When will the Grushinsky festival take place in the year? Mountain and grief. How I went to the Grushinsky Festival. History of the tourism event

Music and song festival, which is held annually in Samara region. It received its name in honor of Valery Grushin. As a student at the Korolev Aviation Institute, he died while saving people during a hiking trip.

The tradition of holding an art song festival initially attracted a certain circle of people. The first time it took place in September 1968. Despite the rainy weather, the event attracted more than six hundred people. The landscape complex “Stone Bowl” in the Zhiguli Mountains was chosen as the location for the event.

With each season the number of participants and spectators increased. Starting next year, the stage became a raft on the lake. The main symbols are the “guitar” stage and the “teahouse”. At the end of the eighties, hundreds of thousands of people from different cities of Russia and foreign countries came to listen to music in the lap of nature.

Behind long years existence of the festival, it changed its location. It was cancelled. For some time he was even in a semi-legal position. For several years in a row, there were two venues for the festival. The first was located on Fedorovsky meadows, the second - next to the Mastryukovsky lakes. It took a couple of years litigation between the organizers. In the end they were united. Since then, every year the event has been held near the Main Lake, 135 kilometers from Samara.

Ticket price 2019

Entrance and accommodation in your tents is free. Installation can begin in the evening two days before the opening of the festival. Until this moment, a youth forum is taking place there; “Grushin residents” are not allowed into the clearing.

There is unguarded parking for personal vehicles. Limited number of seats. The cost of parking for the entire period is 1000 rubles per car, excluding the time spent.

Program of the Grushinsky Festival

The festival program includes many performances by performers from all over the country. One participant plays from 15 to 20 minutes. Events run from lunch until late at night. There are many scenes, so everyone is distributed over a wide area.

Festival stages: “Main”, “Asia +”, “Time of the Bells”, “Guitar”, “Grushin Academy”, “Children’s”, “Through the Looking Glass”, “Apartment”, “Kola Hillock”, “Mezhdurechye”, “Pilgrims” , “Victory”, “Steppe Wind” and “Chaikhana”. Many remain in the tent camp. The Grushinsky Festival is still a meeting place for old friends.

Also on the official website is on-line translation for those who couldn't get there.

In addition to performances, guests can expect various sports competitions, football, children's competitions and master classes. There is a themed museum on site. The organizers have provided the basic infrastructure. There are food and souvenir shops.

How to get there

You can get to the venue of the Grushinsky Festival near the Mastryukov Lakes by public transport, your car or a taxi. On the days of the event, additional flights are launched from Samara and Tolyatti for the convenience of participants. It is recommended to travel by train rather than by car due to the small number of official parking spaces.

Electric train

The nearest train station is called “135 kilometer”. Once you get there you need to walk for about 15 minutes. The path towards the lakes will not take much difficulty, but back you will have to climb the stairs up the mountain.


From Samara you can get to the stop “Poselok Pribrezhny” by bus:

  • No. 79 (route Kirova Avenue Samara - Pribrezhny Village).

Route taxis

Minibus taxis from Togliatti and Samara stop at the same stop “Poselok Pribrezhny”:

  • No. 392t (route Collective Farm Market Tolyatti - Pribrezhny Village);
  • No. 447 (route Kirova Avenue Samara - Pribrezhny Village).


The journey from Samara can be covered in one hour. Distance 50-60 kilometers. Departure from the city along the M-5 highway.

From Tolyatti it’s about the same road. Most it needs to be driven along the M-5 highway.

It is possible to leave your car in the parking lot before reaching the festival clearing. Travel further is prohibited. There are only three thousand parking spaces, so there may not be enough for everyone.


You can get to the Grushinsky Festival by taxi. The cost of a trip from the nearest cities is about 1000-2000 rubles. Convenient to use applications: Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Gett, Maxim.

The Grushinsky Festival or “Grushinka” rightfully claims to be the oldest art song festival in Russia.

Venue All-Russian festival author's song named after. Valery Grushin serves the protected Mastryukovsky lakes, located between Samara and Tolyatti. Over the years of the forum, the natural oasis has become a cult place among domestic fans of live music, poetry, tourism and an active lifestyle. Such masters of poetry as Yuri Vizbor, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Alexander Gorodnitsky, Alexander Dolsky, Tatyana and Sergey Nikitin, Evgeny Klyachkin, Veronica Dolina, Oleg Mityaev, Andrey Kozlovsky, Timur Shaov performed on the famous stages “Guitar” and “Chaikhana”. Over time, the festival program has outgrown the scope of the original song. Today on the stage of the Grushinsky Festival you can meet rocker Yuri Shevchuk, guitar legend Ivan Smirnov, balalaika virtuoso Alexei Arkhipovsky or folk musician Sergei Starostin.

The organizer of the Grushinsky festival, the Samara Regional Art Song Club named after Valery Grushin, gathers tens of thousands of fans of creative outdoor recreation at the traditional site near the Mastryukovsky Lakes. In addition to concerts on numerous festival and open stages in the tent camp, guests of the open air are offered a lot of additional entertainment. These include sports competitions, art competitions, performances, poetry evenings, master classes, children's cultural projects. The finale of the Grushinsky Festival is a gala concert on the main guitar stage with the participation of all festival winners.

The gathering of art song lovers was born in 1968, a year earlier than the American Woodstock that became legendary. In the first festival, held in Zhiguli in honor of student Valery Grushin, who died heroically while rescuing drowning people, only 600 people took part. At the peak of its popularity in the late 1990s, “Grushinka” attracted more than 200,000 fans of bard songs, becoming one of the most popular musical holidays in the history of the country.

Entry to the Grushinsky Festival is free. You can get to the venue by train from Samara. The stop closest to the camp is called Platform 135 km or (unofficially) Platform named after. Valeria Grushina.

I’ll tell you about my personal impressions from the Valery Grushin Bard Song Festival.

This year it took place on the Mastryukov Lakes for the 44th time. I can say from myself that even in the fifth decade of its history, the festival is still wonderful. It has retained its original impulse, its traditions, special atmosphere, charm and maybe even blossomed a little. The festival began to feel more culture, or something. Fewer random people come here, as was the case in previous years. It has become calmer at Grusha, which, of course, benefits the creative part of the festival.

There were quite a lot of visitors in the clearing this time. This year the organizers counted 20 thousand people. This, of course, is less than in the “record” years of the early 2000s, when the festival was attended by up to 130 thousand people. Back then, in the clearing, people often felt like they were on a crowded bus; there was more nervousness and fuss. But now, when, as they say, with the decrease in people there is more oxygen, the consciousness of festival guests is more focused on concert programs. That is, the essence of the event. Various little things in life and everyday life, such as standing in line for water or going to the toilet, have faded into the tenth place. I personally did not encounter any queues for water, and they were minimal for the toilet, and only in the center of the clearing. And if you move a little closer to the forest, there were toilets with no queues at all.

Those who came to Grusha for the first time were somewhat saddened by the rain. But regulars know: rain at the Grushinsky festival, especially on weekends, is an indispensable tradition.

According to the curator of the Valery Grushin Museum, Tamara Muravyova, in 1967, when Valery died, there was heavy rain for three days in a row. So the rains are taken for granted by the old-timers of the festival and do not scare anyone here.

Experienced visitors to “Grusha” were visible on the approaches - they immediately stomped into the clearing in rubber boots. The rest were kneading road mud in sneakers, flip-flops, and so on. Most of the first-time tourists were thoroughly dirty, and also suffered from cold, dampness and mosquitoes. If you have never been to Grusha, know that all these usual nuances for outings must be taken into account. Then nothing will distract you from concerts and spiritual communication with interesting people. And there are a lot of them here.

Almost every second or third visitor to Grushinsky can take out a guitar and sing something. In general, “Pear” captivates because you can go up to any fire or tent and easily start talking to any person on any topic, and become their guest. And be prepared for the fact that they may also hand you a guitar and ask you to play and sing something.

Small concerts are everywhere here, especially in the evening and at night. People play as best they can, sometimes not really hitting the notes or words, but from the heart. When I first arrived at the festival, I called a friend and asked where he was. The guy replied that where there are a lot of police and they sing loudly with an out-of-tune guitar. I replied that there are a lot of police everywhere and everywhere they sing to an out-of-tune guitar. But, oddly enough, I still managed to find it.

Speaking of the police. There really was a lot of it. Everywhere you go, there are at least a couple of employees standing there. I am sure that the presence of so many law enforcement officers only enhanced the atmosphere of calm and creative celebration.

And of course, one cannot ignore the main event of the festival - the final concert on a floating stage in the shape of a guitar with listeners sitting in front of a river on the mountainside. The performers, the songs, the stage, the sound - everything was simply magical. This year, by the way, there were many new laureates at the Grushinsky Festival. And this suggests that the tradition is alive and will continue to live. See you at the Mastryukov Lakes next year, 2018! And by the way, this year will be an anniversary, the festival will be 45 years old!

The Grushinsky Bard Song Festival, one of the largest in the country, takes place annually at the end of June near Samara. Performers from all over Russia take part in it.

The organizers of the event are the Samara Regional Art Song Club named after Valery Grushin, the Government of the Samara Region and the Foundation named after. V. Grushina of the city of Tolyatti.

When will the Grushinsky Festival take place in 2019?

46th Grushinsky Bard Song Festival 2019 years will pass 9 to 12 August. It will start a month later than usual due to the 2019 FIFA World Cup matches being held in the Samara region.

The festival is designed to introduce young people to music, poetry, tourism and sports, promote the development of original songs, identify talented authors and performers, and promote healthy image life.

History and traditions of the Grushinsky Bard Song Festival

The history of this competition goes back several decades. IN medieval Europe“bards” were wandering singers who performed their own songs and folk ballads. In the middle of the 20th century in the USSR, performers of original songs began to be called bards.

The idea of ​​holding an art song festival appeared in the late 1960s. Since that time, he has been named after Valery Grushin, who was a student at the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute and one of the active promoters of the tourist song. Valery Grushin died in 1967 during a hike on the Uda River in Siberia, saving drowning children.

The first Grushinsky Tourist Song Festival took place on September 29, 1968 in Zhiguli in the Stone Bowl. About 600 people attended. The next competition already attracted 2.5 thousand people.

Its popularity grew every year. In the late 2000s, the festival was held at two venues. As a result, a number of conflicts occurred that resulted in lawsuits. Since 2010, the Grushinsky Festival has been held on Fedorovsky Meadows, and the event organized on the Mastryukovsky Lakes has become known as the “Platform”.

It is expected that in 2019 the Grushinsky Festival of Bard Song will gather several tens of thousands of participants - true romantics, tourists, lovers of good art songs. As part of the festival, there will be several creative stages where competitive programs will be held.

In addition to Grushinsky, other bard song festivals are also held in Russia:

  • Ilmensky festival of art song near the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region,
  • Sail of Hope" in the Voronezh region,
  • "Oskol Lyre" - in Belgorodskaya,
  • “August’s Autograph” - in Lipetskaya,
  • “Robinsonade” - in Leningradskaya and others.
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