Children's drawings of geese. How to draw a goose walking on the ground. Running goose - drawing a beautiful bird

“Geese, geese, ha-ha-ha! Do you want to eat? Yes Yes Yes! So fly!” - who doesn’t know this famous children’s nursery rhyme? Even as small children, each of us listened to how our mother taught us to say these simple lines. So here it is. Here we will teach you how to draw a goose step by step with a pencil. Perhaps you will draw pictures on themes village life or something else. There you may need to depict this bird. Goose is a domestic bird. Lives in farmsteads in villages and villages. It is very similar to a duck (there is a drawing tutorial for which on our website), but much larger in size and weight. The goose belongs to the duck family of the order Anseriformes. This waterfowl with large wings and strong webbed feet. It usually feeds on plant foods, which it filters along with water with its flattened beak. Often forms pairs during the breeding season. Capable of making long flights.

Stage 1. At the beginning of our lesson, we draw the main lines of the future drawing. In the center we make a figure, similar to an oval at one end, and slightly pointed at the other end. From the rounded end upward we draw a line, curved anteriorly at the end. Below, under the body figure, draw the lines of the legs.

Stage 2. We begin drawing the body of the goose. Along the initial lines of the central sketch figure we draw the main lines of the body. They are highlighted in red. We separate the abdominal part from the dorsal border approximately just below the middle of the picture.

Stage 3. Now on the dorsal side we draw the lines of the wing and tail.

Stage 4. Move to the top of our image. On a line extending from the body we draw a long neck, turning into a small head. The front part of the goose's muzzle is elongated and goes into the beak. It is flat and consists of two halves. The beak has nostrils. On the side of the muzzle we draw a small eye in the form of a dot, under the eye we make a spot in the form of a diamond. At the bottom of the picture we show the limbs of the goose. Draw thin legs along the lines under the body. They have thickenings in their upper parts. Then they narrow and turn into rather wide “fins” - fingers connected by a swimming membrane.

Stage 5. The result is an unpainted goose like this.

Stage 6. You need to color it. We do it in muted colors. For this we use white, black, gray, beige colors.

A lesson in drawing domestic animals, namely birds. We will look at how to draw a goose with a pencil step by step. Goose - migrant However, domestic geese cannot fly, so this breed was developed. Geese were domesticated a long time ago in Ancient world in Egypt, Rome and China. But in Greece he was kept as a pet, like a cat or a dog in our time. Some noble people kept 20 geese. Geese in the wild live near water and in meadows, feed on plants and seeds, and can also eat insects. There are several types of geese, they differ in color and habitat. Also, there used to be goose fights, but now they have sunk into oblivion; if they hold fights, they are cockfights. And the goose is also a formidable bird, it protects its offspring and the female, while it hisses terribly and can attack and bite very painfully.

Here is our copy.

We draw part of the head, as shown in the picture, then the beak and the eye. This is an enlarged version, we draw a small head.

Draw the neck of the goose.

Erase unnecessary lines on the head and sketch out the body.

Now we draw the outline of the body and tail using smooth lines, marking where the legs are.

Erase the auxiliary lines and draw the paws and wings of the goose.

To make the goose look more realistic, let's paint over the beak and imitate feathers, these are small curves in the most pronounced places. We also apply a little shadow on the lower part and neck. The drawing of a domestic goose is ready.

Hello! Today we present new lesson drawing, in which we will talk about how to draw a goose. Here we decided to deviate a little from the cartoon style of drawing, in which our artists work quite often (for example, we drew this way), to make it more realistic, but not very difficult.

If the residents Ancient Rome, living in the 5th century BC, could read our site, this lesson would probably be one of the most popular - perhaps even more popular. The fact is that in that century Rome was experiencing attacks by Gallic tribes, one of which could have ended for the inhabitants eternal city very sad. The Roman guards of one of the main towers of the fortress wall were sleeping when several Gallic troops made a desperate attempt to climb the tower, kill the guards and penetrate the unprotected city. This would have happened if not for one “but” - the geese from the Temple of Juno, who heard the noise, became worried and began to scream. Their noisy cackling woke up the guards, who dealt with the Gauls - it was this story that gave rise to the expression “the geese saved Rome.”

This is the important character we will draw. Let's start this lesson and learn how to draw a goose with a pencil step by step!

Step 1

First, draw the contours of the torso, neck and head. We use only smooth, rounded lines. Please note - the goose has a small head, it is slightly thicker than the neck.

Step 2

Now let's draw an eye - just a small circle and a beak. The beak consists of two parts - the upper one is more massive than the lower one. It seems that it is longer, but this is an illusion - the lower part begins a little to the right of us than the upper. Here we connect it to the body with a pair of short, smooth lines on the sides of the neck.

Step 3

We draw the wing - it should have one angle (sharp) and smoothly curving contours. We outline the silhouettes of the paws.

Step 4

Let's draw some of the largest feathers of the wing, as well as the claws and contours of the front paw. Let's erase all the extra strokes, outline the remaining contours and clean up the drawing again so that it is more complete.

There is probably no person who has never seen village animals - even the indigenous inhabitants of megacities sometimes go to the village or to zoos, where they can visit the “rural yard”. One of the most colorful inhabitants of such households is the goose - an energetic, funny and very intelligent bird. But if you want to pet him, be careful. Ganders can quite pinch with their beaks. But learning how to draw a goose is interesting and completely safe.

Draw a goose step by step

So, let's start figuring out how to draw a goose step by step. The drawing will be basic, so even a novice artist can handle it.

Let's start with the head and beak. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the beak of this bird is not pointed, but rounded. Despite the fact that ganders can pinch painfully, they are still not predators, so they do not need a sharp beak that can cause serious injuries.

Then we will depict a long thin neck and a rather massive torso.

In the next step, we will separate the wing and outline the neat webbed feet. You can also add small bumps to the paws.

That's it, we completed the task.

Goose with yellow feet

In the first section, we just started learning how to draw a goose with a pencil. Now let's look at a more detailed, realistic option. In addition, our goose will have cute yellow webbed feet.

First of all, let's outline the general outlines of the body. The bird's chest protrudes forward, and a short tail sticks out from behind.

Then we will draw the wings and carefully outline the leg muscles - they are quite powerful in geese.

Now there is a neck, long and sinewy. And a small oval head.

On the head you need to draw an eye and a large rounded beak.

And, of course, you cannot do without large webbed feet, because these birds are excellent swimmers.

To make the drawing more interesting, let’s make the gander’s paws and beak yellow.

Now the drawing is completely ready.

Running goose - drawing a beautiful bird

To make the drawing look more alive and interesting, you can draw a bird in motion. We will learn how to draw a goose running and flapping its wings.

First, let's draw the bird's head, its long, beautifully curved neck and the line of its wings. It is worth noting that the wings of geese are quite large and powerful.

Then we will draw the body, a small short tail and running legs.

Now let's move on to color. First, let's paint all the main contours well in black. Then we will make the bird’s feathers grayish, and the beak and legs yellow.

Smiling gander with big paws - drawing with children

Children usually love animals very much - playing with them, reading about them, drawing them. Therefore, sitting down with your child and figuring out how to draw a goose for a child will be very useful and interesting. Moreover, he probably saw them in person - at the zoo or in the village with his grandmother. And he probably saw geese together with chickens, cows, pigs and other animals on the pages of various educational books.

First, let's draw a long neck, an elongated beak and a cheerful smile - after all, it will be more likely cartoon character than a realistic gander. This will make it much more interesting for the child.

Then we will draw a wing - large, wide.

Then we’ll draw the powerful paws and draw individual small feathers on the wing.

The drawing can be completed on this note, but it will look much more interesting if you add a little color to it: make the legs and beak yellow or orange, add shadows, etc.

To draw a goose, we use a simple pencil of medium hardness (HB), STABILO CarbOthello colored pastel, drawing paper and tinted paper for drawing with pastels. The image of the goose is done in stages. We start by making a drawing diagram on drawing paper, drawing out the details of the goose. Then we transfer the drawing onto tinted paper and work on it with pastel pencils.

On drawing paper with a simple pencil draw an oval. Through it, we draw a wavy line down the neck and middle of the body.

On the line closer to the bottom, draw a larger oval - this will be the body with a wing. From the large oval downwards we draw two lines - the legs of the goose.

In the upper oval we draw lines for the thickening of the beak to the head and the eye.

Add a neck thickness line from the top oval to the bottom oval. In the oval of the wing we draw plumage lines. On the continuation of the line of the middle of the body, draw a tail with a triangle.

Draw the contours of the head and neck with smooth lines. Mark the wing feathers. Draw the feathers of the wing and tail.

Draw the legs of the goose. We draw the paws crosswise to the line of the legs in triangles with membranes. We transfer the drawing onto tinted paper. Why do we shade? reverse side paper sheet with a pattern. We apply it with the shaded side to a sheet of tinted paper and, tracing the outline of the drawing, transfer the image to the tinted sheet. Cover with light strokes using a pastel pencil. white plumage. Using brown color we go over the edge of the wing and the tail. Orange - beak and legs. Use a special shading or just a finger to shade the shaded part.

Add a layer of shading with pastel pencils. Increasing the saturation of the color tone downwards brown. Lightly blend.

Pastel pencil Brown draw the upper edge of the plumage. Shade it a little. Using a pastel pencil of black flowers, draw the outline of the plumage of the wing and tail. Bright orange select the beak and paws. White emphasizes the contrast of plumage color. The drawing is ready. We fix it with fixative or hairspray.

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