What documents are needed to start building a private house? What documents are needed to obtain a building permit?

Having your own is a dream for many people. However, its translation into reality requires considerable effort. In relation to real estate, legislation establishes a special regulatory regime. When constructing private houses, you must obtain various permits and comply with other legal requirements.

Let's consider what documents are needed for the construction of a private house, its registration and operation.

How to build a private house? Photo No. 1

Having decided to start building a house, many do not think about obtaining permission to do so. However, as follows from the provisions of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, its presence is required to give the building legal status.

According to its provisions, such permission is mandatory for the construction or reconstruction of any capital facilities. Private houses also belong to the category of permanent buildings, and are buildings (up to 3 floors in height) in which one family lives. Houses built with this requirement cannot be considered illegally built.

In its absence, there may be problems with entering information into a unified cadastre, registering owner rights, and establishing communications. Obtaining loans for the construction of private houses without permits will also be problematic. Government agencies and the authorities recognize such buildings as actually being built without permission in violation of the law. There are fines for their construction.

When is permission not required?

Which properties will not require additional permits? Photo No. 2

Since development is usually not limited to one house, citizens often have questions about obtaining permits for all buildings. When answering this question, you should refer to Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Its provisions contain a list of cases when such permission is not mandatory:

  • for economic auxiliary buildings;
  • for a garage at a country house or other place not used for business activities;
  • during the construction and reconstruction of buildings that are not related to capital construction projects;
  • repair, reconstruction of objects without significant changes their design and main characteristics.

This list is not final and closed; the provisions of urban planning legislation may provide for other cases.

How to get permission?

Legalization of construction work on private land. Photo No. 3

To obtain permits for the legal construction of a private house, you need to prepare a package of necessary documents and submit an application to the relevant authority. According to the law, local administrations (other bodies in the locations of the site) are authorized to resolve such issues.

Currently, citizens also have the opportunity to apply for permission to the Multifunctional Centers for the Provision of State and municipal services. Another way is to send an application through the Unified State Services Portal electronically.

You can submit (send) applications not only yourself, but also through representatives. In such cases, it is necessary to confirm their authority to sign and submit documents.

In addition to applications to resolve the issue of obtaining permits, the following list of documents is provided:

  • title documents for the site;
  • urban planning plan for this site;
  • diagram of the planned organization of the site;
  • documents confirming the identity of the applicant.

Concerning project documentation, then it is done and provided only at the request of the developers. This rule will be in effect until March 1, 2018.

The submitted application will be considered for no more than ten days.

After this period, a decision is made to issue a permit or to refuse with an explanation of the reasons. The refusal to satisfy the application can be appealed through the court.

The nuances of obtaining permission for the construction of individual housing construction projects

Change of owner land plot allocated for individual housing construction. Photo No. 4

In connection with obtaining permits for individual housing construction, potential developers have many questions. First of all, it should be noted that until 2018 there is a simplified procedure for obtaining them for individual housing construction. There is no need to prepare project documentation for this today. The procedure itself is free; no fees or charges are charged when issuing permits.

It is especially worth considering cases when there is a change of land or the building itself. What should I do if, after receiving permission, the plot allocated for construction becomes the property of another person?

Many people think that in this case they will have to obtain permits again or re-issue old ones. In fact, there is no need to do this if it has not expired. Thus, it will be valid for all owners of the site until it ceases to be valid.

When dividing or merging land plots for individual housing construction, construction can also be carried out on the basis of previously issued permits.

Termination of building permit

According to current legislative norms, the validity period of permits for the construction of individual housing construction projects is ten years. Therefore, according to general rule, its validity is terminated due to the expiration of this period.

However, under certain circumstances, it may be terminated earlier. These include:

  • relinquishment of ownership rights to the site;
  • upon termination of such a right forcibly, including for state needs;
  • termination (termination) of land ownership agreements;
  • termination of subsoil use rights if further construction is impossible without them.

Based on information about the termination of rights to land, authorized bodies the permit is revoked within a month.

Registration of ownership rights to individual housing construction objects

Registration of rights to a residential building. Photo No. 5

In order to become the full owner of a built house, you must go through the registration procedure. At the same time, you can apply for registration of both a fully rebuilt house and unfinished construction.

Territorial divisions deal with registration issues. Until March 2018, the possibility of registration under a simplified procedure remains available for individual housing construction objects.

To contact the Rosreestr authorities you will need:

  • registration application;
  • applicant's passport (other identification document);
  • documents confirming construction.

If the site is registered in in the prescribed manner and registered in the cadastre, the registration procedure will be simpler. In this case, there is no need to submit any documents for it; Rosreestr already has all the information.

If a land plot is not included in the cadastre, then registration of an individual housing construction project built on it from the beginning of 2017 cannot be carried out. However, until 2020, it is possible to establish and register it on the basis of a declaration describing the objects.

As for the documents confirming the construction of the facility, these include a cadastral passport and a building permit. The latter is required for objects whose construction is not completed. In turn, the cadastral passport is drawn up on the basis of a technical plan, drawn up taking into account the construction permit received. In addition to the specified documents, it is necessary to pay the state fee.

If all necessary documents are provided, the application will be considered within ten days.

Documents for registration of a land plot for individual housing construction

What documents are required to obtain a plot of land for individual construction? Photo No. 6

Before you start building your own private house, you need to purchase land intended for this. Issues regarding the provision of such plots are within the competence of municipal administrations. Anyone wishing to receive a plot of land for individual housing construction must submit an application there, indicating the purpose of use.

The distribution of plots is carried out on the basis of an auction. Some categories of persons have the right to receive free land, in particular, people with many children, veterans, and the disabled. The decision to allocate land to these persons is decided in order of priority by a special commission.

The second opportunity to purchase land for individual housing construction is to purchase it from another private person. Regardless of the basis for its acquisition, the right to it must be registered with Rosreestr. To do this, you need to submit an application and a certain package of documents. These include:

  • passport (other identity document);
  • a document certifying a person’s rights to real estate;
  • cadastral plan of the site;
  • registration application;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Project of a private house and its passport

Drawing up a project for a private house and its passport. Photo No. 7

To obtain permission to build your house, you do not need to provide design documentation. At the same time, the developer can at will prepare her. The house project includes all the basic data and characteristics necessary for its construction. It includes architectural, construction and engineering information, including plans, drawings of all parts of the house, its communications, estimates, and design.

You can entrust the development of the project to a specialized company, or do it yourself. However, without special knowledge it will be difficult to take into account all the subtleties. After all, the project includes a large amount of information, in addition to the number of floors and rooms of the house, the type of materials and finishing. When building a house, you have to decide on its placement on the site and the arrangement of all communications.

The project passport includes all the main documents related to the construction, in particular:

  • for construction;
  • about land rights;
  • contract for the construction of a house;
  • copying from the general plan;
  • assignment for designing a private house;
  • plans, drawings of the building;
  • conditions for connection to utility networks.

Summing up communications

Plan for connecting communications to a residential building. Photo No. 8

When purchasing plots for individual housing construction, you do not always receive a piece of land ready for exploitation. If the site is located in a dacha cooperative or other populated area, then the issue of connecting communications is easier to solve.

Water supply, sewerage, gas or electricity are necessary for the normal functioning of the house. Depending on the location of the site itself and the nearby communications, issues of connecting them can entail large time and financial costs.

If the connectivity to shared networks no or it’s too expensive, you can install autonomous communications yourself.

Commissioning of a residential building

Obtaining permission to put into operation a constructed dwelling. Photo No. 9

The logical completion of the construction of a private house is its commissioning. To obtain the appropriate permit, you must contact your local administration. This procedure is free and does not require any costs.

According to the norms of urban planning legislation, such permission is required to register the owner’s rights to the erected structure. However, temporarily, until March 1, 2018, this requirement may not be fulfilled.

To put the building into operation, you must submit an application accompanied by the following documents:

  • documents on rights to a land plot;
  • urban planning plan of the site;

From paperwork!

  • And the first thing to do — prepare a package of documents for the construction of a private house!

But let's go in order. Everyone knows what kind of queues we have for the construction of apartments. Both 5 and 10 years, and some even more, are waiting for the coveted square meters of “precious” housing. “Precious” - in the literal sense of the word. Prices square meter of new building growing like mushrooms after rain. And nothing can stop them!

So the question arises, as in Chernyshevsky’s novel: “What to do?” Wait for who knows how long for construction to start? Worry during construction: “If only they didn’t throw me away!”? Do our “miracle” builders have to finish and redo a lot of work after the house is put into operation? Adding almost a quarter of the cost of the apartment to the astronomical sums spent?

If nothing else is in sight, then this is certainly not the worst way out of the housing crisis.

But if there is an opportunity to build a private residential building on your own, albeit small, piece of land, then many Lately choose exactly this method of solving the issue of square meters.

But my dear readers, I want to warn those who are still making a choice.

Whether to build an apartment or build a private house, there is a huge difference. I think you can guess which one yourself.

  • It will not be possible to build a private residential building without effort!

You will have to, if not personally wave a shovel and knock with a hammer, then at least be in the role of an auditor (or supervisor), as well as an accountant or accountant in extreme cases. Control and accounting come first! Otherwise, your home will be nothing but memories in the form of a pile of construction waste.

The thought among our builders is ineradicable: “What I work with is what I have!” And there's nothing you can do about it.

The future private owner will also benefit from knowledge about construction technologies, since construction work requires complete immersion in the process. Here, information from the Internet about building materials and construction technologies will be very useful.

So, the choice is made! Begin construction of a private house!

But you can't build a house in the air! Although some manage in the air, and on the water, and on five square meters build.

But that doesn't suit us. The idea of ​​a permanent building in the form of at least a cottage, if there is not enough money for a palace, is firmly in the minds of the Slav. And all this on its own decent acres: with a vegetable garden, a garden, a flower bed, a lawn, and recently with a swimming pool - not bad either. Three or even six hundred square meters will no longer satisfy our ambitions. The minimum is ten, and if possible, then more. This is where the Russian soul can unfold!

Where to getland for construction of a residential building?

There are several options to consider here.

  1. Buy plot for construction of a residential building from a bankrupt private owner;
  2. Buy land with an old house for a symbolic amount, demolish old buildings and build your own mansions;
  3. Get it for free from the executive committee. This option is more suitable for those who are in line to improve their living conditions;
  4. Buy at auction;
  5. Receive an inheritance and so on.

As you can see, there are many options. Everyone will find one that suits both their ambitions and their wallet.

Having purchased land, it is better to immediately draw up the paperwork: make state registration land plot so that there are no problems later.

How and where to obtain permission to build a private residential building?

Papers are drawn up in the executive committee, or more precisely in the architecture department.

There you write an application for the issuance of building permits.

The documentation folder includes various types of permits to carry out certain works:

  • permission to build a private house and non-residential buildings,
  • projectpassports developer,
  • and formal approvals various offices, which include firefighters, “electric networks” and other serious organizations,
  • residential building project.

You can collect all the signatures and approvals yourself, but it is much easier to act through the “One Window”. You are only required to indicate in the application the building material from which you plan to build your property and provide an approximate sketch of the dimensions of the future home.

But, dear private owners, if you have a site with dense neighboring buildings, consult with the designer before writing an application. He will adjust your wishes regarding the location of the building, since our choice does not always correspond. And they need to be taken into account, otherwise later you won’t be able to put the house into operation, the firefighters won’t sign act of entry!

We received a consultation, determined the location and size, and can write an application. You will receive a sample application from the executive committee. You must have documents for the land with you; without them, applications will not be accepted.

You'll receive it in your hands in about two weeks. “Extract of the decision of the executive committee” With

  • 1) resolution,
  • 2) rough plan development and
  • 3) conclusions of coordinating organizations.

Where can I get a residential building project?

If you have enough knowledge and experience, you can draw it yourself residential building project, but it is better to contact specialists. There may also be several options here:

  • can choose ready House project,
  • Can order individual in any design organization,
  • Can negotiate with a private designer licensed for this type of activity.

It's as you wish.

What is a developer's passport?

  • Note, developer's passport– this is a very important document and should not be ignored!

Here, again, you will need to either independently or through the “One Window” technical specifications forengineering and technical support for a residential building according to the list established by the architectural department.

Having submitted the technical conditions for review and approval, after a while you will receive in your hands developer's passport.

What should be in the developer's passport?
  • it should have everything that will be built is indicated: house, garage, etc.;
  • address indicating the street and house number;
  • extract of the decision executive committee;
  • title document for a land plot;
  • House project;
  • master plan with neighboring buildings;
  • technical specifications.

Now you can start building a private residential building.

In total, the entire procedure for preparing documents in the executive committee takes a little more than a month, but this does not take into account the time spent on preparing the project.

You will only have to pay for the application (and, by agreement, for the project).

That's all. There's just a little bit left - to build a house!

A plot of land without a contract is the most sought-after product on the country market. It is clear that the purchase will be followed by the construction of a house - at the pace and according to the pattern of spending funds that will be convenient for the owner. This is one of the advantages of such an acquisition. It is only important to decide what bureaucratic and physical obstacles need to be overcome so that in the future the house does not turn out to be an “outlaw object.” And a lot will need to be done.

This article is a reference and information material; all information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

Geology: Find out if your house will cave in
One of the questions that arises before a law-abiding owner is conducting geological survey of the site . Experts believe that this procedure is worth going through. Simply because it is advisable to know what is located under the planned house and whether the soil is suitable for construction. Especially if the project involves the construction of basements.

As he told the Internet portal about real estate Vyacheslav Yashin, project manager “Spassky Dachas” of the “New Riga” company, having carried out these works, the buyer will know at what level they are groundwater, what is the composition of the soil, etc. And this, in turn, will help you make the right foundation and protect yourself from future problems, for example, the appearance of water in the basement. Quite often, the information required in this regard can be obtained from the seller, the developer or the local architectural department.

In the company "TransRegionInvest" justify the importance of conducting geology if the owner is going to start laying water supply and sewerage systems.

Research is carried out by specialized firms, and these services for “individual low-rise buildings” vary within 40-80 thousand rubles.

Let me build
Thanks to the “dacha amnesty,” experts say, today it is no longer necessary to obtain a building permit. You can build a house and then legalize it in a simplified manner. This right is enshrined in Law No. 93-FZ of June 30, 2006 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issue of registration in a simplified manner of citizens’ rights to certain real estate objects” (popularly known as the “dacha amnesty” law). In accordance with this law, says Tatyana Mukhina, head of the marketing department of the Department for Work with Land Plots of the TransRegionInvest company, you can register ownership of a house built without a building permit at based on the BTI technical passport, the receipt of which takes at least three months . To be able to register in a built house, as well as to obtain a postal address it is necessary for the house to be recognized as residential .

Adopted on July 17, 2009 the federal law No. 174 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” which extended the period of the “dacha amnesty” until March 1, 2015. The document was published in Rossiyskaya newspaper» July 22, 2009 and entered into force on August 2, 2009.

Which way to go - to obtain a building permit before the start of construction or to legalize the construction post fastum - is, of course, up to the owner of the land to decide. “We advise our clients to first obtain a building permit and legally start building a house. This is provided for in paragraph 2 of Art. 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation,” says TransRegionInvest.

Construction permit issued by the district administration of the region where construction is taking place. To obtain this document, you must submit the following package of documents to the regional architecture department:

1. application requesting permission to build a house on a plot of land;
2. a copy of the certificate of registration of land ownership;
3. a copy of the cadastral plan of the site;
4. a copy of the purchase and sale agreement for the plot;
5. copy of personal passport;
6. petition from the local administration;
7. a certificate from the local administration about the absence of arrests and bans on the site;
8. situational plan certified by the local administration;
9. coordination with services (gas, electricity, Rostelecom);
10. project of a residential building with a diagram of the planning organization of the land plot.

The permit preparation period is one month. The building permit is issued in 3 copies and is valid for 10 years. Submitted copies of documents will not be returned. The house project is returned to the owner with a note from the local architecture department about the approval.

More details about point 10: project + site diagram
Point 10 deserves special attention, notes TransRegionInvest. The architectural design of the house must be completed by a company that has the appropriate license to design buildings and structures. The company must provide a printed project with drawings of floor plans and facades, with the signatures of all performers and a blue seal on each sheet. A copy of the design license is attached to the project, with the mark “Copy is correct” and the blue seal of the company.

The layout of the planning organization of a land plot (also clause 10) is a plan of the plot with the outlines of buildings marked on it.

There are three options for how to do it:
– entrust the development of this scheme to the same company that does the house project;

- draw up yourself (by hand), indicating the distances from the house to the boundaries of the site (those who own AutoCAD or another vector graphics program can draw this drawing using the program.

When developing a drawing, it is necessary to take into account that there are a number of SNIPs that regulate the placement of a house on a site.

Engineering: connection – paid and with permission
Sometimes, and even most often, construction begins not with the main house, but, for example, with the construction of a bathhouse or some outbuildings. However, regardless of where construction begins - with a house or a bathhouse, connecting communications to the constructed object is often the biggest headache for the owner.

Usually, when selling a plot without a contract, the developer promises to bring communications to the border of the plot. The cost of physically connecting the “pipe and cable” from the property line to the house depends on the cost of materials and work, in rare cases it exceeds 70,000 – 100,000 rubles. But in addition to these works, there are payments for the preparation of all necessary documents (technical conditions, draft approval and, most importantly, “connection rights”). These payments are often comparable to the cost of the site.

For example, today the cost of a “legal” electricity connection on average in the Moscow region ranges from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles provided that the main intra-village cable runs near the border of the purchased plot. If you have to connect from the substation, then the cable and the cost of laying it from the substation to the site will be added to this amount. The situation is similar with gas. Only the cost of connection work will be higher by approximately 200,000 to 500,000 rubles. The so-called “right of connection” must be considered separately. It may be included in the price of the land, or it may be provided for an additional fee, and its size will depend only on the appetites of the developer.

Very rarely, the cost of connection and all other work related to bringing communications to the house is included in the cost of the site and borne by the developer, since all these works significantly increase the cost of the land. So, when you are at the site selection stage, you should ask yourself the question: Why do two identical plots in neighboring villages have a 2-fold difference in price?

The importance of the problem of legal installation of engineering communications is also emphasized in the Veles Capital Development company. If the owner uses water supply, gas or energy supply, but does not have an act on the legal entry of communications, then one can only sympathize with him, he says Alexander Bogdanov, head of the legal department of Veles Capital Development. To avoid such situations, it is best to contact the organization providing technical supervision – so that she monitors all documents necessary for construction.

If you solve all the problems yourself, then for permission to build outbuildings with communications, the developer must contact Department of Architecture and Urban Planning with a statement addressed to the head of the district .

The following documents are provided:
1. statement;
2. petition from the Head of the territorial entity of the district;
3. a copy of the certificate of ownership of land (the intended purpose of the land plot is individual housing construction);
4. cadastral plan of the land plot;
5. household project buildings in duplicate (the project is developed by an organization or individual licensed for this type of activity);
6. technical conditions for connecting the house to utility networks;
7. topographic survey of the land plot in M ​​1:500;
8. land plan from BTI .

Happy ending: commissioning
To “legitimize” the built house, they say in the Veles Capital Development company, it is necessary to carry out commissioning procedure. To do this, you need to submit a package of documents to the local administration:

1. conclusion on the fulfillment of the technical conditions provided for by the construction (reconstruction) project of the facility;
2. technical inventory passport for the completed construction (reconstruction) property;
3. conclusion of the State Architectural and Construction Supervision Authority of the Moscow Region on the readiness of the completed construction (reconstruction) of the property and its compliance with the approved design documentation.

Based on these documents, the owner of the land plot receives a resolution from the head of the local municipality on approval of the act of completed construction of the facility and registers ownership.


about building a house:

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