How to draw a New Year's drawing is complex. How to draw the New Year with a pencil step by step: step-by-step description and interesting ideas

All children love to draw, and most of them show aptitude for fine art from a very young age. Already from about one year of age, the baby takes a pencil in his little hand and begins to draw his first strokes. After some time, he will begin to draw better and better, and his pictures will acquire distinct outlines.

All kindergartens and schools regularly hold various competitions and exhibitions of children's drawings dedicated to the holidays. Is no exception New Year. Drawing this or that picture on New Year theme both at home and in children's institution, the child can get acquainted with the history of this holiday, learn the features of New Year celebrations in other countries and much more.

In addition, creating any work on the theme of New Year and Christmas can support the magical fairy-tale mood that always settles in the souls of children and adults on the eve of these magnificent holidays. In this article we will tell you what children's New Year's drawings can be made in gouache or pencil, and what themes are most often found in such works.

Ideas for children's New Year's drawings for children

Of course, the most important characters in children's drawings on New Year's theme are Father Frost and Snow Maiden. They are the ones who participate in all theatrical performances on the New Year theme and bring such long-awaited gifts, which kids happily take out from under the tree.

You can draw it in different ways. Today, each child has his own vision of these characters, so their image may differ significantly. As a rule, Grandfather Frost is depicted in a bright red fur coat, warm mittens and felt boots, while the Snow Maiden, in turn, is “dressed up” in a beautiful blue robe.

The constant attributes of Father Frost in children's drawings are his long white beard, a staff and a large bag of gifts, and his granddaughter is usually drawn with a long braid. In addition, these characters are often depicted on a sleigh drawn by reindeer.

Another heroine of New Year's drawings is the elegant Christmas tree, which is installed in every home shortly before the arrival of the magical night. The youngest children draw this green beauty schematically, while older children try to ensure that their Christmas tree is no different from a real fluffy forest spruce.

Also, many boys and girls love to draw large and small snowmen. On the face of this character you can depict a funny smile, small eyes and a nose in the shape of a carrot, and on the head - a bucket or any other object that imitates a headdress.

In some cases, the theme of a child's drawing becomes simply snow pattern, which is most easily depicted using watercolor or gouache. Often similar pictures are drawn on glass or mirrors.

Typically, children's drawings on a New Year's theme, made with paints or pencils, are drawn up in the form greeting cards, which the child can later give to his friends, relatives or teachers. In this case, the drawing itself can be drawn directly on a sheet of cardboard or the finished picture can be glued to the template. In addition, to create a full-fledged postcard, you will have to add a congratulation text, which can be printed on a computer or written by hand.

In any drawing you can depict not only popular New Year's characters, but also the plot situation in which they participate. For example, a child can draw other children dancing around a decorated Christmas tree, parents giving a gift to their son or daughter, and so on.

The most wonderful, most delightful and most long-awaited holiday of the year - New Year 2017 - is quietly and silently creeping up on us.

This day, or to be more precise, night, awakens happiness, tenderness and fun in all people. Each of us, imbued with the holiday atmosphere, begins to believe in a miracle, in the fact that all good things will definitely happen to us.

In anticipation New Year's holidays people are in a hurry to buy or make, buy cute gifts, buy a beautiful Christmas tree. In these troubles, time passes unnoticed, and most importantly, quickly.

If you have already decided on gifts, choosing a suit and have compiled holiday menu, but you’re still racking your brains over the decor, draw it yourself New Year's drawings 2017 in pencil, using them in the future as an exclusive decoration for an apartment, workplace and other premises. Fortunately, even those who do not have artistic talent are able to draw beautiful New Year-themed drawings.

Note that drawings created in pencil can not only be used as decoration, but also as additions to a gift or for yourself, so to speak, for a collection. Surprisingly, armed with just one pencil, a grater and an example, you can create a truly wonderful New Year's drawing.

Beautiful New Year's pencil drawings

Father Frost

Cheerful and good-natured Grandfather Frost should definitely appear at your holiday. Even if the real one does not dare to look at the fire, you can always replace it with a drawn one. This grandfather can be painted and hung on the Christmas tree so that he will delight guests throughout the holidays.


The intricate patterns of snowflakes amaze with their grace and beauty. This is one of the real miracles, because they are created by Mother Nature herself.

Feel like a creator by drawing with a simple pencil a few snowflakes. They will be a wonderful addition to the winter decor of the apartment, they will take up place of honor on a window, mirror or anywhere else.

If you can’t come up with a pattern yourself, take a look at some of the options presented below and just copy it. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, believe in yourself and you will get the most beautiful snowflake in the world.

Snow Maiden

When drawing Grandfather Frost, one should not forget about the young and charming Snow Maiden - a laughing girl who accompanies Frost on all holidays. In the fantasy of each of us, the Snow Maiden stands in a long blue fur coat, a matching hat with a waist-length braid.

Draw the Snow Maiden and you have a traditional holiday couple. Having made a sketch, you can entrust coloring to the children - they will be captivated by this activity for a while, and you will do all the necessary preparations for the New Year.

Christmas tree

What would New Year be without a brightly decorated Christmas tree? Even if you already have a forest beauty at home that sparkles with colorful balls, garlands and tinsel, you can still capture its image on paper to show it to all your friends after the New Year holidays.

You don't have to be an artist at all - drawing a Christmas tree is very easy. In addition, you yourself can decide what decorations to “hang” on it, how long the branches will be and how green the tree will be.

If you doubt your own abilities, they can help step by step drawings. They clearly show the algorithm of actions, following which you will draw on paper a charming winter tree with all kinds of decorations on branches.

Step 1. To begin, take a blank sheet of paper on which you will draw a Christmas tree. At the place where it will directly “grow”, draw a triangle.

Step 2. Divide the rectangle into two parts and draw a vertical line in the middle, as shown in the example. From the top of this line, draw two lines (outline of a Christmas tree). The example clearly shows how this can be done.

Step 3. Divide the triangle into several tiers with semicircular horizontal lines.

Step 4. Each tier should be “attached” with triangles with rounded corners.

Step 5. Gently erase the outline of the triangle with an eraser and you should have a nice Christmas tree.

Step 6.“Hang” garlands on each tier.

Step 7 Decorate the top with a star. It is not necessary to place a star on the top of the tree; you can choose a cone or any shape that you like.

Step 8“Hang” various toys (cones, balls, icicles) on the remaining branches of the tree. Our Christmas tree is ready! Now you have a beautiful one that will undoubtedly delight the children.


You all have known for a long time that 2017 will be the year Fire Rooster. We must not lose sight of this fact and, when drawing holiday pictures, we must depict a cockerel on paper. He can either alone or in the company of his faithful family - hens and chicks.

Below we have shown the main stages of drawing this beautiful bird, so if you decide to test your powers as an artist before the New Year, you are welcome to our master class.

Step 1. First, draw a simple circle - the head of the future bird. Then you need to draw eyes, a small beak and draw smooth lines from the head - this will be the neck.

Step 2. Using light intermittent movements, draw two lines, which will later become the body of the rooster.

Step 3. Draw the wing of the bird and round the body. If you have extra lines, remove them with a grater.

Step 4. Make the cockerel a comb and earrings under the beak, as shown in the sample.

Step 5. Draw the wings, feathers and sketch out the legs.

Step 6. In the next picture you can see that the rooster has already “appeared” a bushy tail, so try to make it look the same on your paper.

Step 7 Each feather on the bird's body should be drawn in more detail so that they look like real ones.

Step 8 That's all! New Year's drawing of a rooster is ready. Color it as you wish.

Video, master class

Preparing for holidays at school and kindergarten includes conducting interesting competitions drawings and crafts. You usually need to create original images in the appropriate theme of the upcoming celebration. Therefore, a drawing for the New Year 2017 may include both familiar heroes and the symbol of the year itself. About how to draw a Rooster, Christmas tree, Santa Claus in primary, secondary, senior group kindergarten and school will tell you step by step instructions. Ideas and examples of images for the competition, drawn in pencil in the cells, on clean slate or paints, can also be found in this article.

Step-by-step drawing for the New Year 2017 in pencil for school and kindergarten

A beautiful Christmas tree is one of the most popular pictures that are asked to be drawn in school and kindergarten. The symbol of the upcoming holiday can be depicted different ways: both pencils and paints. Preparing such a drawing with your own hands for the New Year is not difficult, since even children 3-4 years old can do it. Below is a master class that describes how to create such an unusual image. To work you will need regular and colored pencils and an eraser.

“Beautiful Christmas tree” - drawing for the New Year step by step with instructions

  1. Two vertical lines are drawn that will be the “skeletons” of the future Christmas trees.
  2. The top of the Christmas tree in front is added.
  3. The second layer of needles is drawn.
  4. The lower branches and the “leg” of the Christmas tree are depicted.
  5. The first Christmas tree is decorated with small balls.
  6. The upper layers of needles are drawn on the tree standing a little further away.
  7. The lower branches and trunk are added.
  8. A snowball lies on the branches of a distant Christmas tree.
  9. The “skeletons” are removed and the Christmas trees and background are painted.

A simple drawing step by step for the New Year 2017 - a beautiful Rooster for school and kindergarten

The image of the symbol of the year of the Rooster will allow every child in school and kindergarten to create beautiful decor for their home or office. The easiest way to prepare such a drawing for the New Year is with pencils. According to the master class below, you need to draw the Cockerel with small lines. This will greatly simplify the task of depicting a bird and will help make it simple and beautiful drawing for the New Year of the Rooster. In this work you should use a regular pencil and eraser. You can color the drawing for the New Year 2017 using at will: using colored pencils of any shade. But it’s better to make it red or orange, because the new symbol is considered fiery.

Master class “Cockerel” - step-by-step depiction of a bird

  1. The upper part of the neck and back of the cockerel is depicted, then its small comb is added. Next, the child must complete the drawing of a sharp beak, an “earring,” and the lower part of the neck.

  2. The chest and the transition to the paws are drawn with a wavy line. Paws with a spur and a lower curl of the tail are added.

  3. The feathers of the wing are drawn, a long tail feather is added. The finished tail goes into the back and connects to the first section.

  4. Lines are added to delimit the earring and comb from the head. A peephole is added, and the silhouettes of the wing and feathers on it are drawn. The finished cockerel is painted.

DIY drawing for New Year 2017 in pencil - Santa Claus for school and garden

Bright Grandfather Frost is the main character of the upcoming New Year holidays. He brings gifts to the children, rewarding them for their efforts and good behavior. Children can prepare a colorful drawing for the New Year 2017 with a pencil of Santa Claus different ages. Simple instructions The picture creation tool will help you easily and accurately depict a fairy-tale character. Such a drawing for the New Year 2017 will be suitable for school and kindergarten. To work, the children will need pencils, colored pencils, and an eraser.

Master class “Santa Claus” - step-by-step instructions for drawing a character

  1. You need to draw a small circle-head and divide it horizontally in half with a line. At the bottom, a “bag” is drawn, which will be the body of Santa Claus.

  2. The nose, beard and edge of Santa Claus' cap are carefully drawn at an equal distance on a horizontal line.

  3. Eyes, fluffy eyebrows and a small smile are transferred to the head.

  4. A lush beard and cap lapel are added.

  5. The hat with a pom-pom is being completed.

  6. The silhouette of the body is divided in half. Another line is added parallel to the drawn line. The stripes will then turn into a belt.

  7. The buckle and hands of Santa Claus and the bag behind his back are completed.

  8. The boots are being completed.

  9. Auxiliary lines are removed from the picture, and the resulting picture is colored.

Children's drawing for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten Rooster - for elementary, middle, senior groups

For children in kindergarten, teachers select as a basis for drawing simple figures. They are usually based on simple geometric figures. By correctly repeating the drawing of lines after the teacher, the children will be able to make an attractive picture. Bright children's drawing For the New Year it can be an excellent decoration for a bedroom or dining room. Children can also use the pictures to decorate their rooms at home. A simple drawing for the New Year 2017 in pencil does not require special skills and artistic skills. The little ones will only need to correctly follow the instructions below and repeat each step after the teacher as accurately as possible. To work, children will need colored pencils, a simple pencil and an eraser.

Master class “Fairytale Cockerel” for the little ones - drawing for kindergarten

  1. Two ovals are depicted on the sheet: one for the head, the other for the body.

  2. The ovals are connected to each other by smooth lines, which will become the Cockerel’s neck. A wing is added to the large oval.

  3. Extra lines are removed. A fluffy tail with feathers is added to the large oval. The lower part of the ponytail should be rounded: it will make a cute leg.

  4. Another semicircle is added at the bottom of the large oval. The Cockerel's legs are added to them.

  5. Are drawn on the head big eyes, excess lines are carefully removed with an eraser.

  6. A large beak is drawn under the eyes, and a scallop should be drawn on the head. Extra lines are removed and the picture is colored.

Drawing competition for the New Year in school and kindergarten - ideas and examples

Holding a competition before the New Year holidays allows children to have a pleasant and entertaining time and compete with other students. Beautiful pictures usually contain themed images Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, preparation or celebration. This could be a drawing for the New Year 2017 for a kindergarten in the form of a monkey, rooster, or penguin. You can prepare for such a competition a drawing based on the cells about the New Year: you can add brightness and saturation to the image using colored pencils, felt-tip pens or gel pens. You can also prepare an original image with funny animals. The ongoing drawing competition for the New Year can be supplemented with stylized appliqué images and other unusual crafts. Among the proposed ideas you can find original pictures that will help inspire your child and help you choose a suitable theme or character.

Cute children's crafts and New Year themed drawings are the best decor for home, school and kindergarten. Bright images are great for holding creative lessons or holding an entertaining competition. An original drawing for the New Year 2017 for kids and schoolchildren can be selected from the suggested ideas and examples. Step-by-step master classes with photos and videos will help you do it carefully and quickly beautiful picture pencils or paints, felt-tip pens. You can transfer images to whatman paper, regular A4 sheets or large checkered sheets. Using the instructions provided, do good drawings Children 3-4 years old and primary and secondary school students will be able to do it.

Almost all educational and preschool institutions before winter holidays They hold matinees, drawing competitions and other entertainment events. Children are given a home task to draw beautiful New Year pictures or. Unfortunately, not all guys have skills in fine arts, especially in kindergarten or primary school. Also, parents cannot always show the drawing technique step by step, so they use templates for sketching, which can be downloaded for free on many web resources. We offer not only to download a large gallery original drawings pencil for the New Year 2019, but also take several master classes for children under 3 years of age and older.

In, the most relevant will be images with a totem. It could be a piglet, a New Year's pig in a hat, or a funny Piggy in the company of fairy-tale characters. Therefore, first of all, we will teach kids to draw easy and beautiful pictures with this cute animal, and then we will move on to drawing a snowman and Santa Claus.

How to draw a pig for a child

1. First, you need to draw a circle with a simple pencil using a compass or a special ruler. Click on the picture to enlarge.
2. Next, you should circle the circle so that it gets uneven in several places, as shown in the figure. This will be the piglet's body. Then we add two arched lines to evenly divide the space for the muzzle parts.
3. Draw the eyes, snout and mouth.
4. Now you need to erase all the rough lines with an eraser.
5. At the next stage, draw the ears. The diagram shows where they should be placed.
6. Next, you need to finish drawing the front legs with hooves and a curled tail.
7. Finally, add the hind legs and erase all the auxiliary lines with an eraser. Now you can start coloring.

How to draw Santa Claus

We will not describe the drawing process step by step, since the pictures show everything in detail and clearly. We tried to choose one of the easiest schemes, so even Small child. To make it easier for your child to view the stages, you can print the pictures on a printer. Click on the image to enlarge.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Draw a snowman with a pencil step by step

  1. First you need to draw three circles. The top one should be flat, the bottom two should be slightly flattened.
  2. Next, draw a rounded line on the head for the base of the bucket, arms, legs and a straight broom handle, as shown in the picture.
  3. Erase the rough lines with an eraser and add the broom brush, bucket, eyes and carrot nose.
  4. Add a smile mouth, pupils, strokes on the body, carrot and broom for volume.

Step 1

You don’t know what to do with yourself or your child for long periods of time winter evenings– we invite you to think about preparing for the coming New Year and start making original pictures!

Drawing is a fun and useful activity, and creating your own unique landscape or a New Year's card, anyone can do it by choosing the optimal type of graphics and tools. We will tell you how you can create New Year's drawings for the upcoming 2019 and what can be depicted on a postcard created by yourself.

How to draw?

There are many ways to create interesting New Year's drawings for 2019 Pig:

  1. pencil and crayons;
  2. watercolor, oil or acrylic paints;
  3. using computer graphics.

What plot to choose for a New Year's drawing?

For a New Year's drawing, you can take any subject. This could be a picture of a winter landscape, Santa Claus or other fairy tale characters. Thematic drawings can consist of one image and you will get a beautiful New Year's card. If the picture will decorate a wall or window, then it is best to use a picture with several images.

In the Year of the Pig, you can make a beautiful drawing of the symbol in the form of a comic sketch of a New Year's pig. Otherwise, everything depends only on your imagination - you can make almost any drawing on a New Year's theme. For creating original picture, you can use an applique of pre-drawn details (individual characters, snowflakes and other New Year's attributes).

How to draw Santa Claus?

A New Year's drawing will be incomplete if we do not have an image of Santa Claus. Main character always decorates the holiday New Year cards, posters and other items. To draw a winter wizard, you will need a set of colored pencils and a little patience. Step-by-step master class will teach you how to draw Santa Claus quickly and beautifully!

1. First you need to draw the face of Santa Claus.

2. Add a mustache and draw a neck line that will connect the head to the body.

3. Draw a fur coat - draw the side lines of the silhouette, then outline the fur edging.

4. Draw hands in mittens, bend the other hand under high angle- in it, Santa Claus holds a bag of gifts. If desired, you can add on the bag beautiful inscription using a stencil.

5. Draw the hands and mittens, the second hand is bent and holds a bag with gifts.

6. All that remains is to decorate the wizard with colored pencil or paints.

We will not describe the drawing process step by step, since the pictures show everything in detail and clearly. We tried to choose one of the easiest schemes, so even a small child can master it. To make it easier for your child to view the stages, you can print the pictures on a printer.

How to draw a pig for a child

1. First, you need to draw a circle with a simple pencil using a compass or a special ruler.
2. Next, you should circle the circle so that it gets uneven in several places, as shown in the figure. This will be the piglet's body. Then we add two arched lines to evenly divide the space for the muzzle parts.
3. Draw the eyes, snout and mouth.
4. Now you need to erase all the rough lines with an eraser.
5. At the next stage, draw the ears. The diagram shows where they should be placed.
6. Next, you need to finish drawing the front legs with hooves and a curled tail.
7. Finally, add the hind legs and erase all the auxiliary lines with an eraser. Now you can start coloring.

Every year passes under a certain symbol. In 2019, it will be the Yellow Pig, which will become the main patron and talisman, bringing good luck and prosperity. This wonderful character can be drawn in any classic or comic style; cartoon options are of particular interest. If you wish, you can choose any image of the Pig that suits your taste.

  1. Outline the contours of the head and torso. They have a round shape, so you can draw them using a stencil or by hand. The head can be drawn in an even circle, the body is more voluminous, slightly elongated.
  2. On the head we draw the contours of the ears, outline the muzzle, making it slightly elongated. Don't forget about the contours of your mouth. From the bottom of the body, mark the contours of the legs, which should slightly extend onto the border of the body. We draw the eyes at the top of the head.
  3. Finish everything small parts and use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines. All that remains is to paint the Pig in any color. Since in 2019 the symbol will be the Earth Pig, it can be painted not only in the traditional pink color, but also make it yellow or golden.

Drawing a Pig

The pig is the symbol of 2019, and therefore New Year's drawings will be decorated with the cute faces of pink piglets. A pig is perhaps one of the easiest animals to draw. Depending on your desires and capabilities, you can choose a cartoon or more realistic option and implement it using the tips in the pictures

Most popular in 2019 cartoon character promises to be Peppa Pig. Drawing her and other characters from this cartoon is also not difficult.

We offer you these 3 options:

  1. Print an image from clear outline and transfer it to paper using carbon paper.
  2. Use a professional method of transferring images across cells.
  3. Create a drawing according to the instructions in the video tutorial.

Christmas tree drawings

Elegant Christmas tree main symbol new Year. There are several simple circuits drawing this New Year's symbol. The easiest way is to use triangles different sizes, after which it is decorated with balls or garlands. To learn how to draw a Christmas tree, take a sheet of paper, plain and green pencils and start this exciting activity.

Master class on drawing a snowman

The snowman or snow woman is a famous fairy-tale character who has long become the personification of the New Year holidays. The snowman accompanies Santa Claus; his figures are used to decorate the Christmas tree and are even sculpted from snow. Drawing a snowman is not difficult, especially if you follow simple instructions:

  1. Prepare a large sheet of paper. Since the snowman is most often in fun company other fairy-tale characters, you can add other images to this sheet. Using a ruler, draw a rectangle and divide it with two intersecting perpendicular lines. The markings will help make the snowman more proportional.
  2. Make smooth lines along the edges that will follow the contour of the snowman's figure. For ease of drawing, you can draw circles and then remove the extra lines. Doesn't have to be perfect straight lines, because you will still paint the snow man.
  3. The snowman's head is usually covered with a bucket. To draw it, take the top horizontal line as a basis. It should have the shape of a cone with an oval bottom. Erase all the extra lines and add eyes to the snowman and two thin lines for the arms.
  4. All that remains is to add the necessary details: legs, a broom, a belt, etc. You can draw any landscape around it or put a snowman next to the Christmas tree. To make drawing easier, look at the step-by-step diagram.

Draw a snowman with a pencil step by step

  1. First you need to draw three circles. The top one should be flat, the bottom two should be slightly flattened.
  2. Next, draw a rounded line on the head for the base of the bucket, arms, legs and a straight broom handle, as shown in the picture.
  3. Erase the rough lines with an eraser and add the broom brush, bucket, eyes and carrot nose.
  4. Add a smile mouth, pupils, strokes on the body, carrot and broom for volume.

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