How to draw a surprised face. Learning how to draw a beautiful girl

Only those who have studied in special courses or in art school because this is not an easy task. To fully transfer proportions to paper, you need to know many of the nuances of each element.

However, if you are a beginner who already has some drawing skills, you can try your hand at drawing a face. First, you should practice drawing various features on a rough draft: lips, eyebrows, nose. Then you can take Blank sheet paper and move on to the first stage of this lesson.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • pencil;
  • marker;
  • colored pencils in red, brown, blue, orange.

Drawing steps:

1. Let's draw an oval. This will be the head. Let's draw two auxiliary lines in the center.

2. Now let's adjust the shape of the face. We use simple curved lines to denote the hair.

3. Draw the eyebrows and the upper eyelid of the eye, which should be on a horizontal line.

4. We finish drawing the eyes, namely the lower eyelid, eyeball and pupil, as well as eyelashes. Add a line in the center where the nose is located.

5. Draw the nose and mouth. The lips will be wide and large.

6. Let's draw the general shape of the hairstyle around the head.

7. Let’s draw the neck and shoulders below.

8. Let's detail the girl's hair - draw strands.

9. Outline the outline of the face, eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips with a black marker. We will also go over each line of the neck, shoulders, and hair.

10. Let's start coloring step by step drawing faces. First of all, let's add color to the girl's hair. They will be red. Take an orange pencil and completely shade it along the contour of the hairstyle. In some places you can add volume using brown pencil. You can also give the girl a different hair color.

11. Now let's move on to the gentle and sensitive skin girls. To give a natural look, we first use a pink pencil, then to create penumbra - red, and for shadow areas - brown.

12. Let’s make the girl’s lips bright red.

13. Decorate the gorgeous eyebrows on your face with a brown pencil.

14. Then let's move on to the eyes. Color the lower and upper eyelids with a black marker. Let's make the iris blue. We will also decorate the pupil with a marker.

The result is a beautiful portrait of a girl, and you learned how to draw woman's face. To draw a man's face, use the same steps, just change their features. After all, a man's is rougher.

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In today's lesson we will learn to draw a human face. Let's look at all the important elements of the face, such as eyes, nose, mouth, lighting and conveying a person's psychological state through a drawing.

This lesson is just right for those who want to learn how to draw cool portraits.

How to draw a face step by step

First, let's take a general look at drawing a person, and then go over the points in more detail.

Stage 1
We will depict the head in half a turn, so we draw an oval with the ear already outlined. We mentally divide it in half vertically, imagining where the center of the head will be. Also, horizontal lines indicate the places where the hairline, eyes, nose and mouth will be.

These are auxiliary lines, so you shouldn’t press too hard on the pencil.

Stage 2
The second step is very important for us, on it we will depict all the features face light pressing the pencil. Since this lesson is for advanced artists, we will not dwell on each element.

Stage 3
Since our drawing will be with chiaroscuro, it’s time to start working with it.

Very important advice which many people don't know about:
To make it easier to depict chiaroscuro, you need to divide the face into planes. Thus, you yourself will better understand where the shadow should be and where it should not be.

This method is a little better than smearing a pencil over an even face.

Stage 4
Now it's time to apply shadows.

Lifehack for drawing shadows:
To make it easier to portray a shadow, you need to squint your eyes so that you can only distinguish two tones, dark and light. After defining the overall shadow, you need to detail it into darker and lighter areas. You need to do this with your eyes well open.

Stage 5
In the fifth step, we continue to work on the chiaroscuro with a pencil. We designate dark places darker and light places lighter. We make more frequent strokes than in the previous step.

Stage 6
In any case, it is impossible to convey all the facial features and tones of a person’s shadow in a drawing, so there is no need to overdo it. We finalize the chiaroscuro and our portrait is ready!

Now it's time to go through the elements of the portrait in more detail.

1. Light

Ideally, if you are working from nature, the light should not be too bright and should fall slightly above the person’s head. Because of this, the light will fall in such a way that it will be easier for you to depict the main features of a person.

If the light source is too bright, then our nature will have to wrinkle our eyes and unnaturally tense some muscles, we don’t need this, so watch the light source.

2. Head

Drawing proceeds from the general to the specific. That is, we outline the basis and then detail it.

Carefully study the characteristic shapes of the person you are drawing. Even if you draw from a picture, you should still study it carefully.

Even if you make a beautiful nose. eyes or mouth, but general forms the heads will not correspond to reality, then the work can be considered unsuccessful.

Once you have analyzed common features face, it's time to analyze the small elements: eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

3. Eyes

Eyes are a very important element. They convey character, emotions, physical and psychological condition generally. Try to draw them required size and in the right place.

It is also important that the pupil is pointed in exactly the same direction, otherwise you will not be able to convey the properties described above.

Don't forget about eyebrows. They are very good at showing when someone is angry or sad. Women usually long eyelashes, but thin eyebrows. It happens differently for men.

When drawing older people, you should pay special attention to the wrinkles around the eyes.

4. Ears

The ears are drawn almost identically. This is not the most important part, but still...
They are usually depicted in line with the nose.

A couple of important points:
The child must have fairly large ears.
And for older people it is necessary to draw distant ears.

5. Nose

Drawing it is not as easy as it seems; it is a rather difficult part of the face to depict. Another challenge is that people have different noses. Once you learn to draw one type masterfully, you may not be able to draw another type masterfully as well.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that a large shadow falls from the nose, which needs to be depicted somehow. It is usually drawn in the form of a pyramid.

6. Mouth

The lips or mouth are also a very expressive part, despite the fact that they are drawn almost identically. Depending on gender and race, lips can be thin or thicker.

The upper and lower lips can be approximately the same size. It is also possible that the lower lip will be larger than the upper and vice versa.

Important conclusion

If you want to learn how to draw beautiful face person and you are unable to draw one part, then you should not get hung up on constantly drawing the same part.

No need to spend hundreds of sheets on just lips. Try to draw the face as a whole more often and gradually you will learn how to draw lips and, at the same time, improve your drawing skill in general.

The face is the most expressive part of the human body.

With its help you can learn a lot about a person, about her emotions and experiences.

Having learned how to draw a person's face,

you will expand your Creative skills and perhaps you will be able to draw portraits.

1. Traditionally, using a hard-soft pencil (TM), mark the boundaries of the drawing.

2. The head is drawn in a generalized form - an inverted egg. How to draw a cat.

3. Center lines will help avoid asymmetry and unevenness. Using them, you can learn to be careful. How to draw a face.

4. Use vertical lines to mark extreme points nose and mouth.

5. To begin, symbolically draw the eyes in the form of semi-arcs, do not forget about the irises. How to draw a person.

6. Eyebrows play an important role in facial expression. Check the thickness of your lips.

7. Using light, cursory lines you can outline your hairstyle. The haircut model depends entirely on your taste (or on the appearance of the model you are drawing).

8. When asking the question “How to draw eyes,” rely both on the anatomical features of their structure and on your own intuition. The shape of the eyes also determines the mood and emotionality of the portrait. How to draw a squirrel.

9. Start drawing the nose. To do this, carefully get rid of the extra lines, and then give it a nice shape.

10. Another significant detail is the lips. Draw a light half-smile of Gioconda - this is almost a win-win option.

11. Refine the contours of the chin, add a little thickness to the eyebrows (don't overdo it!).

12. How to draw eyes is up to you. You can add modern charm and draw luxurious eyelashes, or limit yourself to basic lines.

13. It's time to draw the hairstyle in detail. Carefully draw large strands and curls. However, you should not draw each hair separately.

14. Shading the face should be very careful - a sloppy line can ruin everything. Start with the darkest places, remembering to shade the pencil from time to time.

15. Use bold, broad strokes to create voluminous waves in the hair.

This lesson is devoted to how to draw a girl's face with a pencil. The process itself is quite interesting and difficult. However, once you achieve the result, you will be pleasantly surprised, because the drawing turns out to be very realistic.

So, the lesson on how to draw a girl’s face step by step begins.

Step 1. First of all, you need to draw the base. This will be an oval face, slightly reminiscent of an egg. In this case, the height of the face will be equal to triple the width of the chin.

Step 2. The second step is to draw the eyes. Visually divide the entire oval of the face in half and place the eyes slightly below the imaginary line. In this case, the shape of the eyes can be different, the main thing is that they are symmetrical. Upper eyelid open eyes almost unnoticed. WITH inside clearly visible lacrimal glands must be added.

A round iris is drawn inside the eye, slightly raised under the upper eyelid. Subsequently, the iris will be decorated. The pupil should be drawn in the circle of the iris. It is completely black. On the lower eyelid, draw short eyelashes, which are more visible from the outside. The upper eyelid has long eyelashes.

Step 3. The next step is to draw the nose. An interrupted wavy line is drawn as shown in the figure, slightly curving upward.

Step 4. Next you need to draw the mouth. The lower lip should not be thick, but not thin either. Photos will help you maintain proportions. real girls. And the upper lip looks like a volcano, thanks to a small dimple located clearly in the middle, under the nose.

Step 5. Eyebrows are easy to draw. If you need to give your face some kind of expression, you should look at photographs of real girls or look in the mirror. The usual neutral expression is practically straight lines eyebrows, slightly curved on the outside of the face.

Step 6. Hairstyle, length, appearance and the hair color is drawn based on the artist’s imagination. The main thing is that there is space for the forehead.

Step 7 The top of the ear is in line with the eyes. The beautifully drawn curved line of the ears ends in a small lobe, on which earrings of any shape can be depicted at the request of the artist.

Step 8 The neck begins approximately at the level of the lower lip. Having drawn it to the bend of the shoulders, you must not forget about the lines of the collarbones.

That's it, the lesson on how to beautifully draw a girl's face is over. Now all that remains is to add color by decorating the girl.

Another short video tutorial showing how to draw a girl’s face sideways. Watch and practice.

Don't forget to show the lesson to your friends and write about your drawing successes in the comments

It is much easier to depict animals, birds, household items and other fictional characters than to capture someone’s face on a piece of paper. Here you need to have a trained hand, a clear knowledge of the anatomical properties of the head structure and physiological proportions. Therefore, you need to first ruin several sheets by training your hand. After this, you can proceed to the final version. So, how to draw a girl's face?

Drawing technique

The drawing will consist of a whole circle and a half, which is drawn under the first. We do not erase the lines. We connect the edges where the second semicircle begins, and divide the composition into 2 parts with a vertical line. Draw a straight line under the lowest point of the whole circle, and make the same one under it, separating a third of the space. On a large horizontal line, limit the nose area with two brackets.

Outline the area of ​​the face: highlight the cheekbones, chin. Above the brackets do symmetrical eyebrows, but taking into account the downward slope on the left side.

On a horizontal line, draw the lower part of the circle for the eye, and limit the top with the curve of the eyelid. Do not go beyond the line.

On the middle horizontal, focusing on the nose brackets, make 2 dark spots - nasal holes. Between them, use a light stroke to limit the septum, and draw rounded wings of the nose on the sides.

Let's move on to the third line - the mouth area. We draw a straight line with some bending, and draw above it upper lip. Apply light shadow and outline the nasolabial triangle.

Keeping the slope in mind, shape the lower lip. It needs to be made plump by applying the shadow correctly. Draw the side line of the face.

Do the same with the second half of the face and limit the selections, not forgetting about its shape.

Draw a neck line under the curves of the chin. The moment has come when you can add hair to a girl. Draw a light wave on the side, starting from the top of the head and extending to the shoulders. Detail the parting and draw the curve of the hair on the forehead.

Starting from the bend on the forehead, move the strand to the other side. From the top of the head, draw a wavy border of hair on the other side.

Let's move on to the eyes: shade the circle of the eye, leaving a small highlight there, draw a line for the upper eyelid, limit its overhanging part from above, draw a border for the lower one. Draw eyelashes using small lines, placing them on the eyelid from the outer edge to the inner.

Now we draw the pupil in the middle of the eye and draw several lines from it in different directions. Draw short eyelashes on the lower eyelid. Line your lips, placing accents with light lines. Now highlight the contours of the face. We increase eyebrows. We wipe away additional strokes.

We draw individual hairs on the strands, making them voluminous.

Finishing touches - light movements with a pencil in different parts faces, highlighting folds, sides and curves.

It turns out realistic portrait, in which the depth of the gaze is especially striking. Such a drawing will take a lot of time, because each zone needs to be given maximum attention and effort, without missing important details.

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