Competitions for children 12 14. Games and competitions for the company of teenagers - a fun collection

Not a single children's holiday is complete without exciting games and competitions, whether it's a morning in kindergarten or graduation at an elementary school, a New Year's party or a birthday. Children of all ages love to take part in competitions, especially if all participants are entitled to consolation prizes. Your attention is 13 games for every taste, which are suitable for children from 6 to 12 years old.

Games for children 6-12 years old

1. "Find the object" - a musical game

Attributes: a small object and a source of music.

One of the participants leaves the room. The driver hides a treasure somewhere (for example, candy), then calls the participant and asks him to find it. Candy is searched to the music: the closer the participant comes to the place where the treasure is hidden, the louder the music plays, if he starts to move away from the place, the music is muffled. Music can be replaced by claps if there are several who want to take part: by changing the volume of claps, they tell the one who is looking for the location of the object.

2. "Changing rooms" - theatrical competition

Attributes: relay baton and a bag with various items of clothing.

Children stand up, forming a circle, in the center of which they put a bag with various things. Then, to the music, the children pass the baton to each other. The one who has a wand when the music stops, runs up to the bag, takes any thing and puts it on. Then the game continues. You can throw several sticks in a circle. The one with the most items will win.

3. "Lark" - song contest

Attributes: music source.

Those who wish to take part in the competition in turn. The host plays any well-known song. At some point, he turns off the sound, and the participant must sing 1-2 lines. After that, the sound is turned on. If the participant was able to get into the rhythm of the song, then he continues to participate, if he dragged out or sang faster than necessary, he is eliminated from the game.

4. "Rhymer"poetry competition

Attributes: a piece of paper with a list of various words and a pen.

Everyone who wants to get a certain set of words. The task of the participants is to pick up as many rhymes as possible for each word in a certain period of time. Whoever wrote down the most words is declared the winner. If several contenders for victory are identified (participants with the same number of words), then you can offer them an additional task - to compose a poem with these words.

5. "Strongmen" - sports competition

Those who wish to participate find themselves an opponent. Then they stand opposite each other, turning in opposite directions. They grab each other under the elbow and, at the signal of the leader, try to pull the enemy to their side. Who could do it - wins.

6. "Electricity" - a physical competition

Attributes: plastic sticks and finely chopped paper.

It's no secret that static electricity exists. A charged comb can attract hair, and the accumulation of electricity at the fingertips causes a pain reaction when touched. If you rub a plastic stick with a woolen cloth, then paper will be attracted to it. Small pieces can even be carried this way. This is precisely the essence of the competition: to transfer all the paper from point A to point B.

7. "Energy Transfer" - dance competition

Attributes: the source of the music and the subject to be transmitted, such as a book.

All participants are randomly distributed around the room. One of them is the driver. He picks up a "source" of energy (a book), which allows him to make any movements. The rest cannot move - they freeze in place. The music turns on, the driver, dancing, approaches any participant, hands him a book and freezes in place. The one who received the source of energy continues the movement of the first driver - he, also dancing, reaches the next one and passes the source to him. Thus, all participants must dance. Those who did not cope with the task (moved without a source) are eliminated.

8. Cooking competitions

Attributes: Food.

Among the options for this kind of competition:

  • Lay out the word "thank you" or any other from tangerine slices;
  • Drink a glass of juice as quickly as possible using a cocktail tube;
  • Using a wooden skewer, transfer the grapes from one cup to another, piercing them one at a time;
  • String pieces of fruit on wooden skewers in a certain order - who will make more kebabs in a certain time;
  • Eat grapes lying on the table in a chaotic manner, without the help of hands;
  • Guess what kind of vegetable or fruit, by smell, taste or touch.

9. "Understand me" - a spiritual competition

Attributes: leaflets and a pen for writing words, cards with penalty tasks.

The host thinks of a few words - objects, writes them down on sheets so that the rest do not see. Participants try to guess what it is by asking leading questions, to which the facilitator can only answer in monosyllables: yes or no. The one who guesses the word gets a sweet prize. Those who did not guess a single word can complete a penalty task to receive a prize. For example, show pantomime or dance.

10. "The book is the head of everything" - modeling competition

Attributes: great books for everyone.

To improve posture, it is recommended to periodically walk with a book on your head, trying to hold it. Why not combine business with pleasure? Those who can go the longest with the book are entitled to a delicious reward.

11. "Truckers" - a competition of drivers

Attributes: cars with a remote control and objects - obstacles.

The number of applicants depends on the number of cars. The task of the players is to go around all the obstacles and bring their car to the end point. Penalty points are added for each collision. The best driver can be presented with a sweet car.

12. "Telegrams" - a competition of postmen

Attributes: pieces of paper - telegrams with the names of all the guests of the event.

Participants of the competition must send an urgent telegram to each addressee. The one who completes the task the fastest wins. It is possible for each participant to make telegrams of “their own” color, so that subsequently there will be no questions and disputes about who sent what note.

13. "Grenade Throwing" - military competition

Attributes: threads to indicate circles and balloons filled with water - grenades.

Accuracy is one of the qualities of a good shooter. To identify the best shooter, you can announce a grenade throwing competition. As a grenade, you can use a balloon filled with water. 3 circles are formed on the floor with the help of threads: the inner one is a trench, it is necessary to get into it, the middle one is the area around the trench, it can also be hit, but the enemy will only be wounded in this case, the outer one - small losses for the enemy. For getting into the inner circle, children get 3 points, into the middle - 2, into the outer - 1. According to the results of the competition, the most accurate shooter is revealed, who receives the award.

Time inexorably runs forward, our children grow up, gain experience and change their interests. Everything around is changing, and sometimes it is very difficult to keep up with all these changes. However, there are also unchanged things, for example, the children's desire to have fun and compete with their peers in everything. And if you have the opportunity to organize a children's holiday, then do not be too lazy to pick up interesting contests for the birthday of a child of 12 years old.

The entertainment program of such a children's holiday should be filled with originality, fun and ease. Children should get genuine pleasure from everything that happens around. And you can achieve such a result with just a couple of exciting contests that will allow children to throw out all their strength, experience a lot of emotions and remember this day for many years to come.

We all love bright and interesting holidays, and children (or daughter) are no exception. Therefore, do not think that it will be enough just to organize a delicious table. The guys should have fun, they should rejoice and laugh. And if for this you need to pick up successful contests for the child's birthday, then you simply have to do it. Well, we will help you with this. On this page you will find everything you need to make your dreams come true. It only takes a couple of minutes to do this!

Players receive a task - a word that needs to be deciphered. It can be absolutely anything. You need to come up with a sentence so that each word in it begins with the next letter of this task word. For example, if the word "SKODA" is given, then it can be decoded as "Six Cows Discovered by the Detective Agency." The author of the most witty decryption wins.

Air battle

Blow up 10 round balloons (5 each in two different colors). Create two teams. Divide the room into 2 equal parts with chalk, arrange the teams against each other. Give each team 5 balls. Task: while the music is playing, you need to transfer the balls to the opponent's side. It's not so easy, because the opponents return the victory balls! As soon as the music stops, the kids freeze. We do the calculations. This fun competition for children is held in several stages. The team with the fewest balls on their side wins.


Learn a few simple dance moves ahead of time. Offer the kids a fun disco! While the music is playing, the guys will repeat the movements after you (movements, as I said, should be simple and fun, often repeated). And at the climax of the disco, make this move: invite the children to show the movements themselves to the music, and you will only repeat. This is where they will laugh!

Find yours
Before the start of the competition, leaflets with the names of animals are prepared. Each title must be present in duplicate. Then all the leaves are put in a bag and mixed. Participants take turns taking out one piece of paper and, depicting the indicated animal with facial expressions, sounds, movements, try to find their mate: an elephant is looking for an elephant, a camel - a camel, a monkey - a monkey, etc. Those who find them provide their leaves to the host and receive a prize from him.

Give the children spoons, pot lids, ladles, pots, buckets. Come up with your own musical part for each instrument. You are a conductor! You have a ladle in your hands. To a well-known melody (“Radetzky March”, for example), you create an orchestra. Point a ladle at the pans, and they will play like drums, at the lidders - the timpani will sound, let the spoons beat the rhythm. Change accompanists slowly at first, then faster and faster. In the finale, all instruments of the orchestra sound simultaneously! It's loud and fun!

By city and country

This game will require two leaders - the conductor. Players are divided into equal teams and receive sheets of paper, each of which has the name of a country written on it. Approaching the guide, the player voices the country and names any city that is located in it. If the city was named correctly, then the player is "passed into the car." The team whose car is filled the most wins.

For the successful entertainment of children of years, you can use various games or competitions. These types of fun have proven themselves well during birthday celebrations or New Year's Eve. There are fun competitions for children aged 11-12 and entertainment, regardless of the number of people who want to participate.

The advantages of holding competitions and gaming fun is that, first of all, children develop in the game mode, they will not get bored and funny moments can be remembered for a lifetime. It is important to choose the right contest or game, taking into account the age of the participants.

Where to begin?

Before holding competitions, it is advised to prepare everything in advance, paying attention to safety precautions, since during games or competitions children will run, jump, or crawl on their knees. For entertainment at home, you will need to do the following:

  1. Make room for fun and gaming programs. To do this, it is worth pushing mobile furniture.
  2. In advance, to hide the sharp objects present and the existing furniture corners should be made with something soft.
  3. Remove glassware that is at risk from accidental shock.
  4. Some attentive owners even remove the chandelier, children at this age are mobile.

If the entertainment program will be held in places specially created for this, then such problems are excluded, since everything has already been thought out in advance. If it's a summer day outside, most contests can be held outside.

The games themselves should not tire young dreamers, as fun can turn into boring and silent gatherings.

In order to diversify a birthday or other holiday, there is a special selection of games in the form of contests for both boys and girls.

It is important to consider certain nuances of age

If a child is 11-12 years old, they are no longer the kids they were before, but older. They will no longer be interested in simple fun contests. The program should be more carefully thought out, especially when the holiday will be held at home.

At this age, children consider themselves adults. And entertainment for a younger age may not interest them. These factors should be considered before selecting recreational activities for teenagers.

Who is faster "One, two, three"

Almost everyone can participate in such fun. To hold it, you will need to purchase and prepare a certain number of small surprises in advance, in the form of souvenirs.

This competition requires a facilitator (adult) to lead the entire event. All children participating in the entertainment should stand in a circle. When the music is turned on, the movement of the children participating in the entertainment begins in a circle. The host places a souvenir (gift) in the center of the circle.

During the circular movement of children, the toastmaster calls different numbers, the children should not react to this, but when they hear the words: “one, two, three! ”, then they will have to try to take the souvenir.

The competition can be held a certain number of times, depending on the bags with prepared gifts. By the way, the child who received the gift leaves the circle to give others the opportunity to receive gifts.

golden goose

The competition in question is more practical to hold on a birthday. Participants stand in a circle, and each of them tells his neighbor the name of the body part to which he should “stick” to the next neighbor.

An example would be such expressions: "right hand", "left knee", "nose", "back", "ear", "left heel" and so on. All participants in turn take on the indicated places and in such poses you need to shout the phrase “congratulations!” three times. The main condition is to make sure that no one falls. This cheerful beginning perfectly helps to liberate even the most gloomy participants.

Jar of sardines

Wishing participants are divided in advance into groups of equal size. They must choose their catcher. He is given an elastic band, it must be tied in the form of a ring. Its size should depend on the number of participants in one group.

Participants (“sardines”) are asked to take their seats in a designated area of ​​the virtual pond. At the beginning of the game, the catcher must put the rubber ring on the first player, then move to the other player and do the same. The action is repeated until all the "sardines" are caught. The winner is the one who can quickly collect all the members of the team into a rubber band (“net”).

Barrier dance

The game is divided into two stages. This is a fun number for both children and adults.

A rope is pulled, it should be located at a height of about 1 meter, and the other - 50 cm from the floor surface. The location can not be made clearly one thread above the other. If the apartment is small, then two people will be required to hold the ends of the rope with their hands.

After turning on dance music, it is better to turn on cheerful music. Under it, several participants will have to step over the lower rope and crawl under the upper one. If the number of guests is small, then it can be more practical to make this “competition” in several circles.

In the second stage, the participants are blindfolded, they have to overcome the lower and upper obstacles blindly. At the beginning, when the music turns on, you need to quietly remove the ropes and watch the participants - it will be fun and the joke will cheer everyone up.

Contest "Occupy the house"

To participate, you need to recruit volunteers and divide them into two parts. These will be teams that compete with each other. To carry out the necessary event, you will need to put an easel with a placed drawing paper, it is recommended to draw houses on it that have windows and doors.

The task of the participants is that they draw the silhouettes of people living in the house. You can use the example that the facilitator should show at the beginning so that the participants know how to draw little men correctly.

After the “start”, each participant in the competition must pick up a pencil and, running up to his easel, quickly draw a silhouette of a small person (in the doors or windows) and return to his old place, passing the pencil to the next participant. This game has 3 minutes.

Those participants who draw more people in the time allotted will win.

frozen artist

During this competition, the host asks two people to participate. They will have to show their drawing skills with felt-tip pens, but it is not necessary to draw at all. Those who volunteered prepare a felt-tip pen for drawing and freeze in one place in a motionless pose.

Next, two more participants are called. They are given an album sheet, previously attached to a more solid base in the form of cardboard (for convenience during the competition). The meaning of the game is that some hold the felt-tip pens, while others begin to draw on the leaf, only moving the leaves themselves.

Those present order two drawings for each couple, for example, to depict a birthday man or his house, depending on the fantasy. Both couples are trying to draw more clearly what was asked. The competition is very funny.

How to dress blind?

Couples are invited to join. Children receive packages with clothes. But it is pre-prepared in large sizes. This is necessary for more free dressing.

Next, one participant is blindfolded in each pair. His task will be to pull out the clothes that are in the bag and put them on the partner. The contestant who is dressing should not provide any clues.

Approximately 3 minutes are allocated for the prompts. During the allotted time, you should try to put on as many clothes as possible. The couple that wears the most clothes wins.


In the central part of the room where the competition is held, a large box is placed. It should have simple mittens.

A couple of volunteers are invited to participate. They should become in a circle and when the music turns on, start moving in a circle. After the music abruptly turns off, you need to quickly run up to a large box and put on a pair of mittens. The bottom line is that each contestant has a pair of mittens in the box, and one has only one mitten.

When, after putting on mittens, it turns out that someone did not get a pair, the participant should leave the circle and take one mitten from someone. The mittens are put back into the box, and the contestants stand in a circle, and the music turns on ... The winner goes to the one who grabs the last mitten.


It is important to understand that no fun will go smoothly and fun without games or contests. Children have always liked competitions, and they will be happy to take part in the games. The main condition is the correct selection, depending on the age of the guests.

Before everything, it is worth studying the information, connecting the initiative and imagination. As a result, you can get a solution to all issues that children will happily appreciate. It is important to consider the place where the games will be held, as well as the time of year, there is a difference when it is June or November outside.

You can prepare several playing contests in advance, excluding pauses. It is worth noting that during the preparation for the games and fun, a lot of consumables will not be required. A holiday that is made with the help of one's own strength looks exciting and interesting.

Competitions and games for children are not just entertainment. They allow the child to compete with their peers and feel self-confidence. Therefore, contests at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child should not only be well thought out, but also appropriate for children of this age who already feel old enough. On the other hand, the positive mood created by contests and games fills with fun not only the winner, but the whole team as a whole.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 11 years old. "Confusion"

Children stand in a circle and stretch their right hands forward. Then, they join hands in pairs, for example, with their neighbor or the player who is standing opposite. After that, the leader gives another signal and the children must connect their left hands with someone, but with another participant, and not with the one with whom they are connected with their right hand. It turns out confusion and the task of the participants is, without opening their hands, to unravel it and form a circle again. Those players who manage to do it first win. If the knot turns out to be so “dead” in the end that it cannot be untangled in any way, the leader can intervene and choose that pair of hands, but only one that needs to be disengaged in order for the situation to be resolved.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 11 years old. "Fold the newspaper"

The host lays two newspapers on the floor and invites two participants to the circle. The task of the contestants is to stand on the newspaper, and, without leaving it on the floor, fold it three times. The winner is the participant who managed to do it faster. If the participant did not cope with the task, he receives a penalty phantom - you need to somehow make the audience present laugh, for example, tell a funny anecdote.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 11 years old. "Eskimo"

One participant is selected, he sits on a chair and his eyes are blindfolded, and thick mittens are put on his hands. All the other players take turns approaching the "Eskimo", and he, by touch, in mittens, must determine who exactly approached him. If he manages to do this, then the player he identified takes his place and becomes an “Eskimo”, if not, then the next participant comes in turn, and the “Eskimo” is now trying to identify him.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 11 years old. "Find a Pair"

To conduct this competition, you must prepare in advance two sets of identical cards with the names of animals. Then all the cards are mixed into one pile and the children take turns pulling a card from it with the name of their animal. The condition is that no one can show what is written on it. Then, at the signal of the facilitator, the children should begin to imitate the sounds that, in their opinion, make about the animal, whose name is written on their card. The winners are those participants who identify “their own” faster than the rest, find him, after that the couple should join hands and sit on the floor.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 11 years old. "Guess the word"

All children are divided into two teams. Each team conceives a certain word and chooses a player who will have to “show” this word to the other team with the help of gestures. If the second team guessed the word, it can start showing its word to the other team, if not, then the first team gets the right to “show” the next word. The team that guessed the most words wins.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 11 years old. Fanta

The old game of forfeits is still a constant success among children, and adults too. Its essence is as follows. Each player gives the leader some small thing, and the leader puts these things in a bag. The driver - preferably if it is a birthday man, becomes his back to the leader. He takes out any phantom from the bag and asks what the person to whom it belongs should do. And the driver comes up with some simple, but funny tasks. At the same time, he does not even know when his phantom will be taken out of the bag.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 11 years old. "Broken phone"

Another old game that does not interfere with remembering in our time. And most importantly, you can play it directly without getting up from the table. The host very quietly speaks a word into the ear of the player sitting next to him, he also quietly passes this word into the ear of the player who is sitting next to him, and so on along the entire chain of players. The last player to whom the given word is whispered speaks aloud what he heard, and then the final result is compared with the original version.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 11 years old. "The Fisherman and the Fishes"

This is a mobile competition that is best played on the street. But you can also at home, provided that you have enough free space. The leader stands in the middle. And the children form a large circle around him. The leader has a small rope in his hands, with a knot tied at its end. The leader, turning, twists this rope around the whole circle, trying to hit the players, and those, jumping, must dodge so that the rope does not hit them. The one who does not have time to dodge in time and to whom the rope hits the legs is considered caught and leaves the circle. The game continues until the last winner, who receives the prize.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 11 years old. "Who am I"

Children sit in a circle, and a small image of an animal is glued to each forehead using double-sided tape, so that the rest see it, but the player himself does not. Each in turn asks the others questions about what kind of animal he has drawn. Most importantly, only questions that can be answered yes or no are allowed. The winner is the one who quickly guesses the name of which animal is written on his card from such monosyllabic answers.

golden goose

The name seems to be related to an old fairy tale in which everyone was glued to each other (the first one in the chain had a magic goose). Guests need to be put in a circle and asked to name some part of the body: “right knee”, “left heel”, “nose”, “chin”, “back”, “nape”. After that, at the expense of THREE, you need to stick to the neighbor on the right with this particular part. The place of gluing does not matter, as long as it does not fall.

In this form, everyone should shout “Congratulations!” three times. A fun start to the holiday, helps to quickly liberate.

Fun photo shoot with a mustache

I like this activity because the photos always turn out funny, and people pose much more artistically. Fake mustaches, beards and crowns can be made from colored cardboard.

Obstacle dance

First stage. We pull one rope at a height of 1 meter, and the other at a height of 50 cm from the floor. You can move a little, not one above the other. As a rule, there is nowhere to tie in the apartment, you have to hold the ends of the upper and lower ropes in your right and left hands.

Now we turn on dance music (fast latin is better) and ask the bottom rope to step over, and crawl under the top one. If there are few guests, several dance circles.

Second phase. We tightly blindfold two participants, ask them to overcome obstacles. We quietly remove the ropes ... it remains to observe the efforts of careful dancers.

frozen artist

Presenter: "We need two people who draw well." He gives them each a felt-tip pen: “Only today you won’t need it, I’ll bewitch you. Imagine that there is an invisible sheet of paper in front of you, prepare a felt-tip pen and ... freeze!

We call the other two participants, to whom we give a landscape sheet in their hands (it is better to attach it to a solid base). The point is that the artists with felt-tip pens stand still, and their assistants move the sheet along the tip of the felt-tip pen, trying to capture a picture that everyone understands. It can be a portrait of a birthday person, a birthday cake with candles, just a house with a tree and the sun. Everything is fun, try it!

Siamese twins

On the cards you need to write some part of the body, call all the guests and build them in pairs. Each couple draws a card and sticks it with the part of the body that fell out to them, like Siamese twins. Noses, heels, nape, elbows, knees, backs. Now you need to tie a handkerchief to each other. Let one couple do it, the rest just watch. The one with the most difficult situation wins. Try to put a handkerchief on the "twin" if you are stuck with your backs ...

What did you do there?

The game is equally fun for both children and adults, since it’s hard to come up with something more fun than random coincidences of questions and answers.

We write on the tablets:"Dentist's Office", "Director's Office", "Toilet", "Bathhouse", "Bakery", "Cinema", "Post Office", "Park", "Zoo", "Theater", "Hairdressing Salon", "Basement" , "Construction", "Kindergarten", "Pension Fund", "Desert Island", "Fitness Club".

The player stands with his back to the guests, the host puts a sign with one of these inscriptions on his back. The guests know what they are talking about, and the “lucky one” answers at random. Players can be changed. Here is a sample list of questions (you can not answer "yes" or "no"):

  • Do you often go there? (Every Friday, three times a week, rarely but with pleasure)
  • Do you like this place? (It can be better, I'm not sure yet)
  • Who do you usually go there with?
  • Which famous person would you like to meet there?
  • What do you usually take with you there? Name three things.
  • What do you usually do there?
  • Why did you choose this place?

We change the plate and the player. It's fun when they go to kindergarten once a month with Alla Pugacheva, take a laptop and a toothbrush with them, do ballet there or eat pizza)

downed pilots

I somehow held this game on February 23 at school, but all the spectators were so carried away that I boldly propose to organize it at a birthday party. Oddly enough, it's fun.

We make 5-6 paper airplanes, and put 20 pieces of paper lumps in a basket. One person launches airplanes (choose the longest side in the room), everyone else tries to shoot down flying airplanes. If this is a competition to determine the winner, we give 5 attempts to each.


It can be held at the moment when you want to invite guests to the table. Build them against the opposite wall and solemnly announce (the roles do not need to be distributed in advance): “They arrived at the gala dinner: a famous yogi, a dancer from the east, Baba Yaga, a fairy Princess, an ogre, a Shusher rat, a ballerina from the Bolshoi Theater, a one-legged Pirate, the President of Russia , bodybuilding champion, famous supermodel (actress), baby who learned to walk today.

All guests need to walk a few steps in character and sit down at the table.

Unlucky Sculptor

You don’t need to tell anyone the name of the competition in advance, otherwise the meaning will become clear, and we don’t need this. All guests must go to another room, only the host and three players remain. You appoint one sculptor and ask him to put the other two in the most uncomfortable positions. For example, let the first one freeze, pushing himself off the floor in the top position, and the second one will sit on his back, clasping his hands behind him in the castle. And now the presenter changes the one who has the hardest time in the new sculpture to the sculptor himself. Since he himself came up with torture for others, take the rap :-).

Now you can start one new player from another room. Now it's the sculptor who must examine the previous strange statue and create his new one, again coming up with complex poses. We repeat everything, the sculptor takes the place of the victim himself. It's always funny, try it! Naturally, all other guests enter one by one and remain in the room until the end of the game.


Line up several people (4-6) one after the other, side by side with the guests. Show the last player a simple drawing of a snowman and ask them to draw THIS on the previous player's back. He is trying to understand what he was depicted, draws on his back what he understood (silently). So we reach the first in this line, which should depict the original drawing on clean paper. Usually a snowman turns into a face :-). The rest of the details are lost along the way.

Guess the soft toy

Thanks to the oddities of soft toys manufacturers, this contest is funny. We blindfold the player and offer to guess what he is holding in his hands. For example, when we offered to identify a snake in a Santa Claus hat with a bag for gifts, the girl said that it was a snail. Guests are always surprised that they failed to guess such an obvious little animal. It’s funnier if a person comments on his guesses aloud.

What would the Indians call you?

This is not a competition, just an excuse to laugh at the table while eating cake. These are funny names that the Indians might give you. The first column is the first letter of the first name, the second column is the first letter of the last name.


Solving the shifters is fun. I remind you that this is:

Above the stagnant sand, milk boils (which means - Under a lying stone, water does not flow).

Famous lines:

  • Summer! The landowner is depressed (Winter! Peasant, triumphant ...)
  • Four young men at the door forged early in the morning (Three girls under the window spun late in the evening)
  • Your aunt of almost false exceptions ... (My uncle of the most honest rules ..)
  • The gentleman took a cot, a backpack, a cosmetic bag on his chest (The lady checked in luggage: a sofa, a suitcase, a bag ...)
  • Evil wizard Chernomor, I'll stand on the grass (Good doctor Aibolit, he sits under a tree)
  • A bug is crawling, vibrating ... (A bull is swinging ...)
  • The devil somehow beguiled the cow with a loaf of sausage (somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow ...)

Proverbs and sayings:

  • The new enemy is worse than the old nine (The old friend is better than the new two)
  • Sell ​​a stroller in winter and a dump truck in summer (Prepare a sled in summer and a cart in winter)
  • Milk boils over stagnant sand (Water does not flow under a lying stone)
  • Cheerful night in the morning, because there is no one to rest (Day until evening is boring, if there is nothing to do)

Titles of literary works:

  • A story about a living queen, but about 12 wimps (“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”)
  • Centimeter ("Thumbelina")
  • Light green garden ("The Cherry Orchard")
  • Cross the Shadow in 10 Nights ("Around the World in 80 Days")
  • Straight-backed lamb ("Humpbacked Horse")
  • Nedoperchil ("Salted")


This is absolutely unbeatable entertainment. Tested on thousands of children's and adult holidays. I found a site that has selected questions and answers that are relatively suitable for a 12-14 year old birthday.

It needs to be done like this. Questions are enough to have only the leader, you can read in a row. But the answers need to be printed on separate sheets of paper and invite guests to pull out a piece of paper at random: “Do you brush your teeth?” “Yes, I have many talents…”

Draw 3D

Now, even among adults, creative workshops are popular, so let's not lag behind. I like that this particular drawing is ALWAYS obtained by EVERYONE, but it looks very impressive. What do you need? Album sheets for each person, a simple pencil, felt-tip pens and 5-7 minutes of time.

We put the left palm on the sheet and draw around with a pencil along the contour. Now we take a felt-tip pen of any color and draw parallel lines at a distance of 1 cm from each other. From the edge of the paper, just a straight line, and where the outline of the hand begins, you need to draw an arc. After the contour of the hand, we continue the straight line. From the picture, I think everything is clear. It turns out a real 3D drawing! I think it's great!

With felt-tip pens of other colors, we repeat the bends of the first lines, this is already quite simple. If you put a date on the picture and hang it in a frame, you will remember for a long time how well you had a good time with your friends on your birthday.

Click to enlarge!

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