Abstract senior group literary reading. Lesson on acquaintance with fiction in the senior group. How to show children illustrations

Khomchenko Elena Nikolaevna
Summary of a lesson on reading fiction in the senior group "I go to kindergarten with my mother"


Build friendships and communication skills in children senior group;

Reveal the comfort of finding a child in kindergarten;

Continue work on introducing children to poetry;

Encourage children to talk about their perception children's the garden and all its inhabitants;

To form the ability to listen attentively to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text;

To form in children the ability to emotionally react to the world around them, to distinguish between emotional states;

To develop the speech activity of children, to contribute to the accumulation of vocabulary.

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time "Give a smile"

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we will smile at each other.

Left-right turn

And we will smile at each other.

We start the day with a smile -

Everything will work out for us!

Riddle from the teacher:

I go there every day

So it is necessary, even if laziness.

I already know all the guys there.

I eat and sleep with them, play.

I'm very happy to go there

My beloved is there ... KINDERGARTEN!

What was the poem about?

What mood are we in now?

Do we always have a good mood?

When is the mood bad?

Can you improve your mood?

I will now read you one more poem, and you will tell me what mood the main character had at the beginning and what it became at the end!

IN I came to kindergarten with my mother.

IN I came to kindergarten with my mother,

How can I stay alone ?.

I told my mom straight:

Take me home!

I will be bored without you

There are completely strangers here,

Here completely ... completely, But here -

Someone takes the hand!

I didn't have time to cry

A round dance began.

And then Vanya and I

We sat down on the couch

Rode a horse

With Masha and Alyosha ...

Look, there are so many dolls!

All of them need to be rocked.

I'm not bored now

Simply - there is no time to be bored!

Did you like the poem?

What is it called?

Who is the main character of the work?

What is her mood at the beginning of the poem?

What happened next?

How has the girl's mood changed?

Let's dance with you too!

Round dance "Bubble"

Blow up the bubble

Swell up big.

Stay that way

And don't burst!

He flew, flew, flew,

And touched a twig!

Put the children in place.

Was it fun for us?

Did the girl from the poem have fun?

Let's listen to the poem again and remember what else the girl played in kindergarten?

What else can you play here?

Let's go to the tables and draw our favorite games. And in the evening we will give the drawing to mom!

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Completed by the educator:

Tsyganova Svetlana Ivanovna


Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction".

Types of children's activities:play, communication, perception of fiction, examination of paintings.

The purpose of the lesson: to teach to comprehend the content of the story, to evaluate the actions of the heroes; promote the development of coherent speech.



  • to introduce children to the work
  • to form in children the ability to listen to works of art, to help them understand the content of the story


  • respectful attitude towards parents
  • create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom, work on the cohesion of the children's team


  • encourage dialogue, helping to express their thoughts, teach to evaluate the available actions of the characters

Methods and techniques:

  • verbal (conversation, explanation, artistic word);
  • pictorial (show, demonstration)

Planned results:


  • knows how to evaluate and characterize the actions and character of the heroes of the story;


  • uses appropriate vocabulary in speech;
  • broadening one's horizons;
  • takes an active part in the game;


  • empathizes with the heroes of the story;
  • appropriation of spiritual and moral values

Vocabulary work: a fox is a little fox cub; a forester is a person who protects the forest; grew by leaps and bounds - quickly; a lifeless body - a body that did not breathe, did not move; in captivity - not free, in a cage, in a zoo.

Materials and equipment:illustrations depicting characters, pictures depicting wild animals.

1.Organizational moment

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

Say hello when you meet!

Good morning! (all in chorus)

Good morning!

The sun and the birds!

Good morning!

To friendly faces!

And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting!
Good morning lasts until evening!

Course of the lesson

White snow, fluffy

Is spinning in the air

And quietly to the ground

Falls down, go to bed.

Guys, what time of year is this poem talking about?(about winter)

Let's remember the signs of winter.(In winter it is cold, frosty, it snows; it is very difficult for animals in the forest to winter, there is not enough food, many animals die.)


"Finish Offers"

Listen to the beginning of the sentences and finish them:

Clumsy like ... (bear)

Swift, like ...(Hare)

Sly as ... (fox)

Hungry as wolf)

Thorny like ... (hedgehog)

"Who lives where?"

Show the picture - the answer.

(Who?) ducked into the hollow.(squirrel)

(Who?) climbed into the den.(bear)

(Who?) hid in a hole.(a fox)

(Who?) ducked into the den.(Wolf)

(Who?) climbed under the leaves.(hedgehog)

(Who?) hid under a bush.(Hare)

3.Vocabulary work: a fox is a little fox cub; a forester is a person who protects the forest; grew by leaps and bounds - quickly; a lifeless body - a body that did not breathe, did not move; in captivity - not free, in a cage, in a zoo.

4. Reading the story of B.A. Ganago "Fox"

There was a boy named Andryusha in a big friendly family. His dad worked as a forester, and the kid from childhood often helped his father, fiddled with animals, loved the forest.

One day, dad brought a little miracle fox from the forest. Red-haired, with a black nose and button eyes, the fox was very tiny, a little more than a palm. How he got lost is unknown, and if not for Andrei's dad, he would certainly have died.

Everyone immediately fell in love with the baby, especially Andrei. The fox was named Fluff. Dad explained to Andryusha how to take care of him, and the boy happily got down to business. The fluff grew by leaps and bounds and after a few months turned into a large fluffy fox. He became completely domestic and tame.

Andryusha thought more and more about the future of the fox cub and felt sorry for him, because he knew that all animals should live in the forest, and in captivity they feel bad. He asked Dad to let him release the fox. And dad explained that Fluff grew up among people from childhood, he does not know how to get food himself, to hide from enemies. He will simply die.

Andrey listened to all this and could not imagine how Fluff could not live in the forest, because foxes always live there. And the boy did not believe dad.

It was winter. Andryusha went out into the clearing and opened the cage. The fluff ran out of it, sniffed it and disappeared into the thicket.

At home, everyone was upset, but Andrey was not scolded. Only dad somehow thoughtfully looked at his son and went to bypass his site. He walked around it every day. Returning in the evening, dad said:

It is very cold, the frost is getting stronger.

Everyone thought about the fox: how is he there?

Two days later, my father brought the frozen lifeless little body of Cannon and laid it in front of Andrei.

Andryusha was crying bitterly. He understood that Pushka himself was to blame for the death: why, why did he not believe his father!

  1. What was the name of the main character of the story?(Andrei)
  2. Who did Andrey's dad work for?(forester)
  3. What miracle did dad bring from the forest?(fox)
  4. What was the name of the fox?(Fluff)
  5. How big was Fluff?(slightly larger than the palm)
  6. Guys who teach little foxes (cubs, cubs, etc.) to get food, hunt, defend themselves from enemies, build a dwelling?(mom)
  7. Guys, did anyone teach Cannon how to get his own food?(No)
  8. And what did he eat then?(food provided by the foster family)
  9. When Fluff became a big fox, what did Andryusha want to do?(to release him, Andryusha wanted to fulfill his wish)

10. Why didn't dad want his son to let Cannon go free?(dad knew he was going to die)

11. Who is to blame for the fox's death?(Andryusha)

12. What is the name of Andryusha's act?(disobedience)

13. How did Andrei experience the death of Pushk?(he cried and blamed himself for the fox's death)

14. With what words does the story end?(why, why didn't he believe his father!)

Guys, is disobedience good or bad?(disobedience leads to trouble).

Children need to be obedient to their parents, because parents have lived longer, know more and protect us from evil that we may not see and understand. Parents will always tell you how to do the right thing.

There is a proverb:"Whoever honors his parents will never perish."

Let us learn this proverb(children repeat in chorus 2-3 times).

Guys, let's remember the tales in which disobedience led to trouble.(Wolf and seven kids; Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka; Cat, rooster and fox, etc.)

5. Reflection.

  • What are the heroes of this work?
  • What did the author want to tell you about?

Branch of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the kindergarten "Berezka" of the Zernogradsky district - kindergarten "Kolobok"

Abstract of GCD

for reading fiction

in the older group

"Travel to a poetic tale"

Prepared by: teacher of the senior group "Fairy Tale" N.A. Cherenok

NS. Path of Truth

2017 Nov.


1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the work of K.I. Chukovsky.

2. To develop auditory perception, attention - to help read poetry expressively, with natural intonations, and participate in dramatization.

3. Develop emotional interest in the work of K.I. Chukovsky.

4. Form an idea of ​​friendship, develop attention, sympathy for peers, a benevolent attitude towards each other.

5. Promote development, positive emotions when interacting with adults and peers.

6. With the help of various specially created situations, contribute to the formation of compassion for the heroes of the work.

Preliminary work:

Reading the works of KI Chukovsky, viewing illustrations, organizing a mini-library "Books of KI Chukovsky" in the group.


1.Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky

2.Map "Treasures"

3. Illustrations for fairy tales : "Stolen Sun", "Confusion", "Fluttering Fly"

Items : dressing gown ("Doctor Aibolit"), saucers, iron ("Fedorino grief"), soap, toothbrush ("Moidodyr"), toy cockroach ("Cockroach"), telephone "Telephone".

4. Matches

5. Beacon light

6. Chest with gold ducats, books by KI Chukovsky.

7. Multi-colored hint marks.


1. Educator-leader

2. Fedora

Course of the lesson

The teacher brings a bright box to the group.

Guys, today we received such an amazing package, but it's not clear who it was from, nothing is written on the box.

Who do you think it might be from?

How do we know who she is from? (open it and see).

Let's open it up and see what's in it. (Takes out illustrations and objects from the tales of K.I. Chukovsky).

Some objects, pictures, I don’t understand anything.

Guys, there's a note here. Now I’ll read it to you, and you listen carefully, if it’s some kind of hint.

Small children!

No way

Don't go to Africa

Walk to Africa!

Sharks in Africa

In Africa gorillas

In Africa, large

Angry crocodiles

They will bite you

To beat and offend, -

Don't go kids

Walk to Africa.

Guys, what fairy tale are these words from? (Barmaley).

Who wrote this tale? (Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky).

And who is Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky? (This is a famous children's writer. He wrote many interesting fairy tales for children).

So it was Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky who sent us the package. And these objects and pictures from his fairy tales. Let's call these fairy tales then! I will show you objects and pictures, and you will name which fairy tale they are from.

Guys, it seems there is something else in the package (pulls out a treasure map).

Have you ever thought about finding a treasure? (Answers of children). Would you like to go on a treasure hunt?

Then I invite you to go on a journey through the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Guys, but the road will be very difficult, there will be a lot of obstacles. And only if we are friendly, we help each other, then we will surely cope with all the obstacles, and the treasure map sent by Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky will help us in this.

You don't feel like someone is crying. (Fyodor enters.)

Grandma, what happened, why are you crying?

Fedor: Oh, trouble, trouble

Trouble in broad daylight

The pillow left me

The sheet has slipped away, and the dishes

She ran away from me.

Educator : I seem to recognize this grandmother, and you?
Children : This is Fyodor's grandmother from a fairy tale
"Fedorin's grief". The guys prepared for us a staging of an excerpt from KI Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fedorin's grief". Let's get a look.

Fedor :

"Oh, you are my poor orphans,

The irons and pans are mine!
You go home unwashed
I will wash you with water.
I will brush you with sand
I will pump you with boiling water,
And you will be again,
Shine like the sun.
And I will lead the filthy cockroaches,
I will sweep the Prusaks and spiders! "

Rolling pin: "I feel sorry for Fedor."

Cup: "Oh, she's a poor thing!"

Saucer: "We ought to come back!"

Irons: "We are not enemies to Fedora!"


"I won't, I won't
I offend the dishes,
I will, I will be dishes
And love and respect! "


"Well, Fedora, so be it,
We are glad to forgive you! "


"I forgive Fedorushka,
I treat you to sweet tea.
Eat, eat, Fedora Yegorovna! "

Fedor : For the fact that you immediately learned from what fairy tale I am, I will give you a tip-hint.

Fedora leaves.

Educator: We got one clue. Now we know where to go. Forward, for me, for treasures!

Music sounds. Doctor Aibolit enters.

Dr. Aibolit: Hello children!

Do you know which fairy tale I am from?

Children: Yes, this is Doctor Aibolit!

Dr. Aibolit: I am the same Aibolit,

That will heal everyone, heal!

But I did not meet you in order to put thermometers on everyone: Tanya, Katya, Petit, Vova -

Here, I hope everyone is healthy?

Children: Healthy!

Dr. Aibolit: Where will you go, my friends?

Children explain the purpose of the trip.

Dr. Aibolit: I'm sorry, but I can't let you go.

Educator: How is it, Doctor Aibolit? Why?

Dr. Aibolit: I need to make sure all children are healthy and strong. How do you eat? Are you exercising?

Children answer the questions of Dr. Aibolit.

Educator: And now we will show you and tell you.

A motor-speech game "Robin-Bobin-Barabek" is held.

Dr. Aibolit: Well done! Here's the next tip, I would love to continue the journey, but I can't. I received a telegram (reads):

"A terrible chickenpox started on the Chunga-Changa island." I urgently need to go there!


Doctor Aibolit leaves.

Educator: Look what I have in my pocket (pulls out a matchbox).

Appeals to children:

Do you like to play with matches?

Let's light the matches now?

Children say that matches should not be lit because there could be a fire!

Educator: Well, okay, they convinced me, when I was little, they read me a fairy tale about how chanterelles set the sea on fire, but I just can't remember its name.

Children call a fairy tale"Confusion".

Educator: Exactly, exactly!

For the fact that you have correctly named the tale, I give you a tip-hint.

Guys, let's take a look at the map so as not to get lost. What's next? (Book).

And this, Korney Ivanovich, wants to check whether we know his tales well.

Now I will ask you questions, and you must answer them. Whoever answers first will receive a chip (sticker). The main rule is not to shout out and you need to listen carefully to the answers of your comrades!

Literary quiz:

What happened?
Why is everything around
Spun, spun
And rushed the wheel? "
Answer: from the fairy tale "Moidodyr".

Educator: Well, okay, we had a rest and on our way, in search of treasures.

Well done! Here's another trick for you.

Educator: Guys, we have forgotten something, because KI Chukovsky wrote not only fairy tales, poetry, but what else?

Children: Puzzles!

Barmaley: Now let's listen to the riddles written by K.I. Chukovsky.

Children make riddles of K.I. Chukovsky.

The wise man sees the wise man in him

A fool is a fool

A ram is a ram

She sees a sheep in him,

And a monkey is a monkey.

But then they brought Fedya Baratov to him

And Fedya saw a shaggy slob.


Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk



No wheels!

What a wonderful locomotive!

Has he lost his mind -

I went straight by the sea!


There was a white house

Wonderful home

And something pounded in him.

And he crashed, and from there

A living miracle ran out -

So warm, so

Fluffy and golden

(egg and chicken)

Scarlet doors

In my cave,

White beasts

Sit at the door

And meat and bread -

All my loot

I gladly give to these animals

(mouth and teeth)

Educator: Thanks. Well done boys.

A light is lit - a beacon.

Educator: And what kind of light is that, follow me!

Children, together with the teacher, come to the beacon. The teacher offers to look for treasures.

Children find a chest.

Educator: Treasures, how I love treasures!

Opens the chest, takes out "golden ducats" (candy in the form of coins), rejoices.

I love gold!

But I realized while you and I were traveling that not all the treasure that glitters. And there is even better gold and treasure.

He takes a book by K.I. Chukovsky out of the chest and gives it to the children.

Love the book, because it is the best friend! And let not only today, but always the book will be your first friend!

Used Books:

1. "Educator of a preschool educational institution" No. 3 2012, LLC "Creative Center" Sphere "

2. KI Chukovsky Collection of poems and fairy tales "Miracle tree" 1985 Kiev "Veselka"

3. N.L. Vadchenko and N.V. Khotkina "ABC and Fairy Tales, Riddles and Hints, Encyclopedia for

preschoolers "1998" Labyrinth-K "Moscow

Small children!

No way

Don't go to Africa

Walk to Africa!

Sharks in Africa

In Africa gorillas

In Africa, large

Angry crocodiles

They will bite you

To beat and offend, -

Don't go kids

Walk to Africa.

Literary quiz:

1. What was the name of the grandmother from whom all the dishes ran away? (Fedora).

2. What was the name of the evil robber who lived in Africa? (Barmaley).

3. Who saved Mukha - Tsokotukha from the villainous spider? (Mosquito)

4. What was the name of doctor Aibolit's sister? Answer: Barbara.

5. In this poem, the chickens grunt, and the cats grunt? Answer: "Confusion".

6. Who freed the sun in the story "The Stolen Sun"? Answer: Bear.

7. Who swallowed the sun in the story "The Stolen Sun"? Answer: Crocodile.

8. To whom were Tanya and Vanya captured in Africa? Answer: To Barmaley.

9. Who defeated the villain in the tale "Cockroach"? (Sparrow).

10. From which tale is this passage:
What happened?
Why is everything around
Spun, spun
And rushed the wheel? "
Answer: from the fairy tale "Moidodyr".

Motor-speech game "Robin-Bobin-Barabek".

Robin Bobin Barabek - children marching

Eaten forty people - shake their head, palms to their cheeks

Both the cow and the bull - hands are spread to the right, to the left

And a crooked butcher - tilts of the body to the right, to the left

Both the cart and the arc - the body bends forward, backward

Both broom and poker - imitation of movements

Eat church, eat house, shake their head,

And a forge with a blacksmith - palms to cheeks

And then he says: - spread your arms to the sides

"My stomach hurts." - show your hands on your stomach.

Branch of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the kindergarten "Berezka" of the Zernogradsky district - kindergarten "Kolobok"

Abstract of GCD

for reading fiction

in the older group

"Travel to a poetic tale"

Prepared by: teacher of the senior group "Fairy Tale" N.A. Cherenok

NS. Path of Truth

2017 Nov.

Software content:

    to consolidate the knowledge of the poetic tales of K.I. Chukovsky "Mukha-Tsokotukha", "Moidodyr", "Ayblit";

    teach to remember and tell the plot of a fairy tale;

    to consolidate the ability of children to transmit by voice the speech intonations of various characters;

    develop imagination;

    development of interest, curiosity;

    foster desire, read excerpts of poetry, participate in literary dramatization;

    cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other.

Equipment: screen, dolls of the Hare, Bunny, Bear; illustrations for fairy tales; pictures of characters and objects from fairy tales; a box with items for fairy tales, a basket of apples; A4 sheets, pencils according to the number of children.

Preliminary work : reading poetic literary tales of K.I., Chukovsky; memorizing excerpts from fairy tales; viewing illustrations.

Course of the lesson:

V .: Guys, we already know a lot of fairy tales. But fairy tales are different. Let's remember some of them.

Game "Guess the fairy tale" (with a ball) - (the teacher says the essence of the tale, and the children say the name )

Fox took away the house from the Hare - "Zayushkina hut"

Animals found a house in the field - "Teremok"

The girl was looking for a brother who was stolen by birds - "Geese - Swans"

The girl got into the house, in which there were only three - "Three Bears"

The brother did not listen to his sister and drank from a puddle - "sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

V.: And there are also poetic tales where everything is told in verse. You know them too.

And now we will go on a journey through poetic fairy tales. And a magic feather will help us in this: (touches the children)

Well, then it's time to quietly

We take our places,

Into the world of magical adventures

The journey to begin ...


Q: Who is it knocking(appears on the screen of the Hare and cries):

Q: Who are you? Why are you crying?

A.Z .: Ay, ay! My boy, my bunny got hit by a tram! He was running along the path and his legs ran over.

And now he is sick and lame, my little rabbit!

Q: Guys! We must help the Hare. Who can cure Bunny?

Children: Doctor Aibolit.

Q: Who will be Aibolit? Who remembers the words of Aibolit? (chooses a child, puts on a doctor's gown)

Child: It doesn't matter! Give it to me here.

I'll sew him new legs

He will run down the path again!

(takes a bunny, "heals" and returns the Hare)

V.: And they brought a bunny to him,

Such a sick, lame,

And the doctor sewed his legs on.

And the bunny jumps again.

And with him the mother hare

She also went to dance.

And she laughs and shouts:

"Well, thank you, Aibolit!"

Q: Let's all remember together who wrote this wonderful tale in verse? (children answer)

That's right, these are the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky. Let's all together recall the lines from the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit". I will read the beginning of the line, and you continue.

Game "Say a word"

Good doctor ………. (Aibolit)!

He is under the tree ...…… .. (sitting)

Come to him for treatment

And the cow, and …………… .. (she-wolf).

And the bug, and ...…………… (worm),

And the bear

Heal everyone, heal

Kind ………………… (Doctor Aibolit)!

Q: Guys! We not only helped the Hare and her son. But we also remembered the poetic tale of K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit".

(Hare appears again)

A.Z.: But that you helped me, I will help you. Here's a magic envelope that will help you remember other Chukovsky's tales. (leaves)

Q: Let's see! Here are riddles and pictures.

Let's solve these riddles and we will find you will find characters from these fairy tales:

1.Long, long crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

With pies and pancakes

And dried mushrooms. ("Confusion")

Q: Let's find the characters from this fairy tale: only some will look for the naughty, and others for the obedient.

(children are looking)

Game "Find the obedient and naughty heroes of the fairy tale"

    I want to drink some tea

I run up to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me

I ran away as if from fire ... ("Moidodyr")

Q: Now let's find characters and items

from this tale.

"Find characters and objects from a fairy tale game"

    Long, long kissed

And she caressed them,

Watered, washed,

She rinsed them ... ("Fedorin's grief")

Q: And here, let's put the pictures for this fairy tale in the correct order.

Game "Decompose pictures according to a fairy tale"

    But worm beetles


In the corners, along the cracks



Under the sofas

And the goats

Under the benches

And the insects under the bed -

Do not want to fight! ("Fly Tsokotukha")

V.: Let's play a game and remember what the heroes of this Chukovsky fairy tale were

Game "Opposite words" (with a ball)

Beetles are cowardly, and a mosquito is ... (brave)

The fly is good, and the spider ... (evil)

The fly cries, and the spider .. (grins)

V .: Well done! So many fairy tales have been remembered, so many fairy-tale heroes have been found!


Q: Who else has come to visit us?

A bear cub appears on the screen:

I brought a package to you from the fairy forest, only you have to guess what lies there.

Q: well, guys, let's try? (children answer)

Game "Guess the object from the fairy tale"

(The bear asks questions, and the children guess, the teacher takes out the objects)

In the box is a favorite crocodile delicacy from the fairy tale "Telephone".

What's this? (Galosh)

In the box is what the crocodile swallowed in the fairy tale "Moidodyr".

What's this? (Sponge)

In the box is what the butterfly was treated to in the fairy tale "Fly-tsokotukha".

What's this? (Jam)

In the box is what the doctor used to treat the hippos in the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit".

What's this? (Chocolate)

In the box is what the mosquitoes were riding in the fairy tale "Cockroach".

What's this? (Balloon)

Bear: Well done! Here's a treat from our fairy forest! (hands over a basket of apples to the teacher)

V .: Thank you, Mishka!

Guys, did you enjoy our trip? (children answer) let's go back now. Where is my magic feather? (touches children and says words with him)

Well, then it's time to quietly

We take our places,

Into the world of magical adventures

The journey to begin ...

So our journey through the wonderful poetic tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. You know very well the tales of this amazing author.

And so that we remember our fabulous journey, let's draw characters from the fairy tales that we remembered with you.

Children draw to the music)

V .: Well done! We will make an exhibition of your drawings. Now let's treat ourselves to wonderful apples from the fairy forest!

The group includes the Old Man-Lesovichok, greets the children.
Old Man-Lesovichok:I have come to you from afar. Guess where I live?
The house is open from all sides,
It is covered with a carved roof,
Come to the green house
You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

Guys, have any of you ever been in the forest?
Did you enjoy being there? Let's go to the forest now! What is the air in the forest?
What sounds do you hear? (Birdsong)
Yes, not only birds live in the forest, but also animals. Do you know which ones? Here the hare galloped, but the wolf walks in its wake. The bear lay down to rest. But our beauty of the forest went hunting.

Lesovichok: You know, in my forest, there are no miracles. Yesterday Lisa left such a wonderful book. I brought it for you. Let's take a look at it. What do you see on the cover? Who is depicted on it? Pay attention to the title! What letters do you see? Let's read the title of the book together. That's right guys, our book is called "Lisichkin Bread". This is a story written by the writer M. Prishvin.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of M. Prishvin. Over the years of his life, he was a hunter, agronomist, teacher. M. Prishvin wrote many books for children and adults. He talked a lot about animals and nature. In the books, M. Prishvin reveals something important, close to every person. Why do you think he paid much attention to nature? (portrait of M. Prishvin in the presentation).
And today we will get acquainted with the work of M. Prishvin, and the story is called "Fox's bread".
Shows a picture showing an illustration from a book.
-In the story you will meet unfamiliar and incomprehensible words. Let's get to know them, find out what they mean, so that you understand the story.

The old Lesovichok introduces children to the interpretation of these words.
The crest is a diminutive word for crest, meaning a protruding tuft of hair or feathers (in the frontal part of the head).
Kopulya is an affectionate word meaning kopushu, a person who fiddles, gets together for a long time.
Prey is a prey that fell either to a hunter or to a predatory animal.
She was stunned - surprised, gasped, puzzled.

I wonder why M. Prishvin named his story that way? Then listen.

Old Man-Lesovichok: Did you like the story? What bird is the author talking about? What mushrooms and berries did he bring to Zinochka?
What does the author say about pine resin? What names of herbs do you remember? What did Zinochka see under the hare cabbage? What did the hunter call this bread? Why does Zinochka's “chanterelle bread” taste better than usual? Why did the writer call his story that way? Why do you think the writer told us this story?
Is bread good for you? Is it useful? Do you know the proverbs about bread?
Lesovichok: Well done, what you are! Now, guys, let's play one game. And I will test you, how you remember this story!

Game "Truth - untruth" (Children guess where is the truth, and where is the lie in the statements).

The narrator spent the whole day in the forest and returned home in the evening with a rich booty?
- Did he catch a bear in the forest?
- Did the hunter tell Zinochka about the black grouse?
-Told about the titmouse, showed her that she was gray, with a tuft.
- He also brought with him a fragrant lump of pine resin, gave the girl a sniff and said that trees are treated with this resin.
- Was there a piece of loaf under the hare cabbage?
- And Zinochka, when she saw a loaf under the hare cabbage, and cried.
- Did the fox give her bread?
- Did Zinochka eat this bread? She believed that the bread is fox?
Let’s warm up with you now. Let's go for a walk in the woods.
Physical education

We walked through the forest and have a little rest. Let's get up, take a deep breath. Hands to the sides, forward, miracles in our world: Children have become dwarfsand then everyone stood up together, we became giants,
Clap together, stamp our feet! Well we took a walk
and not at all tired!
Lesovichok: Guys, do you like theater? And I love the passion. Come on, we will turn into actors and try to play out the plot from the story. Let's take the plot in which Zinochka found fox bread. Who wants to try prank first?
Okay, I liked the way you played, as if you had been to the theater.

Guys, do you understand what M. Prishvin wants to tell us in this story? (That grandfather cheated and taught Zinochka to eat bread)
Did you like this story? What new have you learned? And would you like to get acquainted with the works of M.M. Prishvin? Okay, next time I will come to you with a new story. And now the time has come for me to say goodbye to you. Did you like our meeting? What new piece have you learned? What have we remembered today?
I have prepared a surprise for you - a basket of cones! Joke! For being so savvy and quick-witted, here are gifts from me, Old Man-Lesovichka.

Goodbye, see you soon!

Svetlana Merenkova
Abstract for reading fiction

Abstract for reading fiction in the preparatory group for school theme: K. Ushinsky "Blind horse".

Target: Leading children to understand the moral meaning of the work.


Develop the ability of children to listen to a work, consistently transmit literary text, the ability to express their attitude to the events of the tale. Stimulate the development of the child's initiative and independence in verbal communication with adults and peers; to consolidate the ability to form possessive adjectives; develop auditory attention; enrich and revitalize children's vocabulary.

Strengthen the ability of children to do crafts in a way "Cutting off" while maintaining the desired shape of the subject; develop fine motor skills and hand coordination.

Form positive in children quality: kindness, honesty, responsiveness; understanding of the norms and rules of conduct; cultivate love for "To our smaller brothers", cause a desire to come to their aid; expand the horizons of children.

Dictionary work.

Rohatyn, bridle, three measures, to be ill, sick, prince, eavesdropper, unanimously.

Preliminary work.

Reading works of K... Ushinsky, preparing a story with children about

KD Ushinsky, selection of proverbs about kindness, friendship, honesty, exhibition of books by K. Ushinsky.


Portrait and exhibition of books by K. D. Ushinsky, blank outlines of horses, colored paper, glue, threads, hearts from colored paper with a proverb "Look for a friend, but you will find, take care", collage Horse farm.

Visual, verbal, practical.

Show, riddles, verbal communication, encouragement, question, messages about the author.

OD move.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, look at what has appeared in our group. What's this?

(This is a magic box)

What do you think is in it? (Answers of children)

Listen to the riddle.

They have white sheets,

Lots of black letters.

They are important to people

The guys should know them.

If you know the letters

And hear at the same hour

fascinating story.

You will find out how old

The sun gives us its light.

Why are there flowers in the spring

And in winter the fields are empty.

You will recognize your native land.

Peaceful, strong and big.

This is a good friend to us

Read it - you will find out for yourself!

So what is it? (Books)

(I take a book out of the box.)

2. Insert of K. Ushinsky's books.

So on our insert, which we ourselves have compiled, let's go to it, there are many different books, works. What do all these books have in common?

Guys, did you find out who it is?

(Examination of the portrait of K. D. Ushinsky)

3. The story about KD Ushinsky

Today our boys have prepared a story about Ushinsky. Let's listen to them carefully.

Many years ago in the city of Tula. that not far from Moscow, was born Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky... His father was an officer, his mother was a housewife, was engaged in raising children. From childhood, Kostya was a very inquisitive and diligent boy. He studied well and excellently.

After school, he entered Moscow University and became a teacher. Konstantin Dmitrievich worked as a teacher in Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, and even abroad. He had dream: to teach young children to read and write in a way that is easy and interesting for them. Konstantin Dmitrievich began to compose interesting stories for children, fairy tales, riddles.

Guys, what works of KD Ushinsky do you know? Who are these works about?

Well done. What a big and interesting exhibition, how many interesting books. And I want to add another book to our exhibition. Who will it talk about, guess:

Whose tail is there and whose mane is there,

Like flying in the wind?

Playfully under the hooves

Sparks shine brightly ...

He galloped over and immediately disappeared!

How he fell through the ground!

Who is this! Here's a riddle ...

This is frisky (Horse).

Children, and what animal is the horse? (Homemade).

Didactic game "Whose is this?"

(Formation of possessive adjectives)

And this is the head (whose)- horse head

muzzle (whose)- horse muzzle

ears (whose)- horse ears

eyes (whose)- horse eyes

torso (whose)- horse torso

tail (whose)- horse tail

legs (whose)- horse legs

4. Reading a fairy tale K... Ushinsky "Blind horse".

And now I invite you to listen to the tale of K. D. Ushinsky "Blind horse".

(Reading a fairy tale) .

5. Vocabulary work.

Guys, have you come across any unfamiliar words in this work?

To be sick is to be sick.

The prince is the ruler of the city.

Unanimous - complete agreement in opinions and actions.

Rohatyn is a large stick with a fork at the end.

The bridle is a part of the harness - belts with bits and reins, put on the head of a harnessed animal.

Three measures - a measure - an old Russian unit of capacity for bulk solids.

Stem - the lower, hanging edge of the roof of a wooden house, hut, usually thatched.

Now you understand all the words?

(Answers of children).

6. physical education.

The horse is waiting for me on the road.

Beats a copt at the gate

Plays with a mane in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful.

I will jump quickly on the saddle -

I will not go, I will fly!

There, beyond the distant river

I will wave my hand to you.

7. Repeated reading a fairy tale K... Ushinsky "Blind Horse".

This is how many new words we have learned.

And now I invite you to listen again to the tale of K. Ushinsky "Blind horse".

Make yourself comfortable.

8. Conversation on the content.

Who is this tale about?

Who was the Wind for Ussedom Catch?

What happened to a merchant once?

Who saved Usedom?

What did the owner promise his horse?

Kept his word with Used?

How did it happen that Catch the Wind remained blind?

How did Catch the Wind feel? (loneliness)

How do you understand the word "loneliness"?

(This is when no one is around, when you feel bad and there is no one to help.)

How did the fairy tale end?

This is how we got a retelling of K. D. Ushinsky "Blind horse".

What did this tale teach you?

9. Proverbs about friendship, kindness.

Guys, who will read what is written on the board? (On the blackboard the word is FRIENDSHIP)

What proverbs about kindness, friendship, honesty do you know?

"Friendship is more valuable than money".

"Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow".

"Die yourself, but help your comrade".

"Friend is known in trouble".

10. Independent activities of children.

Guys, each of you has horses on the table. Let's turn them into fabulously beautiful with a lush mane. We will work with colored paper and thread. Then, when your horses are ready, we will place them in the large horse paddock that we have prepared in advance so that there will always be decent food for all horses.

Collage compilation Horse farm.

11. Reflection.

What is the name of the tale?

What does this tale teach us?

Guys, while you were working, I also remembered a very good one proverb: "Look for a friend, but you will find, take care!"

I want to give

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Image library:


To acquaint children with the work of S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?";

To acquaint with professions in the army.


  1. To form the ability of children to analyze a literary work, to express their opinion about what they read.
  2. Continue work to build interest in the book.
  3. Strengthen the ability to answer questions with a full sentence.
  4. Form a positive attitude towards poetry.
  5. Encourage children to actively participate in the conversation.
  6. Enrich and revitalize the vocabulary.
  7. To foster love for their homeland, a sense of pride in the Russian Army.
  8. To develop the cognitive activity of children.
  9. Develop the ability to work together.

Methods and techniques:

  • Practical: game, physical education.
  • Visual: show, demonstration.
  • Verbal: conversation, explanation, artistic word.

Materials and equipment: postal parcel, S. Mikhalkov's book "What do you have?", illustrations depicting representatives of different professions.

Preliminary work: Conversation about professions. Examining illustrations. Didactic games.

1. Motivational target orientation

Dear Guys! Today, on my way to work, I met the postman. He gave me this postal parcel. And he said that this is for children of the middle group, that is, for you.

What do you think is in it? (Answers of children.)

Do you want to open it? (Answers of children.)

We open the parcel, it contains the book by S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

Let's read the poem of the famous Russian poet S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?" (Show portrait.)

2. Reading the work of S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

Conversation with children about the read work.

Did you like the poem?

What professions are mentioned in the work?

What is the most important profession in your opinion?

What do your relatives do?

What profession do you dream of? Why?

What qualities do you think will help you master this profession? (Answers of children.)

You are right, guys, in order to master any profession, a person must be healthy, strong, smart, dexterous, enduring, and you need to prepare for your future profession from early childhood, so I suggest you

a little physical education.

Physical education

Come on, don't be lazy!

Hands up and hands down.

Come on, don't be lazy!

Do the sweeps sharper, sharper,

Train your shoulders better. (Both straight arms are raised up, jerkly lower the arms and put them behind the back, then jerk them up and back.)

Body to the right, body to the left -

We need to stretch our back.

We will make turns.

And help with your hands. (Turns the body to the sides.)

I stand on one leg

And I will adjust the other.

And now alternately.

I will raise my knees. (Take turns raising the legs bent at the knees as high as possible.)

Rested, refreshed.

And they sat down again. (The children sit down.)

3. Conversation about military professions

And now I suggest you visit the exhibition.

Who do you think is drawn in this picture? (Sailor.)

How did you guess that this is a sailor? (A cap with a ribbon, a striped vest, a sailor's collar.)

I am showing an illustration with a picture of a pilot. I draw your attention to the green color of the clothes and the helmet. Next, we consider the border guard. Viewing pictures also comes with conversation questions.

These pictures depict the military who defend their people, their Motherland, Fatherland from enemies. This is our army. Every nation, every country has an army. The military is also called the Defenders of the Fatherland

What is the name of our country? (Children's answers.) That's right, Russia.

Russia also has an army. And she more than once defended her people from invaders.

Guys, maybe you know some other military professions ? (Artillerymen, tankers, missilemen, soldiers.)

Guys, do you think women can be defenders of the Fatherland? Today women can be found in the ranks of the armed forces. Most often they work as doctors and nurses. But there are other military professions where women are employed, for example: radio operators, communications dispatchers, etc.

4. Outdoor game "Airplanes"

All game movements must be shown before the game. Children stand on one side of the playground. The teacher says “Ready to fly. Start the engines! " Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. After the signal "Fly!" spread their arms to the sides and scatter around the hall. At the signal "Landing!" the players go to their side of the court.

5. Reflection

- What did we do today?

- What did you like the most?

- And what do you think, do we need all professions? (Answers of children.)

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1. The role of fiction in the speech development of children

2. Methods of reading and telling a work of art in the classroom

3. The structure of classes to familiarize children with the genres of prose and poetry

4. Methodology for preliminary and final conversations with children on the content of a work of art

5. Features of the methods of familiarization with fiction in different age groups




Fiction is a powerful effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children, which has a tremendous impact on the development and enrichment of speech. She enriches emotions, fosters imagination, gives the child wonderful examples of the Russian literary language.

These patterns are different in their effect: in stories, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in verses they catch the musical melodiousness, the rhythm of Russian speech, in folk tales, the lightness and expressiveness of the language, the richness of speech with humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons are revealed in front of children. Fiction evokes interest in the personality and inner world of the hero. Humane feelings awaken in children - the ability to show participation, kindness, protest against injustice.

The object of work is fiction in kindergarten.

Subject - features of classes on familiarization with fiction in kindergarten.

The goal is to study and analyze the features of classes for acquaintance with fiction in kindergarten.

Assigned tasks:

Analyze the role of fiction in the speech development of children;

To study the technique of reading and telling a work of art in the classroom;

Consider the structure of classes to familiarize children with the genres of prose and poetry;

To study the methodology of preliminary and final conversations with children on the content of a work of art;

Analyze the peculiarities of the methods of familiarization with fiction in different age groups.

1. The role of fiction in the speech development of children

The impact of fiction on the mental and aesthetic development of a child is well known. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of a preschooler.

Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, and gives excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic value is enormous, since, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around him, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to subtly feel the form and rhythm of the native language.

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life.

A literary work appears before the child in the unity of content and artistic form. The perception of a literary work will be full only if the child is prepared for it. And for this, it is necessary to draw the attention of children not only to the content, but also to the expressive means of the language of a fairy tale, story, poem and other works of fiction.

Gradually, children develop an inventive attitude to literary works, and an artistic taste is formed.

In older preschool age, preschoolers are able to understand the idea, content and expressive means of language, to realize the wonderful meaning of words and phrases. All subsequent acquaintance with the vast literary heritage will be based on the foundation that we lay in preschool childhood.

The problem of perceiving literary works of different genres by preschool children is complex and multifaceted. The child goes a long way from naive participation in the depicted events to more complex forms of aesthetic perception. Researchers drew attention to the characteristic features of preschoolers' understanding of the content and artistic form of literary works. This is, first of all, the concreteness of thinking, a small life experience, a direct relationship to reality. Therefore, it is emphasized that only at a certain stage of development and only as a result of purposeful perception is it possible to form aesthetic perception, and on this basis - the development of children's artistic creativity.

The culture of speech is a multifaceted phenomenon, its main result is the ability to speak in accordance with the norms of the literary language; this concept includes all elements that contribute to the accurate, clear and emotional transmission of thoughts and feelings in the process of communication. The correctness and communicative expediency of speech are considered the main stages of mastering the literary language.

The development of figurative speech must be considered in several directions: as work on the mastery of children with all aspects of speech (phonetic, lexical, grammatical), the perception of various genres of literary and folklore works and as the formation of the linguistic design of an independent coherent statement. Works of fiction and oral folk art, including small literary forms, are the most important sources for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech.

The most important sources for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and oral folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, rhymes, phraseological units).

The educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance of folklore is enormous, since, expanding knowledge about the surrounding reality, it develops the ability to subtly feel the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language.

In the younger group, familiarization with fiction is carried out with the help of literary works of different genres. At this age, it is necessary to teach children to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, as well as to follow the development of the action in a fairy tale, to sympathize with positive heroes.

Younger preschoolers are especially attracted by poetic works, which are distinguished by clear rhyme, rhythm, and musicality. With repeated reading, children begin to memorize the text, assimilate the meaning of the poem and are affirmed in a sense of rhyme and rhythm. The child's speech is enriched with the words and expressions that he remembers.

In the middle group, children continue to familiarize themselves with fiction. The teacher fixes the attention of children not only on the content of a literary work, but also on some features of the language. After reading the work, it is very important to correctly formulate the questions in order to help children isolate the main thing - the actions of the main characters, their relationships and actions. A correctly posed question makes the child think, reflect, come to the right conclusions and at the same time notice and feel the artistic form of the work.

In the older group, children are taught to notice expressive means when perceiving the content of literary works. Older children are able to more deeply comprehend the content of a literary work and realize some of the features of the artistic form that expresses the content. They can distinguish between genres of literary works and some specific features of each genre.

2. Methods of reading and telling a work of art in the classroom

The method of working with a book in kindergarten has been researched and disclosed in monographs, methodological and teaching aids.

Let us briefly dwell on the methods of acquaintance with fiction.

The main methods are as follows:

1. Reading the teacher from a book or by heart. This is a verbatim transmission of the text. The reader, keeping the language of the author, conveys all the shades of the writer's thoughts, influences the mind and feelings of the listeners. A significant part of literary works is read from the book.

2. The teacher's story. This is a relatively free transfer of text (possible permutations of words, their replacement, interpretation). Storytelling offers great opportunities for attracting the attention of children.

3. Staging. This method can be seen as a means of secondary familiarization with works of art.

4. Learning by heart. The choice of the method of transmission of the work (reading or narration) depends on the genre of the work and the age of the listeners.

Traditionally, in the methodology of developing speech, it is customary to distinguish two forms of working with a book in kindergarten: reading and telling fiction and memorizing poems in the classroom and the use of literary works and works of oral folk art outside classes, in various activities.

Methods of artistic reading and storytelling in the classroom.

Types of activities:

1. Reading and reciting one sentence.

2. Reading several works, united by a single theme (reading poems and stories about spring, about the life of animals) or by the unity of images (two fairy tales about a chanterelle). You can combine works of the same genre (two stories with moral content) or several genres (riddle, story, poem). In such classes, new and already familiar material is combined.

3. Combining works belonging to different types of art:

a) reading a literary work and examining reproductions from a painting by a famous artist;

b) reading (better than poetry) in combination with music.

4. Reading and storytelling using visual material:

a) reading and telling with toys (the repeated telling of the fairy tale "Three Bears" is accompanied by a show of toys and actions with them);

b) table theater (cardboard or plywood, for example, based on the tale "The Turnip");

c) puppet and shadow theater, flannelgraph;

d) filmstrips, transparencies, films, television broadcasts.

5. Reading as part of a speech development lesson:

a) it can be logically related to the content of the lesson (in the process of talking about the school, reading poetry, making riddles);

b) reading can be an independent part of the lesson (repeated reading of poetry or a story as reinforcement of the material).

In the lesson methodology, such issues as preparation for the lesson and methodological requirements for it, conversation about what has been read, re-reading, and the use of illustrations should be highlighted.

Preparation for the lesson includes the following points:

* a reasonable choice of a work in accordance with the developed criteria (artistic level and educational value), taking into account the age of children, current educational and educational work with children and the time of year, as well as the choice of methods of working with a book;

* definition of program content - literary and educational tasks;

* preparation of the teacher for reading the work. It is necessary to read the work so that the children understand the main content, idea and emotionally experience what they have listened to (feel it).

For this purpose, it is required to conduct a literary analysis of the literary text: to understand the main idea of ​​the author, the nature of the characters, their relationship, the motives of their actions.

Next comes the work on the expressiveness of the transmission: mastering the means of emotional and figurative expressiveness (basic tone, intonation); placement of logical accents, pauses; development of correct pronunciation, good diction.

The preliminary work includes the preparation of children. First of all, preparation for the perception of a literary text, for understanding its content and form. For this purpose, it is possible to activate the personal experience of children, enrich their ideas by organizing observations, excursions, viewing pictures, illustrations.

Explaining unfamiliar words is a mandatory technique that ensures a full-fledged perception of the work. It is necessary to explain the meaning of those words, without understanding which the main meaning of the text, the nature of the images, the actions of the characters becomes unclear. The explanations are different: substitution of another word while reading prose, selection of synonyms; the use of words or phrases by the teacher before reading, during the acquaintance of children with the picture; a question for children about the meaning of the word, etc.

The methodology for conducting classes in art reading and storytelling and its construction depend on the type of lesson, the content of the literary material and the age of the children. The structure of a typical activity can be divided into three parts. In the first part, an acquaintance with the work takes place, the main goal is to provide children with a correct and vivid perception through the artistic word. In the second part, a conversation about what has been read is conducted in order to clarify the content and literary and artistic form, means of artistic expression. In the third part, repeated reading of the text is organized in order to consolidate the emotional impression and deepen what was perceived.

Conducting a lesson requires creating a calm environment, a clear organization of children, an appropriate emotional atmosphere.

Reading may be preceded by a short introductory conversation, preparing children for perception, connecting their experience, current events with the topic of the work.

Such a conversation may include a short story about the writer, a reminder of his other books already familiar to the children. If the children are prepared for the perception of the book by the previous work, you can arouse their interest with the help of a riddle, a poem, a picture. Next, you need to name the work, its genre (story, fairy tale, poem), the name of the author.

Expressive reading, the interest of the teacher himself, his emotional contact with children increases the degree of influence of the artistic word. While reading, children should not be distracted from the perception of the text with questions, disciplinary remarks, it is enough to raise or lower the voice, a pause.

At the end of the lesson, you can re-read the work (if it is short) and examine the illustrations that deepen the understanding of the text, clarify it, and more fully reveal the artistic images.

The method of using illustrations depends on the content and form of the book, on the age of the children. The main principle is that showing an illustration should not violate the overall perception of the text.

A picture book can be given a few days before reading to generate interest in the text, or pictures are reviewed, organized after reading. If the book is divided into small chapters, illustrations are considered after each part. And only when reading a book of a cognitive nature, the picture is used at any time to visually explain the text. This will not disturb the unity of the impression.

One of the techniques for deepening the understanding of content and means of expression is repeated reading. Works of small size are repeated immediately after the initial reading, large ones require some time to comprehend. Further, it is possible to read only individual, most significant parts. It is advisable to re-read all this material after a certain period of time. Reading poetry, nursery rhymes, short stories is repeated more often.

Children love to listen to familiar stories and fairy tales over and over again. When repeating, it is necessary to accurately reproduce the original text. Familiar works can be incorporated into other speech development activities, literature and entertainment.

Thus, when acquainting preschoolers with fiction, different methods of forming a full-fledged perception of a work by children are used:

* expressive reading of the educator;

* conversation about what you read;

* repeated reading;

* viewing illustrations;

* explanation of unfamiliar words.

Reading books with moral content is of great importance. Through artistic images, they cultivate courage, a sense of pride and admiration for the heroism of people, sympathy, responsiveness, and a caring attitude towards loved ones. Reading these books is always accompanied by conversation. Children learn to evaluate the actions of the characters, their motives. The teacher helps children to comprehend the attitude towards the heroes, achieves an understanding of the main goal. With the correct formulation of questions, the child has a desire to imitate the moral actions of the heroes. The conversation should be about the actions of the characters, not about the behavior of the children in the group. The work itself by the power of the artistic image will have a greater impact than any moralization.

3. The structure of classes to familiarize children with the genres of prose and poetry

fiction reading speech

In special classes, the teacher can read to children or tell stories. He can read by heart or from a book.

One of the objectives of the activity is to teach the children to listen to the reader or storyteller. Only by learning to listen to someone else's speech, children acquire the ability to memorize its content and form, to assimilate the norm of literary speech.

For children of early and junior preschool age, the teacher mainly reads by heart (nursery rhymes, small poems, stories, fairy tales); to children of middle and senior preschool age, he reads from the book, quite significant in volume, poetic and prose tales, stories, novellas.

Only prose works are told - fairy tales, stories, stories. The teacher's memorization of works of art intended for reading to children and the development of expressive reading skills is an important part of the professional training of the teacher.

The lesson on familiarization with the work of art for children of different age levels is organized by the teacher in different ways: with young children, the teacher works individually or with groups of 2-6 people; a group of younger preschool children for listening to a reading or a teacher's story must be divided in half; in the middle and senior groups, they study simultaneously with all the children in the usual place for classes.

Before the lesson, the teacher prepares all the visual material that is supposed to be used during reading: toys, a dummy, a painting, a portrait, sets of books with illustrations for distribution to children, etc.

In order for reading or storytelling to be teaching, it is necessary to observe the same rule that was valid for pre-speech training of young children, that is, children should see the teacher's face, his articulation, facial expressions, and not just hear his voice. The teacher, reading from the book, must learn to look not only at the text of the book, but also from time to time at the faces of children, to meet their eyes, to monitor how they react to his reading. The ability to look at children while reading is given to the educator as a result of persistent training; but even the most experienced reader cannot read a work that is new to him "from sight", without preparation: before the lesson, the teacher analyzes the work intonationally ("narration reading") and trains in reading aloud.

In one lesson, one new work is read and one or two of those that the children have already heard before. Repeated reading of works in kindergarten is required. Children love to listen to already familiar stories, fairy tales and poems that they love. The repetition of emotional experiences does not impoverish perception, but leads to a better assimilation of the language and, consequently, to a deeper comprehension of the events and actions of the heroes. Already at a young age, children have favorite characters, works dear to them, and therefore they are pleased with every meeting with these characters.

The main rule of organizing a reading (storytelling) lesson for children is the emotional upliftment of the reader and listeners. The mood of elation is created by the educator: he carefully handles the book in front of the children, pronounces the author's name with respect, with a few introductory words arouses the kids' interest in what he is going to read or talk about. The colorful cover of a new book, which the teacher will show to the children before reading, can also be the reason for their increased attention.

The teacher reads the text of any literary work of prose or poem without interrupting himself (comments are allowed only when reading informative books). All words that may be difficult for children to understand should be explained at the beginning of the lesson.

Kids, of course, can not understand everything in the text of the work, but they must imbued with the feeling expressed in it by all means: they must feel joy, sadness, anger, pity, and then admiration, respect, joke, ridicule, etc. At the same time with the assimilation of feelings expressed in a work of art, children learn its language; this is the basic pattern of mastering speech and the development of linguistic instinct, or sense of language.

To teach children to listen to a work of fiction, to help them learn its content and emotional mood, the teacher must read expressively, in addition, he uses additional methodological techniques that develop children's listening, memorizing, and understanding skills. This is:

1) re-reading the entire text,

2) repeated reading of individual parts of it.

The reading may be accompanied by:

1) play actions of children;

2) subject visibility:

a) examining toys, dummies,

b) viewing illustrations,

c) attracting the attention of listeners to real objects;

3) verbal help:

a) comparison with a similar (or opposite) case from the life of children or from another work of art,

b) asking search questions after reading,

c) prompting, when children’s answers, words-epithets that summarize the essential feature of the image (brave, hardworking, loafer, kind, evil, decisive, courageous, etc.).

4. Methodology for preliminary and final conversations with children on the content of a work of art

Conversation on the work. This is a complex technique, often involving a number of simple techniques - both verbal and visual. There are an introductory (preliminary) conversation before reading and a short explanatory (final) conversation after reading. However, you should not make these techniques mandatory. Work on a work of art can proceed as follows.

After the first reading of a story (a poem, etc.), children are usually strongly impressed by what they have heard, exchange remarks, and ask to read more. The teacher maintains a casual conversation, resembles a series of vivid episodes, then reads the work a second time and examines the illustrations with the children. In younger and middle groups, such work on a new work is often enough.

The goals of the explanatory conversation are more varied. Sometimes it is important to focus the attention of children on the moral qualities of the heroes, on the motives of their actions.

In conversations, such questions should prevail, the answer to which would require motivation of assessments: why did the guys do the wrong thing by throwing hats on the ducklings? How did you like Uncle Styopa? Would you like to have such a friend and why?

In older groups, you need to draw the attention of children to the language of the work, include words and phrases from the text in the questions, use selective reading of poetic descriptions and comparisons.

As a rule, it is not necessary to reveal the plot, the sequence of actions of the characters in the course of a conversation, since in works for preschoolers they are quite simple. Excessively simple, monotonous questions do not evoke the work of thought and feeling.

It is necessary to use the method of conversation especially subtly and tactfully, without destroying the aesthetic impact of the literary sample. An artistic image always speaks better, more convincingly than all its interpretations and explanations. This should warn the teacher against engaging in conversation, from unnecessary explanations, and especially from moralizing conclusions.

In the classroom on fiction, technical teaching aids are also used. As a technique, listening in the recording of the artist's performance of a work (or fragment) familiar to children, recordings on a magnetic tape of children's reading can be used. Improves the quality of the educational process by showing transparencies, slides or short filmstrips on the plots of works.

5. Features of the methods of familiarization with fiction in different age groups

A work of art attracts a child not only with its vivid figurative form, but also with its semantic content. Older preschoolers, perceiving the work, can give a conscious, motivated assessment of the characters. Direct empathy for the heroes, the ability to follow the development of the plot, comparison of the events described in the work with those that he had to observe in life, help the child relatively quickly and correctly understand realistic stories, fairy tales, and by the end of preschool age - shape-shifters, fables. An insufficient level of development of abstract thinking makes it difficult for children to perceive such genres as fables, proverbs, riddles, and necessitates the help of an adult.

Children of senior preschool age, under the influence of the purposeful guidance of educators, are able to see the unity of the content of a work and its artistic form, find figurative words and expressions in it, feel the rhythm and rhyme of a poem, even remember the figurative means used by other poets.

The tasks of the kindergarten to familiarize children with fiction are built taking into account the age characteristics of aesthetic perception discussed above.

At present, in pedagogy, the term "artistic and speech activity of children" has been adopted to define speech activity that has a pronounced aesthetic orientation. In terms of its content, this is an activity related to the perception of literary works and their execution, including the development of the initial forms of verbal creativity (inventing stories and fairy tales, riddles, rhymed lines), as well as the imagery and expressiveness of speech.

The teacher forms in children the ability to perceive a literary work. Listening to a story (a poem, etc.), a child must not only assimilate its content, but also experience those feelings and moods that the author wanted to convey. It is also important to teach children to compare what they read (heard) with the facts of life.


The impact of fiction on the mental and aesthetic development of a child is well known. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of a preschooler. Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, and gives excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

Acquaintance with fiction includes a holistic analysis of the work, as well as the implementation of creative tasks, which has a beneficial effect on the development of poetic hearing, a sense of language and verbal creativity of children.

The art of the word reflects reality through artistic images, shows the most typical, comprehending and generalizing real life facts. This helps the child to learn about life, forms his attitude towards the environment. Artistic works, revealing the inner world of the heroes, make children worry, experience, like their own, the joys and sorrows of the heroes.

Kindergarten introduces preschoolers to the best works for children and on this basis solves a whole range of interrelated tasks of moral, mental, aesthetic education.

Researchers have found that preschoolers are capable of mastering poetic hearing and can understand the main differences between prose and poetry.

The teacher forms in children the ability to perceive a literary work. While listening to the story, the child must not only assimilate its content, but also experience those feelings and moods that the author wanted to convey. It is also important to teach children to compare what they read (heard) with the facts of life.


1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. Methodology for the development of speech and teaching the Russian language to preschoolers: Textbook. 2nd edition. M .; Academy, 2008.400 p.

2. Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech with children. Moscow: Education, 2004.220 p.

3. Gurovich L.M. Child and Book: A Book for a Kindergarten Teacher. Moscow: Education, 2002.64 p.

4. Loginova V.I., Maksakov A.I., Popova M.I. Speech development in preschool children: A guide for a kindergarten teacher. M .: Education, 2004.223 p.

5. Fedorenko L.P. Methodology for the development of speech in preschool children. M., Education, 2007.239 p.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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MOBU “SOSH s. Malinovo "SP kindergarten
Educator: Golozubova O. M.
Summary of a lesson on reading fiction in the preparatory group "S. Alekseev "First night battering ram"
S. Alekseev "The first night ram" (dedicated to the Great Patriotic War)
Tasks: to teach to highlight the main idea of ​​the story; develop coherent speech of children; the ability to answer questions with a complete answer; continue to work on enriching children's vocabulary; continue to improve the dialogical and monologue forms of speech; develop attention, thinking and memory; to foster respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, for the memory of the fallen soldiers.
Purpose: to deepen the knowledge of children about the Great Patriotic War.
Material and equipment: portrait of S. Alekseev, portrait of V. Talalikhin, illustrations.
Preliminary work: examining paintings and illustrations about the Great Patriotic War, reading poems and stories about the war, talking with children about the war, about the Day of the Great Victory.
Vocabulary work: battering ram, fascist, bomber, searchlight, enemy, ace, awards, trigger, motor, Talalikhin. Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive", "Physical development".
Course of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment:
Greetings. Providing the name of the area by the caregiver.
2. Motivation.
a) Reading a poem by a teacher.
How many of those heroes were
Whose names are unknown.
I took them with me forever,
To your own land, unknown, war.
b) Conversation

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