The Transfiguration Professor is a dog's heart. Preobrazhensky - professor from the novel "Heart of a Dog": character quotes, image and characterization of the hero Scientist from the heart of a dog

New year 1925 for Bulgakov began well. The almanac "Nedra", in which his "The Devil's Games" and "Fatal Eggs" were published, commissioned him to write a story. Already two months later (March 7) at the meeting of writers "Nikitinskie Subbotniki" he reads the first part of the new work, a little later - the second. They will talk about the story, the Moscow Art Theater will offer to make a dramatization, put the performance on its stage. Everything is going just fine, if not for the denunciation. The high party rank Lev Kamenev imposes a fatal resolution and prohibits publication.

Bulgakov, Professor Preobrazhensky: a long journey home

"Heart of a Dog" was first published in 1968 abroad, almost simultaneously in two countries: Germany and England. She will return home only in 1987, will be published in the Znamya magazine, and before that it will be distributed throughout the country in the typed texts of samizdat. A year later, viewers will see the eponymous two-part television series (premiered on November 19) directed by Vladimir Bortko. The film starred wonderful actors: Evgeny Evstigneev, Boris Plotnikov, Nina Ruslanova, Roman Kartsev.

Since then, for the majority of people inhabiting the post-Soviet space, Professor Preobrazhensky ("Heart of a Dog"), the book, the film and the image have merged into Evgeny Evstigneev. It is impossible to imagine Philip Philipovich otherwise, there is not enough imagination. Two personalities: a literary hero and an actor - a single organic phenomenon, a fusion of literature and cinema.

The first film adaptation: a different point of view from Italy

Italian cinema opened Bulgakov in the 70s of the last century. The Italians made films based on the works of Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", "Fatal Eggs". Director Alberto Lattuada, a classic of Italian neo-realism, enthusiastically took up the adaptation of the story. Filmed in Belgrade. The main role was played by the Swedish popular artist Max von Sydow. Bulgakov (Professor Preobrazhensky, as read by the film master, is an intellectual involved in the coming to power of the madballs, intoxicated with the ideas of communism and fascism, perhaps would not approve of such an interpretation of the image. His hands are soiled, the director for a long time shows a close-up of the bloody medical gloves of a scientist. He is greedy, obsessed with luxury, eats delicacies in the presence of servants, thereby emphasizing the social gap between them. The film focuses on the episode of burning in the oven the correspondence between Engels and Kautsky. Subsequently, the fascists will do the same with unwanted books. In a word, in the Italian interpretation the image of Professor Preobrazhensky is extremely unsympathetic. We are closer and dearer to another.

"You need to be able to eat ..."

Preobrazhensky (professor) is a 60-year-old man, he wears a sharp beard and fluffy mustache, which make him look like French knights. Glasses in expensive frames glisten on his face, and a “golden palisade” in his mouth. At home, he wears an azure robe and red shoes. On the street - a fur coat on a fox, sparkling. Under the outerwear there is a black suit made of English cloth, on the belly there is a gold chain. His voice spreads through the apartment like a command trumpet. He is imperious, full of majestic dignity, imposing, unhurried, thoughtful.

A detail, small and detailed, immediately enters, which transforms Philip Philipovich from a heavy, living statue of an academic scientist into an elderly man with established sweet, slightly ridiculous habits. He hums endlessly, loves opera, smokes cigars, knows a lot about good alcohol and eats only healthy food with pleasure. This is a wise man with rich life experience, loves sedate conversation and believes that "the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads." His precise, clear, full of irony thoughts, amaze with objectivity and consistency. Professor Preobrazhensky, the quotes with which he practically speaks have long become winged.

Philip Philipovich's prototypes

Philologists believe that there were several prototypes. Preobrazhensky (professor) is a collective image of the luminaries of that time. The list is headed by the writer's uncle, gynecologist Nikolai Pokrovsky. First, the descriptions of the apartments coincide: the same luxurious and large, the same heavy, expensive furniture. Secondly, the external similarity. The writer's first wife recalled that she immediately recognized this anger, flaring nostrils, hot temper and chanting arias.

The Frenchman and physician Charles Brown-Séquard, having reached the age of 70, decided to rejuvenate and came up with a medicine from the testes of rabbits. In 1889, he gave a lecture to the Paris Scientific Society, declaring himself young and vigorous. The doctor's research became a sensation, but not for long. The rise in vitality was more of a psychological nature, since the doctor soon wilted and died.

The experiment was also continued by a French scientist, originally from Russia, Samuil Volkov, who inoculated the tissues of monkey testicles into humans. A queue of people wishing to experience the joy of a second youth lined up for him, but one of the wealthy patients died, and Volkov was nicknamed a charlatan. Researchers of Bulgakov's work are inclined to rank among the prototypes of scientists Bekhterev, Pavlov and other famous doctors and researchers of that time.

Let's remember not the film, but the text. Preobrazhensky, a professor, receives patients, and Sharik, a homeless dog, watches over them. He is disgusted with the smell of perfume and cream underpants, decorated with hateful feline muzzles, a strange-looking man. Then a hippy woman, unwilling to admit how old she is, babbles about a young lover, a card sharper. A dog's "fresh eye" pulls these people out of their usual medical context. For the doctor, they are just patients, for the animal - something unpleasant and disgusting. The story raises the eternal theme of a scientist's moral responsibility for the world and its fate. Humanity has more than once witnessed how a scientific discovery turned against it, killed, maimed, brought suffering.

"What a reptile, and also a proletarian!"

The book begins with an amazing monologue of a homeless mongrel. The cook of the dining room for normal food for the employees of the central council of the national economy (some name) poured boiling water over his left side. The street is cold and deserted, the wind is blowing. He would have hidden in the alleyway, licked the wound, but the enemy, the janitor, "the most disgusting scum" of all proletarians, would surely kill him. The sweet smell of fried onions and porridge spreads down the street. This is the firemen having dinner. The dog remembers with gratitude the master chef of Counts Tolstoy Vlas. Now there are no such people. The dog sees a typist running down the street. The wind flutters the skirt, under which the washed linen. She is wearing fildepper stockings, donated by her lover, for which the libertine will demand sophisticated love. There is no unhappy joy: they have been deducted from a meager salary, with light wages, there is not enough for cinema, and for women it is the only consolation in life. The girl hides behind the dining room door, from which she smells of cabbage soup with rotten corned beef.

"The dog stood on its hind legs and performed some kind of namaz in front of Philip Philipovich."

The dog is delighted with his savior to the point of violent canine exaltation. He is loyal and willing to endure even a collar. A world-renowned scientist appears in the halo of his greatness. The tenants are in awe of him, one call to an influential patron solves the problem of the impending "compaction". He thinks broadly and wisely, like a person who deeply knows life. Professor Preobrazhensky will say about the devastation weightily and to the very point. We will remember. Professor Preobrazhensky, the quotes that we repeat are a whole world, he delights with insight.

"There is absolutely no need to learn to read when meat already smells a mile away."

Everything will end with the transformation of Sharik into Polygraph Poligrafovich. This is no longer cute Sharik, but Klim Chugunkin, an unrelenting drunkard who plays the balalaika in taverns. An impudent, dark force will turn the well-established life at home: it will become impossible to receive, the flood will carry water to the staircase, Sharikov's friends will pull galoshes and a personal expensive master's cane from the hallway. The fruit of human hands is more terrible than Shvonder: the day will come and Sharikov will sweep it out of its way and destroy it. The danger is terrible because it grows from within, it is impossible to get away from it. Before our very eyes, the owner of the apartment is changing. Bormental will notice how he has grown leaner, hunched over, become smaller, grumbles like an old man. Preobrazhensky, a professor and a scientist, thought deeply, a black thought about murder matures, spreads and oppresses him. Here is the payback for the purity of a scientific idea. And he utters the bitter famous words about the senselessness of artificial fabrication of Spinoza, when any woman can easily give birth to them, as Madame Lomonosov gave birth to her famous one in Kholmogory. Professor Preobrazhensky's brilliant experiment is meaningless.

The assessment of representatives of the intelligentsia in Bulgakov's story is far from unambiguous. Professor Preobrazhensky is a famous European scientist. He is looking for means to rejuvenate the human body and has already achieved significant results. The professor is a representative of the old intelligentsia and professes the principles of morality and ethics. Everyone, according to Philip Filippovich, in this world should do their own thing: in the theater - to sing, in the hospital - to operate. Then there will be no devastation. And to achieve material well-being, welfare of life, position in society and respect can only be done through work and knowledge. It is not origin that makes a person a person, but the benefits that he brings to society. Beliefs, according to the professor, cannot be implanted into the consciousness by force: "Nothing can be done with terror."
The professor does not hide his dislike for the revolution and the new revolutionary order. He does not accept the new rules of life. Scientific research, his favorite work is the most important for him, so he has to compromise with the new government: he heals its representatives, and she provides him with tolerable living conditions and relative independence. An open confrontation with the authorities would mean deprivation of an apartment, an opportunity to work, and maybe even life itself. The professor made his choice, many patients turn to him. Preobrazhensky is sure that those who work have the right to normal working and rest conditions. As a well-mannered and cultured person, the professor believes that only affection should be treated with a living being. To his student and assistant Bormental he gives a warning-order: “Never go to a crime, against whoever it is directed. Live to old age with clean hands. "
Confidence in his righteousness, a high cultural level, talent and scale of personality allow him, in the conditions of a difficult turning point, not only to save his life, but also to emerge victorious from the collision with the Domkom and Shvonder.
There are many contradictions in the professor's political views. Being engaged in science, he lives in isolation, is interested in theater, deliberately fenced himself off from problems. Revolutionary shocks annoy him and interfere with his work. Fighting with Shvonder, the professor has not yet fully understood what a terrible, destructive force in his face was allowed to power, how dangerous balls of all stripes are. The scientist naively believes that a policeman assigned to each person can immediately restore order in the country. But in the new government, the role of policemen is played by Shvonders and Sharikovs, who are ready to destroy both culture and unwanted people.
Bulgakov warns humanity against irresponsible experiments, leads to the realization of the danger of forcing the laws of evolution. This is why the story is relevant today. The writer names the main reason for all human troubles: confidence in the knowledge of the absolute truth and in one's own infallibility.
Note that neither the professor nor Dr. Bormental intended to create a human being. What happened as a result of their experience is a terrible monster, which cannot be re-educated. To the professor's credit, he understood the horror of such "side effects" before Dr. Bormental. The doctor argued that the laboratory creature had a "dog's heart", that is, more canine qualities remained in it. The professor, however, says that Sharikov has a "human heart" by Klim Chugunkin with all the ensuing consequences. It is no coincidence that Sharikov's name became a household name after the publication of the story.
Professor Preobrazhensky repented of his actions: “If someone<…>he laid me down here and whipped me - I would, I swear, pay five ducats!<…>Damn me ... After all, I was sitting for five years, picking out appendages from the brain. So, as a friend, I’ll tell you, in secret, of course, I know you will not disgrace me - the old donkey Preobrazhensky ran into this operation, as a third-year student ... You know what work I have done, it is incomprehensible to my mind. And now the question is, why? To one day turn the cutest dog into such scum that your hair stands on end!<…>Here, doctor, what happens when a researcher, instead of groping and parallel with nature, forces the question and lifts the veil! "
The terrible results of the experiment force the professor to conclude that experiments to “improve” human nature are inadmissible: “Explain to me, please, why you need to artificially fabricate Spinoz, when any woman can give birth to him at any time! .. After all, Madame Lomonosov gave birth to this famous ! "; “Humanity takes care of itself<…>and in the evolutionary order every year stubbornly, highlighting from the mass of all filth, creates dozens of outstanding geniuses that adorn the globe. "
In the epilogue, the scientists, driven to nervous exhaustion, saving their lives from Sharikov, who attempted on them, perform a second operation, turning the monster they created back into a dog. Everything returns to normal. ends his poignant tale with the words:
“In the distance, flasks clinked dully. The bitten one was cleaning the cabinets of the examination room.
The gray-haired wizard sat and hummed:

- To the sacred banks of the Nile ...

The dog has seen terrible things. An important man plunged his hands in slippery gloves into a vessel, pulled out the brains - a stubborn person, persistent, he tried to achieve something, cut, examined, squinted and sang:

- To the sacred banks of the Nile ... "

The research of the professor, like other scientists around the world, continues. The end of the story remains open.
The polyphonic sound of the story is given by the change of narrators: Sharik's inner monologue is replaced by the narrator's speech, and Bormental's diary is given as an insert. This allows you to give the story a multidimensional meaning, and readers can get acquainted with the position of several actors in order to form their own opinion about the events. It becomes clear that the position of the author-narrator is close to the position of Sharik, doctor and professor, but there is no complete coincidence in the assessment. Behind satire, humor and grotesque Bulgakov hid important moral and philosophical problems. He wrote about the relationship between evolution and revolution, the moral choice of man and especially the scientist, about the fate of the intelligentsia, about the new government. The writer believed that the world is contradictory, changing every second, a person still knows too little to allow himself to irresponsibly interfere with the laws of nature, all the more to change them at his own whim.
"Heart of a Dog" became the last satirical story in the work of Bulgakov. She has been banned for sixty years. Later, the story was repeatedly reprinted and was talentedly filmed by the famous director A. Bortko. To this day, it arouses the interest of readers of various inner aspirations. The problems raised in the story are also relevant for people of the 21st century. The writer writes with bitterness about human imperfection, regrets that a society of happiness and harmony is still only a dream.

Abstract of a literature lesson in grade 11

Theme: The image of Professor Preobrazhensky in M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog".

The purpose of the lesson: to reveal the skill of M. Bulgakov in creating the image of the artistic image of Professor Preobrazhensky, which contains the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe work.


educational: work on the skills of text analysis, the skills of revealing the image of a literary hero;

developing: develop thinking, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions, improve the monologue and dialogical speech of students;

educational: to educate students' civic stance, a sense of responsibility for their own actions and for what is happening in society, to interest in the work of M.A. Bulgakov.

Board decoration

1. Portrait of M.A.Bulgakov.

2. Portrait of NM Bulgakov (prototype of Professor Preobrazhensky.

3. A portrait of the hero of the story, made by a student.

4. Recording: Techniques for creating an artistic image of the hero:

A) The name of the hero

B) Hero portrait.

C) The actions of the hero.

D) Description of the situation in which the hero is.

E) Speech characteristics of the hero (monologues, including internal ones, dialogues).

F) The system of images of the work, the environment - secondary characters through which the image is revealed.

G) Compositional techniques used by the author to reveal the character of the hero.

Lesson equipment

An interactive whiteboard, a projector, a computer for viewing an excerpt from the film by N. Bozhko "Heart of a Dog".

Advance job

1. Individual task: reporting on the role of minor characters in revealing the image of Professor Preobrazhensky (for 1-2 minutes)

2. Individual task: a message about the image of Dr. Bormental and his role in revealing the character of Professor Preobrazhensky (for 1-2 minutes)

During the classes

Organizational moment - 1 minute.

I ... Introductory speech of the teacher - 1 minute.

We continue to study the story of M.A. Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog" and today in the center of our attention is the image of Professor Preobrazhensky.

It was already noted earlier that the changes taking place in Russia in the 1920s and 1930s, associated with the construction of socialism and a new future man, were perceived by the humanist writer as a huge experiment, terrible in scale and consequences. Bulgakov had a negative attitude to the idea of ​​creating a new society, the upbringing of a new person, free from the old morality and culture. The writer perceived this as an interference in the natural course of things, a thousand-year history of mankind, and the consequences of this interference could become disastrous for everyone, including for the "experimenters" themselves. This is what the story "Heart of a Dog" warns about.

But besides this, in his work Bulgakov reflects on the role of the scientist and science, on the role of the intelligentsia in society, on their moral responsibility to society. That is why the image of Professor Preobrazhensky becomes so important.

The purpose of our lesson is to analyze this image, comprehend Bulgakov's writing skills in creating the image of the protagonist. We will try to determine the methods and techniques for revealing the character of the heroes of the story.

II ... Work on the image of Professor Preobrazhensky - 18-20 minutes

So, before us is the main character of the story - Professor Philip Philipovich


- What do you think, what is the meaning of Bulgakov's name and surname of his hero?

(Listening to students' answers)

NamePhilip translated from Greek means "loving horses". The horse in Ancient Greece was one of the symbols of a noble person. And the wordphilippic what matters is “an angry diatribe, speaking out against someone or something. Students should come to the conclusion that in this way the author probably wanted to expose an experiment in which the professor transformed a dog into a man. The prototype of Professor Preobrazhensky was the writer's uncle - Nikolai Mikhailovich Bulgakov, a famous doctor, an intelligent and talented person (photo on the board).

Let's pay attention to the portrait-illustration of the hero of the story.

- Was that how you envisioned the professor?

(Listening to students' answers)

The character of a literary hero in a work of art is revealed in certain ways and techniques. Pay attention to the notes on the chalkboard.

Let's see how Bulgakov creates a portrait of F.F. Preobrazhensky.

(Work with text) Chapter 1 from the words "The door across the street ... Give it to me."

From the words "This is a person!" to the end of the chapter.

- What feature of the author's image of the hero's appearance did you notice?

(The portrait is given through the eyes of a dog.

citizen = lord

comrade = lackey)

- What technique does Bulgakov use when describing Preobrazhensky's apartment? For what? (Reception - the antithesis. Two different worlds - the world of purity, prosperity, tranquility and comfort and the world of dirt, stench, poverty and anger).

Professor, gentleman, educated, well-mannered, noble person, personality. He is an internationally renowned scientist, a medical practitioner who earns money by his work and talent. He is confident in himself, calm, can do what he loves. Philip Philipovich keeps a servant and lives in 7 rooms. In the opinion of the new government, the House Committee headed by Shvonder, this is an impermissible luxury.

(Working with text) Ch. 2 - episode of the arrival of the house committee in the professor's apartment with the demand for compaction. From the words “Tiled squares…. The golden chain sparkled "

- Pay attention to the details. How does the professor change outwardly during a conversation with the "proletarians"?

(The face "turned tenderly crimson" - "the crimsonness took on a somewhat grayish tint" - "his crimsonness turned yellow," he "barked")

- What did the author want to emphasize?

(Irritation. He is enraged by the lack of elementary common sense, reference to dubious authorities).

- Do you think maybe living in 7 rooms is really an unaffordable luxury?

(We listen to the students' opinion. No, this is not a luxury - this is a normal condition of human life. It is interesting that the purpose of the rooms is rational. This has evolved over the centuries and even stuck in the language: bedroom, dining room, nursery, study ..)

(Working with text) chap. 3 ... From the beginning to the words "filled with liquid saliva"

From the words "Get us off the plates" to "don't read Soviet newspapers"

Derzhavin's lines immediately come to mind:

Bagryana ham, green cabbage soup with yolk,

Blush yellow pie, white cheese, red crayfish,

That pitch, amber, caviar ...

And the lines from "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin:

And Strasbourg is an imperishable pie

Between the cheese of Limburgish live

And golden pineapple.

- Why are the associations not accidental?

(The culture of food consumption is rooted in our


- How does this description help to understand the image of Professor Preobrazhensky?

(The culture of life is an important component of a common human

ical culture. Comparing Preobrazhensky and Shariko-

va, the reader immediately highlights the superiority of man, “mind

who is ").

III ... The role of minor characters in revealing the image of the hero 10 min.

(We listen to the student's answer to an individual anticipatory assignment: "The role of servants' images in revealing the character of Professor Preobrazhensky").

In Soviet Russia, the work of a servant was considered slave work, degrading the dignity of a person. But Bulgakov proves the opposite: any work, if it is done responsibly and with a soul, is necessary and will be appreciated. The professor himself, treating his servants with respect and trust, does not humiliate, but, on the contrary, makes them feel their need, significance, even involvement in the life of the professor.

Again the antithesis: Sharikov's attitude to Zina and Daria Petrovna.

(We listen to the student's answer to the individual anticipatory assignment about the role of Dr. Bormental in revealing the image of the professor.)

We draw a conclusion about the role of minor characters in revealing the image of the protagonist: portrait, interior, everyday life, minor characters - everything indicates that Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky is a self-confident, worthy, intelligent person with a high culture.

IV ... The role of the image in disclosing the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwork 15 minutes.

- What is the purpose of a professor's life? (We listen to the answers of the students).

His purpose in life is to serve science. For this, he decided on an experiment to humanize the dog .. But Sharikov appears in the apartment - this "new man", and immediately devastation begins, as, indeed, everywhere: in the house, in the country.

In the early 1930s, a one-act play by Valery Yazvitsky "Who is to blame" ("Devastation") was staged in the Moscow workshop of communist drama, where the main character is an ancient crooked old woman in rags named Devastation. Soviet propaganda tried to make a mythical elusive villain out of ruin, trying to hide that its root cause was the policy of the Bolsheviks, war communism, when people, having no incentive to work, ceased to work honestly and efficiently.

- How does Preobrazhensky propose to get rid of the devastation? (To put things in order in the country, when everyone should do their own thing, be responsible for their work)

The revolution gave birth to "new people" who destroyed the old world, the great culture, armed with one right - to take everything and divide it up. But the goal of the revolution is to improve the lives of ordinary people, to transform the world.

Wanting to improve human nature, Preobrazhensky created a monster who easily accepted proletarian ideas. A pituitary transplant operation within a week humanizes the dog, the “humanization operation” of Shvonders lasted longer, but the result is essentially the same. These people have only external human characteristics, which are not sufficient for the definition of "man" to be applicable to them. Millions of Shvonders and Sharikovs were instilled with a terrible thought: to become the master of life, you do not need to work hard, make efforts, educate yourself, it is enough that you are a "proletarian".

Watching an excerpt from the film - an excerpt from chapter 8 - the professor's conversation with Dr.Bormenthal about the result of the experiment... - 5 minutes.

- What conclusion does the professor come to after his experiment?

(The collapse of such experiments is inevitable, because it is impossible to "humanize" what has ceased to be human, having lost the spiritual, moral and moral foundation on which the relationship between society and the individual is built. That is why the experiment with humanizing a dog failed just like the tragic communist experiment Time has shown how right Bulgakov was in his insights.

- Does the writer condemn the professor for this experiment?

(Working with text) - epilogue “The gray harmonies of pipes warmed ...

- What does the author call the professor? (Supreme being, omnipotent man, gray-haired wizard).

- What conclusion can be drawn?

(In the story, the professor manages to return everything to square one: the evil boor Sharikov again becomes a kind and affectionate dog. It is a pity that in real life it is impossible to turn back time.)

V. Lesson summary.

The image of Professor Preobrazhensky is the main image, comprehending which one can understand the ideological intention of the writer. This is one of the most vivid, memorable images created by Bulgakov. The author's skill was manifested in the ability to use various methods and techniques in creating the image of his hero.

Vi. Homework - 1-2 minutes.

A talented writer in the images he created expresses thoughts that excite not only his contemporaries, but also descendants. Experiments on the creation of a new person continue in the twentiethIcentury. Now scientists are trying to clone humans. I propose to answer the question in writing:

"What did the Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov warn mankind about when creating the image of Professor Preobrazhensky?"

Vii ... Grading and commenting on grades for a lesson - 2 minutes.

It is better for an animal to remain an animal. This is the conclusion reached by Professor Preobrazhensky - the doctor who gives youth to patients in the story "Heart of a Dog". Philip Philipovich created Sharikov as a semblance of a human being, but the experiment failed - the ideal member of society did not emerge from the dog.


The work pretty much spoiled the life of the Russian prose writer. At the beginning of 1925, Mikhail Bulgakov began to create a new story under the working title “Dog's Happiness. A Monstrous Story ", which was expected for publication in the Nedra magazine.

Three months later, the author put an end to another literary work and presented it to his pen colleagues at the Nikitskie Subbotniks meeting. The Main Political Directorate immediately received a denunciation of Mikhail Afanasyevich for a "hostile, breathing contempt for the Soviet Union" thing.

It came down to, and he finally hacked down the work. Moreover, they came to the writer with a search, seizing two copies of the manuscripts of The Heart of a Dog. In the 1960s, a typewritten creation leaked into samizdat, and from there, casually copied, flew to the West. Legally, the story reached the Soviet reader only in 1987 through the Znamya magazine, but it was the same low-quality copy. Only at the height of perestroika was the original published.

There is still debate about the prototypes of the main character in the story of Professor Preobrazhensky. Whether there was such a person remains a mystery, but the prototypes are definitely M.A. Bulgakov used in his work. Researchers see a similarity with the life of the hero in the life of the gynecologist Nikolai Pokrovsky, the uncle of the prose writer. The furnishings of the book doctor's dwelling are as copied from his apartment.

Perhaps the writer also relied on the image of an academician: an influential man of his time despised the Bolsheviks, survived a series of searches, but survived thanks to the patronage of Lenin.

The biography of Preobrazhensky was also based on elements of the activity of Sergei Voronov, an experimental surgeon who tried to transplant primate ovaries into women. And the famous gynecologist Vladimir Snegirev loved to sing when he was thinking about important matters, like the professor from Dog's Heart.

And, finally, the list of prototypes is closed by the former personal physician of the family Dmitry Nikitin and physician Vasily Preobrazhensky, who were exiled to Arkhangelsk, and their interests were in the field of genetics and experimental physiology. In particular, he tried his hand at rejuvenation.

Whether there was actually someone the main of these personalities for creating the image of Philip Philipovich, now it does not matter. Bulgakov managed to mix the best minds of the era and show the reading public a symbol of humanity and high morality. True, the teacher from Preobrazhensky did not work out - no matter how he tried, it did not work to blind a full-fledged person from Sharikov.

Main plot

The plot of the story takes place in Moscow at the end of 1927. Professor Preobrazhensky, together with his assistant Dr. Bormenthal, in the continuation of successful experiments on rejuvenation, decide to test their strength in transplanting human testes and a gland responsible for growth and development to an animal. The material was taken from the deceased alcoholic and parasite Klim Chugunkin, and Sharik, a street dog, acted as a test subject.

The dog began to transform into a human, absorbing the worst qualities of its donor - a passion for alcoholic beverages, rudeness and rudeness. The news of the successful experience spread throughout the medical community, and the fruit of amazing experiments became the star of medical lectures. Yesterday's dog, having fallen under the tutelage of the chairman of the house committee, an activist of the communist party Shvonder, received documents in the name of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov and completely got out of the hands of its creator.

Shvonder instilled in the consciousness of the half-man-half-dog the conviction that he is a representative of the proletariat suffering from the oppression of the bourgeoisie, that is, the doctor and his assistant Bormental. Sharikov allows himself to be rude towards them, gets drunk to an unconscious state, sticks to the servants and steals money. The last straw was the denunciation of Preobrazhensky, which miraculously did not reach the authorities. During the scandal, when the professor was driving his scientific brainchild out of the apartment, Sharikov threatened him with a revolver. The doctors' patience ran out, and the experimenters performed an operation with the opposite effect - Polygraph Poligrafovich again took the form of a dog.

The image of the professor

Sharikov himself gives an accurate description of the hero in a capacious phrase:

"There is no smell of proletariat here."

Professor Preobrazhensky is a representative of the intelligentsia, a symbol of the outgoing Russian culture. This is evidenced by the appearance and lifestyle of the doctor. Philip Philipovich is dressed in a dark suit, wears a gold chain and a fox fur coat. In a spacious seven-room apartment, despite the changed times, there is still a servant, to whom the doctor respects. The professor dines in an aristocratic manner - in the dining room, where the table is served with expensive dishes, and the range of dishes includes slightly salted salmon, caviar, cheese and even eels.

The author has created a charming personality. Preobrazhensky is very emotional, smart and has excellent logic, in disputes he behaves diplomatically and with restraint, and the aphorisms for which his speech is rich, readers quickly turned into catchwords. Trying to give the heroes of the "Heart of a Dog" characteristics in terms of phrases, people keen on socionics classify the professor as two sociotypes - extrovert and rational.

Preobrazhensky sincerely dislikes the proletariat, condemns the new authorities for their rudeness and violent methods, predicting the imminent decline of the country's economy. The changes reflected in the little things infuriate the professor: the guests of the house no longer take their shoes off in front of the stairs, less than a month passes without the power being cut off, and carpets and flowers have disappeared in the front door. Philip Philipovich believes that the proletariat is worthy only of cleaning the sheds, and not the leadership of the state.

In the famous monologue about devastation, the professor shares the opinion that the horror that is happening around is the result of a mess in a person's head:

“What is this ruin of yours? (…) Yes, it does not exist at all. What do you mean by this word? This is what it is: if I, instead of operating every evening, start singing in chorus in my apartment, I will be in ruin. (…) Consequently, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads. "

The luminary of science pursues the goal of making the world around us better, but not through violence.

“You can only act by suggestion,” he says.

Preobrazhensky hopes to transform nature by transplanting human organs to animals in order to eliminate the imperfection of human nature. A fiasco in this direction makes the professor understand the immorality of scientific experiments on a person, and attempts to change the order of things are fraught with unpredictable consequences. As a result, the hero comes to the conclusion that everything in nature is logical and natural - the geniuses decorating the world still stand out from the "mass of all scum".


“And, God forbid, do not read Soviet newspapers until lunchtime.
- Hm ... Why, there are no others.
"Don't read any."
"You yourself know that a person without documents is strictly forbidden to exist."
“Why was the carpet removed from the front staircase? M? What, Karl Marx forbids keeping carpets on the stairs? "
"And you, in the presence of two people with a university education, allow yourself to give advice on a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity."
“Never commit a crime, no matter who it is directed against. Live to old age with clean hands. "
“Only landowners who have not been cut by the Bolsheviks eat cold snacks and soup. A person who respects himself in the slightest degree operates with hot snacks. "
“I'm closing my apartment and leaving for Sochi! I can give the keys to Shvonder, let him operate. But only one condition - whatever you like, whatever, whenever you like, but that it should be such a piece of paper, in the presence of which neither Shvonder nor anyone else could even come to the door of my apartment! The final piece of paper! Actual! Real! Armor!"

Quotes from "Heart of a Dog" are so witty that they were not ignored by the authors of the memes. The Internet is full of photos of Professor Preobrazhensky from a Soviet film of 1988 with altered phrases. Let's note the funniest ones:

"Humanity will be saved by punitive psychiatry."
“Have you read it on the Internet? Yes, my friend, you have problems with your head. "
"I don't troll, I only defend myself."
  • The first film based on Bulgakov's story was shot by Alberto Lattuada. The picture of the joint production of Germany and Italy was released in screens in 1976. In the homeland of "Heart of a Dog", the film adaptation was delayed due to the ban of the work.

  • For who brilliantly played the role of Preobrazhensky in the Russian film, work in Heart of a Dog was a salvation: the Moscow Art Theater actor was retired in the late 80s, and the director gave him a chance not to fall into depression.
  • Actors similar to dogs were selected for the role of Sharikov. Casting organizers saw similar features in and. However, the director rejected these candidates. In the last pile of photos, the attention of the master of cinema was attracted by an unknown employee of the Almaty theater. At the tests, the man won the heart of the creator of the picture when he raised a glass of vodka with the words: "I wish that everything!"

The subject of the work

At one time, the satirical story of M. Bulgakov caused a lot of talk. In "Heart of a Dog" the heroes of the work are bright and memorable; the plot is fantasy mixed with reality and subtext, in which a sharp criticism of Soviet power is openly read. Therefore, the essay was very popular in the 60s among dissidents, and in the 90s, after the official publication, it was completely recognized as prophetic.

The theme of the tragedy of the Russian people is clearly visible in this work, in "Heart of a Dog" the main characters enter into irreconcilable conflict with each other and will never understand each other. And, although the proletarians won in this confrontation, Bulgakov in the novel reveals to us the whole essence of revolutionaries and their type of new person in the person of Sharikov, leading us to the idea that they will not create or do anything good.

There are only three main characters in "Heart of a Dog", and the narration is mainly conducted from Bormental's diary and through the dog's monologue.

Characteristics of the main characters


A character that appeared as a result of the operation from Sharik the mongrel. The transplant of the pituitary gland and genital glands of the drunkard and rowdy Klim Chugunkin turned a cute and friendly dog ​​into Polygraph Poligrafich, a parasite and a bully.
Sharikov embodies all the negative features of the new society: he spits on the floor, throws cigarette butts, does not know how to use the restroom and constantly swears. But even this is not the worst thing - Sharikov quickly learned to write denunciations and found a vocation in killing his eternal enemies, cats. And while he deals only with cats, the author makes it clear that he will do the same with people who will stand in his way.

Bulgakov saw this base strength of the people and a threat to the entire society in the rudeness and closeness with which the new revolutionary government decides questions.

Professor Preobrazhensky

An experimenter using innovative developments in solving the problem of rejuvenation through organ transplantation. He is a renowned world scientist, a respected surgeon, whose “speaking” surname gives him the right to experiment with nature.

I got used to living on a grand scale - a servant, a house of seven rooms, gorgeous dinners. His patients are former nobles and the highest revolutionary ranks who patronize him.

Preobrazhensky is a solid, successful and self-confident person. The professor is an opponent of any terror and Soviet power, he calls them "idlers and idlers." He considers affection to be the only way to communicate with living beings and denies the new power precisely for radical methods and violence. His opinion: if people are accustomed to culture, then the devastation will disappear.

The rejuvenation operation gave an unexpected result - the dog turned into a man. But the man came out completely useless, not amenable to education and absorbing the worst. Philip Philipovich concludes that nature is not a field for experiments and he should not have interfered with its laws.

Dr. Bormental

Ivan Arnoldovich is completely and completely devoted to his teacher. At one time, Preobrazhensky took an active part in the fate of a half-starved student - he enrolled in the department, and then took him as an assistant.

The young doctor tried in every possible way to culturally develop Sharikov, and then completely moved to the professor, as it became more and more difficult to cope with a new person.

The apotheosis was the denunciation that Sharikov wrote against the professor. At the climax, when Sharikov took out his revolver and was ready to use it, it was Bromental who showed firmness and toughness, while Preobrazhensky hesitated, not daring to kill his creation.

The positive characterization of the characters of "Heart of a Dog" underlines how important honor and dignity are for the author. Bulgakov described himself and his relatives in many aspects of both doctors, and in many ways would have acted the same way as they did.


The newly elected chairman of the house committee, who hates the professor as a class enemy. This is a schematic hero, without deep reasoning.

Shvonder fully adores the new revolutionary government and its laws, and in Sharikov he sees not a person, but a new useful unit of society - he can buy textbooks and magazines, participate in meetings.

Sh. Can be called Sharikov's ideological mentor, he tells him about the rights in Preobrazhensky's apartment and teaches him to write denunciations. The chairman of the house committee, because of his narrow-mindedness and ignorance, always shy away and gives up in conversations with the professor, but this hates him even more.

Other heroes

The list of characters in the story would not be complete without two au pair - Zina and Darya Petrovna. They recognize the superiority of the professor, and, like Bormental, are completely devoted to him and agree to commit a crime for the sake of their beloved master. They proved this at the time of the second operation to transform Sharikov into a dog, when they were on the side of the doctors and exactly followed all their instructions.

You got acquainted with the characterization of the heroes of Bulgakov's Heart of a Dog, a fantastic satire that anticipated the collapse of Soviet power immediately after its appearance - the author back in 1925 showed the essence of those revolutionaries and what they are capable of.

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