Summer Solstice Day: rituals, conspiracies and folk signs. Ritual for money and wealth on the day of the summer solstice (SM)

According to astrologers, solstice day is the most dangerous time of the year. But folk signs they say the opposite, revealing to us the magical purpose of this most interesting period.

Unstable energy on the longest day of the year can negatively impact internal state of people. The time when the Sun literally freezes in the sky is imbued with mystical power. We were sure of this ancient priests Druids who compiled the horoscope of predictions human life and events.

Summer Solstice 2017

According to Moscow time, the summer solstice in 2017 will occur on June 21 at 7:24 am. The energy of the Sun will reach its maximum level, but not only the heavenly body will bestow its influence on us. According to astrologers, the influence of other planets included in solar system, will be much stronger.

Those who are patronized by the Sun will be able to harmonize their character traits, show hidden talents, generate ideas, create and care for their loved ones. But danger awaits the longest day for people who were born under the tutelage of other patron planets. Solar energy can make its own adjustments to your plans and daily routine.

Summer solstice- a truly magical day. This is the longest day of the year, followed by the longest short night. The powerful energy of this day can be used for your own purposes - to perform ancient rituals, rituals and find out your destiny.

The magic of the summer solstice

From time immemorial, the Sun was endowed with special magical properties. It is not surprising that the solstice began to be celebrated even before our era. At this time the strength daylight reaches its limit and has a positive effect on people. It was believed that the day of the summer solstice has the strongest energy that can help make cherished dreams come true.

The way people previously glorified the Sun now gave tradition to the day of Ivan Kupala, which before the adoption of Christianity coincided with the astronomical solstice. But the longest day has not lost its meaning, but on the contrary, even today it is filled with ceremonies, rituals and interesting events:

  • any rituals and magical actions are fueled by solar energy and are significantly enhanced;
  • the other world opens its doors slightly, there is the possibility of communication with the souls of the dead;
    astral beings strive to make contact;
  • fortune telling using Tarot cards, runes, and coffee grounds provide truthful and accurate answers to questions about the near future;
  • love spells, conspiracies and prayers are effective during the summer solstice;
  • flowers of lavender, calendula, fern leaves, willow, rowan attract love and perfectly complement many rituals for a happy life;
  • The sun is a secret healer, therefore any beginning to heal and strengthen the body has an esoterically powerful force;
  • collecting medicinal herbs on June 21 will help you preserve them beneficial features, charged solar energy and powerful force for a long time;
  • on the day of the solstice, you can also put powerful protection against incoming evil and negativity on yourself and your home.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

On the summer solstice, June 21, you can make wishes. Weave a wreath of wildflowers. In the process, think about your desire, try to experience only positive emotions. Place the wreath on your head. This is a symbol of the Sun, a symbol of all existence and life. If you are in nature, then light a fire and donate something to the fire - it could be an item of clothing, an old wallet, shoes or other personal items.

When throwing your item into the fire, say: “Paid!” Thus, you paid for the fulfillment of your desire. If you are in the city, you can light a candle and carefully set fire to some small personal belongings. Be careful with fire. Say the same words. The fire should go out on its own.

Ritual for money

If you want to attract a flow of abundance into your life, on the day of the summer solstice, take all the change from your wallet and put it under the threshold of your house or in some opening or crevice. front door. It won't be long before you feel how money begins to appear in your life literally out of nowhere.

Ritual for life changes

To radically change your life, on the night of June 21-22, you need to turn over as many objects as possible in your home. Place cups and glasses upside down, turn over shoes, turn over chairs. Anything that can be placed backwards or upside down, turn it over and place it.

During this ritual, it is important to think that your life is in your hands and it is from this moment that you begin to change it. Then say “The house is upside down, another life will begin with a new day!” Go to bed. In the morning, if necessary, you can return the inverted objects to their usual position.

Ritual for creating a talisman

On the day of the summer solstice, it was customary to create amulets and talismans. The most famous amulet made on this day is the Witch's Staircase. In order to make it, you need to take a yellow or gold flight pattern and nine beads of any colors. Next you will need to weave the Witch's Ladder.

The pattern of weaving the amulet is very simple - string beads onto a ribbon according to the pattern: knot-bead-knot-free piece of ribbon, knot-bead-knot, etc. When stringing each bead, you need to make one wish, or repeat the same thing. After weaving, the end and beginning of the ribbon must be secured with knots. This amulet can be hung at the front door or carried with you.

By strengthening your energy, you can avoid negative influence planets on the summer solstice.

We wish you to meet this magical time with pleasure and in a great mood. Let nothing disturb your inner state!

On the day of the summer solstice, signs promise us a lot of luck. Of course, it’s not for nothing that modern magicians consider it a day of power! This is the longest day of daylight (in 2017 it was 17 hours and 32 minutes), after which, much to the chagrin of the inhabitants of our continent, the day begins to gradually shorten.

Although today Kupala is celebrated on July 7, in the old days this holiday was celebrated on the day of the solstice, that is, June 21.

Why has everything changed? It’s simple: entering Christian faith, the princes did not cancel the old holidays, but “covered” them with new ones. In this way, they managed to “cross” Kupala and the feast of John the Baptist (in fact, that’s why it is now called Ivan Kupala), slightly shifting the date of the celebration of one of them.

On this day traditionally:

  • weaved wreaths, jumped over the fire (both during the day and late in the evening and even the following night),
  • collected medicinal herbs and flowers (it was believed that they were the most powerful at Kupala),
  • they made sacrifices to fire and water (no bloody rituals - they put birch branches in the fire, and threw flowers into the river and swam there),
  • at midnight they looked for a fern flower, hoping that it would point to a treasure hidden in the ground.

Folk signs

  • Is the weather bad? Rain and cold (even just lingering clouds) can promise a poor harvest and a less than satisfying autumn.
  • Was the night very starry? The beginning of autumn will delight you with mushrooms.
  • Did a whole sea of ​​dew fall this morning? To a bountiful harvest! By the way, it is customary to collect this dew in a bottle or jar; it is rejuvenating and healing.
  • A child who was born on June 21 or 22 does not get sick and is considered lucky in life. However, there is an opinion that these people have a “heavy eye”, that is, they should not be the first to look at newborn puppies, or be interested in the plans of their friends - they can jinx them.
  • If a girl or woman is doused with water by some guy or man, they can soon become a couple. Enterprising guys take advantage of this, because it doesn’t matter whether he splashes the girl he likes on purpose or not.

What should you do on the summer solstice?

  • On this day, find wild mint, thyme or angelica. At midnight, throw the withered bunches into the fire one by one. Smoke will follow the ground: beware of failure or illness. The pillar went up: you will not only be healthy, but also lucky.
  • Gather a bouquet of the plant known as ivan da marya. By hanging it above the entrance to your apartment (house), you will create a talisman against failures and simply sad days.
  • Cut birch trees, tie bath brooms, and then take a steam bath - this procedure will wash away all the ailments from you. By the way, brooms can be prepared for future use, several months in advance (or even a year).
  • It is important to drink water from a well, or even better, a spring - it is considered healing. Girls should also wash their face so that it remains rosy and fresh until the end of the year.
  • Wait until dawn. Having met the sun, you gain strength and good luck for the whole year.
  • Collect embers from holiday bonfires. They can be placed around the house and household (even scattered around the garden). The embers will become a powerful protector against evil people, as well as fire, that is, fires.
  • Make a wish (cherished, but feasible), find 12 fences and climb over them. Your dream should come true within 12 months.
  • From your entire wardrobe, choose something in a sunny color - yellow, gold. Shiny jewelry is also welcome.
  • What about marriage? Many esotericists say that the solstice day is ideal for this.
  • If you are a girl and just dream of meeting your destiny, find 9 festive bonfires overnight and dance in front of them. If you succeed, in 12 months you will already have the desired stamp in your passport.

What shouldn't you do? Spend this day alone, be sad, indulge in despondency. Summer Solstice Day is simply created for family (or close) gathering friendly company) and have a lot of fun.

Rituals on…

  1. Attracting wealth. Shake out all the coins from your wallet (or small bills if your country doesn't have coins). Place the money under the threshold (if you live in a private house), or a gap near the front door of the apartment. All! You let the financial flow know exactly where it should go, now wait for your wallet to thicken.
  2. Fulfillment of a dream (desire). Collect wildflowers. When weaving a wreath from them, think that your wish has already come true - try to do it in detail, without missing a single sensation. After this, put the wreath on your head and, if possible, wear it until the evening.
  3. Attracting good luck and positive changes in life. On the night of the 21st to the 22nd, walk around the house, turning over all the things you come across: dishes, shoes, chairs - let literally everything turn upside down! Then say: “The house is upside down, changes are happening every day.” In the morning, return all things to their place.

What other rituals can be performed on this day? The answer is in this video:

Solstice and horoscopes

  • Fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) are most powerful on this day, as well as the following night. All magical rituals in their hands will bring maximum results.
  • Earth (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) and air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra) signs are slightly inferior to fire signs, but they cannot be called helpless either. So if they dream of bringing at least a little positivity into their lives and for this they begin to perform magical rituals, they will succeed, if not 100%, then 50% - that’s for sure.
  • Water signs (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) will live this day like all other days.

The summer solstice is a special time in esoteric terms. It is associated with the beginning of astronomical summer, and therefore has powerful energy that affects all areas of life. She needs to take advantage of everyone who dreams of changing their destiny.

Rituals, rituals and conspiracies performed on the day of the summer solstice will help you attract what you want. This is the longest daylight of the year, which is usually 18 hours. It is literally permeated with the energy of prosperity, which you can easily intercept and try to change your life with its help.

Rituals for happiness, money and love

Ritual for love. This ritual is carried out in several stages. Getting up early in the morning, you need to collect wildflowers. They symbolize life in its brightest manifestation. Weave them into a wreath, thinking that you have already found love. Try to imagine your ideal partner in detail without leaving anything out. After this, cover your head with the wreath and try to wear it until late in the evening.

A ritual for happiness. Fulfilling a dream is already happiness, so on the day of the summer solstice, practitioners are advised to focus on making your desire come true. Surprisingly, it can be completed in one day. And the following ritual will help you with this. After sunset, walk through all the rooms, turning over all the things that come to hand: cups, figurines, shoes, stools. Let almost everything turn upside down. Then whisper: “My house is topsy-turvy, happiness is closer every day”. The next morning, put the items back in their place.

Ritual for wealth. Attracting wealth on the summer solstice is very simple. To do this, empty all the money from your wallet or piggy bank. Place banknotes and coins on the windowsills: let them bask a little under the warm sun and be saturated with its energy. Then the money must be transferred under the threshold or into the crack of the front door. All! You gave instructions and indicated where monetary energy needs to go. Now expect an increase in wealth.

Ritual for mutual love and family happiness. Get up early in the morning and bake pancakes. Required condition - good mood and belief in the favorable outcome of the ritual. Bake pancakes and say:

“I’ll bake pancakes, delicious and sweet. I will distribute it to friends and acquaintances. They will eat my pancakes and will certainly tell their acquaintances and friends about them, and, God knows, their praise will reach the one who is destined for life. I’ll bake pancakes and leave a trail of love behind me. Amen".

Distribute pancakes to neighbors and friends before sunset while casting a spell.

Spells for the summer solstice

Money conspiracy. From all the clothes, choose things that are bright yellow, golden or orange flowers. It is advisable to highlight your image with gold and shiny jewelry. Stand in front of the window so that Sun rays came across you, and read:

“Sun, Father, look at me. I dressed up (dressed up) for you, I glorify you. I beg you to fulfill your wish. Give me a comfortable life, full of joy, good luck and happiness.”

Plot for happiness. Collect several birch branches in the morning or afternoon, tie them into a broom and, as soon as possible, take a steam bath - this ritual will wash away all the negativity from you, renew your energy and give you a chance to let happiness into your life. For the ritual to work, read the plot:

“I sanctify myself with a birch broom, I drive away the most terrible illnesses from myself. I destroy the negativity that I have accumulated and directed by unkind people. The power of the birch tree, fed under the Sun, will give me new life, will show the way to happiness and prosperity. As the hot flame goes out, as the steam dissipates, so will happiness fall upon me.”

Love spell. Many practitioners claim that the summer solstice is ideal for attracting love. If you are single and really want to find your soulmate, try to meet 9 people in a day happy couples and read one simple plot next to them:

"On this sunny day happy people They walk together, they don’t notice me. And I am destined to become one of you, I look forward to this happy hour.”

If you succeed, then soon you will find what you want. Your future lover will find his way to you.

On this energetically strong day, you cannot remain alone, feel sad and indulge in bad thoughts. The day of the summer solstice was simply created so that people receive joy from life and call on the best in it. You can even look into the future and learn secrets that will help you prepare to face obstacles, new love, wealth and other surprises of fate. We wish you good mood, be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.06.2018 02:33

Many conspiracies are most effective to carry out at the beginning of the month. They can not only enhance the flow of life...

Traditionally, solstice days have been considered holidays of family, relationships and love. In addition, on this day the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon, which means that the connection with the astral world intensifies. Everything connected with the world of the mysterious and magical acquires special power.

These days it is favorable and effective:

Work with stones and crystals, as well as stone products

Collect herbs, prepare herbal teas and drinks

Communicate with the subtle astral world - with mermaids, elves, gnomes, with the spirits of forests and fields

Work with honey and wax, as they carry solar energy

Guessing, developing intuitive abilities

Here are a few simple rituals for the Solstice.

Ritual of charging a crystal in the Sun. This is very powerful ritual, which allows you to charge the crystal, thus creating an energy solar battery that will power you and your intentions during the winter months, when we are so lacking in solar energy. Take it, or hold it in your hands for a while, get to know it. Place the crystal on the Sun and ask the Sun to give its strength and power to this crystal:

O great life-giving Yarilo!

O all-warming Sun!

Give me and this crystal your power, your strength, your life!

May the crystal retain your power and essence!

Let it be so! Amen!

Leave the crystal for 1-1.15 hours in the Sun, then remove the crystal. Now it stores the energy of the Sun - you just have to hold it in your hands for 2-3 minutes and you will immediately feel a noticeable surge of energy. This can be used before important meetings or public speaking, during periods especially difficult situations or for treatment. Once you apply the crystal to a sore spot, the diseased organ will receive the necessary charge of energy and the disease will recede.

Ritual for wealth. For the ritual you will need a small coin. Place a coin in a container of water, drop it into the water essential oil, or expose it to the Sun. Ask the Sun to consecrate the water and the coin, to charge the coin with its strength and power. Leave the coin to charge in the Sun for 1-1.5 hours. The combination of the Sun and water will give enormous power coins, while the Sun and water will give different qualities to the coin. After you have removed the coin from the water, again add a drop of essential oil to it, which will seal the ritual, and put it in your wallet. The aroma of the essential oil will remind you of the ritual and create pleasant emotions, attracting energy to your wallet. And a charged coin will fill your wallet with strength and power.

Relationship ritual. This is a powerful ritual that strengthens and at the same time purifies relationships. For this ritual you will need. Place a crystal in front of you, imagine bright and emotional situations where you are together with your soulmate, where you hug and kiss each other. Place this image in a crystal and expose the crystal to the sun. Imagine how solar energy enters the crystal, strengthening the image, and the image begins to glow from the inside with sunlight.

Ask the Sun for energy and strength, and the crystal for strength and protection. If there was any negativity in the relationship, then rock crystal will easily dissolve it, and the stone will make the relationship stronger. Leave the crystal in the Sun for a while, and then place it in a prominent place in your home, where it will radiate the energy of the Sun and work to strengthen relationships.

Ekaterina Nikiforova

Copyright © Open school"Seven Peaks of Perfection"

Lita is considered one of the main days of the year. Our ancestors called this the Summer Solstice Day, dedicated to the Sun God - Yaril. Distinctive feature What makes this holiday so unusual is that June 21 is the date when the day lasts longer than any other in the year, and the night is shorter.

In some countries, this holiday was associated with the cult of the sun. On the day of the solstice, British girls sought to perform many rituals aimed at a successful marriage and a happy family life. Young people tried to find out their fate with the help of plants and flowers, and couples in love swore fidelity and eternal love.

The Scots told fortunes about the harvest. On this day, residents ran burning wheels across the ground: if they burned all the time, it means that the harvest promises to be good. Particular attention was paid to ferns. It was believed that if on the night of June 20-21 you go into the forest and collect the seeds of this flower, you can become protected from evil forces and watch the fairies dancing in the forest.

The Orthodox people have the same traditions. Only the holiday of Kupala was called and had a pagan character. On this day the girls dressed up in beautiful dresses, sundresses, wove wreaths, floated them on the water and told fortunes about the betrothed-mummer. And the guys placed a puppet Yarilo, decorated with ribbons, near the birch tree and organized dances and festivities around it.

Signs for the summer solstice June 21

Jumping over a fire on the summer solstice promised prosperity and a good harvest. It was considered a bad omen on this day if it was raining and the sun was not visible; in such weather it was impossible to light fires, and, therefore, to carry out traditional ceremonies and rituals for well-being.

Bad weather on the summer solstice predicted a bad harvest and a poor year. The sun hid behind the clouds, which means summer will be bad.

It is believed that children born on the summer solstice, June 21 or 22, have the evil eye, that is, they can cast the evil eye. According to another sign, people who were born on this day have good health and a happy destiny, since they are protected by the sun all their lives.

It was considered a good omen to meet the sunrise on the day of the summer solstice. It was believed that this gave strength and health for the whole year and protected from troubles.

If you climb over 12 fences on the day of the summer solstice, your wish will come true within a year.

If there was a lot of dew that morning, it promised a rich harvest. On the morning of the solstice, dew was collected and poured into one vessel; it was considered healing on this day.

There are many stars in the sky - there will be many mushrooms this summer.

Taking a steam bath is considered a good omen. It is best to steam with a broom collected on this particular day. It is believed that the steam will knock out all illnesses and negative thoughts and have a cleansing effect on the entire body.

Water collected on the morning of the summer solstice is considered healing. They collected water from wells and springs, washed themselves with it that same day and drank it.

If on this day you hang a bouquet of Ivan da Marya at the entrance to the house, then all sorrows and misfortunes will bypass the house.

The summer solstice is also a great time to gather herbs for magic, especially those used for solar magic, fire magic, and healing. Solar herbs collected at this time have powerful healing powers: wormwood, burdock, St. John's wort, mistletoe, dill, parsley, green onions, thyme, honeysuckle, hyssop, nettle, meadowsweet. And some, such as nettle, burdock, and dill, are used at home to protect against evil.

Rituals and rituals on the summer solstice

To recharge yourself with the energy that the summer solstice gives and celebrate the astronomical summer correctly, perform a few simple rituals:

Wake up at dawn, stand facing the Sun, arms wide open, and say words of greeting. Open all the windows in the house - let the Sun in.

After brewing tea or coffee, place the cup on the window for 1 minute so that the drink absorbs positive solar energy. When leaving home, wear something orange or yellow - these are the colors of the Sun. If possible, buy something made of gold, the solar metal. Purchased on this day, it will become a reliable talisman-amulet.

Be sure to get creative - draw, embroider, sing, write poetry... In a word, do everything that helps you express yourself. Avoid aggression and do not use swear words. Speak only life-affirming phrases. In the evening at dinner, do not turn on the electric light - give preference wax candle. Let her become the “sun of your table.”

Summer Solstice Day 2017: conspiracies

The summer solstice is the most important and beloved holiday among the people, dedicated to the daylight.

Since ancient times, the sun has been held in special esteem by our ancestors as a source of heat, light and all life on earth. It symbolized the eye of God, through which the Lord looks at people. Therefore, there were many prohibitions regarding the luminary. For example, you couldn’t stand with your back to the sun or point your finger at it.

And at the solstice, our luminary is endowed with enormous magical power, and this best time for solar magic and spells.

Spell for big money on the summer solstice

This plot can be carried out once a year. It is held on the day of the summer solstice (it can also be called the solar equinox), regardless of what day of the week it is or what phase the moon is in.

Prepare for this day in advance and buy three candles from the church the day before. Take the most expensive candles (they can cost differently, the main thing for you is to buy the most expensive!).

On the day of the summer solstice, in the morning (at 6-7 am), place the candles in a row on the table, light them (you need to light them from left to right) and say the spell:

“Bayar-Anastyr, stand at the zenith, shine on everyone. But for me, Bayar-Anastyr, help me separately on this day, make it brighter than the rest, help me become more noticeable for countless wealth. I rely on you, Bayar-Anastyr, I ask for your help in this matter. To live without debts, in wealth and joy. I ask you, Bayar-Anastyr, and I recognize you."

The plot needs to be said once. You will have to do this by heart; you cannot read from a piece of paper. Then let the candles burn out. After some time, usually after one and a half to two months, a lot of money comes.

Love plot June 21

If a girl suffers from unrequited love, then you can attract the attention of your chosen one this way. At dawn, go out into the open and, looking at the sun, say the following spell once:

"I stood on damp earth, I look at the eastern side, as the red sun shines. Just as it shines and warms everything that exists on earth, so would a tender feeling for me, God’s servant (my name), shine in the servant of God (name of the man). Let it be so!"

Health spell

If you need to improve your health, on the morning of the solstice, go outside or open the window so that the sun's rays fall on you, and say the following spell 3 times:

“Warm me, sunshine, illuminate me with your rays, give me good health, drive away the evil disease. Just as the sun drives away darkness, so will my illness be driven away. Let it be so!"

Solar energy will help get rid of the evil eye. Pour water into a saucer and place it in direct sunlight for 3 hours. Then take a clean cloth white, dip it in water that has already been charged with solar energy, and wipe your face, neck, arms and legs with it. Pour the remaining water under any plant, and burn the rag itself.

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