other planes", "parallel worlds" - these are simply, perhaps, those aspects that our consciousness does not perceive until a certain moment. And then, at some point, switching, he begins to perceive.

It is believed that the Subtle World is inhabited by the souls of people and animals, the spirits of the elements and all sorts of incorporeal beings live there. It is there that life continues after death. That's where ghosts and ghosts come from. According to psychics, we can draw information from non-material sources. This extrasensory information can tell us about the future or about the past.

Numerous testimonies of encounters with ghosts and ghosts do not allow us to neglect this phenomenon. It is believed that these are the souls of the dead who want to convey certain messages or requests to the living. For example, the ghost of the poet Dante Alighieri appeared to his son to indicate the place where the last songs of the Divine Comedy were hidden ...

What could be more mysterious than death? Have you ever wondered what happens to us after death? Is there heaven and hell, is there reincarnation, or will we just rot in the ground?
No one knows what awaits us there, beyond the bounds of life. However, from time to time there are testimonies of people who have been and talk about incredible visions: tunnels, bright lights, meetings with angels, dead relatives, etc.

Near death stories

Alan Rickler, 17, died of leukemia. “I saw doctors coming into the ward, with them my grandmother was wearing the same gown and hat as everyone else. At first I was glad that she had come to visit me, and then I remembered that she had already died. And I got scared. Then some strange figure in black entered ... I cried ... my grandmother said, “Don’t be afraid, it’s not time yet,” and I woke up that way.”

Adriana, 28 years old - “When the light came on, he immediately asked me the question: “Have you been useful in this life?” And suddenly the pictures began to flash. "What is it?" – I thought, because everything happened suddenly. I was in my childhood. Then it went year after year through my whole life from early childhood to the present. The scenes in front of me were so alive! As if you are looking at them from the side, and you see in three-dimensional space and color. In addition, the paintings were moving.

When I "looked through" the paintings, the light was almost invisible. He disappeared as soon as he asked what I had done in my life. And yet I felt his presence, he led me in this "view", sometimes noting some events. He tried to emphasize something in each of these scenes. Especially the importance of love. At the moments when it was seen most clearly, as, for example, in communication with my sister. He seemed to take an interest in matters related to knowledge.
Whenever he marked events concerning the teachings, he "said" that I should continue to study and that when he came for me again (by this time I already knew that I would return to life), I should still have a desire for knowledge. . He talked about knowledge as a continuous process, and I got the impression that this process will continue after death.

Maria, 24 years old - “I died on September 22, 2000 on the operating table. The doctors hit my lungs and I died for 2.5 minutes. During this time ... In short, I later told the doctors in detail in intensive care what was happening while I was pumped out, everything, down to the smallest details, they were horrified ... But I was above them and saw everything ... Then a push in back and I flew through the tunnel, although I had a "cord" sticking out of my umbilical cord .... Approaching the light, I felt incredible pain in the sternum and I woke up. I'm not afraid of death, absolutely, it's better there than here, that's for sure.

Igor Goryunov - 15 years old. The guys arrived in the evening. They told me to take the earring off. I didn't take it off. They beat me. I fainted. Then they found me. The doctors said I was dead. I remember being in a dark well. First it went down and then up. I saw a bright light. Emptiness. Woke up with chest pain.

Retired Alexei Efremov (Novosibirsk) - received extensive burns, underwent several skin grafting operations. During one of them, his heart stopped. The doctors managed to bring the man out of the state of clinical death only after 35 minutes - an extraordinary case, since it is known that, as a rule, the term of clinical death in a person is 3-6 minutes. This is followed by irreversible changes in the brain. However, Alexei Efremov did not experience such changes. He thinks clearly and clearly.

Last year on July 4th I almost died. Fell off his motorcycle head first: pneumothorax occurred after the clavicle pierced the upper part of the lung. Then on the side of the road I lay and died.
At that time, I began to feel like I was falling into some kind of dark pool. Everything around me turned black and the world, our real world, was rapidly decreasing. It felt like I was falling into an abyss. Sounds were heard somewhere in the distance. Surprisingly, my heart was calm: the pain was gone, and the world just floated by.

What did you feel during clinical death

Various scenes from my past and images of people close to me, friends, family began to appear before my eyes. Then I woke up ... It seemed to me that I had spent several hours in this state, but in reality only a couple of minutes had passed. You know, this incident taught me to appreciate the present.

It is difficult to describe what is really happening: there is no excitement or struggle for life. You just don't understand what's going on. You feel like something is going wrong, but you don’t understand what exactly. Everything is somehow unnatural, illusory. The moment when I came to my senses was like when in the morning in a dream it seems that you woke up, washed up, made your bed and already had a cup of coffee, when you suddenly wake up in fact and don’t understand why you are still in bed? After all, a moment ago you were drinking coffee for yourself, and now, as it turned out, you are lying in bed ... It is difficult to understand whether you woke up in the real world this time.

I died about two years ago...and was dead for eight minutes. It all happened because of a heroin overdose. Yes, it was. Whatever it was, it was both scary and pleasant feeling at the same time. It was as if I didn't care - absolute calmness and indifference to everything. My heart was beating very fast, my whole body was covered in perspiration, everything was in slow motion. The last thing I remember before passing out is the guy from the ambulance yelling, "We're losing him." After that, I took one last breath and passed out.

I came to my senses already in the hospital a few hours later, my head was very dizzy. I could not think clearly and walk, everything was swimming before my eyes. This continued until the next day. In general, this experience was not so terrible, but I would not wish anyone to experience it. And by the way, I don't use heroin anymore.

It was like the feeling of slowly drifting off to sleep. All in very bright and extremely saturated colors. The dream seems to go on for hours, although when I woke up only three minutes had passed. What happened in this "dream" I did not remember, but I felt boundless peace, and my soul was even joyful. When I woke up, for a few seconds it seemed to me that I was among the screaming crowd, although there was no one in the room.

Then the vision began to return. It happened gradually, you know, like in old TVs: at first, the darkness around, it snows, and then everything becomes a little clearer and brighter. The body from the neck down was paralyzed, and suddenly I began to feel how the ability to move gradually began to return to me: first the arms, then the legs, and then the whole body.

It was difficult for me to navigate in space. It was hard to remember what happened to me. I could not understand who all these people around me at that moment, who am I myself? Five minutes later everything was back to normal. All that was left was a terrible headache.

Feeling as if you are falling into a deep sleep (in fact, you are), and when you wake up, your head is full of confusion. You do not understand what actually happened and why everyone around you is so concerned about your condition. I was inexplicably frightened, as if this state had deprived me of all courage. I kept asking, "What time is it?" and lost consciousness again. I don't remember anything except an incredible feeling of tiredness, and a desire to fall asleep as soon as possible so that this nightmare would eventually end.

It's like you're falling asleep. You can't even understand at what point you lost consciousness. At first, you see nothing but darkness, and this evokes fear and a feeling of complete uncertainty. And when you wake up, if you do wake up, then your head is as if in a fog.

All I felt was that I was falling into an abyss. Then I woke up and saw doctors around the hospital bed, my mother and a close friend. I felt like I was just sleeping. Slept terribly uncomfortable.

Clinical death testimonies

"Heaven really exists." This is the title of a book by Todd Barpoe (Nebraska), which became a hit in America's literary season in March 2011. The book tells a story that actually happened to his 11-year-old son Colton 7 years ago. When the boy was only 4 years old, his appendix burst. The doctors who performed the operation were sure that he would not survive. But Colton survived and later told his parents about how he visited Paradise when he was unconscious on the operating table. It was amazing that during his vision, the child learned something that, according to ordinary earthly logic, he absolutely could not know.

One of the most famous cases of mysterious resurrection occurred in 1987 with the crane operator Yulia Vorobieva (Donetsk). She touched an electrical cable and was shocked with 380 volts. Resuscitators failed to save her. Vorobieva's body was sent to the morgue. She showed no signs of life during this time.
A day later, interns medical students came to the morgue. And one of them accidentally felt the pulse of the “deceased”. She turned out to be alive! But the most amazing thing happened later. Vorobyova discovered unusual abilities: she began to see the internal organs of people without any effort and made unmistakable diagnoses. The crane operator became a famous healer...

So, for example, he told his father that he had met his sister in Heaven, of whose existence he knew nothing. The parents had never told the boy before that his mother had a miscarriage a few years ago.
Little Colton also said that he met his own great-grandfather in Paradise. The boy also did not meet him in earthly life, since he died long ago, but after the "Date" in Heaven, he easily recognized his great-grandfather in a photograph where he was photographed in his youth. According to Colton, where he has been, everyone is young. "You'll like it there," he assured everyone. Colton describes in detail how he heard the angels singing.

A Southampton housewife told of passing out in a store while shopping for groceries. When she was taken to the hospital and started the operation, the woman saw doctors bending over her, as well as a hospital corridor in which her brother was talking on the phone. Subsequently, the woman told everything to her brother, and he confirmed everything that she saw. As it turned out, the woman had a heart attack.

Another woman, a nurse from Plymouth, also said that one evening, while she was watching TV, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. After, almost immediately I felt that I was flying at high speed in a vertical position through some kind of tunnel. Around the woman saw terrible faces, and at the end of the tunnel - light. But the faster the woman flew, the further he got. Further, the woman recalls, she seemed to break away from her body and rose to the ceiling. Suddenly the pain subsided, the woman felt weightless, there was a feeling of bliss and lightness. Then she suddenly felt her body sharply. When the woman was taken to the hospital, they found out that she had a blockage of blood vessels and she was on the verge of death.

A resident of Portsmouth also recalled her feelings in a similar case. When she was operated on, she felt as if she was rising above her own body. And she heard a voice telling her not to look down. Light surrounded the woman on all sides. She saw her whole life, from birth. Soon the woman realized that she might not go back. And I thought of my daughter and husband. Then a voice told her that she must return. And soon she saw two nurses near her bed.

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