How to draw a battle tank. Technique and main stages of how to draw a tank with a pencil for children

For many years, boys’ favorite drawings have been soldiers, weapons and powerful military vehicles. Below you will learn how to draw a tank step by step for children - today we will analyze a simple model without numerous details. Even this pattern can be coped with Small child who wants to prepare a great gift for dad, uncle or grandfather before men's or military holidays. The tank will look good on a postcard and convey the theme of the celebration:

Stage 1
We draw a straight horizontal line - this will be the bottom of the turret of our tank. We make the remaining sides of the top round.

Stage 2
Next we draw the body. Because Our drawing is not detailed, we make this part of the armored vehicle consisting of simple straight lines. To make it easier for your child, you can use a ruler. On the left we make a two-step ladder.

Stage 3
We depict the lower part of the tank, i.e. caterpillars. Make sure that the side lines are smooth and do not create angles, and that the bottom and top lines are parallel straight lines.

Stage 4
Let's finish drawing the main outline of the tank. The barrel is not difficult to draw - two squares are designated - one at the base (in the side of the tower), and the second at the end. Connect the squares together. Any tank turret has a hatch - draw a rectangle on the top. We darken the lower part using strokes.

To the right of the tower we draw a fuel tank. It will be a long rectangle on the body, two horizontal stripes and a slight rise on top.

Inside our outline of the caterpillars we draw another one of the same shape to create a narrow edging. Shading inner part the resulting strip. Try to place the strokes at the same distance from each other.

We complete the contour with a machine gun located under the barrel - it looks like a narrow rectangle.

Stage 5
Don't forget to draw the wheels - these will be three large circles in the center, inside of which there is a border, as well as a small circle in the middle. On the sides we draw two more wheels.

By analogy, it is easy to understand how to draw a tank with a pencil step by step for children, based on this model. You can depict structures of varying complexity and shape - just add a few details or slightly change the outline.

Examples of tanks
First example, a very simple tank:

Features of drawing a tank for beginners and children. Examples of finished drawings.

Boys are interested in drawing techniques. Cars are the most popular among them, but tanks take an honorable second place.

To draw them as similar to the real ones as possible, you should draw both of their parts:

  • frame
  • cannon

The more detailed your drawing, the more interesting it is. After all, a boy can show off a tank made in pencil to his peers or take part in a competition, receive a high assessment of his abilities and take a worthy place.

Let's talk in more detail about the technique and secrets of creating tanks with a regular pencil.

How to draw a tank with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

Since there are a huge number of types of tanks and each has its own characteristic details, the answer to the question in this section consists of a number of features:

  • decide on the model of the equipment, look at real photos its structure,
  • orientation in space, in other words, how you plan to depict the tank - in profile, top view, semi-sideways,
  • Prepare the necessary drawing tools. In addition to paper, pencil and eraser, you will need a ruler, compass, pattern,
  • remember and label all the details of a specific tank model.

When drawing, give preference to a consistent image of the hull and turret with a cannon.

Enlarged steps of drawing a tank with a pencil for beginners look like this:

  • use thin lines to indicate the main parts - turret, cannon, middle part, hull,
  • start detailing the zones from top to bottom. Draw the junction of the cannon with the turret, the difference in thickness of the first along the entire length. Add the hatch, the volume of this part of the tank,
  • move to the middle zone. A fuel tank, headlight, antenna, and steps for tankers are appropriate here. Keep the lines smooth
  • Work most scrupulously on the body with the caterpillar and wheels. The more clearly you draw the little things, the more realistic the drawing will be.

As an example, we add photo instructions step by step image tank with a pencil.

How to draw a tank with an IS-7 pencil?

This tank model differs from others by the protruding front part of the hull. For this, the car received the nickname “Pike”.

Interesting angles for drawing - a half-turn of the tank on the right or left.

  • Label 2 rectangles connected under acute angle. This will be the body
  • slightly detail it with the outlines of the caterpillars,
  • add a tower trapezoid and a cannon line,
  • give them volume with additional lines,
  • behind the hatch on the turret, draw the outline of the machine gun, in the tracked area, place markings to depict the wheels,
  • go to detailing the drawing, for example, first components body - tracks, mudguards, 2 rows of wheels, a protruding part of the front, similar to a nose, headlights, a porthole, a decent tank, other additional parts, then the turret,
  • shade with a simple pencil finished drawing so as to convey the play of shadow and the steel origin of the tank. “Ground” the tank by adding strokes from the shadow of a standing vehicle on the ground.

Below are two pictures of the IS-7 tank with different angles made in pencil.

How to easily and beautifully draw a T-34 tank with a pencil?

You need:

  • paper
  • pencil with eraser
  • ruler


  • mark the sheet into 8 sectors with light lines and draw a 6-gon for the body and 2 rectangles located at an acute angle to each other. The latter will make up the front parts of the body,
  • designate track stripes on its frontal area. Mark them with parallel lines. Add markings in the caterpillar track, it should be strictly in the middle in the form of a vertical line,
  • above the body 2-3 mm, draw a rectangle, the far side of which is beveled at an acute angle, and the near side is rounded. Connect with smooth lines to the body,
  • Use a ruler to mark the length of the gun and draw the necessary lines. Draw the junction with the tower using smooth lines,
  • draw ovals for 5 large wheels and a small one for the sixth one in the far corner of the track. The latter serves to tension the tape,
  • draw the mudguard above the wheels. Add a fuel tank in the form of a tube, steps for tankers, a window for the driver, and a headlight. All parts are located on the tank body,
  • Pay attention to the tower, add volume and clarity to the lines of the junction with the cannon. Mark the closed hatch at the top. Point the gun lines,
  • detail appearance wheels - protruding axles, front and rear rims, small wheels with teeth, as well as a track strip. If desired, draw a second fuel tank on the body,
  • erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser,
  • Shade the tank with a simple pencil to convey the play of shadows and the volume of the car.

Below are instructions in pictures for what was said above and alternative way images without marking lines.

Drawings of World War II tanks for a child in pencil for February 23 and Victory Day on May 9

To inspire you and your child, we will add a number of ready-made drawings of tanks from the Second World War, which are worth repeating on a sheet of paper.

So, we learned how to draw tanks from the Second World War with a pencil, taking into account the features of their models and components.

If your son shows an increased interest in this technique, it’s time for you to learn the basics of depicting it with a regular pencil.

Inspiration to you and have a nice time with your child!

Video: how to draw an IS-7 tank step by step with a pencil?

How to draw a tank

Hello dear fans visual arts! Today we will learn to draw a tank.

The lesson will not be very difficult, but it will require strict adherence to the proportions and the sequence of steps indicated by us. For an example of drawing a tank, we will take the most famous tank of the Second World War - the T-34 tank. Let's start it and find out!

Step 1

Let's start drawing the tank with the turret and muzzle. Usually we start with a stickman, but here we are not talking about a person, and we preferred to draw the tank from top to bottom, part by part. And we'll start from the top of the tank - nothing complicated, just copy from our sample and move on. We mark the tower in the form of an oval, and the barrel using two parallel lines.

Step 2

Let's outline the tank's hull and its chassis - the caterpillar tracks. This and the previous steps should be drawn with very light strokes, so that later it will be easier to erase all the guide lines.

Step 3

But now it’s very similar to the sequence of our other lessons. As when drawing, for example, we outlined the silhouette, and then began to detail it from top to bottom.

It's time to add volume and detail. Let's draw a couple of rounded lines on the sides relative to the barrel, add a hatch and a couple more lines on the top of the tank. We gradually erase all the guide lines we don’t need.

Step 4

Let's erase the extra guide lines from the turret, draw the barrel of our T 34 tank and add a few more details.

Step 5

Let's outline the contours of the armor (wings) covering the chassis. Note that all lines in this step must be straight. On the front side of the tracks we can see small rectangular figures - parallelograms, which are formed by a slight downward bend of the wings.

Step 6

Let's draw a few more rounded details on the front of the tank's body, or rather, a machine gun on the left and a headlight on the right. Let's also denote a square hatch and a rectangular strip in front. By the way, if this tank seems too difficult to you, try it completely (but also not difficult).

Step 7

Let's outline the caterpillar wheels. Be careful with the size of the outer wheels, they should be significantly smaller than the others. In the same step, we will outline with confident strokes the entire tank body that we drew earlier and erase the markings from the previous steps so that the tank drawing begins to look complete.

Step 8

Now let’s finish drawing the wheels and the texture of the external parts of the tank’s tracks.

Step 9

The last step is to apply shadows to our T 34 tank. They are quite simple - a significant part of the shadows look like black contrasting spots. Those that are lighter are applied with regular cross-hatching. To make the area darker, you need to add a number of cross layers.

We hope that you enjoyed this lesson, our lesson about how to draw a T 34 tank. We drew it specifically for fans of military themes, as well as various games about tanks (world of tanks, for example, which has now become incredibly popular). And we say goodbye to this, come to our website more often, we are constantly busy with work so that you can draw cooler every day! Yes, don’t forget to check out our VK page, there’s a lot of interesting stuff there too!)

Simple tips will help you learn how to draw a tank on paper so that it looks very believable and the details look realistic. This great way parents spending time together with their child. It will be especially interesting for boys who are early childhood interested in military equipment and weapons. At first glance, it seems that drawing a tank requires drawing skills, which are acquired in art school. Of course, mastery of different drawing techniques will help you draw on professional level. But if desired, everyone will be able to depict a seemingly complex military machine on an ordinary album sheet using a simple pencil. You can use other supplies, such as paints, but they are much more difficult to work with. For this reason, we recommend learning to draw a tank using the pencil technique step by step, which will require soft pencil, eraser, paper.

If you want to draw in color, we recommend that you learn to use colored pencils and then switch to paints, since the watercolor technique oil painting requires certain skills from the performer. Drawing with pencils is relatively simple. Popular are images of tanks made with a regular pencil. A boy of 8–10 years old can easily cope with this task. If you want to teach your child how to draw a fighting vehicle, we recommend practicing.

It is very important to carry out all the steps described below step by step.

Schemes for drawing

Schemes through which you can learn how to draw a tank differ in level of complexity, depending on the model of the combat vehicle and drawing technique. In any case, it is very important to carry out all the steps step by step to make the task easier and get an excellent result.

People with experience in drawing can use a more complex scheme. Beautiful drawing tank will work if you work out all the details, add light and shade, highlight some details dark color. To do this, it is important to work with a soft, simple pencil, which is ideal for drawing.

The following diagram is clear: Soviet tank. It is also important to carry out all actions in stages. It is important to note that the process should be approached creatively. To understand what a tank should look like, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with numerous photographs of real military equipment, study its structure and operating principle. if you have artistic ability and drawing skills, you can try to draw military equipment directly from a real photograph or model.

The drawing of the tank can be done using different techniques. During the preparation process, you should determine what model of combat vehicle you want to depict. It is advisable to start learning by drawing a black and white picture, which is done with a regular pencil. We do not recommend drawing tanks for children under the age of one. school age, as they may find the process difficult. When drawing, it is very important to pay attention to detail.

Step-by-step instructions for practical drawing of tanks, planes and helicopters in the process of mastering the art of black-and-white and halftone graphics.

We invite you to learn how to draw domestic, mainly Russian, samples using a step-by-step method military equipment in their modern form.

Remember! Any mistake made at the very beginning of the drawing process can hopelessly ruin final result. You may find it difficult at first to draw curved outlines (round, egg-shaped, or sausage-shaped) or even to get the pencil on the paper to the intended point. Do not despair! Stay enthusiastic and continue drawing with persistence and patience. The more practice, the higher the skill. If you wish, you can use a compass - professional artists do not consider this shameful for themselves.

Items needed for work: clean White list paper good quality, pencil with medium-hard or soft lead, eraser. Compasses, ink, feather, brush, ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen - optional.

Choose a sample of military equipment that you would like to draw. Using light touches of the pencil, without pressure, very carefully and carefully apply on the paper the strokes that make up the initial (first) “step” - usually it is located in the upper left corner of the diagram you have chosen. Then take the second “step” - also without pressure and just as carefully. Keep track not only of the direction and curvature of the lines, but also of the distance between them, that is, their relative position. The size of the drawing should match the size of your sheet of paper - not too small and not too large. The first “steps” seem to be the least difficult, but they must be performed with particular precision, because any mistake made at the beginning of the process can spoil the final result.

It is also very useful to look at the reflection of your work in the mirror from time to time - it can reveal distortions that you would not otherwise be able to notice.

New lines for each “step” are shown in the diagram as bolder, so that it is easier for you to recognize what exactly should be added to your drawing at the next stage. Continue working as before with light, thin strokes. If any line turns out to be too thick or dark, lighten it with an eraser: run it along the line without much pressure, without trying to erase it completely.

And a few more tips. Remember that for all the apparent complexity of some objects, they can always be reduced to simple geometric shapes: a ball, a cone, a pyramid, a cube, a parallelepiped, a cylinder.

Try to draw equipment not from the front, but from more advantageous angles, taking into account perspective, so that they look three-dimensional rather than flat.

You can also “cheat” a little when depicting complex details: in order not to be distracted from the integrity of the image and not waste too much time, you can draw them approximately, as a complex of expressive strokes, dots, underlines, and wavy lines.

Well, of course, let’s say, ships do not exist on their own, but, as a rule, organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Therefore, elements of the landscape - sea, river, rocks, even if only slightly outlined - will significantly enliven and enrich the drawing.

Having finished applying light strokes, that is, having completed the entire eight “steps” shown in the selected diagram, and making sure that all the elements of your drawing correspond to the desired image, outline them with confident pencil movements with the necessary pressure. After this final finishing, the drawing can be considered ready. If desired, you can enhance the contrast of the lines using ink (using a thin brush or steel nib), a ballpoint pen or a felt-tip pen. When the ink, paste or ink is dry, use an eraser to remove any unnecessary pencil marks.

Remember: if your first attempts to draw do not lead to the desired result, keep trying. It is very important not to lose perseverance, patience, and enthusiasm. In the end, your efforts will be crowned with complete success - at that moment you may not immediately believe yourself, but you will still be pleasantly surprised by what you have achieved.

We sincerely hope that your drawing skills will improve and for a long time The time spent on recreating the images of all these formidable and in their own way beautiful examples of technology will not be wasted.

Drawing Medium Tank T-34 (USSR)

Drawing Tank T-VIB "Royal Tiger" (Germany)

Drawing the T-V "Panther" Tank (Germany)

Drawing Tank T-72 (USSR)

Drawing Tank "Leopard-1" (Germany)

Drawing the KV-85 "Klim Voroshilov" heavy tank (USSR)

Drawing the IS-3 Heavy Tank "Joseph Stalin" (USSR)

Drawing the Challenger Tank (Great Britain)

Drawing Tank STRV-103 (Sweden)

Drawing the Centurion Tank (Great Britain)

Anti-aircraft missile system "Strela-1" (Russia)

Anti-aircraft self-propelled gun ZSU-23-4 (Russia)

Drawing the BRT-80 Armored Personnel Carrier (USSR)

Drawing the BRDM-2 combat reconnaissance and sabotage vehicle (USSR)

BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle (USSR)

Launcher of strategic missiles "Topol M" (Russia)

Drawing the Katyusha multiple launch rocket system (USSR)

Drawing Anti-aircraft missile system (Türkiye)

Drawing Steyr Armored Personnel Carrier (Austria)

Drawing Self-propelled artillery unit M 110 A2 (USA)

Drawing the Grad multiple launch rocket system (40-barreled mortar) (Russia)

We draw the S-300V anti-aircraft missile system (Russia)

Drawing multiple launch rocket system "Smerch" (Russia)

Drawing IL-2 Airplane (USSR)

Drawing Fighter ME-109 "Messerschmitt" (Germany)

Drawing the PE-2 Bomber

Drawing the Bomber JU-87B "Junkers" (Germany)

Drawing an Airplane F15-C (USA)

Drawing the MIG-21 Fighter (Russia)

Drawing the SU-27 Fighter (Russia)

Drawing an Airplane SU-24 (Russia)

Drawing the OV-10A "BRONCO" Attack Aircraft (USA)

Drawing the MIG-23 Fighter (Russia)

Drawing the MIG-29 Fighter (Russia)

Drawing the A-10A Sturmovik (USA)

Drawing the F-111 Fighter-Bomber (USA)

Drawing the Mirage 2000-5 fighter-bomber (France)

Drawing the Airplane "Invisible" B-2 "Spirit" (USA)

Drawing the "Flying Fortress" B-52G (USA)

Drawing the MI-14 Helicopter (USSR)

Drawing Helicopter MI-24 (Russia)

Drawing the AN-64A "APACH" Helicopter (USA)

Drawing the CH-47A Chinook Transport Helicopter (USA)

Drawing the S-55 "Sikorsky" Helicopter (USA)

Drawing the KA-50 "Black Shark" Helicopter (Russia)

Drawing the nuclear submarine "Kursk" (Russia)

Drawing a Rocket Ship (Russia)

Drawing a Torpedo Boat (Russia)

Drawing the Cruiser "Kirov" (USSR)

Drawing a Submarine (Türkiye)

Drawing "Tank"
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