Ekaterina Andreeva: biography, personal life, husband, children, daughter (photo). Well-known TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva stopped hosting the evening “Time” on Channel One Personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva as a presenter on Channel 1

Name: Ekaterina Andreeva

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 176 cm

Weight: 66 kg

Activity: Actress, journalist, TV presenter

Family status: Married

Ekaterina Andreeva - biography

Ekaterina Sergeevna Andreeva is known as a wonderful journalist and actress. But she became popular only after she began hosting the famous television and information program “Time,” which airs every evening on Channel One. Therefore, her biography will be of interest to many people.

Ekaterina Andreeva - Childhood

Ekaterina was born on November 27, 1961 into a wealthy family. The girl’s father worked as deputy chairman of the USSR State Supply Committee. Mom didn’t work anywhere, she was raising Katya, and then another child was born into the family - younger sister famous TV presenter Svetlana. My father’s salary was more than enough to live in Moscow and not need anything.

Since childhood, the future star of the television screen had a thin physique, so they decided that she should be given to sports. For a long time she played professional basketball, and then, showing great promise, she studied at the Olympic reserve school.

Andreeva’s family moved from time to time, so the girl got used to the fact that she lived not far from the Kremlin: first on Kutuzovsky Prospect, then on Leninsky, and then they completely moved to the center. Once upon a time kindergarten When they first brought her in, she told the teachers that her family lived in the Spasskaya Tower. So it seemed to her at that moment. But when the teachers began to find out how true this information was, it soon became clear that the girl had lied a little. The future TV presenter was punished for her lies, but she learned a good lesson.

Education of Ekaterina Andreeva

In 1985, Ekaterina Andreeva entered the Pedagogical Institute named after N. Krupskaya, which is located in hometown girls - Moscow. When she graduated from it in 1990, at the same time she was already studying at the evening department of VYUZ. So the girl tried to make her childhood dream come true, because she always dreamed of becoming a teacher, actress and lawyer. Her dream came true.

Immediately after graduating from the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute, where she rushed from faculty to faculty, the future TV presenter of a famous information program begins to work. At first, her admission was connected with the Faculty of Law, but soon, realizing that this was not her field, she switched to the history department. She worked at that time as a research assistant at General Prosecutor's Office investigative department, but the department was office work. But this career ended very quickly.

In 1990, Ekaterina Andreeva entered the All-Union advanced training courses intended for radio and television workers. The training was conducted at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The future television presenter, who will be known throughout the country and even beyond its borders, was lucky and she ended up on a course that belonged to the “school of directors.” But even here the girl did not enjoy much success; she was constantly scolded and criticized, and later she was even called the “snow queen.”

Ekaterina Andreeva - Career

But creative page The biography of the popular journalist Ekaterina Andreeva begins to take shape only in 1991, when she begins working on television. Ekaterina Sergeevna did not come to her current position as a television presenter right away. So, at first she changed several jobs: she worked as an announcer Central television and after that she agreed to become an announcer for the Ostankino television company. This was followed by filming in the program “ Good morning».

In 1995, the aspiring journalist and television presenter began her work at the ORT company. She got a job as an editor of serious news television programs, but then she was invited to become the presenter of Vesti. Ekaterina Sergeevna simply could not refuse such an offer. She was able to prove herself in such a way that already in the same year she joined the directorate of these information television programs, which was a very important step in her career. It was in 1995 that she first appeared on air and was immediately remembered and liked by all television viewers.

At first it was a rare broadcast that she was able to conduct in live. And only in 1998 she became the permanent presenter of the information program “Time,” which aired live on Channel One. By the way, she was immediately recognized as the most beautiful television presenter. By this time, the girl had already completed her education and had already managed to write a dissertation, the topic of which was the Nuremberg trials.

But Ekaterina Sergeevna’s career was successful not only on television, but also in cinema. The girl starred in a film for the first time in 1990. After that, there were several more films in which she successfully starred. For example, in 2000, she starred with Alexei Makarov and Maria Golubkina in a film dedicated to the terrorist attack in Nord-Ost.

Ekaterina Andreeva - biography of personal life

Famous TV presenter Ekaterina Andreevna was married twice. Nothing is known about the first husband of the famous TV presenter, since the celebrity herself hides it. But in this marriage, a daughter, Natalya, was born, the only child in the family of Ekaterina Sergeevna.

One of the best and beautiful TV presenters Channel One - Ekaterina Andreeva. The biography and personal life of the famous announcer has already for a long time interests many. What especially excites many fans is how old Ekaterina Andreeva is. The presenter, however, never hid her age, and explained her youthful appearance proper nutrition And in a sporty manner life.

Childhood and youth of the TV presenter

The biography of Katya Andreeva begins on November 27, 1961. It was on this day in Moscow that she was born. Little girl Katya’s father worked in a government position and was involved in logistics. But my mother completely devoted herself to her children, husband and household chores. In addition to Katya, there was another child in the family - her younger sister Sveta. Both girls studied at a regular school, but Katya additionally attended the basketball section and was even enrolled in an Olympic reserve school at one time. But soon, for some reason, I stopped playing my favorite basketball.

Despite successful sports background, the girl does not want to connect her life with basketball and sends her documents to a law school, planning to study by correspondence in the evening. However, later he realizes that he doesn’t want to be a lawyer either and changes jurisprudence to Teacher Education at the Krupskaya Institute and successfully graduates.

At the end of 1990, the girl enrolled in a speaker course. It was these courses that made it clear that this is what she wants to connect her career with. Actually, the girl’s talent as a TV presenter was noticed almost immediately. Even the famous announcer Igor Kirillov undertakes to personally train the future TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva.

Few people know that before starting work on television, the girl managed to serve in the Krasnodar General Prosecutor's Office. Moreover, she dealt exclusively with criminal cases.

One of these was the case of the murder of a minor child. Her decision to leave the police is connected with this case, since the young lady was repeatedly subjected to threats, and once there was even an attack that was directly related to this case.

Television career

Later, the girl is offered to try herself as a TV presenter on the Good Morning program, and Ekaterina happily accepts the offer. Great broadcasts grammatically correct speech and the girl’s pleasant appearance does not go unnoticed and she is already offered to host more serious television programs, such as “Vesti” and programs with economic topics. However, the novice announcer has proven herself excellent in them too.

It’s worth adding right away that the famous presenter has been repeatedly awarded prestigious awards. The most significant of them:

By the way, in 2014 the famous Russian TV presenter for their Political Views included in the sanctions list for entry into Ukraine.

In 1994, Ekaterina became the official announcer famous channel"ORT" by appointment of Sergei Dorenko, where he continues to work to this day. At the same time, the number of fans of this amazing woman is growing every year.

In addition, Ekaterina can be seen in popular Russian television films, where the girl played small roles, such as:

  • “Unknown pages from the life of a scout”;
  • "Fiend of Hell";
  • "Personal number";
  • "In the Mirror of Venus"

And also based on interesting personality Andreeva was even created cartoon character for the TV show “Cartoon Personality”, which was broadcast on Channel One. Ekaterina still remains one of the most popular announcers Russian television.

Personal life

At Ekaterina Andreeva's everything is fine in my personal life. She manages to be a wonderful TV presenter, a caring mother and a loving wife. Almost nothing is known about the first marriage of the famous announcer and the woman does not like to talk about it, considering this story to be old and lived-in. Although he has it from his first marriage eldest daughter Natalya. But about my second marriage and new wife with interesting name Dusan, a famous businessman and lawyer, the TV presenter speaks with special love and warmth. Unfortunately, Dusko Perovic and Ekaterina Andreeva do not have any children together yet.

Dusan, while still living in his homeland in Yugoslavia, saw a girl on the TV screen, where she was hosting another program, and immediately began to look for a meeting with her, asking her mutual friends for her phone number. Friends gave her the number, but immediately warned that Ekaterina was a serious person and it was unlikely that anything would come of it. But the purposeful young man He had his own plan of conquest and he went ahead, trying to win the woman he loved. However, this joyful event happened only after three long years.

As the presenter herself says, their painting was mystical, since young people were denied painting exactly six times. Catherine's husband - foreign citizen and he had to provide a certificate stating that he was not married. But either the certificate was incorrectly completed, or the dates had expired, or even the groom’s middle name was not Perovich, but Petrovich. Therefore, at some point, the announcer even thought about abandoning the wedding ceremony, considering this chain of events to be non-random.

In addition to work, Ekaterina devotes quite a lot of time to her many hobbies. Her favorite hobbies are Pilates, yoga and tai chi.

Moreover, the famous TV presenter goes to each of her hobbies twice a week. And the announcer always starts her day with light morning exercises and believes that this is what keeps her in good shape.

Ekaterina herself answers many provocative questions from journalists very frankly and calmly. The girl does not hide the fact that she smokes a lot, likes to drive fast, repairs equipment herself and collects descriptions of events and Interesting Facts Soviet history. Despite the fact that Ekaterina is already 56 years old, the girl follows fashion trends, communicates in popular in social networks.

Attention, TODAY only!

Ekaterina Andreeva was one of the most famous journalists working on Channel One. Since the mid-90s of the last century, the TV presenter has been working in news programs.

The TV star amazes with her youth and beauty. No one believes that Ekaterina Andreeva is already over 55 years old. She looks at most 35 years old, driving men crazy and making the fair sex jealous.

Andreeva is currently living a happily married life. She also learned the joy of motherhood. Her only daughter She has long been an adult and is going her own way.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Andreeva

Before New Year's holiday in 2016, one of the final episodes of the show program “Alone with Everyone” was dedicated to Ekaterina Andreeva. TV viewers glued to screens throughout the area Russian Federation, listened to the life story of a popular TV presenter. She revealed almost all the secrets, telling her what her height, weight, and age were. How old Ekaterina Andreeva is can be found on the website of the First Television Channel.

Knowing the year she was born, you can calculate the number of years she lived. The blue screen star was born in the year of the first human flight into space, so she turned 57 years old in 2018. The woman looks amazing. Many believe that she has just crossed the 30-year-old mark.

Ekaterina Andreeva, whose photos in her youth and now are a real find for her fans, does not allow herself to appear in front of the camera without makeup. She chooses her own outfit without using the services of a stylist. Our today's heroine also does her hair herself. She carefully thinks through the entire image in order to appear fully armed before the public.

The popular TV presenter is in good health physical fitness. She does exercises and facial massage every day. Several times during the day, the popular TV presenter pronounces various tongue twisters. They help her make her speech apparatus stronger and more functional, without which she cannot live.

For several decades, Andreeva has been on a salt-free diet. The woman weighs 67 kg and is 180 cm tall.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva

Was born future star television screen in the early 60s of the last century. Her father supplied food to the government, her mother raised the children. Our heroine has a younger sister, with whom she is still very friendly. During her childhood, Katenka was often sick, so she went to kindergarten late, only at the age of 5. The girl gathered her peers around her and told them fantastic stories. For this she was called an inventor. For example, she once said that she lives on Red Square with her grandfather Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.

Katyusha went to school with great enthusiasm. She didn't sleep all night, she was afraid to oversleep. The girl was the smallest among her classmates, so she was jokingly called a chicken. Katya studied well. She was the best student in the class. The girl fell in love with reading. She went to the library located next to her house and took books, which she quickly read, writing down interesting places in your diary.

Katya loved to dance and perform on stage. From the 5th grade I began to attend the basketball section. From the 7th grade I was in a special school where they trained future Olympians.

In high school, I decided to become a lawyer to defend people in difficult life situations. He receives his education at the All-Russian Legal Correspondence Institute. Before graduating, while doing practical work at the Prosecutor General's Office, I almost said goodbye to life. It was only by luck that she managed to escape death.

Parents, having learned about the danger threatening their daughter, began to insist on changing her profession. Catherine obeyed and began to study history. At the same time, the girl also receives a teaching profession. Yesterday's student did not work at school for a day. She entered graduate school, after which she wrote a dissertation on the events of the Nuremberg trials.

Having heard that television is open for recruiting listeners who dream of working on television and radio, Ekaterina comes here. She is taught by the master of Russian and Soviet television, Igor Kirillov. It is under his patronage that the girl begins to work on the main television channel of the country. At first, she hosted news programs and a program dedicated to cars.

Then the popular TV presenter began to appear in the morning hours, charging numerous Russian TV viewers getting ready for work with her enthusiasm and energy. She impartially and honestly covered all the events that happened in the country and the world. Only once did Ekaterina Andreeva refuse to go on air. She was unable to gather herself to inform citizens about the events in Budennovsk.

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva includes filming in a number of films. For example, she played in “First Soon”, “Personal Number”, one of the episodes of “Old Songs about the Main Thing”. The popular TV presenter often appeared in the parody show program “Multi-Personality”.

The star of domestic television was awarded many prizes, the most significant of which was the Order of Friendship. Catherine is prohibited from entering Ukrainian territory for 3 years, since she, like many of her colleagues, supported the decision of citizens living on the Crimean peninsula and in the city of Sevastopol.

Recently fans talented woman and a large television audience was excited by rumors that Ekaterina Andreeva (TV presenter) had left Channel One. It turned out that this was not true. It’s just that the Russian television star took a vacation, which she spent with her loved ones. Currently, Andreeva still actively appears on Saturdays. She does her job honestly and impartially.

Personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva

The personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva is currently very successful and happy. The popular TV presenter has been living with her husband Dusan Perovic for almost 30 years.

According to official data, our today's heroine was married for the first time during her student days. The marriage was short-lived, although it brought the girl the happiness of motherhood.

Ekaterina Andreeva often spends her holidays in the Maldives with her beloved husband and daughter. They are diving. They love to walk along the ocean. Photos taken during the holiday period invariably become a decoration of the Instagram page.

Family of Ekaterina Andreeva

Since childhood, the family of Ekaterina Andreeva has supported the star of the silver screen in all her endeavors. Currently, the woman is surrounded by attention and love from her beloved husband, daughter, mother and sister.

The woman's father recently passed away. He worked as a government employee for many years. He spared neither strength nor health, ensuring a comfortable life for the Kremlin leadership of the country. The man did not live long after his retirement. He fell ill and died within a few months. Sergei Alexandrovich was buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

The mother raised her daughters. She devoted herself to caring for her husband and improving her home.

Andreeva has a sister, Svetlana, born 8 years after her. She currently edits news. The woman lives in a happy marriage, in which Catherine’s two nephews were born. They are already adults, self-sufficient individuals. They work on one of the television channels of the Russian Federation.

Children of Ekaterina Andreeva

The TV star became a mother only once. She gave birth to a girl, who was named Natasha. Currently, she is already an adult, self-sufficient person.

Married to her second husband, Ekaterina Andreeva’s children were never born. She explains this by being incredibly busy at work. Currently, the woman says that she and her husband are thinking about taking the child from orphanage to give him warmth and affection.

The TV presenter calls her nephews, who are already adults and also involved in the television industry, her children. She is the godmother of one of the boys.

Daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva - Natalya Andreeva

In the early 80s of the last century, the TV presenter became a mother for the first time. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter, whom the young mother named Natasha. The fact is that she liked this name since childhood, so she decided to give it to the newborn.

The daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva, Natalya Andreeva, never gave her star mom cause for concern. She studied well at school, after which she became a lawyer at one of the best institutes in the country.

Currently, Natasha has already grown up. She is busy volunteering, helping people in difficult situations. life situations. In addition, the girl took part in the Sochi Olympics, helping athletes and spectators who came to the competition.

Nothing is known about Natalia’s personal life, as well as the presence of children.

Ekaterina Andreeva and her daughter, whose photos are often posted on social networks, understand each other. Many TV viewers, unaware of adult daughter The presenter considers them friends.

Former husband of Ekaterina Andreeva

In her youth, the girl fell in love for the first time. The relationship developed rapidly. Within a few months they officially registered their marriage and began to live together. At first the marriage was happy, but after the birth of their first child the marriage began to crack, which led to their breakup.

Currently, it is not known for certain who the TV presenter was married to. Ex-husband Ekaterina Andreeva does not communicate with her daughter and screen star. She herself and her family do not reveal the secret of the relationship between the popular TV presenter and her first husband.

Ekaterina Andreeva's husband - Dusan Perovich

In the mid-80s of the last century, the silver screen star met Serbian businessman Dusan Perovic. While in the Soviet Union, he saw Katenka on the news. The young people met through friends.

There are no barriers to love. They overcame the language barrier. The man learned to speak the language of his beloved. He flew to his beloved every week. Soon the TV presenter agreed to become his wife.

Ekaterina Andreeva’s husband, Dusan Perovich, presented a medal to his beloved during the courtship period. The man was able to become a real support for his beloved. He replaced the girl's father.

Currently, the couple live together in Moscow, but often go to their husband’s homeland, Montenegro, on weekends.

The TV presenter looks incredibly young, so in social parts you can often find information about what she did plastic surgery. Photos of Ekaterina Andreeva before and after plastic surgery are also posted here. The woman herself claims that she has never resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon.

She claims that several times a year she undergoes cryoprocedures, after which she becomes younger. Promotes a woman's youth and love for her husband.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Andreeva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ekaterina Andreeva are accessible. Views them a large number of admirers of her talent.

Wikipedia contains the most accurate information about the woman. Here you can learn about the career of the silver screen star. The page tells about Andreeva's relatives and friends.

The popular TV presenter is registered on social networks. She is especially active on her Instagram page. Photos of Andreeva with close and dear people are often posted here. Article found on alabanza.ru

Numerous fans on Instagram literally bombarded Ekaterina Andreeva with questions regarding her future on Channel One, after the TV presenter was suddenly replaced by Kirill Kleimenov. In the comments to one of the posts, Ekaterina spoke about the current situation.


“My “Time” cannot end. From the Volga to the Yenisei, I take “Time” to the whole country. And Moscow, as you know, is not all of Russia. All of Russia is much larger than Moscow,” Andreeva stated categorically.

Let us note that the people reacted ambiguously to the absence (albeit temporary) of Ekaterina Andreeva. Some were happy about the transformations in the studio, which should now be ultra-modern and even newfangled, others were upset and asked to return the TV presenter.

However, on the sidelines of Channel One, many do not like Andreeva and do not even greet her, considering her arrogant, arrogant and harmful. In addition, according to rumors, as the face of the channel, she receives more than other employees - about 14 thousand dollars a month.

Publication from Ekaterina Andreeva (@ekaterinaandreeva_official) Jan 3, 2018 at 7:33 PST

Let us recall that Ekaterina Andreeva has been working as the host of the Vremya information program since the beginning of 1997. During this time, Channel One, as they say on the sidelines, received more than one bag of letters asking to remove her from the air. Russian language teachers were surprised by their lack of knowledge of leading orthoepy (stress rules) and intonation. And fellow TV crews laughed at Katya’s manner of swaying in the frame, for which they called her “running on the waves.”

The permanent presenter of the Vremya program, Ekaterina Andreeva, unexpectedly for many, began to rarely appear on the country's television screens this season - the final news broadcast for the European part of Russia was hosted by Kirill Kleimenov, head of the information broadcasting directorate of Channel One. Even in the summer, viewers noticed Andreeva’s “absences” from the air, although for more than 20 years she appeared on camera almost every evening, only occasionally allowing herself a short vacation.

Since then, rumors have constantly appeared that she was “fired” from the channel, but there is no official confirmation of this. Andreeva herself for the time being did not comment on her work, but yesterday she answered one of her subscribers who asked her: “Why do I now see some terrible presenter on the news, and not you? Is it true that you left Channel One?”

“This is the taste of bosses. I haven’t left yet, while I’m working at Orbits and our huge country still sees me,” answered Ekaterina Andreeva.

Vladimir Berezin came to the defense of Ekaterina Andreeva

It has become known that TV presenter of the Vremya program Ekaterina Andreeva will no longer appear on weekday newscasts for the European part of the country. Now Ekaterina has switched to Far East and Siberia.

Many fans believe that the celebrity was deliberately transferred to remote regions, and then completely removed from the air. It is worth noting that Channel One employees anonymously criticized Ekaterina, calling her arrogant and unprofessional.

Vladimir Berezov, a famous announcer, decided to comment on the situation. He stated that working for the Far East and Siberia is just as important and responsible, and Andreeva, as a “steadfast soldier,” has no choice but to carry out orders from her superiors.

Ekaterina Andreeva left Russia after being expelled from Channel One

Ekaterina has been the host of the “Time” program on Channel One for more than 20 years. For some time she left her post to Kirill Kleimenov and went on a tour of South Korea, and judging by her Instagram, she doesn't miss work at all.

Popular Russian TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, who has been hosting the “Time” program on Channel One for many years, is now going through an unpleasant period. The fact is that relatively recently they stopped appointing her as a leading news program.

Andreeva herself tries not to show her sadness. On the contrary, on her personal blog she regularly shares with subscribers information about her life, in which there is practically no room for sad thoughts. From Ekaterina’s latest records, we can conclude that she left Russia and settled in South Korea. From now on she leads travel notes and supports a culinary blog, which came as a surprise to her large army of fans.

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