How to find a store by name on Aliexpress: possible methods. How to find the right product on Aliexpress? Learning to use search

It would seem that what could be easier than searching and choosing a product on AliExpress? But in fact, not everything is so simple, because on AliExpress there are thousands of varieties of identical goods different quality and price category. This article will tell you how to properly search and choose products on AliExpress.

How to search for a product on AliExpress?

There are several ways to search for a product on AliExpress. Each of them has its place. Many times they helped me find the product I needed. Let's figure out how you can search for a product on AliExpress:

Sometimes only with the help of recommendations it was possible to find a beautiful and good thing. After all, when searching, goods are sorted by price, number of sales, seller rating or comprehensive assessment. And the product we need may be located far away last pages. Of course, most often you can effectively search for a product on AliExpress using search.

How to choose a product on AliExpress?

There are a lot of identical products on AliExpress from different sellers. Sometimes your eyes widen and you don’t know what to choose. Now we will try to figure out how to choose a product on AliExpress.

Using all the tips listed above, you will be able to choose best product on AliExpress. Also don't forget to use AliExpress cashback. This service is perfect for this.

If you yourself have never visited Aliexpress, you still might have heard through friends that there is such a wonderful trading platform where you can buy almost anything without spending a lot of money. This is not a myth - the prices on the site are really extremely low, and sometimes even ridiculous.

There are other Chinese portals, but many refuse to cooperate with them due to problems associated with delivery - sometimes it is very expensive. In the case of Ali, many goods will come to you completely free of charge, although sometimes the delivery time is not encouraging.

Personally, I have already purchased goods from this resource many times. And they were left from cooperation with sellers working for trading platform, extremely positive emotions.

Let's look at the question of how we can quickly find the product we need to buy.

So, we found ourselves on the main page. First, let's set prices in Russian currency. To do this, pay attention to the column located on right side site at the top. There you can configure not only the currency, but also the country in which we live. Thanks to the course setup, we will also have Russian product descriptions - so it will be easier to familiarize yourself with them in detail, so as not to buy a “pig in a poke.” The translation is not a perfect description, but the essence will be clear to you.

Let's imagine that we need to purchase a Samsung camera. So, on the main page of the site there is a line in the center, thanks to which we can find what we need by name. That is, we enter “Samsung camera” in this line.

We press “Enter”, after which the system processes our request and displays those products that fit our search criteria. In addition to the photographic equipment itself, we will see various additions to the camera that interests us.

To specifically find the camera. Pay attention to the left side of the site, where you can filter the search so that the system displays only the equipment at our request, and not accessories for it and other various such gizmos.

There is another way in which, of course, it will not be possible to see the products of only one company, but the search will rely on other criteria. What criteria might a camera have? Various technical parameters, camera dimensions and everything else in this “genre”

The method is simple, select the category we are interested in (all categories on the left side of the site), there will be a photographic equipment section. Then we filter the search by indicating the general technical characteristics that our camera should have.

As you understand, there is nothing difficult in finding products on Ali!

Attractive prices and a varied assortment underlie the popularity of the famous Chinese online store. Among the abundance of goods, it’s easy to get lost and not find clothes or gadgets from your favorite company. How to quickly and efficiently search for brands on Aliexpress?

About famous brands

At first glance, the solution is obvious. There is a special section on the resource called Aliexpress Mall, which sells items from famous brands. The site features:

  • original quality product;
  • reliable stores;
  • improved service. Delivery times are shorter because in most cases products are delivered from warehouses located in Russia. The buyer can return the product if it is not to his taste within 7 days.

The Mall administration conducts regular quality checks with the involvement of volunteer buyers and independent experts.

The numerous advantages of the site are overshadowed by one fact: a small selection of world-class brands. These are the consequences of strict selection or the reluctance of stores to work in harsh conditions - about true reasons one can only guess.

The section has a good selection of medical cosmetics, electronics and Appliances and tools. When it comes to clothing, the leaders are definitely dresses, coats and tops from Russian designers.

If a consumer wants to buy a branded watch, handbag or shoes, they will most likely have to go to the general section. How to find branded items on Aliexpress?

The simplest case is if the store has a license to sell branded goods. The seller boldly indicates the brand in the description; it also appears in the photo of jeans or sneakers. Finding such a product is easy; you just need to type the name in the search bar on the portal. The only negative is that in this option the price will be higher:

Many online sellers, when selling branded assortments, avoid direct mention of the label - they do not indicate it in detailed information and paint it over in the photo. And here a problem arises: how to find brands on Aliexpress?

The name of the company is deliberately distorted, and the trick is to guess the seller’s logic and type the required combinations of letters in the search bar. As a rule, these are combinations with the initial letters of the name, for example Chanel - CC, New Balance - N Shoes. By typing “CC bags” we get:

To make your search easier:

  • add clarifying words, for example: for a bag - bag, for shoes - shoes, for mobile phone- smartphone;
  • enter the year or words like designer, brand, luxury and their Russian equivalent.

How do you know if the selected option is an original or a replica? In most cases, this is a matter for specialists, and it is certainly impossible to conduct an examination remotely. Try to check with the seller whether the item has the appropriate label.

About copies

Electronics and watches, clothes and shoes, accessories - why overpay for a brand? By purchasing an analogue, you will save significantly.

On the popular resource, the sale of counterfeit goods under famous brands is prohibited. What solution did the sellers find? The methods are still the same. Retouch photos by removing logos using graphic editors. Shorten or alter the brand name in product information.

How to find copies of world brands on Aliexpress? Step-by-step instructions will help:

Buying online is always a lottery. The quality of copies varies from disgusting to the highest. Additional guarantees include the reliability of the seller and reviews from consumers.

It is worth purchasing new things from sellers with a good reputation. Above the product picture there is information about a specific store: name, experience, reviews. The detailed rating concerns the quality of the product and the speed of its delivery, as well as the culture of communication with the buyer. Here you can send a message or chat.

Created for quick communication special program, which has a version for mobile phones.

Hints to make your search easier

First, try searching for brands and their copies on Aliexpress by the first three or four letters, sometimes by the end of a word or abbreviation. If that doesn't work, different combinations of symbols are used. Don't forget about the words that specify the type of product.

The list of name abbreviations for each brand is not limited to one or two positions. Use the selection method - perhaps you will find your original version.

The following table serves as a visual illustration of successful queries on Aliexpress. The information contained herein is not immutable or comprehensive, but merely demonstrates simple principles that can guide any user.

Some search options

AlpinestarsA Stars
ArmaniAR, AOR
MustangMust Jeans
OakleyOk, Okly
OmegaOme Watch
Tommy HilfigerTommis, Tommy
TissotTT Watch
Vacheron ConstantinVC watch

If the result is rich in different-sized offers, choose from them the option that best suits your wishes. Explore detailed information: it will probably contain keywords that will be useful for further searching.

A hobby that's good for your wallet

Catching your item from a sea of ​​offers - for many users, the desire to save money on online purchases has turned into an exciting hobby. Numerous lists Any search engine will show typical queries reflecting the intricacies of purchases on Aliexpress, but this information quickly becomes outdated. It’s easier and more effective to give free rein to your own imagination and make a unique list that satisfies your personal tastes and needs. Happy shopping!

P.S. Friends, when shopping in online stores, be sure to use. As they say, if you save, you earn it!

With this I want to say goodbye to you, happy shopping everyone!

You always want to quickly find the product you need. The buyer wants the product to be of high quality and the order to be fulfilled quickly. Great importance When choosing, the price also matters.

The tips described below will help you organize the right search. You will understand the principle of writing product names, and learn how to find both branded items and simply high-quality products at the best prices.

How to search and select products on Aliexpress?

Products from Aliexpress
  • To search for things in this market of various goods, there is a special line that is located at the top home page. It seems that there is nothing simpler, just enter the name of the thing, and all the available offers will immediately appear.
  • But it is important not just to write a word in Russian, but also to work intellectually, using imagination and writing in additional words.
  • After all, sellers do not just name, but indicate everything related to the item or thing. As a result, it can turn out to be a meaningless set of words.

How else to search and select products on Aliexpress so that more options are available, look. For the first order here you can also register on the official site. How to do it .

  • When choosing clothes enter the following values ​​into the search bar on the website: year, season (winter, spring, summer, autumn) and type of clothing (for example, when choosing a cardigan or jacket).
  • When choosing a technique, indicate the model parameters on the left side of the screen (click the desired category and you will see filters where you enter the manufacturer, model, extensions).

Important: Try to write more words describing the product in the search so that you can choose from more options.

How to find a seller on Aliexpress?

Shopping on Aliexpress

The most important thing when choosing a seller is his reputation and rating. The rating starts from a few points and ends with huge five-digit figures.

Accordingly, a low rating indicates that the seller has just started his work and has recently registered with Aliexpress, or he has been working for a long time, but not with high quality. Disputes may constantly open against such sellers due to the sale low quality goods or due to delay in sending the goods.

  • Write the name of the item in Russian in the search bar on the website, but it’s better in English language, For example, jacket- blazer.
  • Offers with this product will open, click on one of them. The price seems low and you already want to place an order, but don’t rush.
  • Copy the name of the item on its page and paste it into the site search.
  • The result will open, no more than 10 of the same jackets. Now choose the cheapest one and order.

How to find new items on Aliexpress?

New items on Aliexpress

After receiving the product, leave your review about it so that other buyers can evaluate the integrity of the seller. After all, it is reviews that form the opinion of customers about the store.

Based on the reviews, each user makes the most important choice— to purchase or not to purchase goods from this seller. Enjoy the shopping!

Video: How to find Brands on Aliexpress? Branded clothing from China

The standard product search on Aliexpress has a lot shortcomings, so I suggest you use Google's site search. Google scans Aliexpress pages very well, so you will get the most accurate results possible.

To search, simply enter the desired words and click Enter.

For example, I entered the phrase "passport cover". The point of such a search is that through a Google search I quickly found the cover I needed and bought it. When I simply typed the same phrase into a search on Aliexpress itself, what initially came up was a little wrong.

In general, this is the situation with many products, so I highly recommend that you use this search!

How to search for products on Aliexpress in another way

In some cases this is very useful way. The bottom line is that the cashback service EPN cash back (read its review) also has its own product search service on Aliexpress. I will now demonstrate how to use it with an example.

The other day I received a Homtom HT16 smartphone from China, but now I still want to order one for it protective glass and case. How can I quickly find these products? This is where this search service will help. So, go to and register if you haven't already.

After authorization, open the menu by clicking on the corresponding button, and then select the item Search for products.Here I personally enter the name of my smartphone model, you enter something of your own. You can filter your search results by price, category, or rating, and you can even sort them.

So I got the search results, among these products I will buy those that I highlighted orange. Another plus is that when you switch to goods, it is automatically activated, which will allow you to return some money back to your service account. Money can then be easily withdrawn to cards and payment systems such as WebMoney.

Bottom line

Well, how do you like these methods of searching for products on Aliexpress? I hope this information was useful, search and find.

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