Physics preparation for the Unified State Exam - all theory. Educational and methodological materials and developments in physics


innovative course of general physics for students of the Faculty of Physics (1st semester, section “MECHANICS”)

Comments on individual course topics are provided in pdf format - for reading and printing a hard copy using Acrobat Reader. Computer simulations (Java applets) are performed directly in the browser.

Topic 1: Introduction. Principles of classical physics

Introduction. The place of physics among natural sciences. The relationship between experiment and theory in physics. Experience as a source of knowledge and criterion of truth. Heuristic power of physical theories. Limits of applicability of physical theories. The principle of correspondence. Abstractions of classical mechanics. Absolutization of the physical process (independence from means of observation) and the possibility of unlimited detail in its description. Uncertainty relations and limits of applicability of the classical description. The role of mathematics in physics. The difference between the concepts that pure mathematics and experimental science deals with. Physical models and abstractions.

  • Commentary on the topic “Introduction. Principles of classical physics" (7 pages)

Topic 2: Space and time. Reference systems and coordinate systems

Measurements of time intervals and spatial distances. Modern standards of time and length. Classical (non-relativistic) ideas about space and time are assumptions about the absolute nature of the simultaneity of events, time intervals and spatial distances. Properties of space and time. Uniformity of time. Homogeneity and isotropy of space. The relationship between Euclidean geometry and the geometry of real physical space. Reference system.

  • (5 pages)

Coordinate systems. Relationship between cylindrical and spherical coordinates and Cartesian coordinates. Length element in curvilinear coordinates. Unit vectors (orts) for Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Transformation of point coordinates when moving from one coordinate system to another.

Topic 3: Kinematics of a material point.

Physical models. Examples of idealized objects and abstractions used in physics. Material point as a physical model. Mechanical movement and its description. Subject of kinematics. Basic concepts of the kinematics of a material point. Radius vector. Moving. Trajectory. Path. Average speed. Speed. Velocity vector as a derivative of the radius vector. Velocity vector direction and trajectory. Speed ​​vector hodograph. Acceleration. Acceleration during curved motion. Center of curvature and radius of curvature of the trajectory. Decomposition of acceleration into normal and tangential components.

  • Commentary on the topic “Space and time. Kinematics of a material point" (5 pages)

Coordinate form of motion description. Determination of speed and acceleration from a given dependence of coordinates on time. Determination of coordinates based on a given dependence of speed on time. Movement with connections. One-dimensional curvilinear movement. The number of degrees of freedom of a mechanical system.

Topic 4: Fundamentals of classical dynamics of a material point

Basics of dynamics. Newton's first law and its physical content. Dynamic equivalence of the state of rest and motion at constant speed. The connection between the law of inertia and the principle of relativity. Newton's second law. Strength and mechanical movement. The physical essence of the concept of force in mechanics. Forces of different physical natures and fundamental interactions in physics. Properties of force and methods of measuring forces. The concept of inertial mass. Methods for measuring mass. Physical content of Newton's second law. Simultaneous action of several forces and the principle of superposition. Interaction of bodies and Newton's third law. Logical scheme of Newton's laws and different possibilities for its construction.

  • Commentary on the topic “Fundamentals of classical dynamics” (7 pages)

Topic 5: Direct and inverse problems of dynamics. Integrating the Equations of Motion

Newton's second law as the basic equation of the dynamics of a material point. The concept of mechanical condition. The direct task of dynamics is to determine forces from known motion. Finding the law of gravity from Kepler's laws. The inverse problem of dynamics is the determination of motion based on known forces and the initial state. Examples of integration of equations of motion (movement of a particle in a constant and time-dependent uniform field, motion in a viscous medium, motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field and in crossed electric and magnetic fields, motion under the influence of forces depending on the position of the particle - spatial oscillator and Coulomb field).

Algorithms for numerical integration of equations of motion. Movement of a material point in the presence of connections. Reaction forces of ideal bonds.

Topic 6: Physical quantities and systems of units. Dimensional Analysis

Measurements in physics. Standard requirements physical quantity. Units of physical quantities. Systems of units in mechanics. Principles of constructing systems of units. Basic and derived units. Standards. Dimension of a physical quantity. Method of dimensional analysis and its application in physical problems.

  • Commentary on the topic “Physical quantities and systems of units. Dimensional Analysis" (8 pages)

Topic 7: Topic: Prerequisites and postulates of the partial theory of relativity

Inertial reference systems. Physical equivalence of inertial reference systems (principle of relativity). Galilean transformations and velocity transformations. The limited nature of classical ideas about space and time. The principle of relativity and electrodynamics. Experimental facts indicating the universal nature of the speed of light in a vacuum. Partial theory of relativity – physical theory space and time. Postulates of the theory of relativity and their physical content.

  • Commentary on the topic “Prerequisites and postulates of the special theory of relativity” (4 pages)

Topic 8: Relativistic kinematics

Measuring time intervals and spatial distances from the point of view of the theory of relativity. The concept of an event. The relativity of simultaneity of events. Clock synchronization. Transformation of time intervals between events when transitioning to another reference system. Own time. Experimental confirmation of the relativistic law of transformation of time intervals. Relativity of spatial distances between events. Own length. Lorentz contraction as a consequence of the postulates of the theory of relativity. Relativistic Doppler effect.

  • Commentary on the topic “Relativistic kinematics” (8 pages)

Topic 9: Lorentz transformations and consequences from them

Lorentz transformations. Relativistic law of speed conversion. Relative speed and closing speed. Aberration of light. Kinematic consequences of Lorentz transformations.

  • Commentary on the topic “Lorentz transformations and consequences from them” (7 pages)

Topic 10: Geometry of space-time

Interval between events. Geometric interpretation of Lorentz transformations. Four-dimensional Minkowski space-time. Light cone. World lines. Timelike and spacelike intervals between events. Causality and classification of intervals. Absolute past, absolute future and absolutely distant. Interpretation of the relativity of simultaneity of events, the relativity of time intervals and distances using Minkowski diagrams. Four-vectors in Minkowski space. Four-dimensional radius vector of an event.

  • Commentary on the topic “Geometry of space-time” (11 pages)

Topic 11: Fundamentals of relativistic dynamics

Relativistic momentum of a particle. Relativistic energy. Kinetic energy and rest energy. Mass and energy. Equivalence of energy and relativistic mass. Binding energy of atomic nuclei. Conversions of rest energy in nuclear reactions. Reactions of fission of heavy nuclei and fusion of light nuclei. Relationship between energy and momentum of a particle. Transformation of energy and momentum of a particle upon transition to another reference system. Four-vector energy-momentum particle. Simple tasks relativistic dynamics. The movement of a particle in a uniform constant field, the movement of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field.

  • Commentary on the topic “Fundamentals of relativistic dynamics” (10 pages)

Topic 12: Impulse, angular momentum, energy. Conservation laws

The momentum of a material point and the law of its change. Impulse of force. Momentum of a material point. Moment of power. Law of change in angular momentum. Conservation of angular momentum when a particle moves in a central force field. Sectoral velocity and the law of areas (Kepler's second law).

  • Commentary on the topic “Angular momentum and sectorial velocity” (2 pages)
The concept of work of force in mechanics. Properties of work as a physical quantity. Power of force. Kinetic energy of a particle. Full force work and change kinetic energy particles. Potential force field. Potential energy of a particle. Field lines and equipotential surfaces. Relationship between force and potential energy. Examples of potential force fields.

Mechanical energy of a material point. The law of change in the mechanical energy of a particle when it moves in a potential force field. Dissipative and conservative mechanical systems. Work of reaction forces of ideal bonds. The connection between the conservation of mechanical energy of a conservative system and the reversibility of its movement in time and with the uniformity of time. Examples of application of the law of conservation of mechanical energy in physical problems.

Topic 13: Dynamics of a system of material points

Center of mass of the system. Momentum of a particle system. Relationship between the momentum of the system and the speed of the center of mass. External and internal forces. The law of change in the momentum of the system. Conservation of Momentum closed system interacting bodies. Law of motion of the center of mass. Movement of a body of variable mass. Meshchersky equation. Jet propulsion. Tsiolkovsky's formula. The idea of ​​multistage rockets. Two body problem. Reduced mass.

Momentum of the system of bodies. Relationship between the angular momentum of a system in different reference systems and relative to different points. The law of changing the angular momentum of a system of interacting bodies. Moments of internal and external forces. Equation of moments about a moving pole. Conservation of angular momentum of a closed system.

Conservation laws and principles of symmetry in physics. Relationship between conservation laws for a closed system of bodies and the symmetry properties of physical space. Conservation of momentum and homogeneity of space. Conservation of angular momentum and isotropy of space.

Topic 14: Energy of a mechanical system. Particle collisions

Kinetic energy of a particle system. Decomposition of the kinetic energy of a system into the sum of the kinetic energy of motion of the system as a whole and the kinetic energy of motion relative to the center of mass. Inelastic collisions and kinetic energy of relative motion. The change in the kinetic energy of the system and the work of all forces acting on the particles entering it.

Potential forces of interaction between particles of the system. Work of external and internal potential forces when changing the configuration of the system. Potential energy of particles in an external field and potential energy of interaction between particles of the system. Mechanical energy of a system of interacting bodies and the law of its change. Conservative and dissipative systems of interacting bodies. Conservation of energy and reversibility of motion.

  • Computer simulation (“Remarkable motions in three-body systems”)
Elastic particle collisions. Application of the laws of conservation of energy and momentum to collision processes. Collisions of macroscopic bodies and atomic collisions. Laboratory reference system and center of mass system. The limiting angle of scattering of an incident particle on a lighter stationary particle. The scattering angle and the angle of dispersion of particles after a collision. Energy transfer during elastic collisions. Slowing down neutrons. The role of collisions in the processes of relaxation and establishment of thermal equilibrium. Limitations on the possibility of energy transfer when there is a large difference in the masses of colliding particles.

Topic 15: Gravity. Movement under the influence of gravitational forces. Space dynamics

Gravitational interaction. Law universal gravity. Gravitational mass. Gravitational field strength. Superposition principle. Lines of force and the flow of gravitational field intensity. Continuity of power lines. Gauss's theorem. The gravitational field of a spherical shell and a solid ball. Gravitational interaction of spherical bodies. Experimental determination of the gravitational constant. Cavendish experience. Potential energy of a point in a gravitational field. Gravitational energy of a spherical body.

Movement in a gravitational field. Laws of motion of planets, comets and artificial satellites. Kepler's laws. Speed ​​vector hodograph. Application of the laws of conservation of energy and angular momentum to the study of Keplerian motion. Cosmic speeds. Circular speed. Release speed.

  • Commentary on the topic “Motion in a gravitational field. Cosmic dynamics" (13 pages)

Perturbed Keplerian motions. Influence of atmospheric braking and planet shape on orbit artificial satellite. Precession of the equatorial orbit.

Three body problem – exact partial solutions and approximate solutions (conjugate conic sections). The sphere of gravitational action of the planet. Fundamentals of space dynamics. Third and fourth escape speeds.

  • Computer simulation (“Remarkable motions in three-body systems”)

Topic 16: Kinematics of a rigid body

The number of degrees of freedom of a rigid body. Parallel translation and rotation. Euler's theorem. Euler angles. Particular types of motion of a rigid body. Forward movement. Rotation around a fixed axis. Screw movement. Plane motion of a rigid body. Decomposition of plane motion into translational motion and rotation. Angular velocity vector. Instantaneous rotation axis. Expression of the linear velocity of points of a rigid body through the radius vector and the angular velocity vector. Acceleration of points of a rigid body. Rotation around a fixed point. Addition of rotations. Decomposition of angular velocity into components. General case of rigid body motion.

Topic 17: Basics of rigid body dynamics

Moments of external forces and equilibrium conditions (statics). Finding reaction forces and statically indeterminate systems. The principle of virtual movements.

Dynamics of rotation around a fixed axis. Moment of inertia. Moments of inertia of homogeneous bodies (rod, disk, ball, cone, bar, etc.). Moments of inertia about parallel axes (Huygens–Steiner theorem). Kinetic energy of a rotating rigid body. Physical pendulum. Reduced length and center of swing. Reversibility property.

Dynamics of plane motion of a rigid body. Application of the equation of moments relative to a moving pole. Rolling a cylinder down an inclined plane. Maxwell's pendulum. Kinetic energy of a rigid body in plane motion.

Topic 18: Free rotation of a symmetrical top

The angular momentum of an absolutely rigid body and its relationship with the angular velocity vector. Inertia tensor. Main axes of inertia. Free rotation around the main axes of inertia. Stability of free rotation around the main axes of inertia. Free rotation of a symmetrical top. Regular precession (nutation). Geometric interpretation of free precession for an elongated and flattened symmetrical top. Movable and immobile axoids.

Laws of motion in non-inertial reference systems. Inertial forces in translationally moving non-inertial systems. The principle of relativity, Newton's first law and the origin of inertial forces. Frames of reference freely falling in a gravitational field. Weightlessness. The principle of equivalence. Proportionality of inertial and gravitational masses. Experiments of Galileo, Newton, Bessel, Eotvos and Dicke. Local nature of the equivalence principle. Tidal forces in a non-uniform gravitational field.

  • Commentary on the topic “Inertial forces and gravity. The principle of equivalence." (6 pages)

Topic 21: Rotating frames of reference

Laws of motion in rotating frames of reference. Acceleration and Coriolis acceleration. Centrifugal and Coriolis inertial forces. Deviation of the plumb line from the direction towards the center of the Earth. Dynamics of motion of a material point near the Earth's surface taking into account the Earth's rotation. Integration of equations of free motion by the method of successive approximations. Deviation of a freely falling body from the vertical. Foucault pendulum. Angular velocity rotation of the swing plane at the pole and at an arbitrary point on the Earth.

Topic 22: Fundamentals of the mechanics of deformable bodies

Continuum deformations. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous deformation. Elastic and plastic deformation. Elastic limit and residual deformation. Deformations and mechanical stresses. Elastic constants. Hooke's law.

Types of elastic deformations. Uniaxial tension and compression. Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. Bend deformation. Energy of an elastically deformed body. Superposition of deformations. Shear deformation. Relationship between the shear modulus of a material and Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio.

Torsional deformation of a cylindrical rod (elastic thread). Torsion modulus. Strain of all-round (hydrostatic) compression. Expression of the bulk modulus in terms of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio.

Topic 23: Mechanics of liquids and gases

Laws of hydrostatics. Pressure in liquid and gas. Mass and surface forces. Hydrostatics of incompressible fluid. Equilibrium of liquid and gas in a gravitational field. Barometric formula. Equilibrium of a body in liquid and gas. Stability of balance. Swimming tel. Floating stability. Metacentre.

Stationary fluid flow. Velocity field of a moving fluid. Current lines and tubes. Continuity equation. Ideal liquid. Bernoulli's law. Dynamic pressure. Fluid leaking from the hole. Torricelli's formula. Viscosity of the liquid. Stationary laminar flow of viscous fluid through a pipe. Poiseuille's formula. Laminar and turbulent flow. Reynolds number. Hydrodynamic similarity. Flow of liquid and gas around bodies. Drag and lift. D'Alembert's paradox. Flow separation and vortex formation. Lifting force of an airplane wing. Magnus effect.

Topic 24: Fundamentals of oscillation physics

Oscillations. Subject of the theory of oscillations. Classification of vibrations according to kinematic characteristics. Classification according to the physical nature of processes. Classification according to the method of excitation (natural, forced, parametric and self-oscillations). Kinematics of harmonic oscillation. Vector diagrams. Relationship between harmonic vibration and uniform circular motion. Addition of harmonic vibrations. Beating. Lissajous figures.

Natural oscillations of a harmonic oscillator. Energy transformations during vibrations. Phase portrait of a linear oscillator. Isochronism of a linear oscillator. Damping of vibrations under viscous friction. Decrement of attenuation. Good quality. Critical attenuation. Aperiodic mode. Damping of vibrations during dry friction. Stagnation zone. Errors of pointer measuring instruments.

Kovaleva Lyudmila Vasilievna
Educational institution: MBOU "Vetlevskaya secondary school" Mglinsky district, Bryansk region
Brief job description: The planning of the authors of the textbook, although it is based on the calculation of 2 hours per week (68 hours per year), which corresponds to the regional basic curriculum, but compared to previous programs, some topics have been added that are mandatory for study in accordance with the federal component of the state educational standard basic general education.

Barkovskaya Svetlana Evgenievna
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution secondary school No. rp Kuzovatovo, Ulyanovsk region
Brief job description: Non-standard problems require non-standard thinking; their solution cannot be reduced to an algorithm. Therefore, along with traditional methods, it is necessary to equip students with heuristic methods for solving problems that are based on fantasy, exaggeration, “getting used to” the subject or phenomenon being studied, etc.

Artemova Natalya Dmitrievna
Educational institution: MAOU gymnasium No. 56, Tomsk
Brief job description: Presentation for a physics lesson in 7th grade (UMK Purysheva N.S.). Contains the main material of the paragraph: definitions, notations, formulas and illustrations of physical processes. At the end of the presentation there is a crossword puzzle, the questions of which are aimed at repeating and consolidating the material covered earlier

Albekova Karlygash Amangeldinovna
Educational institution: KSU secondary school No. 17, Ekibastuz city
Brief job description: The purpose of studying the 7th grade physics course is to form in students the foundations of a scientific worldview, cognitive interests, intellectual and creativity, critical thinking based on knowledge and skills gained from studying natural phenomena, familiarity with the basic laws of physics, their application in technology and Everyday life. The main goal of teaching in-depth study of physics to 7th grade students is to deepen the content of the basic physics course and strengthen its applied focus.

Ovchyan Galina Anatolevna
Educational institution: MBOU gymnasium No. 7, p. Donskoye, Trunovsky district, Stavropol region
Brief job description: The report reveals the system of work of a physics teacher with gifted students. The system is based on the regular solution of research and inventive problems, tasks higher level.

Nasyrova Marina Nikolaevna
Educational institution: Uralsk. Secondary school No. 16
Brief job description: Development extracurricular activity for 7th grade students. Objectives of the event: to in a comic form review and analyze basic physical concepts. To teach how to apply the knowledge acquired in class in non-standard situations

Filonenko Larisa Viktorovna
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution "Zelenoborskaya secondary school"
Brief job description: Modernization Russian education involves the formation of solid knowledge in students, the ability to navigate the information space, and engage in self-education. On modern stage development of society, the use of information and communication technologies in the education system is relevant.

Baitoleu Madina Baitoleukyzy
Educational institution: KSU "OSH No. 24" Temirtau
Brief job description: Laboratory work “Testing the law of conservation of momentum” Purpose: to determine the impulses of a closed system before and after the interaction of the bodies included in it, and to check the law of conservation of momentum, to calculate the absolute and relative errors of direct measurements of the flight range of one of the balls. Equipment and accessories: a tripod with a foot, 2 balls of the same volume and different weights, a tray for launching a ball, sheets of white and carbon paper, a tape measure, electronic scales.

Sachuk Tatyana Ivanovna
Educational institution: GBOU Secondary School No. 1 "OC" named after. Hero Soviet Union S.V. Vavilova s. Borskoe
Brief job description: Submitted lesson planning in physics is intended for 11th grade students studying profile level, compiled in accordance with the program for educational institutions recommended at the federal level: Sample program secondary (complete) general education.

This section of the Notebook website contains educational and methodological materials on physics posted by users of our website. Physics teachers will be able to find many useful developments in their daily teaching work: notes, plans, technological maps, scenarios and much more. You can download all the teaching materials on physics you need for free for informational purposes.

In addition, we invite all teachers to publish their author's work on our website, for which you can receive a certificate of publication for your portfolio. Only with your help we can collect the best development base and teaching materials physics and other disciplines.

Our website also contains educational and methodological materials on other subjects of the Russian school curriculum, for example, chemistry, which we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

The proposed manual is addressed to students in grades 10-11 who plan to take the Unified State Exam in physics, teachers and methodologists. The book is intended for the initial stage of active preparation for the exam, for practicing all topics and types of tasks of basic and advanced levels of complexity. The material presented in the book complies with the Unified State Exam-2016 specification in physics and the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary general education.
The publication contains the following materials:
- theoretical material on the topics “Mechanics”, “Molecular Physics”, “Electrodynamics”, “Oscillations and Waves”, “Optics”, “Quantum Physics”;
- tasks of basic and advanced levels of complexity for the above sections, distributed by topic and level;
- answers to all tasks.
The book will be useful for reviewing the material, for practicing the skills and competencies necessary to pass the Unified State Exam, for organizing preparation for the exam in the classroom and at home, as well as for use in the educational process not only for the purpose of exam preparation. The manual is also suitable for applicants planning to take the Unified State Exam after a break in their studies.
The publication is included in training and metodology complex"Physics. Preparation for the Unified State Exam."

Two cars left points A and B towards each other. The speed of the first car is 80 km/h, the second is 10 km/h less than the first. What is the distance between points A and B if the cars meet in 2 hours?

Bodies 1 and 2 move along the x axis at constant speed. Figure 11 shows graphs of the dependence of the coordinates of moving bodies 1 and 2 on time t. Determine at what time t the first body will catch up with the second.

Two cars are driving along a straight section of highway in the same direction. The speed of the first car is 90 km/h, the second is 60 km/h. What is the speed of the first car relative to the second?

Table of contents
From authors 7
Chapter I. Mechanics 11
Theoretical material 11
Kinematics 11
Dynamics of a material point 14
Conservation laws in mechanics 16
Statics 18
Basic difficulty level 19 tasks
§ 1. Kinematics 19
1.1. Speed ​​uniform rectilinear motion 19
1.2. Equation of uniform rectilinear motion 21
1.3. Speed ​​addition 24
1.4. Motion with constant acceleration 26
1.5. Free Fall 34
1.6. Circular movement 38
§ 2. Dynamics 39
2.1. Newton's laws 39
2.2. Force of universal gravitationlaw of universal gravitation 42
2.3. Gravity, body weight 44
2.4. Elastic force, Hooke's law 46
2.5. Friction force 47
§ 3. Conservation laws in mechanics 49
3.1. Pulse. Law of conservation of momentum 49
3.2. Work of force.^Power 54
3.3. Kinetic energy and its change 55
§ 4. Statics 56
4.1. Balance of bodies 56
4.2. Archimedes' law. Swimming condition of bodies 58
Advanced tasks 61
§ 5. Kinematics 61
§ 6. Dynamics of a material point 67
§ 7. Conservation laws in mechanics 76
§ 8. Statics 85
Chapter II. Molecular Physics 89
Theoretical material 89
Molecular Physics 89
Thermodynamics 92
Basic difficulty level 95 tasks
§ 1. Molecular physics 95
1.1. Models of the structure of gases, liquids and solids. Thermal movement of atoms and molecules. Interaction of particles of matter. Diffusion, Brownian motion, ideal gas model. Changes in the aggregate states of matter (explanation of phenomena) 95
1.2. Amount of substance 102
1.3. Basic equation MKT 103
1.4. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules 105
1.5. Equation of state of an ideal gas 107
1.6. Gas laws 112
1.7. Saturated steam. Humidity 125
1.8. Internal energy, amount of heat, work in thermodynamics 128
1.9. First law of thermodynamics 143
1.10. Efficiency of heat engines 147
Advanced level tasks 150
§ 2. Molecular physics 150
§ 3. Thermodynamics 159
Chapter III. Electrodynamics 176
Theoretical material 176
Basic concepts and laws of electrostatics 176
Electrical capacity. Capacitors. Electric field energy 178
Basic concepts and laws of direct current 179
Basic concepts and laws of magnetostatics 180
Basic concepts and laws electromagnetic induction 182
Basic difficulty level tasks 183
§ 1. Fundamentals of electrodynamics 183
1.1. Electrification of bodies. Law of conservation of electric charge (explanation of phenomena) 183
1.2. Coulomb's Law 186
1.3. Electric field strength 187
1.4. Electrostatic field potential 191
1.5. Electrical capacity, capacitors 192
1.6. Ohm's law for circuit section 193
1.7. Series and parallel connection of conductors 196
1.8. DC operation and power 199
1.9. Ohm's Law for a Complete Circuit 202
§ 2. Magnetic field 204
2.1. Interaction of currents 204
2.2. Ampere power. Lorentz force 206
§ 3. Electromagnetic induction 212
3.1. Induction current. Lenz's Rule 212
3.2. Law of electromagnetic induction 216
3.3. Self-induction. Inductance 219
3.4. Energy magnetic field 221
Tasks of increased difficulty level 222
§ 4. Fundamentals of electrodynamics 222
§ 5. Magnetic field 239
§ 6. Electromagnetic induction 243
Chapter IV. Oscillations and waves 247
Theoretical material 247
Mechanical vibrations and waves 247
Electromagnetic oscillations and waves 248
Basic difficulty level 250 tasks
§ 1. Mechanical vibrations 250
1.1. Math pendulum 250
1.2. Dynamics of oscillatory motion 253
1.3. Energy conversion during harmonic vibrations 257
1.4. Forced vibrations. Resonance 258
§ 2. Electromagnetic oscillations 260
2.1. Processes in an oscillatory circuit 260
2.2. Period of free oscillations 262
2.3. Alternating electric current 266
§ 3. Mechanical waves 267
§ 4. Electromagnetic waves 270
Advanced tasks 272
§ 5. Mechanical vibrations 272
§ 6. Electromagnetic oscillations 282
Chapter V. Optics 293
Theoretical material 293
Basic concepts and laws geometric optics 293
Basic concepts and laws of wave optics 295
Fundamentals of the special theory of relativity (STR) 296
Basic difficulty level tasks 296
§ 1. Light waves 296
1.1. Law of Light Reflection 296
1.2. Law of light refraction 298
1.3. Constructing an image in lenses 301
1.4. Thin lens formula. Lens magnification 304
1.5. Dispersion, interference and diffraction of light 306
§ 2. Elements of the theory of relativity 309
2.1. Postulates of the theory of relativity 309
2.2. Main consequences of postulates 311
§ 3. Radiations and spectra 312
Tasks of increased difficulty level 314
§ 4. Optics 314
Chapter VI. Quantum Physics 326
Theoretical material 326
Basic concepts and laws of quantum physics 326
Basic concepts and laws of nuclear physics 327
Basic difficulty level tasks 328
§ 1. Quantum physics 328
1.1. Photo effect 328
1.2. Photons 333
§ 2. Atomic physics 335
2.1. The structure of the atom. Rutherford's experiments 335
2.2. Bohr model of the hydrogen atom 336
§ 3. Physics of the atomic nucleus 339
3.1. Alpha, beta and gamma radiation 339
3.2. Radioactive transformations 340
3.3. Law of Radioactive Decay 341
3.4. Structure of the atomic nucleus 346
3.5. Binding energy of atomic nuclei 347
3.6. Nuclear reactions 348
3.7. Fission of uranium 350 nuclei
3.8. Nuclear chain reactions 351
§ 4. Elementary particles 351
Tasks of increased difficulty level 352
§ 5. Quantum physics 352
§ 6. Atomic physics 356
Answers to the collection of tasks 359.

Lesson type: lesson on acquiring new knowledge UMK: Pinsky A.A., Razumovsky V.G., Dick Yu.I. Physics. 7th grade : Textbook for educational institutions / Ed. A.A. Pinsky, V.G. Razumovsky.- 9th ed. .- M.: Education, 2011 Technological map Topic Kinetic and potential energy. Purpose To introduce the concept of energy as the body’s ability to do work; Define potential and kinetic energy. Objectives: Updating previously acquired knowledge. Formation of new concepts. P...

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, sheets for laboratory work, guide rail, carriage, set of weights, dynamometer. Type of lesson: combined Form of work: conversation, visual demonstration, instructional, explanatory and illustrative, laboratory and practical. Abstract: At the beginning of the lesson, students repeat previously studied forces: friction force, elastic force, body weight, gravity, in the form of a game where they need to match the ready-made definition the right strength. Then the guys get acquainted with...

Purpose: educational - to generalize, systematize and test students’ knowledge on the topic: “Interaction of bodies.” developmental - continue work on developing cognitive interest in the subject of physics through the use of non-standard teaching methods; contribute to the development of motivation to study this subject, the development of students’ horizons. educational - to cultivate moral qualities through educational process lesson, developing self-control and mutual control skills, developing communicative abilities...

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Test of knowledge in physics in 11th grade. Work in the form of testing for two rapiant, 25 questions each, tests closed type with a choice of one correct answer. the work involves monitoring knowledge in the following sections of the 11th grade physics course for the 1st half of the year: Mechanical oscillations of waves, electromagnetic oscillations and waves, variable TC and its properties, geometric optics, including tasks on the laws of geometric optics and the formula of a thin lens and wave optics: interference of light ...

Lesson topic: Material point. Trajectory of motion Objective of the lesson: To know the concepts of a material point, trajectory of motion To understand the phenomenon of relativity of motion To be able to determine the trajectory of motion of bodies depending on the choice of a body of reference and the type of motion The following modules were used: New approaches in teaching and learning (dialogue learning, learning to learn) Training critical thinking(comprehension, evaluation, analysis, synthesis educational information, group form of training) Assessment for education...

This lesson was conducted in 4th grade as part of the subject The world. Lesson objectives: 1. Educational To introduce students to the basic characteristics of a lever, an inclined plane, and a block. To form in students informal knowledge about the concepts of a simple mechanism. 2. Developmental Ability to analyze various situations. The ability to determine the main characteristics of a lever: fulcrum, point of application of forces, leverage of force. Develop skills independent work when performing mini-laboratory work. -Ability to...

Physics is a rather complex subject, so preparing for the Unified State Exam in Physics 2019 will take a sufficient amount of time. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the commission will test the ability to read diagrams and solve problems.

Let's look at the structure of the exam paper

It consists of 32 tasks distributed over two blocks. For understanding, it is more convenient to arrange all the information in a table.

The entire theory of the Unified State Examination in Physics by sections

  • Mechanics. This is a very large, but relatively simple section that studies the movement of bodies and the interactions that occur between them, including dynamics and kinematics, conservation laws in mechanics, statics, vibrations and waves of a mechanical nature.
  • Molecular physics. This topic places particular emphasis on thermodynamics and molecular kinetic theory.
  • Quantum physics and components of astrophysics. These are the most difficult sections that cause difficulties both during study and during testing. But also, perhaps, one of the most interesting sections. Here, knowledge is tested on such topics as the physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus, wave-particle duality, and astrophysics.
  • Electrodynamics and special theory of relativity. Here you can’t do without studying optics, the fundamentals of SRT; you need to know how the electric and magnetic fields operate, what direct current is, what are the principles of electromagnetic induction, how electromagnetic oscillations and waves arise.

Yes, there is a lot of information, the volume is very decent. In order to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in Physics, you need to be very good at everything school course in the subject, and it has been studied for five whole years. Therefore, it will not be possible to prepare for this exam in a few weeks or even a month. You need to start now so that you can feel calm during the tests.

Unfortunately, the subject of physics causes difficulties for many graduates, especially for those who chose it as their major for admission to university. Effective learning of this discipline has nothing to do with memorizing rules, formulas and algorithms. In addition, mastering physics ideas and reading as much theory as possible is not enough; you need to be proficient in mathematical techniques. Often, poor mathematical preparation prevents a student from doing well in physics.

How to prepare?

Everything is very simple: choose a theoretical section, read it carefully, study it, trying to understand all physical concepts, principles, postulates. After this, support your preparation with a solution practical problems on the chosen topic. Use online tests to test your knowledge, this will allow you to immediately understand where you are making mistakes and get used to the fact that a certain time is given to solve a problem. We wish you good luck!

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