When was Konstantin Meladze born? Konstantin Meladze: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Musicals and production activities

The passions that boiled in last years around the personal life of the Meladze brothers, divided the army of fans into two parts. Some condemned the brothers for their divorces, sympathized with the wives, while others reasonably declared: “Excuse me! But this is “ VIA Gra"! This is Vera Brezhneva! How can I resist here?

The first wife of Konstantin Meladze

It's really hard to resist. Konstantin has long had a weakness for spectacular Ukrainian girls. The first wife of Konstantin Meladze was a beautiful long-legged blonde with model appearance, eighteen-year-old Yana Summ. She was born and raised in Ukraine. After school, the girl received a higher legal education. Participated in the beauty contest “Miss Ukraine -92”.

After meeting Konstantin Meladze, after several meetings, the composer admitted that he would like to see Yana as his wife. Yana agreed, and in 1994 the young people got married.

The Meladze family lived and lives in Kyiv; Konstantin and Yana had three children in their marriage:

  • 2000 daughter Alice was born;
  • 2004 – daughter Leah;
  • 2005 long-awaited heir Valery, whom the couple named after his famous brother.

Family life with a public person is always a challenge, and in the case of Kostantin, the matter was aggravated by the specifics of his work. One of his most successful projects, women's team“VIA Gra”, which involves the participation of girls with hypertrophied sexuality, is not just a temptation, it is a challenge.

Konstantin was credited with having affairs with many of his participants - with Eva Bushmina, and with Nadezhda Meikher, and later with Polina Gagarina.

The composer and producer invariably answered all questions from journalists: If they attribute something to me, then that's normal..

However, no one could have imagined that the modest, creative Konstantin had a long-term affair with a bright, charming and sexy Vera Brezhnev.

Yana Summ admitted in an interview that she guessed about her husband’s relationship with Brezhneva, and even asked her directly about it, to which she heard the same: “No, no, we’re just friends.”

Yana received her first confirmation of deception in 2005, when she was pregnant with her son. I was able to forgive the betrayal, but the relationship became worse every day. In 2013, Yana initiated a divorce. According to her, Konstantin did not want a break, but she insisted that he pack his things and leave their house. Meladze himself also admitted to reporters that the divorce was not easy for him and refused to comment.

Konstantin moved to live in Moscow, and Yana remained to live in a luxurious country mansion on the outskirts of Kyiv with her three children.

Interesting notes:

Soon, the bright and spectacular woman remarried businessman Oleg and is raising children. The youngest son, Valery, has autism, and Yana makes a lot of efforts to correct the boy’s behavior and make his life easier. She opened a special center for applied behavior analysis in Kyiv, where assistance is provided to children with the same diagnosis.

The secret becomes clear

According to Yana Summ, the affair between Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva lasted 10 years, and all this time they carefully hid it. To all the journalists’ questions, Konstantin answered that this was all complete nonsense, and attributed the talk about their relationship to people’s sick and meager imagination. He insisted that he was happily married.

As for Vera, her personal life was also eventful. At the age of 18, she gave birth to a daughter, Sonya, from Vitaly Voichenko, with whom she lived in civil marriage. The relationship did not work out, and the couple broke up. Voichenko was very worried, and even went to the tundra, where for a long time and lived. Now Voichenko is a successful official, married and has a child from his second marriage.

In 2006, Vera married businessman Mikhail Kiperman, one of the richest people in Ukraine. After the wedding, she took her husband's last name. In 2009, the star again had a daughter, Sarah, but this marriage did not survive. Among the reasons for the divorce, the husband’s debts to Alfa Bank were cited, and Kiperman’s jealousy of one very famous singer, and they said that the divorce was fictitious and Kiperman was simply taking his assets out from under him...

In the opinion ex-husband, Vitaly Voichenko, Vera divorced because she didn’t love. Or fell out of love. " If I loved you, I would go to the trash heap for food out of lack of money, but I wouldn’t leave my husband“This is how Vitaly speaks about Vera’s personal qualities.

The affair with Meladze continued, perhaps with periodic breaks and reunions. Until 2014, both Konstantin and Vera denied their relationship. In 2015, the news of a quiet wedding in Italy spread like a bolt from the blue., played by Konstantin and Vera.

The newlyweds went on their honeymoon to Venice, and already in 2016 they appeared together at television broadcast“Tonight” with Andrey Mlakhov.

During the broadcast, Konstantin admitted that Vera greatly influenced both his worldview and his creativity. " I was like a snail, living in my shell, and Vera was able to pull me out».

In October 2015, the news came out like a bolt from the blue: Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva got married in Italy! “Nothing seemed to foretell,” as it is sung in one of the composer’s songs. However, the world of two cannot be understood even by millions...

Stars Russian show business We met in January 2003 in a work environment.

At one of the VIA Gra concerts, I was lucky enough to perform the band’s hit “Attempt No. 5” on the same stage with my idols, - I more than once recalled an episode from the biography of Brezhnev at that time. - Dmitry Kostyuk, the very first producer of the project, became interested in me. And a few months later he invited me to a casting in Kyiv...

It was there, during a conversation between Vera and Dmitry, that Konstantin Meladze suddenly entered the room. Quietly and without any explanation, he sat down on a chair in the corner and began, without looking away, to look at Vera.

He really scared me then! - the singer once told reporters. - Gloomy, silent, motionless gaze... I could not even imagine that this man would become literally everything for me - a creative inspiration, a talented producer and, finally, a husband!

Taking the place of Alena Vinnitskaya, Vera Brezhneva completed the process of forming the most stellar cast of the project - in tandem with Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedokova.

Mutual sympathy, attraction, and then love did not arise immediately between Konstantin and Vera. After all, the producer is 19 years older than his ward, and besides, he had his own personal life: he was a married man with children. But real love rarely listens to the voice of reason, much less lives by any rules. And in 2005, a stormy romance began between Meladze and Brezhneva.

It ended just as suddenly. Moreover, on the initiative of Brezhneva, who was still burdened by a feeling of guilt before Meladze’s wife, Yana. The singer decided to fight her criminal passion in two radical ways. Firstly, in 2006 she married businessman Mikhail Kiperman, and in 2009 she gave birth to his daughter Sarah. Secondly, in 2007 she even decided to leave the VIA Gra group, which made her famous throughout the country.

I was just tired of the exhausting touring schedule, I wanted peace, family happiness, children, - this is how the artist explained (or rather, disguised) her step, which seemed more than strange to many.

But, as time has shown, both measures did not help Vera break ties with her beloved, much less forget him.

The group work was very significant part my life,” Brezhneva admitted years later. -

I felt incredible emptiness, restlessness, uselessness... Of course, I fell into depression, even turned to a psychologist. Thank God he helped me!

Let’s add from ourselves: it helped with health, but not with singing career. Quite quickly, the artist realized that it was extremely difficult to remain on the Russian musical Olympus without first-class hits, and... turned to Meladze for creative support. Naturally, the talented composer easily wrote the hit “I Don’t Play” for his muse. He quickly and easily brought the singer to the top of the charts. So she returned to the one she was trying to escape from.

The marriage of Brezhneva and Kiperman broke up in 2012. According to friends of the couple, it was the businessman who initiated the breakup. Sensing something was wrong in his wife’s behavior, he hired intelligence agencies to spy on her. Having received the results of their work, he was the first to leave the outdated union without unnecessary scandals. As time has shown, it was not in vain - over the past ten years, Meladze and Brezhnev were drawn to each other like a magnet.

In recent years, famous lovers have found it increasingly difficult to hide their relationship. After all, efficient journalists managed to catch the couple every now and then through the lenses of their cameras.

Meladze celebrates her 32nd birthday with Brezhneva, and after partying at a restaurant, he goes to her home for an overnight stay. Now the singer herself is driving up to the composer’s dacha to stay there for a couple of days. But Vera gets out of Konstantin’s car at the “Children’s” festival New wave” and somehow shyly and lonelyly tries to hide from the paparazzi surrounding her. Further more.

In 2014 in Jurmala during another annual music festival scandalous famous stars lived in the same hotel room. And finally, the final shot - Meladze and Brezhneva together visited the Lapino perinatal center on the outskirts of the capital...

Everyone responded to logical questions from the press in their own way. The blonde diva maintained a contemptuous silence, only occasionally threatening to deal with the “arrogant media” in the courtroom. But Meladze passionately and with touching resentment in his voice declared to everyone and everywhere that he and the singer “have an exclusively professional, creative and innocent relationship... What’s wrong with our friendship, in the end?! And why should we avoid each other?!”

The first to get tired of the endless lies was Meladze’s wife, Yana, the mother of his son and two daughters.

Back in 2005, I felt that another woman had come between me and my husband; the composer’s now ex-wife told the journalists the whole truth. - We had a difficult period then - I was pregnant for the third time with my son Valery, Kostya worked a lot... I decided not to quarrel with him, to forgive everything. Just release the brakes. But he did not appreciate my generosity and tact, stretching out the betrayal for 10 long years!

One day, to finally understand what was happening, Yana took her husband’s phone and called Brezhneva.

I told her I knew everything about their “supposedly secret” affair! That calling her is humiliation for me, that I’m tired of stupid lies, that all I want is just the truth in the face. But in response I heard the same ridiculous childish phrases that she and my husband had a purely working relationship! She even put it this way: “We communicate like father and daughter, mentor and student!”

To further confuse his unfortunate wife, Meladze even began to compose songs for Brezhneva under the name of a certain Alexei Fitsich, to whom he, of course, had no connection. the slightest attitude. It was the same mythical Fitsich who wrote such hits for Brezhneva as “Love will save the world” and “Real Life”.

The entire time Brezhneva was part of VIA Gra, he was considered “golden”.

The singer herself continued the mystification of the composer, taking upon herself the authorship of some compositions from her own repertoire.

It was wild, ridiculous and funny! - Yana is indignant. -After all, everyone understood that Brezhnev could not write either music or poetry.

In the end, Vera came to her lover’s wife to “sort it out and come to an agreement.” True, special circumstances forced her to take this step: at the end of 2012, on the 32nd kilometer of the Kyiv-Obukhov highway, the composer hit and killed 30-year-old Anna Pishchalo, whose two children were left orphans.

Meladze took what happened extremely hard.

For several months he withdrew into himself, stopped leaving the house, did not even answer Brezhneva’s calls... That’s when the singer decided to come to his house herself.

“I was outraged by the appearance of this woman on my doorstep,” Yana sighs. - She, you see, decided to lend me a helping hand in this difficult situation! And the fact that she stole my husband didn’t bother her at all!

Yana’s patience finally ran out when Brezhneva expressed a desire to meet Konstantin’s children, began regularly spending time with them and even... took them to Italy!

Of course, I was against it,” Yana admitted. - But my husband decided not to take my opinion into account. And the children... they are children! They told me that she was “very good!” I think that life will put everything in its place.

As a result, in 2013, Yana filed for divorce. Just a year before the 20th anniversary of our life together with Konstantin Meladze.

Despite the status already absolutely free people, Meladze and Brezhnev hid their relationship from the general public until the very end. Italy became the Mecca of love and freedom of feelings for them. Or rather, its very outskirts are the small coastal town of Forte dei Marmi, in the province of Tuscany.

The place is ideal for fame-weary celebrities - no radio, no television, no newspapers, just beaches, fishing piers and boats. The population is only some 8 thousand people. Director Andrei Konchalovsky likes to relax here with his family; he has a luxurious mansion overlooking the Italian sea Opera singer Andrea Bocelli. It was here that lovers came for several years, sometimes up to five times a year. It’s not surprising that they decided to get married right here, in the present. paradise at the edge of the earth.

Only the closest friends were present at the ceremony. The bride appeared before them in a simple, feminine, floor-length dress, and the groom in bohemian jeans, a snow-white shirt and a light blue jacket.

According to the good old tradition of Forte dei Marmi, the head of the city, Umberto Buratti, painted the lovers.

From the city hall, where Meladze and Brezhnev gave each other family vows, funny company went straight to the local hotel complex, where a festive dinner awaited them. The average cost of dishes in the restaurant was about 30 euros; the chef of the establishment, Massimo Coli, served the treats. I congratulated the singer and Andrea Bocelli, although only by phone.

Perhaps this wedding would have remained a secret to everyone, if not for one incident... Italian journalists decided that Brezhnev ( real name singer - Galushka) is the granddaughter of Soviet leader Leonid Ilyich. And if so, social event quite worthy to be on the front pages star chronicles. Of course, the misunderstanding was soon resolved, but not only Italy, but also Ukraine and Russia had already learned about the stars’ wedding.

After photographs of Meladze and Brezhneva appeared in an Italian glossy magazine, Anastasia Drapeko, the artist’s press secretary, confirmed the information about the stars’ marriage. A little later, Andrei Malakhov’s tabloid did the same. Well, what can I say? Bitter, and that’s all!

Having returned from abroad as the official husband of Vera Brezhneva, Konstantin Meladze gave a short interview on one of the public channels. In it, he admitted that in his previous marriage he was a “nightmare husband.”

“It was probably often very difficult to understand me,” the composer recalls. - After all, my work is special. I could sit in the recording studio for days, and then when I left it, I needed time to adapt to the world around me, to start communicating with people again. And besides: I worked a lot, I was often not at home. Sometimes I told my wife that I was going on tour for a month, but I disappeared for six months. Maybe; it was wrong, it happened, it led to incidents...

One time, for example, I returned home late, took a shower and climbed into the bed in which Yana had been dozing for a long time. So she woke up in horror and screamed: “Who’s there?!” I answered her with a sad smile: “Don’t be afraid, it’s me, your husband... Get used to it, even though it’s not easy!” I think Yana has every reason to be offended by me. She is right in all her assessments of everything that happened to us. I don't hold it against her. I'm glad that she got married again and met a like-minded person.

It is curious that Vera Brezhnev faced difficulties family life you won't scare me. Firstly, because she herself is a creative and overworked person, and secondly, she has many years of experience behind her in the same difficult marriages.

An ideal marriage is a myth,” the singer noted in a recent interview. - Any relationship, even the happiest and most cloudless, is everyday work. If a man and a woman feel good together without effort, then they either met each other a couple of days ago, or have already gone through all the phases of mutual concessions and compromises. In general, love is a feeling called “in spite of.” When two people close their eyes and... see only each other.

Today, as before, there are plenty of mysteries in the love story of Meladze and Brezhneva. The first and simplest of them is what plans the couple has for the near future.

I'd like to start new period in his life,” Konstantin admitted bluntly. - Work less, spend more time with family, travel, understand the world around you.

Vera turned out to be taciturn.

Happiness loves silence,” the singer just left a note on one of the social networks. - Let it come to everyone!

The heroes of our article also have more complicated riddles. For example, is their marriage a union solely of love or was it dictated by selfish considerations?

Modern Russian women have long understood that the best place for weddings, it’s Europe,” the singer commented on the event

Four years have passed since the divorce of Konstantin and Yana Meladze. In 2013, the news about the end of their relationship came as a surprise to everyone. Almost 20 years of marriage, three minor children, a reputation as an exemplary family. And the reason for everything, as it turned out later, was VIA Gra.
After the divorce, Konstantin and Vera Brezhneva began living together, and in 2015 they secretly got married in Italy, without inviting either the press or friends to the wedding. Even now, the couple talks little about their family life, although they do not deny it.

But few people know that the ex-wife of the famous producer was able to find new happiness even before he did. After the divorce, she met another man who fell in love with her and proposed marriage. He is engaged in business, not creativity, and therefore is little known to the public.

A good gift from fate. Moreover, taking into account the fact that 10 years of her life, as she believed, were taken away from her. They embarked on fruitless and useless proceedings.

In an interview, she talked about this: “I guessed, but didn’t know for sure. In 2005, while pregnant youngest son, I attributed the crisis in our relationship to betrayal, instinct, temporary weakness. I was able to forgive the betrayal. And I received confirmation that I serve as a picture behind which my husband lives another life. I can openly say: I am one of those women who, suspecting deception, can look at her husband’s phone number. And then I couldn’t stand it and dialed her number.”

“She said: “I have no reproaches or complaints. For me, calling you is humiliation. But I do this for one reason: I need to understand what is happening in my family.” The answer was insincere: “We have a working and friendly relationship, like a father and daughter... He is my mentor. There’s nothing…” Five years later, at the beginning of 2013, Konstantin had a very difficult period. I even asked to postpone the divorce procedure for a while. Kostya withdrew into himself and did not answer calls. And then this woman came to my house.”

"For what? She said she wanted to help. But I think she came to come out of hiding. I had one question: “Why were so many broken destinies necessary? I called you. Count how many years of my life you took from me. Almost 10 years!” In response - widely open eyes: “I just thought then that it would be better this way...”.”

Now Yana is happy with her new husband, behind whom, as they say, is like a stone wall. And Konstantin - with his muse Brezhneva. She is not tormented and does not cry: “My father taught me as a child: love can only be happy. If it makes you unhappy, then it’s no longer love.” But Vera’s attitude towards communication with her children is not entirely positive!

“There are two options. Or this woman will be his punishment, his retribution. Or he will find his happiness. Then I won't be an obstacle. I wish everyone happiness,” Yana concluded.

Awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. Konstantin and are siblings.

Biography of Konstantin Meladze

Kostya Meladze was born in 1963. Place of birth: Batumi, Georgian SSR.

No one in Konstantin’s family was interested in music. All family members: mother, father, grandfather and grandmother were engineers. Konstantin is the older brother of the famous pop singer Valery Meladze. Konstantin is engaged in producing the artistic activities of his younger brother Valeria. The brothers have a sister, Liana Meladze, producer of Velvet Music. Liana manages all the artists with whom Konstantin worked after the PC Constantine Records closed. As a child, Kostya was quiet and calm, which distinguished him from his brother. Together they collected records and listened to them constantly.

Konstantin performed in the April group, where his brother was also a member. Later they decided to pursue solo careers.

2000 - Konstantin and Dmitry Kostyuk became founders famous group"VIA Gra". Konstantin is the author of many songs that are performed on stage by Rotaru, Valery Meladze, the groups “BiS”, VIA Gra, “Yin-Yang” and many others.

As a composer and producer, Konstantin worked in the musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Cinderella”, “ Sorochinskaya fair" How music producer worked with feature film"Hipsters."

2007 - together with his brother Valery they became producers of the Star Factory 7 competition.

2009 - Konstantin (at the invitation of the New Channel) became the head of the Ukrainian competition “Star Factories 3”. Casting was carried out in many. The project started in October. The winner of this competition was Stas Shurins.

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Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva got married on October 23, 2015 after 10 years of secret dates, unsuccessful attempts to cope with feelings and stay in their old life.

Konstantin + Vera: history of relationships

They met in 2003 - the selection of soloists for the VIA Gra ensemble was underway.

How it all began

Master Meladze, immersed in music and his own fantasies, set a difficult task for the debutantes: “Become the way I want.” The generous and cheerful Vera seemed to have managed this without difficulty. It was as if they were made for each other.

It became more and more difficult to hide the surging feelings every year. Vera’s husband, M. Kiperman, was the first to break down; they divorced in 2012. Konstantin's wife Yana endured until 2014 - and also filed for divorce. Having received freedom, the lovers secretly marry.

Wedding of Vera and Konstantin

The wedding venue was Italian resort Forte dei Marmi, long loved by the Russian elite. The mayor of the city, U. Buratti, sealed their union, after which the bride in a transparent dress quickly ran down the steps of the city hall, hiding in a car from the cameras of nosy paparazzi. The fussy groom could barely keep up with her. The celebration ended with a gala dinner at the Paradiso al Mare hotel in the circle of the most chosen and close ones.

Video of the wedding of Meladze and Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze: latest news of family life

For the first time, Vera introduced her husband to a wide audience with the words: “Talented and beloved.” The composer himself admitted that she pulled him out of his shell and taught him to enjoy life. To curious questions, both spouses found a single answer: “Happiness loves silence.” Regarding her third pregnancy, the singer said that for now she only bears songs in her loose sundresses.

After vacationing with Konstantin in France this summer, Vera Brezhneva suddenly posted a photo on Instagram with an intriguing post: “Everything that was turned into soap bubble" Who is this about? – It looks like the paparazzi will not be left without work again.

Yana Meladze - Konstantin's ex-wife

They got married in 1994: the smart and beautiful Yana Summ and the composer who was gaining fame, who was already over 30. Yana knew little about him creative success, and she didn’t want to know: he was interesting and dear to her as a person. The first wife of Konstantin Meladze was a faithful wife, a virtuous mother of his children - but not a muse that inspired his creativity.

Yana experienced the birth and illness of her third child alone. Konstantin lived his own life: music, the VIA Gra ensemble, new love. Yana Meladze felt trouble, tried to find out the truth from her husband, and called Vera. Both lied to her and reassured her.

“You took 10 years of my life,” she will say later with bitterness.

In 2012, trouble happened to Konstantin: he hit a woman with his car. Yana wanted to stay with her husband at a difficult moment, but it didn’t work out. After 19 years life together she filed for divorce and became the ex-wife of Konstantin Meladze. Already in 2014, having overcome “emotional hell,” Yana finds a new husband and finds, if not happiness, then peace.

Children of Konstantin Meladze

Konstantin and Yana Meladze have three children: two daughters and a son. The composer himself admitted that he had paid little attention to children throughout his life, now he regrets it and would like to improve. Ex-wife Yana, on the contrary, considers him good father, and is not against him meeting with his daughters and son as much as he wants.

Daughter Alice – born in 2000

17-year-old Alice admits that she loves her father and believes that he gave her happy childhood. She can chat with him about everything in the world. Alice does not connect her future with show business; she wants to become a makeup artist. With her new dad, entrepreneur Oleg, she often visits Israel, where she really likes it.

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