Children with disabilities are children with disabilities. Programs for children with disabilities. Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region

Children with disabilities - these are children with various mental or physical abnormalities that cause violations general development that do not allow children to lead a full life. The following definitions of such children can be synonyms for this concept: “children with problems”, “children with special needs”, “atypical children”, “children with learning difficulties”, “abnormal children”, “exceptional children”. The presence of one or another defect (disadvantage) does not predetermine incorrect, from the point of view of society, development. Hearing loss in one ear or visual impairment in one eye does not necessarily lead to developmental disabilities, since in these cases the ability to perceive sound and visual signals with intact analyzers remains.

Thus, children with disabilities can be considered children with impaired psychophysical development who need special (corrective) training and upbringing.

According to the classification proposed by V.A. Lapshin and B.P. Puzanov, to the main categories of abnormal children relate (42) :

1. Children with hearing impairment (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf);

2. Children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired);

3. Children with speech impairments (speech pathologists);

4. Children with musculoskeletal disorders;

5. Children with mental retardation;

6. Children with delay mental development;

7. Children with behavioral and communication disorders;

8. Children with complex disorders of psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects (deaf-blind, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

Depending on the nature of the disorder, some defects can be completely overcome in the process of development, education and upbringing of the child (for example, in children of the third and sixth groups), others can only be smoothed out, and some can only be compensated. The complexity and nature of the violation of the normal development of the child determine the characteristics of the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as various forms of pedagogical work with him. One child with developmental disabilities can only master basic general education knowledge (read syllables and write simple sentences), the other is relatively unlimited in his capabilities (for example, a child with mental retardation or hearing impairment). The structure of the defect also affects practical activities children. Some atypical children in the future have the opportunity to become highly qualified specialists, while others will spend their entire lives doing low-skilled work (for example, bookbinding and cardboard production, metal stamping).

The sociocultural status of a child is largely determined by both hereditary biological factors and social environment child's life. The process of personality development is characterized by the unity and interaction of a system of biological and sociocultural factors. Each child has its own unique innate properties nervous system(strength, balance, mobility of nervous processes; speed of formation, strength and dynamism of conditioned connections...). From these individual characteristics of the highest nervous activity(hereinafter referred to as GNI) depend on the ability to master social experience and comprehend reality, that is, biological factors create the prerequisites for a person’s mental development.

It is obvious that blindness and deafness are biological factors, not social ones. “But the whole point is,” wrote L.S. Vygotsky, “that the educator has to deal not so much with these biological factors, but with their social consequences” (19). The complexity of the structure of atypical development lies in the presence primary defect caused by a biological factor, and secondary violations, arising under the influence of a primary defect during subsequent unique development on a pathological basis. Thus, damage to the hearing aid before speech acquisition will be primary defect, and the resulting dumbness - secondary defect. Such a child will be able to master speech only under conditions of special training and upbringing with maximum use of intact analyzers: vision, kinesthetic sensations, tactile-vibration sensitivity.

Intellectual disability resulting from primary defect- organic damage to the cerebral cortex, gives rise to secondary disorders- deviations in the activity of higher cognitive processes (active perception and attention, arbitrary forms of memory, abstract-logical gestures, coherent speech), which become noticeable in the process of the child’s sociocultural development. Tertiary deficiencies - underdeveloped mental properties of the personality of a mentally retarded child are manifested in primitive reactions to the environment, underdevelopment of the emotional-volitional sphere: high or low self-esteem, negativism, neurotic behavior. The fundamental point is that secondary and tertiary disorders can affect the primary defect, aggravating it, if targeted and systematic correction and rehabilitation work is not carried out.

An important pattern is the ratio of primary and secondary defects. In this regard, L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “ The further a symptom is from the root cause, the more amenable to educational and therapeutic influence it is.. What appears at first glance is a paradoxical situation: underdevelopment higher psychological functions And higher characterological formations, which is a secondary complication of mental retardation and psychopathy, in fact turns out to be less stable, more amenable to action, more removable than underdevelopment lower, or elementary processes, directly caused by the defect itself” (17). According to this provision, L.S. Vygotsky, the further the primary defect of biological origin and the secondary symptom (developmental disorder) are separated from each other mental processes), the more effective is the correction and compensation of the latter using psychological, pedagogical and sociocultural means.

In the process of atypical development, not only negative aspects appear, but also the positive capabilities of the child, which are a way of adapting the child’s personality to a certain secondary defect. For example, in children deprived of vision, the sense of distance (sixth sense), distant discrimination of objects when walking, auditory memory, touch, etc. develop acutely. Deaf children have facial gestural communication.

This positive assessment of certain manifestations of peculiar atypical development is a necessary basis for developing a system of special education and upbringing based on the positive capabilities of children. The source of adaptation of children with disabilities to environment psychophysical functions are preserved. The functions of the damaged analyzer are replaced by intensive use of the functional potential of the intact systems. A deaf child uses visual and motor analyzers. For a blind person, the auditory analyzer, touch, and olfactory sensitivity become the leading ones. Taking into account the concrete thinking of mentally retarded children and relatively preserved reserves of perception, in the educational process preference is given to visual material and subject-based practical activities.

Thus, the development of a child with a disability will be influenced by four factors (39, 42, 53).

1.View(type of) violation.

2.Degree and quality primary defect. Secondary deviations, depending on the degree of violation, can be pronounced, weakly expressed and almost imperceptible. The degree of severity of the deviation determines the uniqueness of the atypical development. There is a direct dependence of the quantitative and qualitative uniqueness of secondary developmental disorders in an atypical child on the degree and quality of the primary defect.

3.Term (time) of occurrence primary defect. The earlier the pathological impact occurs and, as a consequence, damage to speech, sensory or mental systems, the more pronounced the deviations in psychophysical development will be. For example, a child born blind has no visual images. He will accumulate ideas about the world around him with the help of intact analyzers and speech. In case of vision loss in preschool or junior school age the child will retain visual images in memory, which gives him the opportunity to explore the world by comparing his new impressions with preserved past images. With loss of vision in high school age, ideas are characterized by sufficient vividness, brightness and stability, which significantly makes the life of such a person easier;

4.Environmental conditions sociocultural and psychological-pedagogical environment. The success of the development of an abnormal child largely depends on timely diagnosis and the early start (from the first months of life) of correctional and rehabilitation work with him.

Test questions and assignments for the topic:

1. List the main categories of abnormal (atypical) children.

2. What is the complexity of the structure of atypical development?

3. What factors influence the psychophysical development of a child with special educational needs?

4. Take notes on Chapter No. 1 teaching aid"Correctional pedagogy" / Edited by B.P. Puzanova. - M., 1999.

Literature on the topic:

1. Badalyan L.O. Neuropathology. - M., 1987.

2. Vlasova T.A., Pevzner M.S. About children with developmental disabilities. - M.: Education, 1973. - 185 p.

3. Vygotsky L.S. Collection cit.: In 6 vols. - M., 1983. - T.5. - P.291.

4. Vygotsky L.S. Development of higher mental functions. - M., 1970.

5. “The road is how you walk along it...”/Under general. ed. V.N. Yarskoy, E.R. Smirnova. - Saratov, 1996.

6. Drobinskaya A.O., Fishman M.N. Children with learning difficulties (on the issue of etiopathogenesis) // Defectology. - 1996. - No. 5.

7. Study of abnormal schoolchildren / Ed. HELL. Vinogradova. - L., 1981.

8. Mastyukova E.M. Child with developmental disabilities: Early diagnosis and correction. - M.: Education, 1992. - 98 p.

9. Morozova N.G. Formation of cognitive interests in abnormal children. - M.: Education, 1969. - 230 p.

10. Obukhova L.F. Child psychology. - M., 1985.

11. Sukhareva G.E. Lectures on psychiatry childhood. - M., 1974.

12. Reader. Children with developmental disorders. - M.: Intl. teacher Academy, 1995.

What does the abbreviation OVZ mean? The transcript reads: limited health capabilities. This category includes persons who have developmental defects, both physical and psychological. The phrase “children with disabilities” means some deviations in the formation of the child when it is necessary to create special living conditions.

Categories of children with limited health

The main classification divides unhealthy children into the following groups:

C and communication;

Hearing impaired;

With visual impairments;

With speech dysfunctions;

With changes in the musculoskeletal system;

With mental retardation;

With mental retardation;

Complex violations.

Children with disabilities, their types, provide correctional training schemes with the help of which the child can be relieved of the defect or significantly reduce its impact. For example, when working with children with visual impairments, special developmental tools are used. computer games, which help improve the perception of this analyzer (labyrinths, and others).

Principles of training

Working with a child with disabilities is incredibly painstaking and requires a lot of patience. Each variant of the disorder requires its own development program, the main principles of which are:

1. Psychological safety.

2. Help in adapting to environmental conditions.

3. Unity of joint activities.

4. Motivating the child for the learning process.

The initial stage of education includes cooperation with the teacher and increased interest in performing various tasks. high school should strive to form a civil and moral position, as well as to become creativity. We must not forget about the influence on the development of children with disabilities, which plays a major role in the development of personality.

It is no secret that the process of becoming an individual includes the unity of systems of sociocultural and biological factors. Atypical development has a primary defect that was caused by biological circumstances. It, in turn, forms secondary changes that arise in the pathological environment. For example, the primary defect will be and the secondary defect will be the onset of muteness. Studying the connection between primary and subsequent changes, teacher L. S. Vygotsky put forward a position that states that the further the primary defect is separated from secondary symptoms, the more successful the correction of the latter will be. Thus, the development of a child with disabilities is influenced by four factors: the type of disorder, the quality, degree and timing of the occurrence of the main disorder, as well as environmental conditions.

Children's training

With proper and timely development of the child, many deviations in further development can be significantly mitigated. The education of children with disabilities must be of high quality. Currently, there is an increase in the number of children with severe disabilities, but at the same time, thanks to the use of the latest equipment and modern correction programs, many students achieve the required level of development in their age category.

Currently, the trend towards eliminating inequality in general education and correctional schools is gaining momentum, and the role of inclusive education is increasing. In this regard, there is great heterogeneity in the composition of students in terms of their mental, physical, and mental development, which significantly complicates the adaptation of children both with health problems and without functional disorders. Teachers are often simply lost in the methods of providing assistance and support to students with disabilities. There are also shortcomings in the use of various information technologies during lessons or extracurricular activities. Such gaps are due to the following reasons:

1. Lack of the necessary technological infrastructure, software and hardware in the educational institution.

2. Lack of necessary conditions focused on joint learning activities.

Thus, creating a “barrier-free” learning environment is still a challenge.

Education for all

Distance learning is confidently gaining ground place of honor in teaching along with traditional forms. This way of organizing educational process significantly simplifies obtaining a decent education for children with disabilities. The explanation of distance learning looks like this: it is a form of learning whose advantages are:

1. High adaptation to the living and health conditions of students.

2. Quick update of methodological support.

3. Possibility of quickly obtaining additional information.

4. Development of self-organization and independence.

5. The opportunity to get help in in-depth study of the subject.

This form can resolve the issue of frequently ill children, thereby smoothing the boundaries between them and children without deviations in health.

Federal State Educational Standard. Disabilities in children

Based on the Standard, it is possible to use four types. The determination of the desired option for students is based on the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. For the successful implementation of the chosen program, the special conditions necessary for a child with disabilities are taken into account. A transition from one option to another is provided as the child develops. Such an action is possible subject to the following conditions: a statement from the parents, the desire of the child, visible positive dynamics in learning, the results of the PMPK, as well as the creation of the necessary conditions by the educational organization.

Development programs taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards

There are several based on the Standard. The first option was created for children who were able to achieve the required level of development by the time they entered school and who can cooperate with their peers. In this case, students with disabilities are taught along with healthy students. The interpretation of this option is as follows: children study in the same environment, they are subject to basically the same requirements, and upon graduation, everyone receives an education document.

Children with disabilities who study under the first option have the right to undergo various types of certification in other forms. Special conditions are created in application to a specific category of student’s health. The basic educational program includes mandatory correctional work, which corrects deficiencies in the child’s development.

Second type of program

Students with disabilities who are enrolled in this option at school have the right to longer terms. The main program is complemented by several curricula that take into account the needs of students with disabilities. This option can be implemented both in the form of joint learning with peers, and in separate groups or classes. Play an important role in learning information Technology and special equipment that expands the student’s capabilities. The second option involves carrying out mandatory work aimed at deepening and expanding the social experience of students with disabilities.

Third type

Students with disabilities studying under this option receive an education that is not comparable to that received by schoolchildren without health impairments. A prerequisite for the implementation of the curriculum is the creation of an adapted individual environment. Students with disabilities, together with an expert commission, choose certification forms and study periods. In this case, it is possible to implement educational activities both together with peers and in separate groups and special organizations.

The fourth type of development program

IN in this case a student with multiple health impairments is trained according to an adapted program, taking into account an individual plan. A prerequisite is the formation of an environment in which the implementation of life competence in society to a large extent occurs. The fourth option involves homeschooling, where the emphasis is on expanding social contacts within accessible limits and life experience. To master the program you can use network form interaction using different educational resources. Students who successfully complete training in this option are issued a certificate of the established form.

Those educational institutions that implement both basic programs and those adapted to the needs of a child with disabilities can be considered promising. Such organizations include inclusive classes, which allows children with disabilities to develop freely in society. Also in these schools there is continuous operation not only with children, but also with their parents and teachers.

Sport as a reliable assistant. Working programm

A disability (diagnosis) is not a reason to reduce a child’s physical activity. Efficiency physical culture in the development of children is an indisputable fact. Thanks to sports, productivity, intellectual development, and health improve.

Exercises are selected individually or students are divided into groups depending on the categories of diseases. Classes begin with a warm-up, where musical accompaniment children perform a number of simple movements. The preparatory part takes no more than 10 minutes. Next, you move on to the main section. In this part, exercises are performed to strengthen the cardiovascular system, muscles of the arms and legs, to develop coordination, and others. Application team games promotes the successful functioning of communication skills, the “spirit of competition”, and the disclosure of one’s abilities. In the final part, the teacher moves on to calm games and exercises, and sums up the work done.

Curricula in any subjects must comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. Children with disabilities can be corrected by appropriate physical activity, because it’s no secret that when you develop your body, you also develop your mind.

Role of parents

What should parents do if they have a child with disabilities? The decoding of the abbreviation is simple - limited health capabilities. Receiving such a verdict leaves parents in a state of helplessness and confusion. Many try to refute the diagnosis, but in the end they come to awareness and acceptance of the defect. Parents adapt and take different positions - from “I will do everything so that my child becomes a full-fledged person” to “I cannot have an unhealthy child.” These provisions must be taken into account by psychologists when planning correctional program with children with health problems. Parents should know the correct forms of assistance to their child, despite the types of disabilities, methods of adaptation, and developmental characteristics.

A New Approach to Education

Joint education of children with disabilities and without health problems is supported and described by a number of documents. Among them are: the National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation, the Concept of Modernization Russian education, National educational initiative “Our New School”. Working with disabilities involves performing the following tasks in inclusive education: everyday, normative, labor, as well as socially adapting students with their subsequent merging with society. To successfully develop skills in special schools organize extracurricular activities where all conditions are created for children to develop additional abilities. This form of educational activity for children with health problems must be agreed upon with psychologists and take into account the individual characteristics of students. With long, patient work on correctional programs developed by psychologists, sooner or later there will definitely be a result.

Since 2016, inclusive classes have been introduced into the education system in Russia. It is through these mechanisms that children with disabilities in the Russian Federation in 2019 can receive socialization.

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But besides training, there are many nuances in raising such a child. After all, first of all, he needs to obtain HIA status and receive special payments and benefits in order to be able to develop.

General points

The socialization of children with disabilities is the main task facing the state.

Because the for a long time main program there was a separation of such children into separate classes or schools. This prevented them from becoming full-fledged participants in society.

In 2019, the standard of inclusive education makes it possible to place a child in a classic school class.

But in any case, he will need to register special needs. After all, the school must have appropriate equipment to work with it and specially trained teachers and other workers.


Children with disabilities (CHD) These are children from birth to adulthood. Moreover, such children may also include those whose official documents do not recognize the presence of such a physical or mental disability on a permanent or temporary basis. These may be special children with developmental delays, poor hearing or vision
Inclusive education An education system designed in such a way that children with special needs can study in general classes in classical schools
Benefit This is social assistance from the state to the most vulnerable segments of the population. This is how orphans act. They can all count on receiving benefits
Society This is the child’s sphere of communication, which is not limited to relatives. For personal development, it is necessary to create all the conditions so that a child with disabilities can receive the fullness of communication with peers and other people.

What does status give?

Since children with disabilities require special conditions handling and development, the state provides several additional opportunities.

Most of them relate directly to school, education and socialization of the child:

Free classes with speech therapists, psychologists or social educators Usually provided from two lessons per week, which would help the student develop his skills and improve communication with others
A special approach to communication with teachers and grading Here everyone educational institution sets its own special rules. But the only guideline is to find an approach to the child and identify his talents and develop them
Exams At the end of the final 9th ​​and 11th grades, a student with a disability status can independently make a choice in favor of the state final certification or apply the form of the main state exam - in the form of a test survey
can use Which are provided to him free of charge
Disciplinary sanctions cannot be applied to children with disabilities Such punishment is not used throughout the child’s education in an educational institution.

Who belongs to the group

The main characteristic of children who are classified as having limited health capabilities is a violation of psychophysical indicators, which leads to the need to apply special methods to them for correction in terms of training and education.

Standard participants in such a group include children who have the following disorders:

Musculoskeletal system. Behavior and communication with other people. These children also include those who have mental retardation or mental retardation.

In addition, such violations can be cumulative and not be isolated phenomena..

Social and legal protection of the child

This aspect of the state’s care for children with special needs is expressed in several points:

Legislative level At this stage, the state can provide the child with protection even in moral terms. Therefore, in case of any violation of the rights of a child, you can sue
In this regard, the state ensures access to qualified assistance and provides benefits. This helps reduce the financial burden on parents of a child with disabilities
A system of inclusive classes has been introduced in this area, which allows a child to quickly adapt to life in society and socialize him as much as possible. Plus, this technique has a beneficial effect on improving the student’s psychophysical problems

The child’s parents receive the help of qualified specialists who will work to eliminate disorders in the student’s psyche.

Therefore, such children have many chances to restore lost abilities and develop new talents.

Regulations rules

If parents intend to obtain a special status for their child, they need to understand what rules exist in this legal field.

The most basic provisions are:

If you follow all the rules for registering a position, you can count not only on a quick procedure, but also on a professional response from the school.

Since in most cases, it is the parents who must talk to the management so that they receive information about the child’s condition and can instruct the teachers of the educational institution.

Species classification

There are several classifications of HIA. So, the most common is the British scale.

It contains three steps:

In the Russian approved classification there are a number of types on which the division of violations by OBC is based:

The first, second and fourth categories are disabled children. And they are among the majority of children who are classified as OBC.

It is because of this that the state provides for a separate treatment of this group of students in schools and other educational institutions.

Registration of the conclusion

In order for a child to receive additional assistance from the state, a number of actions must be taken:

  1. Determine the educational center where you can undergo the PMPK examination.
  2. Collect a package of documents necessary for the commission.
  3. Obtain a referral from the school or the child’s attending physician for an examination.
  4. Pass the examination and receive a certificate of status.
  5. Provide the educational institution with the commission’s findings.

It is enough for a parent to contact a specialized educational institution or territorial administration education in a particular city.

And after passing the PMPC, you can enjoy all the privileges of this status.

List of documents

Obtaining the status of a child with OSD requires the provision of a number of documents to the PMPC:

Statement To conduct a commission or parental consent if it was prescribed by a doctor
Child's passport document or birth certificate Photocopies must be made
Parent's document Which could identify the child's parent or guardian
From educational center or medical facility
During this conclusion, psychologists, speech therapists, social teachers at the child’s school form their opinion about the level of his development and the presence of violations.
Previously issued
Extract from the child’s outpatient card In particular, a detailed history of development, taking into account all medical opinions. It can be obtained at the place of registration - at a local medical institution
Characteristics from school and written work in several subjects In the Russian language, mathematics, as well as creative work. If parents have other documents about research and examinations, they should also be attached to the package of papers

What benefits are there for this category?

Therefore, when applying for this status for a child, you should not count on financial assistance. Although the state is going to expand funding in this direction.

For example, it is proposed to make payments to parents of children with disabilities to make it easier for them to care for them. However, there are no official documents or statements under consideration yet.

Questions you are interested in

Children with disabilities are a fairly new concept in the Russian legal sphere. And not all parents understand how to register this status and why do this at all.

The future of inclusion in Russia is in the hands of preschool and school leaders

With an inclusive approach, they try to organize the necessary conditions inclusion in the team. How to do this was discussed by teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Creating Special Educational Conditions for Children with Disabilities in Kindergarten and School,” which was held in Sochi on August 8-11.

Participants from all over the country gathered in the Congress Hall of the Sea Galaxy hotel - from Sakhalin to Dagestan, as well as from other countries - Kazakhstan, Belarus. About 170 directors and teachers of kindergartens and schools attended lectures and took part in practical classes.

A disabled child and a child with disabilities: what is the difference?

The experts immersed the participants in the topic gradually, starting with general lectures. “Regulatory framework for inclusive education” and “Inclusive education - development prospects in Russian Federation" - became the main topics of the first day. “Creation of special educational conditions in public organizations” and “Local regulations educational organization implementing inclusive practice” - the topics of the second day. On the fourth day, they discussed “Features of the development of adapted basic educational programs of pre-school and non-education education for students with disabilities.”

There are two categories that people often try to combine - children with disabilities and people with disabilities,” said expert Elena Nikolaevna Kutepova, “but they are not the same thing. For example, children with mental retardation are not disabled, and some children who are not disabled need special accommodations. Deaf and blind children are considered both disabled and with limited health capabilities. Look at me. I have a health limitation - glasses. And do you have? I am sure that almost everyone has: partly hypertensive, the second - hypotensive.

At school the situation is similar. Almost 80% have health limitations, but they officially become children with disabilities only after they receive a certificate.

A large number of children with disabilities is one of the reasons why the state last years paid special attention to these children. The second reason is that the state has ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the signing of which guarantees the creation of an inclusive environment.

Education of children with disabilities in general education schools existed before, but was not a positive phenomenon:

There have always been children with disabilities in secondary schools,” says the expert. - But how were they treated? “Vasya, I’m giving you a C, but you understand that this is a D.” Our “C” given in the 4th grade leads to a “D” in the 9th grade. Result: no certificate, no further education.

Now the child must master the program of the educational level, otherwise he will not be transferred to the next one, and the teacher is obliged to help him with this. And if the general program is beyond his strength, it is necessary to convince parents to take the PMPK in order to build an individual educational route.

Parents do not always correctly perceive the child’s condition. Some people openly deny the need for special education. According to the Education Law, parents must give consent to the implementation of an adapted educational program, otherwise they will have to use the main program.

Now you do not have the right to transfer your child to 5th grade if he has not mastered the program,” said expert Elena Kutepova. - It often happens that the teacher junior classes gives a C and says: “Well, thank God!”, and the middle-level teacher does not understand what to do, because the child is not prepared. We are sometimes forced to give “twos” to prove to parents that it is necessary to go through the PMPK with their child. “Two” is our responsibility and attracting the attention of parents to the problem that the child has. Next, the parent has the right to choose - to leave the child “for the second year” or apply to the PMPK. The commission will show why the child is not mastering the material and what program he will master. If a child stays for the second year, nothing changes, the teacher and the child remain, no specialists work with him.

Parents need to be explained that discrimination against children with disabilities is a thing of the past. Now the PMPC does not even indicate the diagnosis.

Remind parents that it is important to receive from the commission:

The name of the program;

The exact wording of the period of education of the child according to the adapted program (in the conclusion they write - “in such and such an academic year” or “from such and such an academic year”, if it is written “in”, then the program is for 1 year, “from” - the program is signed per level - primary, secondary education).

The tutor must also be registered in the conclusion of the PMPC.

After the first lectures, the experts were bombarded with a barrage of questions. Personal consultations were most suitable for participants, but general questions were also asked during the session.

Eg: Do they require a license for inclusion?

Answer from Elena Kutepova: We implement basic educational programs, so a separate license is not needed if there are no separate correctional groups.

Different regions - common problems

On practical lesson On the first day of the conference, participants were randomly divided into groups. The experts asked them to formulate questions that they would like answers to, highlight the main problems related to the organization of inclusive education, or talk about own experience inclusion. Next, one of the group representatives presented the results to the entire audience. It turned out that problems and questions educational institutions from different parts of the country - similar.

Representatives from Kazakhstan, Moscow, Ingushetia and the Krasnodar Territory worked in our group; we have common problems. We have come to the conclusion that inclusive education is not new to us. Now we are looking for new ways. The problem we have in Kazakhstan is that not everyone has accepted education and tolerance with their hearts and minds. And in the absence of tolerance, we will not achieve the success we would like to see. Objective: education of tolerance. Solution: educating all participants on this issue, gaining practical experience in communicating with children with disabilities.

Regions are different, problems are the same. We have a small group. Everything that is said here is close to us. We believe that the main problems in introducing inclusion are untimely identification of problems at the initial stage, lack of knowledge among teachers, poor pedagogical education, weak teaching staff in universities, imperfect secondary and higher vocational education programs, and lack of motivation.

HIA is not a death sentence!

Modern society knows very little about people with disabilities. One of the most popular misconceptions is that a child with disabilities studying in a specialized school will not be able to adapt to society.

The experts shared a case from their practice: one child with disabilities from a boarding school was traveling on the subway for the first time and then said: “I wanted to sit on the seat, but the man said such a bad word to me that I can’t even repeat it.” The boarding school gave him a good education, and he turned out to be more socialized than the average man.

Participants then watched the social short film “Every 88.” It tells about a Soviet soldier who died and ended up in a place where he was supposed to receive a referral for rebirth. He was given a “black ticket” with a diagnosis of “Autism”. The young man reacted extremely negatively to this, he was even ready to stand at the end of the line and wait a long time for the next direction, but he changed his mind and accepted his fate. At the end of the film, the reborn hero appears before the viewer as a Nobel Prize laureate, this indicates that he was able to learn to live with his diagnosis and fit into society.

How to create comfortable conditions in school and kindergarten for “special” children?

Currently, educational organizations are required to enroll all children who are registered in the territory assigned to the school or kindergarten. Teachers do not initially know what kind of child will come to them and whether he needs special conditions. There may be no recommendations.

To ensure that the appearance of a child with disabilities in a school or kindergarten does not come as a surprise to managers, they need to monitor the educational organization to check its readiness to accept children with disabilities and find gaps in preparation. One of the main points - psychological readiness(how ready is the team to accept such children, is there enough knowledge).


The problem of disability is actual problem, which is justified by convincing data from international statistics, according to which the number of disabled people in all countries is large and there is a clearly visible trend towards its increase.

Nowadays in Russia it is worth hot topic related to the problems of disabled children in modern social society. The problem of disabled children concerns almost all aspects of our society: from legislative acts and social organizations that are designed to help these children, to the atmosphere in which their families live. The number of disabled children is getting higher and higher every year. This is facilitated by many factors: high level medicine in Russia, lack of funding, poor environment, high level of morbidity among parents (especially mothers), increase in injuries, childhood morbidity, etc. Disabled children include children who are significantly limited in their life activities, socially maladjusted due to impaired growth and development, abilities for self-care, movement, orientation, control of their behavior, learning, labor activity etc.

In our country, over eight million people are officially considered disabled. And every year this figure increases; only seven percent of children are born healthy.

IN Lately There is often talk of a transition to more flexible terminology in relation to disabled children. In relation to a child, the fact of how he is addressed is of great importance; it would be much more humane to say not “mentally retarded”, but “a child with disabilities”, not “blind”, but a child with impaired vision.

The problem of social adaptation of disabled children is very relevant now. If in 1990 there were one hundred fifty-one thousand such children registered with the social protection authorities, today there are about six hundred thousand children with disabilities, two thirds of which are special children with mental and psychoneurological disorders (cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome , and others). Every year in Russia fifty thousand people are born with disabilities from childhood. It’s hard to be disabled at the age of 20 and above, and even harder to be disabled from birth, because in childhood a child comprehends and learns a lot, and disability becomes a huge barrier to overcoming new things.

Rehabilitation centers are being created for disabled children, where they and their families receive medical, social, psychological help, but there are not enough of them for everyone and this is a very serious problem. The problem of education is also acute. Many schools, kindergartens, colleges and universities simply cannot accept disabled children because they have either no special equipment or specially trained people. Disabled children need help and understanding not only from their parents, but also from society as a whole; this is the only way they can understand that they are really needed, that they are truly loved and understood.

The sooner a disabled child receives help, the greater the chance that he will go to a regular kindergarten and study in a regular school. Ideally, intervention should begin almost immediately after birth, as soon as relevant problems can be identified.

Disabled children - part human potential world and Russia. A quarter of Nobel laureates are people with disabilities. The disabled were the blind Homer and the deaf Beethoven, Yaroslav the Wise and Franklin Roosevelt. People with disabilities can do everything or almost everything. They just need help, and preferably on time...

This course work is devoted to the study of the problems of disabled children and the possible search for their solutions.

The object of my course work is the social situation of disabled children.

The subject of my course work is the key points of social adaptation of disabled children in Russia.

The purpose of this course work is to explore theoretical and practice-oriented sources on the problems of adaptation of disabled children in modern society.

The goal is specified in the following tasks:

Explore scientific literature on the topic of course work;

Study legal sources on the topic of the course work;

Execute theoretical research problems of disabled children based on the literature studied;

Make generalizations and conclusions;

Present the results of the research in the traditional form of a term paper.

Chapter 1. Disabled children as an object of social activity

Social portrait of disabled children

The children that will be discussed in my work are called disabled children. These children are special, not like everyone else. Everything is different for them: development and perception of the world and behavior. Such children are very often not accepted by our society, they are tried to “push them away”, offend them, they are simply not noticed. But I am not indifferent to this problem and will try to find out what the concepts of “disabled person” and “disability” include.

According to the Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN, 1975), “disabled person” means any person who is unable to independently meet all or part of the needs of normal personal and/or social life due to a deficiency, whether congenital or acquired, of his or her physical or mental capabilities.

In the law "On social protection disabled people” it is said that a disabled person is a person who has a health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects leading to limitations.

In our country, to identify “disability,” a clinical indicator is used—sustained impairment of body functions in connection with such a social indicator as the degree of participation in labor activity (impaired ability to work). In Russia there is a Medical-Pedagogical Commission, it includes social educators, doctors, psychologists and other specialists. This commission determines the child's disability depending on the degree of functional impairment, and depending on the degree of functional impairment, the degree of health impairment is determined.

There are four degrees:

1 degree of health loss is determined by mild or moderate dysfunction of the child;

2nd degree of health loss is established in the presence of pronounced dysfunctions of organs and systems, which, despite the treatment provided, limit the child’s social adaptation (corresponds to disability group 3 in adults);

3 degree of health loss corresponds to the second group of disability in an adult;

4 degree of health loss is determined in case of pronounced dysfunctions of organs and systems, leading to social disadaptation of the child, provided that the damage is irreversible and treatment and rehabilitation measures are ineffective (corresponds to the first group of disability in an adult).

The main groups of diseases of a disabled child:

1. Neuropsychiatric diseases;

2. diseases of internal organs;

3. lesions and diseases of the eyes, accompanied by a persistent decrease in visual acuity to 0.08 in the best seeing eye to 15 from the point of fixation in all directions;

4. oncological diseases, which include malignant tumors of the second and third stages of the tumor process after combined or complex treatment, including radical surgery; untreatable malignant diseases of the eye, liver and other organs;

5. damage and diseases of the hearing organs;

6. surgical diseases and anatomical defects and deformities;

7. endocrine diseases.

From this impressive list you can guess that many diseases cause disability. These diseases leave a “huge mark” on the child’s behavior, in his perceptions, in relationships with others and parents, in feelings, and create certain barriers for the child and his family.

Specialists working with people with disabilities have identified the following main problems (barriers faced by a family with a disabled child and the child himself in our country):

Social, territorial and economic dependence of a disabled person on parents and guardians;

When a child is born with peculiarities of psychophysiological development, the family either breaks up or takes intense care of the child, preventing him from developing;

The poor professional training of such children stands out;

Difficulties in moving around the city (there are no conditions for movement in architectural structures, transport, etc.), which leads to isolation of the disabled person;

Lack of sufficient legal support(imperfection legislative framework in relation to children with disabilities);

The formation of a negative public opinion towards people with disabilities (the existence of the stereotype “a disabled person is useless”, etc.);

Absence information center and a network of comprehensive centers for socio-psychological rehabilitation, as well as the weakness of state policy.

So, disability is a limitation in capabilities caused by physical, psychological, sensory abnormalities. As a result, social, legislative and other barriers arise that do not allow a person with a disability to be integrated into society and take part in the life of the family or society on the same basis as other members of society. Society has a responsibility to adapt its standards to the special needs of people with disabilities so that they can live independent lives.

1.2 “Label” of a disabled child.

In our society there was and still is an attitude towards removing a disabled child from the family and society, and placing him in isolation, in a boarding school. And the parents of a child with obvious pathology are already in the maternity hospital subject to persuasion to abandon the child. The old system of removing disabled people from society is working.

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