Peace of mind. The secret of strength is peace

As a rule, our life is full of surprises and surprises, sometimes not the most pleasant ones. Keeping calm in a given situation is certainly not an easy task. However, it should be taken into account that suppressed emotions, experiences and constant stress can quite easily lead to the appearance of somatic diseases, that is, ailments caused by ongoing nervous tension. That is why it is necessary to learn how to find peace of mind.

How to find peace of mind

It's very common to hear people complain that they can't find their peace of mind/peace of mind. First of all, such people themselves do not want to do anything to change something! If peace is defined as the external and internal harmony of a person, then this can mean reconciliation with oneself and the surrounding reality. In other words, it is a state when there are no internal contradictions, calmness and friendly relations with those present nearby.

Peace of mind for a person is simply necessary, if only so that all disorders, illnesses, negative misfortunes bypass you. In fact, in order to find peace of mind, you don’t need to know psychology and it’s not necessary to seek help from a paid psychologist - you just need to rethink your worldview a little about things around you. Everything is elementary and simple! So how do you find peace of mind?

1) You can not keep the negative in yourself. Learn to forgive offenders and insults, do not make hasty conclusions (maybe they didn’t want to offend you, but you are winding yourself up - not correctly assessing the situation). In an effort to find peace of mind, it is worth learning to get rid of all negative experiences. Do not reflect too long, do not remember the details of unpleasant or humiliating “in your opinion” moments. After all, your main goal is to regain your spiritual comfort, and not to renew the conflict with renewed vigor.

2) Accumulate positive emotions. Pay more attention to any pleasant little things: fragrant tea, a delicious dinner, a fluffy bathrobe, etc. This will help you switch to the positive. Think about how many good things are around you and in your life. To better understand this, do a simple exercise: every day before going to bed, remember a few good moments that happened to you during the whole day. You need to understand that our life is full of colors and many joys, absolutely independent of social status and financial situation. Pay more attention to the little things, as a rule, life consists of colorful little things - you just need to learn to ignore dark colors and leave only bright moments in your soul.

3) Live in the present and the future - don't look back. After all, reliving past failures and being afraid that the same thing awaits you in the future - you will never find peace of mind and harmony with yourself. Believe only in the best, try to remain optimistic in any situation, even in the worst, because in a moment everything can change. As you know, life justifies all our expectations, if we believe in the best - no matter how trite it may sound, "BUT" if you are in despair, then think about who achieves the greatest success in life - people who believe in themselves and in their goal. There is a way out of absolutely every most difficult situation, you just need to calm down and find it.

4) Rush at work, a creative crisis, upcoming exams - if there is chaos in your head, then, accordingly, your strength and mood are exhausted - you should avoid situations where you need to do a lot at once - take a short break. Close your eyes, lean back in your chair, relax all your muscles, and spend a few minutes thinking about absolutely nothing. Train yourself to make a schedule every evening for the next day and try to stick to it as much as possible. Thus, you will get rid of chaos, and therefore of unnecessary irritations, which, of course, contributes to peace of mind.

Remember: do not focus on troubles and problems - most of them will be forgotten in a few minutes or days. In moments when it seems that absolutely everything is going awry, you need to calm down and weigh everything again - the right decision will come by itself, and with it peace of mind. Remember your loved ones, because your mood is transmitted to them!

The material was prepared by Natalia KOVALENKO. Illustrations from the site: © 2013 Thinkstock.

It is impossible to feel like a completely happy person if you are constantly accompanied by spiritual discomfort. In this state, it is not possible to enjoy life to the fullest. Nothing pleases - neither the rising warm sun, nor the successes of relatives and friends, nor their own achievements. But if true harmony and peace of mind reigns in the soul, then every morning, even if on Monday, is long-awaited and joyful. A happy person with great anticipation treats any events, new meetings, seasons of the year. Why is this happening? What is the secret of truly happy people, why is it easy for some to find harmony and balance, while others do not?

Happiness is in our hands

Another great Petrel - Maxim Gorky argued that each of us was born for a happy life, just like any bird for flying. Agree, it is impossible not to agree with such a statement. But most mistakenly believe that happiness is something that does not depend on us. This feeling is either granted by the Lord God, or not. In fact, we are in a hurry to pleasantly disappoint with a banal phrase - happiness is in your hands. You can feel spiritual harmony, balance with your own efforts. Moreover, psychologists are sure that happiness is easy to cultivate. If you want to know a simple recipe, carefully study the valuable recommendations and strictly follow the rules below.

Don't narrow down your goals

In the first place, happiness does not need to be the only goal. She comes unexpectedly to those who do not expect her. If you think about this main component of a harmonious existence all the time, then you can, as they say, “get to know”. And the waiting time will turn into a terrible nightmare, torture. Do it differently - while joy is on the way, do not stop enjoying life, catch successful moments and have fun. There may be situations of failures, troubles - do not be discouraged. Fate sometimes teaches us lessons to be more patient and wiser.

It does not happen that there is a continuous black stripe, the laws of life are not arranged that way. Be sure to flash gray, then white, and everything, as they say, settles down. So, we are studying the golden and universal rules, thanks to which a beacon of hope, joy and a prosperous existence on our beautiful Earth will surely flash in the life of every reader.

Rules for a happy life

There are some things that cannot be bought for any wealth on the planet. These include our health, which should be taken care of from a young age. Many begin to think about their body too late, when there are serious diseases. But it is not at all difficult to maintain health in good condition, if we are not talking about congenital pathologies. What is needed for this:

Good health

  1. Get up with the sunrise. No wonder people from ancient times wake up early in the morning. After all, the biological clock, daytime, a certain time of sleep - all this was invented for a reason. And note - those who get up with roosters, start working on time - always win. Everything goes well with such people, they have stable and good earnings, the house is always clean, comfortable, warm and satisfying. Early risers have enough time for everything - for work, rest, entertainment, communication with family. And they do not need to constantly rush, there is enough time.
  2. Do physical therapy daily. Let it be aerobics, regular movements, yoga, qigong - it doesn't matter. Thanks to activity, a person’s blood flow improves, stagnant, inflammatory processes are excluded, excellent coordination, a sharp mind, and a good mood. Also, physical exercises do not allow excess fats, toxins to accumulate and the level of bad cholesterol to rise. Consequently, vessels, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, lungs, bone and nervous systems are preserved in good condition.
  3. After classes, be sure to take a contrast shower, wipe yourself with a hard towel - activate all points, let the skin breathe freshness, and improve blood microcirculation. Thanks to this procedure, the skin will always be tightened, the areas of the brain responsible for calmness, self-control, vision, hearing, and appetite are activated. Immediately after the shower, you feel lightness, a colossal flow of energy and vivacity flows.
  4. Eat right. Yes, each of us is sinful craving for smoked meats, fatty, sweet foods. You don't have to cut out junk foods completely, just eat them in minimal amounts and occasionally. Lean on vegetables, fruits, seafood, fish, white meat, nuts.
  5. Drink as much water as possible. Normally, you need to consume at least 2 liters per day, you can add green tea, herbal decoctions, compotes, juices to the diet.
  6. Work in moderation. No need to overwork and try to do everything in one day. Work should be easy and unconstrained. This is the only way to enjoy your activity and at the same time maintain your health. The same applies to study. Treat your path as a subscription to a promising future. Learn for fun, but don't be lazy.
  7. The road home should not be accompanied by the consumption of alcohol. It is better to take a glass of a light drink - tea, smoothie, healing cocktail.
  8. During breakfast, lunch and dinner. No need to overeat, light snacks from nuts, pears, etc. are also useful.
  9. Any meal should take place at the family table in the presence of all household members. Not only should there be freshly prepared dishes on the table, a positive attitude is also important. Eating between laughs, jokes, in an atmosphere of benevolence and mutual respect is an important aspect for excellent health.
  10. Go to bed early. No need to stare late at the TV, in which there is a lot of negativity. It is better to turn on an old comedy or light music, and by 21-00 hours go to rest. The body needs rest and wants to plunge into a pile of clean bedding to see sweet and rosy dreams.

In addition, it must be said that if there are any problems with the psyche, contact a specialist. A visit to a psychologist is not a shame, but a banal way to solve problems with the participation of a relationship professional.

Spiritual health

Most often, mental discomfort occurs due to psychological problems. There is a confusion of cause and effect here. For example, ladies who did not manage to feel happy with some man most often have a negative attitude towards all representatives of the strong half. One word - Goats! Is everything so clear? Maybe it makes sense to pay attention to your own behavior. It is important to analyze all the steps that preceded the separation. Believe me, self-criticism has never hurt anyone. If an unpleasant situation arises, be kind, treat your person with humor and do not assume that you are surrounded only by bad personalities.

Optimism, openness and kindness will be an excellent guarantee of a benevolent attitude from the outside, especially this attracts men.

Learn to Say "Thank You"

Our generation is perhaps the most ungrateful. Psychologists say that ungrateful people, in the end, remain completely alone and are not loved by others. Here we are talking not only about specific gratitude for something. We do not know how to be grateful for what life has given us. Strange, but even with a good home, excellent work, healthy and lovely children, a successful marriage, a person manages to resent and grumble. It is even worse when we do not notice the kindness directed in our direction from others. We take everything for granted and forget to note that this is a gift of fate.

The reason for everything is a selfish nature, for which everything is not enough and everything is bad. Need more and more. Does this remind you of anything from Russian literature? Remember ... The old grandmother from the fairy tale about the Golden Fish also grumbled, and everything was not enough for her. And with what she was left - with a broken trough. Instructive, you know, a story that is not superfluous to re-read.

It is impossible to experience happiness to the fullest if you are not grateful. Learn to thank your parents, children, spouses, friends, and life for everything you have and don't have. In a moment, harmony and peace will reign in the soul.

you are already happy

You always need to be sure that there is already happiness in your life. Even if a stressful situation arises, be optimistic. Convince yourself that it won't be long. Shift your focus to something positive. Self-blame, self-flagellation will not lead to anything good, but will aggravate the depressive state. What kind of happiness can we talk about in such cases.

Pay attention to kids. They never give a damn about what they've been told. Babies have a short memory for negativity. And the only thing adults do is that, like beads, they string on a thread all the experiences, the barbs of colleagues, the rudeness of teenagers, the loss of a wallet, the lack of time. As a result, a spoiled mood and growing, like a snowball, depression, sad thoughts, etc.

Don't call trouble

Someone wise said that thoughts tend to materialize. Constant fears, fears that something will happen, an accident is coming, a terrible disease will break out, children will grow up to be bad people, will lead to the fact that all this will come true. If a spouse constantly hears in his address that he is a womanizer, at some point his eyes will be turned towards another woman. Stop, stop senseless tantrums, exclude pessimism, look at the future only with wide open eyes, full of good hope for happiness.

Program your destiny

In order to program your life only for luck, success and prosperity, deal with your own feelings. If negativity constantly arises, you are in a depressed state, and there are no reasons for this - it's bad. Well, such a person cannot have a chance for a harmonious existence. Imagine that your thoughts are a sheet with negativity, and immediately tear this sheet in your mind, from which there are only problems. Think about what brings pleasure, causes a smile - about the sound of a wave, a light night breeze, remember the smile of your baby, the moment when they gave flowers, or pleased with good news.

Manage your mood

Most probably, the state is familiar when, in a completely cloudless state of affairs, sadness, sadness, and resentment arise. In short, cats scratch at heart. It may also turn out that in case of serious troubles, the mood, on the contrary, rises sharply.

  • first, you need to see a doctor and check your health;
  • secondly, in no case should you take on important matters in such a state. Especially if the mood is bad.

The situation will get better very quickly, in any case, there will be relief in the soul, joy will arise, and then you can plunge headlong into serious negotiations, take on important projects.

Start with yourself

Do not try to change people, believe me - this is a thankless task. Whatever the self-criticism of the person with whom you communicate, but the words of criticism from you will be perceived negatively. It is also worth understanding that teaching others is easier than changing yourself. We are always sure that we are smarter, more serious and wiser than others. This is not true, at least not everyone thinks so. The process of changing your own attitude towards others will take much less time and will pass without consequences. Moreover, by changing yourself, you will find more friends, feel respect, which will certainly bring a certain harmony and balance to your soul.

Think positive and live purposefully

You painfully want to buy something, buy or build a house, a car, meet your other half. Think as if your wish has come true. Imagine yourself inside a beautifully furnished home, an expensive car flying at high speed. Thinking about the positive, enjoy, attract, attract happiness.

Flickering in your thoughts, your dreams should be framed in some kind of shell. That is, set specific goals and gradually move towards them. Remember Pumpkin from Cipollino. He dreamed of a house, but along the way he mined one brick at a time. A specific wording gives a signal to our subconscious and all deeds, plans are focused precisely on achieving the intended desires.

Leave work questions at work

If there are conflicts with colleagues, the authorities shouted at you, subordinates took up arms - do not think about it. Remember: working moments should remain within the boundaries of the office. You need to go home light and completely cut off the negative memories associated with the current situation. Incessant self-flagellation, mental anguish, fears of losing a job can lead to a nervous breakdown. Be simpler, make yourself respected and let everyone understand that you cannot be broken and peace of mind and peace of mind are more important to you than a vacancy. You can always find a job, but restoring your nerves is difficult.

Learn to forgive

Resentment, deceit, a rude word, a scandal - these and other unpleasant moments can lead to serious frustration. People who are not able to forgive only make things worse for themselves. They, unfortunately, do not know what a wave of positive, pleasure covers when you forgive insults and put up with the offender. Let there be no close relationships later, but there will also be no barrier that torments every minute.

This also includes the unwillingness to put up with any particular trait of a person’s character. If this is not a criminal moment, not a lie, you need to forgive and reconcile. Remember - the older the person, the worse he becomes. There were no cases of people changing in a positive direction with old age. Since a character trait does not allow you to continue to be in a relationship, leave and think about a new life.

  1. . Let the main motto of your life be - "I will be loved and respected only if I treat myself with love." Thanks to this, you will not only feel spiritual harmony, but also become a source of goodness and joy.
  2. Everyone has their shortcomings. Do not dwell on your problems, physical pathologies. There are practically no perfect people in the world. Do not allow yourself to be insulted and humiliated, fight back, and even better - do not communicate with boors.
  3. Never compare yourself and others. Remember once and for all - you are perfection itself, your individuality is unique, there are no more like you.
  4. Accept your weaknesses and shortcomings. If there is no way to correct weaknesses, transfer them to the rank of exclusivity, merits.
  5. Work on yourself. You can improve throughout your life. Improve your temper, only in this way will you prove your love to yourself.
  6. Stop looking back. Stop worrying about what others think of you. Of course, we are not talking about outright defiant behavior. But live the way you want. Allow yourself small joys, plunge into relationships as if into a pool with your head.
  7. Reward yourself. Any successful business should be rewarded, so praise yourself, give yourself gifts.
  8. Whatever you undertake, everything should come from the heart, according to your own will. Then - there will never be any doubt that someone forced you to do something.
  9. Make your own decisions. Whatever it was, everyone learns from their mistakes. Over time, your intuition and knowledge will cease to fail.
  10. Don't wear a mask, be yourself. Don't play, don't pretend, do what you want.

Chat with people, take up some hobby, let it be swimming, painting, macrame, playing the piano, etc. Get out into nature more often, breathe fresh and clean air, admire the colors of nature, listen to the rustle of leaves, the sound of rain. The bustle of the city, the noise of cars, the fast pace of life tire and bring confusion to the soul. Solitude with friends or relatives by the river or the sea, a trip to the forest are useful not only for peace of mind and harmony, but also for health promotion.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Unfortunately, few people can calmly react when they are shouted at, humiliated, rude, when money is lost or a loved one leaves. All people face problems, and only in rare moments can you feel the joy of your life. But happiness, as they say, lives inside each individual. And not everyone can protect themselves from problems and insure their lives like a car. This means that you yourself need to become spiritually happy in order to feel the joy of being.

But how can you feel happiness when you are surrounded by numerous problems? No way. And here it is necessary to be a mentally balanced person in order to calmly relate to any troubles in life and keep joy inside oneself.

How to find peace of mind?

Need to stop playing and pretending

It is difficult for a person to be spiritually relaxed and happy just because he himself begins to be insincere, a pretender, a deceiver. Most people deceive even themselves, which becomes clear only when a person realizes that he wanted something completely different, and not what he received. People play some roles: leaving the house, each of you is no longer what he is when he is left alone with himself. You try to smile when you want to cry, maintain a good-natured relationship with colleagues when in fact they annoy you. All these games and pretense simply take away mental strength and unbalance.

You need to do something not because others want it,
but because you yourself wished it

Mental balance is lost when a person begins to live and act at the behest of other people. He no longer listens to himself, he listens to what other people tell him. And how can you be calm and balanced in such a situation, even if sometimes you don’t understand why you should do what you don’t want to do? You are used to living in accordance with the desires of the people around you, but you forgot about your own. How, then, can you talk about peace of mind if you do not even listen and do not turn to yourself?

You need to know and love yourself

You need to communicate with yourself alone more often, understand the motives of your desires and actions. Then such knowledge will lead you to self-confidence, stability. And this will not be due to whether you have large sums of money and a luxurious house, but to the fact that you understand yourself. You know what drives you, what you really want, and you love and accept everything that is connected with you. You do not condemn yourself, do not criticize, but calmly treat even what could previously cause hostility. Because this is you, which is, which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

From self-acceptance begins to develop peace of mind. You no longer judge yourself, but simply accept with those negative and positive qualities that you have. Each person has his own shortcomings, but you have the right to learn to treat your negative qualities positively.

To answer the question of how to find peace of mind, you first need to understand why we are losing it. The simplest thing that comes to mind is our feelings: love, hatred, envy, fear, despair because of unfulfilled hopes, rejection of something, guilt, shame. There are so many things that can throw us off balance ... But in addition to internal fluctuations, external stimuli also affect us: we didn’t get enough sleep, dressed inappropriately for the weather, ate something wrong, slipped on the way to work, received a reprimand from bosses - and now the world begins to turn into dark colors, and a real storm rises in the soul, preventing us from rationally thinking, feeling, existing.

Do you want to be in harmony with yourself? Live in peace with your body: try to get plenty of sleep, indulge yourself with your favorite products from time to time, do not wear what is squeezing or rubbing, do not torture yourself and you will take a huge step towards finding peace of mind.

Remember how happy we were as children? The golden time, when the grass was taller than us, and the clouds seemed like cotton candy, when our parents did not criticize our lifestyle, but carried it in their arms. We were loved, pitied, we were the focus of the universe. Try to return yourself to this blissful time, and you will see how your soul will become light and calm. You can feel like a child both in playing with other children and in playing with yourself. For example, what prevents you during an illness not to rush to work in order to curry favor with your superiors, but to pick up your favorite book, put a pillow under your head and demand breakfast, lunch and dinner from your family, and that's it - to bed?

The house is not called a fortress for nothing. It allows you to hide from external troubles, in it you can take a break from annoying situations, strangers, work problems. Make your home cozy, and every evening it will feed you with positive energy.

Problems in the family and at work are one of the most common causes of loss of mental balance. Troubles on two fronts can immediately and completely bring a person to depression. To avoid this, try to solve problems as they arise. Do not accumulate irritation to the point where it will fall on you with all its weight. Do you think that the authorities do not appreciate you as a specialist? Try to prove your professional worth - not only in words, but also in deeds. Are you still not noticed? Humble yourself, wait for a favorable moment that will allow you to prove your professional suitability, or look for a new job.

Unfortunately, there are often situations in life that cannot be corrected immediately. Therefore, you need to learn: on the one hand, patience, on the other, the ability to radically change your life. Hope for the best, chance, fate, God is also a good way to come to terms with what you can’t change or can’t change now.

The time constant of a given problem is important for understanding how to work with it. If you don’t know how to cook, that’s one thing, you can always learn it, but if you don’t know how to cook for anyone, then here ... you have to take yourself seriously. Unrequited love, like the death of a loved one, can knock the ground out from under anyone's feet.

The feelings of other people, like their lives, are not subject to us. You need to understand this, come to terms with such a structure of the world and not torture yourself in vain. Yes, it is terribly hard when loved ones leave, but it is unbearably bitter to know that you are not loved, but ... Every person has something more valuable than those around him: this is himself.

Self love can work wonders. Healthy selfishness, interest in one's own Self and the ability to appreciate what you have - these are the foundations on which you can form a sense of peace and tranquility. See how easy it works:

  • Dropped by a loved one? It's not scary - now we can live in our own pleasure.
  • A colleague is plotting us? Wonderful! There will be something to do at work, in addition to boring projects!
  • Cousin bought a new foreign car? There is a reason to celebrate this business and think about how to make money on ... two foreign cars!
  • Unable to lose weight? No problem! There must be many good people!
The more we have ourselves, the calmer we live. It has been scientifically proven that people who depend on their own opinion are much less upset over trifles than those who look around and wait for the assessment of others. Peace of mind is an inner state of happiness that you give yourself.

Remember a simple thing: as soon as something unbalances you, start acting. If it is possible to immediately eliminate the irritant - eliminate it, no - postpone the solution of the problem for a while and, perhaps, it will resolve itself. Faced with something out of the ordinary? Give vent to emotions. Do not keep tears, anger, despair. Do you feel like you can't do it alone? Go to friends, relatives. Just go outside, sit on a bench in the park and talk to a complete stranger. The feeling of novelty, an act that you perform for the first time in your life, will help you open yourself from an unexpected side, one in which the problems that have fallen may turn out to be completely insignificant.

You can try to remove mental heaviness ... with spiritual joys. Remember what you like most and do it as soon as possible. Dizzying shopping, going to the cinema for a long-awaited premiere, going fishing with friends, playing your favorite computer game - any little things can be the starting point for finding peace of mind.

There was a time when I could not sleep for hours. An accidental incident, an unfortunate event, a conversation that did not (as I would like) ended in a way that unsettled me for a long time. Obsession with thoughts and constant digestion of what was, reliably sucked my attention and deprived me of vital energy. The next morning I felt not cheerful and well-rested, but mortally tired and overwhelmed.

I realized that I was simply living in a negative “emotional cocoon” into which, to be completely honest, I had immersed myself. In the end, no one forced me to experience unpleasant and difficult experiences. I did it myself. Let it be unconscious.

So I started looking for a way out.

A static system is the most vulnerable

The main discovery lay on the surface.

We are not so much slaves of our own addictions and habits as slaves of stability. The older we get, the less we want something to really change in life. Especially not the way we want it to change. We crave stability and peace. Firmness and immutability. The inviolability of the established order of life. To always be constantly good, blessed and curly.

But that doesn't happen.

The world around us does not exist according to the laws that we invent for it. The world around us exists according to the laws of dialectics. And dialectics provides for the constancy and immutability of only one thing - conflicts and contradictions.

An attempt to escape from conflicts is an attempt to escape from reality or escapism. Reality will still impose them on you, but not on yours, but on your field. I learned the hard way what it is to be silent when you need to speak, what it is to push away problems when you need to solve them, what it is to sit and blink your eyes when you need to act. As a result, sooner or later I lost.

Then I realized that an attempt to ignore the world around you, being in your illusions, does not lead to peace of mind, but, on the contrary, gives rise to a bunch of situations that lead to discomfort.

I had a friend whose constant dream was to get everyone behind him. But for some reason, it always turned out that someone cared about him anyway. Miracles and more.

State of dynamic balance

One of my teachers of life was a children's toy "Roly-Vstanka". She showed me that there is such a state in which no matter how life beats you, no matter how it pushes you, you will always return to the position that you occupy. In other words, you always keep the inner balance, despite the continuous changes and external influences.

This state is called dynamic equilibrium.

In practice, this means that nothing, no external event or circumstance is able to unsettle you and knock you off your intended goal. On the contrary, you turn any troubles to your advantage. Have you been severely criticized? Instead of becoming discouraged, you use the facts you have learned to work intensively on yourself and reach a new level. Got fired? You do not give up and do not complain about fate, but remember your forgotten talents and create a profitable business on them.

But all this is simply a consequence of the fact that you adequately perceive reality and react flexibly to it. There are no ineffective rules and limiting frames in your head, but there is a holistic perception of the world and the ability to see what is usually hidden from the eyes of other people.

Development strategy

The path to finding inner peace and peace of mind, that is, the state of dynamic balance, is the path of practice. It's constantly increasing degree of personal maturity. And this is exactly what the vast majority of people involved in "self-development" strive to avoid like fire. Because it’s very cool and fun to do something pleasant, comfortable and interesting (for example, meditation or reading books) and think that you are “developing”.

And it is very unpleasant to look deep into yourself and realize that you and only you are the only reason for the events taking place in your life - in business, in relationships, in the prevailing circumstances. Realizing this is sometimes very painful and unpleasant. It is so unpleasant that the cunning and dodgy mind begins to invent various "serious and valid" reasons in order not to do real work on oneself. To just not see the true state of things.

The husband left the woman. Went to another. He left because he was walking and because he got bored. These reasons are not hidden. They were on the surface. It was enough to take a closer look, compare some facts and signs to see them. And when you see it, take appropriate action. But what happened, happened. And she can correct/improve the situation only by realizing the processes by virtue of which she ended up in it.

Instead, a woman runs to fortune-tellers, sorceresses, attends women's trainings, “cleanses karma” and does other easy, pleasant and interesting things. The husband even returns. For a while. But then he gets bored again, and he again goes into the night in search of adventure. And this may continue for a long time.

Real personal growth cannot be replaced by simulation. No way.


I stubbornly searched for the root of anxiety, the source of all and sundry worries, anxieties and worries. And he couldn't find it. Until I realized that my current personality (and its overseer) didn't really want to look for it. For this root is a frank, impudent and shameless lie to oneself. Believe me, deceiving yourself by creating illusions and simulacra is one of the favorite activities of our limited mind.

Can you stop lying to yourself?

But then you will have to face in full the amount of truth about yourself, about people, about life that you did not want, could not and did not want to see. And after that, you will no longer be able to live as you used to before. This is a one way ticket. The choice is serious and not everyone is ready to make it. This is the destiny of truly strong people. Or those who want to be.

After that, you will have a completely different life. Outwardly, nothing will change. At least right away. But your perception will become as pure as you want it to be. You will see the world in a completely different way, completely different from what you see it now. Ready to embark on this exciting and challenging journey? Start by sending requests for a free consultation.

I'm sure you deserve a better life! Calm, happy and harmonious.

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