How to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step. Drawing a snowman step by step with a pencil is easy and beautiful. How to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step Snowman and snow

Winter can be associated with a warm evening at home, tea and marshmallows. Children have different associations; they will tell you that winter means sleds, snowballs and the best snowman in their yard. It is not necessary to go outside to get this character; we will help you learn how to draw a snowman step by step.

Simple snowman

There is hardly a child who does not know how to draw a snowman step by step. In children's drawings it has several snowballs different sizes, twig handles and, of course, a bucket on the head and a carrot instead of a nose. Let's not deviate from the traditional image and just improve it a little.

What we need:

If you'll be drawing with a small child, the site recommends using wax crayons. They are safe if swallowed. Now let’s look at the first instruction on how to draw a snowman step by step:

The result is a drawing with a snowman. There is nothing difficult here, show the principle of drawing to children and they will really like the process.

Olaf drawing in ten minutes

It’s impossible not to remember your favorite cartoon character. This is Olaf the snowman. Right away, we can say that work is not suitable for small children, because in this option There is complex elements, but those who are older should definitely try it.

We will create a drawing of Olaf the snowman using markers and a sheet of paper:

  1. Let's use a gray felt-tip pen. If you have watched the cartoon, then you know that this snowman has three snow globes. We will start drawing from the second one. It cannot be said that the lump is round; rather, it will have a shape close to oval.
    We add another ball to it from below. And below we depict two oval legs.

  2. Now the difficult stage. You need to draw the top ball (face) of Olaf. This character's muzzle is oval. To obtain the required form draw two arcs, one from below, the other from above. From the upper arc we draw two short lines. From each line you need to draw features that look like halves of an inverted droplet. The head is ready.
  3. Our Olaf loves to smile. This snowman even has teeth. Draw a wide smile. In the central part of the smile we draw a rectangle with rounded corners. At the top of the head we draw two oval eyes. Place them side by side. You can “put” a hat on the snowman’s head. For now we will only depict fur and pom-pom.
  4. Draw a carrot near the eyes in orange. Draw the outline of the carrot in red. We do not remove the red color. We are finishing the design of the header. We connect fur and pompom. We paint the cap.
  5. Use blue to draw the upper eyelids on the eyes. Add brown handles and twigs to the sides. One of the arms can be raised.
  6. Use a black felt-tip pen to make round buttons for the snowman. Let's go back to the eyes, make round pupils with small highlights. Draw thin outlines in the snowman drawing with black.

  7. We return to the gray felt-tip pen on the left side of the body and make broad strokes. They will add volume to the picture. We add short strokes with right side. Do not press on the felt-tip pen. The strokes should not stand out.
  8. Finishing the drawing of Olaf the snowman. Add a few small black lines along the left side of the body. All is ready.

This is the kind of character you can draw in your free time. If you wish, you can add to the picture

Snowman on a postcard

Continuing the topic of how to draw snowmen, we will provide step by step instructions about the image of this character on the postcard. After drawing, you can sign it and give it to your parents or grandparents. Easy drawing, so even a child can handle it preschool age. We will paint with paints.

How to draw this snowman:

  1. First we make the background. Take light blue paint and draw a semicircle from about the middle of the sheet. We separate it along the lower part. Now, wash the brush, pick up white paint, and make a smooth transition of colors.
  2. We take blue paint and do the same steps, but with the upper part. Use white to line the bottom so that the colors match. Leave to dry.
  3. After drying, take white paint and spray it over the background. We get the effect of falling snow.
  4. Now, we'll tell you how to draw the outline of a snowman. Let's take white paint and draw one circle on the background, big size. Draw a small circle and paint over the image. We complement it with legs.

  5. We take light blue paint and add shadows on the snowman. We wait until the paint dries. Draw a box with a gift on the right side. Having outlined the outline, paint it over yellow the front part and draw out the bow.
  6. Use dark yellow paint to paint the side of the box and the top. Use red paint to draw a ribbon and paint a bow, as shown in the picture. With blue, we make the shadow that comes from the gift, we make shadows on the bow, located in the middle of the tie. We finish drawing the shadow on the side.

  7. . Take a dark green paint color. Using strokes, as shown in the picture, we depict a Christmas tree. So, we told you how to draw a snowman gift and a Christmas tree.
  8. While the tree is drying, we finish drawing the character. Armed with brick-colored paint, we outline the hat and paint it. We add red stripes to it. Paint the stripes between the red stripes with white. Let's finish drawing the hat. Using blue paints we depict a bubo on the hat. Let's draw the stripes. We shade the head from the body.

  9. Now, brown paint draw a carrot in place of the nose. We draw the eyes and mouth in black, as shown in the image. Using red paints we depict a scarf, which should have stripes like a hat. We paint some stripes with this color. Use white paint to paint the remaining stripes. We shade the scarf with a light blue color and complement it with the shadow that comes from the scarf. Apply a little black paint.
  10. Let's take it White color. We create a snow effect on the tree. Using blue paint, paint the bottom near the tree. Use the same paint to slightly darken the bottom of the snow.

  11. We finish drawing the snowman’s hands in the form of branches. On one of them we depict a hanging mitten. On the other hand, as shown in the picture, draw a rowan. We complement the hands with sparrows, they are brown. Using bright yellow paint on the left side we draw the moon and complete it. The drawing is ready.

To make the card more beautiful, you need to trim the edges.

So you learned how to draw snowmen, different ways. And you were probably convinced that the drawings were easy to perform. Even a child can do the job, but you must adhere to the order in which the actions are performed.

We also invite you to familiarize yourself with other and

- Andrey, tell me where you met Bigfoot?

I live on the outskirts of the city near the taiga. At the end of July, early in the morning, I went into the forest to get materials for wood carving: twigs, driftwood. Sometimes you walk through the forest and don’t notice how much distance you’ve covered. This time it happened, I walked more than six kilometers and came across a clearing. Then I felt a gaze on me and heard something similar to talking, which cannot be explained in words. Then I turned and looked: he was standing and trying to tell me something.

- Scared, perhaps?

No, there was no fear. Somehow the snowman was able to immediately win me over. Especially if I understand what is next to me sentient being, why should I be afraid of him?

- How did you understand that he was intelligent?

According to his reasoning. We talked with him for a long time - about forty minutes. We sat very close on the grass opposite each other. They did not talk out loud like people, but only telepathically. I didn’t immediately understand that I could answer him in my thoughts, but then the conversation was a success. Yeti told me that people like him can travel to other worlds. He also expressed his disappointment about some places on Earth where people worsen the environmental situation with their behavior. Bigfoot is very concerned about the state of forests around the world. At the end of our conversation, he told me his name out loud; in a low, chesty voice, he uttered only one word: “Taban.”

- What did Taban look like, the way Bigfoot people were depicted earlier or differently?

I tend to believe that there are different Yetis, and they are all different from each other, but, of course, they also have similar features. The herd was tall - definitely more than two and a half meters. I can tell this because I often make standard wood figures of the same height. It was immediately obvious that he was a man - his figure, gestures, and behavior spoke about it. The yeti's limbs are proportional to those of a human. The body has clearly defined muscles. His facial features are expressive, I especially remember his eyes - light, human. It was completely covered with a thick brown color, similar to a bear's, but much softer. Taban has huge feet - by human standards, his feet are at least size sixty.

- Do you have any evidence of a meeting with the Yeti?

I wasn’t able to take a photo of Taban because I didn’t have a camera or a phone with a camera with me. However, I always carry a pencil with me and something to draw on - I am an artist after all. I drew a Yeti on birch bark and showed him the drawing. He looked at it very carefully and drew some symbol on the paper. I looked for it in reference books and on the Internet, but did not find an exact answer. There is a similar symbol of friendship, but I'm not sure about it.

- If snow people live next to us, why then are they so rarely shown to people?

I think that they also have their own superiors, who forbid them to do this, or they themselves do not want to do this. Maybe they are afraid to interfere with our usual way of life. In addition, snow people do not want to traumatize people’s psyche. Do you think this is easy to survive? I'm still in shock and can't believe this happened to me.

see also

- Why do you think Bigfoot chose you to meet?

It's probably just a coincidence. Maybe this happened due to the fact that I always sincerely believed in the existence of the yeti and played out our meeting many times in my imagination. In the depths of my soul I dreamed of seeing him, I won’t hide it, purely out of curiosity. By the way, I don’t think that I’m the only one with whom the yeti communicated - it’s just that many people keep quiet about it. I myself didn’t want to tell anyone about this, because I was afraid that they would take me for an abnormal person. And I am absolutely adequate - not a drug addict, not an alcoholic, an ordinary person.

- How has your life changed after communicating with Taban?

I would not say that there was some kind of revolution in my life. The only thing is that I began to draw Bigfoot often, after meeting him this happened exactly four times. I used to paint yeti too, but the paintings were not as realistic as they are now. In general, I am sure that we will meet with Taban again, as my intuition tells me. Someday I’ll go to the place where we met for the first time.

But what to do if there is a desire, but there is no opportunity - the cold, frost and a caring mother do not allow it.

Don't despair! Pustunchik will help you arrange a real winter holiday without even leaving your room. We can’t blind it, then we’ll draw it.

How to draw a snowman?

In order for the drawing to come out correct and beautiful, you need to know what main parts the Snowman consists of.

Usually these are three snow globes: the largest is the Snowman's abdomen, the smaller is his chest, and the smallest is his head. The arms and legs for the Snowman can also be made from small lumps of snow. Often two small branches are attached in place of the hands. The nose is usually made from carrots, and the eyes and mouth are made from coals. And, of course, the constant attribute is a bucket, instead of a hat, and a broom, which he “holds” in his hands.

Now you can start drawing, and to make it easier for you, use the tips in the form of diagrams. There are all kinds of Snowmen on them!

Scheme 1

Scheme 2

Scheme 3

With hat and scarf

Step-by-step example of drawing a snowman

First, we suggest you see how to draw a snowman step by step. A snowman is a figure made of snow, which consists of three snow globes and has a characteristic carrot nose, a bucket instead of a hat and coal eyes.

Stage 1
We will also draw the base. First, three balls, slightly different in size: larger at the bottom, smaller at the top.

Let's mark the snow surface on which our snowman stands. Let's draw a face: a carrot instead of a nose, dots to represent the eyes and mouth, and suit buttons.

Stage 3
Let's add volume to the figure with the help of shading, and put a broom in your hands. The picture is ready, you can color it or leave it in black and white.

Drawing from the front

A similar method on how to draw a snowman with a pencil is discussed below. It differs in its working sketch. The technique described below will definitely come in handy in other drawings.

Dividing the work area perpendicular lines into 4 equal squares. The lower half will remain unchanged, the upper half will be divided again. This way the size of the balls that make up the figure is marked.

Based on this marking, we draw the component balls. You can immediately add arms and legs.

Extra lines can be removed and only the main outline left. Next, we add the attributes of the snowman: a bucket on the head, a carrot nose, eyes and a broom. In our version, the snow man also has a belt.

We complete the drawing with shading that conveys the shadow.

Beautiful snowman

Snowmen are generally similar. The difference will be in the number of balls that make them up and accessories. Below is an option on how to draw beautiful snowman. This snow man is a dandy. He has a real top hat and a beautiful scarf.

We draw a sketch, as usual. Two balls with preliminary markings of the face and hands.

Next we will draw a hat and a scarf. This sequence was chosen to make it more convenient to trace the final contour.

The outline will not depend on other accessories, so you can already outline it.

All that remains is to add buttons on the coat, a ribbon on the hat and arms made from twigs.

The drawing is ready for further filling with color.

Simple drawing

The simple sequence below will show how easy it is to draw a snowman without preliminary sketches and preparation.

Let's start drawing the hat. Below it we depict the head of a snowman.

A small strip on the neck will later become a scarf. Add the torso even lower. For simplicity of the image, we recommend drawing a figure of two balls.

The snowman is ready and can be painted. For example as shown below.

With hat and scarf

The New Year's character is similar to the usual one, only with more elegant accessories. We suggest drawing a snowman on New Year in a beautiful hat and a bright scarf.

Let's start with the markup. First, three circles on top of each other. Then we'll outline the hat and arms. Our hero waves his hand to greet the readers.

Then we detail the hat with buckle and scarf.

Now you can circle general outline, adding a snowball on which our figure is located, and removing the auxiliary lines.

Painting with paints

A more complex way to draw a snowman is with paints. To complete it, you need some brush and watercolor skills. But the result will be excellent.

First, draw a sketch with a pencil, using as thin strokes as possible. The main figure consists of a ball of the head and a cylinder representing the torso in a fur coat.

We'll put a cute hat with a bubo and a lapel on our head. Let's place the figure itself in the snowball.

On the face we will draw the coals of the eyes, a carrot nose and a smiling mouth.

Let's add hands, depicted for simplicity in pockets or behind the back. A scarf around the neck. You can also draw buttons on the fur coat.

The sketch is completed, and now it should be outlined with a thin felt-tip pen or pen.

Remove excess lines using an eraser.

Let's start painting with paints. First, let's give the overall light blue background to the snow, including the figure.

We will paint over the coals with black paint: eyes, mouth, buttons.

Now we take a more saturated blue color and paint over the evening sky. Let's add a character's shadow on the snow.

Next, the picture should be dried and filled with the color of the hat and scarf again for greater brightness. Using white paint we apply snow. On a dried surface, the paint will not spread, and the snowflake will retain a clear outline.

All that remains is to trace the outlines of the snowman over the paint once again for greater clarity. The drawing is ready.

Your child was asked to draw a snowman in kindergarten, but you don’t know how to explain to your child how to carry out the work step by step? Then this article is for you. Below we will tell you how to draw a snowman. And the pictures will show the sequence of all the work.

Simple snowman

You should always start with the most primitive, and gradually take on more complex projects. It’s the same in drawing. Before entrusting your child with the depiction of a truly worthwhile piece of art, you should teach your child how to make light sketches. How to draw a snowman? The easiest way is to make it up from circles and ovals.

First of all, we outline the torso. This will be a pyramid of three circles. Now you should draw the hands - these are ovals. At the next stage of work, you need to add a bucket and a broom to the snowman, and also outline the carrot nose and eyes. Now you need to erase all the lines that were needed for construction. They should not be visible on finished image. When all the previous stages of work have been completed, you can move on to detailing. Here you should outline the bristles of the broom, the pupils of the eyes and the relief of the carrot.

Snowman with broom

This character is not entirely ordinary. Using his example, you can explain to a child what stylization is. How to draw a snowman in this style? You should start with a circle and an oval. And if the child asks why the snowman does not consist of three parts, you should explain that this is called exaggerating the shape. Then you should draw a bucket. Now you need to work out the drawing.

The snowman needs to depict hands and nose. Since the character does not pretend to be realistic, his hands can be rested on his sides. The next stage is drawing the scarf and broom stick. Then you can finish drawing the top of the panicle, eyes and buttons. We have discussed how to draw a snowman step by step, but this does not mean that you cannot deviate from these instructions. They need to be followed, but if the child wants to upgrade some part of the hero, let him do it.

Snowman in a hat

If you sit three different children and ask them to draw the same character, they will all get it right. different images. Therefore, if a child asks to draw a snowman every day, do not argue. Just make sure that your child doesn’t repeat himself or copy yesterday’s ideas today.

How to draw a snowman in a hat? You need to start with the image of the body. This will be a pyramid of circles stacked on top of each other. Now you should revive the hero a little by drawing his face and legs. Then we draw the scarf, hands and hat one by one. How to do this is shown step by step in the picture above. Lastly, we depict a broom. If desired, the drawing can be colored with colored pencils.

Snowman and snow

The most simple drawings can be the most emotional. You can invite your child not just to draw a character, but ask him to express some feeling. How to draw a snowman with a pencil, while conveying joy? Everything is very simple.

According to the standard scheme, you should first draw a pyramid of circles, then you need to draw a bucket or a hat, but now you can get creative. For example, draw snow and a snowman who is happy about it. But if you needed to express sadness, you could depict rain or sun in the picture. Thanks to such work, the child learns not only to draw, but also to fantasize, and also to better identify his own and other people’s emotions.

Snowman with scarf

Another fairly simple sketch of how to draw a snowman step by step with a pencil. You need to start with a pyramid, but not circles, but ovals. In this version, the snowman will also be a little exaggerated. Now you should draw branches and arms for him.

Moreover, it will be even more interesting if you give them a natural bend of the upper limbs, that is, indicate the elbow joint. Then you should draw a hat of any shape and put a scarf around the snowman’s neck. All that remains is to detail the drawing by depicting the face and adding buttons to the body. If desired, you can add color to the picture by coloring it with felt-tip pens.

Don't be afraid to fantasize

The painted snowmen, the picture of which you see above, may be different. It doesn't have to be a pyramid of circles. After all, you can make a man, a dog or a giraffe out of snow, and all this will be called in one word - a snowman. Therefore, this character can be portrayed in different ways.

Do not rebuke your child if he decides to give his hero the shape of a square, rectangle or pyramid. On the contrary, praise them for their resourcefulness. After all, not all children are able to move away from stereotyped thinking and be creative. Thanks to parental support, the child’s thirst for creativity will not die, and a normal vision of the world will still come over time.

Drawing Olaf

This hero of the cartoon “Frozen” is loved by both adults and children. How to draw Olif? You should start by drawing a line of the specific slope of the character. Consider this strip to be axial. You need to “put” two circles and one oval on it. Now we give the oval the shape of a snowman’s head, insert the carrot and eyes into place and make some kind of hairstyle. Don't forget about your mouth and teeth. All that remains is to make branches-arms and snowballs-legs. You definitely need to add buttons to your character.

Complex snowman

When the child has learned to sketch well, he can be asked to draw something more worthwhile. For example, real artistic work. Of course, the child cannot cope without the help of his parents, but the mother can spend time with her child, and therefore, if necessary, she will help. How to draw a beautiful snowman? You need to start with the general form.

Draw three balls of different sizes. Then we outline the scarf. We immediately draw creases and folds, so the picture will look more interesting. Now we need to move on to the header. The top hat will be a little shabby, and this should be shown by the hole in the headpiece. We draw branch arms and place a couple of birds next to the snowman. All that remains is to finish drawing the happy face.

When the sketch is ready, you need to shade it. Apply a light shadow on the right side of the snowman, and draw it more actively on the left side. Then you need to tint your hands and scarf. Lastly, you need to shade the headdress. It should be the darkest spot in the picture.

Smoking snowman

This illustration looks very cute, although it is not entirely childish. Here the snowman is not depicted in full; attention is focused on the upper part of the character. You need to draw the head and part of the snowman’s body. Then you should detail the hero. We put a hat on his head, draw a hole in it, then draw a scarf on which you can make a patch.

And you can put a pipe in the snowman's mouth. By the way, it can be exchanged for a lollipop or something else. Now you need to draw a funny bird on the snowman’s nose. The look of this little hero should be directed into the snowman's eyes, and the expression on the face with beak should be extremely interested.

The snowman is one of the important characters New Year's holiday. New Year 2019 is coming soon and many will be wondering how to draw a snowman? Our website is a collection of instructions, we have answers to many life questions. New articles and creative master classes are constantly published on the site. In order not to miss new ones, you can subscribe.

Materials and tools:

Markers for sketching;
- gray pencil;
- black pen;
- pencil;
- ruler;
- paper;
- eraser;

How to draw a snowman step by step?

Note: Alcohol markers from Artisticks were used in the master class. When adding a shadow, the border is blurred by the marker that was there before. If the edges are poorly blurred, repeat the action. If the shadows become lighter, you can apply a dark tone again.

The drawing is drawn on drawing paper.

1. First, make markings on a piece of paper.

2. Now let's start outlining the body. We work with the lower part. First, make a rectangle (or square). Find the middle of the sheet. Making notes. We retreat 3 cm from the middle on the left and right sides. We draw arcs.

3. We make outlines to draw the head. Find the middle of the sheet and set aside 2 cm from the middle. Draw a scarf and the beginning of the hat.

4. Let's finish drawing the hat. We give the snowman's face an outline. Add buttons to the body.

5. We draw hands, and there will be mittens on the hands. At this stage, you can correct something (erase it with an eraser), add something. If everything suits you, then we proceed to drawing further.

6. We outline the sketch using a black pen. Nothing can be fixed here. Then erase the pencil using an eraser.

7. We work with snowman accessories. Take the blue marker B241 and sketch it. Then we sketch the buttons with a yellow Y225 marker.

8. Add a shadow using a marker one tone darker. Marker B242. We sketch the hands with a brown marker E168. Carrot nose YR158. On the pompom, the border is drawn with a gray pencil.

Here we have such a joyful snowman. You can make a postcard, add New Year's inscriptions, New Year's elements in the form of a Christmas tree, sleigh, New Year's toys, add gifts or simply frame and hang on the wall. .

Video. How to draw a snowman step by step?

In anticipation winter holidays, adults and children begin to engage in creativity and make their little dreams come true. Therefore, many novice artists are interested in the question of how to easily and beautifully draw a snowman step by step using a pencil.

Two options will be considered - for more experienced and very young artists, so that everyone can choose a drawing for themselves.

To work you will definitely need:

  • A4 size sheet of paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • soft eraser;
  • sharpener with a high-quality blade;
  • paints or colored pencils if desired.

Drawing a snowman

So, in order to draw the first snowman on paper, you should do the following.

Using straight lines, a rectangular area of ​​the future drawing is highlighted. It should be carefully divided by two perpendicular lines. This step is not required, but beginners should still pay attention to it.

Drawing the body of a snowman

Next, it is necessary to extend the existing lines, as it were, turning them into oblong circles. It is not necessary to make them perfectly even, since it will not be possible to achieve “ideality” in life. At the same stage, a horizontal line is added to the head of the snowman, indicating a bucket and circles that will soon become arms and legs.

Snowman drawn in pencil

Now it’s worth paying attention to the bucket. It should be cone-shaped and have an oval bottom. The orientation goes to the line that was added in the previous step.

With careful and leisurely movements, the indicative contours are removed using an eraser, the eyes and lines of the hands are drawn.

Instead of ordinary hands, branches are drawn for the snowman; in one of them he will hold a broom. Although such details are important, they often do not need careful drawing - they can have a slightly sloppy and “disheveled” appearance. To make the snowman look cuter, he is given a carrot nose and a narrow belt at the waist.

Step by step steps

The last stage will be needed for those who choose the pencil version of the drawing and will not use paints or colored pencils.

Using soft a simple pencil shadows are drawn - most of them should be in the opposite direction from the sun or other light source.

The main character of the picture is ready and now, if desired, you can add others fairy-tale heroes or at least outline the winter landscape.

Snowman drawing for little ones

Children have always been different creative thinking, and want to try something new every day. Therefore the next step by step lesson especially for them - now even preschool children will know how to draw a snowman with a pencil is easy and beautiful.

Where to begin

To begin, take paper, pencils and an eraser. But you shouldn’t force your child to follow all the formalities - if he wants, then let him draw in a checkered notebook, notepad or on colored paper.

Step by step photos

So, after you have everything you need at hand, you can begin.

First, a large circle is slowly drawn at the bottom of the leaf. If you don’t get a perfect oval, that’s okay. The main thing is that the child likes the result.

Afterwards, the top circle is applied to the paper - slightly smaller than the first one. The resulting ovals should lightly touch each other.

Drawing parts of a snowman

To make the snowman look to the side, eyes in the form of dots are drawn not in the center of the face, but slightly to the left, then a carrot nose and a smiling mouth are drawn.

Painted snowman

At the very end, twig arms are added to the body and two oblong ovals at the bottom, which play the role of the snowman’s legs. All that remains is to remove all the extra lines and the drawing is ready.

Drawing with a pencil is a pleasure, but such a drawing will be very difficult to make alive, so it is recommended to add color to the image at the final stages. And here's how to do it well:

Snowman in pencil

  • When decorating a snowman, it is better not to use felt-tip pens - the image will turn out flat and smeared;
  • The best effect can be achieved using paints, colored pencils and even crayons for drawing;
  • the hardest thing to paint small parts and in particular the bucket on the snowman's head. So it’s best to draw it in the same size on another piece of paper and practice painting it with brushes.

Now you know how to easily and beautifully draw a snowman using a pencil, but for a better understanding and reinforcement of the material, we suggest watching another step-by-step video lesson.

An unconventional technique for drawing a snowman by poking it with a hard, semi-dry brush.

Master class on drawing a snowman for children 5-7 years old.

Kirillova Irina Nikolaevna, teacher of MKDOU “ Kindergarten No. 4 “Chamomile”.
Description: this master class will be useful for kindergarten teachers, teachers additional education, creative people and caring parents.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, work for an exhibition.
Target: creation of educational and creative work.
Continue to teach how to convey the features of the depicted object using the technique of drawing a poke with a hard semi-dry brush.
Improve fine motor skills hands and hand-eye coordination.
Continue to develop the ability to convey the shape and size of the depicted object, correctly position the parts relative to each other.
Cultivate interest in visual techniques drawing.
Material: gouache, watercolor, hard brushes, watercolor paper, water, napkins.
Preliminary work: Introducing children to the history of the tradition of making snowmen.
The first snowmen were portrayed as evil, ferocious snow monsters of impressive size. This is no coincidence, because in those ancient times, merciless winters with severe frosts and dank blizzards brought a lot of trouble. They thought that it was dangerous to sculpt them during periods of the full moon: for a person this could result in obsessive nightmares, night terrors, and generally all sorts of failures. Only over time did the snowman become a symbol of the winter holidays.
In Rus', snowmen have been sculpted since ancient pagan times and were revered as the spirits of winter. They, like Frost, were treated with due respect and asked for help and to reduce the duration of severe frosts. By the way, snow women and the Snow Maiden are our Russian heritage. Our ancestors believed that in winter natural phenomena(fogs, snows, blizzards) are commanded by female spirits. Therefore, to show them their respect, they sculpted snow women.
By Christian legend, snowmen are angels. After all, snow is a gift from heaven. This means that a snowman is like an angel who can convey people’s requests to God. For this purpose, a little snowman was sculpted from freshly fallen snow and their wish was quietly whispered to him. They believed that as soon as the snow figure melted, the wish would immediately be taken to heaven and soon come true.
In Europe, snowmen were always made next to houses, generously decorated with garlands and household utensils, wrapped in scarves, and given branchy brooms. The mystical nature can be discerned in the details of their “robes”. For example, a nose in the shape of a carrot was attached to appease the spirits who sent harvests and fertility. An inverted bucket on the head symbolized prosperity in the house. In Romania, it has long been a known custom to decorate a snowman with “beads” made from garlic heads. It was believed that this promoted the health of household members and protected them from the mischief of dark forces.
In Moscow, for several years in a row, the annual Snowman Parade competition has been held at the estate of Father Frost in Kuzminsky Park.
Snowman Day in different countries.
At the beginning of February, there is a joyful commotion in the village of Shiramine in Japan: a snowman is being made at every house! This holiday dates back several centuries.
In Germany, the snow character holiday is celebrated on January 18, World Snowman Day.
In Russia, Snowman Day is celebrated on February 28th. On this day, a snowman is made by the whole family, with friends or alone. At the same time, you can make a wish that will definitely come true.

Before drawing, you can do a short exercise - warm-up with a brush:
Let's take a brush like this:
It's difficult? No, it's nothing.
Up - down, right - left
Proudly like a queen
The brush poked
She clicked her heel.
And then he walks in circles,
Like guys in a round dance.
Are you tired? Let's rest,
And we'll start knocking again.
We draw: one, one...
Everything will work out for us!

Place the brush vertically. Make a few pokes without paint.
1. Prepare workplace for drawing.

2. Let's start drawing the background. We take blue gouache and evenly paint over the background of the picture, stretch the color by adding a little water and other shades.

3. Take a wide brush No. 8 and draw circles of different sizes with white gouache. The brush should be held vertically in relation to the sheet and made poke-like movements in a circle from the edge to the center.

4. Apply shades of purple or of blue color, highlighting each circle from each other.

5. Draw a hat and scarf for the snowman, also using the poking method.

6. We draw eyes, a nose - a carrot, a mouth and hands - twigs in watercolors.

7. We draw with gouache the snow fluttering around and on the snowman.

Like this funny snowman we succeeded.

Dear colleagues, I will be glad if you like the presented technique and you share with me your impressions of the result.
Thank you for your attention!
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