Where is Daria? Daria Voskoboeva - biography, age, personal life, VKontakte, Instagram? Official page and social networks of psychic Voskoboeva

I follow with interest the events that take place on the air of the “Battle of Psychics” program. The situation becomes more and more tense with each episode. A real battle, the weak are being forced out, and only those who actually have psychic abilities remain on the project. Of course, if there were no such abilities at all, the dropped out participants simply would not have gotten into the project, but a battle is a battle, and it turns out that not everyone has these abilities developed to the same extent.

Among the strongest in the “Battle of Psychics” project of season 17 is Daria Voskoboeva. What she “does” causes a reaction - "Yes, she's a real witch!" Indeed, her ability to see through a person is amazing, I would say, chills to the very bones. Sometimes it even gets scary. But at the same time it’s terribly interesting. What impresses me most is her ability to “communicate with people who have already passed on.”

Voskoboeva has the abilities of a medium, masters combat magic, is “friends” with, that is, to some extent it can actually control it.

Daria Voskoboeva: how old, biography, family

  • From what is posted online, it follows that her exact age is not indicated anywhere; on social networks, of course, you can easily find her profile, but there is information only about Daria’s birthday - May 6.
  • Daria graduated from gymnasium No. 192, St. Petersburg, higher education received at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen, respectively, in the same place, in St. Petersburg.
  • As for the witch’s family, we were able to find only photographs with her children - daughter Bozhena and son Sasha. Information about personal life is not indicated anywhere.

In general, I would like to wish Daria good luck in the project! Even this strong personality like her, support couldn't hurt!


Fighting spirit, a fighting atmosphere, this is what has always distinguished Daria Voskoboeva from many of her competitors, and of course, her relatives. You can never stop there, you can never retreat, one stupid mistake, one unauthorized action, and an army of enemies is already coming out against you. The girl believes that there are always many enemies around us, from whom we should protect ourselves.

Daria born 1980 in St. Petersburg. A small, still completely ignorant person was actively trying to find out what is beyond the boundaries of our world, what connects mortals and spirits, is there a connection between them? At first, the parents treated such questions from their girl with undisguised fear; they were afraid that their daughter would be taken away and taken to a clinic. Fortunately, the relatives realized in time that their baby is not just a child who carries non-existent things, this is psychic who communicates with ghosts. However, society was not yet ready for such statements, and Voskoboeva had to finish school and university, while actively practicing her abilities.
When the young beauty was left behind and RGPU named after Herzen, that’s when she met Natalya Banteeva. This witch was a kind of mentor, she helped Dasha open up, helped her find her own, unique path. The witches began to work together, they were in the same coven, and actively attracted other representatives of the fairer sex to their cause. Among the things that he is actively involved in Voskoboeva, it is worth noting her zeal for the ongoing war. The lady can take away the power from the opponent she didn’t like. Battle magic helps her reveal the border, helps her see through the prism of years.
Speaking about her personal life, Daria has two children and a beloved husband. The family has a very big plans for the future, they work very hard, spend a lot of time together. The husband understands perfectly why his wife is so militant, why she does not admit defeat. The reason for this lies in its past, Kyrgyz roots, the spirit of eternal battles, it never left the blood of experienced nomads. All this, and more, prompted the girl to take part in the seventeenth season The fight of extrasensories. The sorceress reached the top three finalists, she passed all the tests, and everything was excellent, but she did not have enough votes from the audience, and she lost. This was not a loss, it was an excellent application for further, more significant actions.

Episode with Daria Vyskoboeva:

According to the results next issue In the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” project, 36-year-old witch Daria Voskoboeva was recognized as one of the best. This time, the rest of the participants were convinced that the woman’s chances of winning were very high. With each new test, she confirms her extraordinary abilities, which, by the way, were passed down to her from her great-grandfather. The information has not been precisely confirmed, but according to the psychic’s friends, when she was just a child, she fell from the roof of a five-story building. At that moment when the fall happened, she heard a voice inside herself that told her that everything would be fine. Whether it’s a miracle or not, the girl suddenly changed the trajectory of her fall and ended up on the second floor. She could not come to her senses for a long time, and the voice continued to repeat that she had been given unusual abilities, which she should immediately begin to develop.

There is also an opinion that Daria owes her future gift to her grandfather, with whom she went to the field as a child. He asked his granddaughter to catch a steppe bird. But in order for this to work, it was important to merge with the ground and grass, to stop being noticeable. When the girl managed to do this, her relative said that she was special. After this, the life of the future witch changed dramatically. She began to work hard on herself, train and improve her inherent abilities. She had a hard time, since most of her loved ones categorically refused to believe in her uniqueness. This gave rise to many jokes and mockery that hurt Voskoboeva. But she found the strength to overcome this pressure and open up to a different reality.

It is known for certain that after graduating from school, Daria entered the Pedagogical Institute named after A.I. Herzen. After graduation, she seriously took up extrasensory perception. Already in those early years she could cast and remove damage, cleanse the apartment of otherworldly forces, and help people in their troubles. Over time, these skills only improved. She is called a “battle witch,” and she positions herself as a medium, pathfinder, master of Eastern witchcraft, and a charmer of animals and birds. In her work she combines ancient rituals with modern methods. Daria admits that she is approached enough a large number of people with the same problems. She advises many to start working on themselves in order to develop a magical beginning in themselves.

“Only self-development, new knowledge and skills can radically change life and remove the problems with which people most often come to me. And I often talk about this, that I can help once or twice, but walking next to me all my life and putting straw in it - no! “How to become a magician?” “This is perhaps the most correct request for help that I have heard!” - Voskoboeva admits.

The witch considers her arrival at the “Battle” to be no coincidence. While living in St. Petersburg, she met Natalya Banteeva and joined her clan. She trained her long and hard, and, in fact, she insisted that Daria try herself in the program. The winner of the ninth season probably suspected the risk she was taking by sending her ward. Voskoboeva unmistakably identified the car in which the man was hiding. However, the Safronov brothers found this suspicious, and they asked the clairvoyant to go through this task again. She could not indicate the correct car, but she told everything about the girl who was hiding in the trunk of the car at that time. Then it was decided that if the medium guessed right a third time, he would continue to participate in the competition. To the surprise of TV viewers, Daria did a great job.

During the last tests, Voskoboeva managed to understand the tasks and help the heroes of the program in their troubles. Her appearance on film set was accompanied by a long silence, and her answers amazed the skeptics of the “Battle of Psychics.” In one of the tests, it was necessary to determine who was behind the door and then find out what was bothering this person. As a result, the “battle witch” showed the best result.

At the same time, Voskoboeva continues to remain restrained and is not too fussy about the well-deserved victory. She always tried to avoid excessive emotional flow, otherwise, according to her, this could have a negative impact in the future. Looking at Voskoboeva’s iron character, fans wonder how things are going in her personal life. Judging by the photographs in in social networks, she has a husband, a son Sasha and a daughter Bozena. The medium managed to create a full-fledged and formed unit of society, but its inner world is in constant motion, it changes with it.

“We were all created in the image and likeness, but someone has a genetic predisposition and it is easier for these people to develop their abilities. Only knowledge and research experience are the true path to development psychic abilities! – says the “Battle” participant.

Daria prefers not to talk about her loved ones, because she believes that this could lead to depressing consequences. One way or another, since joining the program, she has been delighting subscribers with family photos, judging by which, screen image, according to Internet users, does not seem so dark and mysterious. Daria admits that she tries to be around her children as often as possible. She is involved in their upbringing, education, and visits various sport sections, thereby diversifying the lives of their growing heirs. Followers believe that Voskoboeva looks good despite her busy schedule, and her powerful look will certainly bring her to the finals.

“I’m following you in the project, I admire your work! I wish you victory!”, “I look forward to every episode of psychics! What you do is incredibly cool! I have no doubt that you will be in the top three!”, “Your abilities inspire me! I hope that you will still be able to prove yourself!” – followers on Instagram share their opinion.

    Daria Voskoboeva is one of the most powerful participants in the seventeenth Battle of Psychics. She came to the Battle in company with the winner of the ninth Battle, Natalya Banteeva. Which suggests that they are part of the same coven of witches. Where Tatyana Larina is also a member.

    Daria Voskoboeva practices black magic. Calls herself a witch.

    Daria Voskoboeva is a very bright personality.

    Some facts from the biography:

    Hometown - St. Petersburg.

    It is known that Daria is married. Her husband's name is Vlad.

    There are two children - a son and a daughter.

    VKontakte page.

    Instagram page.

    another charlatan just like Banteeva, etc., they travel around cities giving some kind of incomprehensible concerts, not a single real magician, not a single true witch will ever go to battle, and certainly not travel around cities with concerts in order to fleece gullible Russians money, don't trust these liars.

    Daria Voskoboeva is another witch from the Banteeva coven, who will apparently represent him in next season Battles of psychics. At least on qualifying round she appeared together with Larina and Banteeva, and even without having much respect for witches, I have to admit that Banteeva always brings very strong participants to the project, so it was very easy for her to pass the Screen.

    Very little is known about this psychic; it is quite possible that Daria Voskoboeva is a pseudonym. On the VKontakte page you can read that she was born in St. Petersburg on May 6. Diriyah’s age is difficult to determine, but she looks 30-35 years old, and with constant makeup it’s difficult to say more precisely. Voskoboeva is a wide-ranging sorceress - she is both a medium and a specialist in combat magic, she can change the flow of time. So if she ended up in season 17, we can witness real miracles and real battles.

    Nothing is known for sure about Daria’s personal life. She often appears in photographs with the little girl Bozhena, apparently her daughter, and an older boy, Sasha, whose face also bears a resemblance to Daria. But the husband could not be identified in the photographs.

    Psychic Daria Voskoboeva lives in St. Petersburg. 36 years. Birthday May 6th. She received her education at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen. Seva is positioned as a medium, witch, ritualist.

    Psychic Darius Voskoboev VKontakte account.

    Instagram page of psychic Darius Voskoboev.

    Official VKontakte group of psychic Darius Voskoboev

    Daria Voskoboeva is a participant in the seventeenth season of the battle of psychics and, it seems to me, its possible winner, even the first episode showed that she is incredibly strong and has supernatural abilities. Three times she had to look for a person in the trunk, the first and third time Daria successfully completed the task, and also passed the test with the screen and Mr. X well.

    She came to the battle with Natalya Bonteeva, one might say that the famous witch advertised for her friend.

    Some information about her can be found on her VKontakte page. Although you won’t be able to find anything special or too frank there. I think that the next episodes should reveal a lot of new things about her, and if Dasha gets to the finals (I believe in it), then we will definitely learn a lot of new and interesting things from the series about the finalists.

    Daria appeared very effectively in the first episode of the Battle, accompanied by Larina and Banteeva. Banteeva said that Daria is the best. It is known that she works together with Banteeva and is her student. In addition, Daria herself conducts training, seminars, and she positions herself with eastern magic. In episode 1 of the 17th season of the battle, she successfully completed the test of finding a person in a car, and she passed the test three times, and twice she was able to find the person.

    On her page in contact, she posted photographs from which one can understand that she does not have a chosen one, and two children, a boy and a girl.

    On this site you can find Daria's contacts.

    Daria Voskoboeva is one of the new participants in the 17th season of the show Battle of Psychics. It is she who is prophesied of fame and success, recalling the names of Banteeva, Raidos and Larina. In addition, Daria was seen many times accompanied by all these powerful psychics; Daria is a member of Natalia Banteeva’s clan!

    Daria Voskoboeva born on May 6 in St. Petersburg (appears to be 30 years old). She graduated from St. Petersburg gymnasium 192, as well as from the Herzen State Pedagogical University. IN currently Daria devotes all her free time to magic and extrasensory perception, teaching and studying in the clan of Natalya Banteeva.

    Personal life of Daria Voskoboeva slightly open (surprisingly, by the way). Daria is married her husband's name is Vlad and, they constantly publish their joint photos in the Internet. They have daughter with a great name Bozena- an incredibly sweet girl, judging by the photo. And also in many resources, in particular on her pages, there are photos boy Sasha(Sasha Raido)... But here whether he is their child or not is not clear.

    Daria Voskoboeva VKontakte;

    Daria Voskoboeva on Instagram.

    Daria Voskoboeva is a rather interesting participant in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. As I understand it, it has something to do with black magic.

    She is from St. Petersburg. It is known that he celebrates his birthday on May 6th. There is a husband and two children of different sexes.

    Daria from the coven of witches Natalia Banteeva.

    Pages in social networks They can also help tell us about the witch Daria Voskoboeva.

    In contact with.


    It seemed to me that she was an evil witch. And yet it should be in the finals. Together with Swami Dashi.

    Daria Voskoboeva will participate in the 17th season of the battle, she has the gift of foresight, a medium, specializes in rituals, and has secret battle magic. Born on May 6, she is part of the coven of witches Natalia Banteeva.

    Daria is married, has two children, she loves active recreation, also paints and is interested in magical design.

    Daria Voskoboeva was born on May 6, she does not indicate the year of birth, she looks about 28 years old, thirty at most. Daria is married, two children, a boy and a girl. My husband's name is Vlad Voskoboev, see photos with my husband below, oh maiden name psychic unknown. She works in St. Petersburg, her colleagues are Natalya Banteeva and Tatyana Larina. Daria draws beautifully and creates magical attributes herself. Rides motorcycles with her husband.

    Daria is considered a strong psychic, according to information leaked to the network, Daria successfully completed the task in the first issue, she passed the Trunk. She herself wrote the lines that victory does not happen by chance.

    VKontakte page here.

Daria Voskoboeva is a participant in the program Battle of Psychics Season 17 on TNT. Daria is 36 years old, she lives in St. Petersburg with her husband and two children. Her family has Kyrgyz roots. Graduated from Daria Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen. Daria is a protégé of a coven of witches, which includes a famous witch from St. Petersburg. Daria claims to have secret battle magic and calls herself a battle witch. She declares that she knows how to take away other people's abilities, depriving the victim of the gift.

In addition to participating in Natalia Banteeva’s projects, Daria also implements her own ideas. She paints pictures and is interested in magical design - creating paraphernalia for rituals.

At one of the qualifying competitions, Daria stated that she could easily steal the abilities of other psychics; whether this is true or not, we will find out later. While performing a task with a screen, the psychic brilliantly answered the question of what was hidden behind it. But there was some confusion with the car, because of which Daria even had to bargain a little with Sergei Safronov. For the first time Voskoboeva, having spent magic ritual, guessed the location of the person in the trunk, but was wrong the second time. Taking this as a challenge, Daria took the risk for the third time, agreeing that if she made a mistake again, she would immediately leave the project - the result stunned everyone present, she found the person very quickly!

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