How to kill and pluck a chicken. Learning to pluck a chicken correctly

Chicken meat is very tasty and healthy. This meat is also one of the cheapest. Many farmers or farmsteads raise chickens for eggs or meat, but the time will still come when you have to slaughter the carcass and eat this delicious meat. Before plucking a chicken at home, it must be slaughtered using one of the methods known to you, but first of all, it must be properly prepared for this procedure.

Preparation for slaughter

Birds sentenced to death must be separated in advance from those that will live. A separate pen or cage is suitable for these purposes. Feeding of chickens sentenced to slaughter must be stopped at least 24 hours before the procedure. This is done to empty the intestines so that during evisceration, feces do not contaminate the meat. They must have constant access to water, since an insufficient amount of liquid will lead the laying hen’s body to dehydration, which will negatively affect the quality of the meat. A day after the start of fasting, the bird is ready for slaughter.

Poultry slaughter

Chickens, like all farm animals, must be killed using the most humane methods that will not cause them any suffering. The most in a simple way To kill a chicken at home is to cut off the head with a large ax or cleaver. As they say, “head off your shoulders,” a simple and reliable method that does not bring suffering to the chicken, since death occurs instantly. It should be noted that meat from chickens killed in this way should be used for cooking as quickly as possible. This is due to the fact that a chopped wound in the neck area is a gateway for pathogenic microorganisms, the waste products of which lead to rapid deterioration of the carcass.
Another effective method killing birds involves inserting the tip of a knife through an open beak. To use this method, the chicken must be stunned, then it will not experience any pain. To do this, you need to catch her by the hind legs and hit her on the head with a blunt object. Then take it by the neck with one hand, and with a sharp movement of the other hand, insert a sharpened thin blade of a knife into the open beak, turning it slightly clockwise. Thus, large vascular plexuses rupture and the bird dies from internal bleeding.
After the chicken is killed, it must be hung upside down by the legs to allow the blood to drain completely. When this happens, you can begin to remove the feather cover and then cut up the carcass.
There are several ways to pluck chickens at home and the necessary equipment for this, which will be discussed further.

Quick plucking of poultry

One of the simplest and most common ways to pluck a chicken is the dry method. The carcass is placed on a convenient surface - in a few hours you can “pluck” its feathers without applying significant effort. The main thing is to pluck the feathers as they grow, otherwise some difficulties may arise. If you pull the feathers against the growth direction, the skin may be damaged and the chicken will lose its presentable appearance. This technique does not require any special equipment, all you need is patience. One of the disadvantages of this method of plucking chickens at home is the limited time, since the chicken quickly cools down, and the duration of the procedure itself. You can learn more about this method by watching the video.

Plucking poultry using hot water

More simple and traditional way plucking chickens at home is to use hot water. For this technique you will need some equipment:
1. Hot water (boiling water is possible), in sufficient quantity to completely immerse the chicken.
2. Deep capacity.

First of all, you need to place the chicken in the container that you prepared earlier, fill it completely with hot water, it should be well wet. After which the carcass is removed and placed in another, wider container; a bowl or basin can be used for this purpose. It is best to do this activity outside, but if this is not possible, get ready for the unpleasant smell of feathers. Open the window, turn on the hood and proceed directly to plucking the chicken. The chicken spent 40-50 seconds in the water and you need to grab it by the paw, holding it over the container so that the water drains. You will have to wait a little until the carcass cools down, and then you can begin the actual plucking process. You can wrap the chicken in a clean cloth for a few minutes, this will help in the future. Some housewives recommend adding a pinch of salt to the water. It is best to start with the wings and tail where the feathers are stiffer, they cool quickly and are then difficult to pluck - you may need tweezers. Lastly, the breasts and bellies of chickens are plucked. Feathers should be immediately placed in a trash bag and thrown away; the smell of wet feathers is not the most pleasant. The chicken is plucked and you are ready to gut it. But before this, it is best to burn the chicken using dry alcohol or the flame of a gas burner; this will help remove the feathers and fluff that remained during the process. After all these procedures, the chicken must be rinsed with cold or warm water - it is more pleasant for the hands. And now you can definitely gut the chickens. If after reading you have any questions, you can always watch the supporting video on how to pluck chickens at home.

Plucking with tools

Mostly experienced housewife It takes 30-40 minutes to pluck one chicken. Therefore, on chicken farms, where it is necessary to pluck a lot of chickens in a short time, engineering discoveries have appeared that help farmers spend only a few minutes processing one carcass. For these purposes, a device is used that at first glance resembles a dishwashing brush. Only there is some difference in its design, the attachments are in the form of silicone fingers, and this design fits onto a regular drill and is ready for use. The device is very simple to use, all you need to do is either periodically turn the carcass with the feathers towards your fingers, or have an assistant who will turn the drill, and the silicone fingers will do all the dirty work for you. The main disadvantage of this method is damage to the skin of the bird, after which the chicken may lose its presentation and will only be suitable for consumption at home. The advantage this method there is its speed, as well as its low cost, which does not require a specially trained person.

Processing the carcass after plucking

After plucking is completed, it is necessary to begin further processing of the carcass. First you need to remove the remaining feces from the intestines - this can be done by pressing on the belly of the carcass. If intestinal contents get on the meat, you need to thoroughly wash the contaminated areas with warm water, being careful not to wet the entire carcass. To remove residual blood, the beak must be filled with a dry bandage or paper.
If the carcass was not burned immediately after plucking, this process must be carried out to remove any remaining fluff and feather stumps. For this purpose, the flame of a fire or gas burner is used. Before this procedure, the carcass can be sprinkled with flour or starch, which will greatly facilitate the removal of soot remaining on the body after burning.

How to properly gut a carcass

Before this procedure you need to pour the chicken cold water so that a spasm of small vessels occurs, and they do not fill with blood, and the meat does not acquire a characteristic shade.
It is more convenient to gut the chicken with its back down, since the cuts are made on the stomach. First you need to make an incision around the anus, and then go to the stomach, making a neat incision up to five centimeters in length.
Get it internal organs you need to go slowly so as not to spoil the taste of the meat. The intestines must be removed first, especially if there is any stool left behind. You also need to pay special attention to the separation of the stomach with the duodenum, since spilled digestive juice can spoil the taste of the meat. The same principle applies to the gallbladder, a violation of the integrity of which is accompanied by an outpouring of bile, which also spoils the taste of meat.
After cutting, you need to send the carcasses for storage, which should be carried out in a refrigerator or freezer. For the purpose of sale, you can store the whole chicken, but for your needs you can cut it into portioned pieces.
In order for chicken meat to have a good taste, it needs to be raised correctly, as well as slaughtered and plucked correctly.

The methods and features of plucking domestic chicken carcasses are well known to professionals. Like meat chickens, laying hens are also slaughtered at the end of the egg-laying period. In any case, any poultry farmer faces the problem of plucking.

At home, in the absence of specialized equipment, you can use three methods:

  • dry pluck;
  • preliminary scalding;
  • combined method.
Chickens are plucked in three ways: dry plucking, scalding or a combination method.

The technique is practiced immediately after the slaughter of the bird, i.e. while the chicken is still warm. The good thing about this method is that it allows you to get two types of feathers: down and fine.

The chicken is placed on a low table, with its head facing you. This is the most convenient way to work.

How to properly pluck a bird:

  1. The largest feathers are removed first: tail and flight feathers.
  2. Then the surface of the back, chest, shoulder and wing is freed from the feather.

Small feathers need to be plucked in the direction of growth, grabbing several pieces at a time. You must work carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the skin.

Reference. The carcass must be de-feathered immediately after slaughter. It cannot be stored, because if it is in feathers and not gutted, it will spoil over the next few hours.

If the chicken belonged to the egg breed, then it is already “old” when it comes to slaughter. To make plucking easier, it is advisable to scald such birds in hot water beforehand. This makes the process easier.

The chicken is dry plucked immediately after slaughter.

After the bird's skin is freed from the feathers, the carcass must be singed. To do this, you can use a gas stove burner.

The technique greatly simplifies the process of removing feathers from a carcass.

The process looks like this:

  • The carcass must be turned over so that all the blood drains from it. This will take approximately 3 minutes.
  • The bloodless chicken is then dipped into hot water. The maximum permissible temperature is not higher than +85 degrees.
  • Keep the bird in hot water for no longer than 1 minute.
  • The chicken is then lifted out of the water and feathers are removed. The bird can be hung by tying its legs, or simply placed on the table.

The advantages of this technique include quick and easy feather removal. The duration of plucking varies from 10 to 15 minutes and depends on the size of the bird.

The downside of scalding is the damage to the skin during the feather removal process. This can happen as a result of using too hot water. The skin of well-fed birds is especially often affected. If the carcass is intended for personal consumption, then there is nothing wrong with that. But this will spoil the presentation of the chicken that is planned to be sold.

A carcass that has been previously kept in hot water is much easier to pluck.

If you follow the recommendations, i.e. Do not use excessively hot water, then you can quickly pluck the chicken while maintaining its presentation. The technique is most often used when it is necessary to de-feather several carcasses quickly and efficiently.

This method looks a little different.

You will need:

  • hot water (at least +90 degrees);
  • thick fabric.

The process itself will look like this:

  • the bloodless carcass must be immersed in very hot, but not boiling water for five to ten seconds;
  • then remove the chicken and let the water drain;
  • then wrap the carcass thick fabric and put it in plastic bag for 10 – 15 minutes.

Hot chicken, being inside the fabric and bag, will steam. As a result, the pores open, which greatly facilitates the removal of the feather.

Advice. It is convenient to clean the chicken on the table. Periodically it is dipped in water to remove stuck feathers.

Some farmers practice a combined plucking method.

The technique can be slightly modified if you need to quickly pluck a chicken carcass, but do not use boiling water:

  1. The bloodless carcass is wrapped in thick cloth.
  2. Then take the iron from the steaming function and treat the chicken wrapped in fabric with the hottest steam possible.

After heating with hot steam, the pores on the bird’s skin open, which makes feather removal much easier. Of course, the method is not suitable for mass slaughter of chickens, but as a simplified version it has a right to exist.

Hand plucking chickens takes approximately 30 minutes. And if it is necessary to prepare 10 - 20 carcasses at the same time, then it is advisable to use special devices. There is a specialized device that is successfully used at home. With its help, you can pluck one chicken in just a couple of minutes.

Visually, it resembles a brush that is used for washing dishes. On its surface, the bristles are replaced by numerous “fingers” made of silicone. The device is made in the form of an attachment, for rotation of which a classic drill is used.

There is a special attachment for a drill that will allow you to quickly pluck a chicken carcass.

The operating principle is very simple. During rotation, the “fingers” pull out the feathers. The human task is reduced to bringing the carcass to the surface of the rotating nozzle with different sides.

The main disadvantage of the mechanized method of plucking chicken carcasses is damage to the skin. And if you plan to sell the meat in the future, then it is advisable to use the manual method..

Now you know how to quickly pluck a bird carcass. After completing the plucking process, it must be rinsed under running water, and you can begin gutting.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the internal organs. You will need to be especially careful when removing the gallbladder. If it is damaged, bile will spill. The meat will be hopelessly spoiled because it will taste bitter.

The stomach, liver and heart are used for food, so they must be removed and placed in a separate container. All other tripe is unsuitable for food and can be thrown away. Now the carcass is ready for cooking.

After plucking, you can begin gutting the carcass.

It should be stored in the freezer, but first the carcass should be kept in the refrigerator for several hours. If this is not possible, then the meat should be used within the next three days.

Plucking chickens at a poultry farm: what the process looks like

The process of plucking chicken carcasses in a poultry farm is very different from home methods. The reason for this is significant volumes, so the entire process is completely mechanized.

It takes place in two stages:

  • Heat treatment. At enterprises, the scalding technique is practiced. Chicken carcasses first fall into volumetric baths filled with hot water, where they remain for 2.5 minutes. Salts may be added to the water to increase efficiency.
  • Removing a pen. Poultry farms use feather removal units. The principle of operation is simple: the bird carcass is subjected to friction with special attachments that remove the feathers. Water is constantly supplied to the device to wash away the feathers.

Then the poultry carcasses enter the conveyor belt, where they are brought to marketable condition - the remaining feathers are removed - by the company's employees.

We invite you to watch a short video tutorial on how to quickly and easily pluck a chicken carcass at home.

The choice of technique depends on the farmer’s personal preferences and the number of carcasses that need plucking.

Experienced farmers know firsthand how to pluck a chicken at home and do it quickly. Domestic chickens are bred for meat and eggs, but in any case, sooner or later the birds must be slaughtered.

Domestic chickens are slaughtered for meat when they reach a certain age, when the birds gain maximum weight. The egg direction goes under the knife when the egg production period ends. In any case, any farmer will have to deal with plucking slaughtered birds. We are going to introduce our readers to the technological side of this process.

Hand plucking

You can quickly pluck a chicken at home only by performing all the steps in the right sequence. It is useful for a novice farmer to know that chickens are not slaughtered at random.

It is recommended to keep the bird, which is destined to become the basis for the broth, on a starvation diet for some time. This is done to ensure that there are no food residues in the chicken’s stomach.

After the head of a condemned hen is cut off, you need to get to work immediately. This will be the right approach, because if the carcass cools down, the feathers will be much more difficult to remove and you won’t be able to deal with plucking quickly. There are two methods to remove feathers from a carcass manually.

Method No. 1

The slaughtered chicken is turned upside down, allowing the blood to drain. After this, they begin to remove the feathers as follows.

The carcass is placed on a flat surface and feathers and down are plucked from the tail and wings. After this, the stomach and chest are treated. Then the carcass is turned over and the remaining plumage is removed from the back. Lastly, attention is paid to the neck and legs.

If you do not have experience in similar work, then there is no need to rush. If you try to grab more feathers, you will most likely damage the bird's skin.

Method No. 2

After slaughter, it is recommended to immerse the unplucked carcass in boiling water and hold for about 30 seconds. Please note that the container must be deep and filling it to the brim is not recommended. After this, the feathers are removed without problems. You should not keep the bird in boiling water for more than 40 seconds; the skin under the feathers will cook and the plucking procedure will be significantly more complicated.

In the room where you will scald the carcass, there should be an open window or a good exhaust hood. The smell will not be pleasant. Removing feathers and fluff occurs in exactly the same way as described in the previous method.

Advice! To quickly remove feathers, you need to tear them strictly in the direction of growth!

After the bulk of the feathers have been removed, the carcass can be scraped with a knife, this will help remove the stumps. Then it is recommended to scorch the carcass with a gas burner, this will give it a marketable appearance. Soot after this treatment is easily washed off with water.

Mechanical plucking

Considering that hand plucking one bird carcass takes about 30 minutes, farmers began to think about how to process a large number of chickens in a minimum period of time. Engineers came to their aid and a device appeared that helps remove feathers from chickens at home in just a couple of minutes.

In appearance, this device resembles a dish brush. Only instead of bristles, the working surface is covered with silicone fingers. This device is made in the form of a drill attachment.

The principle of operation is quite simple. When rotated, silicone fingers pull feathers from the chicken carcass; the farmer only needs to bring the bird to the rotating device and turn it in different directions.

Among the disadvantages of mechanical plucking, it can be noted that damage is caused to the skin, and accordingly the carcass loses its presentation.

If the slaughtered bird is intended for personal use, then there is nothing to worry about. But if the carcass is put up for sale, it is better to pluck it by hand.

How to pluck birds at home is up to you to decide. Both options are widely used in poultry farming.

Further actions

When cutting up domestic chickens, you should not rush; you must carefully remove all the internal organs. The main thing is to keep the pancreas intact. Of course, you shouldn’t eat it, but if the pancreas is damaged, the carcass can be thrown away. The meat will be bitter due to spilled bile.

The stomach, heart and liver must be placed in a separate container; they will also be useful for preparing various home cooking dishes. The rest of the innards can be thrown away.

That's it, the bird is ready to eat. Further fate the carcass depends only on you. The chicken can be baked whole or divided into parts. You can put it in the freezer until better times. Remember that gutted chicken can be stored without freezing for no more than three days. But as practice shows, slaughtered chicken already on the first day becomes the main dish of a family feast.

We hope that the above information will help you learn how to properly and quickly pluck chickens at home.

Every proud owner of a private house or dacha sooner or later comes to the thought - shouldn’t I get some pets: chickens, ducks, geese, and the best is a little of them all! And now everything is ready - a shed for spending the night, a fence for walking, feeders, and the young birds have been brought in. The bird grows, gains weight and the time comes to serve it, raised with your own hands, to the table. And here you need to think about how to process the bird easier and faster. Let us help you study this issue in more detail.

How to pluck a bird correctly

It is tempting to own and raise poultry: there will be eggs, healthy meat and even down and feathers for pillows, blankets and clothes. If birds lay eggs without outside intervention, then in order to obtain high-quality meat and clean feathers, you need to learn how to pluck carcasses correctly. Chickens and turkeys are plucked after slaughter, and ducks and geese are plucked after 2 hours to preserve feathers and down.

The order of feather removal is usually as follows: feathers are removed from the tail and wings first, then from the chest, back, and lastly from the legs.

Moreover, feathers and down are removed carefully, preserving the integrity of the skin. After plucking the bird, remove the remaining plumage with a knife and scorch the carcass with a flame. Plucking can be done either manually or using mechanical devices - for example, a poultry feather cleaner.Did you know? If the goal is to get very soft pillow or a blanket, you need to fill them goose down

Before slaughter, it is recommended not to feed the bird for several hours to naturally cleanse the stomach of food, and it should have fresh water freely available. It is more convenient to pluck in a sitting position, placing the carcass and containers for feathers, down and finally cleaned poultry in front of you. Manual plucking of one carcass takes about half an hour. You can manually pluck the bird either by dry plucking or by scalding.

Plucking by pre-scalding.

After slaughter, the birds allow the blood to drain for 5-7 minutes, while the carcass is held by the legs with the neck down. Then the chicken or other bird is completely immersed in a large tank of hot water (temperature at least 90°) for half a minute. Exposure to boiling water will open the pores of the skin and make it easier to pluck out the feathers.

Plucking should be gentle so as not to damage the skin with a sudden movement. With a little practice, you can process a bird for a quarter of an hour, and pluck feathers from several carcasses in a day. Using scalding can turn the meat red. Dry plucking


The dry plucking method cannot be delayed; feathers must be removed using a warm carcass. Having pulled out the flight feathers of the tail and wings, they begin to clean the feathers from the back, chest and, lastly, the wings. A small feather is pulled out with a strong but gentle movement against the growth; you can pick up several feathers in one pull. Pulling the skin of the bird with one hand makes plucking easier and faster. Mechanical plucking using a nozzle In summer and autumn there are a lot of household chores, you need to get everything done, and a logical question arises - how to quickly pluck one bird or several carcasses at the same time? Because innovation has reached the breeders poultry, can solve such issues


To work, you need to install a drill with an attachment on a flat, stable surface and place the bird carcass against the rotating device with the feathers facing forward. This feather-removing attachment for a drill speeds up the plucking of a carcass up to 6 minutes and can be used both in the household and in hunting for plucking game. The cost of the nozzle is approximately 300 hryvnia.

Important!Plucking birds is accompanied by a very unpleasant odor. This process is best done outdoors.

We looked at the general technology for plucking poultry, but successful processing of each type of bird has its own secrets. Let's study the peculiarities of killing chickens, geese and ducks.

How to quickly de-feather a chicken

If you need to quickly remove feathers from a chicken carcass, you need to steam it in very hot water with the addition of half a teaspoon of baking soda for half a minute. Before doing this, you need to make sure that the carcass is completely drained of blood. Then, while the carcass is still warm, remove the skin from the chicken feet, cool the bird a little, and you can start plucking. Peeling a chicken from feathers is usually done with two fingers: the thumb and forefinger.

Several feathers are plucked in the direction of their growth. Deep-seated feathers, as well as broken remains, are pulled out with tweezers. The carcass, freed from plumage, is dried and carefully tarred over the open fire of a fire, gas oven or cylinder, after which the chicken is ready for gutting.

Moreover, feathers and down are removed carefully, preserving the integrity of the skin. After plucking the bird, remove the remaining plumage with a knife and scorch the carcass with a flame. Plucking can be done either manually or using mechanical devices - for example, a poultry feather cleaner.The resulting feather and down should be soaked for several hours in warm water with washing powder, washed and dried. This will ensure its long-term preservation.

How to clean geese after slaughter

Before slaughter, the goose is transferred to a dry room with poor lighting, and, if possible, allowed to swim in a river or pond to ensure the cleanliness of the feathers. The bird is given water, food is stopped 10 hours before slaughter to clean the insides naturally. After slaughtering a goose, its blood is drained and hung by its legs for several hours to cool.

After the subcutaneous fat layer has hardened, plucking begins. Large feathers are removed, then small ones, and lastly, down. Geese can be cleaned using any convenient method - dry, scalded and using a special attachment for plucking birds, described above.

Some bird breeders have discovered another way to kill geese. The bird carcass is inflated with air using a pump until the skin is elastic and the neck is bandaged to keep the air inside, then, wrapping the carcass in a damp cloth or gauze, they begin to iron it, periodically exposing the bird to a stream of wet steam from the iron. The dried fabric is unrolled and the goose is plucked. If necessary, the process of ironing the carcass can be repeated. After removing the feathers, the carcass is tarred and cut up.

Important!Duck meat will be preserved better if the bird is dry plucked.

How to pluck ducks correctly

Plucking a duck is completely similar to plucking a goose, since these waterfowl have a lot of subcutaneous fat. After slaughter, the blood is drained, the carcass is cooled and feathers are removed in any way. Remaining lint can be removed by scraping reverse side knife or lightly sprinkled with flour, singe over an open flame. Searing should be done quickly to prevent the poultry fat from melting and leaking out.

The diet of children and adults should include poultry meat. It serves as a source of amino acids, macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins. Since chickens, ducks and geese raised by yourself will be the most delicious, it is worth getting birds at the slightest opportunity, especially since plucking and processing them is not such a tricky task. A device for cleaning poultry feathers will only speed up this process.

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Plucking a chicken carcass is not a very pleasant and lengthy process. We present to your attention several ways to properly pluck a carcass at home.

Method 1: manual dry

This method of plucking at home is done while the chicken is still warm after slaughter. The bird must be held with its head towards you. The chicken is placed on a small table and slowly plucked. In this case, the feathers are placed in two different boxes or buckets (for down and for small feathers).

  1. First you need to pull out the large flight feathers and tail feathers.
  2. Next they begin to pluck the back, then the chest, shoulders and wings.
  3. Small feathers need to be pulled out in the direction of growth, while grabbing several. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the skin of the bird.

Remember, after slaughter, the chicken must be plucked immediately.

If the bird is old, it would be correct to first scald it in very hot water. But as a result of this method, the carcass will not last long. After plucking the chicken, it is lightly seared over the fire. Most housewives use a kitchen gas stove for this. Remove the grate and lid, which ensures even distribution of fire, and light the burner.

Method 2: manual with scalding

This method, which is also done at home, is very simple, although time-consuming due to the fact that it is necessary to boil water.

  1. First, heat the water to 80-90°.
  2. Immerse the killed chicken in a bucket of hot water for 30-40 seconds if the chicken is young. It is better to leave the old chicken longer. Don't worry, the skin won't come off.
  3. Afterwards, as in the first method, we pluck the carcass with one hand, and with the other we stretch the skin so as not to damage it.
  4. Very small feathers can be pulled out with tweezers.
  5. A chicken clean of feathers is scorched using a gas burner.

Helpful tips on how to pluck a chicken:

  1. If plucking is done indoors, open a window or turn on the hood, as the smell from a dead bird is not pleasant.
  2. It is necessary to pour water into the bucket for scalding not to the very top, so that when dipping the carcass, water does not get on the legs.
  3. You must first prepare a deep bowl into which the scalded chicken is placed.
  4. To collect feathers, if feathers and fluff are not used in the future, you can take a regular garbage bag.
  5. It is more convenient and comfortable to pluck birds in the fresh air.
  6. Under no circumstances should the carcass be put into cold water after hot water. This will make it much more difficult to pull out the feathers.
  7. Be sure to rinse a clean carcass with running water.

Plucking equipment

In addition to the manual method of plucking, there is also a mechanical one. It uses a special feather plucking attachment and a drill, hammer drill, screwdriver or electric sharpener. Cleaning chicken feathers this way is easy, quick and convenient. Often the nozzle is used at home when it is necessary to clean several carcasses at a time.

The attachment does not injure the skin and meat of poultry and there is no need to scald it first and then singe it.

Some poultry farmers manage to make feather-picking machines at home. This is a unit that works like a centrifuge and is equipped with a drum and rubber pins. At the bottom there is a special tray into which all the removed pens are removed. The device operates on a 1.5 kW motor.

For the container, use a round container made of plastic or metal; for the drum, use the body of an old washing machine, but the hitting fingers are bought ready-made. They even make homemade machines for removing feathers from an ordinary pan.

What do they do at a poultry farm?

Poultry farms use special feather removal machines for plucking chickens. These machines are easy to operate and have a long service life. They operate on the principle of a centrifuge in automatic or semi-automatic mode.

The carcasses must first be scalded in water at a temperature of 65-68°. Then they put him in the car. The device removes feathers in 35-40 seconds. At the same time, 3-5 chickens are placed in one car, depending on their weight.

A safer method that does not damage the skin and does not require pre-scalding of the carcasses is a dry plucking machine. Feather and down after using this method are used in the future. This technology preserves the presentation of the chicken and also increases its shelf life.

The machine works on the principle of depilation and is similar to the manual method. Immediately after the fight, the chicken is placed in the machine and the unit is turned on. Feather removal occurs under the influence of rotating metal discs, chicken waste is quickly sucked into the turbine and enters the bag. This device is used by most poultry farmers who sell carcasses. According to reviews, such a machine pays for itself in just one year.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. The process of plucking chicken by hand Photo 2. Plucked carcass on a board Photo 3. Plucked carcasses and knife

Video “Plucking a bird using a feather plucking machine”

Find out how quickly most poultry farmers remove bird feathers in this video.

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