Why does a girl dream about a bat? Dream interpretation of a bat, why a bat dreams, a bat in a dream

Often we dream of something completely surreal, something that came from out of nowhere, curious or frightening - strange places, strange events, beautiful or nightmarish creatures. And sometimes in dreams they appear completely For example, Unfortunately, this is not best sleep. There are many interpretations, but the meaning similar dream either anxious or negative.

If a small or large one suddenly appears in a dream, you need to try to remember all the circumstances and little things that were present in the dream, in addition to the unpleasant animal. If we approach the problem as a whole, then this is what bats dream about: the dream warns that frivolity and thoughtless behavior can have unpleasant consequences, and you should think about your actions much more carefully. Ordinary manners and habits may suddenly not be liked by others and cause censure.

Usually, as the dream book says, bats seem to hint that there will be significant problems ahead. You should not take any important steps the next day, because bad events, negative changes, misfortunes along the way and even death are quite possible. Especially if they attack, bite or otherwise harm.

The place where the animal was dreamed also matters. For example, if you dreamed of volatiles, this is considered a sign of future changes, more negative than positive. A mouse in flight is a sign of sadness, disasters, and severe disasters, even losses and betrayals. Dreaming of flying creatures in any other place foreshadows disasters, anxieties and troubles. One must be persistent and careful to reverse negative dream for your own benefit.

Why do you dream about bats if they are also white? Most often this is a sign of impending death. But here you need to take into account which dream book to interpret the dream you had. For example, Zhou Gong's dream book claims that a flock of bats symbolizes the success of secret events and affairs. But in Old Russian dream book bat fluttering around the room warns of a sudden and unexpected departure.

The esoteric collection is more optimistic in its interpretations. Speaking about why bats dream, he warns that such a dream is just a premonition that you should not rely on, and you should not be afraid of it. And here is the French dream book in in this case threatens with sorrows and suffering. But marrying a bat in a dream means that in reality a person will marry the most beautiful woman in the whole world.

Miller's dream book gives only a negative assessment of dreams about bats. These are sorrows, disasters, even deaths and illnesses of loved ones, especially children. You need to be on your guard and protect your loved ones and yourself. And then a disturbing dream can turn into a useful warning.

By the way, everything old dream books They say only one thing: a dream about bats, no matter what colors, sizes, no matter in what place, symbolizes only misfortunes, sudden disasters, negative news and consequences, disastrous meetings. Modern dream books are not so categorical, but in general this animal, no matter what benefits it brings in nature, only brings misfortune in a dream.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

See a bat in a dream

  • Fear of the unknown.
  • Old hag.
  • "Float" around the idea.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Why do you dream about a bat?

  • Bats are nocturnal animals and often like to roost in dark caves. They can represent the fear of the unknown, although they know how to move in the dark. If you are ignorant and the bat appears to you as a sign, then you will be able to make your way in the darkness. Trust your intuition. Do you know what to do next? Look deep within yourself and there you will find the answer. The bat may be a grumpy old woman. Are you acting like a grumpy old woman? On the other hand, a bat can indicate strange behavior. This sign can also symbolize throwing, the inability to come to a certain conclusion. For the Chinese, the bat symbolized long life and happiness. For American Indians the bat was a symbol of shamanic intuition and rebirth. The bat disappears into the darkness of the womb-shaped cave and reappears from there. This sign may appear to you before you decide to explore your deepest fears and the unknown that lives within you. After symbolic death you will experience the joy of rebirth and renewal.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

See a bat in a dream

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that a bat was flying somewhere, then very soon you will have to travel. To make your trip enjoyable, eat some exotic fruits before bed.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed of a dead bat, the gods have deprived you of their protection and it is easier than ever for you to catch some kind of disease. To protect your immunity, drink half a glass of warm milk before bed.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Bat

  • Bat - sadness, bad news, misfortune / to participate in a night orgy.
  • To watch their flight in the darkness, to feel as if everything around you is filled with them - a vague clairvoyance awakens in you. Bats chase you, they stumble upon you in the dark - a symbol of your fear of the world of reality, which prevents you from living.
  • Seeing sleeping bats is an image of the power of darkness and evil force / bad time.
  • Seeing a lot of different bats outside the window looking in means touching with your thoughts the kingdom of primordial chaos / the invasion of phenomena of an alien world into your life.
  • Seeing bats walking around your body means being possessed by a demon, going to the abyss / feeling your own vampirism.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

See a bat in a dream

  • A dream about a bat is a warning calling for perseverance and caution.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a bat?

  • A bat floating in the air - all minor troubles will quickly and easily disappear. If the bat hangs upside down, this means that small troubles can turn into big problems.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Dream Interpretation Bat

  • To dream of a bat foretells sorrows and suffering that will be caused to you by people unknown to you. If in a dream you marry a bat, the dream promises that you will marry the most beautiful woman in the world.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Why do you dream about a bat?

  • A flock of bats is flying. - Secret affairs will be done successfully.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Bat

  • Unfavorable sign: get ready for all sorts of troubles and misfortunes that will soon fall on you.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

See a bat in a dream

  • The fate of the unfortunate person who sees this ugly animal in a dream is terrible. Sorrows and disasters from many evils await you. The death of someone close to you or serious injuries is possible after a dream in which these monsters appear to you. A white bat is almost certainly a sign of death. But this dream is a warning, encouraging you to persevere and be careful.

Why do you dream of a Bat (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

Despite the fact that bats are cute and absolutely harmless creatures, traditionally they are attributed to a certain demonic essence, evil spells and intrigues. This is probably why it is believed that if a bat dreams, it predicts death for the dreamer. However, there is another explanation: seeing a bat flying around your room means a sudden and unexpected departure. Your boss will probably send you on an urgent business trip. Therefore, do not rush to get upset if you dreamed of this unusual small flying animal.

Bat in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Traditionally, with many creatures living nightlife, people associate not the best signs and predictions. Bats, which until recently did not enjoy universal love, did not escape this fate. And it’s completely unfair, because they don’t harm anyone. Rather, on the contrary, they destroy a lot of harmful blood-sucking insects. However, if you dream of a bat, it predicts that you will soon have some strange, inexplicable premonitions. But dreaming with a bat suggests that you should not rely on them.

The meaning of the dream about the Flock (Collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong)

If in a dream a person dreams of a flying flock of bats, this predicts the dreamer success in some of his secret affairs. Bats always appear unexpectedly and completely silently, it is impossible to keep track of them, and catching them can be even more difficult, because they operate under the cover of darkness. So you will be able to act unnoticed by others, hiding your actions from all immodest or prying eyes.

Interpretation of Bats from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

It is difficult to say why these small harmless and completely defenseless animals became folk beliefs personification of evil spirits, evil spirits. Bats are credited with many misdeeds for which, in reality, they cannot be held responsible. If you dream of a bat, it means that you will be busy with some evil deed. Often a dream predicts disappointment and sadness. Dreaming of a bat means someone's death.

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

Few people know how bats actually live and what they do, because they fly silently, act secretly and unnoticed by the average observer. That is why, when you dream of a bat, it predicts that you will have to endure sorrows and suffering, the cause of which will be people unknown to you. If you had a dream in which you were married to a bat, it predicts that you will soon marry the most beautiful woman in the world. Perhaps this will be your beloved, because for a lover, the object of his passion is always the most beautiful woman.

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Bat according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon Canaanite)

If you saw a bat in a dream, you can rejoice, because it is a sign that all your worries will be in vain. Flying bats indicate that you have a little trouble ahead of you, but obviously they will not bring you significant worries or worries. All your minor troubles will quickly and easily disappear. But if you dreamed of a bat hanging upside down somewhere, be careful that your minor troubles do not develop into something bigger.

The meaning of the dream about Unusual Mice (Mythological Dream Book)

In accordance with ancient Slavic beliefs, bats symbolize certain demonic entities, messengers of evil spirits and evil spirits. Therefore, if you dream of a bat or mice, this is often the personification of negative external influences. Seeing a bat means danger, a threat from your ill-wishers. It is often believed that bats appearing in a dream predict various big troubles for the dreamer and are even harbingers of death.

Seeing a Bat, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Bats in a dream are traditionally considered a prediction of some kind of misfortune, serious life trials. To dream that they are attacking you is an alarming warning that you will have to endure some loss and loss. Often this also applies to your loved ones. The most unpleasant thing is that bats always appear unexpectedly; their flight cannot be traced with the naked eye. And therefore, the losses that affect you will become completely unexpected for you, they will be impossible to calculate in advance, they will fall on you, literally out of the blue. Especially if you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday.

Dream bat. It is natural for a bat to hang upside down. If you saw a bat in a dream, you should look at what is happening from the other side or from a different angle. Perhaps a bat in a dream warns you that you should be more careful and less emotional, because when you hang upside down, blood rushes to your head. Do you want to turn your world upside down? Bats are commonly associated with vampires. Perhaps something or some relationship in your life is draining energy from you, and it's time for you to step in and set the record straight. Bat in a dream - If it flies, then small problems may arise. If it hangs upside down, problems will develop into something more. A bat floating in the air - all minor troubles will quickly and easily disappear. If the bat hangs upside down, this means that minor troubles can turn into big problems.

Why do you dream about a Bat in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

If you saw a bat in a dream, be extremely careful and circumspect in reality. These small animals, when they appear in your dreams, predict the most terrible fate for you. When you dream of a bat, the dream warns that you will have to endure many troubles and sorrows. It is difficult to say what exactly it will be - perhaps some kind of serious injury or the death of someone close to you. Bat white almost certainly predicts death for the dreamer himself. You can avoid these serious consequences only if you are alert and take everything in advance necessary measures precautions.

What to expect if you saw a Bat in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

As you know, bats sleep somewhere in silence during the day, and begin active activity only at night. Therefore, if you dream of a bat hovering in the air or many bats at once, it means that you will begin to lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. Perhaps this will be related to the peculiarities of your work, but it is also possible that you will have fun in some way at night, organize night orgies, visit nightclubs and have fun in them until the morning.

What does it mean to dream about a Bat? (interpretation by Stuart Robinson)

Seeing a Bat - Dreaming of a Bat means that you are starting a very dangerous and dubious business that can jeopardize a lot. If in a dream you dreamed that a flock of mice was flying above you, it means that in reality you are tired of your loved ones and colleagues. Try not to pay attention to their claims - in this situation, such behavior is the best way out. If you dream that bats are attacking you, then soon reality will test your strength, forcing you to experience losses. In a daytime dream, the interpretation of bats is to unexpected failures that will come from a completely different direction from which they might have been expected.

Why do you dream about a bat according to signs (Slavic dream book)

The bat is a symbol of the witch. But her charms are not scary for you yet. 8th and 12th houses.

Why do you dream about a Bat according to the Housewife's dream book?

Bat – thoughts or influences emanating from the subconscious.

Why see the Bat? (according to the Magic Dream Book)

To see a dream about a bat - to insomnia, flying around the room - a sudden departure. Seeing a sleeping bat means staying too long in company.

What does a dreamed image mean (according to the British Dream Book)

Bat - Despite their small size and harmlessness, people have always treated bats with fear and dislike. However, they are amazing animals, the only mammals that can fly. They use sound waves to navigate in space and find the victim. In China they are considered to bring good luck, and in other cultures they symbolize longevity. They appear at sunset and usually live in colonies in caves or other dark places, hiding from sunlight. Did the bat or mice scare you by flying around? If so, they may symbolize some kind of personal fear. Maybe they embody blindness or the fear of the dark, or rather, creatures that can lurk in the dark and attack you), or the fear of getting lost? But this rarely happens with bats. What bat did you see? A small temperate country barn vampire bat from South America or the tropical foxhead that eats fruit? Do you associate bats with witches or evil? What other elements were in the dream?

Meet a Bat in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

I dreamed of a Bat - a harbinger of serious troubles for which you are not ready. Imagine knocking down bats with a hot poker or shooting them with a bow (see Poker, Bow).

Why do you dream about a Bat (dream book of Catherine the Great)

What do Bats mean in a dream - You saw bats in a dream - this is always a bad omen; you are facing loss or trauma; It is possible that someone close to you will die. You dream of a white bat - you should be persistent in the coming trials; If you are more careful than usual, you can avoid unnecessary troubles.

The meaning of the dream about Flyers (Creative dream book)

I dreamed about a Bat, what is this for? Also see Vampire. 1. Due to the general belief that bats are dangerous, a dream about them indicates that on an unconscious level there are thoughts and ideas that can reveal themselves in a frightening way. 2. If we are attacked by bats in a dream, it means that we need to fight the fear of going crazy. 3. The bat represents darkness spiritual world. The ambiguity may also suggest some distinctive feature in ourselves.

The meaning of a dream about Mice (Russian dream book)

What do Bats mean in a dream - insomnia, unnecessary worries, troubles.

To dream of a bat flying around the room - expect a sudden departure, a trip to visit friends or for work.

English dream book

From ancient times to little creature, bat, people were prejudiced. They have always been associated with the other world and were considered servants of occultists, but they are the only mammals that are able to fly and easily find their prey with the help of excellent orientation in space. In the Celestial Empire, these animals are treated with special respect; they are considered harbingers of longevity and good luck. I wonder why you dream about a bat? Is it really a harbinger of something special in dreams? In England they say that if you dream that a flock of bats is flying and makes you afraid, you suffer from phobias.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A bat in a dream means death, unfortunately. You see a bat flying around the room - a trip is ahead.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a bat in a dream means you are overcome by unpleasant premonitions, but you should not pay attention to them. Perhaps your condition is associated with changes in weather, mental stagnation.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dreaming of a bat symbolizes action evil forces, intrigues on the part of enemies. This animal is also associated with sudden death, misfortunes. The person who sees such a dream may be overtaken by depression, sadness, melancholy, and disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon

A bat in a dream means unnecessary worries. Don’t worry about minor troubles, soon everything will come to its senses and peace will return to your life.

Mythological dream book

I dreamed of a bat - to sadness, tragedy, death. The animal symbolizes demonic forces, the desire of one of your enemies to set a trap for you, to encroach on your life.

Russian dream book

I dreamed of a bat - small problems, anxiety, troubles that will cause insomnia and nervous breakdown.

Family dream book

If you dreamed that you were attacked by a flock of bats, get ready for loss and misfortune. The dream warns against risky steps and recommends being careful and selective in making new acquaintances. Such a dream, having a dream on Tuesday night, foreshadows that a mountain of problems and troubles will fall on you.

Miller's Dream Book

Anyone who sees this animal in a dream is destined for an unenviable fate. Sadness, melancholy, loss or his imminent death await him. Also, the bat is a warning, and if you take precautions in time, you can get out of the most difficult situations with the least moral and financial losses.

Surely each of us at twilight had the opportunity to watch the flight of bats. Scary, disgusting, people associate them with something demonic and mystical. What if these animals appeared in a dream? The dream book will answer this question for us.

Bats: to see in a dream - why?

If married people dreamed of a bat, then this is not a very favorable sign. Spouses should be wary of the appearance of a worthy opponent. The dream book advises to give in to each other and not waste yours happy time to minor scandals and quarrels. Otherwise, a rupture cannot be avoided.

What does such a vision mean before starting a serious business? What does the dream book say about this? Bats in this case represent failure, failure and serious loss of money. If you dreamed about this creepy animal before the end of the case, then you should not count on its successful completion.

If a bat appears in a dream to a working person, then this indicates that the activity has “sucked” all the juices out of the dreamer. The dream book recommends taking a vacation and resting a little.

Did a man have a similar dream? The dream book says that you should not risk your honest name. The least that awaits ahead is monetary debts. Otherwise, you will be held accountable to the law. Don't take risks.

For women, seeing bats in a dream means that they will soon face a serious test. You may have to experience loss or loss loved one. This night vision also suggests that troubles and problems will soon consume the dreamer.

Flying mouse in a dream

In your dream, did you see these animals in motion? What will the dream book tell you about this? Bats in this case mean receiving bad news that will bring you a lot of problems and troubles. Also, such a dream speaks of the influence of evil forces on you. Be careful, keep an eye out for suspicious characters!

Also, such dreams indicate the possibility of insulting or humiliating a person who is related to witchcraft or magic. Before it's too late, apologize. Go to church for communion and confession of sins.

The meaning of dreams about a bat is almost always negative. So be careful. For example, if in your dreams you saw a mouse flying over your head, this means that your enemies are building a trap for you. The Dream Interpretation advises not to enter into dubious deals and not to participate in untested projects.

If this animal flies over you in daylight, and you can clearly distinguish it, the danger will bypass you. Does it fly at night? Rest assured: you are in serious danger.

Is the bat floating far in the air? All troubles and problems will soon leave the dreamer. Surely, this will happen thanks to your endurance and persistent character.

Bat color

The meaning of dreams in which a bat appears depends on many little details and surrounding factors. The color of the animal plays a particularly important role in interpretation.

What does it mean to dream that the bat is white? Unfortunately, such dreams mean death. Perhaps this is not a physical death, but a spiritual one. The dream book says that in this case this animal can represent your rebirth and transition to new stage life.

If you dreamed of gray harbingers of a disaster, then this means various troubles, misfortunes, wounds, injuries (both psychological and physical). Unfortunately, in this situation, troubles can await not only the dreamer, but also his loved ones.

A black bat seen in a dream indicates that your mood is in Lately- gloomy and depressing. The dream book advises you to step away from business for a while and relax.

Such a dream (a black bat) can also mean that something mystical, occult, and devilish is happening around you. The only way out One of the reasons for this situation is going to church. And the more often you turn to God, the greater the chance that you will not become a victim of witchcraft.

Sleeping bat

If you watch this animal sleep, know that your intuition will tell you which direction to go. The dream book advises you to listen to it more often, then you will be able to avoid serious problems and difficulties.

Did you see the bat hanging upside down with its eyes closed? This means that your ingenuity and self-confidence will allow you to achieve what you want. Did the animal suddenly wake up? Don't expect anything good.

This dream also means that you should look at the problem from a different angle. Perhaps this will allow a difficult situation to be resolved more quickly.

Dreamer's emotions

If in your dream you feel fear at the sight of this animal, it means that the danger comes from your friends. Don't blindly trust them.

Do you feel any fear? This suggests that you are much stronger than those who are trying to harm you. It is thanks to this quality that you will be able to bypass all difficulties and troubles.

Animal attack on dreamer

Did you dream about a bat landing on your head? Be careful in reality. Terrible changes will occur in your life. The dream book advises not to lose heart and not make rash decisions.

Did you dream that an animal sat on your head and started pulling out your hair? What will the dream book tell you? Bats in this case symbolize an elderly woman who has great influence on you. Perhaps she is working witchcraft on you. Be careful!

Does an animal bite you in a dream? This means fear gripping you, absorption in your own problems and bad thoughts. Perhaps an event will really happen in your life soon that will bring you a lot of problems.

Are bats attacking you in the dark? This suggests that you are consumed by fear of reality. This feeling has been preventing you from living for a long time.

Seeing bats walking around your body means you are falling down, the path to the abyss.

To cause harm, to kill a bat - why such a dream?

Do you throw a stone at a mouse? This means that you will be the only witness to the fire, so be sure to take your phone with you to call the fire department.

Killing a bat in a dream means that you will conquer all your fears, overcome all problems and enter a new stage of life.

Various situations in night vision

Bats in the house mean that you will experience joy that your sworn enemy is suffering from the troubles that have befallen him.

If you dreamed that you were marrying a bat, then this means that you will marry the very the best woman in the world.

Have you observed these five dangerous animals? This speaks of happiness, luck, profit, success.

If you dreamed that you were fluttering next to bats, then this means that you are walking on the edge of a knife. Be careful!

Have you been chased by a bat? A fire is expected in the house. Remember to turn off all electrical appliances before leaving.

Do you see in a dream a huge number of mice that are trying to attack you? There will be a lot of complaints against you. This will happen at work and at home, and in the process of communicating with friends. The dream book advises not to pay attention to this.

Watching the flight of a flock of bats? All your secrets will soon be realized.

A small bat in a dream means minor difficulties that will later turn into insoluble problems.

Sweet dreams!

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