We draw a heart with a pencil. How to draw a heart? Various options and step-by-step instructions


Create a new 800x600 document in Illustrator with white fill and RGB color scheme.

Take the Elliptical Tool from the Toolbox and draw a simple circle with no fill. To get a circle, not an oval - hold Shift while stretching the shape.

Now your task is to turn the shape of the circle into a shape. To do this, select the Convert Point Tool, which will allow you to edit the image vectors, as well as the Direct Selection Tool.

Click on the shape of the heart with the right mouse button and click on the Make Selection button, specifying the blur radius equal to zero.

Select the fill tool and fill the selection with color. Then copy and cut the selection onto a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + J). After this operation, you will have three layers in the list of layers - you need to work on the one you just created.

Open the control panel and styles (Colors, Swatches, Styles). With the help of one of the styles, you will add volume to your heart. Find Blue Glass (Button) in the list of styles - this style is what you need. The heart will become more voluminous, natural highlights and shadows will appear, but now you need to perform the following operation on the drawing - after applying the new style, the color you specified may have changed.

Correct the color distortion. Go to the style effects section - to the right of your layer name, double-click the icon with the letter f. Open Color Overlay and choose the appropriate shade of red that you originally wanted.

Open the Inner Glow tab and reduce the Opacity to 30%, and then move the Shading sliders in the Bevel and Emboss tab until the level of volume and the appearance of the heart suits you completely.

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Now you will learn how to draw a heart. Step 1. Draw two circles side by side. Step 2. Draw an inverted triangle through the centers of the circles. Step 3. Draw two curves along the sides of the triangle. Step 4. Circle your heart. Step 5. Add a couple of details to your heart. Erase all unnecessary lines.

Helpful advice

Today we will try to draw a heart with wings. To do this, create a new 1000x800px image with a white background. Create a new transparent layer and draw the outline of the half of the heart. Decrease the selection and delete the excess. Remove the selection, set the "Overlay" mode, blur it with a Gaussian of 10 pixels and get a flare on the heart on the left: To draw a heart with wings, you need the wings themselves.


  • how to draw a beautiful heart

If you have at least some skills in working in Adobe Photoshop, then, in addition to the usual mockery of friends' photos, in the same program you can make a very nice picture with two hearts, which, for example, would become a wonderful background for a greeting card or just please would you and loved ones. Below you can find detailed instructions on how to create such a picture.


If you want to wings more graceful - make an elongated semicircle on the inside of the wings and erase it. Now you can start drawing the feathers. At the end of the work, make a shadow on some of the feathers - so wings will seem more voluminous.

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Lucifer, of course, was also once an angel, but if you are thinking of drawing him, you better turn to pictures with bats for inspiration. It is worth decorating such wings with claws, metal rings and an ominous aura drawn around them.


  • How to draw angel wings
  • painted pictures of angels

Scientists have long argued about the origin of the pictogram, which we used to denote love and heart. Someone compares "Valentine" with women's buttocks, someone recalls the leaves of a plant called Sylphia, which was exterminated in the first centuries of our era, from which a contraceptive was made. Tomsk Ugrians with this symbol denoted a man-warrior. One way or another, today a rare love message does not require the ability to draw beautifully. hearts.

You will need

  • Red or pink paint (pencil, felt-tip pen);
  • Lead pencil;
  • Paper.


Now draw the same semicircle pointing in the opposite direction. Do not strive for complete symmetry, there is no need for it. Paint the shape with red or pink.

Symmetrical is obtained from an isosceles triangle with apex pointing down. Draw it with a ruler or on squared paper. Smooth out the side corners with two rounded lines. Connect them strictly above the top.
The rounded lines form two semicircles. If you want absolutely straight lines, use a compass. Paint over the heart with paint or pencil.

Slightly more complex from other shapes, for example. First, draw with a pencil according to one of the proposed schemes for the "frame" of the future. Then, along this line, at an equal distance from each other, draw bows, ribbons or other objects. The middle of each item must be exactly on the line.

If desired, fill in the heart itself, not just its outlines. Once you're done with this sketch, paint it in different colors as you see fit.

Wait for the paint to dry (if necessary). After that, carefully erase the pencil marks where they are visible.

It seems that in order to draw an ordinary heart, one does not need to make much effort. But we often worry that the heart is crooked. To avoid this, you need to follow these steps.

You will need

  • sheet of paper, pencil, eraser, materials for work in color.


Take the piece of paper you are going to paint on. You can position it as you like - even vertically, even horizontally. It does not matter. Arm yourself with a simple one and get started. Like any drawing, a drawing of a heart also has a sketch. If you don't have freehand drawing skills and are worried about proportions, you can use a compass and a ruler. In the first part of the sketch, sketch with a pencil two circles of the same size, which are located next to each other. This is the so-called "top" of the heart, its "ears".

Now you need to draw a triangle, almost equilateral. Its top line runs exactly in the middle of the circles merged together, is, as it were, their common diameter. The bottom corner of the triangle will be the "tail" of the heart. " This sketch already resembles a heart in structure.

Next, start drawing our sketch, turning it into a real heart. To do this, connect the left circle with the "tail" of the heart and the right circle with it with a smooth rounded line, thereby drawing a real heart. In such a simple way, we drew an even heart. It remains to paint it and decorate it with attributes if desired.

The auxiliary lines of geometric shapes, with which you have drawn the heart, can be erased with an eraser. Stroke the picture as desired, highlight the highlights on the "ears" of the heart and color your drawing with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints or something else. Next, come up with accessories (optional) for your drawing. These can be wings, a halo, the horns of a devil; you can pierce a heart or draw a funny face, write a person on it, wrap a wreath of flowers around it and do everything else that is enough for your imagination. The heart is ready.

For some reason, nature has decreed that people are born without wings and can only fly with the help of various technical devices. Perhaps this is what explains the interest of many artists and illustrators in depicting wings. Wings are different in shape and structure, but almost all of them can be divided into three large groups - bird's, insect's wing and bat's wing.


First, study the anatomy of the wing. If you are drawing a bird's wing, take a close look at the structure of the bird's skeleton. It is similar for all birds - small or large, proportions will change. The wing shape is given by long feathers, small feathers cover the top of the feather.
To draw the bird's wing, first sketch out the line for the skeleton. Then, one by one, start drawing layers of feathers, from the shortest to the longest. Then work on small details - draw grooves on the feathers, additional small feathers that will add realism to the wing.

If you are drawing a bat wing, start with the building here as well. Bats, like humans, belong to mammals, so the structure of their wings will somewhat remotely resemble a human hand.
Draw the base of the wing from the shoulder joint to the tips of the toes. Give it the shape that the wing will take afterwards. By the way, unlike human fingers, a bat's fingers will never be fully extended.
Draw a webbed wing along the marked joint lines. Add some volume and shadow to the fingers and claw.
Knowing how to draw a wing will help you learn how to draw, for example, dragon wings.

To draw the wing of a butterfly or any other insect, look at a few photos with such wings. You will notice that these wings are multi-veined and look like a plant leaf when you look through it at the light. Sketch the general outlines of the wing, separate with a pair of guide lines and draw veins with thin lines.
If you are drawing a butterfly, then add patterns and on the wing, and then paint in bright colors. Also, if you are drawing a butterfly wing in close-up, be sure to depict the scales that cover the wing.

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Helpful advice

If you need to draw an angel's wing, then draw it according to the same rules as the bird's, only slightly changing the shape and proportions.


  • how to draw bird wings

A bird, an angel, a bat, a winged dragon, a butterfly - all of them are united by the fact that each of these creatures has wings... And very often the question arises when drawing these characters - how to correctly and beautifully draw them wings?

You will need

  • A sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser.


Prepare the materials you need for the job. After sketching the figure of the character, start drawing the wings.

The wing is, in fact, a limb modified by evolution. Therefore, draw it in the same way as a hand or a paw (with the exception of insects). Start drawing from the shoulder, drawing a thin line, then at a slight angle draw the line of the forearm and bring it out into one long finger.

If you paint wings bird or angel, immediately outline the plumage, which will be located at the bottom of the wing. First draw small feathers just next to the shoulder, forearm, and finger. Then line up the second and third row of feathers. The third row will be much longer than all the others and the last feather, located near the "finger", will be the largest. Next, check out the pen drawing.

When drawing the wings of a dragon or a bat, there are a few different rules. These characters do not have feathers as such, but the beginning will be the same. Only after you outline the first toe will you need to position the rest, starting from the end of the forearm. Place them like a fan. After that, connect each "finger" to the adjacent membrane, marking it with an arc. Further clarify the wing drawing - draw bones, at the ends of the "fingers" you can draw claws. Keep in mind that each next "finger" will be about one fourth shorter than the previous one.

Paint wings insects are much easier. First, shape the wings of a butterfly, or other arthropod, to the desired shape. Then, starting from the point of "attachment" of the wing to the body, draw lines and create any pattern. Don't forget that wings butterflies have not only a mesh pattern, they also have various symmetrical color spots.

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Wings to the heart began to be painted on for the reason that a man in love flies on the wings of love, or else they say - flutters like a moth. Therefore, this symbol of flight has become a companion of drawings with a heart.
But the wings of a moth are not the most beautiful, but that of a butterfly is another matter. They are ideal for drawing with a heart.


Draw a slightly uneven heart.

We add antennae to the heart, like a real butterfly. And at their base we finish drawing something like arcs or brackets.

If you don't know how to draw a heart pencil, then you are not in vain on this page: this lesson will help you learn how to do this even for novice artists and children. In order to draw a beautiful heart, you need to take: a blank sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser. When all the tools are ready, you can begin to complete our step-by-step tasks.

STEP # 1

First, you should draw the baselines of our heart. To do this, draw an oval of the size you would like your heart to be. Make a crosshair inside the oval and move on to the next step.

STEP # 2

Now let's start drawing the left side of the heart. Notice how the side is drawn in relation to the base oval.

STEP # 3

In order to complete the heart, you need to draw the right side, as shown in the picture.

In this simple lesson, you learned how to draw a heart step by step using a pencil. If you really like to draw, then you can use other activities posted in the drawing section. We wish you creative success!

    And here's another version of hearts from different angles and different shapes :)

    Such a heart will look very cool on a homemade Valentine's Day card.

    So feel free to draw hearts and give them to our loved ones :)

    Heart to draw pretty simple. For this we need a pencil and a piece of paper. The heart can be with wings, it can be pierced by an arrow - such hearts are especially relevant for Valentine's Day.

    And we will draw a classic heart - a blank.

    To do this, draw two intersecting circles. The diameter of the circle can be anything.

    Draw a straight line at the intersection of the circles.

    Draw rays from the end of the straight line. We should get an equilateral triangle.

    Erase the extra contours with the eraser. The heart is ready! By the way, it can be painted in juicy red)

    You can also use the second method. It's a little more complicated, but the creation process is also very interesting:

    There is also such an interesting drawing of the heart. We start drawing, such a heart from a rose flower, draw a bud, draw the petals, and then the stem, only then draw the shape of the heart

    You can draw such a drawing of a heart, here we start drawing from the palms, then draw the fingers that make us a heart shape all the time

    There is one more idea how to draw such a heart with an inscription

    There is also such a step-by-step lesson in drawing a heart, how you can easily draw a heart using two circles, all the stages in the photo

    How to draw a heart with a pencil step by step? After so many answers, it was difficult to find something original. But! Who seeks will always find!

    I suggest trying to draw a heart stitched with thread with a pencil in stages:

    First, draw one half:

    then the second:

    then we draw the seams:

    Everything! Decorate and the heart is ready!

    I remember that I always tried to draw an even heart. But somehow it didn't work out all the time. But it may not necessarily be proportional. Still, the semetry looks much better.

    Draw a heart in stages turned out to be not that difficult. I found two good ways. According to such a simple scheme, a child can easily draw a heart and cut it out as a Valentine's card for Valentine's Day.

    There are a lot of beautiful and interesting hearts on the Internet with step-by-step drawing instructions. Unfortunately, all of them cannot be described. I will tell you how to draw the options I like the most. Here is a very cute version of the heart in roses:

    How much without a heart pierced by an arrow:

    Hearts entwined with roses:

    Heart with wings:

    Dolphin Heart:

    In order to draw a heart with a pencil, you need to take a sheet of paper from a notebook sheet and bend it in half, then unbend it and put it vertically in front of you with a fold line.

    1-Now let's draw a horizontal line and from each edge, from the right and left sides, draw lines down to the fold. We should get a triangle,

    2- And now along the horizontal line we have to draw two semicircles, so that they intersect with each other.

    3-Now turn the sheet over and continue drawing exactly the same semicircles. In general, we will get like two wedding rings ..

    4- Now it remains to trace with a soft simple pencil. From the horizontal line, we begin to trace to the middle of the upper connection and then again to the horizontal line. In the lower semicircle, we circle half and draw with a corner, to the fold of the sheet, the same thing on the other side, we get the nose of the heart.

Many of us took up a pen or pencil for more than completing our drawing homework at school. Sometimes, for one reason or another, an inexplicable craving for drawing appears in the life of a teenager or already an adult. How you want to pick up a pencil and simply start creating small masterpieces, even if only for yourself or for a close circle of people without claims to world recognition and fame. It may seem that those who perform simple pencil movements in the video or in front of you practically do not make any effort, but in fact this is not the case. Professionalism in drawing, as in any other craft, comes only with experience. Even in the simplest drawings, you can highlight such subtleties and details that you did not even know about before. Now we will look at one of the simplest drawings - a heart. Think back to school years or those moments when we all drew it to each other. This time we will learn how to draw an ordinary heart, with an arrow or wings. Also advises to subscribe. This will help you see the new content first.

Simple ways

And so, let's figure out how to beautifully draw a heart with a pencil in stages for beginners. All we need is a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, and, of course, due perseverance in this endeavor. To make the heart look pretty, you need to make it symmetrical, and for this, do a couple of simple actions:

Draw on a piece of paper two identical circles in the same horizontal plane so that both circles intersect slightly. Let's make a reservation right away that the upper halves of the circles will help create beautiful symmetrical edges of the heart. Accordingly, those parts that make up the main drawing can be bold, and those that need to be removed can be weaker. It is advisable to depict the circles by hand, it's okay if at first the circle is not very round, with the development of practical skills this will be corrected. But if the quality of the circles initially does not suit you, you can resort to aids.

The next figure in the figure is the cross. The vertical line of the cross should pass along the intersection of the circles; to form it, it is enough to draw a line through two points at which the circles from the first point intersect. It does not make sense to lift the vertical line high along the length, its lower part is more useful for drawing, so do not skimp and lower it down. In order to understand how low you should lower it, ask yourself the question: how to draw a heart beautifully, what proportions in height will be optimal for you, so that the drawing turns out beautiful. A horizontal line is drawn perpendicular to the vertical in the middle of both circles.

From the extreme points of intersection of the circles with the horizontal line, lower two smooth symmetrical lines to the bottom point of the heart. You should determine the position of this lowest point yourself, since because of this
parameter, the heart will turn out to be more elongated or more flattened.

Draw semicircles of each circle with a bold line up from the horizontal line to the first intersection point.

At this point, the drawing of the heart is complete. It remains only to remove the extra lines used in the construction and guide the resulting drawing.

The heart, perfect in symmetry and shape, is already in front of you. Of course, this is not the only way to draw a heart.

An easier option for advanced artists

If the previous version seemed boring and not attractive to you due to the presence of a large number of additional constructions, if you need to complete the drawing much faster and there is no way to rebuild circles, if you feel a sufficient level and skills in yourself, we offer you the second method, how to draw a heart with a pencil step by step. But let's make a reservation right away, you should be good at drawing symmetrical circles, otherwise the heart will turn out to be asymmetrical.

  1. Divide the sheet into four parts with two perpendicular lines, in other words, draw the same cross.
  2. Mark on the vertical line the position of the upper and lower points of the heart, and on the horizontal line an equal segment to the left and right from the point of intersection.
  3. Connect the upper point with the extreme left on the horizontal axis with a smooth semicircular line and the same smooth semicircular line with the right point.
  4. Drop two smooth, symmetrical lines from the extreme left and right points to the bottom edge.

For more experienced artists

The next way of depicting a heart is even simpler, it will help to depict a heart in just a couple of stages and with the effect of rotation around an axis. But this method is suitable only for experienced specialists who can draw symmetrical semicircular lines by hand without any problems, without using additional constructions.

  • depict the most common oval, the edges of which are elongated in the horizontal plane.
  • divide the oval with a line in the middle, if the heart should turn out at an angle, the line should be bent in the desired direction. Such a frame will show you how to draw a heart in stages and quickly.
  • select a point just below the top point of the oval on a vertical line and, starting from this position, draw two lines of the upper part of the heart. These lines can completely fit into the oval, or they can protrude beyond it, it all depends on your wishes and vision of the ideal shape for the drawing.
  • repeat the previous point with the lower part of the heart - we lower the two symmetrical lines to the lower point.
  • add Cupid's arrow.

As a result, we get the following figure:

Add details

The drawing can be supplied with additional effects, such as wings, horns, halos, inscriptions, fire and similar additions, which give additional effects and allow you to harmoniously include the image in a particular motive of the drawing, depending on your ideas. Today we will consider several options for drawing hearts with wings, as the most romantic version of this image. The wings give the hearts a special romanticism and sublime tones. It should be noted that the position of the wings in relation to the heart determines the nature of what the author wants to convey: raised to the top, spread wings show firm intentions, pure feelings, striving for a loved one. On the contrary, the more the wings go down (and possibly join downwards), the more it shows the heart's attempt to close itself off from some external factors and problems, an attempt to hide something under its care and concern.

Wings on your heart will tell you a lot

So, let's figure out how to draw a heart with wings in stages using a pencil. Such a drawing will require you to first study the topic of how to draw a heart or a ready-made template with the image of a heart. So, to begin with, we start from the fact that the finished drawing is already available. It is clear that the simplest and most uncomplicated way is to draw the wings by hand without any frames and additional constructions. This method may seem the most common of the above, but at the same time the most difficult, since it will require the author to have practical skills in drawing symmetrical lines and curved shapes by hand. Several variants of the image of the wings from the heart should be highlighted. Wings can be depicted from the sides or from the top. The position of the wings themselves in this case does not matter, it is important from what part they grow, so to speak.

Single row feather wings

If you decide to depict wings growing from the top of the heart, then it is better to depict them small, decorative, this gives a certain sophistication and sophistication in visual contact with the picture. When depicting wings on the sides of the heart, wings spread out to the sides are an excellent option. We do the following:

Elegant wings with a feather in several rows

If you want to get the effect of a heart with huge wings, a span reminiscent of a flying eagle, then it is better to use not a single-level version of the wings, but a multi-level one. The more rows of feathers there are on the wings, the more spectacular the drawing will seem and the more noble the impulse of the heart itself, as if eagle's wings carry it towards a beloved. So, let's figure out step by step how to draw a heart with wings with a pencil, depicting a rich feather pattern on the wings or other additional effects.

As in the previous cases, we begin the image of the drawing with the most ordinary frame of the future heart. He can be depicted in a variety of ways, but it is better to choose one of the above.
To the frame of the heart itself or its finished drawing, we add the frame of the future wings. Here you should no longer skimp on space, the span and size of the wings themselves should be truly royal. Do not skimp on space, it is better to draw a smaller heart. Form the frame at once with several levels: closer to the heart the smallest, the farthest - the largest.

Then start drawing each feather, starting with the smallest at the base and ending with the longest and largest at the edges. In principle, you can start applying layers, gradually depicting each row of feathers separately, superimposing the next one on it without a frame. Repeat the above steps for the second wing.

How to draw a heart.

What is it? Is this ... heart?

No. The trick is that we are going to draw a certain symbol that practically does not correspond to what is beating in our chest and is really a container of love. But okay, symbols are symbols.

Note that the heart sign is symmetrical. We must take this into account when building. That is, first we draw half of the heart:

Draw the middle line without pressure - the axis of symmetry. And then we build, yes, we build the second half clearly symmetrically. And for this you need to slowly and with concentration measure and constantly compare.

You can measure with a ruler or by eye. Since we are developing an eye, we first draw by eye.

The shape of the curve is not very complicated and three anchor points are enough for us, which almost accurately define it.

First, we draw perpendiculars through these points to the axis of symmetry, and then on these perpendiculars we mark symmetrical points by eye.

Let's connect these points:

If the drawing turned out to be correct, then you can circle it in color:

How to draw a heart - method 2

However, you can also use a ruler for measurements. Now we will develop not the eye, but the fine motor skills of the fingers. Let's make the curve more difficult this time. Let's choose five points on it, approximately at equal distance from each other and, having drawn the perpendiculars, we proceed to measurements:

And so with each point:

Here, and this heart was drawn:

But all these measurements and constructions are good as training tasks for developing hands and consolidating skills in working with a ruler. If you just want to quickly draw a heart, then it is best to do it using a stencil.

Let's make a stencil (template) "heart"

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