How to draw space with colored pencils for beginners. How to draw space: competition finalists and step-by-step master class

"Every atom of our body
was once a star."
Vincent Freeman

A week ago on our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we launched a competition for the best completion of the task from the notebook “642 ideas on what to draw”. The task sounded simple - space. A lot of creative and creative works. You can see them all by tag. We publish best works and give step-by-step master class how to learn to draw space.

Best works for competition #642ideicosmos

“If you can’t fly into space, make it come to you.” Author of the photo - @al.ex_kv.

"And when darkness sleeps beside you, And the morning is far away, I wanna hold your hand and guide you..." Parov Stelar ft. Lilja Bloom - Shine. Photo by @julia_owlie.

Are they really cool? 🙂

Step-by-step master class

If you did not participate in the competition, but also want to learn how to draw space, save these somewhere step by step instructions, what and how to do so that it turns out bright and beautiful.

1. In order to draw the Universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least that's the amount you can start with. Important: The sheet for watercolors must be very dense so that it does not wrinkle from water and so that the paint spreads beautifully and evenly.

2. The outline can be drawn solid with a simple pencil to designate the area that you will wet with water. Wet part of the allocated space.

3. Apply paint to the wetted area. Try to make the contours beautiful.

4. Wet the rest of the space with water and apply a different color of paint. Selectively add bright pops of color throughout the design. The drawing must be wet so that the paint spreads beautifully.

5. Once the design is completely dry, apply the stars. This can be done with white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars could be drawn more carefully.

Photo for the master class from the site

If you sprinkle salt on a wet drawing, the structure of space will turn out even more interesting. The salt will absorb some of the paint, and if you shake it off after it has completely dried, there will be beautiful white dots and clouds in place of the salt.

On our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we will regularly hold competitions on notebooks “642 ideas, what to draw”, “642 ideas, what to write about” and “642 ideas, what else to write about” (new!). Subscribe to keep up to date with everything creative, interesting and creatively fun.

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Space is an incredibly rich topic for creativity. Each artist can find his own subject and create his own “cosmic” picture: a boundless universe with distant stars and planets, an extraordinary cosmic landscape or a flying rocket, a scientific satellite. It is better to use paints for work; the drawings turn out more interesting and bright.

How to draw a space picture

A few simple rules will help you remember how to paint space:

  1. Plot and composition. It is important to think in advance about what will be depicted in the picture: the unknown universe, mysterious stars, alien planets, bright comets, spaceships. You should also decide on the location of the main objects. You can use ready-made photographs or pictures, put them next to them and copy them.
  2. Materials. The paper should be thick, it is better to use watercolor. You can use any paint, but you need to take into account their features. Oil-based ones are bright, long-lasting in color, but take a long time to dry. Acrylic - becomes glossy after drying, but dries quickly. Gouache is easy to use, but after drying the colors fade, so it is advisable to enliven them with bright contours, wax, etc. Watercolor - requires pre-wetting the sheet with water, the tones are soft, translucent. Brushes need to be selected in accordance with the paints, of different sizes, from large for the background to small for drawing the smallest stars or the relief of planets. Materials must be prepared in advance so as not to be interrupted during the work.
  3. Sketch. For a novice artist, it is better to first make a sketch in pencil and then move on to paints. No need to draw small parts, it is enough to outline the location of the main objects, their shape, quantity.
  4. Painting. As a rule, the background is drawn first. Don't use black. The cosmic palette is much richer. Purple, blue and their dark, deep shades are suitable. When the background is dry, you can move on to the main objects. When working with oil, you do not need to wait for complete drying. You should not make clear boundaries and contours. It is better to alternate sharp and blurry details, giving preference to the latter. Planets should be several shades lighter than the background, comets and stars should be bright; shades of red and yellow can be used. At the end, add details, light spots, flares, highlights. To do this, you will need paints in bright and light colors, primarily shades of yellow and white. For effectiveness, you can use paints with mother-of-pearl or sparkles, gold and silver outlines.

It is more convenient and easier for a beginning artist to draw in stages. For the first paintings it is better to choose simple subjects. It is worth practicing drawing individual objects. If they work out, then you can move on to full-fledged paintings.


The comet is a decoration of the picture, a bright accent. Drawing begins with a sketch. You need to draw a comet schematically: the head is a circle, the tail is a straight line.

Draw the head of the comet, mark the beginning of the tail with a bright flash.

Add the middle part of the tail. Show flames.

Finish the tail section.

A comet can have a straight tail or a curved one.

The head of a comet is clearly and clearly depicted. For this purpose, white, light yellow and light blue colors are used. The tail is drawn more blurry. The further from the head, the more diffuse and transparent the tail fan will be.


The painting can show spaceship, earthly or alien, satellite or large station.

It is enough to use your imagination to create a more complex ship based on a simple children's rocket.


You can draw native land, Saturn or Jupiter, or turn to unknown planets. When moving on to paints, you should remember about chiaroscuro. One side of the planet should be lighter.


Main objects space picture- these are the stars. They can be small dots scattered on a sheet of paper, large bright spots with diverging rays.

The distribution of stars should be uneven. Large clusters are accompanied by images of haze and nebula.

In order to achieve this effect, you need to dip a sponge or a piece of cotton wool into the paint and lightly blot the finished drawing. You can also take a large brush or toothbrush, dip it in the paint and run your finger along the bristles to splatter the design. Large and small drops will settle on a sheet of paper, and you will get a starry sky.

Simple drawing

Having mastered the principles of depicting basic objects, it is recommended to move on to big picture. The photo shows how to paint space with paints step by step.

You need to take a sheet of paper, lay it horizontally, and place the lids on top - the future planets.

Trace the stencils with a pencil.

Place a small bottle or bottle, such as a concealer, on the sheet.

Trace the stencil of the future rocket.

Sharpen the nose of the rocket, draw a porthole.

Add details, supports, flames.

You can start painting with watercolors. First - the background. It is better to apply paint from the edges to the center. Take a large brush and paint a purple stripe, then a green one.

Add lilac, blue and pink colors.

Then use blue. Circle the planets in purple and green, blue and pink. Add yellow or green in the center.

The background is ready, you can move on to the planets. The choice of color depends on the taste of the artist, but you should not choose background tones, contrasting ones are better.

Outline one of the planets in orange and draw several spots inside the outline. Add blue and green.

Color the second planet green, blue and yellow flowers. The third is scarlet and brown. If desired, you can highlight the outlines of the planets in purple or dark green.

The last object is a rocket. Take a small brush. The body is coated with silver paint, the nose and supports are painted red. The porthole is lilac. Outline the outlines in black or purple. Draw fire in yellow, orange and red.

Bring the drawing to life. Add fire and one planet along the contour purple. Circle the other planets in red and yellow. The lines should not be continuous, but abrupt.

Let the paints dry and cover the objects with stencils.

The last stage is the stars. Take a large brush or toothbrush and dip it in white gouache diluted to liquid state, and spray the paint by running your finger along the bristles.

The drawing is ready.

Space landscape

First you need to make a sketch, outline the position of the planet, mountains.

Draw the relief, outline the people.

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How to paint space with watercolors?

We will need:

  • thick paper for watercolors (Whatman paper);
  • brushes (thin and thick);
  • watercolor;
  • white gouache;
  • Toothbrush;
  • water.

Drawing step by step

To make it work original drawing, let's depict space in a circle. Take a thick brush, dip it in clean water and go over a piece of paper. This is necessary in order to get beautiful stains. It is best to start painting space with light colors, using yellow, orange, red and blue. Use chaotic strokes to make the transitions between colors look more natural.

Dilute several saturated colors on your palette at once blue shades by mixing them with purple and black paint. To paint space with watercolors, you need to apply strokes with quick, chaotic movements, remembering to rinse the brush in water for each new shade. This way, the colors of the starry sky will turn out pure and more contrasting, and the stains will look impressive.

Move from the center to the sides, filling the improvised space circle with paints. Don't be afraid to brush over areas that are already dry, modifying the space pattern as you go and adding richness to some areas.

When you fill the entire circle with paints, you can start working on the details. Take a thin brush and go over the red and yellow in the glow area. The color transition will become more interesting, making the star nebula colorful.

Do you want to draw space with millions of stars? Then wait until the drawing is completely dry, take a toothbrush, dip it in white gouache and leave a splash on the sheet, gently running your finger over the bristles.

To make the space drawing more interesting, you can draw planets on top. To do this, use white gouache to draw circles different sizes. After the paint has dried, use a thin brush to apply colored dot strokes, not forgetting the semicircular shadow on one side of the planet.

Another way to paint space with watercolors

1. In order to draw the Universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least that's the amount you can start with. Important: The sheet for watercolors must be very dense so that it does not wrinkle from water and so that the paint spreads beautifully and evenly.

2. The outline can be drawn with a hard pencil to indicate the space that you will wet with water. Wet part of the allocated space.

3. Apply paint to the wetted area. Try to make the contours beautiful.

4. Wet the rest of the space with water and apply a different color of paint. Selectively add bright pops of color throughout the design. The drawing must be wet so that the paint spreads beautifully.

5. Once the design is completely dry, apply the stars. This can be done with white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars could be drawn more carefully.

If you sprinkle salt on a wet drawing, the structure of space will turn out even more interesting. The salt will absorb some of the paint, and if you shake it off after it has completely dried, there will be beautiful white dots and clouds in place of the salt.

Pencil image of space

To decide how to draw space step by step with a pencil and get a high-quality image, you need a little more attention and perseverance.

The technique of drawing with a pencil is a little more complicated compared to paints. As with any drawing, you need to decide on the composition of the picture. To create the background, you will need to draw the right classic strokes that will give the drawing a sense of spatiality. You should start with the darkest strokes, gradually moving to lighter colors. The main thing is to avoid sharp corners and hard lines. We add images of planets, the moon, stars, etc. to the background. The depth, smoothness and softness of space should be reflected in the drawing.

Simple drawing of space with pencils

1. Big solar system consists of the Sun, around which 8 planets revolve. So first we need to draw a big circle.

3. You will need to draw one planet on each line. Each planet has its own size and features. For example, Saturn is in the sixth position from the Sun, and it has a ring system. Uranus also has rings. There are 30 of them in total, but in the figure we will indicate this with one line. Also, let's draw one comet and an asteroid field between Mars and Jupiter (between the fourth and fifth planet). Asteroids will also be depicted behind the last planet. They are called the Kuiper field.

4. We outline each element in the drawing with a black marker.

5. We begin to color the space. First of all, let's give color to the Sun, which needs yellow and orange shades. Red tones in darker places will also not be out of place.

Then, in order, we move on to the other planets and color them with the same pencils. Using a yellow pencil we will add color to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. We will also apply strokes with an orange pencil to Venus, Mars and Jupiter. But let's color the rings of Saturn with a brown pencil.

6. Now let's move on to other planets. We will color them with blue and cyan pencils. These will be Uranus and Neptune. But our planet Earth has distinguished itself from others. After all, it will have different shades - yellow, blue, and green. Let's color the asteroid belts with a brown pencil.

7. Now let's add color to outer space. To do this, we use pencils of blue, blue and violet colors.

8. At this point the drawing of space is completely finished. Of course, there are many details that can be completed here, but let's leave it to our imagination to dream and feel the whole essence of the Universe.

Several interesting drawings of space

Master class on drawing for preschoolers of the senior preparatory group on the topic: “SPACE” step by step with photos

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, teacher, head of the art studio of the MDOU TsRR d.s. No. 1 “Bear Cub”, Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk Region

Creation of educational, gift or competition work
A3 white or colored double-sided paper, wax crayons, salt, gouache or black watercolor, soft brush No. 3-5
Creation of works on a space theme
Learning different ways to depict space
Improving practical skills wax crayons and watercolors
Education of patriotism.
Developing curiosity

Preliminary work:

1 We look at photographs of cosmic depths.

2 We get acquainted with the history of astronautics, with the names and achievements of our outstanding cosmonauts. We remember the names: Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova, Alexey Leonov. The world's first astronaut, the first woman in space, the first person to go into outer space. We look at the photographs, talk about the difficulties and delights of the profession of space explorers. How did test pilots become astronauts? What kind of training did they undergo? Let's take a closer look at the first human spacewalk.

2 - Thinking about space, UFOs, aliens. We discuss films and cartoons. We think what kind of aliens they might be: good or evil?

3 - Literary living room:

Arkady Khait
Any of us can name all the planets in order:
One - Mercury, two - Venus, three - Earth, four - Mars.
Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn, seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row. And after him, then,
And the ninth planet called Pluto.

V. Orlov
Flying in space
Steel ship around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them at a glance:
Steppe expanse, sea surf,
Or maybe you and me too!

Practical work No. 1: "Deep Space"

To draw a cosmic landscape, we will need stencils of circles of various diameters. You can use special rulers or various “improvised means”.

We draw several planets with wax crayons, placing them randomly on the plane of the sheet. You can use the technique of superimposing nearby planets on lower ones, or depict one of the planets only partially.

After creating the cosmic composition, crumple the sheet of paper, twisting it several times, and carefully straighten it

Coloring the planets. To prevent the planets from becoming like grandma’s balls of thread, we draw very carefully with crayons and do not go beyond the edges.
Before we start working in color, we remember what forests, mountains, deserts and oceans look like from space, and we think about whether all planets can look the same? Fiery and foggy, sandy, gaseous and icy - they can look absolutely fantastic. We come up with complex color combinations.

Cover the entire sheet with black watercolor. Paint, accumulating in cracks, creates mysterious depth outer space.

Practical work No. 2: “Staying in outer space”

For this work we will need a figurine of an astronaut in a spacesuit, circles of various diameters and a silhouette of a rocket.

We place all the figures on the sheet in random order. We start with a rocket and an astronaut. Then we add the planets.

Inside the silhouettes we delimit planes. We add windows to the rocket and divide the spacesuit into separate parts. We begin to gradually color the rocket, the astronaut and the planets. In order to create a festive atmosphere, we take bright, rich colors.

Adding stars. We take yellow and white crayons. We place them in small groups, in the form of constellations, or line them up (like Milky Way). Each star is a distant, distant sun around which planets can revolve and there can be life on them.

We take a brush and black paint (watercolor or gouache) and begin to paint over the entire work. First we draw lines along the edge of the sheet, then we work along the entire sheet.

While the paint is not dry, “salt” the drawing. In the place where a grain of salt fell, the paint seems to collect, and with the help of this technique the space again becomes deep and mysterious.

Children's work (5-6 years old)

Drawing options
Flying saucers (UFOs) can be very diverse. Turning on our imagination, we imagine aircrafts aliens.

Today I’ll tell you how to paint space using watercolors.
You will need: watercolor paper, white acrylic paint, a wide natural brush, a toothbrush, a tablet, electrical tape or masking tape.
A quick note before we begin. I don't professional artist, and not an artist at all. That's why I focus on personal own experience, and not how it should be according to science.

Paper for drawing space in watercolor

For this technique I use watercolor paper. It is better than usual because it absorbs water and does not deform so much. Ordinary paper comes in waves, water and paint simply flow off it. Watercolor paper It dries quickly, while regular paper takes a long time to dry. I have a watercolor tablet from Greenwech Line. It's basically cheap and plain paper, but it suits my job. You can buy paper individually in art and stationery stores. This is not such a rare product.
Let's prepare a sheet. In general, whenever you work with watercolors, the paper needs to be secured well. For these purposes I use a piece of plywood, but any board, any tablet that you don’t mind ruining will do. I glue the paper around the perimeter of the plywood with electrical tape.

Watercolor for drawing space

Any watercolor will be suitable for this work. I'll use my old palette honey watercolor, which is more than 10 years old. A larger brush is suitable here to quickly cover the entire surface of the sheet. It is better to work with watercolors with natural brushes, because they allow you to pick up more paint and water.

Space in watercolor step by step for beginners

First stage
First, we wet the paper point by point so that the paint spreads better over the sheet. We begin to add light in small spots. We also apply the paint pointwise. Don't try, as they say, to paint the wall. We need these colored areas to be heterogeneous. I mostly use purple and blue colors. And in some places I add emerald and green spots. Don't skimp on water. The more it is, the better the colors will mix with each other, the less blank paper we will have. So before I pick up a new color, I dip my brush into a cup. When there is enough color, leave it to dry. You can dry the sheet with a regular hairdryer. Firstly, it will be faster, and secondly, all the waves on the sheet are smoothed out, and I just need the sheets to be as even as possible. Make sure that the paper is completely dry, otherwise we will simply wash out the paint with the second layer.
Second phase
Now you can proceed to the second stage. For this we only need black watercolor. We collect more water and more paint and boldly cover the entire sheet. So far it looks like a terrible mess, but don't worry. wait again until the layer dries. I'll turn to the hairdryer again. As it dries, other colors will begin to appear through the black layer. I ended up with a lot of gaps where there is no paint at all. In those places I added a couple of colored spots. Check again to see if the paper is still wet somewhere.
Third stage
And we move on to the most interesting third stage. But you also need to thoroughly prepare for it. To close the workspace, you need to make a protective screen out of paper. I use old Whatman paper for this. Bend a square sheet of whatman paper in half. Then again. Unfold it completely and cut along one of the resulting lines to the center of the square. Bend the sheet so that it looks like a room, three intersecting planes. We will need two such screens to completely cover the desktop. In general, in a good way, you also need to close the top, but this is usually enough for me. Place the tablet inside the screen. Take an old toothbrush and a white one acrylic paint. Dip the bristles into the paint and begin spattering the paint onto the sheet. To ensure that the splashes fly in the right direction, move your finger along the brush towards yourself, otherwise all the paint will fly towards you and splash everything around. The closer you hold the brush to the sheet, the more crowded the stars will be. Constantly change the height to get a more interesting view. I had a lot of paint left on my hands and so that it wouldn’t disappear, I added it to the sheet with my fingertips. And our picture of space is ready. We detach it from the work surface.
In principle, there are other ways to depict the galaxy, but in my opinion this is the simplest and fastest. It took me about 10 minutes per sheet, no more. I used this technique when I made a space-themed greeting set. There I prevailed green color and I didn’t skimp on the splashes. Every time it turns out absolutely different picture space. If you want the images to be as similar as possible, make several at a time and apply spots in the same places. It will be even faster this way.
That's all. I hope you enjoyed today's master class. Happy creativity everyone!

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