Why do you dream about a lot of tablespoons? Made of precious metal. Predictions of Vanga, Freud, Miller

From generation to generation, spoons have been an attribute of food intake. This device was also used in crafts and even in raising their children. IN this moment we use a spoon as an object for eating food, and every family now has this device. Very often we see spoons in our dreams and it would be interesting to know why we dream about them.

In the Russian Dream Book, the explanation for sleeping with a spoon is short. A spoon is a good sign that will bring happiness and success to your home.

Vanga explained why spoons are dreamed of like this: such a dream is considered great sign. Whoever sees this tableware will have everything he wants in life, and if the spoon is larger than usual, then a person’s life will simply become a cornucopia.

Why do you dream about teaspoons?

When you dream of a teaspoon, it means that a person does not believe in his own strength and feels deprived.

Why do you dream of silver spoons?

If you saw a silver spoon in a dream, then soon expect that you will be invited to some grand event where you will have fun and drink. But you should not abuse it, as this can provoke a scandal in the family.

If you saw a spoon in your dream, then do not rush to read the first dream book you come across and firmly believe in what you read. It may very well be that you just got hungry in your sleep and really wanted to eat.

Why do you dream about tablespoons?

Dirty tablespoons in your dream mean that in life you will receive more attention and condescension from others. You may feel confused and not know what to do in a given situation, but after a while he will smile at you. Therefore, you need to be especially careful and restrained during this period of time. It is possible that you will have to refuse some deal, even if it seems profitable to you.

A dream where a person is hit on the head with a spoon by his father in front of the whole family means that in real life he will be singled out from the whole family, trusted to take a very important step for the family. But the other members of the seven will envy him that this fate befell him.

Seeing or using spoons - good sign predicting good luck
household chores will bring you joy and satisfaction;
It seems to you that you have lost a spoon - you will be suspected of some bad act;
steal a spoon - you are reprehensible for your stinginess and petty nagging towards your family;
broken and dirty spoons - loss, misfortune.
Also see Cutlery.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Spoon mean?

Spoon - Gold or unusual - a long period of extraordinary luck. Broken - you have to give in something for the sake of your peace of mind, you have to compromise. Ordinary - to resolve all controversial issues. Wooden - everything will be settled and settled down.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Seeing a Spoon in a dream

To see in a dream how a spoon fell to the floor, foreshadowing the arrival of guests: it means, despite all your evasions, your cunning, which you so wanted to hide, will be revealed due to the fact that there was a witness to your unseemly act.

Beware, he might tell this to the person on whom you largely depend! A few spoons you saw in a dream: foreshadow illness in reality.

Fortunately, it won't be heavy.

Be careful, try not to catch a cold, then your dream may come true.

The mystery has taken possession of all your thoughts and aspirations.

But you cannot reveal the secret, as someone close to you may suffer.

Forced silence torments and depresses you.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

What does Spoon mean in a dream?

A spoon in a dream symbolizes frustration, material loss, or illness.

Seeing a wooden spoon in a dream means that your situation will worsen and you are in danger of losing your fortune. A silver spoon in a dream is a sign of wealth and prosperity. Eating with a silver spoon in a dream is a sign of prosperity. Losing your spoon in a dream means that others will stop trusting you. Stealing a spoon in a dream is a sign of imminent domestic squabbles over trifles. Bent, dirty spoons in a dream symbolize deprivation, loss, and grief. Breaking a silver spoon in a dream means that you will ruin your happiness with my own hands. See interpretation: dishes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Spoon

Seeing a spoon in a dream means good luck in love: soon you will bask in the admiration of others and feel sexually attractive. It makes sense to take advantage of this to organize your personal life.

Seeing dirty spoons - you strive to shine, arouse admiration and crazy desire, when in fact you risk facing contemptuous inattention and even hostility. Be more restrained, and then after some time luck will smile on you again.

Eating with a spoon - Your absent-mindedness and forgetfulness can cause significant trouble. Give up the dominant place in sexual relations to your partner.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Spoon dream meaning

Since ancient times, a spoon has been considered an attribute of lunch, that is, the time when you take a break from work. The spoon was considered a measuring device and an educational tool used by the head of the family.

To dream of a friend who came to ask you for a single spoon before dinner means that disagreements will arise with a person who has always been a welcome guest in your home.

To receive a spoon on the forehead from your father when the whole family is sitting at the table - the father or one of the older family members will honor you, single you out, give you special assignment; this may mean that your family members will turn against you.

Seeing yourself scooping tea from a large mug with a teaspoon means control yourself and get ready for a “dark” period in your life.

You dream that you open a full jar of honey, but it turns out to be spoiled because someone added a spoonful of completely inedible disgusting stuff to it - expect a surprise from a stranger who is trying to prove that he is ready to do anything for you.

To see a long table at which many children are sitting with spoons, and you go to this table after hard work, barely moving your legs - this dream indicates well-being in the family and prosperity in life.

To see in a dream how various dishes are laid out in front of you, you are invited to treat yourself, but are not given a spoon - beware of empty promises, do not believe those who speak well but do little; Question everything you don't trust.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Spoon

Seeing a wooden spoon in a dream foretells a stomach illness. An aluminum spoon means that you will not be bothered by worries about your daily bread, a steel one - to the happy consequences of unpleasant events, a silver one - you will receive an invitation to a dinner party, a gold one - you will receive patronage.

A broken spoon is a sign of a sad event in the family of your good friends, a holey spoon means you will be confused in an unusual situation. Buying spoons in a dream means you will soon become unexpectedly rich. Lose your spoon and you will be robbed. Eating liquid with a spoon means the normal course of affairs; solid, which is usually eaten with a fork, means confusion due to incorrect accounting.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does a Spoon predict in a dream?

Freeloader; acquisition; big profit. Death in the family is turned upside down. Tea small luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Spoon in a dream?

Peace and tranquility in the family will cover all troubles.

Imagine that you are scooping up thick, clear, amber honey with a spoon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Spoon

A harbinger of some spending. Such a dream may indicate that you have made certain acquisitions that require expenses.

Wooden spoon: a sign of acquisition in your home.

If it is beautiful, a beautiful silver spoon: often indicates a nice purchase, which, despite this, may hit your pocket.

A cheap, nondescript spoon in a dream: warns of the approaching difficult period in your life.

Broken or dirty spoon: portends serious financial difficulties.

Losing a spoon in a dream: a sign of imminent disappointment and unfulfilled hopes.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do all people dream? Without a doubt. And even those who never remember them still travel every night through unknown, secret and incomprehensible worlds, where so many secrets are hidden.

3. If the fork was old and beautiful, you will have to pay attention to your family. Take a couple of days off, you haven't enjoyed a holiday with your loved ones for a long time! This will benefit you and your family, strengthen your relationship, and make you feel happier.

4. A spoon is always dreamed of for good and good. This good dream, which portends a comfortable and well-fed life, happiness and harmony in the home, peace and quiet for you and your loved ones.

5. If there were a lot of them, then this means great happiness in the house, wealth and a calm, fulfilling life. A wonderful period awaits you in reality, when problems and difficulties will disappear from the horizon, you will not have to worry about the future, and everything will be fine!

6. A beautiful, unusual spoon is a symbol of great profit. Your work will bring you more than you expect, so don't give up. The fruits will be eaten very soon.

7. A wonderful symbol is a wooden fork. Higher power They tell you that everything will get better soon! Any obstacles, problems and difficulties will go away, conflicts will disappear, a calm and joyful life will begin.

What they were doing?

In life we ​​are used to eating with forks, but in dreams things happen differently. Each action associated with the object you dreamed of has a separate meaning, so decipher it!

1. A dream in which you dropped a fork speaks of surprise. Your life is preparing a surprise for you, perhaps a very pleasant one! In a word, get ready for a surprise.

2. Holding a fork in your hand is a good sign that foreshadows the end of the conflict. The old argument or quarrel will finally run its course because the time has come. Perhaps you should take a step to resolve the conflict sooner?

3. Hitting someone with a fork in a dream means showing strength in reality and defeating enemies. You are stronger, but the main thing is that the truth is on your side. Do not be afraid of ill-wishers, they have no power or advantages over you!

6. If in your dreams you were hit on the head with a spoon, in reality you will receive a special honor. You'll get a chance special position– don’t miss the opportunity!

7. A very rare, good sign is children with forks and spoons. Anyone who sees such a vision will experience great prosperity, happiness and stability in life.

8. Using a spoon also promises happiness and great luck in everything. The larger the device was in dreams, the greater the luck in reality!

Believe in the best with all your soul, and may happiness always be your companion! Author: Vasilina Serova

The most unexpected details and details of a dream can be imprinted in our consciousness. For example, in the morning we clearly remember that we saw a teaspoon in a night dream. What could be the purpose of this seemingly unremarkable cutlery?

It turns out that in dream books it is a small spoon that is a symbol of the sleeper’s well-being and an indicator of how his relationships with others are built.

Miller's Prediction

According to Gustav Miller, a teaspoon is an indication that peace and harmony reign in the sleeping person’s house. Household members love and respect each other. And if you dreamed of several spoons at once, then the American psychologist prophesies the dreamer good luck in all endeavors, prosperity and a good mood.

But a dream in which a miniature cutlery happened to be stolen does not at all reflect the dreamer’s criminal tendencies, but he needs to be a little more lenient towards family, friends and colleagues.


Why did you dream that you found a teaspoon? In Miss Hasse's dream book, this is an indicator that the sleeper is a kind person with a light character, who knows how to enjoy little things. If many teaspoons were noticed at once in a dream, then success and recognition in reality will not keep you waiting.

In a dream, were you lucky enough to discover a treasure consisting of silver spoons? Great, this foreshadows unexpected turns destinies that will definitely please and inspire the dreamer.

Little things unworthy of attention

According to the dream book of esotericists, teaspoons predict numerous conflicts and quarrels, the cause of which is the dreamer’s pettiness, tediousness, and quarrelsomeness. To prevent empty squabbles, which greatly ruin the life of the sleeper himself, he needs to learn not to focus on annoying little things and minor errors.

In a night dream, do you give someone teaspoons? It seems that you intend to establish warmer, friendly ties with someone, make peace, and establish contacts.

Take a break

But if you dream that you are giving one teaspoon as a gift, think about it. This story, according to Newest dream book, precedes spontaneous, frivolous or even vile actions. Before it's too late, take a break and think carefully about your behavior.

If you have prepared gold utensils as a gift, then the fortuneteller Aesop also recommends not to fuss or rush in reality, because such a dream occurs on the eve of large financial expenses. But, unfortunately, they will be in vain, and then you will have to regret your own wastefulness and short-sightedness.

Alloy type and material

Interpretations Islamic dream book depend on to a greater extent from the material from which the dreamed cutlery is made. So, according to this source, a silver spoon prophesies an invitation to a special event. And gold is a sign that the sleeper has strong backing in the person of an important, authoritative person.

Resentment towards loved ones, disappointments - this is what the gilded spoon meant in a dream. But a wooden one may be the first sign of a progressive disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Did you see a spoon with holes in it in your dream? Such a damaged device promises unusual situations in reality, in which the sleeper may lose his head and become confused. Knowing this, try to control your emotions and actions at a critical moment.

There is no need to be sad if in a dream you received a broken tea setter. Oddly enough, this is a sign that in reality, after some sad and unpleasant event, joyful ones will follow, and the dreamer will be able to succeed, for example, in business or study.

Losses, trials

A modern combined dream interpreter gives an explanation of what the vision means that one of the spoons was lost due to carelessness. Such a dream predicts contacts with swindlers and scammers. These unscrupulous characters in reality will find themselves next to the sleeping person and try to leave him without a penny.

Whatever one may say, you can’t avoid black streaks in life! There must be troubles, trials ready for that who slept and saw himself stirring tea with a small spoon.

Matters of the heart

Love, pure, sincere mutual feelings on the part of the gentleman - this is what the girl dreamed about a couple of teaspoons. Universal modern dream book claims that the man who is now caring for the sleeping beauty is exactly the one whom fate has prepared for her. She will be happy with him and will be married for many years.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

A spoon in a dream symbolizes frustration, material loss, or illness.

Seeing a wooden spoon in a dream means that your situation will worsen and you are in danger of losing your fortune. A silver spoon in a dream is a sign of wealth and prosperity. Eating with a silver spoon in a dream is a sign of prosperity. Losing your spoon in a dream means that others will stop trusting you.

Stealing a spoon in a dream is a sign of imminent domestic squabbles over trifles. Bent, dirty spoons in a dream symbolize deprivation, loss, and grief. Breaking a silver spoon in a dream means that you will destroy your happiness with your own hands. See cookware.

Why do you dream of a spoon according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

A spoon in a dream foretells that you will never feel hungry. A silver spoon means that you will soon receive an invitation to a gala reception. A wooden spoon foreshadows a stomach illness. An aluminum spoon means you won't have to worry about your daily bread.

If you dreamed of a steel spoon, it means happy consequences of unpleasant events. If you dreamed of a golden spoon, you will receive protection. If you dreamed of a broken spoon, it is a sign of a sad event in the family of your friends. A spoon with holes means you will be confused in an unusual situation. Buy spoons - soon you will suddenly become rich. Lose a spoon and you will be robbed.

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