A girl goes in for sports, drawing with a pencil is easy. Drawing of a skier in kindergarten in the preparatory group

Hi all! Today's lesson step by step drawing We again decided to dedicate it to the fair sex. The topic of our today's educational article is how to draw athletic girl pencil. Note that we will draw in a slightly simplified, even cartoonish style, compared to our previous lesson on drawing a girl.

There is a significant gender bias on our site towards men - indeed, we have , , and many others. But there are not so many girls - let's correct this in a lesson dedicated to how to draw a girl step by step!

Step 1

Let's draw a stickman - a man made of sticks and circles, which we draw to indicate the main proportions of the character, pose and position on a sheet of paper. This is the very first stage, but here it is necessary to take into account the features female proportions, let's try to remember them:

  • Height. Naturally, each person is unique and there cannot be universal parameters, however, in classical drawing textbooks, the female figure depicted next to is always 0.5-1 lower than the length of the head.
  • Fragility of the figure. This concept is not as abstract as it might seem at first glance. The width of the shoulders affects this parameter primarily - in women, the shoulders are equal to the sum of 2-2.3 head widths, in men, the shoulders are 3 head widths. Another parameter is the width of the limbs. A woman’s arms and legs are much thinner than a man’s, and this applies to both the thickness of the bone (especially noticeable on the wrists and ankles) and the muscles of the arms and legs - biceps, forearms, and calf muscles. In men in general, all these muscles are more visible and pronounced.
  • Pelvis width. A woman’s pelvis is much wider than a man’s, and accordingly, the hips are also larger.
  • The ratio of the shoulders and pelvis. A man's shoulders are much wider than his pelvis, while a woman's shoulders and pelvis are approximately the same width.

By the way, let us note the current rule of proportions regarding height - for both men and women, height, on average, is equal to the sum of the lengths of seven heads. And, since we noted at the beginning of this step that women are generally shorter, we can conclude that women's heads are somewhat smaller compared to men's. In general, to complete the description of the features, we suggest that you simply look at the male figure (using the example) and figures, noting all the features of the latter that we have listed.

Step 2

Let's add volume to the stickman, but first we'll mark the girl's head. The vertical line of facial symmetry should be very much shifted to the right of us, since the girl’s head is turned around. The eye line that intersects it should be slightly curved in order to convey a slight downward tilt of the head. Just above the back of the head we will outline a ball, which will later become a bun of hair.

Draw a thin, graceful neck and connect it with thin shoulders. Use long, elongated thin cylinders to outline the shoulders and forearms, outline the hands with light lines, and do not forget about the silhouette of a rolled up rug.

Outline the body - it should look like hourglass, tapering at the waist. Designate the groin area with a triangle, and the hips with cylinders, tapering towards the knee. The shins should taper even more, the ankles should look thin and graceful. In general, all the lines that are used in drawing such female figure, should be graceful and smooth.

Step 3

Using the previously applied markings of the face, we outline the eyebrows, the upper contour of the eyes, turned up, the ear and mouth. At this stage, everything is indicated by simple strokes, which we will detail in the following stages. Let's draw a dark section of the hair tie and a coquettishly hanging curl.

Step 4

Let's continue detailing the face. Draw the hair in the direction from roots to ends. Let's complete the contour of the eye, draw three lines of eyelashes curving upward, and draw the same lines in the area of ​​the eye, which we cannot see due to the turn of the girl's head. Here we will divide the mouth into a pair of plump lips, and the lower one should be thicker. Let's also outline the nostril and the contour of the nose.

Let's go a little lower and draw horizontal lines of the collarbone, above which we will place the vertical line of the neck muscle. Then the torso. Let's outline the rounded contours of the chest and several folds of fabric between them. By the way, let’s not forget about the straps of the top, as well as the folds of fabric at the bottom edge of this piece of clothing.

Step 5

Now let's erase the extra strokes from the hands and outline their contours. Please note that the shoulder of our left hand is slightly thinner than the forearm. Here we will outline the outline of a rolled fitness mat.

Step 6

With the legs, everything is quite simple - we’ll outline their contours with clear, noticeable lines and erase the extra guiding strokes from the previous stages.

This was a lesson in which we told you about... If you want to meet an equally cute girl, try surprising her, for example. And for new step-by-step drawing lessons, visit our website, a lot of interesting things await you! Don't forget to follow us on our

    For those who are not very good at drawing, illustrations with step-by-step sketches will be good. First you need to decide which athlete you want to draw. I will provide step-by-step sketches for three different sports activities.

    1) So, the first sketch is dedicated to figure skating:

    This is how you can draw a figure skater.

    2) I will dedicate the second sketch to speed skating:

    3) And in the third sketch you will see how to draw a skier:

    Yes, you can easily draw an athlete. Just make a simple drawing, and then complicate it. for example, you can narrate like this.

    You need to show that the athlete is alive. You can paint it over with paints to match your skin tone. clothes are easy to draw. Draw shorts and a T-shirt if he is a basketball player. Draw a ball in your hands. Dye your hair Brown and the athlete is ready.

    This is a drawing of a boy. You can also depict an adult.

    Currently, there are a lot of sports in the world that are practiced by both professionals and ordinary amateurs. I propose to consider how to draw the following representatives of sports:

    1) Discus thrower;

    2) Skier;

    3) Baseball player.

    To draw any picture you will need equipment consisting of the following items:

    1) A blank piece of paper;

    2) Regular and colored pencils;

    3) Eraser.

    The sequence of action is very simple:

    1) First draw the image of a person using ordinary lines;

    2) You begin to draw every detail of this athlete more accurately.

    Below are three diagrams; by performing all the actions sequentially, you will quickly draw any athlete.

    This picture shows a boxing boy.

    At the first stage, we draw a sketch of the body, while we need to depict it in gait, since the boxer is in an attack stance. We place our hands in defense in front of the athlete’s body.

    Actually, there are many types of sports. But our task is to give a general outline of the drawing. An athlete is a person who is in motion. Anyone - runs, jumps, swims, does wrestling or gymnastics, plays in team sports... In short, we must show a person in motion. I suggest this simple diagram, how to draw an athlete runner.

    First, draw an oval, flattened like this, at an angle to the surface of the earth. Now in the upper part we draw the head - nose, mouth, eyes, ears, hair. Below we draw the shoulders, arms in motion. In the lower part of the oval we draw the legs in flight, that is, so that it gives the impression of a running athlete. We draw one leg bent at the knee, the second leg touches the ground only with the toe of the shoe.

At the request of our reader, I prepared a lesson on how to draw an athlete with a pencil. This time I took Vladimir Klitschko as a test subject. Although in Lately he already more policies than an athlete. But he definitely was before and deserved the title of champion. In general, sport is a type of human activity that does not require much mental effort. More physical and mental. The sport brings great pleasure to both the participants and the spectators. It is especially useful for us artists. Using their example, you can easily study anatomy human body and train. This is what we will do.

How to draw an athlete with a pencil step by step

Step one. I'm sketching a human body. All main parts can be seen in the figure below: Step two. I begin to draw the face. Eye level is approximately in the middle of the head. The distance from the chin to the nose should be equal to the distance from the nose and eyebrows. Step three. I begin to draw in detail the entire head and take up the body. Step four. Pay attention to your emotions. The shadow around the eyes and the folds in the skin between the lips and nose should be visible. I'll add shadows all over the body. I've also done drawing lessons for other sports, check here.

Now the Olympics are taking place in Sochi and, of course, we cannot ignore this event. Firstly, we root for our athletes with all our hearts and want the Olympics to strengthen friendly relations with other countries.


But there is another aspect: children are not left out either; various drawing competitions on the theme “Sports” and “Olympics” have been announced.

One can, of course, say that in such competitions it is not victory that is important, but even for simple participation, the drawings must be made at a fairly high level.

This is where it turns out that students have a very vague idea of ​​what exactly athletes who do sports look like. various types sports In addition to the need to depict a human figure in compliance with proportions, you will need the ability to convey movement, take into account balance and, often, you will have to create multi-figure compositions.

Ski jumping

All this is very difficult for adult artists, but we need to teach children all this. It will not be possible to teach everything at once and at once, but the emotional uplift associated with the Olympics should be used to begin systematic work on the topic “human figure in motion.” We will be writing articles explaining how to draw athletes competing in winter sports.

In the meantime, we want to discuss some nuances. If we depict the Olympics, then, accordingly, first of all we depict the athletes.

Athletes are people, and they are remarkably beautiful and proportionally built. And we, art teachers, need to honestly approach the depiction of their figures, that is, we must not allow students to limit themselves to standard schematic constructions of sticks and a circle or to draw the classic “sticks-rake-cucumber”. Such a course of events should be excluded. You just need to IMMEDIATELY explain the correct structure of the human figure. Show several options for the athlete’s poses and at the same time focus children’s attention on how a correctly drawn person should look.

First: the arms and legs are long, the shoulders are wide, there is a neck, the body is also long and large, but the head is SMALL and, usually, not spherical, but elongated. Almost always, children tend to focus on the image very big head. You can consider this age-related feature, then it’s better to just wait until the child is old enough and then teach him to draw so that he can immediately grasp the proportional structure. If you don’t have time to wait, then...then you should persistently introduce an understanding of the correct proportions ANYWAY.

Second: the arms and legs bend in certain places - in the joints (and not in an arc), and according to certain laws, the torso, bending, bends in a certain place, the head can only turn in a certain way. All this should be taken into account and not forgotten, especially when we're talking about about the portrayal of athletes.

The skier will most likely look forward and not turn his head so that the viewer sees his face strictly from the front and hence the third, namely: people, and in particular athletes, constantly take some poses, and these are exactly those poses , which are appropriate in this situation.

The skier takes exactly those poses that are appropriate when running on the ski track. And here’s, perhaps, the last thing for today: sport is inherently dynamic, and within the framework of one sport a person takes different poses. And the more different transitional stages of movement we depict CORRECTLY, the greater our knowledge base about the structure and movement of a person will be. Quantity, comrades, sooner or later turns into quality, and our students will be able to draw truly well-developed people who have perfect control of their bodies.

This is an introductory motivational article. Next we are planning a series: “Drawing skiers (biathletes)”, “Skating”, “Hockey” and other winter sports. These are only the most immediate plans, and there will be more to come. Here, for advertising purposes, we have placed several pictures from future articles, in which we will analyze everything step by step.

Football is one of the most popular games on the planet. Children play it after school, adults in their free time from work. And matches of professional football players are a noisy, significant and fun event. So, let's try to figure out how to draw a football player.

Drawing a young football player

Football is very dynamic game, and team members are in constant motion during the match. Therefore, we will also portray a football player in the midst of the game. We will do everything gradually - this will make it easier to learn how to draw a football player step by step.

Let's start with a sketch. Pay attention to the pose: the back is strongly tilted back, the supporting leg is slightly bent, the arms are spread to the sides.

Now let's add details: draw the outlines of a T-shirt, shorts, and boots. And, of course, you need to draw the ball - after all, it was the football player who hit it with such force that it leaned back.

To make the contours look neat, draw them with a black marker. And at the same time we’ll add even more details: leg warmers, a star on a T-shirt, facial features, hair, patterns on clothes.

To make the picture look more “alive”, we will add shadows - natural and falling, and also draw lines indicating movements. And in the background there is also a mesh gate.

Let's finish here. We have a very cheerful and funny football player, don’t we?

Learning to draw an athlete with a simple pencil

A simple pencil is the artist’s main tool, so you must definitely learn how to draw a football player with a pencil. This time we will draw an adult athlete, and in a very interesting position.

As in the previous version, the first thing we will do is make a general sketch. First, let's draw the upper part of the torso: notice that the torso and arms practically form the letter "x". Right hand almost touches the ground. The football player almost lay down to reach the ball and throw it as far as possible.

Now let's sketch out the elongated leg. It is a continuation of the body located diagonally. Please note that the leg should be slightly bent and not perfectly straight.

Add a supporting leg. Here it is bent strongly, the athlete is almost sitting on it. And no wonder: it bears the entire weight of the body.

When the sketch is finished, we begin to draw contours and add details. It is necessary to outline fingers, facial features, add folds to clothes. We start, as before, with the torso.

And then move on to the legs. They also need to be depicted in as much detail and accuracy as possible.

Now let’s finish drawing the ball and laying out the shadows. Don't be overzealous - it's better not to press with all your might, but to do the shading in several layers.

That's it, the drawing is ready. If you want, you can enhance the shadows a little more and work on the highlights.

Colored drawing of a football player - add some color

WITH pencil drawings everything is more or less clear. So let's move on to the color options and learn how to draw a football player with a ball using colored pencils, crayons or paints.

Using a black pencil, draw the outline up to the waist. Now the torso will tilt forward rather than backward.

Let's add legs. They will be half-bent and widely spaced.

Now the details: patterns on the T-shirt and shorts, studs on the boots and, of course, the ball.

And now the most interesting point- coloring. The socks and shorts will be white with blue and red stripes, the T-shirt will be blue and the boots will be red. But, of course, you can color the athlete to your taste - for example, make the hair black and the uniform bright red.

Football player in cartoon style

Many people think that learning to draw is very difficult. However, in reality, everyone can do this, including children. Now we will talk about how to draw a football player for beginners.

Let's do a general sketch first. Since we are talking about children, let our football player be a boy of about 10 years old.

Then carefully draw the contours with a black marker.

Afterwards we will work on the face: we need to outline the eyes, nose, mouth, ears. Let's also add the outline of the ball.

And now - small parts: pentagons on the ball, grass, spikes on the boots, numbers and stripes on the uniform, highlights on the hair. And don’t forget about tightly clenched fists.

That's all - we did it. Now you have convinced yourself that fine arts there is nothing complicated.

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