Where to find game center on iOS 10. Game Center in iOS - everything you need to know about Apple's gaming service

Greetings! Game Center For operating system iOS is one of the most popular mobile gaming platforms today. This is largely due to the very high prevalence of Apple devices and the huge number of games in the store. App Store(after all, almost each of them supports this service). And if it supports it, then you should definitely use it!

Moreover, everything happens without “registration and SMS” (they won’t ask for money), and the capabilities of the Game Center are quite large - thanks to them, playing becomes much more fun, invigorating, your mood improves, your well-being improves... however, I got distracted.

Key Features:

  • Is playing alone boring? Play with friends! Support for multiplayer games.
  • Don't know who to hang out with? Possibility of automatic selection of opponents.
  • Killed the boss in 15 seconds? Share your “achievement”.
  • Are you the best birdie player? The whole world will know about this thanks to the player ratings.
  • I'm tired of all? Game center will select a game based on your interests.

Getting started or how to register in Game Center

In order to start using the service, no matter how trivial it may sound, registration is required. Let's begin! Click on the icon on the desktop. And we see a prompt to enter your Apple ID and, of course, password. Have no idea what we're talking about? To you . You can find out how to get yourself a personal Apple ID at.

Have you entered your details? A connection occurs, after which the main Game Center window opens. Where you can see:

  • Your nickname.
  • Number of friends, points in games, challenges sent to you.
  • And also add a status and photo.

How to add friends

There are two ways to communicate with friends. First, click on a separate tab, which is called “friends”. And we see the system’s recommendations, which are based on your list of phone book contacts and activity on FaceBook. The second option is to send an invitation yourself; to do this, click on the “+” symbol in the upper right part of the screen and enter the person’s email or nickname (nickname) in Game Center.

Once your invitation has been accepted, you can view detailed information this user's profile. And of course, start having fun!

How to add and remove a game

Let's move on to the next point of the game. Everything here is quite simple - at the top you see games that are recommended to you, based on those already installed. Do you like any? Click on it, you will be transferred to where the download takes place.

At the bottom of the screen, the games that are on your iPhone or iPad that have Game Center support are listed. To delete, swipe from right to left, then delete. Please note that only the data in the service is deleted, but not the application itself.

How to sign out of your Game Center account

If for one reason or another you need to log out of your account or change it, then doing so is quite simple. Go to the settings section - Game Center. In the window that opens, we see the Apple ID at the top. Click on it, then on the “exit” tab.

By the way, here you can change your nickname (nickname).

How to disable or remove Game Center

Honestly, sometimes this service becomes intrusive - I want to turn it off and just enjoy the game. However, since it is part of the firmware, it cannot be removed without a jailbreak. But there is another way to make sure that you don’t get bored with it. Small instructions:

  1. First, log out of your account (it’s written above how to do this).
  2. We go into the game - a window pops up inviting you to join, click cancel.
  3. We leave the game.
  4. We go again - cancel again.
  5. After the third attempt, the system understands that you are not interested and stops asking you to “log in.” Game Center is disabled for this game.

By the way, Game Center does not work if there is no Internet on the device. This is also one of the options to disable this service. Although quite radical :)

Finally, I would like to note the fact that all achievements and results are saved in an iCloud backup (read how to create) and, if necessary, they can be easily restored, so you don’t have to be afraid of flashing the firmware, iOS updates or change device.

This guide covers iOS 8 features for iPhone 4S/5/5c/5s/6 and 6 Plus.

Getting started with Game Center

Game Center lets you play your favorite games with friends who have an iOS device or a Mac computer (OS X Mountain Lion or later). For use
Game Center requires an Internet connection.

WARNING. Important information For information on preventing carpal tunnel syndrome, see Important information on safety.

Beginning of work. Open Game Center. If your nickname appears at the top of the screen, then you are already logged in. Otherwise, you will need to enter your Apple ID and password.

Search for games. Tap Games to choose a recommended game, browse games in the App Store, or buy a game that one of your friends is playing (see Games with friends).

Let's play! Tap Games, select a game, tap top right, then tap Play.

How to log out. When you sign out of Game Center, you don't have to sign out of your account. To sign out anyway, go to Settings > Game Center and tap your Apple ID.

Games with friends

Invite friends to a multi-player game. Tap Friends, select a friend, select a game, then tap Play. If the game allows or requires multiple players, add players and tap Next. Send an invitation and wait for other players to accept it. When everyone is ready, start the game. If a friend is busy or doesn't respond, you can tap the Auto Match button to have Game Center find another opponent for you, or the Invite button to invite someone else.

Sending a friend request. Tap Friends, then tap + and enter your friend's email address or nickname in Game Center. To view
Contacts tap . (To add multiple friends in one request, press carriage return after each address.) Or tap the name of any of the players that are shown in Game Center.

An invitation to improve your results. Tap one of your scores or achievements and tap Challenge Friends.

What are your friends playing and what are their results? Tap Friends, tap a friend's name, then tap the Games or Scores bubble.

Want to buy a game that your friend has already bought? Tap Friends and tap your friend's name. Select a friend's game from the list and tap in the top right.

Finding new friends. To view your friends' friends list, tap the friend's name and tap their Friends bubble.

Removing a friend. Tap Friends, tap a friend's name, and tap the top right.

How to not show your email address. Turn off "Public Profile" in your Game Center account settings. See Game Center Settings below.

Disable multiplayer games or friend requests. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions. If the options aren't available, first tap the Enable Restrictions option (at the top).

Behave with dignity. To report inappropriate or offensive behavior, tap Friends, tap the person's name, tap top right, then tap Report an Issue.

Game Center Settings

Go to Settings > Game Center. In this section you can:

Select notifications for Game Center. Go to Settings > Notification Center > Game Center. If Game Center isn't visible, turn on Notifications mode.

Changing restrictions for Game Center. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions.

A week ago it turned out that Apple company decided not to include the Game Center application in the beta version of iOS 10, and it most likely will not be in the release build of this operating system. The British site Pocket Gamer figured out how this innovation will affect fans of multiplayer games and other players who use mobile devices Apple.

While Game Center in iOS hasn't been popular among iPhone and iPad owners, its features are here to stay. Moreover, iOS 10 will introduce several new gaming features.


Most frequently asked question- how to manage your friends list without the Game Center application? The answer is no. Apple will freeze your friends list, making it impossible to add new people to it. Invitations to play games with multiplayer support will be sent to gamers with whom you have recently played or people from the frozen list of friends from the “old” Game Center.

However (and this is one of the innovations in iOS), you will be able to send invitations to your friends to join a multiplayer game by e-mail or via SMS message. They will receive a hyperlink that will either launch the game they want or redirect them to a store where they can download it.

This feature will be implemented automatically; developers will not be required to implement it in their games.

Achievements, leaderboards and notifications

You will be able to view your list of achievements and your position on the leaderboard only in the games themselves; there will be no single center where they are shown. Additionally, to track your progress in asynchronous multiplayer games, you'll have to rely on notifications from those games rather than Game Center.

Session multiplayer

Currently, iOS games offer two types of multiplayer games: synchronous multiplayer for a maximum of four people and asynchronous multiplayer (with turns taking turns) for a maximum of sixteen people. With the release of iOS 10, another type of multiplayer will appear - sessions. This mode provides for data synchronization via a cloud service and the ability to play simultaneously with up to hundreds of people. You can join the session after clicking on the link received from existing players via email, SMS, Twitter, messenger, etc. All players involved in a session can interact with each other, including chatting in real time. Apple will soon provide developers with an API for implementing sessions in multiplayer games.

A rather interesting feature will be implemented in session multiplayer. If you are having trouble completing the game, you can copy the session link and send it to your more experienced friend so that he can try to complete a difficult level for you. In the future, you can return to the session and continue the game at a new level. Everything your friend achieves in the game will be synced to your iCloud account.

This all sounds great, but developers will now have to figure out how to use all these innovations in their games.

Game Center - iPhone games

About Game Center

Using Game Center, you can discover new games and share gaming experiences with friends around the world. Invite your friends to the game or find other worthy opponents using the Automatic Matches feature. Check player ratings in the results tables. Earn extra points for certain achievements in games.

Note: Game Center is not available in all countries and regions, and available games may vary by country.

To use Game Center, you must be connected to the Internet and have an Apple ID. If you already have an iTunes Store, MobileMe, or other Apple account, you can use this Apple ID to access Game Center. If you don't already have an Apple account, you can create one directly from Game Center as described below.

Setting up Game Center

When you first open Game Center, you are asked if you want to turn on automatic notifications. (You may first be asked if you want to turn on the Notifications feature.) Notifications include text reminders, sounds, and sticker icons to help you stay informed about Game Center events even if you're not using the service. currently For example, you might receive a notification that a friend has invited you to play a game with them.

Enable notifications. Click OK.

If you click "Deny", you will not receive notifications from Game Center. Later, you can allow notifications at any time, as well as select the types of notifications you receive.

Turn notifications on or off.From the Settings menu, select Notifications. Disabling the notifications feature turns off all notifications for all programs.

Select notifications for Game Center.In Settings, go to Notifications > Game Center and set the Sound, Reminders, and Stickers options. If Game Center isn't visible, turn on Notifications mode.

Set up Game Center data associated with your Apple ID.

1 Enter your Apple ID and password, then tap Sign In.

When prompted, enter Additional information. If you don't have an Apple ID account, you can create one by clicking the "Create Account" button.

2 Click “Agree” to accept the Game Center Terms and Conditions.

3 Enter your nickname - the name that other people will see.

4 Configure Game Center settings.

To allow other users to invite you to games, leave the Allow game invitations option turned on. Or click this button to disable the corresponding option.

To allow other users to find you by email, leave the Find me by email option enabled. address." Or click this button to disable the corresponding option.

Confirmation of your account email address. You can enter a different email address if you do not want to use the one with which

You sign in to your Apple account. To confirm your new address, you need to reply to a letter sent to it.

To add additional email addresses that people can use to contact you in Game Center, click “Add another email.”

5 When you've finished setting up your account, click Next.

Change Game Center settings associated with your Apple ID.

1 At the bottom of the screen, tap Me, then tap the account banner.

2 Click View.

3 Make the changes you want and click Finish.

Sign in with a different Apple ID.

1 Tap Me, then tap the account banner at the bottom of the screen.

2 Click Sign Out.

3 Enter your new Apple ID and password, then click Sign In.

Beginning of the game. Click Games, select a game and click Start


The Game Center section of the App Store contains games that work with Game Center.Click Games, then click Find Game Center Games. In this section you can find, purchase and download games. If you haven't yet entered credit card information for your Apple ID account, you will be prompted to enter this information, after which you can buy and download games. See Chapter 23, “App Store,” 03.

If you want to buy a game that your friend has already purchased, click on that game on your friend's info screen and go directly to that game in the App Store.

Participation in games

The Games screen shows the games you have downloaded from the App Store. For each game, the number of your achievements and your rating relative to other players in this game are displayed.

Getting information about the game.Tap Games, then tap the game you want. If you have the appropriate data, you can see score tables for a game, view your achievements in the game, and see who has recently played the game.

Depending on the game, the game's main screen allows you to read instructions or other information, view scoreboards and achievements, set game options, and start a game for one or more players. To play a multiplayer game, you can invite a friend or use the automatic matches feature to let Game Center match you with playmates. To learn how to make new friends using Game Center, see Friends section 15.

To play with multiple players, you can also send a game invite from the Friends screen.

Invite a friend to a multiplayer game from the Friends screen.

1 Tap Friends at the bottom of the screen.

2 Select a friend.

3 Select a game and click Start.

If the game allows or requires the participation of additional players. You can invite them by clicking the "Next" button.

4 Enter your text, send your invitation and wait for other players to accept it.

5 Start the game.

If a friend is busy or doesn't respond to an invitation. You can click the Auto Match button to have Game Center find another opponent for you, or the Invite button to invite another friend.

Other players can also invite you to take part in the game.

Reply to an invitation to participate in the game.In the prompt that appears, click "Accept" or "Decline".

You can disable multiplayer games in the Restrictions section. See Restrictions 27. You can also prevent other players from inviting you to games by turning off the Allow Game Invitations option in Game Center Settings. See “Information about your status and account” 16.

Return to Game Center.Press the Home button, then tap Game Center on the Home screen.

You can also quickly press the Home button twice and tap Game Center in the list of current programs.

Results tables

Some games have scoreboards that show players' ratings, scores, times, and other metrics achieved in the game.

View the game results table.Click Games, select a game, and click Results.

You can also view the results tables directly from the game.

If the game has various options(e.g. Easy, Normal and Hard), the Categories screen allows you to select a scoreboard for the game as a whole or for one of the variants.

Rotate iPhone to view the results table in landscape orientation.

Enter the game directly from the results table.Click Start in the top right corner.


Some games allow you to get extra points for certain achievements.

View possible achievements for the game.Click Games, select a game, and click Achievements.

For each achievement, Game Center shows how many points it is worth and whether you completed it. The total number of points received for all achievements is displayed at the top. Additional points for a specific achievement can only be earned once.

You can also view achievements directly from the game.

Recent games

Some games allow you to see which of your friends have recently played the game.

View recent game participants.Tap Games, select a game, and tap Recent Games.

Obtaining information about the player.Click the player's name in the list.


With the help of Game Center you can meet players from all over the world. You can add friends to Game Center by making a request or accepting a request from another player.

Adding a friend to Game Center.

1 Click Friends or Requests.

2 Click "+", then enter your friend's email address or nickname in Game Center.

As you enter, addresses and names from your contact list are displayed. Click a contact to include that person in your request. To view your contacts, click

To add multiple friends, enter additional contacts.

3 Enter the message text for your request and click Send.

To become your friend, a person must accept your request.

Other players can also send you requests. If you receive notification of a request. You can accept the request directly from it, or close the notification and respond to the request later from the Requests screen. The warning “sticker” on the “Requests” button indicates the number of requests that you have not yet responded to.

Reply to a friend request.Click Requests, then click the name of the person who sent the request and choose Accept, Ignore, or Report a Problem.

When a player accepts a request from another player, they become friends. Friends' names appear on the Friends screen.

Getting information about a friend.Click your friend's name.

Finding a friend. Tap the status bar to scroll to the top of the screen, tap the search field, and start typing a name. As you type, the names of friends that match your search query are displayed.

This friend information shows the number of his friends (including you), the number of different games he has played, and the number of his achievements. The information screen may also display:

Games you played together;

Games that you both have;

Other games your friend has

You can click a game in any of the lists to see your position and your friend's position in the overall results table, as well as your and his achievements in this game.

Inviting a friend to the game.Tap Friends, tap a friend's name, tap a game, and then tap Play. See "Participation in games" 12.

Removing a friend. Tap Friends, tap a friend's name, tap Remove, and tap Remove again.

If a player behaves in an offensive or inappropriate manner, you can report the problem.

Report a problem to a friend.Tap Friends, tap a friend's name, then tap Report a Problem. Describe your problem, then click "Submit" to send your message.

If you have disabled multiplayer games in your settings, you cannot send or receive invitations to play games. See "Limitations" 27.

Information about your status and account

The Me screen displays a summary of your friends, games, and achievements.

The text field in the center of the screen allows you to enter a message about your current status. Your status appears next to your nickname on other players' Friends screens.

Changing your status.Click the status field and then enter or update your status.

View your account information.Click the account banner, then click View.

You can change or update the following settings:


“Allow game invitations”;

“Find me by email. address";

Your email address for Game Center;

Additional email addresses.

When finished, click "Done".

You can also log out and log in with a different account or create a new account.

Sign Out.Click the account banner, then click Sign Out.

To sign in to another account, enter your username and password, then click Sign In. To create a new account, click Create New Account and follow the onscreen instructions.

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