Kiyosaki quadrant of cash flow. Robert Kiyosaki's Cash Flow Quadrant and the Rat Race

Mentions of R. Kiyosaki’s books on our lazy blog have already appeared more than once before; for regular subscribers this is not at all new topic. Millions of pages of reviews, comments, reviews and forums on the RuNet are devoted to the author’s work. There is also a huge range of opinions regarding the relevance of Kiyosaki’s business philosophy in relation to Russian realities. Most recently, we came across Anton’s article; this article can be considered as a continuation of the topic. Along with this article, I recommend reading:

Outstanding business coach and writer

I've been running this blog for over 6 years. All this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader complete at least the first week of training (it's free).

Robert Kiyosaki is a dollar billionaire, a leader of trainings and seminars for entrepreneurs, the founder of a distinctive trend in business literature and the author of several dozen books on the topic of business success, the most famous of which was “Rich Dad Poor Dad” (the third best-selling book in the United States ).

Kiyosaki's books have been translated into dozens of languages. This is perhaps the most popular author who has ever written on the topic of success in business and finance. The circulation of his books is approaching 30 million copies. Many of his books, incl. and this one, Robert co-published with the writer and businesswoman Sharon Lechter, and one - “Why We Want You to Be Rich” - with Donald Trump.

Cash Flow Quadrant - What is it?

There are many definitions of a quadrant. So, in geometry, this is a plane divided by two mutually perpendicular straight lines. There is also an example from modern mythology: in the fantasy saga " Star Trek» quadrants α, β, γ and δ divide Galactic space into 4 parts. Robert Kiyosaki's Cash Flow Quadrant as applied to different categories working-age population is graphically displayed as follows.

  • E (Employee) – employed person;
  • S (Self Employed) – self-employed;
  • IN (Businessowner) – business owner;
  • I (Investor) – investor.

P intersecting quadrant areas

Of course, no typology exists in pure form and the above categories intersect each other to one degree or another. For example, some employees, especially in sales, are motivated by bonuses and other incentives, which requires these people to take an entrepreneurial approach to their responsibilities. Or square S , whose representatives have already taken a step towards independence from the notorious “Uncle”. But their daily activities to a large extent resembles a “rat race” (since their income depends on customers), and is often accompanied by stress and excessive fatigue. The category of hired workers includes not only the personnel of enterprises and institutions who carry out other people's instructions and orders, but also outwardly respectable and highly paid top management. After all, they also play the role of performers, hired and strictly controlled by the owner of the business. Stock traders who are professionally engaged, but do not invest part of their earnings in assets to generate new income, cannot be called investors. They are more likely to be representatives of sector S or sector E (if they work for a brokerage structure and are on its staff).

Thus, the essence of Kiyosaki’s philosophy can be defined as follows: it’s not about how much money you have, but about your position in relation to money. You can earn a million a month and be a dependent hired TOP manager, or you can have a Cash Flow of 40k rubles. and at the same time feel, and, in fact, become financially independent.

Security and Freedom: Left and Right

The cash flow quadrant is conventionally divided into left (E and S) and right (B and I) sides. This is influenced by the values ​​that are a priority for representatives of one side or another: for the “left” the most important life value stands for Safety (“Safety”), for the “right” — Financial Freedom (“Freedom”). Sector “I”, according to Kiyosaki, provides maximum opportunities for achieving financial independence. However, the vast majority of people do not become investors. For the same reasons, this majority never decides to start their own business. They are afraid of losing what they have acquired and being left without guaranteed social supports. It is impossible to motivate such people to take independent action even with potential benefits that are many times greater than possible losses.

The transition from the left side to the right is a slow and painful process. This means changing habits that have been established over the years, thinking styles, and behavior patterns. Such a transition requires the development of new skills in handling money, property, and in some other format of communication with people, incl. loved ones: most likely, they will not accept the changes happening to you without complaint. Kiyosaki himself cites typical objections from people close to him: “You simply have to get a decent job”; “You put a lot of things in your life at risk”; “Imagine that you lose, what will you do?” Therefore, it requires courage and perseverance from a person. The process of transition from employment and a sense of financial security to financial freedom is, first of all, a process of transformation of your consciousness.

Is it easy to achieve financial freedom?

What price are you willing to pay to achieve financial independence? R. Kiyosaki's answer is this: you will need determination, passion for success, and a desire to learn how to competently manage your existing assets. On this path, especially at the beginning, pitfalls await a novice investor. Kiyosaki says that quite a lot of people rely on external authorities and trust them to manage their money. He believes that this is a dangerous path, because... in such a situation, you are unable to control your own risks.

But that doesn't mean that trust management finance should be considered an unacceptable risk. It is important to listen to the experience of predecessors, enlist the advice of a Mentor and first carefully analyze the risk profile of the manager, the history of managing other accounts, and collect as much information about him as possible.

Freedom is the dream of humanity and one of the main public values. However, people achieve it in different ways. Someone escapes reality into downshifting, someone resorts to various stimulants of the illusion of freedom, the description of which is not the subject of a lazy blog. R. Kiyosaki, on real examples from his own biography, shows how to achieve freedom without leaving reality, remaining in the real economic field and at the same time enjoying life. This book is also a good reason to think about what we are willing to do to achieve the much-desired financial freedom.

Kiyosaki believed that a person could find true security most likely on the right side of the quadrant. If you do not have the skill to handle money, even a lot of money, in itself, does not give confidence and true peace of mind in your life.

If you learn to manage money correctly and set your goal to be in sector B or sector I, you are most likely on the right path to financial well-being and, ultimately, on the path to freedom.

Liabilities , which do not bring you income;

  • try to get into the sector firstBand get there:
  • a) business experience

    b) sufficient cash flow that will support your future investments in the sectorI;

    • look for mentors: a mature investor always seeks and uses the experience of those who are more experienced than him;
    • do not be afraid of failures and disappointments, be prepared for them, use them as a lesson and an opportunity for internal changes.

    Best regards, Sergey D.

    The book “The Cash Flow Quadrant” by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lecter is less like a textbook and more like a self-instruction manual. It will allow you to dig into the very essence of the device modern society, which is divided into four main parts according to the field of activity and the type of thinking. Namely, thinking contributes to success, achievements or failures. The book will give strength and confidence, instill a desire to change on the path to a happy and free life. The author will help the reader determine his own affiliation with a certain type, will tell you how to move on to another if you wish.

    Most people run in circles in the so-called financial trap. They belong to the working class. Once you start working for someone else, it’s too hard to stop. It's scary to take risks. But, if you judge correctly, then this particular work is risky. After all, tomorrow it may not exist. Unfortunately, those who work harder and longer will never become rich and successful. There are others who work for themselves, but their income also depends on their personal participation in the work.

    The author of the book believes that by becoming financially literate, people can become financially free. There is much less risk in starting a business than it seems at first glance. This is a well-coordinated system that can work properly and generate income even in the absence of the owner. You need to gather your courage, gain courage and leave the oppressive circle. Everyone’s success depends only on themselves, and the book will help you understand what you need to do to achieve this success and become independent.

    The work belongs to the genre of Economics. Business. Right. It was published in 2011 by Potpourri. The book is part of the Rich Dad series. On our website you can download the book "Cash Flow Quadrant" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4.31 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

    The concept " money quadrant"(more precisely cash flow quadrant) brought to the broad masses of the population popular writer and professional investor Robert Kiyosaki in his second book of the same name. In general, Kiyosaki's books are good because they are written in a simple, accessible language, are simple and understandable to the average person who is not an expert in business and investment.

    Also, his books have a motivational component; there are no ready-made recipes, but there is motivation for further research on the path to wealth. For example, at one time I was greatly influenced by his very first book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” which radically changed my ideas about how money is made.

    In this article:

    Cash Flow Quadrant: 4 categories

    Let's look at the money quadrant. First of all, we need to understand where we are now and where the rich are.

    Workers (employees)

    1. R - Workers(employees). These are people who work for a salary. For example, a manager in an office (office plankton), an employee at an enterprise, a secretary, a janitor, a turner and other professions. What they have in common is that they all sell their time to the employer. As you understand, people from the category R- this is the majority. The advantages here are stability, guarantees, the employer bears all responsibility, and a stable income.

    It is worth noting that the category R include not only low-paying professions such as a janitor, a rural teacher, but also highly paid ones (top manager, Commercial Director etc.) And everything would be fine, but the category R there are significant and irremovable shortcomings:

    • as long as you work, there is money, as soon as you stop working, the money stops coming
    • you need to spend a lot of time working
    • salary ceiling, which is set by the employer and depends on the employer

    Therefore, for workers from R There can be no talk of any financial freedom. If you fit the category R and are no longer engaged in activities from other categories of the cash flow quadrant, then this is a reason to think and start thinking about ways to change this (if, of course, you want financial freedom).


    2. S - self-employed. This could be a financial advisor private lawyer, dentist, self employed. From the first category R These people are distinguished by the fact that they no longer work “for their uncle,” so the following consequences follow from this:

    • there is no control on the part of the employer, there is no work schedule from 8 to 17 established by the employer
    • greater freedom compared to hired work
    • great responsibility - back side freedom

    Since WITH there is no fixed salary, he has the opportunity to earn both more and less than in hired work.

    These people are already closer to own business, but are not representatives of the category B. The fact is that WITH you have to work to have money, they get money for the work done. Possibilities WITH limited by time, because they cannot work more than 24 hours a day. In this category, as well as R, No passive income. Also to people WITH inherent disadvantages No. 1 and No. 2 of employees.

    Business owners

    3. B - business owners. B relates to the right side of the cash flow quadrant, so things are different here. Here the criterion is this moment. A business owner can be called someone who can easily go on vacation, trip around the world, in general, retire from business management. If by the time of his return the business does not fall apart and becomes even more profitable, then this person is a representative of the category B.

    Business owners no longer use their own strength and time, but the strength and time of other people. B can appoint a hired director who will manage the affairs of the business, and himself receive passive income. In addition, a lot of time is freed up, which can be devoted to others interesting things. If the business is successful, then there is no longer a problem of lack of money and survival.

    • even if you don't work, the money doesn't stop coming in (see criterion above)
    • By delegating everything, you have a lot of free time
    • there is no employer, now you yourself are the employer

    In addition, business, in addition to money, also brings intangible benefits - this can be joy, pleasure, satisfaction from the work done, etc. However, setting up your own successful business is a difficult task.


    4. And - investors. These are the people who receive money from investments. They invest in various investment instruments and earn income from it. This is exactly the case when you no longer work for money - your money works for you (see the secret of wealth). In the meantime, you can do what you love - business, travel, relax, etc.

    What instruments do investors invest in? Securities, real estate, bank deposits, gold, direct investments in business, purchase of copyrights, and so on. There is also such a thing as rentier- a person living on interest from the allocated capital.

    Financial freedom lies in the quadrants B And AND. If you are engaged in activities only from quadrants R And WITH- then you will not achieve financial freedom.

    Of course, investors do not just randomly, having large fortunes, invest them left and right. Investments are a whole science (or art?), as in any other field, to achieve success you need to be a professional, and professionalism is achieved through knowledge and experience, through mistakes and the lessons that can be learned from them.

    Money Quadrant: Afterword

    So, we have looked at all the categories of the money quadrant. More detailed information can be found in the book by Robert Kiyosaki. If you are now learning about the cash flow quadrant for the first time, then think about where you are and where are you going? Perhaps the material presented will give you something to think about. And the author of these lines has long decided that working for his uncle is a dead-end path and is taking steps to move from the left side of the quadrant to the right. I wish the same for you!

    Today I want to tell you about cash flow quadrant(or, as it is also called, money quadrant). I ask you to pay special attention to this topic, despite the fact that its name may seem incomprehensible to you at first. The fact is that the money quadrant largely explains the reasons for the disappointing financial condition such large quantity of people.

    But first things first…

    The very concept of “cash flow quadrant” (“cash quadrant”) was introduced into use by Robert Kiyosaki is a professional investor and author of a series of books on personal finance management that are incredibly popular around the world. to the globe. His first book, which brought Kiyosaki popularity as a writer, is called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” and the second is called “Cash Flow Quadrant.”

    By the way, I highly recommend reading books on personal finance management by Robert Kiyosaki: they are written in simple and accessible language, help improve financial literacy and at the same time have an incredible motivational component towards achieving financial independence.

    So, Robert Kiyosaki's cash flow quadrant. To begin with, I suggest you look at what the money quadrant looks like in the following illustration:

    Now I will describe all this in more detail.

    Kiyosaki's cash flow quadrant involves dividing all people according to how they make money into 4 categories:

    1.E (Employee)– any employees: workers, employees, staff.

    2. S (Self Employed)self-employed people: self-employed, private practice, small entrepreneurs.

    3. B (Business Owner)businessmen: business owners.

    4. I (Investor)investors.

    Thus, the first 2 categories, located on the left side of the money quadrant, receive, and the last 2 categories, located on the right side, receive. Let's look at each of the groups in more detail.

    Hired workers.

    As you understand, most people belong to the first group, and these are the people with the most low level income. There are approximately 80% of such people. Employees work for their owner (businessman or state) and are completely financially dependent on him. Their earnings are the wages set by the owner.

    Group “E” of the cash flow quadrant includes not only working personnel and clerks, but also employees in management positions, even directors of companies (if they are not their owners or co-owners). All these people have one thing in common: financial dependence on the employer. They sell their labor and time to the employer.

    While a person in this category of Kiyosaki’s money quadrant works, money flows into his personal budget. As soon as it stops working, the money stops coming. These people are always at risk of being fired and losing income (for some this risk is greater, for others it is less, but it is always there). They have no choice what to do and are forced to do the work that their owner requires of them. Also, employees are characterized by a lack of free time, because most during their waking hours they are forced to work.

    For the sake of objectivity, we can highlight several advantages of being a person in group “E” - this is relative stability and guarantees of earnings, the absence of the need for personal investments and, accordingly, the risk of loss of capital.

    According to Robert Kiyosaki, with whom I completely agree, people in the first group will never be able to achieve financial independence.


    People in the “S” group of Robert Kiyosaki’s cash flow quadrant include private doctors, lawyers, craftsmen, small entrepreneurs (for example, market traders), freelancers and other people who work for themselves. There are about 15% of such people, although, it seems to me, in Russia, Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries their share is higher, especially if we take into account those working illegally (through private advertisements, freelancers, etc.).

    Compared to the first group, these people are already more free in their choice: they can decide for themselves what, when and how to do, they can allocate free time for themselves. However, such freedom has its downside - an increase in responsibility: if in group “E” the employer is responsible for the employee’s income, then the self-employed worker is responsible for how much he earns.

    Thus, people who work for themselves can earn both more and less than employees, depending not only on their professional abilities, but also on their ability to organize their work, as well as on the amount of time they allocate to themselves for work . At the same time, their opportunities for earning money are limited by the time that they are physically able to devote to work, but are not limited by the salary set by the employer: they themselves can set the price for their work and try to sell it as expensive as possible.

    People of the “S” group of Kiyosaki’s money quadrant are close to businessmen (group “B”), but are not them, as a rule, because they still lack the capital or organizational skills to open a more serious business. All their earnings are still active income, not passive.

    Business owners.

    Business owners already located from right side cash flow quadrant, so their main income is passive income. There are only about 4% of such people (in post-Soviet countries, I suspect, even fewer).

    People of group “B” differ from the two previous groups, first of all, in that they do not work themselves, but force other people to work for them, leaving themselves only managerial functions. Thus, businessmen spend a minimum of their labor and time, and accordingly have a lot of free time for personal purposes.

    By joining this group, a person himself becomes an employer and gets the opportunity to determine the cost of working time and labor of other people whom he hires in his business. Even if a businessman retires from business for some time (for example, goes on vacation), the cash flow will not stop, and money will not stop flowing into his personal budget.

    In addition to good passive income, people in group “B” also receive sufficient moral satisfaction from realizing the results of their activities, successful work self-created business.

    At the same time, it should be noted that creating and maintaining your own business in our country is not an easy task, and not everyone will dare to do it, and of those who dare, not everyone will succeed. There is a big risk of losing invested capital for reasons beyond the businessman’s control (lawlessness of officials, etc.).


    Closing the Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki investors– people who invest their personal capital in order to obtain passive income. It is generally accepted that such people are only about 1%. However, this figure applies more to developed capitalist countries, and in the post-Soviet space it is even much lower.

    Unlike group “B”, whose representatives invest capital exclusively in business, investors from group “I” invest in various assets: securities, precious metals, real estate, bank deposits, business including, acquisition of copyrights, etc. They take only an indirect part in business processes, without being the owners of the business. In addition, their investments are always diversified, each investor strives to create as much as possible. And this, in turn, significantly reduces the risk of capital loss compared to group “B”.

    It is no longer people who work for investors, but their money. In the first three cases, people work for money, but here money begins to work for the sake of a person. This is the main difference between group “I” and the other categories of Kiyosaki’s money quadrant.

    Accordingly, as long as the capital works and generates passive income, the investor can do whatever he wants for his own pleasure. He, in comparison with other categories, has the most free time and, at the same time, he receives quite good, unlimited earning opportunities.

    It should be understood that the investor also exposes his capital to risks. Become a competent investor who will not go broke, but will be able to provide himself with a stable passive income from several sources, not everyone can do it. And, nevertheless, this is worth striving for by studying the complex science of investing and increasing your income.

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    "Cash Flow Quadrant" Robert Kiyosaki. Important ideas in 7 minutes

    The Cash Flow Quadrant allows you to see where a person gets their money from.

    There are four groups of people:

    R - Working
    C – Self-employed
    B – Businessmen
    I – Investors

    If the income of the first two categories of people depends on their labor, then the rich life of the second is ensured by the profit from their business and investments.

    Advice from poor dad: “Go to school, study hard and get Good work" - certainly leads to groups R and S.

    Advice from rich dad: “Study, get an education, build a business and become a successful investor” is the right path to B and I.

    Seven simple steps will allow you to go this route as quickly as possible.

    Step 1. It's time to start your own business.

    “We are taught to care about other people’s business and neglect our own”

    By making daily efforts at work, taking out a loan from the bank, even just shopping at the store, we provide financial prosperity to other people at the expense of ourselves.

    And being in the role of an employee, we make our boss richer, not ourselves.

    If you want financial prosperity, you need to invest in your business. To do this, you need to do a few simple things.

    First, start preparing financial statements, listing all your income and expenses.

    Secondly, put financial goals for a year and for five years. Goals should be ambitious, but at the same time achievable. For example, an excellent goal for the year would be to get rid of all debt and increase the cash flow from your assets by a certain amount per month.

    It’s also great to increase your passive income, that is, the income you receive without working.

    Step 2: Take control of your cash flow.

    “People who can't control their cash flow work for people who can.”

    High salary does not guarantee rich life. By increasing their income, most also increase their expenses. Debts increase, and you have to work even harder.

    But every expense we make turns into someone else's income. Taking out a loan is a good way to let the bank make money.

    You can achieve success by turning your own expenses into income. There are a few simple rules for this.

    First, “Pay yourself first.”

    Whenever you receive any income, try to save a certain percentage in a bank account. Save until you are absolutely sure that the accumulated amount will become a profitable investment.

    Secondly, try to pay off any debts and not create new ones. If you take out a loan, make sure others pay for it.

    For example, you can only take out a mortgage on real estate that is easy to rent out.

    Step 3. Risk risk discord.

    “Being in business and investing is not as risky as being uneducated.”

    Most people consider investing a risk. But people are afraid to invest not because it is risky, but because of a lack of financial literacy.

    Don't believe me?

    Answer a simple question. Which is the greater risk: relying only on salary or spending time on training? different types investing?

    Of course, living on one salary is dangerous.
    Gaining knowledge is easy.

    Read financial news, study thematic sites and videos. Sign up for a special seminar and improve your financial literacy.

    Step 4. Decide what type of investor you want to be.

    “Start small and learn to solve problems”

    Investors are divided into three types:

    1. Type B investors are looking for an "expert" to tell them what to do. In this case, the chances of becoming rich are the same as winning the lottery.
    2. Type B investors are looking for answers and turn to many advisors at once. In this case, listen only to those who actually make money from what they talk about, and run away from those who only make money from their advice.
    3. Type A investors look for problems. These are usually investors with finances and skills. They buy something problematic, solve it, and make a profit of 25% to infinity.

    To become an investor you don't need to have big money. You need to start moving down this path as quickly as possible and invest in yourself.

    Change your thinking and learn how to do business: meet with several brokers, investors, entrepreneurs.

    Take courses and seminars. Attend conferences and trade shows.

    Take action!

    Step 5: Seek mentors.

    “A mentor is someone who tells you what is important and what is not”

    It can be difficult to make sense of the abundance of information. For this you need a good mentor.
    If you want to achieve a goal, talk to a person who has already achieved it. “Look for role models. Learn from them." After all, if we want to get somewhere and are in an unfamiliar place, it’s easier to ask people who will tell us.

    But, on the other hand: “Look for examples that should not be imitated. Learn from their example too.”

    Step 6: Make disappointment your strength.

    “In every disappointment lies a priceless pearl of wisdom.”

    Disappointments in life are extremely common, but it is an important part of the learning process: “Only fools expect things to go the way they want.”

    You can overcome fear by learning to tell yourself the truth and be forgiving. Don't try to blame circumstances for failure.

    So that the pain from a mistake is not great, always start small: don’t bet on a car or an apartment, try to invest a little money in something familiar and watch.

    Step 7. The power of faith.

    “Only you determine what thoughts about yourself you should believe.”

    Believing yourself is difficult. We are used to relying on other people's opinions about us. Often what prevents us from becoming richer is lack of confidence in our own abilities. "There are very beautiful people who consider themselves ugly, and there are those who are very loved by others, but they do not love themselves.”

    You need to feel ready to live with opinions about yourself and critical assessments. Be honest with yourself.
    This will allow you to develop the necessary qualities and boldly face your fears and doubts.

    Bottom line. Main idea.

    On the path to wealth, do not forget simple truths.

    It is not enough to increase your income, because it also leads to an increase in expenses.
    You shouldn't accumulate debts.
    There is no need to stand still.
    There is no need to come up with anything complicated.
    You need to start the path to your own business or investment as quickly as possible.

    “Your boss only cares about giving you work. You must make yourself rich"

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