Dark souls 2 gifts at the beginning. Best gift and class in Dark Souls: why pyromancer and lockpick are the best choice at the beginning

Before you start the walkthrough Dark Souls, you must decide on the character type, and also choose the starting gift. And while an experienced RPG player can figure out the classes, things are not so simple with gifts. Without knowing anything about the game world, it’s completely unclear what you choose. We hasten to please you - in fact, the starting gift does not matter much, you are free to take what you like. Dark Souls Remastered is built in such a way that each character can use the skills of any class, regardless of the one chosen at the start. In addition, the gifts offered at the beginning will also be encountered as you progress.

However, with some knowledge of the game, choosing a particular class and gift will give you an advantage at the start of a brutal adventure. In this article, we will tell you which class and which gift to choose on the Dark Souls start screen.

Classes in Dark Souls. The best class to start the game

When you start the game, you will see a large table with different parameters for your character. The game will ask you what kind of hero you want to create. If you don’t know anything about the world, then it will be difficult to choose - the game offers too many incomprehensible options.

Dark Souls offers the following classes:

    Warrior- expert in hand weapons, high strength and dexterity.

    Knight- fighter with big amount health and with strong armor.

    Wanderer- increased agility, starts with a scimitar.

    Thief- increased chance of a critical hit, carries a master key.

    Bandit- strong in battle, wields a threatening axe.

    Hunter- can attack both close and at a distance, but is vulnerable to magical attacks.

    Wizard- masters spells.

    Pyromancer- attacks using fire magic. The starting weapon is an axe.

    Cleric- wields a club and has the miracle of Healing.

    Beggar- starts without protective clothing, as weapons - a club and a dilapidated shield.

Don't forget that your starting class does not affect the skills and abilities available to you - it is simply a "starter package" that will help determine your character's focus. We recommend starting the game as the Pyromancer class. It doesn't have the coolest armor in the game, but this class has the most abilities and skills available.

First of all, it is worth noting the spells “ Flame of Pyromancy" And " Fire ball" They are immediately available to a hero of this class and have good damage for an entry level. Ranged attacks are important in the game, as there will be a lot of ambushes, and the fireball will allow you to lure the enemy out of the corner.

Also in the City of the Undead, you can free a fellow crafter, and he will upgrade the “Flame of Pyromancy” for a reasonable price. The most convenient thing about playing as a Pyromancer is that to improve the “Flame” you only need souls. No additional items.

Gifts in Dark Souls. Lockpick as the best starting gift

Dark Souls will offer you the following types of gifts:

    Heavenly blessing - heals the hero - full HP restoration. Also removes statuses.

    Black fire bomb- acts like a Molotov cocktail - after being thrown it explodes into a ball of fire. More effective than a simple bomb.

    Double humanity - upon use you gain two humanity.

    Binoculars - with its help you can look into the distance.

    Suspension - has no effect. Snuggly Crow will give you the Token of Retribution for her.

    Master key - unlocks closed doors.

    Ring of a tiny creature - Gives a small increase to HP.

    Old Witch's Ring - if you change it from Snuggly, you will receive the Light Larva helmet. The ring itself allows you to understand the speech of Sister Quileg and talk to her.

We advise, other things being equal, to take master key as an initial gift. It will allow you to unlock most doors in Dark Souls, as well as open paths to new areas of the world earlier. You probably understand what this means - so, you can get high-level equipment already at the start. Below we will tell you how to get the Scarlet Set - the most useful equipment in the first half of the game.

How to get the Scarlet Set in Dark Souls

Let us immediately warn you that the path is not easy, and your hero will probably die several times while following this path. So, in location Fire Temple find the fire and follow the steps down, where you will find an elevator. He will take you down Ruins of New Londo.

Once in the ruins, go down the steps and go right. Another elevator will be waiting for you there. He will bring you to the surface. Unlock the door with a master key and you will find yourself in Valley of the Dragons. Keep left and cross the bridge. There will be a cave ahead - go inside. Run past the enemies, as they are probably stronger than you at the moment, and you are in Plague City.

Now you need to follow down one staircase, and then four more. When you encounter a large fire beetle, push against the wall and step off the edge of the platform. You will find yourself even lower - from here go left and across the improvised bridge between the cliffs. They will throw poisoned blades at you, so we advise you to run as quickly as possible.

The scarlet set will be waiting for you in the mechanical lift design. It lies on a corpse next to a chest with a Healing spell. The Scarlet Set is very useful in the first half of the game due to its lightness and good level protection.

Now you know which gift and which class to choose at the beginning of Dark Souls. We wish you good luck in the world of the game and do not forget to praise the sun.

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Choosing the best boon and class in Dark Souls is a challenge you'll face in any new RPG.

Luckily, no matter what choice you make, it won't affect your progress through the game much. You can still use the same skills as all other classes, and gifts can be found as you progress through the game.

However, some options have a little more benefits than others. It is these advantages that will be discussed.

Classes in Dark Souls: Why it's best to start with a pyromancer

After starting Dark Souls, you will be asked to create a character and select his class from the available list. This could become challenging task for a certain portion of players, with all these character stats and lists of available options that are not easy to understand.

The game features the following classes:

Class Description
Warrior Weapons Expert, High Strength and Agility
Knight High health, strong armor, not easy to knock over
Wanderer Wields a scimitar, high agility
Thief High critical strike rate, has a master key
Bandit High strength, wields a heavy battle ax
Hunter Wields a bow, weak in magic, but good in melee
Wizard Casts spells
Pyromancer Uses fire spells and carries a one-handed ax
Cleric Carrying a mace and performing miracles of healing
Beggar Without clothes, armed only with a club and an old shield

Keep in mind that from your primary class does not depend on what skills or abilities can be used in the future. This is just a "starter build" to help you get started in the game.

Therefore, it is best to start with the Pyromancer class. He may not have the shiniest armor, but he has a large number of his own characteristics and available skills.

The most important of these is the Pyromancy Flame item, which adds a fireball to your spell slot as soon as you start the game. Equip Pyromancy Flame in your free hand after completing the tutorial and you'll be able to use fireballs that deal pretty good damage.

Another advantage of this item is that with the help of fireballs you will be able to drive enemies away from their points and prevent them from getting into ambushes.

Other classes such as the Wizard and Hunter also have ranged damage abilities, but none are as effective as Pyromancy Flames in the early game.

You can also free the Pyromancer in the Undead City, who will then upgrade your Pyromancy Flame to deal even more damage. You won't need anything other than souls to upgrade it to normal. Moreover, you will be able to use a number of other spells besides fireballs.

In addition to the Pyromancer's Flame, this class has the ability to use an ax, which will also help you at the beginning of your journey as it is quite effective in close combat.

Gifts in Dark Souls: Why the Lockpick is the Best Choice

In addition to choosing a class, you can choose from many gifts that will help you in the game:

Gift Description
No gift You start the game without a gift
Blessing of the Goddess Fully restores health and status
Black fire bomb Explodes on impact and is more powerful than a standard bomb
Double humanity Gives you 2 humanity
Binoculars Used to look into the distance
Medallion No effects, but can be exchanged with Snuggly Crow for a Token of Vengeance
Master key Opens any simple lock
Tiny Creature's Ring Slightly increases health
Old Witch's Ring Can be exchanged with Snuggly Crow for the Light Larva helmet; if you wear it, you can hear Sister Quileg

There's nothing here that will greatly affect the game (and contrary to what the game itself says, none of the gifts are completely useless), so you can choose what you like.

However, the most successful choice may be a master key. It will allow you to open most of the locked doors in Dark Souls, as well as take the path that most players take at the end of the game and get the Crimson Set for initial stages games.

Be careful, this path is not for the faint of heart, as you will most likely die several times before receiving this set. To get it, you need to get to the fire in the Firelink Shrine, turn around and go down. There you will find an elevator leading to the Ruins of New Londo.

When you arrive, go down the stairs and hold on right side until you see another elevator. This elevator will take you up to a closed door. Open it with a master key and you will be taken to the Valley of Dragons.

From here, turn left, cross the small wooden bridge and enter the cave you will see in front of you. There will be three cannibals standing here who will definitely want to kill you, run past them and head towards the Plague City.

Run towards the stairs leading down and then go down the four more stairs you come across until you encounter a giant fire bug. Press yourself against the wall, start moving away and you will land on a platform. From there, head left and follow the roots. There poisonous knives will fly at you, so run forward as fast as you can. After this, you will encounter another fire bug that will try to kill you.

Moving forward, you will find the Scarlet Set, which is better than any starting armor. You can also find a healing spell here. Now you can either try to go all the way back or die and be reborn in the Firelink Shrine.

Thanks to the armor you receive, you will easily pass through the Undead City and Undead County and hit the first bell. If you're playing for the first time, it might be best to get to the bell first and learn the mechanics of the game before going for the set.

Even if you don't use the suggested route, the lockpick will allow you to open other doors, and it is much more useful than the regular or one-time gifts that are offered to you.

Sacrificial Gifts return in Dark Souls 3, as in previous games. One gift can be chosen by players at the beginning of the game as a bonus to help cope with difficulties. In total you can choose from 9 different gifts. All gifts can be obtained during the game, so they only provide a temporary advantage. The gift can only be chosen at the beginning of the character's first playthrough. The player can also refuse gifts.

Ring of Life Set of rings with small red precious stone. Increases maximum HP.
Heavenly Blessing Warm, blessed, holy water. Fully restores health, removing negative effects.
Blessing in Hidden Pure, blessed holy water. Completely restores concentration.

Black Fire Bomb x5
Fire bomb with special gunpowder. A bad parting gift.
Fire Gem Material for obtaining fire weapons. It will go to war better than any trinkets.
Restless Soul A restless soul that belonged to the one who slept next to you. Use to get a lot of souls.
Rusty Gold Coin x7 A funerary item that brings good luck after death. Significantly increases the chance of finding items for a short time.
Cracked Red Eye x4 Item for online play. Disposable. Invade another world in the guise of a dark spirit.
Young White Branch A branch probably intended for a peace offering. Used to blend in with your surroundings, but only once.

Notes for Players about Gifts

For PvE, the best choice is Ring of Life, Fire Gem or Restless Soul.

The rest of the gifts can be obtained in the early stages of the game, in large quantities in the later stages, or simply useless until the middle of the game.

The Fire Gem looks attractive, and rightfully so, it is a great choice for those who want to focus on survival or magic stats, as the Fire Gem provides decent damage, but removes scaling. Surprisingly, many weapons found early in the game perform well in the later stages. For example, the Knight's starting weapon is the Long Sword. Even if you develop damage characteristics, it will take you several hours to match the damage of fire hardening. In any case, fire tempering becomes available closer to the middle of the game.

In the early stages, it is much more useful to have a little more health(especially against Judge Gundyr) or a couple extra levels once you reach Firelink Shrine than having Young White Branch, Rusty Gold Coin or Divine Blessing.

Young White Branch immediately grants friendship with the Giant Archer from the Undead Settlement, without the need to talk to the archer.

The Restless Soul is shown as the Soul of the Nameless Soldier when chosen. Either way, both give 2,000 souls after use.

Have you decided to start playing the most exciting game Dark Souls 2? Then you should probably find out about the initial “gifts” and their properties, as well as which one is recommended for a beginner to take. So, let's begin:

  • Ring of Life- This ring slightly increases the number of health points (HP), by about 30-40 points. I will speak on this matter. In a game like Dark Souls 2, HP is one of the most important characteristics, if not the most important, because the more HP, the longer you will live. Thenring of lifeThis great option- you will think, but no... These 30-40 HP points will not save you in 98% of cases, in addition, you can get it without any problems during the game. Therefore my advice isDo not take!There are things that are more useful at the initial stage.
  • Human figurine - I’ll explain a little. As the game progresses, after each of your deaths (and you will die often, believe me), your maximum HP will be limited. So they will be reduced to 50%. Now think about what it would be like to play through the game with only half your maximum health? It's hard, I tell you. So here it ishuman figurine and is designed to restore the maximum value of HP. After using it, you restore 100% HP and your human appearance.Conclusion: although as the game progresses you will be able to find and buy them, their number is still limited, and it will become more and more difficult to get them. Therefore, it will be useful in the initial stages. Keep in mind.
  • Various medications - This is a set of several heals, namely: 20x “Gem of Life”, 3x “Radiant Gem of Life”, 1x “Radiant Gem of Life”, 5x Poison Moss. Now more details. Gems of life restore your health in varying amounts, depending on the level of the gem, and poisonous moss weakens the effects of poison and cures poisoning.Conclusion: Even though you won’t encounter poison any time soon, this gift is one of the best options. 14 additional healers at the beginning of the game will really help you out and allow you to save a lot of souls and nerves.
  • Bone of Return - The most useless gift. This little thing allows you to return to the last bonfire, wherever you were, at any time, without losing anything. Let's just say that as the game progresses you will find them very often, but at the same time, throughout the entire game I used it once or twice.Conclusion: Don’t take it, if you take it you’ll be very mistaken. At the very least, it’s better to take some medication. There are more of them, and they can save you from death at a critical moment.
  • Giant Tree Seed - This is an item for online play. As the game progresses (if you have a licensed version and you are connected to the Steam network), other players may invade your world and try to kill you. At this point you can useGiant Tree Seed, and all opponents in a given area, as soon as they see your opponent, will attack him.Conclusion: If you don’t play online, then this thing is absolutely useless for you, and if you do, I wouldn’t say that it helps you out much in PVP. Therefore, I do not recommend taking this thing to beginners.
  • Coal of Enmity- Every time you approach a fire and rest near it, the enemies in this area are restored, and you can kill them again and receive souls (Bosses and mini-bosses do not recover), so you can kill them N number of times, but sooner or later they will end. Then, if you go to the fire and burn thisCoal of enmityall enemies (including Bosses) will recover, but will become stronger than before. And you will be able to kill them again and get souls (but this time the souls will be given a little more)Conclusion: There is no need for a beginner's day, this thing is only for seasoned players.
  • Something petrified - This item can be given away at the beginning of the game crows in the nest (in the first location along the way you will find a nest, just step on it, open your inventory and throw it awaySomething petrified , in return they will give you something useful, from healing to weapons.)Conclusion: In principle, you can try your luck and get some good initial bonus in the form of a weapon for this. So go for it.

/ Answer to the game: / What items can be received as gifts in the game Dark Souls 2?

What items can be given as gifts in Dark Souls 2?


In the game, gifts are considered to be those items that can be selected by the player at the very beginning of the game, before the actual playthrough. These items usually provide significant assistance in the early stages of the game, so the choice should be taken seriously.

1. Dark Souls 2 Gifts, Heavenly Blessing

This sacred water, with which the health and status of the hero can be restored.

2. Dark Souls 2 Gifts, Black Fire Bomb

This item explodes when thrown or hit by an opponent. Much more powerful damage than a regular bomb.

3. Dark Souls 2 Gifts, Double Humanity

This ghost-like item doubles the protagonist's humanity and can be found on corpses throughout the game.

4. Dark Souls 2 gifts, Binoculars

The main purpose of this item is close observation. I don’t recommend choosing this, because at the beginning of the game you can easily find binoculars in the Cemetery.

5. Dark Souls 2 Gifts, Pendant

This item does not initially provide significant bonuses, but later in the passage it can be used to exchange with Snuggly Crow for the desired artifact.

6. Dark Souls 2 gifts, Lockpick

With this set of keys you can open almost any lock. Available in the Thieves Starter Set. I don’t recommend choosing this if you want to complete the game completely.

7. Dark Souls 2 Gifts, Tiny Creature Ring

This item restores health, but in small quantities. I don’t recommend choosing it as a gift, because at the beginning of the game in the Firelink Shrine, the hero will be able to simply increase his survivability level.

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