How to get to know children through play. Children's dating games

Unfortunately, in life it often happens that after a divorce, a woman is left alone with her child. Even if after divorce ex-husband maintains a relationship with her own child; the absence of a man in the house affects the upbringing of both boys and girls. For some time, the mother’s personal life does not intersect with the life of the family, where there are only two members: the mother and her child. But over time, a man will appear who wants to enter this family as a husband and, perhaps, even a father. How can a woman combine two loves under one roof?

The first thing a woman cares about is whether two people important to her will be able to find mutual language? Will a new person offend the baby? Will he be able to new husband accept the child as your own? The answers to these questions determine whether the baby will be comfortable in the new environment. After all, the depth of the problems she will have to face depends on how the baby reacts to the appearance of a stranger in the house. A the child’s reaction depends on his perception of the usefulness of your family even before you introduce him to your future husband. Maybe he hoped that you would make peace with his own dad, so your love even for himself to a good person will be perceived as betrayal. Maybe he's used to undivided attention and now he'll just be jealous. Or maybe he is afraid of losing you and will blame the stranger for depriving him of his mother. The child may not only not accept even a person who is inclined to contact, but also with resentment will close himself off from communication with his mother.

It is better to introduce a child and future husband on neutral territory, and you need to introduce the man as an acquaintance, or at least as a friend. Before meeting, tell your child as much as possible about your chosen one, let him get to know him in absentia. The best option would be if they become friends before moving in together, how it will become mandatory after marriage. It’s great if, as a result of this friendship, the child himself offers to take this uncle into the house as a dad.

Remember that even with the outward well-being of all circumstances, the appearance of a new, uninvited family member is stressful for a child. Therefore, first of all, you need to show that his opinion is very important to you. Do not confront your child with the fact that a new husband will appear, but talk, tell him about your desires and aspirations, ask about his vision of the situation. What he will answer you may well surprise you, the child will reveal himself to you from a different side, and you will see your situation through his eyes. And maybe you'll see something you hadn't noticed before. Or they didn’t want to notice, inspired by love and the desire to get married. Negative traits of your chosen one, noticed by a child, may turn out to be quite real, and not just the result of childish jealousy. Consider and analyze his words, guided by cold reason. Is it worth ruining your relationship with the person you love most for the sake of a not-so-worthy candidate? Maybe it’s better to look for someone else?

In any case, there is no need to rush to quick and final conclusions and formalization of your relationship. After all, those love relationship, which seem natural to you, may be completely incomprehensible and unnecessary for a child. Therefore, give him the opportunity to get used to the person by letting him into your home and into your life gradually. He must understand and accept the fact that now your attention does not belong undividedly only to him, but is shared with one more person. But this does not mean at all that his mother began to love him less and that control will be weakened.

Undoubtedly, organizing your personal life takes time. And this time is taken away from the child. In addition to resentment, the child may have the illusion of permissiveness and lack of control. A child, especially an older one, may even be happy that his mother has no time for him and that he is free. Unfortunately, children often use this freedom to their detriment. Therefore, the mother needs to reconsider her approach to control and her daily routine in such a way that the child always feels his mother’s participation in his life.

No matter how much you would like to, do not immediately introduce your man to the status of “new dad” after meeting him. Firstly, this may scare off a contender for your hand, who may well be far from the idea of ​​taking on such responsibility. Secondly, with your categorical attitude you can offend the feelings of a child who loves his own father, and even if this is not the case, it does not need a new one. But there is no need to rush to the other extreme and try to alienate the child and husband from each other. A family consisting of two unconnected parts is not a family, but a surrogate. All problems concerning any family member must be resolved together. And remember what the cat Matroskin said: “Working together – it unites!” Which means come up with things to do together, homework do it together, especially one that has not been done before due to the lack of male power in the house. And, of course, a joint vacation, and preferably an active one (hiking, walking, riding).

Often the stepfather, trying to win the child’s favor, tries to please him in everything. Gifts at the slightest occasion, purchases at the first word, and it comes to the point that the stepfather stands up when mom scolds and allows what mom has forbidden. This will not bring love, but it is possible to grow a consumer and a manipulator in a similar way. Moreover, such a stepfather will never become a person whom the child will respect, since the blackmailer will never respect his victim. Result: the child, having intimidated the new dad, gets everything he wants, and a scandal is brewing in the relationship with his mother, which the stepfather wanted to avoid by pleasing the child with permissiveness.

Of course, the degree of difficulty for a child to accept a new dad depends on the age of the baby. Easiest with babies. The appearance of a new, good, affectionate person is natural for him; he gets used to him in a matter of hours and later believes that he has always had this dad.

The two-year-old is already wary of strangers. Children at this age intuitively feel and perceive a person, and it’s good if the child liked the man at first sight. In the future, the child often focuses on the reaction and mood of the mother - if she feels good, she is cheerful and calm, then the child also perceives the person who gives the mother this mood.

It’s more difficult with a preschool and younger child school age. He is either used to the fact that his mother belongs only to him, or he is still waiting for his father to return. In both cases, even the most excellent applicant will be perceived as a competitor and an unwanted guest in the house.

But the most difficult thing is to introduce a new person into a family where there is a teenager. IN in this case you can encounter a whole bunch of unwanted emotions - rejection, fear, guilt, despair due to the inability to compete, jealousy. This situation is so complex, so many-sided.

Do not frighten your child with an abundance of complex information that he is not able to immediately understand. Gradually, every day in a small fragment, introduce him to such dramatic changes in his life. And only after making sure that the child calmly accepted one thing, move on to the other. But by no means the other way around. For example, immediately after the message about the “new dad”, there is no need to delight the child with the news of the upcoming birth of a brother.

remember, that a child cannot be an obstacle to your personal happiness. If, already at the very early stage of a relationship, you and a man have friction because of the child, which can lead to a breakup, then this means that this relationship is so unreliable and fragile that it is not worth risking the child’s love for it. There is no need to waste your time and emotions on a man who cannot understand that you and your child are one.

But if your chosen one wants to start a family and believes that your child is his from now on, then now your the main task show your baby that your love remains with him and will always be so. But even a child, and even more so a teenager, must understand that the mother has personal desires and a personal life. Only by combining both female happiness and motherhood in one family will you be happy.


Alas, unfortunately, not every one of us ends up in the fairy tale “they lived happily ever after.” Sometimes you have to go through a separation from a loved one. Some at this moment find themselves with a child in their arms

It’s good that there are people who are ready to support us: some morally, some financially – some how. Ultimately, the first shock passes, and life takes on a measured course. Sooner or later we cope with our emotions and decide on a new relationship. And here a number of ambiguous questions arise. Should you tell a new man about a child from a previous relationship? At what stage is he ready to meet another of your roles? How to tell your son or daughter about the new man in your life? How to make the relationship between the three of you as comfortable as possible? How to introduce a man to your child?

When is the best time to tell a man that you are a mother?
You met a young man and a relationship began between you. Everything would be fine, but you have a child and you don’t know how best to talk about it. And is it necessary to say at all, because there is a well-known stereotype that in such a situation a woman is more likely to look for a father to her child, rather than a man for yourself? Often, unfortunately, it doesn’t matter to others that you have long learned to raise a child on your own and provide for the two of you. There will still be people who will definitely warn your new friend. It is important to be prepared for this.

How will the relationship develop further? Does he need an affair with a woman who has a child? These thoughts frighten many of us. Unfortunately, the fear of losing the man we like often leads to insincerity; we begin to hold back, keep the young man at a distance, and hide the child from him. Of course, the man feels this distance. It is obvious that it is difficult to build on such a foundation happy relationship. Trust is the most important thing that a couple should have. Without it, it is impossible to build a relationship in which both will be comfortable.

It's impossible to predict everything. You will never know in advance how a young man will actually react to the news that you have a child. Some men are ready to build a relationship with a woman with a child and subsequently raise him as his own. Someone is not against an easy romance with a girl, regardless of her past, but categorically denies the prospect of raising someone else's child. Men are different. For some, women with children are a taboo. Others think that they are not ready to accept someone else’s child, but when faced with this, they abandon their previous attitudes for the sake of the woman they love. And you will not be able to know in advance how your new companion will behave at such a moment. Even a many-hour discussion does not provide a 100% guarantee of his reaction. Until you tell him the truth, you will not know how he will behave in this situation.

However, there is one circumstance in which you definitely should not tell your boyfriend about the presence of a child. If you perceive a relationship with a man as a passing hobby, do not rush to show him your cards. Suddenly he is more serious than you, and the moment of meeting your son or daughter will become important for him. How do you explain to him that you don't need this? With a different outcome, the acquaintance may take place, suddenly the child becomes attached to this person, and for you this relationship is just a hobby. How will you calm your baby down when his uncle disappears from his life? Remember that a man meeting your child is a crucial moment that undoubtedly affects the lives of the three of you.

So if you for a long time you are dating a man, you want to build a long-term relationship with him, you feel that he is also serious, then it’s time to tell him your little secret. After all, sooner or later the fact that you have a child will come up in your relationship. It is better that you tell him about this yourself, having first prepared him for the news by finding the right words, rather than him finding out about it by chance and, perhaps, encountering a feeling of insincerity on your part. By telling yourself, you have the opportunity to explain to him how you feel and why you hid such significant details of your life from him. How to tell a man that you have a child?

If you and your companion are already in mature age, all your friends have children, moreover, he himself has a child from his first marriage, most likely, the news that you had a child before him will not shock him. However, if you are relatively young and your man has never thought about children, the fact that you have already taken this step before dating him may throw him off balance a little. This is why it is important to choose Right words and the right time to tell him this news.

It is extremely difficult to hide the presence of a child in a long-term relationship. After all, all this time you will have to inventing why you spontaneously cannot invite him over, ignoring details when talking about your day, wanting to arrange a date in advance. IN best case scenario you will have to keep something back all the time, in the worst case, you will be forced to lie to your partner. Perhaps this is how you have been building your relationship with your chosen one for some time. Imagine that now, in addition to the news that you will unexpectedly have to communicate with the little man, he will also have to accept the fact that you deceived him.

To be honest, not every man is able to accept this. To do this you need to have a certain maturity. Of course, it would be better if the question “how did you spend your day?” you honestly answered that you “helped your son with his homework.” But this no longer happened, and now it is important to correctly open all the cards in front of a man if you are really aiming for a serious relationship. Obviously, you can’t build a strong couple on lies. Yes, and it is important for you to know how he feels about the fact that you are a mother. Or are you ready to send your child to Orphanage just to be with this man?

Regardless of whether you deceived the man or not, start your confession from afar. Prepare the soil. Perhaps he will interrupt you and say that he figured out everything a long time ago and for him this is not a problem at all, as long as you are together. This perfect option. However, not all men are so quick-witted and can treat this situation with understanding, so it would be good to prepare for the conversation.

The first thing to remember is that your story may shock a man. It is better to deliver unexpected news where he feels most comfortable. Try to deprive the man of external stress. Of course, avoid such conversations when he is driving or using a sharp knife chops onions. Choose a conversation environment that is comfortable for both of you. Show how important he and this relationship are to you, how valuable his presence next to you is, that you hope for his understanding.

Sometimes approaching from afar allows young man fantasize the most scary facts and the news that you have a child may seem to him, against the backdrop of terrible assumptions, a minor difficulty. Of course, it is important not to go too far and not scare your loved one too much. Do not leave anything ambiguous, speak directly, so that after the conversation neither you nor he has any doubts. Tell us how you see his communication with your child. It is quite possible that you do not want to meet them yet, but he is already preparing himself for the fact that he is obliged to “pick up the child from school,” and he does not have time for this now. Be honest in the conversation, talk about your desires.

Remember that the first reaction to the news may be ambiguous. How would you react if you found out that he hid the presence of a child from you? Give him time to get used to the idea that there is already one significant person in your life. Do not put pressure on him, do not demand a fleeting decision, avoid asking questions about the future. It is important to give the man the opportunity to appreciate the “scale of the tragedy.”

Perhaps tomorrow he will call and offer to take your child for a walk in the park. And if a man, after the news told to him, never shows up again, think about whether you need such a person? Most likely, unfortunately, you took him more seriously than he took you, since he turned out to be unprepared to accept you for who you are. There will definitely be a man in your life, ready to build long-term relationships and raise your child. And remember that children are the “flowers of life,” and if a man is not ready to understand this, maybe he is not yet as mature as you expected.

How to introduce a man to a child? When you decide to introduce your partner to your child, keep in mind that this situation is stressful for them. Prepare both of your significant others for this moment. Tell your man about the child’s character traits, what he likes, what might scare him. Talk to your child about having a man. Maybe you shouldn’t immediately tell him about the seriousness of your intentions. Understand that you did not immediately come to the idea of ​​a future together; for this you needed to date a man for some time. Give your child time too. Don't rush things. Let him first get used to the fact that someone else besides him has appeared in your life; perhaps at first it will be easier to call your loved one just a friend when communicating with your child.

Understand that the fact that you have found a new partner does not deprive the child of a father if he exists and is ready to communicate with him. Of course, it is important to take into account the desire of the child - whether he wants to maintain contact with his father. In any case, be prepared that the child, when talking with his father, may tell him about the appearance of a new man in your life. It's good if your ex doesn't care what happens in your personal life. What if he hoped to reconnect with you? And if your hope was for a reunion? joint child? Imagine how much he will hate your new companion if you immediately announce that this uncle will be your new husband. Don't compare your new partner to the baby's father. Let the child notice everything himself best qualities, rather than giving him the impression that you are imposing your opinion on him.

Talk through this situation with your child, explain that you are not trying to deprive him of communication with his father. Also, free your child from the fear that he will have to obey an unfamiliar uncle and call him dad. It is important for you to understand that establishing your personal life, although it goes in parallel with raising a child, is not the same thing.

In order for communication between a man and a child to develop, it is important that both of them want to improve this relationship. Show them how important this is to you. If they don't want to make friends for their own sake, let them do it for your sake at first. Remember that before you talk about marriage, the child should trust in the new person will appear. It is also important that the man is imbued with warm feelings, otherwise you risk turning your baby’s life into constant stress, confrontation with claims and, in extreme cases, tyranny.

Let the child and your new man independently find a format of communication that suits both of them. Observe the formation of contact between them from the outside. Intervene only in emergency situations. Remember that spending time together brings you closer together. Do not hurry. When introducing a man and a child, as in all relationships, it is important to act in stages.

Beware of buying a child's positive attitude. Remember that children quickly notice that it is important for a man to be good to him, and they begin to take advantage of it. As a result, you risk that your loved one will become the executor of your child’s every whim, and if suddenly he refuses something, then at that very moment everything good attitude and it will end. Understand that by buying love, your partner will never communicate with the child on equal terms, not to mention respect. Try to draw a man’s attention to this if you suddenly notice an increased material investment in the child on his part.

Don’t confront your child with a fact; discuss your decisions with him. He may be much younger than you, but he is also part of your family. Avoid selfishness, listen to the child’s opinion. Moreover, often, carried away by a novel, we see everything in a rosy light, while children, on the contrary, very clearly notice all the subtleties of human nature. Perhaps, after talking with your son or daughter, you will discover those qualities of a new boyfriend that you turned a blind eye to.

As a single woman with a child, remember that you are very likely to encounter public opinion that you are looking for a father for your child. It is useless to convince people of this. Be prepared for this, feel confident. Remember that having children is something that almost all of us eventually come to. You are lucky, you already have a child. We ourselves form the attitude towards us through our behavior. And if you are proud of your child, then those around you will treat him the same way. If you internally do not see the problem of having a child from a previous relationship, then this issue will never arise in your subsequent relationships. Your inner confidence simply will not allow a man to doubt.

Listen to yourself and do as your heart tells you. Think about your child, avoid conversations that are traumatic for him. Remember that any child of an unmarried mother is to some extent afraid of the appearance of unknown man. And children are more afraid of losing their mother’s love. Build your communication with your child so that he does not have such thoughts. This way, your relationship will be more trusting, and when a man appears in your life, it will be easier for your baby to accept him.

Children are always internally ready for play, fun and entertainment , therefore, there is no need to waste effort persuading them to go to the holiday, but making sure that the children feel comfortable and safe at the holiday is simply necessary. The best way To do this, prepare the room in advance and, from the first minutes of meeting, involve children in a friendly festive atmosphere.

If among the children invited to the house there are children who do not know each other well, children who rarely see each other or visit little, then stand unobtrusively, preferably in game form, help them relax, relieve tension and introduce each other. To do this, we recommend including in your entertainment program games to get children to know each other at the festive table.

In our selection there are about 20 similar games, here are games for toddlers and older children, games with pronouncing the names of little guests and those that simply help them get to know each other better, unite and activate common festive mood- choose the ones that suit your specific situation.

1. Games at the table for getting to know each other:

Children under 5 years old usually come to the holiday with their parents; they are calmer and more interested in games when mom or dad is nearby. When drawing up a program, it is worth remembering this, and more actively involve the adults present at the children's party in all entertainment. Table games are no exception, and the more interested and emotionally parents participate in them, the faster children get used to the new environment, get acquainted and join in the festive fun.

Dating game "Attention! Looking for a friend!"

This game is aimed not only at getting to know each other and establishing contact between children, but also promotes the development of their speech and attention.

The game must involve at least five people, so if there are not enough small players, involve adults. The presenter begins: he declares that his friend has disappeared and begins to describe one of the kids present. For example: “My friend’s name begins with the letter “S.” After kindergarten he goes to art school and his little sister will soon be born.” This is how the presenter describes the hidden child until one of the children present guesses it.

If the game involves very young children (three to four years old) or children who are new to each other, then it is quite appropriate to call external signs“wanted” - color of eyes and hair, elements of clothing. This information will facilitate recognition, and therefore make the game process especially productive and interesting.

Guest performance "A sparrow walked on the roof"

Game at the table "Little Experts".

This mini-quiz can be done even with the smallest children, but you need to select books of the “appropriate repertoire”. The essence of the game is simple: the presenter reads out loud a recognizable line from some literary work, and the children must listen and guess which book is hidden. With older kids we play according to the principle “whoever guessed right raises their hand”; with kids it’s better to guess the name in random order.

"The sun smiles on those who..."

This game will also help children get to know each other better and can become a transition point between table and outdoor games.

Take care of the image of the sun in advance: it can be a soft toy or a drawing on whatman paper. “Sun” is mounted on one of the walls of the room. Along the opposite wall we line up the children whom we want to introduce to each other.

We explain the rules: the presenter names some sign with the same saying “The sun smiles at the one who...”. And, if the child believes that the sign applies to him, then he runs to the opposite wall and touches the sun with his hand.

It is best for the presenter to start with general signs, for example, say: “The sun smiles at the one who is wearing a dress today.” Of course, some of the girls will go to stroke the sun. Then - something for boys (“... for the one in shorts”). Then something common to most of the children present: who has a cat/dog at home. Be sure to involve the emotional component: whoever loves mom, helps grandma, listens to dad.

Add some humorous signs so that the children finally relax and can laugh at themselves: who brushed their teeth with jam today, watered the orange tree, etc. Inattentive children can be puzzled with various forfeits: ask everyone a riddle, pretend to be a mouse or a frog, sing a verse from your favorite song.

So, with the help of unifying topics and questions, you can create a light and cheerful atmosphere and awaken children's interest in each other.

"Come on, let's say hello!"

(to download - click files)

2. Table games and dating games for children over 5 years old:

Sit the children in a circle and explain the rules of the game. Tell them that you are offering to cheat a little: point to your hand, but say that it is your “forehead.” The child sitting to your right should point to the forehead, but call it another part of the body, such as the heel. The point of such a fun deception is to confuse the kids a little. And the one who gets confused and shows not the part of the body that is named (heel), but the one that is pointed at (forehead), is eliminated from the game and lines up for the next one, so through one (one lines up on the right, the other on the left) two teams are created for the next team game.

An introduction to the “Visiting a Fairy Tale” cake.

Every children's party should have a game related to fairy tales. To provide intellectual content for such entertainment, you can build the game “Visiting a Fairy Tale” on the principle of a quiz. Her first round could be a question: list the fairy tales in which birds are the main characters.

The second task is to remember as many magical objects as possible (a self-assembled tablecloth, a self-shaking wallet, a seven-flowered flower). Invite the children to write them down on a piece of paper, and check the task after 4 - 5 minutes. Whoever has more wins a point.

The third round is more difficult: invite the children to remember all the “magic words” and spells (for example, Hottabych’s magic spell “fuck-tibidoh!” or “mutabor!” from oriental fairy tale about the curious pasha).

This game can be played, for example, before taking out the cake, ask them to remember the spell from the fairy tale “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves” (after closing the door to the room), and when the children call the spell “Sim-Sim, open up!”, ask them to shout louder , maybe this door will open. Let one of the adults wait outside the door with a cake.

Entertainment at the table "Fairytale confusion".

And it is advisable to use this entertainment after outdoor games: sit the children around you and invite them to listen to a fairy tale. But! If you make a mistake, ask the children to clap their hands. The fairy tale can be anything your imagination dictates, for example, with the following content: “Grandfather planted a carrot. No? What, potatoes? Not again? Ah-ah-ah, turnip! The turnip grew very small. Wrong? Big, very big! Grandfather began to dig potatoes... oh, I remembered! Turnip! He pulls and pulls, and he pulled it out...Ah! can't pull it out! The grandfather called his friends. No? Little Red Riding Hood? Crane? Is it really a grandmother? That's right, grandma! The two of them began to pull rutabaga. Oh, turnip! They pulled and pulled, and they pulled it out... Oh, no! They can’t pull it out! They called the aliens. Wrong again?! And, probably, a granddaughter! They pulled and pulled, and they tore off the tail of the rutabaga. Didn't they tear it off? Not rutabaga? Repke! They called Sharik... Ah, Zhuchka! They pulled and pulled, and they pulled it again? Well, okay, okay, they can’t pull it out. They called the cat Matroskin. Wrong? Murzika? exactly! cat, a simple cat! They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The cat called her kitten. No? Well, such a small, cute! Really, a mouse? Right? A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip... They beat and beat the egg and did not break it! Oh, not an egg! They pulled and pulled, and they pulled out a turnip! And I was there, drinking honey-beer, running down my ears... not down my ears, but down my mustache? Right! But it didn’t get into my mouth! Although, most likely, they made porridge from the turnip! That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - a tomato! Ugh, cucumber! No? Ah, I got it! WELL DONE!"

Arranging children's party, don't forget aboutdating games - they help to properly build the dynamics of the holiday and unite all the guests.

And also remember that the success of anyone children's event depends not only, or rather, not so much on its clear organization and invested funds, but on the mood of adults, on their sincere desire to give children joy. Love for children and caring attitude towards little guests will tell you how to get out of a difficult situation, what games to choose, and in what order to play!

Anastasia Medvedkova
Dating games

This selection will allow the teacher meet the students, introduce children to each other.

Dating games

The players stand in a circle facing inward. One of the seats remains free. The one standing to the right of the free space says loudly, “I’m coming!” and goes over to him. Next (that is, the one who is now standing to the right of the empty seat) says loudly “Me too!” and moves on to him, the next one says “And I’m a hare!” and also takes place on the right. The next one, passing, says “And I’m with...” and names someone from those standing in the circle. The task of the one who was named is to run to an empty place.

In this game, you can add a driver who will wedge into an empty seat when someone is thinking too long.

The players form two circles, one inside the other, with an equal number of people. The circles rotate in different directions under words:

My shaggy gray dog

Sits by the window

My shaggy gray dog

looks at me

B – I – N – G – O

Bingo call him.

Oh, what a meeting!

Word “B – I – N – G – O” It is pronounced separately by letter, and for each letter those standing in the outer circle clap the hands of those standing in the inner circle. For each letter - the palms of a new person. The last letter is spoken drawlingly (surprised - joyfully) And last phrase ("Oh, what a meeting") the couple says together, hugging and introducing themselves to each other by name. This continues until everything is let's get acquainted.

In three words

Tell us about yourself in three words.

Everything is clear here: Each person sitting in a circle names any 3 words that, as it seems to him, most fully characterize him.

Fun tasks

“Listen, laugh, do it,

Remember the names"

With these words, the leader gives the task to the children.

Sasha took Marin by the hands and danced.

Lena sang a song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".

Lesha took Tanya for left hand and jumped.

The lights race towards the body, etc.

All children stand in a circle. The leader stands inside the circle. Children jump on one leg in a circle in one direction, and the leader inside the circle in the other direction, and at the same time sentences:

“The sparrow jumps, jumps, beat, beat,

Gathers all his friends, zey-zey,

Many, many different us-us-us,

They will come out. (Helenochki) now is the time."

The named children enter the circle, take the leader’s hand and the game is repeated until the names of all the children are named.

Target games- get as much information as possible about the guys.

Move games: drawn (to be determined) border, the counselor offers to go over to one side for those who are united by some common sign.

The counselor sets simple criteria for unification, for example, you can cross to the other side of the border those:

who loves ice cream;

who has a dog at home (cat);

who likes to watch cartoons, etc.

At the same time, during games, the counselor can to figure out:

who loves to sing;

who loves to dance;

who is how old;

who is at the camp for the first time.

and many others useful information, asking these questions mixed with the simple ones written above.


Boys sit on one bench, and girls on another. Boys call any girls' names. If these names are girls, then they stand up and tell a little about themselves. Then the girls call any names of the boys. This continues until the names of all the children have been named.

A letter is written in a column on a piece of paper "I". A certain time is given, and each participant must write 10 qualities inherent in him. For example: I am honest, I am strong, etc. After that, everyone walks chaotically, getting acquainted and show each other what they wrote. At the end, you can ask who remembered what.

Mother of three children

Each participant writes information about himself on small pieces of paper in 3-5 phrases. The leaves are then collected and distributed in random order. The task is to find the author. For example, the following could be written on a piece of paper: “Mother of three, violin player, green-eyed brunette”.

Get to know me

Each participant draws his own portrait. Then all the portraits are hung or laid out in the center of the room and the group must find out who is in the portraits.

Publications on the topic:

“A selection of mobile applications for autistic children” - to help a teacher-speech pathologist IN this moment I work as a speech therapist. So, one day I came across mobile applications, which introduce kids to letters. A couple.

Winter holidays are a festive mood, funny Games on fresh air. While waiting for the rest, the guys remembered and talked about the event.

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A selection of winter outdoor games and relay races for children of junior, middle and senior groups. Winter fun on the playground. A selection of winter outdoor games and relay races for children of junior, middle and senior groups. Winter fun on the site. Junior groups. "Who.

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If everyone gathered often sees each other and is even more friendly, then you probably won’t need to play games from this section. However, even long-time acquaintances can be pleased to once again show attention to each other and remember how they are similar and how they differ from each other.

If you invited guys to the holiday, don’t knowledgeable friend friend or seeing each other very rarely, then, most likely, in the first minutes of the celebration there will be some awkwardness and discomfort. In this case, feel free to offer your guests the games described here, since their goal is to relieve tension and tightness, and to arouse children’s trust and interest in other children.

You will feel how after their completion the atmosphere in your home has become warmer, more friendly and relaxed.


This game is good to play if there are a lot of children gathered and most of them are unfamiliar.

Sit the children in a circle and tell them the name of the game they are about to play. Why is it called that? They will figure it out for themselves now.

Pick up an object, such as a small stuffed toy or a marker. State your name. Now pass the marker to the child sitting to your right. He must repeat your name, then add his own and give the item to the third. The third, having received the object, says the name of the first person, the second, and then adds his own, etc. Thus last man Before saying your name, you will have to remember in order the names of everyone sitting in the circle. That's why the game got its name: the number of memorized names grows from player to player in a circle, like a snowball.

Note. During the game, the children, if they don’t remember everyone, will at least have the impression that they know this boy or this girl (they have heard his (her) name many times and pronounced it themselves).

"The show begins"

Tell the children right away that the name of this game has nothing to do with a circus or theatrical performance. As they said before: “Let me introduce myself!” - that is, to get to know you by saying your name. But they won’t really get to know each other today. traditional way, so it may well happen that it will begin to resemble a circus performance.

Have the children stand in a circle. One of them says his name and makes some kind of movement. For example, a child says: “I am Katya” and curtsies. All other children must repeat after him: “You are Katya” and curtsy.

Note. Movements do not have to be so beautiful and appropriate to situations. After all, no matter what the child shows, he will receive it in return in “several copies,” which means he has the right to freely choose a gesture after his name, even if it is a fist or a face.

"Merry Greetings"

Ask the children how people usually greet each other. What movements do they make? The spectrum is quite wide: from nods to kisses. Let's focus on the middle option - a handshake. Why do people shake each other's hands? It's just a tradition. Which means everything could have been completely different. For example, Eskimos rub noses instead of kissing. So now we will greet each other in new, unusual ways.

So, as soon as you turn on any dance music, the children should start walking around the room (you can also jump and dance). When the music fades away, you say the words: “One, two, three, find a friend!” At this time, each child urgently needs to find a mate and stand next to her. Then you will command - "Say hello..." - and then name any part of the body. So, during the game, children learn that they can say hello with their ears, little fingers, heels, knees, eyelashes, elbows, etc.

Don't forget to put important condition: every time during a musical break, the child must stand next to the player with whom he has not yet greeted. Thus, the game can be completed when each guest has said hello to everyone present.

Note. If children odd number, then the one who did not have enough pair will stand with the adult leading the party and greet him. In this case, you will have the opportunity to clearly show the players that you can say hello, for example, with your heels, if suddenly the children do not immediately figure out how to do this.

"The wind blows on the one who..."

This game will help you activate your children, and help them feel their similarities with each other, get closer and get rid of awkwardness and tightness.

Tell the children that the room has become very hot, it would be nice if there was a breeze. So invite them to play this game. Have everyone stand in a row against one wall of the room. You will say sentences beginning with the words “The wind blows on him who...”. Then add the names of any signs, for example, “who likes apples”, “who washed his face today”, “who is wearing trousers” or “who has pets”. All children to whom the above definition applies must run to the opposite side of the room (preferably there should be a soft, large sofa there), and then calmly return back.

When coming up with characteristics that unite children, you can rely on your knowledge of their tastes and lifestyle. This way, you can vary the number of players running to the other side and ensure that each child gets to participate in the game by finding others like themselves.

Note. To make it more fun, periodically call out ridiculous signs like “Who didn’t clean their ears today” or “Who will wash the dishes after the holiday” - those who are especially playful and inattentive will set off on their way to everyone’s joy.

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