When I saved 2 in a year. Three Spas in August: Honey Spas, Apple Spas and Nut Spas

Nut Spas is a folk church holiday, which is celebrated at the end of summer and is dedicated to welcoming autumn. This holiday intertwines many traditions that pass from generation to generation.

The date of the celebration of the Nut Savior is constant - August 29. They do not change from year to year, because on the same day the Christian holiday of the Savior Not Made by Hands is celebrated. These two festivals cannot do without each other, and therefore they are a symbiosis folk wisdom And Christian religion. This is the last of three Spas, completing a series of holidays dedicated to farewell to summer. Honey Spas, Apple and Nut - these are the three most best day in August to consecrate the fruits of nature.

History of the holiday Third Savior

The Nut, Third, Bread or Last Savior is celebrated simultaneously with the Transfer of the Image of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands from Edessa to Constantinople. During the life of Christ, the city of Edessa was ruled by Abgar, who was seriously ill. Rumors about the Savior reached Syria, and Abgar believed in him. He sent an assistant to find Jesus and paint a picture of him. After the sermon, he himself approached the artist and handed him a letter, which contained gratitude for his faith and a promise to send a student for healing. Next, Jesus asked for a towel and water. He washed his face and left an image of his face. After the ruler received healing, the disciple of Christ baptized all the inhabitants of the city, and Abgar decorated that same miraculous image of Christ and placed it on the gates of the city.

At present, the location of the Miraculous Image is unknown, since it was lost at the beginning of the previous millennium. In 944 he was transferred to Constantinople, after which his further fate was shrouded in mystery. This image became the prototype of the icon of the same name, which is highly revered in Orthodoxy. In honor of the transfer of the relic, the holiday was called the Savior on Canvas. This image saved many lives and was used by Russian commanders in battles against the sworn enemies of the holy Russian land.

Traditions and signs of the Nut Spas 2016

Almost throughout the country on August 29, people will celebrate the Feast of the Savior on canvas. On this day there are many signs and traditions invented by people and that came to us from the Bible:

  • Prayers are read in front of the icon “Savior Not Made by Hands”: “Living Help”, “Our Father”, “Creed” and many others. Women pray for family, for happiness and for the health of their children.
  • People go to church for worship, dedicated to the holiday transfer of relics.
  • Traders loved to sell paintings on this day. In Rus', on August 29, people exchanged icons.
  • Hazelnuts are collected and prepared, which is why Spas was nicknamed Orekhov. They baked bread and pies, blessed wells and natural springs.
  • Winter crops were sown.
  • Birds at Orekhovy Spas began migrating south.
  • People are saying goodbye to summer.
  • If you see cranes flying south early in the morning, it is a sign of great luck and a good future harvest.
  • Every tradition and every sign lives for many centuries, so there is no point in not trusting them. Church officials say that this day is very important for every self-respecting person. Orthodox Christian, since this holiday proves and shows us how much faith saves in the treatment of illnesses and in the healing of the soul. A man who only heard about Christ was freed from suffering and saved his life by strong faith. This tells us that each of us can be saved by sincerely believing in the power of the Savior.

    August 29 is not included in the list of 12 main Orthodox holidays, but the significance of this day is still enormous. This is a joyful day, since the Assumption Fast is already ending by this time. You can relax, have fun and relax by reading prayers before bed and in the morning, as well as going to church for worship. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    22.08.2016 04:04

    Every year in August it is customary to celebrate the Savior - folk and Orthodox holidays. After learning more about the latter...

Apple Spas What date is celebrated in 2016 is of interest to many. Apple Savior is one of the people's favorite holidays, celebrated by both believers and those who are far from religious views. The history of the holiday, traditions, rituals, signs and recipes for the festive table can be found in this article.

What date is Apple Spas 2016: history of the holiday, traditions, signs and rituals. Apple Spas is the most popular of the three spas. It is celebrated five days after the first, Honey Savior. The date of the holiday does not change; every year it is celebrated on August 19. The great Christian holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord is also celebrated on this day. Pagan and Orthodox holiday united into one, and people began to bring apples from the new harvest to the temple for consecration. In Rus', since ancient times, the Apple Savior has been associated with the harvest. Orthodox Christians were prohibited from eating fruits until August 19. But from that day on, apples and dishes prepared from them began to be eaten in large quantities.

What date is Apple Spas 2016: history of the holiday, traditions, signs and rituals. On August 19, all churches hold Divine Liturgy. Believers on this day must come to church in white robes. The main rite of the Savior is the consecration of fruits. It was believed that apples sprinkled with holy water had the aroma of fruits that grew in the Garden of Eden. On this day, everyone should treat the poor and sick to fruits, as well as visit the graves of loved ones and leave a few apples there. According to ancient beliefs, after going to church to celebrate the Savior, you can then make a wish. To do this, you need to take a bite of the blessed apple and think about your desire. According to signs, you cannot drive away flies on Apple Spas, as on this day they bring good luck. In Ancient Rus' they believed that a fly, landing on clothes or hands, could bring good luck to a person. At Yablochny Spas you could find out the weather for autumn and winter. If it rains on August 19, then autumn and winter will also be slushy, and if it is sunny and warm outside on the holiday, then autumn is expected to be dry and winter to have little snow.

What date is Apple Spas 2016: the history of the holiday, traditions, signs and rituals, recipes for the festive table. On Apple Spas, all the housewives tried to prepare delicious dishes for the festive table. And, of course, most of them contained apples. Apples, apple pies, jam and other dishes were treated to everyone who came to visit, as well as just passers-by on the street. This was believed to bring good luck for the entire year. On this day, women cooked delicious apple pies, cooked jam, compotes, and made preparations for the winter. We also prepared baked apples, which children really like. Recipes for baked apples for the holiday table are quite simple to follow, and everyone without exception knows about the benefits of apples.

What date is Apple Spas 2016: recipes for the festive table. To prepare baked apples with honey and cinnamon, you need to take 4 medium-sized apples, 4 tablespoons of honey, 4 walnuts, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and one glass of water. From the washed and towel-dried fruits, you need to cut out the core so that the apple becomes a kind of cup. Then put half a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon inside each apple. Place the apples in a mold and sprinkle chopped apples on top. walnuts and pour in the remaining honey. The dish should be baked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

It's summer now, and people are already interested in... Honey Spas What date does 2017 come in order to prepare properly on time. You will find all the answers below in the article, it’s interesting!

Traditions of Orthodox holidays arose and changed in ancient Rus'. Under the influence of the interweaving of Christianity and paganism, many interesting and bizarre Orthodox holidays arose, and August is especially full of them. This month, Orthodox believers celebrate three holidays of the Savior: Honey (Wet, Poppy), Apple and Nut. Their story began at a time when pagans celebrated the end of summer and held harvest festivals. They tasted the ripened fruits and praised the nature that gave them to them.

The word “Savior” is formed from the abbreviated word “Savior”. In the church this is what they call Christ because he is the savior of the human race. However, the word “saved” also has other deep pagan roots. This is what the ancient Slavs called the god who was asked for help in harvesting and preserving it.

Honey Spas is a holiday that is celebrated as the very first of the three Spas. This holiday got its name thanks to ancient custom take out the honeycombs for the first time that day. Our ancestors believed that if you don’t collect honey from the hives on this day, the neighbor’s bees will carry it away. The beekeepers took the honey to the church for lighting.

After illumination, this honey was considered healing, and was used in a variety of medicinal purposes. Pieces of honeycombs with honey were distributed to children. Made from honey different dishes: honey cakes, gingerbread and pancakes.

In another way, this holiday is called the Destruction of the Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. According to information historical sources, in the city of Constantinople, due to numerous illnesses of people in August, the Tree of the Holy Cross was worn on the city streets. It helped heal and protect the people. This action continued for several days, until August 29.

Spas on the Water

The first, Honey Spas, can also be called Spas on the water or, in another way, Wet Spas. This name arose due to the custom of holding a small blessing of water on this day. In ancient Rus', at that time there was a religious procession to rivers and springs to illuminate the water in them. After illumination, people often bathed in ponds and washed livestock. They believed that in this way they received health and washed away fatigue and all their sins. After Wet Spas it was impossible to swim, so people tried to swim before the end of summer. After the holiday, the water in the rivers became cold and began to bloom. On this day, old wells were buried and new ones were consecrated.

Feast of Macovei

There is a third name for the Honey Savior - Makovey. On this Savior, people blessed the poppy in churches. By the time this day arrived, the poppy was fully ripened. They prepared from it various dishes: poppy seed rolls, buns, poppy seeds boiled in honey. The celebration of Makovei fell on (when in 2016?), so the food was lean, but no less tasty.

IN ancient Rus' On Makovei, people made bouquets of amulets, or “makoveichiki”. The people believed that these bouquets protected them from various troubles and diseases throughout the whole year. After the establishment of Christianity, Orthodox Christians continue to collect these bouquets. Nowadays they are consecrated in the church. For Honey Spas 2016, you can purchase a ready-made bouquet, but it’s better to make it yourself. In Rus' it was believed that all women and girls should collect a healing bouquet. Previously, such a talisman was collected from seventeen herbs. Nowadays, the makoveychik should include:

Viburnum fruits - as a symbol female beauty and love;
calendula flowers - as protection against all sorts of ailments;
sunflower flowers - as a symbol of the sun;
oats - for wealth and a good harvest;
affectionate - for peace and harmony in every home;
oregano - for fertility and procreation;
mint - for peace and goodness;
sweet clover - for complete reconciliation after a quarrel;
tirlich - to attract gentlemen to a girl;
branches of wormwood and, of course, poppy heads.
The collected herbs are tied with a red ribbon and blessed in the temple. This bouquet will protect the whole family whole year from all misfortunes and troubles.

When is Honey Spas in 2017?

Orthodox Christians always celebrate the Honey Savior in August, on the 14th (the date of the holiday remains unchanged). In 2016 it falls on a Sunday. On this holiday, all temples illuminate water, honey, grass, flowers and poppies. For the holiday, dishes are prepared that contain poppy seeds: poppy seed rolls and buns (see recipes with photos). Honey gingerbreads and honey cakes are baked and drinks with honey are prepared. Prepared meals should be treated to family and friends, as well as poor people.

A poppy consecrated in the church can be spread around the house - it will protect the family from troubles, illnesses and misfortunes. The dried poppy seed is placed on the windowsill. Honey consecrated in the Church of the Savior can be used to treat diseases.

According to popular beliefs, during the first Savior, women were completely forgiven of all their trespasses and sins. All people have sins: some are small, some are large. Life develops in such a way that everyone sins except the saints. If you believe the signs, then in this Savior, a woman can beg forgiveness for any sin and it will be forgiven her. For complete forgiveness, you need to provide any help to people in need on this day. The person who does this will receive God's blessing.

Apple Savior is one of the most beloved Orthodox church holidays among the people. What are the signs and folk beliefs Are you connected with him?

Believers in Russia celebrate August 19, one of the most important days Orthodox calendar- Apple saved. This is the second in a series of three rescues that are usually celebrated in August. In addition to Apple, there are Honey and Nut Spas, which are celebrated on August 14 and 26, respectively. These holiday names can be considered folk, in church calendar these days are called differently: The origin of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord (Honey Savior), Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior) and memory miraculous image Lord Jesus Christ (Nut Saved).

All three August Spas are favorite holidays among the people. Of course, there are many signs and popular beliefs around them.

Thus, it is believed that you should not eat apples from the new harvest before the Apple Rescue. Therefore, on August 19, believers go to church to bless fruits and allow themselves to taste the juicy fruits. In addition, folk signs say that it is on Yablochny Spas that autumn begins to approach.

Traditions, beliefs and folk signs for Apple Spas 2016

1) If on this day you eat at least a piece of an apple consecrated in the church, making a cherished wish, it will definitely come true.

2) An unmarried girl will definitely receive a marriage proposal next year if, after biting off a piece of an apple at Yablochny Spas, she thinks about her lover, saying: “What is planned is far-fetched! What is far-fetched will come true! What will come true will not pass !".

3) You can find out what kind of winter it will be like by watching the weather on August 19 - if it is dry and clear on Yablochny Spas, then the winter months will be like that. And if there is precipitation, the winter will be snowy.

4) Do not drive away the flies on Yablochny Spas, because according to folk signs If a fly lands on your hand twice on this day, then good luck awaits you next year.

5) On Apple Spas, you must treat a beggar to an apple in order to get a good harvest in the coming year.

6) Before the Apple Rescue, it is necessary to completely harvest the entire grain harvest, since after August 19, any rain will be destructive for the crop left in the field.

Your family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues will be pleased to receive congratulations on Apple Savior. Fortunately, modern technologies They allow you to do this via SMS.

Congratulations on Apple Spas 2016

Today apples are pouring

I'll collect it in the morning

And on the summer apple holiday

I wish you happiness!

I wish you a bountiful harvest,

And the bright sunshine

May it always warm you,

Your home knows no troubles!

Sun is up! In the courtyard

The kids are having fun. Miracle!

We are at dawn today

We will celebrate our salvation!

We will treat everyone with apples,

We wish everyone around us happiness!

We also want to wish you good health!

Source - website

The date of the 2016 Apple Savior is known to all Orthodox Christians. The date of the holiday is fixed and does not change annually. On what days are the Honey, Apple and Nut Saviors celebrated, traditions, signs and the history of the holidays - all this can be learned from this publication.

What date is Apple Spas 2016? In August, Orthodox Christians celebrate three holidays: Honey, Apple and Nut Savior. All three holidays are celebrated annually on the same days; each holiday has its own traditions and history. The Honey Savior is always celebrated on August 14th. On this day, believers begin the Assumption Fast. Since ancient times, it was believed that honey should be collected and blessed in the church on the Honey Savior. This day is also called Wet Spas or Makovey, since water and poppy seeds, which also ripen by this day, were also blessed. On August 14, all housewives cook dishes with honey and poppy seeds: pancakes, buns, pies. On Honey Spas, women are forgiven all their unforgivable sins.

What date is Apple Spas 2016, traditions and signs, history of the holiday. Apple Spas is the most revered holiday among the three Spas. In ancient Rus' it was believed that apples could be eaten only after August 19, the day when the Apple Savior is celebrated. In the morning, believers took apples to the temple and blessed them. After which you could eat the fruits yourself, treat friends and strangers, and also cook variety of dishes. On this day, women baked pies with apples, made compote and jam. Another major Orthodox holiday is also celebrated on this day - the Transfiguration of the Lord. From this day on, autumn gradually comes into its own - the days become shorter, and the nights become longer and colder. On Yablochny Spas, boys and girls danced in circles, sang songs and walked the streets all day. Unmarried girls made wishes about their suitors and asked for happiness and prosperity for themselves. There was such a method of fortune telling for the Apple Savior. A basket of apples of various colors was placed in front of the person and covered with a towel. It was necessary to pull out one apple without looking. If the fruit turned out to be red, then wealth and good luck awaited the girl or guy. If it is green, then good luck awaits the person in family affairs; if it is yellow, then calm and tranquility awaits the person in the future. Apples prepared on this day brought love and good luck to the house and protected against misfortunes.

What date is Apple Spas 2016: when is Honey, Apple and Nut Spas celebrated, traditions and signs, history of the holiday. The third Spas is called Nut or Bread. It is celebrated on August 29. The day before this, the strict Assumption Fast ends, so you can celebrate wildly and cheerfully. In Rus' it was believed that on this day nuts ripen in the forest. This day was called the Bread Savior because they began to bake bread from the grain collected that year. On August 29, nuts and bread made from grain from the new harvest were brought to the church for the blessing. On this day, housewives prepared a lot delicious dishes with nuts and honey. The richer it will be festive table on Orekhovy Spas, the more joyful and abundant the next year will be.

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