How to draw a champignon mushroom. Main types of mushrooms. Unusual mushrooms of the world: names

Today we’ll touch on the mushroom topic, because it’s autumn, which is already coming to an end. Below I suggest you familiarize yourself with two pictures that will help you and your children draw a mushroom with a pencil step by step. The first is white, the most common and beloved by many people, the second is an inedible, but beautiful and bright fly agaric. I hope everything works out for you.

How to draw an edible porcini mushroom

In fact, there will be three mushrooms. At the first stage, we draw their outlines, then we slowly bring the drawing to a finished form: using an additional line we draw a hat, add grass. At the very end, we color the drawing: hats in Brown color, legs - white, grass - green.

How to draw an inedible fly agaric mushroom

It seems to me that drawing a fly agaric with a pencil, following the step-by-step instructions in the picture below, is even easier than white. At the first stage, you must draw the outlines of the design: a line for the leg and a semi-oval for the cap. Then, following the recommendations exactly, add him little friend. Paint both fly agarics bright red.

I hope you succeeded by following the instructions step by step. beautiful drawings! And if not, try again. The second or third time your picture will be much more beautiful than the first.

How to draw a mushroom - draw boletus.

Well, well, it seems like I just painted a willow and a coltsfoot, didn’t have time to look back, and already summer is in full swing - it’s already on the market good people They sell mushrooms, and they are so big! When did they have time to grow up?

I don’t have time to go mushroom hunting myself, so I bought “gifts of the forest” and now I will draw and write a lesson step by step drawing mushrooms

I went home and wondered - what kind of mushrooms? Boletus or boletus? They have the same shape, the difference is the color of the cap: orange or brown. Who has what?

I looked on the Internet - yeah! With brown caps - BIRCHES. That's how I'll remember it.

We draw boletus mushrooms step by step from life

I choose a couple of prettier mushrooms, first I will draw them with a pencil.

We repeat the theme “Mushrooms” more than once throughout the year - we painted the mushrooms, fed the squirrel, and compared the umbrella with the mushroom. It seemed to me that I had a clear idea of ​​what mushrooms look like - the cap and the stem. Yeah, but now I finally see real, and not schematic mushrooms. Wow, how massive the legs of boletuses are. And it’s also so interesting that they are flared at the bottom. And I thought that mushrooms have legs like an even column, but it turns out that not all of them do.

I designate midline- I won’t call it “axis of symmetry”, because the similarity of the halves of my mushrooms is very approximate. I draw a line for the cap - here it is necessary to correctly determine the angle of inclination: the cap of a large mushroom is put on straight, and the cap of a small one is on one side. The shape of the caps is dome-shaped, but also not ideal. On the underside of the cap there is a spongy “hymenophore” - this is what the whole mushroom grew for - the place where mushroom spores ripen. In the boletus, the hymenophore looks like... foam rubber, porous and slightly lumpy.

The contours of the mushrooms are drawn. Let's add volume with shading.

By the way, the cap of the small mushroom is almost black, and we’ll draw the larger one lighter. The legs are also different. I used to think that the legs of mushrooms are white, but look at them – they are gray with many black specks. Well, my theoretical ideas were very different from what mushrooms actually look like. Okay, it’s important not to dwell on your misconceptions, but to admit and follow the truth.

Well, the mushroom drawing is ready.

Drawing mushrooms - lesson 2

Now I’ll do what I’ve wanted for a long time, but I didn’t dare and put it off. I will paint with watercolors.

The fact is that I didn’t like working with paints since childhood. IN art school I really hated painting. She shirked and pretended to be sick so as not to go to the art room on painting day. The teachers took an impressionistic approach, and this was not at all close to me. Thoughtfully look for correspondences of halftones and contrasts in black and white pencil drawing I liked it, and it was even exciting. But my soul did not accept brushwork, color transitions, and reflexes. I learned painting through force and clenching my teeth.

After finishing school, I happily threw the box of watercolors onto the mezzanine and forgot about it. Subsequently, as a graphic designer, I worked a lot with gouache, but this is a completely different technique. But now, when I started writing educational lessons, it somehow happened that I became interested in drawing in color. The always-favorite black and white drawings are somehow not enough anymore. The soul asks for more. Only now I have grown to color!

At first I colored the drawings with felt-tip pens, then I bought watercolor pencils. But recently, surprising myself, I found a box of watercolors on the mezzanine. God, how long has she been lying there... Do you know how difficult it is to overcome a dislike for a subject at school?

But, never mind, be brave.

The watercolor technique consists of either applying several transparent layers - glazing, or working on a raw sheet. But I’ll do it simpler: for the first time I’ll just try to choose the color as accurately as possible and paint it in one or two layers.

I choose two other mushrooms - for variety. How to draw - we have already discussed. Now it's time for the paints.

When coloring, the hats were easy to draw, but the most difficult part was the legs.

There are not only black specks on them - there are even what look like small shavings.

Bright pictures with mushrooms, a story about each mushroom and coloring pages with mushrooms. Studying amazing world surrounding nature, don’t forget to tell your children more about mushrooms -

unique inhabitants natural world occupying a middle position between the animal and plant kingdoms.

Lesson on the topic “Mushrooms” - we think, reason, find out

If you ask kids which group mushrooms belong to, they will no doubt answer – plants.

The following arguments can be given as evidence:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • passive nutrition (substances dissolved in water).

This is where you can give them a surprise by telling them that the structure of a fungal cell is more reminiscent of an animal cell - for example, a beetle or a scorpion, since it is covered with a chitinous (shell) shell. In addition, mushrooms cannot, under the influence sun rays produce their own nutrients, as plants do, which means this also serves as a distinguishing feature.

Ask the kids: where can you most often find a mushroom in the forest? Of course, under the tree. It is not for nothing that many mushrooms get their names from the names of their best friends - the trees under which they grow (aspen, birch). What explains this proximity? Just because mushrooms cannot provide themselves with all the necessary substances, as plants do. Therefore, many of them try to make friends with trees in order to get the products they lack through their roots.

We are thinking about what large groups do all mushrooms divide? Of course, there are edible mushrooms and non-edible mushrooms.

Let the children remember the most famous representatives each group, and you help them, armed in advance with photo cards depicting mushrooms.

For better assimilation and greater clarity, attach cards with the name of the group on the board or table: “Edible mushrooms” and “Not edible mushrooms" After discussion, send each picture to the appropriate group. At the same time, it is better to study twin mushrooms in parallel, this will teach kids to be careful in the process of collecting them.

In studying edible mushrooms The video presentation “Edible Mushrooms” will help you:

Cards with images of mushrooms

As a rule, children know the following types:

Champignon. This mushroom is specially grown in greenhouses, since, unlike many of its fellows, it does not need proximity to trees. Which two distinctive feature champignon need to be remembered? The first is the pink or dark brown color of the plates under the cap. The second is the reddish or yellow tint of the mushroom pulp. And, of course, you need to remember the unique aroma of this mushroom, which cannot be confused with anything else if you inhale it at least once.

Let us immediately remember what is the name of the double of this noble mushroom? Of course, the pale grebe. We look at her image and look for distinctive features. The most observant will be able to note:

  • white color of the plates under the cap;
  • the presence of a specific sac at the base of the mushroom stalk.

We add that the flesh of the pale toadstool always remains pale when cut, which is why this mushroom got its name.

Russula. This mushroom is distinguished by the brightness and variety of colors of its cap. It differs from toadstools in its thick stem, fleshy cap and fragile flesh. And it owes its name to the fact that it does not require long cooking, since it does not contain harmful substances.

Boletus. One of the brightest representatives of the union of mushrooms and trees. It is distinguished by the unusual (speckled) color of its stem and the tubular structure of its cap.

Boletus. From its name it is clear that this mushroom is especially friendly with aspen. And his cap is bright red - the same as aspen leaves in autumn.

Camelina differs from other mushrooms not only in its color, but also in the fact that its cut acquires a blue tint over time.

Honey mushrooms. Friendly mushrooms that grow on the stumps of cut down or dead trees. One of the latest mushrooms, appearing only at the beginning of autumn.

Butter. Unusual mushrooms growing in coniferous forests. Their cap is covered with a layer of oily liquid, which is how they got their name.

Milk mushroom. Everyone's favorite, the king of salted mushrooms. Is different unusual shape and a short leg. It is found in two forms - wet (its surface is covered with fringe and slightly damp) and dry - with a smooth cap.

White mushroom, boletus. A noble representative of his species. It has a very thick, fleshy light leg and a cap with a tubular bottom structure.

Chanterelles. Unusual red mushrooms, in which the stem smoothly turns into a cap with a wavy edge.

Speaking about chanterelles, you immediately need to remember their dangerous counterpart - false chanterelles, and pay attention to their differences from real ones: unpleasant smell, bright color (with a reddish tint), smooth edges of the cap.

Let us immediately remember the most famous non-edible mushroom -. Let's discuss where this name could come from. Children remember the fact that fly agaric is very dangerous for various insects, and our ancestors placed its mushrooms on the windows to prevent flies from flying into the house.

Every kid knows what this mushroom looks like, its color is so unique. Children will also be interested to know that the fly agaric cap can be not only red, but also brown or yellow.

And finally, let's remember another unusual representative of the mushroom kingdom - the truffle. This delicious mushroom grows in deciduous forests, and under a layer of soil. Therefore, various methods are used to extract it. Pigs and specially trained dogs are especially good at finding truffles.

For greater clarity, we use a poster depicting all common edible and non-edible mushrooms, among which we find familiar ones, and also study previously unseen mushrooms.

Through a poster on which images of mushrooms are drawn, we smoothly move on to the next, reinforcing part of the lesson - pictures with mushrooms. Some of them display the main features of each mushroom, making it recognizable. On others we see general outlines mushrooms You can offer the kids riddles or poems about mushrooms that match the pictures.

A picture for children of a mushroom (poems about mushrooms, riddles about mushrooms) are used to consolidate knowledge of the names of the main parts of the mushroom; with the help of them we try to remember how and in what parts, as well as in their characteristic habitat, the mushrooms that we studied today differ from each other.

Riddles about mushrooms

For example, you can offer the following poems and riddles:

My hat -

Where the needles are.

Glistens in the sun

It slips in your hands. (oiler)

With a thick leg, small,

He hid in the moss... (boletus).

If I get into the basket -

You will have a supply for the winter.

I taste very good!

Did you guess it? This is... (milk).

They lead a friendly round dance

Red sisters.

Everyone will immediately understand:

In front of him... (chanterelles).

Sits bravely on a stump

A bunch of brave guys.

Everyone can easily recognize them:

Who doesn’t know about….(again)?

All shades and colors

Those mushrooms have caps.

Collect them without haste,

Very fragile...(russula).

Look at the video riddles about mushrooms:

As a conclusion to the lesson, to include motor memory in the work, in the final part we invite the kids to work with coloring. The mushroom coloring page puts kids in a calm mood.

Mushroom coloring pages

At the end of the work, you need to consider all the results and even make an impromptu exhibition of mushrooms painted in bright colors.

Presentation of “mushrooms for children” on video:

Pictures with mushrooms

Some people might find pictures with funny mushroom houses useful.

Mushrooms are neither plants nor animals. These are representatives of a separate kingdom of living organisms on Earth. They combine the characteristics of both plants and animals. We will draw step by step with a pencil edible mushrooms - champignons, which consist of a cap and a stem. Mushrooms usually grow in forests where it is dark, at the roots of different trees. They often hide under leaves and grass. Finding mushrooms requires skill and patience. It is also necessary to learn how to separate edible and poisonous mushrooms. Mushrooms are very tasty. They are fried, stewed, baked. There are many types of dishes that contain proteins. They are comparable to meat in their nutritional value.

Stage 1. Draw a circle and three ovals - large, medium and small. We outline a large oval and a circle. These are mushroom caps.

Stage 2. Now we draw the legs of the mushrooms from a circle and an oval. They look like rectangles. We also outline the last two ovals with the contours of mushrooms with legs cut into halves.

Stage 3. Now we add volume to the mushrooms with additional features. We make lines on the mushroom stems and caps. We use various dashes to show the irregularities on the surface of the mushrooms.

Stage 4. We make strokes on the legs, showing the layering. We will show the cut holes on the hats.

Stage 5. Let's color our drawing in pink color. Let's outline all the contours with black again and show the shadows. Well, how did your mushrooms turn out?


All mushrooms are divided into two categories: edible and inedible. How to draw a mushroom? The shape largely depends on its variety. A mushroom is not always the usual stem with a cap attached on top, because they come in the form of a fan, a hoof, a star, a ball, a bowl, and even a coral. Among the edible ones, the most common are: milk mushrooms, chanterelles, russula, boletus and white. And the fly agaric and toadstool are considered to be prominent representatives of poisonous ones.



Children's example

Fly agarics




Let's try to look at the technology of how to draw mushrooms step by step. Take a pencil and, with a slight movement of your hand, draw the boundaries of the earth using curves and lines. In the middle of the sheet we begin to draw a leg. It consists of two parts: the lower one is wide, which widens slightly towards the root, and the upper one with a skirt tapers towards the top. The stem should occupy one third of the sheet. Let's move on to the hat: the upper part resembles the outline of an umbrella, but with uneven edges, and closer to the foreground you need to make two notches.

Now you need to take a pencil with a harder lead and draw all the lines, adding individual strokes. So, you will have to arrange several grains of sand on the ground, and draw three small and two large circles on the hat. We make the notches in the form of a cracked part of the mushroom, shading it in the middle.

To add dimension to the image, you need to add light and shade in the right places. So, in front of the mushroom, to the left and a little behind, we create a small shadow area, since the main part will be located to the right of the mushroom. We darken the leg with horizontal strokes (they are parallel, but slightly angled) to the left and in front of the border of the skirt and hat. In the upper part, chiaroscuro is needed on the left and along the edges of the hat's skirt.

Inedible mushrooms

After practicing on a simple and familiar image of a mushroom, you can move on to a group composition and consider how to draw a mushroom with a pencil using a complex and step-by-step technology. We roughly divide the worksheet into three parts, and start drawing from the middle one. We draw two vertical lines, which are located slightly at an angle so that the straight lines diverge upward. Under these skeletons of future mushrooms we draw small horizontal lines. All movements must be smooth so that the pattern is barely visible.

We set the boundaries of the caps: for the larger line we make a wide surface, and for the smaller one – a rounded one.

We design all the elements in more detail. To do this, movements must be smooth and zigzag.

Let's move on to the design of the earth's surface. We draw blades of grass near the legs, and lower a leaf in front of the large mushroom.

Now we change the pencil to a harder one and draw boundaries, increasing the number of blades of grass.

Let's move on to the caps: on each one you need to make many circles (regular and irregular shapes) so that they cover the entire surface.

After this, you need to decorate the mushroom stems: add two or three vertical strokes to the left and right of the border, not forgetting to draw a few in the center. Draw the veins of the leaf.

We work with grass. It is necessary to make it voluminous and increase the number of small elements.

The next step is the volume of the hat. To do this, you need to trace each circle along the contour again, adding chiaroscuro in different places.

The last stage is coloring. Using the fine shading technique, go through all the elements of the composition and shade. It should be remembered that the darkest area should be the cap, the grass should be slightly lighter, and the lightest should be the lower part and the leaf.

Children's version of the mushroom

Not everyone will be able to immediately repeat the complex technology, so parents need to be told how to draw a mushroom to their child. Let's start with the hat. It should be wide and tall.

From the middle part of the bottom of the cap we draw two boundaries of the thick stem.

In the background we add a border to the hat's skirt.

To the left of the mushroom, draw the bottom of a small mushroom, directing the curves to the left.

We do the same on the other side of the mushroom, drawing the lines a little longer.

We place the same cap on the left one as on the large mushroom.

For the right element we draw only half of the surface, since it is hidden behind the large mushroom.

On foreground we draw the border of tooth-shaped grass.

All that remains is to color the drawing. The grass is green, the legs are pale yellow, the caps are red, but with white circles. A family of fly agarics came out.

Trio of poisonous fly agarics

Now you can carefully study how to draw a fly agaric. We start work with two mushrooms different sizes, tilting them in opposite directions so that between them there is empty space. Thin legs with skirts and triangle-shaped hats.

In the background between them we draw a long leg, drawing it high above them. Almost right next to the hat we draw the skirt. The top of the mushroom looks like a flat plate.

For a large fly agaric, you need to make a high cap, pulling it up in the form of a triangle.

We decorate the composition. It’s better to do this with colored pencils: we make the edges of the mushroom brown, the middle of the legs and the bottom of the skirt of a large hat are light brown, the hats are red with white circles. At the bottom we draw long and narrow grass.

Yellow fox

It's time to consider the technology for creating a completely different mushroom, the cap of which has a different shape. So, how to draw a fox? With a slight movement of the pencil we draw the outlines of the future mushroom. First, a horizontal line, through the middle of which the skeleton of the leg runs in the form of a curve. Now it needs to be limited on both sides by two more oblique lines, which will show the size of the lower element. Next, from the last element we draw two curves to the sides, which create the shape of a bowl. Draw the top rim of the cap in the form of a compressed circle.

Near the root we draw a piece of grass with sharp teeth. From the end of the stem we draw several curves along the bottom of the cap to its border.

We outline the mushroom with a dark brown pencil, painting it with a brown tint, leaving in some places areas for a light shade. Paint the grass green, framing it dark shade and along the blades of grass we let out individual highlights of light green color.

White mushroom (complex option)

About how to draw White mushroom The following master class will tell you more realistically with a pencil. We start with the skeleton: the horizontal line is the surface of the earth, the vertical line is the middle of the leg, half the circle is the cap.

We draw a leg, keeping the vertical strictly in the center. It should be wider at the bottom, tapering at the top. We make the top of the cap with humps, lengthening the lower part.

On the hat we draw circles of different sizes. We design the lower part of the skirt in the form of notches, duplicating another layer a little lower. We make a few strokes on the leg, and near the root we draw the boundaries of the blades of grass.

We draw lines, leaving small strokes untouched.

We add groups of strokes throughout the mushroom; on the stem we draw only vertical single ones. We draw the blades of grass in more detail.

To create a realistic hat, draw horizontal semicircles over its entire surface, interrupting them in the central part.

We do the same with the leg, but the lines should be directed not horizontally, but vertically.

Using fine hatching technology at different angles, we paint the area of ​​grass and leaves.

Now you need to add small dots all over the surface.

The last stage is shading in opposite direction. On the hat we draw it vertically, and on the stem horizontally.

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