“Information and library association. Theatrical performance “The writer’s anniversary is a holiday for the reader” “About the simple and the complex, the magical and the possible: a journey into the world of V. Gauf’s fairy tales”

The long-awaited summer has arrived, and with it the summer holidays.

« Summer holidays- these are three wonderful months that you can spend however you want. You can meet with friends as much as you want, read any books, travel, or go to your grandparents and meet the children who live there. Summer holidays mean that you can sleep as much as you want, and then, as much as you want, you can kick a ball in the yard or sew clothes for dolls, sitting with your friends on a spread blanket in the yard,” the schoolgirl wrote in her essay.

For librarians of the Tobolsk region, this is an important time when schoolchildren, free from lessons and other very diverse and interesting activities, need to be attracted to the library. Offer a book so that the child becomes interested in it, reads it and definitely comes for another.

Every year in all rural libraries In the Tobolsk region, this time is declared SUMMER READING.

So, in 2012 - the year of Russian history in the program Summer Reading a competition took place. Within its framework, child readers, studying the proposed literature, participating in various events, performing creative tasks together with rural librarians, presented interesting works by nomination:

- "Myths and legends native land"(stories about the emergence of a settlement, associated with its appearance; about mysterious, fabulous, mysterious places of your locality).

— “Real Siberians” (essays, computer presentations, mini-books about war heroes, working people, philanthropists, writers, poets, historians who live and have lived in populated areas district);

— competition “I draw my city”, dedicated to the 425th anniversary of Tobolsk.

In 2013, the Summer Reading program included a travel game “Summer with Vladislav Krapivin”, the purpose of which was to popularize the literary work of the fellow countryman writer. Students, traveling through the pages of Krapivin's works, completed tasks using individual colorful booklets.

In 2014 – in anniversary year Tyumen region, young readers of the Tobolsk district took part in the regional creative competition, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of our fellow countryman K.Ya. Lagunov and in the competition announced by the Tyumen Regional Children's scientific library and dedicated to the 70th anniversary “Our family in the history of the Tyumen region”. As part of the summer reading, an intellectual local history game was held - the quest “Around the Native Land”.

2015 is the year of literature. During this year’s Summer Reading, rural libraries will host a book marathon for readers, “The Writer’s Anniversary – a Holiday for the Reader.”

The opening of the Summer Reading program took place on June 4th. Employees of the Central District Hospital Ivanova E.Kh. and Levkina M.E conducted literary clock in the Abalaksky, Poluyanovsky libraries and in the Epanchinsky school.

As part of this event, children from summer school camps remembered the names and famous works Russian and foreign children's writers of the year. It was a pleasure to fight literary game based on the book by D. Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino”, watched an animated film based on the book by Y. Larry “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya”.

A total of 152 young readers attended the event.

As part of the book marathon “The Writer’s Anniversary – a Holiday for the Reader,” rural libraries in the Tobolsk region will host: in Degtyarevo – the “Best Reader of the Summer” competition; in Setovo - the program “13 book islands in the sea of ​​free time”, in Nadtsy - “Book relay race sunny summer", in Toboltury - a trip according to the program "Hurry up to read", in Ovsyannikovo - readers will visit "Visiting book summer" Readers of the Baikalovskaya, Abalakskaya, Kutarbitskaya, Khmelevskaya Priirtyshskaya libraries will get acquainted with the works and take part in the All-Russian reading competition “Reading Albert Likhanov”.

While children's essays mention reading as one of the most interesting activities in summer time, librarians will do their best to keep it that way.

Levkina M.E. Head of the service department of the Tobolsk Central District Hospital

On January 1, 2012, it started in the libraries of the city of Pskov Book marathon “The writer’s anniversary is a holiday for the reader”.

Throughout the year, marathon participants (children from 7 to 11 years old) read books and completed various competitive and creative tasks dedicated to the anniversaries’ writers and their books (they solved crossword puzzles and took part in quizzes, made crafts and drawings).

Each library has prepared for its readers a series of exhibitions about the life and work of children's writers. Additionally, within the framework of the Book Marathon, competitions for librarians “Original book exhibition" and "Anniversary event".

In December, the results of the Book Marathon were summed up.

1. The most popular book of the writer-celebrator of 2012 (voting in city libraries)

The libraries of the city of Pskov offered the children an annotated bibliographic list of the 2012 anniversaries, from which readers of each library had to choose the most interesting and favorite books of the anniversaries.

Book - winner of the Book Marathon according to the results of the survey, it became a fairy tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" by V.G. Gubareva"(it was allocated by the guys from 6 libraries),

books shared second place "Alice in Wonderland", "Alice Through the Looking Glass" by L. Carroll And "The Adventure of Pencil and Samodelkin" by Yu. Druzhkov(they received 5 votes each),

third place went to the books:, Tolkien J.R.R. "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again" And G. Oster " Bad advice» (4 votes).

Next are the books by A. Lindgren “Pippi Long stocking", A.S. Nekrasov “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” (3 voices each) and “Battle of Moscow”, “The Feat of Leningrad”, “100 Stories about the War”, “From Moscow to Berlin”, “Bird - Glory”, “Stories about Suvorov and Russian heroes" by S. Alekseev

2. The most popular book by the writer of the day (voting on the website)

On the site library system The city of Pskov also held a vote among site visitors for their favorite writer and his book.

Took first place Wilhelm Hauff's fairy tale "Dwarf Nose",

the guys placed the book in second place A. Milna "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all",

took third place story "Pippi Longstocking" by A. Lindgren

3. Readers are the winners of the Book Marathon - 2012

Many of our faithful readers-children took part in the Book Marathon - 2012. Each library chose its winners - those who during this year read the most books from the proposed anniversary list and did not leave the marathon distance before the finish line in December 2012, as well as those , who was an active participant in library competitions, showed their imagination and creativity.

So, winners in the category "Record-breaking reader":

Zaretskaya Elena (Family Reading Library),
Tsyrulnikova Anastasia(Library of the Lyubyatovo microdistrict “BiblioLub”),
Alena Yakovleva (Rodnik Library named after S.A. Zolottsev),
Turchina Anastasia(Children's library "Lik"),
Pakhomov Stanislav(Library - Center children's reading),
Shuvalova Alexandra
Obraztsova Vladislava
Matveeva Yulia (Library - community Center microdistrict Pskovkirpich)

Winners in the "Bookworm - 2012" nomination:

Ryabtsev Alexander(Family Reading Library),
Smirnova Karina (Library of the Lyubyatovo microdistrict “BiblioLub”),
Nalyvaichenko Yulia(Library “Rodnik” named after S.A. Zolottsev),
Smirnova Alexandra(Children's library "Lik"),
Stepanova Anna (Library - Children's Reading Center),
Tikhomirov Vasily(Children's ecological library "Rainbow"),
Durkina Elizaveta(Library - Center for Communication and Information),
Vedeneva Kristina(Library - public center of the Pskovkirpich microdistrict)

4. Winners of the Book Marathon - 2012

By decision of the jury for “Anniversary Personality Event”

For 2 second places:

- Children's ecological library "Rainbow" for holding a reading conference “Paustovsky and nature: an algorithm of kindness”
The head of the library O.V. Neznanova was awarded a diploma from the Department of Culture of the Pskov City Administration.

- Children's library "Lik" for organizing interactive game based on the fairy tales of V. Gauf “About the simple and the complex, the magical and the possible”
The head of the library, Atamanova O.E., was awarded a diploma from the Department of Culture of the Pskov City Administration.

For 3rd place:

For the literary journey “Through the Mirror: wonderful fairy tale Alice"
Librarian E.I. Nikolaeva was awarded a diploma from the Department of Culture of the Pskov City Administration

By decision of the jury in the nomination "Original Book Exhibition" The following libraries were awarded diplomas:

For 1st place - the exhibition “Forward, towards fate!” - Library - Center for Communication and Information
The head of the information and bibliographic sector Bodunova T.Yu. was awarded a diploma from the Department of Culture of the Administration of Pskov.

For 2nd place - an interactive exhibition introducing the work of the writer “The Extraordinary Travels of Vitaly Gubarev” - Library of the Lyubyatovo microdistrict "Bibliolyub"
Chief librarian A.A. Nesterova was awarded a diploma from the Department of Culture of the Pskov City Administration.

For 3rd place - exhibition “Lewis Carroll and His World” - Library "Rodnik" named after. S.A. Zolottseva
The chief librarian Nikonorova G.S. was awarded a diploma from the Department of Culture of the Administration of Pskov.

Congratulations to the winners of the Book Marthon 2012 and wish librarians and readers further creative success and victories!!!

Photo report

“The heroes of Eduard Uspensky invite you to visit” - literary holiday

Now Uspensky is familiar to us,
We'll talk about this!

As part of the Book Marathon “The Writer’s Anniversary - a Holiday for the Reader,” on December 6, the Library - Children’s Reading Center hosted the literary festival “The Heroes of Eduard Uspensky Invite You to Visit.” The guests of the holiday were students of the 2nd grade of the Development Lyceum and the heroes of Uspensky’s works: the sensible cat Matroskin and the simple-minded dog Sharik, the mischievous old woman Shapoklyak and the grandmother of Vera and Anfisa.

The intrigue of the holiday was the mixed-up fairy tales of Uspensky. In order to return everything to its place, the children had to solve a crossword puzzle, answer the questions of Sharik and Matroskin, as well as the tricky questions of the tangerine quiz. The guys answered all the questions without any difficulty. And at the end of the meeting, Matroskin and Sharik treated the children to magical tangerines and handed out information bookmarks on the works of Eduard Uspensky as souvenirs!

"The Sorceress Who Lives Everywhere"
(literary and play festival based on the works of A. Lindgren)

"Witticisms according to Auster"

"About the simple and the complex, the magical and the possible: a journey into the world of V. Gauf's fairy tales"

09/18/2018 Book exhibition “A writer’s anniversary is a holiday for the reader!”

Within the framework of the Decade of Childhood announced by the President, special attention is paid to working with children, their involvement in cultural life, getting to know works of art and literature. In the library like social institution spiritually – moral education is one of priority areas at work. One of the most important topics in the formation of spiritual and moral consciousness is the promotion of literature about writers, fiction, classical literature. Anniversaries are celebrated year after year famous writers, poets, playwrights and other figures who left their mark on world literature. Employees of the children's library and, in particular, the Children's Center for Reading and Creativity, pay special attention to the dates of anniversaries of children's writers in 2018.

For six months, the Children’s Center for Reading and Creativity of the Central City Children’s Library has been holding a book exhibition “The Writer’s Anniversary – a Holiday for the Reader.” This exhibition is the best reason to revive the names of the geniuses of the pen and enjoy their amazing novels, stories and poems. An anniversary is always a celebration, and of course - cake! The appearance of a paper art object at a book exhibition attracts the attention of children; the arrangement of books, forming something like a book cake, also serves this purpose. The literary “cake” consists of fairy tales, stories, novels, detective stories - books whose authors, writers, are celebrants of the year 2018. Visitors are happy to “feast” on the pieces they like – the books they like. Every reader can help himself to a book; the tree of knowledge gives the readers the opportunity to “pluck” a leaf and find out the name of the writer - the hero of the day, whose works are presented at the exhibition. Candles on the cake - another one game moment exhibitions, they contain author’s quotes; every reader can read and guess their affiliation. Exhibition materials are actively used in holding public events. Thus, in September, four events were held with schoolchildren in grades 2, 4 and 9, as well as with preschoolers, the theme of which was familiarization with the works of children's writers - the 2018 anniversaries. The events were attended by 133 people.

Prepared and carried out Ch. librarian Shapyrina Yu.B.

writers - celebrants of 2018, open in the reading room of the children's library. The purpose of the exhibition is to remind about best authors domestic and world literature, to arouse in readers a desire to reflect on the personality, activities and fate of writers, to become more familiar with their work, and to discuss what they have read.

This is the name of the book exhibition dedicated to writers - celebrants of 2018, opened in the reading room of the children's library. Purpose of the exhibition— to remind about the best authors of domestic and world literature, to arouse in readers a desire to reflect on the personality, activities and fate of writers, to become more familiar with their work, and to discuss what they have read.

In 2018 we will celebrate: 390 years from the day of birth French poet, critic and storyteller Charles PERROT(1628-1703), 145 years since the birth of the Russian writer Mikhail Mikhailovich PRISHVIN (1873-1954). “Pantry of the Sun”, “Fox Bread”, “Golden Meadow”;235 yearson the birthday of the Russian romantic poet, translatorVasily Andreevich ZHUKOVSKY (1783-1852) “Svetlana”, “Ondine”, “The Forest King”;90 years oldanniversary of the birth of the Estonian writerHainault RAUDA(1928-1996) “Muff, Low Boot and Moss Beard”, “Tales of One Summer”, “Forest Neighbors”;105 yearssince the birth of the Soviet poet, children's writer, playwright, author of the Russian National AnthemSergei Vladimirovich MIKHALKOV (1913-2009); 95 years oldon the birthday of the Soviet children's writerValery Vladimirovich MEDVEDEV (1923-1997) « Barankin , be human!”, “Flute for a champion”, “Jump to fame”;90 years oldon the birthday of the Russian writerSofia Leonidovna PROKOFIEVA (1928) “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase”, “The Cuckoo Clock”, “In the Old Attic”;115 yearson the birthday of the Russian artist, screenwriter, film director, writerVladimir Grigorievich SUTEEV (1903-1993). “Rooster and paints”, “About the hippopotamus who was afraid of vaccinations”, “We are looking for a blot”,60 yearson the birthday of the Russian children's writerAndrey Alekseevich USACHEV (1958). “Smart dog Sonya”, “ Malusya and Rogoped ", "Mail from Santa Claus".

These books have taken their place place of honor among best works peace. We recommend a small selection of books that will be pleasant to read and once again immerse yourself in the world of long-familiar characters or discover an unread book. Do not deny yourself the pleasure, we are waiting for you in our library!

The writer's anniversary is a holiday for the reader

For many years, the Central Children's Library named after. A.P. Gaidar collaborates with children from a boarding school for the visually impaired. As part of the IV All-Russian network campaign “White Cane”, which started on October 15, a literary trip “A Writer’s Anniversary is a Celebration for the Reader” was held for the children, which was dedicated to our wonderful children’s writers. The event consisted of three blocks, each of which was dedicated to the writer - the hero of the day: E. Permyak (115 years old), S. Marshak (130 years old), D.N. Mom's - Siberian (165 years old).

The guys, together with the presenters, recalled the biographies of writers they knew from childhood and the plots of their works, answered quiz questions and watched excerpts from animated films“How Masha became big”, “Gray neck”, “Cat’s house”. An exhibition “The best books for you, kids” was organized for children, where the most best books writers - heroes of the day. A shining moment literary journey was the dramatization of the story by E. Permyak “How Masha Became Big”, N. Nosov “ Living hat" The children had great fun portraying the main characters. The final part This wonderful event was a quiz on the works of these writers, “Guess Who I Am.” The guys not only answered questions, but also tried to score as many points as possible for correct answers. Literary journey“The writer’s anniversary is a holiday for the reader” was liked by the children. They had a desire to take the books of these writers and read them. The event was accompanied by a multimedia presentation.

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