Foreign husband for a star. Personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva What year was Ekaterina Andreeva born?

December 06, 2017

The famous presenter of the Vremya program is married to businessman Dusan Perovic. The other day Ekaterina Andreeva gave frank interview, in which she admitted that her husband sometimes takes offense at her.

Ekaterina Andreeva and Dusan Petrovich / photo:

The 56-year-old lives in a barge with Serbian businessman Dusan Perovic. The man fell in love with the TV presenter at first sight when he saw her on TV. Ignorance of the Russian language did not prevent him from winning the heart of the Russian beauty. The couple are happy together, and their couple is considered one of the strongest and most harmonious. This summer, they and the presenter shared very romantic shots from their vacation.

The other day she gave a frank interview in which she talked about the relationship in Dusan. Andreeva noted that there are no special mental differences between the Russian and Serbian people, so becoming the wife of a Serb, she did not have to get used to anything. She remembered that when she met him, her future husband knew only one word in Russian - “hat”, since it was very cold. Now Dushan speaks excellent Russian and even tells jokes appropriately in conversation. However, the man sometimes gets offended by Catherine, who does not learn Serbian. “I know this language superficially, at an everyday level,” the TV presenter explained. She noted that she knows English and speaks a little French, and also understands Italian, but on serious topics she prefers to communicate with foreigners in Russian through an interpreter. However, Andreeva does not rule out the fact that someday she will learn Serbian, but for now she does not have such a need.

The TV presenter also added that they never suppressed each other’s individuality. She compared her relationship with her husband to universes: “My husband and I are two parallel worlds, sometimes intersecting: more often, less often, sometimes strongly.” Ekaterina noted that it is important for her in marriage that her husband be an equal and like-minded person. According to her, their interests in many ways do not coincide with Dusan, but that’s how it should be. For example, her husband is fond of football and even plays on the field, but she does not watch the matches, the portal reports.

For what reason did Ekaterina Andreeva leave Channel One - such a question Lately asked by viewers who are for long years used to seeing her as the host of the “Time” program. For 20 years she was the “face” of news programs. The channel’s management commented on the situation with Andreeva’s “dismissal”. It turned out that the latest data was somewhat exaggerated, and the audience will see their favorite presenter on air more than once.

Popular Russian TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, who is inextricably associated among TV viewers with the “Time” program, for the first time publicly commented on the information about leaving the position of presenter. She asked those around her not to worry.

For more than 20 years, Andreeva has been the face of Channel One, as she regularly hosts the information program “Time”. However, recently she stopped appearing on the channel, and instead went on a tour of South Korea. Ekaterina handed over her post to Kirill Kleimenov.

If you look at the latest entries on the TV presenter’s blog, it becomes clear that she does not regret leaving her job at all. On the contrary, she spends her time with pleasure and shares a sense of harmony with her fans. But she could not ignore rumors of expulsion from Channel One.

“This is the taste of bosses. I haven’t left yet, while I’m working at “Orbit” and our huge country still sees me, many people wrote in Direct that they even bought satellite dishes and tuned them to “Orbit”, and they are watching at 21:00. And on Saturday I’ll be on the 1st. So far, so,” Andreeva said.

In this way, the TV personality tried to calm down her army of fans, who were vying with each other to discuss her possible dismissal from the “first button.”


Ekaterina Sergeevna was born in 1961. She grew up in the family of an employee of the USSR State Supply Service. The girl’s mother did housework and raised Katya and her younger sister Svetlana.

Since childhood, Katya had excellent physical fitness. She was seriously interested in basketball, and even for some time was a student at the Olympic reserve school.

In her youth, not a trace remained of Catherine’s athletic figure. In the process of writing thesis She led a very sedentary lifestyle and also began to abuse junk food. One day Katya weighed herself and realized that she needed to change something in her life. appearance. She went on a diet and included exercise in her routine. Two years later, the TV presenter lost several tens of kilograms. Since then, moderation in food and sports - an integral part of her life.

Katya studied at the evening department of the law institute. She was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office for internship. After some time, the girl decides to change her field of activity. She enters the second higher education at the Krupskaya Pedagogical Institute. In 1990, her life and career took a different turn: the girl decided to take courses for radio and television workers.

Ekaterina Andreeva is one of the brightest and most recognizable personalities on television. Since 1995, she has been the permanent presenter of the Vremya news program. Before joining the TV channel, she succeeded in other areas. The biography of the TV star will tell you more about her personal life, her family and areas of activity.

Family and years of study

The father of the future popular TV presenter was a serious man. During the existence of the USSR, he was deputy chairman of the State Supply Committee. Meanwhile, my mother devoted herself entirely to her family and raising her two daughters. Katya was born in Moscow on November 27, 1961. She was the first child in the family. Later her sister Sveta was born.

Andreeva's family was quite wealthy. They could afford to move from one apartment to another, improving their previous conditions.

Since childhood, Katya has been fond of basketball. At one time she was even a member of the Olympic Reserve School. Always a thin girl, during her student days she suddenly began to gain weight.

While studying in her 5th year at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, the girl, working on writing her diploma, moved very little and ate a lot out of worry. As a result, I gained a lot of weight. Katerina was not happy with her own reflection in the mirror, and she decided to correct the situation at all costs.

Despite her busy schedule, she began to regularly attend Gym and limited herself in food by going on a diet.

After some time, I lost 20 kg. Since then, Katerina has not allowed herself any indulgences, carefully monitoring her appearance in general. Answering numerous questions regarding how she manages to look so good, Katerina, smiling, says that she needs to exercise and not overeat.

TV presenter career

Who knows what the fate of Katerina Andreeva would have been like if she had become a historian, as she herself wanted. However, acting and jurisprudence, interested her no less. But final choice was nevertheless made in favor of television.

At first there was the Faculty of Law, but very quickly realizing that this was not really her thing, the girl was transferred to the Faculty of History. Being a purposeful person, she combined distance learning and work at the State Prosecutor's Office.

Katerina Andreeva was brought to television by chance. She learned about courses being held for radio and television workers and decided to participate. Part of her move was dictated by self-doubt. Andreeva’s teachers told her that on screen she looked cold and somehow constrained. But, as time will later show, it was precisely this inaccessibility and severity that became business card Andreeva. This is exactly what a news anchor should be.

The teacher of Ekaterina Andreeva was famous announcer Igor Kirillov. She first went on air with him in 1991. Many people remember Andreeva as the host of the program “ Good morning" During her work on television, a lot has changed, including the channel’s policy. Starting from 1995 and ending in February 2018, Andreeva hosted news on Channel One. Now she appears on the same broadcast only on Saturdays. In addition to the news block, Andreeva was the editor of some programs, including “Big Races”.

The TV presenter almost immediately won the love of the audience. Every time she goes on air, Katerina feels nervous, but you can’t tell by looking at her, she knows how to control herself so well. Over the years of work, she has developed her own methods of combating fatigue. As the presenter herself admits, she only needs to take a 20-minute nap to get back to normal. Andreeva has been working on Channel One since 1998.

Ekaterina Andreeva in cinema

True fans of Ekaterina Andreeva are thoroughly familiar with her biography. They are aware that their favorite has several roles in films.

  • “Unknown pages from the life of a scout”;
  • "Fiend of Hell";
  • "In the Mirror of Venus"
  • IN last picture, Andreeva played the main role.

Personal life of a TV presenter

Ekaterina Andreeva is one of the few who managed to combine a career, raising a child and personal life. She's on the screens businesswoman, but in life, completely different, tender and to some extent weak.

The TV presenter does not like to talk about her first husband; all that is known is that she has a daughter, Natasha, with him. But the woman speaks about her second wife with love. Emphasizing that she feels happy with him.

Andreeva met him in 1989; he is Montenegrin by nationality. Between Katerina and Dusan, that’s the name of her current husband, feelings immediately arose. They got married the same year in which they met. The spouses have no children together; they have been raising their daughter Andreeva together all these years.

Dusan saw his first future wife on TV and decided to meet her in person. He pulled up all his connections and found her. A passionately in love young man beautifully courted Katerina. At the time of their acquaintance, he practically did not know the Russian language, but this did not prevent the two lovers from understanding each other.

It was very important for Andreeva that her chosen one would love not only her, but also her daughter, and accept her as his own. This is exactly what happened with Dusan.

The girl, having matured, did not follow in the footsteps of her famous mother. She graduated from MGIMO and received a law degree and has no plans to connect her life with television.

Ekaterina Andreeva outside of work

In Yulia Menshova’s program “Alone with Everyone,” Ekaterina Andreeva appeared before the audience in a completely unusual image. She had her hair down and was dressed stylishly. IN frank conversation she said that she does a lot of housework herself, and can even fix equipment if necessary. In addition, he is interested in martial arts and the history of Soviet times.

As it turned out, Andreeva, who is strict on screen, is very cheerful woman, with whom it is interesting to chat various topics. At the same time, she is a deeply religious person who attends church.

If you think that now you know everything about the biography of Ekaterina Andreeva, then you are mistaken. It turns out that she, like any other person, has bad habits. But, they do not interfere with her personal life. A slender woman loves sweets very much, but still cannot cope with her addiction to smoking.

Remembering how difficult it was for her to cope with those extra pounds, she may limit herself to eating chocolate. But with cigarettes the situation is more complicated. As Andreeva herself says, she has repeatedly quit smoking, but periodically the bad habit returns. Of course, knowing that smoking has a negative impact on health, she prefers light cigarettes, ordering them from Israel whenever possible.

The secret of youth and beauty

Ekaterina Andreeva often has to answer questions regarding the secret of her youth. Many, thinking that they have been seeing her on screens for 20 years, are amazed and amazed at the same time. One gets the feeling that time has no power over this woman. Looking at her, I really can’t believe that she is already 57 years old.

It's actually simple. She tries not to eat meat. He definitely does exercises in the morning. In general, it leads healthy image life and always tries to be positive. And also, she is convinced that you need to love and be loved. This is the secret of every woman's youth.

Ekaterina Andreeva has a page on the popular Instagram network. There she shares fascinating moments of her life with subscribers, commenting interestingly on short videos. It turns out that the TV presenter really loves animals. She has two wonderful cats at home, whom you can meet in person thanks to a social network.

In her free time, Ekaterina tries to relax as much as possible, going to the sea. A change of environment helps her relax and disconnect from the hustle and bustle, so that later, with renewed vigor, she can return to her favorite job.

Famous Journalist Awards

In 2006, Ekaterina Andreeva was awarded the Order of Friendship, and in 2007 she was awarded the TEFI in the category “Presenter in an information program.”

Political events also affected Catherine. In 2014, she became a journalist barred from entering Ukraine, having been blacklisted.

Every time Ekaterina is on vacation, rumors appear online that she is leaving television. For now, these are just rumors not supported by facts. IN currently Andreeva is full of energy and doesn’t even think about leaving her job. At the same time, she is happily married, beautiful, sexy and successful.

Do you like Ekaterina Andreeva?

The presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is a real star and recognized beauty queen of Channel One. Many sincerely believe that this big-eyed, smart and beautiful woman is a little over 30. And indeed, in the photo you can’t give Katya more than 40. But in fact, this year the favorite TV presenter of millions of Russians, who has fans all over the world, will celebrate her 53rd birthday !

Let's get to know this unusually smart, bright and spectacular woman, whose photograph the ISS cosmonauts even took into space, and learn her secrets of youth, beauty and principles of life.

short biography

Ekaterina Sergeevna Andreeva, a favorite of Channel One viewers, was born on November 27, 1961 in Moscow, in the family of the deputy chairman of the USSR State Supply Committee and a housewife. Katya has a sister, Svetlana.

IN school years Katya played basketball and also studied at an Olympic reserve school for a short time. After completing her studies at school, Andreeva entered the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, which she graduated in 1990, and completed her studies at the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute (evening department).

Ekaterina before the start television career managed to work in General Prosecutor's Office(the office management department of the investigative department), and was in charge of the most crime-prone regions - Krasnodar region and Stavropol region.

In the same year, by the will of fate, Katya, at the prompting of her mother, was trained at the All-Russian Academy of Television and Radio of the USSR, and at the “school of announcers” her mentor was Igor Kirillov himself.

In 1991, a charming and extremely smart girl began working in the field of television broadcasting: she was an announcer for the Ostankino television company, Central television, hosted the “Good Morning” program. Further, since 1995, Ekaterina Andreeva has been the host of the “News” program and editor of information programs on ORT.

Finally, from 1998 to the present day, Katya has been working as the host of the “Time” program on Channel One. By the way, the very next year she was recognized as the most beautiful TV presenter in Russia (results of an online survey).

Ekaterina is married to a Montenegrin businessman of Serbian origin, Dusko Petrovich, who fell in love with the charming beauty at first sight and after 3 years of courtship won her hand. It has adult daughter Natalia from her first marriage, who has already completed her studies at MGIMO.

Beauty secrets of Ekaterina Andreeva

The main secret of Catherine's external beauty is her internal one, spiritual beauty. He believes that it is absolutely forbidden to envy, and if you are overcome by troubles, you need to meet them face to face and, without succumbing to despondency, find a way out of the situation.

Other beauty secrets of the most recognizable lady of Channel One:

    Ekaterina has not eaten meat for 16-17 years; on rare occasions she may eat a little lamb. However, she is not a vegetarian - she can afford eggs, fish, and cottage cheese. For those who just can’t give up meat products, the TV presenter recommends choosing the former between turkey and chicken, since this bird does not accumulate toxins, while chickens are very often stuffed with antibiotics.

    More about food preferences: Katya does not eat sweet, fatty, very salty or starchy foods, and adheres to macrobiotic principles in food.

    He has breakfast with porridge from various cereals, except semolina, on water. He likes to add nuts or honey to it, but not when it’s hot, otherwise the honey loses all its healing properties.

    He loves fruits and vegetables, which are certainly seasonal and grown in Russia; he chooses environmentally friendly products for consumption, especially focusing on those products that can be eaten raw.

    As for salt, he prefers sea salt, and salts the finished dish.

    Regarding sleep: it is recommended to sleep on an orthopedic pillow, ventilate the room well - it should be fresh, cool, but not cold. You need to sleep at least 10 hours. Katya usually goes to bed around 10 pm and gets up at 6 or 8 am. More important point- while sleeping, the room should be dark, because It is in the absence of light that the hormone melatonin is produced, and it is this hormone that ensures the restoration of the body.

    In the morning on an empty stomach, Katya always drinks a glass of water, to which she can add Tibetan spices or lemon juice. She prefers natural loose leaf Chinese tea, which her trainer brings from China. Doesn't drink coffee. Liquids Katya recommends drinking at least 1.5 liters per day, preferably an hour before or after a meal and under no circumstances tap water.

    Sports activities are required: tai chi (taijiquan), pilates, yoga, functional training, fitness. Visits the pool and likes to walk at a brisk pace. Once every 1-2 weeks he goes to the sauna. If we talk about the amount of exercise, then fitness - 3 times a week, yoga - 2-3 times and 2 times a week - Pilates and tai chi.

  • Ekaterina quit smoking a long time ago, felt a noticeable improvement in her health, and now actively advises everyone to do the same.
  • No solarium or excessive tanning: as the TV presenter herself says, who knows how often the lamps in the solarium are changed and whether they do it in a timely manner. In addition, Katya does not sunbathe, because due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on her skin, she ages rapidly - on the beach she always applies sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher, wears one-piece swimsuits and tries to rest after swimming only under beach umbrellas.

    In the morning, the TV star eats after gymnastics, prefers whole grain porridge, and loves black rice and buckwheat.

    After 7 pm he does not eat.

    In principle, he does not consume refined sugar, replacing it with honey, dried fruits and fructose.

    Catherine also observes all Christian fasts, and fasts on Fridays and Wednesdays, since on Wednesday Jesus was betrayed by Judas, and on Friday he was crucified.

    In life she uses minimal makeup - go over her face with a powder puff, lightly tint the ends of her eyelashes and apply some shade to her lips.

    Another secret of Katya Andreeva’s youth is work. The presenter is sure that as long as a person works, he does not grow old. As an example: in Japan there are a lot of centenarians, but this nation works hard until a very old age.

    External beauty with age increasingly depends on internal beauty, so take care and maintain a harmonious state of mind, live in harmony with the world around you and with yourself, do not envy or be angry.

    Katya can afford to drink a little wine, preferring dry wine as the most beneficial. The most favorite wines are Spanish, Portuguese and Georgian.

    To quickly recuperate before a sleepless night, he uses Leonardo da Vinci’s technique - you need to sleep for 15 minutes every 2 hours during the day.

Here we collect both personal information gleaned from official interviews and the principles that guide Katya Andreeva in life:

    Height - 176 cm,

    She always does her makeup herself - she knows her face very well, and it saves a lot of time. She uses French cosmetics from a small, little-known company, whose products were once recommended by a cosmetologist. All cosmetics are made on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants grown in an environmentally friendly place.

    Andreeva does not have pierced ears. She is sure that since nature did not provide extra holes in the body, why make them herself. No piercings or tattoos.

    Ekaterina writes all the texts and notes needed for her work herself, and two editors work with her as assistants.

    She believes in God and is baptized.

    He loves Soviet cinema, Italian and French cinema. Rarely watches TV, mostly Mind games and good documentaries. He never watches crime TV shows, considering them extremely harmful to the health of the nation.

    Andreeva was once offered to become an actress and star in the film “The Master and Margarita” by Yuri Kara, but this did not happen.

    Concerning musical preferences, I like the classics, The Beatles, Sting, A-HA, Rolling Stones, U2.

    When asked by a journalist in one of her interviews who she is: a realist, an optimist or a pessimist, Katya answered without hesitation with a smile that she was an optimist.

    Andreeva has two pets in her house: the dog Churchill, a Yorkshire terrier, and a British breed cat named Berendey.

    The meaning of life, according to the TV presenter, is in life itself and, of course, in love. For those who meet their other half, life will be much easier and more fun.

    Katya has a very rich library, she loves to read and does it very quickly, diagonally. Prefers Russian English classics, French modern prose, for example, the works of F. Sagan. Favorite writers: Thackeray, Sallinger, Dickens, Bulgakov, Nabokov, Kafka, Nietzsche, Socrates and Aristotle.

    As a child, the girl was called Giraffe because of her very tall height.

    He drives his own car, but if he gets stuck in a traffic jam, he takes the metro.

Ekaterina Andreeva in the program Smak with Ivan Urgant

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Ekaterina Andreeva is a Russian TV presenter and actress, a real star of Channel One. For many, she is a role model, because a woman at 55 looks no more than 35.

Updated 02/16/2018 18:17

Ekaterina Andreeva's figure parameters:

  • Age: 56 years old (as of February 2018)
  • Height: 176 cm
  • Weight: 66 kg
  • Dimensions: 97-74-115 cm
  • Foot size: 39

Ekaterina looks elegant and confident. She devotes a lot of time to her appearance, therefore, when appearing on the air of “News” on “First”, she is always impressive and well-groomed. Many viewers note the excellent condition of her skin. Andreeva claims that the main thing is to maintain water balance and carry out daily cleansing procedures. The presenter visits a massage parlor.

According to Ekaterina: to preserve beauty, not only sports and cosmetic procedures, but also healthy sleep, proper nutrition, refusal bad habits, have a positive attitude.

Since childhood, Muscovite Andreeva was distinguished by her thinness, as she attended the basketball section. Also, her pregnancy did not affect her figure in any way. The only period when the girl faced a problem excess weightlast course Institute. While working on her graduation project, she moved very little and ate junk food. At that time, the scales showed more than 85 kg.

However, the girl pulled herself together and decided to take care of her body. Now, at the age of 55, Andreeva’s weight does not exceed 70 kg, considering that her height is 1 m 76 cm.

The presenter constantly plays sports, does gymnastics in the mornings, and indulges in spa treatments.

Photo: Instagram @ekaterinaandreeva_official

In addition, Catherine has little free time. A busy work schedule does not allow her to sit in one place: she hosts a news show, participates in television projects, sometimes appears in films and tries not to deprive her loved ones of attention.

Photo: Instagram @ekaterinaandreeva_official

The famous TV presenter leads a healthy lifestyle, which has a beneficial effect on her appearance. Despite her heavy workload, she always remains in good shape, does not lose her shape, and delights TV viewers with her charm and talent.

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