How to make a good village in Minecraft. How to build a big and beautiful village in Minecraft

So, today we will talk to you about how to make residents of villages and cities in Minecraft. In addition, we will find out why they are needed at all and what they are. Maybe these are some dangerous creatures that will then haunt us all the time?!

Let's get acquainted

So, who are the inhabitants of Minecraft? In fact, these are none other than the most ordinary human mobs. Outwardly, such little people are practically no different from the main character. That is, from our player. But if you installed a mod for residents in Minecraft, then most likely everyone new character will be different from the previous one.

Why do we need residents? To begin with, it is worth knowing that it was a person who was the very first mob in the history of the game. Initially it was interpreted as "monster". Nevertheless, such little men were not dangerous to the player. Yes and now too. If you are wondering how to make residents in Minecraft, then you need to know why they are needed.

Mob functions

For starters, this is pure variety for the game. After all, it will be very nice to see someone like yourself in the world. Moreover, the little men do not pose any danger to your character. So why not create a friend for yourself then?

In addition, the villagers are very useful characters. After all, in cities and villages you can contact them. Namely, trade. You can buy some items you need from a resident for various resources (for example, crystals). For example, something valuable, but something that you are currently unable to obtain yourself. So having a merchant in the game won't hurt.

Plus, the game people may have some specialization that will definitely help you. For example, a farmer or a blacksmith. They will allow you to make various transactions with them, depending on their specialization. Now let's talk in more detail about how to make residents in Minecraft.

Summoning Egg

So, the first option that you can use to deal with our question today is to use a special spawn egg. True, this method is only available in the “creativity” mode. Nevertheless this method is present in the game. But what is a spawn egg? Let's figure it out.

A spawn egg is nothing more than an ordinary chicken egg, endowed with the specific ability to create some kind of mobs. With their help, the player has the opportunity to make a creeper or, for example, a zombie. In general, any Living being, which only occurs in the gaming world.

How to make villagers in Minecraft using a spawn egg? First, get the required item. After that, you just need to apply it to a free area and wait a little. In general, spawn eggs can be crafted from chicken egg and some item belonging to the mob. But not for residents. Here you can only get the item using the give command. But there is another option for the development of events.

Zombie, become human!

But how can you make residents in Minecraft without any eggs? Is this possible? Of course. To do this you will need to find zombies. It is from him that we will make a new person for our world. True, you will need to find several resources and make a special potion of weakness that is thrown at the zombies. What does that require?

You need to find an apple. It comes from leaves. True, getting the resource will be quite difficult. The drop rate is too low. Next, find It is made from gold nuggets or matching gold blocks. Combine the apple with the ingot. The golden apple will learn. Now you need to brew a potion of weakness. It requires a spider's eye, a bottle of water, sugar and gunpowder. In addition, you need to find a mushroom. Combine it with sugar and spider's eye and boil. Boil the resulting potion again with the addition of gunpowder and water. Now find a zombie and throw a potion of weakness at it. And then Wait a little, and he will turn into a man. That's all.

Every player in Minecraft sooner or later I found in my game world a group of small buildings inhabited by funny people. In addition to the pleasure of meeting others of their own kind, villages also have more practical value for the character - its inhabitants can be a source of rare materials obtained through trade. However, simply finding a village is often not enough. The village is attacked every night by mobs with the risk of destroying all the inhabitants. And initially there may be very few of them (even 1-2). About, how to build a village in minecraft will be discussed in our article.

How to strengthen and expand the village?

You should start by inspecting the area. Often the houses and towers of the village are in very poor condition from the point of view of protection from mobs - there are no doors, minimal lighting. This needs to be fixed first. Install doors in all houses (wooden ones, since NPCs are not “smart” enough to open doors with buttons), place torches inside and outside the houses, as well as around the perimeter of the village. These simple measures will reduce the spawning and aggression of hostile mobs.

To increase the number of residents in the village, houses are needed. You will have to build a village in Minecraft manually, but this is not too much difficult task- be particularly sophisticated in architectural design not at all necessary. The requirements for the home are simple - width 5 by 5 cubes, height 4 cubes, one door and a couple of windows. The door can be replaced simply with a hole in the wall 2 cubes high, but it is better to install a normal wooden one - for safety reasons. The materials can be anything. Roofs, paintings, beds and the like are allowed in any variant, but are not a prerequisite. The house may be completely empty from the inside.

Residents will fill the village gradually. Their number will increase in proportion to the number of empty houses, and when there are 10 or more of them (and the total number of doors is 21 or more), a guard mob - an iron golem - will appear in the village. He is neutral towards the player and aggressive towards hostile mobs. This way, the villagers will be protected even during your absence You can create an iron golem yourself. To do this, you need to place 4 iron blocks in the shape of the letter T on the ground, and place a pumpkin on top of it (Jack's lantern is also suitable).

An artificially created golem has significant differences in behavior - firstly, it will only protect the player from mobs, and secondly, it will never attack the player, even if he is attacking a villager in front of him. The village defender golem will attack the player when he attacks a villager.

In this way, it is possible to provide the village with population and protection, and internal tasks (harvesting and sowing crops, creating beds) local residents will successfully perform on their own. All you have to do is visit them as needed.

Every player in Minecraft sooner or later I found in my game world a group of small buildings inhabited by funny people. In addition to the pleasure of meeting others of their own kind, villages also have more practical value for the character - its inhabitants can be a source of rare materials obtained through trade. However, simply finding a village is often not enough. The village is attacked every night by mobs with the risk of destroying all the inhabitants. And initially there may be very few of them (even 1-2). About, how to build a village in minecraft will be discussed in our article.

How to strengthen and expand the village?

You should start by inspecting the area. Often the houses and towers of the village are in very poor condition from the point of view of protection from mobs - there are no doors, minimal lighting. This needs to be fixed first. Install doors in all houses (wooden ones, since NPCs are not “smart” enough to open doors with buttons), place torches inside and outside the houses, as well as around the perimeter of the village. These simple measures will reduce the spawning and aggression of hostile mobs.

To increase the number of residents in the village, houses are needed. You will have to build a village in Minecraft manually, but this is not a very difficult task - you don’t need to be particularly sophisticated in architectural design. The requirements for the home are simple - width 5 by 5 cubes, height 4 cubes, one door and a couple of windows. The door can be replaced simply with a hole in the wall 2 cubes high, but it is better to install a normal wooden one - for safety reasons. The materials can be anything. Roofs, paintings, beds and the like are allowed in any variant, but are not a prerequisite. The house may be completely empty from the inside.

Residents will fill the village gradually. Their number will increase in proportion to the number of empty houses, and when there are 10 or more of them (and the total number of doors is 21 or more), a guard mob - an iron golem - will appear in the village. He is neutral towards the player and aggressive towards hostile mobs. This way, the villagers will be protected even during your absence You can create an iron golem yourself. To do this, you need to place 4 iron blocks in the shape of the letter T on the ground, and place a pumpkin on top of it (Jack's lantern is also suitable).

An artificially created golem has significant differences in behavior - firstly, it will only protect the player from mobs, and secondly, it will never attack the player, even if he is attacking a villager in front of him. The village defender golem will attack the player when he attacks a villager.

In this way, it is possible to provide the village with population and protection, and local residents will successfully perform internal tasks (harvesting and sowing crops, creating beds) themselves. All you have to do is visit them as needed.

Search the internet for a village locator tool. Fans of the game have come up with a tool that analyzes your seed or save and finds villages for you. You can then take the resulting coordinates and use them to find the village in your game. Note that the accuracy of such programs is about 66%, so one village out of three will not be located where the program indicated to you.

  • One of the most popular instruments to search for villages is Chunkbase. To use it, follow this link: Launch an updated browser, such as Chrome, to take advantage of all the search engine's features.
  • On this moment There are no tools to find villages suitable for Minecraft PE.

Enter your seed or upload a save file. Most quick way load your world - enter the current seed. If you're playing on a computer, you can download the level.dat file located in the %appdata%\.minecraft\saves folder.

  • To find the seed of the current game, enter /seed into the chat window. If you are playing a multiplayer game, ask the admin for the seed.
  • Remove the card. After you load the seed, brown dots representing villages will begin to appear on the grid. If you zoom in too much on the map, you may not see anything. Zoom out on the map by rolling the mouse wheel until you see dots.

    Remember the location of the villages so that you can check their presence in the game later. Change coordinates by dragging your mouse over the map. Hover your mouse over one of the points to see its coordinates in the game. Since the map shows all possible village locations, you may want to remember a few locations in case those villages were not generated.

  • Find your coordinates in the game. When you return to the game, find your coordinates. This will help you find villages. You can also use the teleportation command and move directly to the village without exploring any places for this.

    • If you are playing on a computer, press the F3 key to find out your coordinates. If you play Minecraft PE, you will have to use third-party programs to find out your coordinates. In the console version, you can see your coordinates on the map. You will find more information in the article "How to determine coordinates in Minecraft".
    • To move to a specific location, enable cheats and enter /tp name X Y Z . To teleport to Minecraft PE, use the inventory editor. In the console version, you can only teleport to other players. More information can be found in the article “How to teleport in Minecraft”.
  • Check another village if the first one is not there. The search engine will display all possible village locations, but only two-thirds of them will appear in the game itself. This means that according to the received coordinates there may not be a village. In that case, just move on to the next coordinates.

    • In the console versions of the game you may encounter some rather strange villages. So, for example, in one of them there will be no houses, but only one well. The Village Finder may not notice some villages in the console version of the game. Therefore, finding villages in the console version is more problematic.
  • How to make a village in Minecraft?

    A village in Minecraft is necessary primarily in order to trade with its inhabitants. Also in the village you can find and pick up many important and necessary items. Villages in the game space are quite rare and may not consist of the buildings that you need. However, the creators of the game provided the opportunity to independently build villages. Let's talk about how to make a village in Minecraft.

    It is possible to create a village in Minecraft only in the desert, savannah and plain biomes. The choice of biome will also determine the building material for construction. In deserts it is sandstone, and on plains and savannas it is boards and stones.

    The following types of structures can be created in the village.

    Little hut

    The following materials are required for construction: boards, cobblestones, wood, fence, stairs and windows. Up to seven such houses can be built in a village, and residents can live in them.

    Big house

    The materials for construction are the same as for a small hut. The difference between this house is its size and shape, reminiscent of the letter T. You can find farmers in such houses. There can be a maximum of five large houses in a village.

    Tanner's shop

    During the construction process, it is necessary to install one stone table inside this house, as well as 2 chairs from the steps around the table. In such houses there are always tanners and farmers.


    It is built like an elongated narrow house with a row of chairs and tables inside, as well as a row of books located under the ceiling.


    The farm is formed by building 4 rows of beds, separated by water channels and surrounded by wood.


    It is built from cobblestones and cobblestone steps, located on 2 floors. It has observation deck on the roof. You can move inside using a ladder. A priest in a purple robe always lives here.

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