How to strengthen your Internet. Myths about “fast” work. How to check your connection speed

In our age high technology and high-speed Internet connections, saving time on everything possible has even become a habit. Therefore, we will never be able to get used to traffic jams and slow Internet speeds. If in the first case the issue cannot be resolved, then in the second case everything is not so bad. Today in our article we will present all the working methods that can increase the speed of your Internet connection. However, first you should

13 methods that will help you really increase Internet speed on your computer

  1. Change tariff plan. No matter what anyone says, the simplest and most reliable way to increase Internet speed is to switch to an increased tariff. Since today it is almost impossible to increase the speed above that specified in your contract. If you want more, then you will have to pay more. However, we do not exclude the possibility that the reason for the decrease in speed may be something else, so we did not stop at this point, and wrote 13 more options for increasing the speed on a computer with an operating system Windows system.
  2. Close unnecessary tabs. Many people have the bad habit of running several sites at the same time and trying to demand the impossible from the network during this period of time - fast work. With low Internet speeds (less than 1 MegaBit), this is not always possible, especially if you open pages where some video (even advertising) is automatically launched, an audio track is turned on, or the page contains a lot of photos in high resolution. Try to open the tabs one by one and slowly, because in any case you will not be able to quickly review them. If you can’t live without it, then teach yourself to wait. For example, you opened 20 pages in tabs at once and go drink some water, rest for a minute, and then get back to work. This approach will be less annoying. This is simple the only way out from the situation, not counting the change in tariff plan.
  3. Disable updates that are not currently needed. Speed ​​is partially lost when third-party programs are running; they can update their databases, as, for example, anti-virus programs do. Programs can simply update their version, as Adobe products often do. Also, if you have installed a tool like Google.Disk or Yandex.Disk, the program will also upload new files, if any have been added. Accordingly, you can increase Internet speed by disabling all these programs. Start with startup, and then monitor running programs.
  4. Disable downloading (i.e. uploading) unnecessary files. The speed may drop due to the fact that you have files to download (games, movies, programs, music, etc.). Force quit all downloads that are interfering with full speed. Files are downloaded, as a rule, via a torrent, browser, or using a special download program. So check these three types of programs for unwanted downloads.
  5. Block advertising on websites. Ad blocking is the ability to hide unwanted advertising links and banners, which further improves your browsing experience by eliminating a significant portion of advertising scripts, which in truth can take up up to 70% of a page's weight. You can disable advertising on websites using the popular antivirus - Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 (in the settings you will only need to check the box that you do not want to see advertising on Internet projects). KIS 2013 certainly cannot block 100% of advertising materials, however most will definitely remove it!
  6. Turn onTurbo browser mode. If you need high speed for surfing the Internet, and not for downloading any files, then we recommend that you enable Turbo mode (almost any browser has it). The essence of his work is simple - to reduce as much downloaded information as possible. The most popular method of this mode is to reduce the image quality. Thus, the speed of opening sites will increase significantly.
  7. Do not perform many actions at the same time. We already wrote above that the fewer tabs you open, the faster the speed. Approximately the same scheme with simultaneous work on several programs that, one way or another, relate to the Internet. Try not to launch them at this time or disable their Internet access, etc. You can also set the priority of programs so that the download is carried out correctly. However, this is quite difficult for a beginner, so you can get by with the basics - launch only the necessary software.
  8. Zoom inWi-Fi router or change Wi-FiFi adapter. If you receive the Internet using Wi-Fi technologies, then the problem of low speed may be hidden in this. It’s quite simple to check this - connect your computer or laptop to the network cable directly, if the speed is normal and you are completely satisfied with it, then you need to look for the problem in the computer or router. To do this, first bring Wi-Fi as close as possible. If it doesn’t help, then you can still think about changing the Wi-Fi adapter, since it can only support a limited speed.
  9. Put a password onWi-Fi. If you didn’t already know, when distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi, its speed will be divided among all those connected, so if 20 people are using your Wi-Fi at the same time, and the maximum speed is 20 megabits per second, then everyone will receive only one megabit . Therefore, you don’t need to be so generous and give your Internet to just anyone, as this will affect the overall speed. Likewise, the speed will decrease if your husband (for example) sits down at his laptop to watch a movie online, while you work on the computer on the Internet.
  10. Update the router firmware. It is not surprising, but practice shows that a decrease in the speed transmitted through a router or router may also depend on the firmware of the latest device. So try to update on time software and drivers, perhaps you will find yourself in this situation and will not be able to use the global network normally until you flash it. By the way, they are flashed quite simply (you can do it yourself) - download the original and latest version of the firmware, go to the router settings and select the “Update” item. We wait 5-7 minutes and everything is ready - we reflash our router.
  11. Update computer components. Slow network speed is not always the fault of the operator or programs installed on the PC. Sometimes the whole reason lies precisely in weak components that are outdated, not only morally, but also physically. Externally, the signs cannot always be distinguished, since the “brakes” of the system from the “brakes” world wide web little different. First of all, you will have to update the processor, after - RAM, then the video card and at the end of the entire update - the hard drive. It is these components that will help you forget about all the main problems associated with the slow operation of your PC and the Internet.
  12. Replace the cable if it is damaged. Sometimes you can increase the speed by simply replacing the network cable running inside or outside the apartment, since it is quite fragile in its structure, and accordingly requires careful attitude. If it was bent somewhere, or there were heavy objects placed on it (such as a cabinet), then the cable may begin to transmit the signal poorly. Subsequently, poor contact will be reflected in slow Internet performance. You can replace it either yourself or by calling specialists who will use special devices to check the quality of the wire and then carry out a replacement.
  13. Contact your provider for help. The most correct thing, probably, would be to contact (in writing or by telephone) the provider that supplies the Internet, presenting it with facts about the slow operation of the network. Let him send workers who can solve your problem. Please note that if the reason slow internet will be on your part, then you will have to pay for the call and troubleshooting, otherwise everything will be free.
  14. Change provider. Don't be afraid to change bad providers and test new companies. There is no need to wait for changes if they have not been introduced for a long time and the signal quality has not improved. When switching to another provider, be careful and read online beforehand real reviews about the company, so as not to end up with the same unfortunate provider.

Despite the fact that the Internet has become integral part our lives, the user is not always satisfied with the quality of the connection. Often the connection is interrupted, the WAN is reset, and the speed of data reception decreases. The reasons for such problems lie in the equipment used, services provided by the provider and settings.

Reasons for slow Internet speed

Users believe that the provider should always provide the ability to surf the network at the highest speed. This is wrong. The speed depends on the resources used.

Resources are divided into two types:

  • internal. TO internal resources These include those owned by your Internet service provider. On them, the network speed will be many times higher than on external ones;
  • external. This includes all other sites.

Reduced data transfer speeds may be due to technical issues, such as the bandwidth of your provider's equipment. If at a particular time the load on the network is small, then the speed will be higher. In the evening, when everyone returns from work and goes online, the connection speed may decrease.

When connecting to the Internet, a user's computer passes through many nodes

A fiber optic cable, modem or router can also cause a decrease in speed: they cannot always cope with the data flow that the provider provides. In this case, the router or modem may quickly fail or work incorrectly.

Traffic can be consumed different programs on a PC, for example, with antivirus software. It automatically processes many data packets. If suspicious code is detected, the dangerous file is blocked and returned to the server. The antivirus simultaneously works in both directions: it receives data, slowing down the entire flow, processes it and only then returns it to the user. Malicious software or spyware operate on approximately the same principle, only they do not filter anything, but instead receive and send data packets to the attacker.

Antivirus filters incoming data packets, reducing Internet speed

Typically the OS uses traffic to check for and download updates. Torrents, even after closing the program shell itself and exiting it, remain in the RAM of the personal computer and secretly consume network resources.

To check if the problem is with your computer, you just need to measure the bandwidth on another device that is guaranteed to be well configured. If the problem persists, you can be sure that the problem is with the external hardware.

How to check Internet speed on a Windows 7 computer

The need for the most accurate data rarely arises. If a rough analysis is enough for you, you can use Skype. With its help, you can monitor the stability of the connection (sound and video quality) and data synchronization. Be sure to do this using the built-in assistant (Sound Test). If you communicate with another user, you will not be able to accurately determine who is having problems.

Skype uses Sound Test to monitor connection stability and data synchronization

In a separate torrent window you can look at the average speed. This number may also indicate the throughput of the service. Network problems are expressed by minimal speed values ​​or regular fluctuations. A stable number means the connection quality is good.

"Windows Task Manager"

Windows Task Manager is a built-in utility that allows the user to track a variety of data related to network performance.

You can launch Task Manager in one of several ways:

General information about the network will be indicated in the “Network” tab. This displays a graph of connection usage by local network and wireless. To view detailed information:

Online check

There are many services on the Internet designed to test the speed of your connection and the functionality of the Internet. You can use the SpeedTest service. The site interface is simple and anyone can understand it. To start testing, the user just needs to click on the large “Begin Test” button.

Using the SpeedTest service you can check the connection speed

Wait for the verification procedure to complete and examine the results: connection ping, speed of receiving and sending data packets.

Ping is a utility for checking the quality of connections in TCP/IP-based networks. It allows you to estimate the network speed, that is, the time it takes for a data packet sent from your computer to reach a specific server and return.

SpeedTest will provide a detailed report after the test is completed

Another service for checking the operation of the Internet connection is 2IP. It provides broader information about the user's computer. With it you can:

  • view information about the connection, network time and OS version;
  • study information about the browser used and its version;
  • measure the speed of your Internet connection.

Using the 2IP service you can measure the speed of your Internet connection

Go to home page website in the “Tests” tab. In the menu, select “Internet Connection Speed” and click on the “Test” button. Wait until the end and study the result.

Online services have a number of disadvantages. One of the most serious is that they cannot take into account the load on your provider's lines. As a result, the actual speed may differ from what you see on your monitor.

Video: Testing Internet Connection Speed ​​Using SpeedTest

Desktop widgets

For the Windows 7 operating system, you can find special widgets that will monitor your connection speed in real time.

Be careful when downloading widgets to track your connection speed. Most of them may turn out to be a trick of attackers who want to insert malware into your computer and steal confidential information.

Network Utilizations is a free and small program that can be found freely available on the Internet. The utility has good customization capabilities, for example, the user can change the image display size, adjust transparency and specify other display parameters. In the settings there is a function for changing the check interval (the “Update Interval” field).

Network Utilizations in the form of system graphs shows the user the “load” of the Internet connection

As an analogue, you can use the speed indicator - NetMeter. Visually, it is not much different from the previous widget and has the same set of functions and settings.

NetMeter keeps track of traffic and data transfer speed of Internet connection

These programs are displayed in a dedicated part of the screen on top of active windows.

To prevent the test results from being distorted, it is advisable to disable all programs and applications that consume Internet resources.

Step-by-step instructions for speeding up the Internet

First of all, you will need to analyze the software products running on your personal computer. A large number of working chats, instant messengers, browsers, web clients consume a considerable amount resources. Remove these programs completely. If you need them, then remove them from startup. This can be done in the following way:

Malware can secretly use your device and network resources. Try to scan your computer regularly. It is best not to go to unknown sites and not to download any programs from unknown sources. Antiviruses can also reduce speed, so if you need the maximum connection rate at a particular time, disable protection for a while.

Router settings

Wireless connectivity has a serious disadvantage - people can only use the network if they are within range. Attackers can hack the password and gain unauthorized access to the network. If from the moment you connected the Internet worked without problems, and after a while it began to fail, it means that someone connected to your router. In this case, change the Wi-Fi connection password. You can do this as follows (for each router model, the process of changing the password may differ):

If your router and your neighbors' router are on the same channel, this may also be the reason for the slowdown. Follow these steps:

Operating system settings

Problems with the network may be that the user is using a pirated version of the operating system, or the system is consuming a lot of Internet resources to check for updates. To resolve the issue, do the following:

Video: increasing network speed

TweakMaster utility

To increase network speed, you can use programs that will automatically change your computer settings to optimal ones. TweakMaster is suitable for those who do not understand network architecture.

TweakMaster automatically changes settings to optimal ones to increase network performance

The utility's interface is simple: it looks like any installation package.

After launch, the user will be asked to select one of the connection options. If you don’t know how your computer is connected to the network, you can select the very first item, then the application will automatically analyze the data and you will get the desired result.

It is advisable to indicate one of possible options connections, then the optimization process will complete much faster. There is also an extended version of the program that allows you to speed up web browsers using built-in utilities.

Users can independently determine the speed of connection and network operation using special programs and online services. You just need to be careful when downloading them from the Internet so as not to accidentally install malware on your computer.

Are you satisfied with the speed of your Internet connection? Do you know that by changing just one parameter, you can speed up the Internet, that is, increase the connection bandwidth by 20 percent?

A long time ago, when the Windows XP operating system was installed on most users’ computers, and only a small part of the lucky ones had high-speed Internet, this method allowed the user (for example, me personally) to increase, although not by much.

Today, when in big cities Super speeds won’t surprise anyone, and basically the user is faced with only the question of how much to pay for the Internet (what the more expensive it is faster), this method will not give any noticeable acceleration. But in villages and small towns, where getting high speeds is problematic, even these 20% will come in handy.

By default, in Windows 7, the QoS packet scheduler limits the reservation to twenty percent of the Internet connection's bandwidth. Therefore, if we change this parameter in the QoS settings, we can accordingly increase or decrease the bandwidth reserved by all programs that are running on the computer.

On many sites there is information that changing this parameter does not affect the Internet connection in any way, but in my case, according to tests, changing it still leads to an increase in speed. See for yourself (the difference is approximately 3 Mbit/s in receiving and 0.15 Mbit/s in transmission).

Now let's proceed directly to setting up the package scheduler in the Windows 7 operating system. Open the browser and go to the website:

and measure the speed before changing the settings. After this, launch the Local Group Policy Editor. Using the keyboard shortcut Win + R, open the “Run” system utility, where in the “Open” field we write “gpedit.msc” and click the “OK” button, thereby launching the “Local Group Policy Editor”.


Go to “Administrative Templates” - “Network” - “QoS Packet Scheduler” and double-click on “Limit reserved bandwidth”.

We check the “Enable” box, in the “Options” window we replace the value of 20% with 0%, click the “Apply” and “OK” button.

Now you have learned how to speed up the Internet. We measure again and see what happens. How has your Internet connection speed changed? Please share information in the comments.

You can increase Internet speed using special programs or using the capabilities of operating systems.

By default, the operating system reserves approximately 20% of the total Internet bandwidth. As a result, 1/5 of the total speed is lost. This feature can be easily disabled.

You need to go to start - execute and register gpedit.msc and click OK.

Then Group Policy will appear, in which you need to go to the following options: “computer configuration”, “administrative templates”, “network”, “QoS packet manager” and then go to the “limit reserved bandwidth” menu.

After that, you need to double-click the mouse to open the found tab and view the parameters. Change the value as you wish.

Another parameter that affects Internet speed, is a half-open connection restriction that was introduced by Microsoft to limit the spread of virus programs from sites or computers over the network and to limit the computer's possible participation in DoS attacks.

The speed limit is necessary to ensure that the computer does not have more than 10 simultaneous half-open outgoing connections. When the speed reaches the connection limit, subsequent attempts to connect to the network are queued.

As a result, the user has limited access, which negatively affects the operation of the Internet. This limit affects outgoing connections and does not change the speed of incoming connections.

To find out the number of half-open connections and check whether they are limited or not, you can use special program Half-open limit. With its help you can remove these restrictions.

Operating systems have a function to check for available updates for installed programs, which also reduces Internet speed. These functions, at least slightly, reduce traffic when connecting to the network. There can be up to several dozen such requests for updates. By disabling them, you can slightly increase the speed.

However, there are programs in which cannot be disabled to search for updates. This applies to programs where each update weighs up to 100 MB. In this case, you need to enable a firewall, in which you can prevent the network from accessing programs, and also designate those that should be updated.

Increasing speed in Windows XP, 7

Increased speed through QoS packets

To increase Internet speed in Windows XP, you must again go to gpedit.msc and in the “Computer Configuration” menu select “Administrative Templates”, then “network” and go to “QoS Packet Manager”.

Increasing Internet speed through ports

There is another opportunity to increase Internet speed in Windows 7. To do this, you need to go to “ My computer" and open the tab " properties of the system", then go to " device Manager" and open "ports".

You need to find the ports that are responsible for connecting to the Internet. Most often these are “catfish” ports. There can be 2 or more ports. You need to open their properties and go to the “port parameters” tab and then find the “bits per second” parameter and set the maximum possible number. After this, the bandwidth will increase and the Internet speed will increase.

Power mode in a laptop

On all laptops and computers with operating system Windows 7 is set to Balanced Power Mode. If on regular PCs Internet speed and stability Internet connections This mode is quite acceptable, but in the case of laptops with the Internet, problems may occur (if using a wireless connection). Internet connection via wi-fi may disappear due to the set balanced mode, or the Internet speed may drop.

If web pages take too long to load, and content is downloaded at a speed that clearly does not correspond to that promised by the provider, this may be due to various reasons. Fortunately, you don’t have to wonder how to increase your Internet speed. Today, there are many effective techniques that can improve the quality of your connection to the World Wide Web. A noticeable difference will be noticeable within minutes.

Method one of three: Checking the equipment, network status and Internet connection speed

1. Test your connection speed. Before setting up your equipment and PC, you should check the Internet speed, and then compare the result with that specified in the contract with the provider. Currently, there are many tests available online that allow you to measure this parameter. All you need to do is enter a query in the search bar, such as “check connection speed”, and then select the site you like from the top search results.

  • A variety of testing programs can provide excellent results. Even with multiple checks on one resource, you can see different results over and over again. The test result is usually determined by the server location and how loaded the network is.
  • It is best to test multiple times, finding the average value.
  • In order to pass the test, in some cases it may be necessary to download and install plugins.
  • If a resource asks you to select a server in order to check communication speeds, it is better to choose the one that is closest to your location. This way you will get the most accurate result.

2. The next step in increasing Internet speed will be to compare the actual speed level with the one promised by the provider. Information about the connection speed level can be obtained from the customer support department.

It is worth keeping in mind that the provider will indicate the maximum possible value, but in fact it is not always equal to this number.

  • Having been stuck on a certain tariff for a long time, you may be able to increase the speed value for little money. Typically, providers do not inform their clients about the availability of cheaper tariffs. Therefore, check this circumstance yourself, and also read the offers from other regional Internet providers.
  • Don't forget about the huge difference between megabits and megabytes. 1 MB (megabyte) is equal to 8 MB (megabits), so if your tariff involves paying for 50 MB/sec, then the maximum speed will be around six megabytes per second.

3. Try rebooting your router. Restarting it can solve many connection problems. If the model of the modem you are using does not have a power button, you need to turn off the power supply, then wait half a minute and turn it on again.

4. The next step is to check that there are no conflicting signals. If you are using a wireless router, it makes sense to check if there is a conflict with a stand-alone landline phone or camera. The fact is that there are 2 types of wireless routers with operating frequencies of 5.8 GHz and 2.4 GHz. If the phone and router operate on the same 2.4 GHz frequency, the connection speed will be slow when the phone is used at home. The same applies to surveillance cameras. Find out the operating frequencies of the devices mentioned; if they are nine hundred megahertz, there is no reason to worry. But if it is 2.4 or 5.8 GHz, there is a possibility that they cause interruptions in your home network.

5. Make sure your network traffic limit is not over. All guesses on how to increase Internet speed are in vain if your communication provider has set a limit on the traffic sent to you, and you may not know it.

To check this circumstance, you should log in to the provider’s website, or call the manager from customer support, where you will find out about the presence of a monthly limit and whether it has expired. If it is exceeded, your connection speed is artificially limited.

6. Call the customer support department of the Internet provider. Sometimes only the provider company can deal with the problem of a slow connection. Moreover, troubleshooting, as a rule, does not imply a specialist home visit. The only thing is that you may be asked to reboot the router.

7. Carefully check each of the devices on your home network. If other users often download content from the Internet, for example, watch video files or download movies, this takes up a significant amount of bandwidth in the network channel.

8. Try to reduce the gap between the router and PC. Looking for a way to increase Internet speed, and being connected to the network through Wi-Fi router, make sure that the “slow” signal is not a consequence of a weak connection between the PC and the router. Place these two devices closer to each other, or place the router higher, this will improve the quality of network signal reception.

  • Clean the router from accumulated dust particles using a can filled with compressed air. This way you will protect it from possible overheating and allow you to work more stably.
  • Try to provide sufficient ventilation to all electrical components in the network to prevent them from overheating.

9. If you use DSL technology, it is worth checking the splitter. This refers to a compact box into which the cable from a landline telephone is connected. WITH reverse side There are a couple of “sockets” - intended for telephone connection, and also used for installing a modem. If your Internet connection is via a telephone line, it will only be of high quality if you have a good splitter.

10. Study the weather forecast. If you have Internet transmitted via satellite, the connection speed is quite capable of “jumping” under the influence of precipitation and winds, as well as other weather phenomena.

Method 2 of 3: Perform PC and Network Optimization

1. Scanning your computer with an antivirus should be done at least once every seven days. Viruses can not only threaten the loss of user data, but also adversely affect Internet speed. In order for the connection to be stable and fast, you need to protect your PC from all kinds of threats.

Your PC should always be protected by a reliable antivirus. Moreover, you don’t have to pay money for such software. It is worth keeping in mind that there should be only one antivirus on the computer, otherwise such programs will conflict.

2. In addition to installing an antivirus, you should regularly scan your PC to detect malware and adware. Not all antivirus programs detect this type of spyware.

However, these threats can significantly slow down your computer's performance and connection speed as they constantly connect to third-party servers. It is not so easy to get rid of these “malware”, but there are several utilities that are designed to identify and eliminate such unwanted software. By the way, you can install a number of programs of this type at once:

  • HitMan Pro
  • Spybot Search & Destroy
  • Malwarebytes Antimalware
  • Adw Cleaner

3. Get rid of unnecessary toolbars. If your browser has many toolbars, your connection may be very slow. By getting rid of them, you can improve the efficiency of your browser and provide protection against information leaks from your PC.

  • Individual toolbars are not that easy to remove. For this purpose, anti-spyware software may be required, as mentioned above.

4. Change your browser. When looking for a way to increase Internet speed, you need to check whether your browser is overloaded with difficult-to-remove add-ons, which reduces its performance. In this case, it may be better to start using a different browser. A priori, Firefox, Opera and Chrome operate significantly faster than Internet Explorer.

5. Clean your hard drive.“Launch”, it can significantly slow down the efficiency of the PC, which adversely affects your manipulations, and network ones too. You can optimize your hard drive in just a few minutes, resulting in a significant increase in the quality of Internet surfing.

  • Defragmentation of the “screw” should be performed regularly. The latest versions of Windows OS perform this procedure in automatic mode.
  • To clean the disk from temporary files stored on it that slow down the browser, run the disk cleaning procedure.
  • Make sure that there is always at least 15% empty space in the system partition of the hard drive. When the disk is full, programs, as well as the Internet browser, will launch and function more slowly.

6. Optimize your cache. Browsers save data from web resources in a cache so that they can open pages more quickly in the future. If the cache is full, browser performance will drop.

  • You can find out how to clear the cache by asking the appropriate request in the search engine.

7. Check and find out which of the installed programs are taking traffic. Often, Internet speed drops because other software products are using the network. To find out whether certain programs are sending requests to the network without asking your permission, use the Command Prompt. Press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Win + R to open the Run dialog box. Next, enter cmd and press ⌅ Enter. (If you have Windows 7 installed, you should open the Start menu>All Programs>Accessories, and then right-click on Command Prompt in the “Run as administrator” item).

  • You need to enter the command netstat -b 5 > activity.txt and press ⌅ Enter. The monitor will display a list of software connecting to the network. After waiting a minute, press ^ Ctrl+C to complete the search procedure. The system will issue a file with a list of active network connections.
  • Next you need to enter activity.txt and press ⌅ Enter, as a result the file will open and you can see the program list.

8. Close all unnecessary programs. You should simultaneously press the ^ Ctrl+⎇ Alt+⌦ Delete buttons to open the Task Manager. Next, select the processes tab and disable all programs that can consume Internet traffic. (Keep in mind: interrupting processes with names that you do not know can lead to program failures).

  • Review the process data in the “User” column. In the case when the process is launched on behalf of the System, stopping it can provoke a disruption in the functioning of other software products, and you will need to restart the computer. If your username is present in the column, most likely, the end of the process will not affect other programs. It happens that the system prohibits the completion of a particular internal system process or it automatically restarts it.

9. Remove unused programs that take traffic. Having identified programs that are overloading your connection, remove those that you no longer use, which will free up traffic for the browser to work.

10. Change the Wi-Fi channel you are using. If one single channel is used by many people in your home, the problem of how to increase Internet speed for you is not idle. To identify free channels, try using the inSSIDer program for your computer and the WiFi Scanner or KisMAC applications for Mac.

By switching to a less busy channel, you can get rid of interruptions in the Internet network and, perhaps, you will be able to use the World Wide Web much more quickly.

  • If you find an unloaded channel, switch to improve connection speed. If you don’t know how to change the Wi-Fi communication channel in the router, look at the user instructions or the relevant information on the equipment manufacturer’s resource.

11. Update the router firmware. The firmware update can be found on the website of your router manufacturer. Comparing latest version with the existing one, update.

Most modern models check the firmware version automatically when opening the hardware configuration page.

Method 3 of 3: Performing Hardware Upgrades

1. Upgrade your computer. If the PC itself works “slowly”, this does not depend in any way on the connection speed. It is reduced by the PC operating speed parameters.

  • To increase the performance of the browser you are using, install better (or at least additional) RAM. This is one of the simplest and most quick methods computer modernization.

2. Upgrade your router. If you are using an older model of device, there is a chance that it simply cannot cope with the load imposed by today's traffic. Moreover, older devices have rather weak antennas, and this can make it difficult to connect your PC to the Internet. All of the above conditions together can greatly affect the quality of the connection.

  • When purchasing, give preference to routers from well-established manufacturers, for example, Netgear, D-Link or Cisco. To ensure that your new router fully meets your expectations, make sure that it is equipped with a truly powerful antenna.
  • If home network covers a considerable space, it makes sense to install a repeater. His responsibilities will include relaying the wireless signal to another part of the home or office center, which will increase the network coverage area.

3. Replace your old broadband modem. When exposed to elevated temperatures, electrical devices tend to wear out. Over time, the modem will become more and more unscrupulous in performing the tasks assigned to it (the ratio of the purely emitted signal to the level of interference will begin to decrease, and the number of repeated requests will increase). Modems from manufacturers specializing in their production often work better than those offered by provider companies.

  • When purchasing a modem from an outside manufacturer, be sure to make sure that it supports the communication standards of the Internet provider you have chosen.

4. Use an Ethernet connection, not Wi-Fi. If possible, try connecting more of your devices via cables. In this case, they will connect to the Internet more quickly and conflict less with existing wireless devices - for example, a tablet.

  • When thinking about how to increase your Internet speed, try something like trying to connect to your local DNS server. There are now router models that work with their own DNS server. It is worth trying the FastCache program, which caches the most visited domain names, which eliminates the need to check the IP when going to another page.
  • Download programs that can speed up web surfing:
    • - so-called. a browser in a browser that loads resources without images.
    • Popular browsers Firefox, Chrome and Opera have the option to disable loading images.
    • The NoScript extension, designed for Firefox, blocks scripts and plugins that can slow down page loading.
    • Using Firefox browser, be sure to download the Firetune and Fasterfox extensions.
  • You should not expect high speed when using mobile communications or a low-speed tariff. Most Internet resources use a broadband connection, whose speed is just over 500 kbps. Sometimes under such conditions you have to wait.
  • Use Google DNS by setting as the preferred DNS Server, and as the alternative.

And at the end of the conversation about how to increase Internet speed, a couple of warnings:

  • Don't trust advertising promises to increase your connection speed for free. Such programs, as a rule, only detect the presence of problems on the PC, but do not solve them until you pay for the registration of the software product, or purchase a version with full functionality.
  • The download speed may be slow, even if the network is functioning at a good level. When downloading from a slow remote server, you will have to wait a long time for the download to complete.
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