Game with cereals for the little ones. Review of games with cereals and pasta for children of different ages: a master class on the development of fine motor skills

Cereals are very useful for development fine motor skills hands Also, digging in the cereal has a calming effect on nervous system child and develops the brain.

Be prepared for the fact that your child may be distrustful of cereals; children are conservative and wary of new things. Do not force your child to touch the cereal by force; let him watch his mother play with a new object. After a while, curiosity will take over and he will become interested in the game.

This is for babies from one to two years old. You can complement them, come up with something of your own, you can come up with a huge number of games with cereals.

  • Remember, if you are distracted from your baby during class, all the cereal will quickly end up on the floor. Tell your child not to spill cereal on the floor.
  • It is better to conduct classes sequentially from the first to the second.
  • Before moving on to the next lesson, first master the previous one and practice it several times.
  • Mastered classes can be combined.

Lesson 1: Introducing the baby to semolina

Will need:

  • semolina - 100 grams,
  • children's unbreakable plate.

Pour semolina into a plate and show how you can play with semolina, draw something on it and be sure to tell the child what it is. Then take one finger alternately on both hands of the baby and draw different patterns. You can draw the sun, a mushroom, a cloud with rain, a circle, faces and anything you want.

Show the baby how to take mana put it in your fist and sprinkle from top to bottom. Learn how to salt with your fingers. Say the word “as often as possible” semolina“So that the child will remember the name of the cereal over time.

Class 2: Getting to know buckwheat

You will need:

  • buckwheat - 2 kg;
  • a jar with a lid for vitamins.

Buckwheat perfectly massages a child's hands. Lower your baby's hands into the cereal so that the hands are completely immersed. Squeeze and unclench the buckwheat into a fist, pass it through your fingers, then carefully pull the handles out.

Give your child a jar and let him scoop the cereal into it with his hands and pour it back out. Fill the jar one third with buckwheat and close the lid tightly with the child. Let the baby rattle the jar, and then unscrew the lid with him and pour the buckwheat into the pan.

Don't forget to tell your child often that we are playing. with buckwheat so that he remembers the word.

Lesson 3: Cooking porridge from semolina and buckwheat

You will need:

  • buckwheat - 1 - 2 kg;
  • semolina - 0.5 kg;
  • 5-6 liter saucepan or food-grade plastic box;
  • a tray or plastic shallow plate, preferably colored;
  • small sieve;
  • wooden or plastic spoon.

If you often did the first two lessons with semolina and buckwheat, then the child has already learned to distinguish semolina from buckwheat. We show the cereals to the baby and ask him to determine which is buckwheat and which is semolina. Let the child dig into the cereals, and then pour them into the pan with spoons.

Mix the cereal with a spoon and prepare porridge. You can feed porridge to a bear or dolls from a spoon.

Using a sieve, sift the cereals: the semolina will sift into a plate (tray), and the buckwheat will remain inside the sieve. Let the baby also try to sift the semolina, and then draw on it with his fingers. Repeat the word " sieve“So that the child remembers it.

Place your baby's hands into the buckwheat, squeeze it into your fists and unclench it, pass it through your fingers and pull it out.

Lesson 4: Cereal bags

You will need:

  • buckwheat;
  • semolina;
  • 2 small bags laced at the base so you can tie them tightly.

Let your child spoon semolina into one bag and buckwheat into another. Tie the bags tightly so that your baby cannot untie them.

We ask the child to determine by touch which bag contains buckwheat and which contains semolina. Let the baby roll the bags in his palms - the cereal will massage the hands through the fabric. After a few lessons, the child will be able to easily distinguish cereals from each other by touch.

Lesson 5: Getting to know beans

You will need:

  • large beans - about 10 pieces;
  • plastic transparent bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters - 1 piece.

Place the beans on a plate in front of the baby and tell them that they are beans. Let the child touch it and get to know it, but be careful not to put it in his mouth.

Take one bean and throw it into the bottle, now let the child take one bean at a time and throw it into the bottle. We invite the child to close the lid and show how the beans rattle in the bottle.

Lesson 6: Magic bags

You will need:

  • bags of semolina and buckwheat from lesson 4;
  • large beans - 10 pieces;
  • a small bag similar to the bags from lesson 4.

We invite the child to pour the beans into the bag, then tie it tightly. Now the baby needs to determine in three bags where the semolina, buckwheat and beans are.

Do not put the bags away after the lesson; let them be in a visible place so that the child can sort through them if desired and develop his tactile sensations.

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Every housewife has cereals in her house, which means that she can independently organize a personal development center for her child. And we are not talking about the banal transfer of cereal from one dish to another (and this is also incredibly interesting for small children). Taking this article as a basis, and also turning on your imagination, every mother will be able to give her baby interesting, unforgettable, and most importantly useful educational games.

Benefits of playing with cereals:

Games with bulk materials perfectly develop the sensory perception of the world and fine motor skills of children's hands. It is a known fact that the development of fine motor skills of the hands stimulates the improvement of such body systems as visual, nervous, muscular and skeletal. This becomes possible thanks to the complex interactions of all these systems when performing small and precise movements, which is the essence of fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills also significantly affect speech development , since the motor and speech centers in the brain are “neighborhood”, and stimulation of the motor center will certainly activate the speech center. The advantages of developing fine motor skills do not end there, because fine motor skills are, first of all, manual dexterity, which will be needed not only for drawing and writing . It will be useful for other tasks in the future difficult tasks, the excellent implementation of which will bring great success to your child. Who knows, maybe by working hard with your child, you can develop in him the makings of a great neurosurgeon? In any case, the benefits of these good old games should not be underestimated.

What we need for playing with cereals:

Naturally, our most important attribute will be a variety of cereals. Anything you have is suitable for the game - semolina, corn grits, buckwheat, pearl barley, lentils, rice, seeds, peas, beans. We will also need:

-small toys, for example from Kinder surprises,
- acorns, chestnuts, nuts,
- glue, colorful cardboard, balloons,
- various containers (plates of different sizes, tin boxes, plastic containers, etc.),
- toy dishes, spatulas, spoons, sieve, funnel,
- wooden plank,
- food colorings,
- oilcloth or blanket (if you want to localize the cleaning area).

At what age do we play?

For safety reasons, we start with small types of cereals that cannot be choked on, but we still warn the children that they should not put anything in their mouth. Then, when we play with other cereals, we also constantly monitor the child.
You can begin to get acquainted with cereals from the moment the child begins to sit independently. Of course, before full games still far away, but already at this age it is very important to develop tactile perception. To do this, we take semolina or corn grits into a deep bowl and plunge our little hands into them. Despite all the simplicity, the child will be delighted. And from the age of one year you can start playing more complex games.

The most popular and interesting games with cereals:

We are looking for treasure

In a deep container with cereal we hide small toys, multi-colored chips, you can even hide jewelry for girls. The child's task is to find them. Excitement and interest will increase even more if you constantly hide new toys (like this in an interesting way we can give the child new toys). During one game, you can offer your child several containers with different cereals, and the treasure will be in each one. You can even buy a special wooden box in which we will store all valuable finds. A child from one year old will really like this game. And who doesn’t dream of having their own treasure chest! Although the point here is not at all about gifts, the process itself can bring a lot of pleasure to the child, since this is not just a game, but a real massage for little fingers and hands.

Sprinkle the cereal

This game will also be interesting for a child. Pour the grains from one container to another. You can pour it with your hands, or you can use special devices: spatulas, spoons, small toy dishes. While playing this game, draw your child’s attention to concepts such as “a lot” and “a little”. “There’s a lot of cereal in this jar, now let’s pour it in. You see, now there’s not much here, but there’s already a lot in this jar.” We also draw the child’s attention to the sound of falling cereals. The peas will make noise ringing sound, rice is more subdued, but semolina is almost silent.
If your child is already playing with trucks, encourage him to move the cereal from one end of the table to the other. At the same time, the process of loading and unloading is also on it. Using a spatula or spoon, let him fill the body with cereals. And then, at your destination, let him unload his car in a similar way into an empty container. You can pour it into a variety of containers, both with large holes and small ones. Let the child try to pour cereal into the bottle. Difficult? Now let's use the funnel. For small child It will be very interesting to watch how cereals disappear in the funnel and appear in the bottle.

Sorting the cereal

This type of game perfectly trains attention, perseverance, and, of course, fine motor skills. Mix some beans and peas. We ask the child to sort into different plates. It will be even better if you offer plates similar in color to the cereals. We sort the peas into a yellow plate, red beans into a red one, etc. When the child is older, we mix even more different cereals. The child will be very interested in filling the cells from chocolates or an egg tray, you can even use ice cube trays for these purposes.
The variety of pasta is simply impressive. They can also be used in our games: we mix various “shells”, “stars”, “curls”... The child must also sort them into different plates. You can first place a pattern on these plates so that the child can orient himself faster.
You can also mix semolina and buckwheat. Demonstrate to your child how they can be separated using a sieve. It will be a small miracle for a child!

Paired bags

This game will help develop such sensory abilities as tactile perception. Nowadays it is very fashionable to sew sensory bags in which we use various fillers. But if you don’t have the wonders of needlework, or you don’t have enough time for this, you can use regular inflatable balls. Fill two balls with the same cereal and tie with a thread. If you have five different types of cereals, that will yield ten bags. We put them in random order, and the child looks for the same ones by touch.  

Coloring rice for colorful games

All kids like bright colors. Your kids will absolutely love playing with brightly colored rice!

So, let's start painting the rice. Depending on how much dye you have, pour the rice into the same number of small containers. We dilute the dyes with water and pour a small amount into each container. Close the containers with a lid and shake vigorously. At this stage of the process, your baby can happily help you. Next, dry the rice in the oven on a baking sheet (cover it with special baking paper) until it becomes crumbly. Approximate oven temperature is 150-200 degrees. That's all, you get a real rainbow, it looks very beautiful! You can sort this rice by color into different containers; your baby will need it for many more games. Or you can use it to create an unusual sensory box.

Sensory box

It’s also a very fashionable trend. Kids enjoy digging through these boxes. It's very easy to make. To do this, take a cardboard box, for example a shoe box, and a mixture of multi-colored rice. We also add acorns, nuts, chestnuts, various small figures, and toys to this box. An amazing, bright box with interesting contents is designed to develop your child’s sensory systems (sense organs).

Amazing semolina drawings

You can create whole pictures with semolina! Instead of a canvas, we take a tray, a baking sheet, a board for rolling out dough, and whatever you can think of. Cover the selected object with semolina. The child will draw his first drawings in his life on semolina with his fingers. At first it will be just lines and circles, but the hour is not far when he will create his first masterpiece!

Unusual applications

On black cardboard we draw with a glue stick complex drawing. Together we pour semolina onto this sheet and press down with our hands. Then we carefully blow off the excess grain... And watch the image appear. There are also many options for applications. At 3-5 years old you can create real masterpieces using cereals. We now draw a more complex design on the cardboard with glue. Then glue different grains along the contour; appliqués made from multi-colored rice are very impressive.

It is very interesting to make plasticine applications. We smear plasticine on the cardboard, on which we create a pattern with a toothpick. And then we press our creation along the contour and inside the contour with multi-colored grains. Thus, you can make postcards using family holidays. United teamwork and your amazing creations will cheer up the whole family. In addition to fine motor skills, your child develops creative abilities, fantasy and imagination. And you will have a great time!

Creating patterns

You can also create from various cereals unusual patterns. Lay out the pattern on the table, and let the child repeat after you. Such a game will help develop attention, among other things. Over time, your baby will independently create his own patterns. Don’t forget to praise him and take pictures of the most successful creations as a souvenir.
This is far from full list, what can be done with cereals. Imagine, create and have fun with it! And don’t be afraid of creative clutter, you can easily deal with it by using a vacuum cleaner.

Find inspiration even in the most ordinary things!

The more the baby plays with objects that have different textures to the touch (soft, hard, rough, smooth, etc.), the more actively and correctly he speaks.

Cereals (of one type) can be poured into a basin . Add a spoon or a small scoop, various jars, bottles, animal figures that can be hidden in the cereal. You can pour beads into the cereal and then take them back out with your hands and put them in the jar. You can sort them by color.

Games with cereals

Let's pour.Take several plates or other containers. Let the child pour the cereal into the bowls. He can do this either with his fingers or with a spoon. Draw your child's attention to the fact that there is a lot of cereal in one plate, not enough in another, and nothing in the third. Compare quantities: more, less, the same.

Rain. Pour the cereal from one plate to another. In the process, show your little one that he can lift the plate higher and lower. Listen to how she makes noise. Play the game “Rain”: let the child pick up a handful of cereal, raise his hand and pour out the cereal, imitating the way it rains. It is better to take beans or peas for her to make cleaning easier.

Games with cereals will help develop the child’s muscular, visual, nervous and skeletal systems

Paths. From beans, for example, you can make paths - short and long, lay out various drawings- geometric shapes, letters, houses, etc.

Filling out the forms. Take any molds (for example, for plasticine or sand), place them on a flat surface and invite your child to fill them inside with cereal. You can pick it up with your hands or a scoop.

Games with tweezers. Give your baby tweezers and encourage him to grab beans with them. This game develops perseverance and, naturally, motor skills.

Well. Take any plastic bottle. Tell your child that this is a well that is completely empty, there is no longer any water in it. And our bear is very thirsty. Help the bear fill the well. Take the cereal and pour it into the narrow neck of the bottle with your hands.

You can also :
- Spoon the cereal from one bowl to another.
- Try to do this with a fork. Explain to the baby why it didn’t work out.
- Pour the peas into a glass or a plastic bottle (you can take it from a yogurt bottle).
- Pour the cereal into a glass through a funnel.
- Pour the peas into a deep and flat plate.
- Ask to pour cereal into the kitten’s bowl yellow color, and the chicken is blue, etc.
- Pour and pour the peas into the container by hand.

Vera Dedura
Educational games with cereals for children 3 years old

Educational games with cereals for 3 years old. Note for parents. While on vacation or just on the weekend, parents don’t know what to do with their child! Children love to play with water and sand, but for variety you can offer your child games with different grains. It is very interesting and exciting to play! And kids are always passionate about something new.

We will need:

Rag bags (or multi-colored socks in the smallest size);

several plates, lids and boxes (yogurt container, cottage cheese);

1-2 trays;

strainer, spoon;

glue, cardboard, stencil, and of course, a good mood.

Well, now you can start!

1. Bean baths.

Pour beans (peas) into a plate or box, throw small toys in there and stir. And start inventing games, it all depends on your imagination! For example, you can give your child the task of putting his hands in the beans and looking for toys.

If the child is already talking, tell him to identify and name what is hidden in the beans by touch.

The same can be done if you put it in a container with manna grits a few beans. The baby feels them with his fingers and puts them in a bowl. And mom loudly counts the finds until everyone is found.

2. Patterns on the tray.

Sprinkle some small powder on the tray in a thin, even layer. cereal, semolina or flour are more suitable.

If you swipe croup with finger, then you get a contrasting line.

We teach a child to draw. Let him draw a stick, a circle, a square, a sun, a house with a roof, a simple ornament.

On a free tray, show your baby how to sprinkle cereal(this exercise develops fine motor skills, calms the child). Using this technique in the future, you can lay out paths, create simple drawings. For "bulk" drawings are taken different types croup.

3. Magic bags.

Take 10-15 small bags and fill them with peas, beans, rice... you can also use cotton wool, acorns, Pine cones, crumpled paper, matches.

You should get 2 bags with the same filling.

Invite your child to find identical bags by touch. Then guess what is poured where.

4. Draw with glue - this game is more difficult.

We will need a sheet of cardboard and a simple stencil, such as a dog or a flower.

Give your child glue, let him spread it inside the stencil, then sprinkle semolina cereal onto the smeared surface, press down.

We remove the stencil and get "painted" drawing. If the child doesn’t like drawing with a stencil, let him move the glue over the piece of paper as he wants. Then cover this sheet with semolina, press down and shake off excess cereal. Look what happened!

Thus the child fine motor skills develop, memory, imagination, perseverance, ability to draw.

I have described a few games, which can be used with cereal, it all depends on your fantasies!

My child really likes to play with cereal, but don’t try to hold your baby for too long! 10-15 minutes will be enough, otherwise cereal will be scattered everywhere, the child will simply get bored!

Publications on the topic:

“Educational games for teaching literacy for older preschool children” Information for parents “Educational games for teaching literacy for older preschoolers” Nadezhda Vyugina Information for parents “Developmental.

According to supporters of the Montessori method, for classes with children it is necessary to use interesting, colorful and unusual materials.

Educational games based on FEMP for children of primary preschool age Didactic game “Once upon a time there were little gnomes in a house” Goal: to form and expand children’s knowledge about numbers from 1 to 5; the ability to correlate.

Games that develop speech for preschool children Working with younger children preschool age, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of speech development of children of this age, the steps of speech development.

Consultation “Educational games - the way to the minds and hearts of children” The development and formation of a child’s personality is not possible without play, because a child’s play is his life and childhood companion. The child has many serious matters.

Educational games for children 5–7 years old Educational games for children 5 – 7 years old Games for developing thinking “Guess the picture” Inventory: picture, postcard, paper, scissors. For.

In every home, every family, stacks of read magazines, newspapers, as well as unnecessary postcards, coloring books, and books are periodically collected.

Hello, dear parents!

In this article we will talk about educational games with cereals for children aged 1 year and older. Although I suggested that my son tinker with cereal when he was still 6-7 months old. At that time he was squeezing his rump into his fist and unclenching it. He was very interested in how the grains fell out between his fingers. And of course, these are new tactile sensations. Now we are a year and a half old, but our interest in cereals has not gone away. We use: rice, buckwheat, semolina, beans, peas, millet, pearl barley - in short, everything we have at home.

With the help of such games, the child develops coordination of his movements, learns to think logically, stimulates his speech, and of course, everyone’s favorite fine motor skills are involved.

If this is your first time deciding to engage in this kind of activity with your baby, I recommend, as a safety measure, to start first with cereals such as semolina. Explain to him that there is no need to put the cereal in his mouth, we are just playing with it.

Then, when the child gets used to it, you can use rice, buckwheat or peas. If a child even accidentally puts it into his mouth, nothing bad will happen.

Then you can move on to beans, beans, and pearl barley. Under no circumstances should you leave your child unattended; his hands and mouth should always be in front of you! And of course, each mother decides for herself whether such a game and such cereals are suitable for her child.

Set aside a place for such games. Be prepared that the child will be like a bird - a swan - waving his arms and throwing grain overboard. Let it be a place where it will be easy to sweep up the cereal, or lay a blanket and sit with the baby in the center, after playing, just pick it up and all the cereal will remain in the blanket, shake it off and that’s it. Let your child sit comfortably and watch as you show him.

Let's see what you can do with this very grain:

  1. Of course, we train our hands and get used to working with a large spoon and a small spoon. Wooden spoons and all kinds of ladle will also work. Let there be several and different ones, so the child will learn to use them. And use them to pour from one container to another.
  2. We use a bottle, preferably transparent. A plastic one with a narrow neck will also work. We put our beans, beads, pasta, peas there.
  3. We teach the child to scoop up cereal from a children's cup and pour it into a cup, for example.
  4. You can pour it with a spoon into the same bottle using a funnel. If you don't have a funnel, you can make one yourself. We have such a funnel glued with tape to the side.
  5. We are looking for hidden secrets in the cereal. These can be small molds, toys, refrigerator magnets.
  6. We feed different animals (made from an ordinary tea box)
  7. You can make a ramp out of thick paper or cardboard and sprinkle cereal on it. We also have it taped to the side.
  8. Mix semolina with peas and sift using a strainer until the peas remain.
  9. Pour the cereal into the molds.
  10. We hide large pasta in the cereal. Let the baby find them and put them in a separate container.
  11. Mix a small amount of different cereals (except millet and semolina) and let the child sort the contents into different containers.
  12. You can also use special equipment, load a dump truck or excavator and transport cargo. Here .

We use the remaining cereal from the games in subsequent activities. Watch your child - something will be interesting to him, something will not interest him at all. Don’t worry, after a while you can offer him again those activities that he refused, and perhaps he will become interested in them. Consider his mood and morale, and you will definitely find something for him!

Nimble hands to you! All the best, see you again!

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