Group silver participant care. Olga Seryabkina leaves the SEREBRO group. History of musical success

Fans of the group SEREBRO have a serious reason for sadness - one of the brightest members, 25-year-old Daria Shashina, is leaving the group. The charming blonde, who during her work as the lead singer of a popular trio acquired a whole army of fans across the country, is forced to interrupt her creative activity. The public's favorite made this difficult decision due to illness. The girl reported the current situation, of which both Daria herself and her colleagues were victims, to in social networks. Shashina turned to her many fans with a frank statement and a request to support her during such a difficult period.

“To be honest, I wanted to protect you from this information until the last minute,” said Daria. – But many of you have already noticed some changes in the way I began to behave on stage. That's why I have to say... About six months ago I started having severe pain in my knee. I didn’t attach any importance to it for a long time and continued to live ordinary life- jumping, running, dancing, playing sports... When they intensified, and I went to the doctor, the diagnosis turned out to be “congenital dysplasia of the knee joints.” You cannot get sick from this; it is a congenital pathology of tissue formation. The disease began to progress due to constant stress. Well, two weeks ago I suffered a torn meniscus in my right knee. Now I am facing two operations. Doctors strongly recommend that I stop performing.... In addition to snowboarding, yoga, I am forbidden to simply climb stairs, run, squat, etc. I don’t know what will happen. I continue to consult with doctors. Now we are waiting for a response from the Israeli clinic, where, on Maxim’s advice, I sent an MRI. I didn’t think that I would ever write something like this, much less on social networks. But I know that it will be more honest towards you. For now, just keep your fingers crossed for me. I love you".

By the way, Maxim Fadeev’s production center is in no hurry to look for a replacement for the lead singer of the group SEREBRO. The final decision will be made only after Shashina undergoes a full examination and is convinced that she will not be able to continue working in the team. On the health of the singer at the production center famous composer treated with due understanding and respect.

“The statements circulated in the press are not entirely correct - there is no casting, and this issue will be raised only based on the results of Dasha’s examination,” representatives of PCMF explained to StarHit. – For now she is part of the group, she will be with us until April, until treatment begins. Only based on its results will it be clear whether she will be able to continue working in the team. Naturally, we don't want to lose her. But if this is necessary, then Dasha’s decision will be supported. And only then will the question of finding a new soloist be raised.”

It is noteworthy that Daria herself is really having a hard time right now. The girl is seriously puzzled by how the treatment will proceed and has absolutely no idea what to do next. It’s no secret that Shashina has developed very warm and trusting relationships with the other soloists of the group - the girls are truly comfortable working with each other and spending time together. Apparently, Daria’s departure from the group will be a big disappointment for her colleagues.

“I just now got from the doctor, out of all the five clinics I visited - this is the only one that put everything in order and the worst thing - the doctor said that I should stop my performances and urgently undergo surgery on both legs, without touching on the issue of dysplasia - the singer explained. – Now I am discussing this issue with my loved ones. The possibility of working until the end of April in the current state is also being discussed, because I really don’t want to let the group and Maxim Alexandrovich down by leaving now.”

Today Polina announced that she wants to move on. She published a large post on her microblog and asked that every person feel her words.

Favorskaya admitted that when she was accepted into the team, she was the most happy man in the Universe. But then she realized that she had found herself in the most hellish period of the group - she had to endure terrible persecution from fans.

“But thanks to this, now there is little that can unsettle me and throw me off course. I have become very strong! Thank you for this,” Polina wrote. - But I couldn’t have survived all this without my girls: Olya and Dasha, who supported me and taught me, taught me every step! How to behave on stage, how to give interviews and much more. The first performances were like a fog, I didn’t understand anything, as I remember. But it was this support that helped me not to break, but to grow and become who I am now. Then, standing confidently on stage, the tour began. Tour life- this is generally a separate topic for a whole post. But I will say one thing: we went through fire, water and copper pipes, between the three of us there are thousands of memories that are now carefully stored in the form of photos and videos on our phones. Then the time came to part with Dashik. It’s always difficult to let people go, but you have to understand that if life has arranged everything this way, then it has to be so. And Katyukha burst into our lives. Bright, lively, beautiful, and also takes amazing photos! Katya is different, she brought into SEREBRO (for me) a street-like, unique mood. And it was very cool, with her our tours became more exciting and reckless, which sometimes I was not very happy about, because I really like to sleep on tour. It’s very difficult for me to write about Olya, because this person gave me so much... How many nights did we spend talking, lying on the bed in hotel rooms? Can't count. These conversations will forever remain only between us. Our dreams and secrets. I really want everything to come true for Olya. She's incredible."

Next, Favorskaya came closer to the main thing - she stated that back in May she felt changes, and then she visited Bali and finally began to feel that she needed to change something in her life. Having traveled to Cambodia, where she meditated every day, the singer’s heart opened to her, and she understood everything.

“I want to know myself. Get to know your body and mind. Learn to listen to your heart always! Because the heart is the only true guide when you know how to use it! I want to go through various practices! I want to go to India, Tibet, Peru! But this is impossible to do in a group! For 10 days of vacation a year,” Polina complained. “With these thoughts, I spent the remaining days of my vacation, thinking about how to tell Maxim Alexandrovich about this. Will he understand me? Will you feel it? Having gathered my courage upon arrival, I told him everything... I did not expect that everything would go like this... I was met with such understanding! He told me that it’s very cool when such thoughts come to you at that age. And he said that I should definitely do this. My uncertainty in my own thoughts quickly disappeared, and I realized that I was on the right path. Yes. I'm leaving. No matter how painful it may sound. But please support me. You have no idea how difficult such a decision is. Music is my life".

"This post is not another of my philosophical rants. This is my very important statement. I hope you will feel it to the very heart, because I am addressing him now,” the girl wrote on Instagram. She compared her life to a long road full of incredible and unpredictable adventures.


"Each time she gives you more and more unexpected turns or forks. And it’s so cool that it’s you who chooses which direction you should move next,” says the singer. “Yes. I'm leaving. No matter how painful it may sound. But please support me. You have no idea how difficult such a decision is. Music is my life,” Favorskaya addressed her fans.

Polina said that at the end of May she began to doubt that it was worth continuing creative path a team. “No, don’t think anything like that, I’m not pregnant and I’m not sick! Bali probably influenced me this way. I began to feel that I needed to change something in my life,” the soloist admitted.

She says that after a trip to Cambodia, where she meditated every day, her heart opened and she realized what she needed to do. “I want to know myself. To know my body and mind. To learn to hear my heart always! Because the heart is the only true guide when you know how to use it! I want to go through various practices! I want to go to India, Tibet, Peru!” – Polina wrote.

She noted that it is impossible to accomplish all this while being in a group. According to Favorskaya, producer Serebro Maxim Fadeev understood and accepted her choice to leave the team. “He told me that it’s very cool when such thoughts come at that age. And he said that I should definitely do it. My uncertainty in my own thoughts quickly disappeared, and I realized that I was on the right path,” the singer concluded.

The girl remembered how lucky it was for her to be in the Serebro group. “What did I experience the moment I heard a voice on the phone that said to me: “Polina, we want you to sing in the Serebro group?” It's impossible to put into words. I’ll just tell you that at that moment I was the happiest person in the Universe!” the singer admitted.

Favorskaya reminded fans what her path was like in the team - from her first steps to full-fledged touring activities. The girl thanked her creative colleagues for their support, who became mentors and friends for her.

Fans took Polina's announcement of resignation with pain in their hearts. “Oh God, not this,” “Paul, please, no,” “Darling, don’t go, girl,” “Paul, tell me it’s a joke! Please,” they write.

But there were also those who accepted the celebrity’s decision with great understanding. “Polina, you made a very wise decision, and all your fans accept it. Good luck to you. Whatever path you choose, your loved ones, family, fans, friends, everyone who loves you, they will definitely support you in your decision! The main thing is , be happy, and we will always be with you,” one of the fans wrote to their favorite singer.

Maxim Fadeev remembers with sadness and irony the day when he learned about the departure of his ward. Elena Temnikova didn’t even bother to explain herself to the man who made the unknown Kurgan girl a real star—the 46-year-old producer learned about the singer’s decision not from a personal conversation, but from a letter.

The singer joined the SEREBRO group in 2007, and in mid-May last year she unexpectedly left the team, after which Fadeev was bombarded with accusations of a brutal contract, frank outfits, inappropriate songs and lack of mutual understanding between the members of the girl trio.

While the 30-year-old artist did not miss the opportunity to remind herself, vying with each other in all interviews about the injustice that Fadeev allegedly perpetrated in his production center, Maxim intelligently remained silent, not wanting to stir up the grievances of the past. Temnikova herself, immediately after leaving the group, completely forgot about the reasons mentioned - terrible diseases, which do not allow me to continue my singing career.

Leaving betrayal behind loved one, Maxim Fadeev’s team continued to conquer new creative heights. Recently, two projects were completed - “Voice. Children" and "Main Stage", in which the producer took part as a star mentor. The appearance of the famous composer simultaneously on Channel One and on the Rossiya channel caused a heated discussion - this was the first time such a practice had been tried on competing channels.

IN exclusive interview SUPER, the legendary producer not only broke his silence in order to set the record straight once and for all in the history of the conflict with Elena Temnikova, but also spoke about the difficulties he had to face while participating simultaneously in projects of competing TV channels.

Maxim, it will soon be a year since Lena Temnikova left the SEREBRO group. What were her real reasons for leaving the team?

She just sent letters saying she was leaving. Six months before she was supposed to leave. We were "booked" a large number of concerts, but Lena said that she was very sick - she had bad legs, she couldn’t stand in heels or perform at all. That's what she said. But in the end, we all see that she stands in heels, acts in videos, sings songs, and in general the whole world has already ridden a horse. How to deal with this...

In what relationship did you break up?

Yes, not in any way. I take this as the person just ditching us, that’s all!

Something preceded this event, maybe there were conflicts between the girls within the team?

I won't get involved in these women's squabbles. Of course, there were conflicts there, but this is not a question for me. Ask Olga Seryabkina, Dashka Shashina or the other girls - they will tell you.

In her interviews, Lena says that in fact they were never friends and that it was such a production move.

You see, when Olya found out about this, she cried for half a day.

What about the images of the group members? Lena repeatedly said that she did not like the images that the SEREBRO group demonstrated on stage, she considered them very frank, but allegedly you forced them.

Whether these images are frank or not, there have never been any problems. Naturally, the company offers something, naturally, the artists can say that this confuses them very much. And maybe Lena said that. But there were never any problems with her as an artist. In this sense, she was highly professional and never interfered with anything.

Lena also said in an interview that the terms of her contract with your company were very strict. Tell me, was there some kind of separate contract with Lena, different from contracts with other performers?

These same contracts, for example, are signed by us on the show “The Voice. Children". We have them the same for everyone - simply because, speaking in legal terms, a contract in our country is a piece of paper when it comes to people. Any person came under the Labor Code ( labor Code. — Approx. ed.) and said: I am being exploited for more than eight hours. That's all! And according to the court, he terminated this contract in one second. Therefore, the contract is just legal form, with which we at least somehow try to protect ourselves. So to blame the contract, which was somehow terrible, is all nonsense!

After leaving the group, Lena continues her creative life already as a solo performer. When she was in the group, did she talk to you about wanting to go solo?

We, in principle, discussed this. It was discussed that after the group needed new blood, Lena would leave the team and pursue a solo career.

The songs that Lena is currently releasing are signed with her name. That is, Lena claims that she is the author of these compositions. Tell me, has Temnikova ever given you some of her own for consideration? creative material, be it music or poetry?

Well, I’ll say this: who really was the creative unit was Nastya Karpova ( ex-soloist of the group SEREBRO. — Approx. ed.) And what I hear is that I think it was written by Nastya Karpova. What Lena is trying to say is that it is her.... You see, the person does not know how to play any instrument. Well, how can you compose music when you don’t know how to play any instrument? Even at the most primitive level. So, naturally, this is just a fantasy.

Let's talk about your work! Two TV shows in which you took part simultaneously on two channels have just ended - this is “The Voice. Children" and "Main Stage". On Friday you were simultaneously present in the finals of two shows. Tell us how it really was?

Well, as the TV people said, this was the first time in the history of our television. It was very hard for me! Because on the “Main Stage”, for example, there is one message - there are adults there. A “Voice. Children" is completely different. What I experienced emotionally was, indeed, very difficult. At the same time, despite everything, it seems to me that I did not let anyone down, which I am very proud of.

How do you assess Sardor's victory in the final? Main stage»?

You know, Sardor is, rather, a victory for Kostya Meladze. Believe me, at his age I had exactly the same range, and I sang in exactly the same way: both low and high, and my falsetto was very large. So I don't see any uniqueness in this. This was given a certain gloss - television, our same statements about the uniqueness of his voice, but in fact it is an ordinary falsetto. He just uses it well. That's all!

In the middle children's "Voice" you said goodbye to Sabina Mustaeva, and and a week before the final, the organizers of the show unexpectedly announced that another qualifying stage would take place, as a result of which Sabina returned to the project. Did you expect that she would become the winner of the music competition?

When she returned, it was obvious that no one but her could win. Many people may rightly ask the question: why did I remove it then? She returned thanks to Kostya Ernst. I will answer! I've always judged this moment time as she did it at this moment. And then she did it badly, so I didn't choose her. I chose those who did it better, naturally, according to my subjective feelings. And when Sabina returned, she sang all three circles brilliantly. Yarik, for example, touched tens of millions of hearts with his song. He himself wanted to sing this song. He's such a guy, he's like that real boy from Russian epics.

Do you have plans to further work with the mentees from your team?

Certainly! But, again, it all depends on the parents. In this situation I am a hostage. I can advise parents on what to do, but they will proceed from their own interests. Let’s say Alisa Kozhikina and I have a desire to work, but her parents don’t want to. Because it’s hard enough - touring and everything else. They want her to finish her studies. That's why we no longer work with Alice, which is a pity.

Your song premiered as part of the “Main Stage” show, can this be considered your return to the stage?

Can! Well, as a return... I, of course, will not tour.

Again, within the framework of the “Main Stage”, a television debut took place solo project Olga Seryabkina, which is called MOLLY. What are your plans to promote this project?

It so happened that the Universal label or Sony music in Tokyo want to work with Olga solo. They offered us contracts for Olga, so we made a completely new brand called MOLLY - coming from "Oli". This was created so that Olga could work solo in Japan, Canada and some other Asian countries. Now we are being offered contracts by Italian and German labels. We are just preparing a song called “Zoom”, which MOLLY will sing for the whole world. It will be world premiere. Olga will be separately as part of the SEREBRO group, which is currently preparing Kiss song, and separately Olga as MOLLY.

Producer Maxim Fadeev said that in the group SEREBRO there were personnel changes— Polina Favorskaya leaves the team. The reason for leaving the group was the desire to devote myself to studying meditative practices.

IN The singer's Instagram You can often find posts in which the artist talks about philosophical themes: about the meaning of life, love, partings, happiness... Recently, the beauty went to Cambodia and, upon returning home, decided that she would start getting to know herself. Polina also spoke about her departure in a photo blog, writing a large and emotional post.


“This post is not my next philosophical outburst. This is my very important statement. I hope you will feel it to your very heart, because that is what I am addressing now. Our life is a long road, with incredible adventures on a way. She is always unpredictable, and everything seems to be clear and understandable, what and where, but every time she presents you with more and more unexpected turns or forks.

And it’s so cool that it’s you who chooses which direction to move next. Silver blood entered me as unexpectedly and incredibly as if I had been told that tomorrow I would fly into space. What did I experience the moment I heard a voice on the phone that said to me: “Polina, we want you to sing in the group SEREBRO?” It's impossible to put into words. I’ll just tell you that, at that moment, I was the happiest person in the Universe! And then I realized what really happened to me. I probably found myself in the most “hellish” period of our group. I still can’t imagine how I survived all the bullying from fans... But thanks to this, now there’s very little that can unsettle me and throw me off course.

I have become very strong! Thank you for that! But I couldn’t have survived all this without MY girls: Olya and Dasha, who supported me and taught me, taught me every step! How to behave on stage, how to give interviews and much more. The first performances were like a fog, I didn’t understand anything. But it was this support that helped me not to break, but to grow and become who I am now. Then, standing confidently on stage, the tour began. Touring life is a separate topic for a whole post. But I will say one thing - we went through fire, water and copper pipes, between the three of us there are thousands of memories that are now carefully stored in the form of photos and videos on our phones.<…>

And now I want to tell you that I began to feel a long time ago, probably back at the end of May, that something was wrong with me/ No, don’t think anything like that, I’m not pregnant and I’m not sick! This is probably how Bali influenced me. I began to feel that I needed to change something in my life. At first I thought that the problem was in the relationship, and Nikita and I went through a terrible period. But the main word here is survived! And I again began to delve into myself and look for what this “something wrong” was in my heart. And, having gone to Cambodia and doing meditation there every day, my heart opened to me and I understood everything. I want to know myself. Get to know your body and mind. Learn to listen to your heart always! Because the heart is the only true guide when you know how to use it! I want to go through various practices! I want to go to India, Tibet, Peru! But this is impossible to do in a group! For 10 days of vacation per year. With these thoughts I spent the remaining days of my vacation, thinking about how to tell Maxim Alexandrovich about this. Will he understand me? Will you feel it? Having gathered my courage upon arrival, I told him everything... I didn’t expect that everything would go like this... I was met with such understanding! He told me that it’s very cool when such thoughts come to you at that age. And he said that I should definitely do this. My uncertainty in my own thoughts quickly disappeared, and I realized that I was on the right track. Yes. I'm leaving. No matter how painful it may sound. But please support me. You have no idea how difficult such a decision is. Music is my life. But now I feel that this is what needs to be done. Damn, I’m writing this and tears are dripping onto the screen. That’s it, now I’ll get ready and finish writing! I want to tell you all who supported me from my first days in the SEREBRO group how much I love you and how much I value each of you! Yours kind comments always give me strength and confidence that I am doing everything right. And I promise that I won't disappear anywhere. I will continue to share my thoughts and ideas with you in all information channels! And there are still 2 months of touring with me ahead,” wrote Polina (Spelling and punctuation are copyrighted. — Note edit.).

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