Where should you go to become an actress? Alexander Popylovsky, entrepreneur, teacher at the acting improvisation school-studio, improviser actor, presenter of trainings and educational programs. Is it worth studying to be an actor - the pros and cons of the profession

About acting career Not every guy, boy or man dreams. Often, male actors become such by pure chance, although many would gladly enter a theater university. Many people prefer theatrical performances to filming, but as you can understand from modern life, and we have enough movie actors!

What to do if you want to become an actor, where to go, what doors to knock on, whose thresholds to knock on and how to prepare? There are many questions, unfortunately, not everyone knows that you need to be born a real actor, although training brings great benefits. Let's figure out how to become an actor, roughly speaking, from scratch.

How to enter the acting world.

Becoming an actor requires years of training. Often, actors begin their “career” in childhood. First, they perform at all matinees and show something interesting to their relatives without embarrassment, then they continue to perform in school halls, often go to KVN, etc. What is necessary first of all to become an actor:

- take courses acting(these are the basic basics of this profession),

- Complete your studies at a theater university.

Thanks to this, you will not only understand where and how best to express yourself, how to play correctly, etc., you will be able to find people who will help you become an actor. However, it is very difficult to enter a theater university; some popular actors still have not received acting education, because They couldn’t get into drama school either the first, second or even third time. Admission to drama school - complicated thing, you need to go through everything qualifying rounds, and they are complex!

Although there are very few men who want to become actors, therefore the selection among men is special. It’s interesting that during auditions they most often ask to sing and dance in the same way. It is impossible to prepare a day before the audition; many people start working a year or two before admission!

1. Listening. Audition process:

- It is necessary to introduce yourself clearly, loudly and confidently;

— Most likely, you will be asked if you have studied theater before (with a teacher) and you should answer “No” even if this is not the case!

— You shouldn’t choose something sad and heartfelt, choose something that you can ideally tell by heart without blots, with expression. Also, choose a monologue that is more or less short, you are not alone at the audition, they won’t listen to you to the end anyway, and this is a minus;

— Choose the right image for your monologue. For example, you can often find big girls with pink ruffles that want to show off being Juliet. Agree, this is funny! Correctly assess your parameters and capabilities and wisely choose an outfit and makeup to match them (yes, men sometimes also have to “touch” makeup to create a complete look).

3. Selection. Most often, the selection takes place in three rounds and a competitive selection. Although you can jump straight to the finish line if the commission likes you.

What qualities should an actor have?

An actor is not just a specialty, a profession, it is a certain tireless rhythm of life. If you like to sleep a lot, walk a lot, etc., you will not become an actor. You need to work hard and forget about a relaxed life, then everything will work out. But let's find out what qualities you must have to become an actor:

- Pleasant appearance. Even the “bad heroes” in movies have a pleasant appearance. It is not necessary to be a handsome handsome man; it is enough to have an interesting, non-repulsive appearance;

— Charisma. First of all, people will notice a charismatic actor; they will want to see him in leading role;

- Charm. Interestingly, it is this quality that can replace your good appearance, i.e. if you are not far Beautiful face and your figure and charm will cancel this out and make you a favorite actor, such as Adriano Celentano;

- Light but strong spirit. This will help you survive in a difficult environment full of struggle for primacy;

- Sociability. It is very important to be sociable both on the path to becoming an actor and while working in this path in order to get more and more roles;

— Developed active facial expressions. Thanks to good facial expressions, you will be able to show real emotions on camera;

Good memory. It is necessary to develop memory in order to better remember roles; actors with a good memory are valued better, because... filming is easier and faster;

- Competent and clear speech. It is clear that the speech must be perfect so that everyone understands your remarks;

- Courage. Not every man can become an actor, many do not dare to speak in public, they are disturbed by cameras, etc.;

- Positivity. Thanks to positive attitude, you will be able to move through life with ease, assess the situation sensibly and react normally to certain changes in the shooting process.

If you have all these qualities, then you can definitely become an actor, the main thing is to try hard and achieve your goal. But remember that many actors become such by chance, without even trying to enter the acting department, they are simply noticed in the crowd, at a casting, where they come with friends, etc.

It’s no secret that every year a theater university is very big competition: there are hundreds of times more applicants than there are places. Some applicants fail the entrance audition for the first time, but there are experienced ones awaiting their fate - those who are already “storming” the school for the third or fourth time, wanting to enroll. But their persistence comes to an end and they decide for themselves that you can become an actor without acting education. Moreover, the history of cinema and theater proves the existence of such nuggets.

Relevant and desire become an actor without education as a teenager at 18 and make a name for yourself. These first steps in the film industry will help you better understand what the profession of an actor is, test yourself and gain your first experience of working on camera. If the results are positive, the desire to continue the acting profession may subsequently lead to entrance exams to a theater university, successfully enroll in it and receive a diploma upon graduation.

Why get vocational education

And if everything is so simple and there is no reason to be a student at a theater university for several years, then why even waste time and money being listed as a student, you ask.

Of course, you can be 1000 times charming and photogenic, easily make others laugh and be a great storyteller, but this is not enough for a large audience and you cannot win in front of other actors and actresses.

To be authentic in any role, to get used to your character, to interact with your scene partner, to understand the work of the film crew - this is the profession of an actor and all this needs to be learned from acting teachers. Needless to say about diction, breathing exercises and stage speech - this is a lot of work and many years. At a theater university, the development of vocal and dance abilities will not be ignored.

You understand that with such an arsenal of skills: acting, stage speech, the ability to sing and dance, passing the casting and getting the role becomes a reality.

There are also directors who simply do not want or do not have the opportunity to teach beginners basic acting skills and turn their attention only to a professional master of their craft, even asking which teacher a particular actor studied with.

But there are also roles for which “fresh” faces are needed: this is where you can “pull out” your lucky “ticket” in an acting career.

Become an actress without education or experience and get into cinema is a very common dream that pushes its owner to attend acting auditions.

To pass a casting where actors are needed and play coveted roles, there are rules that apply to any interview and business meeting, as well as special taboos and norms that apply exclusively to the selection of actors.

The second group of rules is somewhat more complicated and will require a thorough preparation stage:

  1. Before going to the casting, you should find out more about the role for which they are looking for an actor, whether special theater education is needed, who the director is, what he pays attention to, who he remains in charge of the last word. Do not neglect collecting information: after all, you are dreaming become an actor and star in a film good director without having a professional education.
  2. If the organizers offer a fragment from a role where you want to become an actor or actress, then you should read it carefully, analyze the character’s emotions and experiences, choose the right intonation and place emphasis in his remarks.
  3. Many applicants for acting roles are greatly hampered by anxiety; they are afraid of the camera and as soon as they hear the command “Motor!” they sweat and tremble. Panic fear prevents the actor’s spirit from opening up and even distorts speech. This is the main reason and demand for acting courses and theater universities. Practical lessons Through acting, they “pump up” students’ skills of emancipation and acting freedom, relieve muscle tension, and teach special breathing exercises that help them relax, subdue their voice, and establish control over their body and emotions.
  4. It’s good if you take a few lessons from an acting teacher and rehearse with him the role you want to show at the casting. The teacher will give you an objective assessment, point out weak sides, will tell you how to cope with anxiety, “pull up” your diction and speech, and help reveal your talent. You can talk to actresses you know or listen to their interviews, in which they share the secrets of passing castings and the features of their profession, how they entered and received education at a theater university.

Where to advertise yourself for filming

To act in films without acting education, you must have special qualities and abilities that would become your trump card and help you “snatch” victory among thousands of willing professional competitors.

All these trump cards should be written down in your portfolio or CV and sent to a special acting center or agency; they can be posted on special websites of producing and acting organizations.

If you speak foreign languages, play the guitar, attended a theater club or were a star of the local KVN team, then be sure to indicate this in the application form. Don't be afraid to write that you have a category in swimming or the best dancer in ballet. You can’t even imagine how often such skills are needed in the frame.

Another obvious option for the director is a filmed short film with your participation. IN modern times Anyone can record themselves on camera by handing a smartphone into a friend’s hands and asking them to record your video.

Think in advance which image you do best, it’s good if there are several of them, rehearse your lines. It's even better if your character sings, dances or plays a musical instrument.

Now the main thing is that your video gets into the right hands and made a good impression.

When the text message is ready, it needs to contain not only important points, but also voice accents that will be remembered by the audience from the stage. By taking public speaking courses in Moscow, you will learn to easily control your voice, make your speech more expressive, and therefore attractive to the public.

Actor(from French acteur, from Latin actor - performer; feminine- actress) is a professional performer of diverse roles in plays, films, commercials, and video clips. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture (see choosing a profession based on your interest in school subjects).

Profession actor is one of the most ancient. The shamans also staged performances for the entire tribe. As an art, acting originated in Ancient Greece and was considered very prestigious. However Medieval Europe she considered the acting of actors to be demonic, and in Rus' it was even dangerous to be an actor. The Church persecuted actors, jesters, and buffoons. Church ministers could destroy musical instruments, and the perpetrators beaten or imprisoned. It was only during the Renaissance that attitudes towards acting changed.

The art of acting is constantly evolving. Until the beginning of the 20th century, stereotypes and one-dimensionality of characters and types prevailed in the acting. The revolution in the acting profession was carried out by the founder of the Moscow Art Theater K.S. Stanislavsky (1863 - 1938). He is the creator of the famous acting system, the so-called Stanislavsky System, the purpose of which is to achieve maximum psychological authenticity in the acting of actors. Stanislavsky encouraged actors to feel what the hero feels, to experience genuine experiences in order to convey reliable emotions on stage. For more than a hundred years, the famous acting system of Stanislavsky has been extremely popular in Russia and all over the world, and the phrase he expressed “I don’t believe it!” became winged.

Currently, the acting profession is popular and desirable. Many are attracted by fame, wealth and interesting life. However, few people understand how thorny the path to achieving their goal is, and no one can guarantee that you will succeed in this field. There are so many graduates of theater universities, and only a small percentage of them become famous and highly paid actors. Young actors have to make a place for themselves in the sun, gradually earning fame. There are, of course, lucky ones who were noticed and became famous overnight. For them, what they studied for and strived for will gradually begin to come true.

The basis of acting is the principle of transformation. This transformation can be external or internal. In the first case, the actor uses makeup, costumes, masks, develops intonation, facial expressions, and gestures. In the second case, the actor needs to reveal spiritual world your hero, show his character, convey thoughts and experiences. An actor, regardless of his place of work, creates a certain artistic image and brings something of his own into the hero, portrays him in his own way. The main goal Any actor’s desire is to influence the audience, to evoke in them a response, emotions, feelings.

Required professional knowledge and skills

  • artistry, ability to transform, get into character;
  • knowledge of genre and role specifics;
  • the ability to create an image from a verbal description;
  • knowledge of psychology (in terms of facial expressions, speech characteristics, etc.);
  • lack of fear of the stage, camera lens, audience;
  • availability of musical and choreographic skills;
  • impeccable articulation;
  • literary abilities;
  • creativity, sense of harmony, sense of rhythm, developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • possession of stage presence (expressiveness, the ability to communicate naturally with partners on stage, the ability to attract the audience);
  • the desire for continuous professional improvement.

Personal qualities

  • good memory;
  • observation;
  • diligence, efficiency;
  • physical endurance, patience;
  • ability and desire to work in a team;
  • creativity;
  • responsibility;
  • abstract thinking;
  • oratorical skills;
  • determination;
  • self confidence;
  • energy.

Pros of the profession

Cons of the profession

  • the need to devote oneself to the profession entirely (filming, rehearsals take a large number of time);
  • the need, at times, to live in camp conditions with a lack of necessary amenities;
  • the acting profession is associated with the risk of injury (performing stunts);
  • In addition to fame and success in an acting career, there may also be a lull due to the lack of invitations to plays or films.

Place of work

  • theaters;
  • film studios;
  • TV;
  • advertising agencies;
  • music video production companies;
  • circuses;
  • event companies...

Salary and career

Salary as of 02/20/2019

Russia 20000—90000 ₽

Moscow 20000—90000 ₽

Usually actors begin their careers by participating in theatrical productions. The actor's salary in this case is very small, if he is actively involved in performances - a little more. In general, income depends on the prestige of the theater and the number of performances in which the aspiring actor takes part.

A professional actor can act in a movie or TV series. But this work is not permanent, so the security is relative. Prices for the participation of actors vary greatly, on average from 500 rubles to 100,000 rubles per day, but the latter figure is offered if you famous actor or National artist. An actor's salary depends on his fame and the financial capabilities of the employer.

How can you become an actress without education, what steps do you need to take for this?
Becoming an actress is the dream of any girl, and many schoolgirls plan to make a career in cinema or on the theater stage. However, not everyone succeeds in making this dream come true. An actress is extremely difficult profession. To become a real actress, you need to overcome a lot in this life. You need to be able to control your emotions, have great potential, manage your feelings, be able to express different feelings in any situation and in a short period of time.

If you are destined to become an actress, and you really want it, then you have to be patient, overcome many difficulties and do a huge amount of work on the way to your dream. You need to make every effort, study well and devote a lot of time to it. But these are not all the requirements for becoming a famous actress.

A girl who wants to become an actress, must want this with all my soul and love my calling. At the same time, you must not only have a great desire, but also make every effort, try and, of course, be able to put everything into practice. After all, being an actress is a lot of work.
To go and study acting as a profession, you must first find temporary housing and get some work.

But first of all, it would be good to enroll in a theater club. This will serve as good training for developing the necessary skills and acting abilities. This way, you will have a better chance of becoming a real star of the stage or silver screen. Then, after you get a job, you need to start going to auditions. Do this every day. It will be better if you visit several samples at once during the day. Even if you have to travel to different parts of the city for this, be patient – ​​it’s worth it! Perhaps nothing will work out the first time, but don’t despair.

How to become an actress in Hollywood? If you are truly destined to become an actress, and you really want it, then you will not go unnoticed. Plan 10 roles are chosen only by insecure people, so try to try serious roles. Of course, it would be nice to go to Hollywood. If you manage to get on the American Disney Channel, get some role in a film or TV series, then this will be a huge plus and you will definitely be noticed.

Thus, we recommend immediately getting an education in America. The Disney Channel attracts talent even before the age of 20. Therefore, if you want to get a role in any film or series, then try to participate in auditions until you are accepted. Perhaps producers will not notice you right away, but if you succeed, then your career as an actress is guaranteed.

Every girl, watching a film with the participation of a famous actress, at least once in her life imagined herself in her place. Being an actress is an opportunity to try on yourself various roles and in one life live dozens of lives of characters from different eras.

But most girls never dare to make their dream come true. If you goal-oriented person and can’t imagine your life without the attention of others, then you are created for the profession of an actress.

From the outside it may seem that becoming an actress is very easy. But in reality, this is a very labor-intensive process. You need to work on yourself every day and put all your energy into what you do.

Pros and cons of the profession

Before you dedicate your life to the world of art, you should weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of being an actress, as it may turn out that this is not what you want.

The undeniable advantages of this profession are:

  • Glory. People begin to recognize you on the streets and in stores. In some cases, this can help solve various problems.
  • Wealth. Who doesn’t want to have a lot of money and spend it on whatever they want? Famous actresses receive multi-million dollar salaries and can afford big houses and luxury cars.
  • An opportunity to realize your talent.

This profession has many disadvantages, which include:

  • Busy work schedule. The actress does not have an 8-hour working day. She must always stay in shape. Relax a little, and everyone will already forget about you. You must always work on yourself. If an actress is not busy in a play or filming a new film, then she must constantly improve her acting talent, and, of course, her body. Theater actresses have to disappear for months on tour, and film actresses are sometimes forced to stay on set for almost the whole day, spending only a few hours sleeping.
  • High emotional and physical stress. People who are not connected with the world of cinema or theater may think that being an actress is easy. But this is a very exhausting profession. You need to be able to emotionally demonstrate dry text, while completely transforming into the character. Not everyone can do this. In addition, some roles require the actress to be in good physical condition. She must perform various tricks or be in extreme conditions for a long time, for example, swimming in cold water, crawling in the mud or filming in the cold in light clothing.
  • Lack of privacy. Despite numerous fans, actresses often fail to build long-term relationships with anyone. A busy work schedule is to blame. Constant filming or rehearsals for a play keep the actress busy most time, since for her, working in cinema or theater is the meaning of her life, and therefore she will always come first. Few lovers will put up with this. If you decide to become an actress, then be prepared for the fact that you will not always be able to be close to your loved ones.
  • Obsessive fans and paparazzi. Fame has back side– publicity. The ubiquitous paparazzi will follow your every step, and as soon as you stumble, the general public will immediately find out about it.
  • Big competition. The profession of an actress is very popular. Be prepared for numerous auditions and rejections. Your whole life will become one continuous competition. Only famous actresses directors offer roles themselves, and newcomers have to look for projects in which they can take part. But first they need to beat dozens of similar girls at the casting who want to get the role.

What does it take to become an actress?

If, after all of the above, you have firmly decided to become an actress, then feel free to start making your dream come true. What is needed for this?

In addition to your desire, perseverance and talent, a big role is played professional education. In history, of course, there were cases when simple waitresses became world famous famous actresses, but this happened most often in Western countries. In our latitudes, education is an important condition to start a professional career.

Before you decide to enroll in an educational institution, try your hand at acting schools or school theater clubs. There you can decide whether the profession of an actress is suitable for you or not? In addition, this is a great opportunity to learn how to speak in front of an audience and overcome your fear of public speaking.

After this, you can try to enter any theater school or university. It is best to go to conquer Moscow, since this is where such famous theater theaters are located. educational establishments, such as the Moscow Art Theater, GITIS, VGIK, the Shchukin Theater School and the Shchepkin Theater School. Moscow is the center of Russian cinema.

So studying at these universities will help you get started as an actress. You will be able to learn acting from outstanding teachers and actors. In addition, you will gain a lot of skills that will definitely come in handy during your work.

Preparing to enter a theater university?

The competition for admission to theater universities is very high. Usually more than 200 people per place. Therefore, you need to be well prepared for admission. Take your entrance exam material seriously. Prepare a fable, a poem and a prose passage.

Rehearse a lot and persistently in front of the mirror. Your speech should be clear and loud. Also prepare some kind of dance or song, as the committee may ask you to perform something of this kind. Be prepared for the unexpected.

Improvise if you don't know what to do. The main thing is don’t stand there like a statue. It wouldn’t hurt to practice choreography and vocals beforehand. Also be sure to read at least the main works classical literature in order not to look ignorant in the eyes of the commission.

In addition, you still need to prepare for a colloquium on the history of theater and drama. You can find a list of literature required for this in the booklets for applicants.

Try to enroll in several universities at once. This will increase your chances. If you didn’t succeed the first time, try taking the entrance exams again next time. academic year. But remember that the chances of admission decrease with increasing age. A 22-year-old girl has practically no chance of becoming an applicant to the coveted university.

What about appearance? It is not important. A pretty face won't help you become an actress if you don't have charisma and talent. Therefore, there is no need to adjust yourself to beauty standards. Be individual. There are many cases in the history of cinema and theater when actors, who, according to most people, were far from the usual canons of beauty, achieved incredible success thanks to their talent.

If you were unable to get into drama school, but still have the desire to become an actress, you can try your hand at television. Even filming a commercial can help you make your dreams come true. There have been cases when advertising stars became film actors without any special education.

If you successfully pass the entrance exams, then this is already half the success. Now you can learn all the subtleties of acting. In addition, students are often theater universities after graduation, people are invited to work in theaters, and directors are more willing to offer roles to people with professional education.

However, don't expect to immediately start receiving offers from famous playwrights. First, you will have to go to numerous castings, where you will be rejected more than once. But there is no need to despair. Keep going towards your dreams.

Learn from failures and improve. Agree even to small roles. Your task is to get on the TV screen. Over time, you will begin to be offered more serious roles and, perhaps, someday famous director will notice your talent and make you the offer you have dreamed of all your life.

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