Where did they post Buzova’s correspondence? Olga Buzova’s private correspondence and intimate videos were leaked online. Scandalous correspondence between Nagiyev and Buzova: is it friendly support or a secret romance?

The blond host of the Dom 2 project has joined the ranks of famous people whose personal information was exposed by hackers to the public. On December 1, 2016, intimate videos of Olga Buzova appeared online (both old and very recent, when she had already dyed her hair brunette) and her private correspondence on the topic of breaking up with Dmitry Tarasov.

As it turned out from the published material, Buzova’s mother believes that in order to look comme il faut in the eyes of the public, Tarasov should register a car for Olga and pay her an apartment for a year, according to Irina, Dmitry is a chick, not a man, he is greedy, having millions of euros . During correspondence with her sister, Buzova spoke harshly to Tarasov’s mother, since she was aware that her son was having an affair with the model.

For whom Olga Buzova filmed intimate videos, exposing her feminine charms in front of the camera, is unknown. Since the host of House 2 had a frank correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev, it was he who was listed as Buzova’s lover, but the actor and showman had already disowned his secret affair with Olga. Dmitry noted that he and Buzova are connected exclusively by friendly communication.

Read correspondence between Olga Buzova and Nagiyev online:

Tarasov, commenting on the situation to one of the news agencies, said that he was shocked by the video with Buzova’s participation, saying that his doubts were confirmed. The football player complained about Olga’s reluctance to have children; in his opinion, that’s why it wasn’t possible to create real family. Buzova, who is now in Berlin, stated that she was treated basely and cruelly, Olga emphasized that she has been a free woman for three months now.

On November 29, 2016, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov filed for divorce; the marriage will be dissolved on December 30, 2016.

Personal correspondence of the TV presenter has been made public. The data ended up on the Internet as a result of a cyber attack on a celebrity’s phone, reports L!FE.

The public is again actively discussing the personal life of Olga Buzova. Media representatives had files at their disposal with the title “The Price of Olga Buzova’s Misfortune.” The folder sent by unknown persons contains various text messages, audio files and videos of scandalous content.

It is assumed that such material appeared on the Internet as a result of a hacker attack on mobile device stars of "House-2". A message was attached to the files, which states that it is planned to distribute this incriminating evidence in the near future.

Among the huge number of correspondences, you can also find screenshots of messages addressed to a subscriber signed as “Olga Tarasova.”

The sender sent a photograph of the runner-up for Miss Russia 2014. It is the participant in the famous competition who is credited with having an affair with a football player. The photo is accompanied by the words: “Inhumans. Animals. God is your judge. To all of you. Mother".

The correspondence also indicates that about an hour later a message was received from a person recorded as “Husband” to “Olga Tarasova”: “Don’t you dare touch my mother. If you don’t have any brains of your own, don’t touch her.”

Users of social networks are already actively discussing the published materials. Many active users were most interested in the correspondence between “Mommy-Whatsapp” and “Olyushka”. In the message, the sender repeatedly asks “Olyushka” to save the family.

Recently, screenshots of correspondence between the TV personality and her husband, mother and sister were leaked online. Hackers hacked the iCloud of the Dom-2 star! In correspondence with her husband Dmitry Tarasov, published by Life, as we can see, Olga does not want to discuss the reasons

Shocking sex video and intimate correspondence: the price of misfortune

Life had personal correspondence at its disposal, which could have ended up on the Internet as a result of a hacker attack on the TV presenter’s phone. The day before the wedding, Buzova and Tarasov entered into a marriage contract, according to which, in the event of a divorce, the girl would not

Hackers published intimate correspondence of Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova’s personal correspondence got into the network and intimate photos. attack on the phone of TV presenter Olga Buzova, her personal correspondence and intimate photos were leaked online. I haven’t divorced my husband yet, it’s already gone. At least she could wait until the divorce. There would be less gossip.

Intimate photos, videos and personal information leaked online

Personal correspondence of Olga Buzova with her sister and Irina Hacked intimate photos of Olga Buzova Audio recordings extracted from Olga Buzova’s WhatsApp correspondence

Olga Buzova’s intimate correspondence hit her TV career

and even ugly became famous on the Internet when her intimate correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev new life: Olga Buzova radically changed her image after breaking up with her husband. Users on the Internet noted that in such a disaster, the tourist got off lightly; the Chairman of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, was included in the sanctions list

Shocking sex video and intimate correspondence - BlogNews.am

Shocking sex video and intimate correspondence: the price of Olga Buzova’s misfortune (18+). Life had personal correspondence at its disposal, which could have ended up on the Internet as a result of a hacker attack on the TV presenter’s phone.

Got into the network intimate correspondence Buzovoy with her husband

Hackers managed to hack the iCloud of the Dom-2 star. It turned out that Tarasov was not the only one who was nagging Olya to give a divorce. They have been talking about the divorce of the “Russian Beckhams” - Olya Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov for several months now.

Hackers hacked Buzova, posting correspondence with Nagiyev

A number of Olga’s correspondences and her intimate photos were leaked online. The TV star's personal life appears to be taking on the dark hue of divorce. Buzova thanked her mother-in-law next message. After a quarrel between Buzova and her mother-in-law, her husband began writing to Olga.

Dmitry Tarasov, stars and Olga Buzova herself spoke about her

The network literally blew up the news about compromising evidence on Olga, which was published after the star’s phone was hacked. The intimate correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev attracted particular attention from bloggers. In the chat, the TV presenter sent photos and videos to the famous handsome guy

The incriminating evidence against Buzova included intimate correspondence

Life had at its disposal messages and videos that could have ended up on the Internet as a result of a hacker attack on the star’s phone.

Details scandalous divorce famous TV presenter Olga Buzova and football player Dmitry Tarasov still excite fans. For a long time remained a mystery the real reason couple breakup. But after hackers hacked the smartphone of the star of a popular TV show, correspondence that dotted all the “i’s” was leaked online.

As can be seen, in intimate life For Olga and Dmitry, things were not all rosy. But who would have thought that the problem was not in betrayal, not in the cooling of relationships, but solely in physiology! And specifically - in stretched vaginal muscles the fair half of the couple.

According to doctors, such problems usually occur in women after 50 years of age. But in rare cases (most often, if a girl has had too many different partners), this also happens to those who are no more than 30. Perhaps this is exactly what happened to the TV presenter. And the following correspondence posted online confirms this:

When fans noticed Buzova leaving the best gynecological center in Moscow at the end of last year, they put two and two together and realized that the TV presenter was looking for a way to deal with the problem of stretched intimate muscles. But, judging by the fact that Olga and Dmitry did divorce, this problem could not be solved. At least at that time.

We managed to find a doctor who was once consulted by the star of the famous TV show. On conditions of complete confidentiality, he said that Olga really had problems with her vaginal muscles. It was for this reason that doctors forbade a woman to have children - as you know, this could make the sprain even stronger. First, the doctor prescribed his patient special exercises for the intimate muscles. But exercise takes too much time, which public people practically never have. And then the gynecologist gave another piece of advice - use Virgin Star gel lubricant.

This gel lubricant, according to the specialist, is designed to solve the problems of millions of women who suffer from stretched vaginal muscles. The active ingredients of the product help strengthen and narrow the walls of the vagina, give elasticity to the muscle tissue and even relieve possible inflammation! The doctor told us that Virgin Star is used by many celebrities. Especially those women who have already given birth, because after childbirth, everyone (!) experiences stretching of the intimate muscles.

In recent weeks, the person of Olga Buzova has been actively discussed in the media, which was associated with her separation from her husband Dmitry Tarasov. Since the beginning of November, fans began to suspect that there was a serious quarrel between them, which ended in separation. Since the discord in the family, Olga and Dmitry have not commented on the current situation. Fans came to do this for them, who expressed their versions of what could have caused the couple’s separation. There were very different versions. Media journalists did not lag behind the fans, giving their reasons for the collapse of this beautiful couple. Buzova’s correspondence, published by hackers a few days ago, made it possible to shed light and establish what caused the separation of the football player and TV presenter.
Familiarization with Buzova’s personal correspondence made it possible to accurately establish that model Nastya Kostenko, with whom Tarasov was suspected of having a relationship, was involved in the breakup of this couple. Many people said a few weeks ago that she was the homewrecker who contributed to the breakup of the couple. This information received confirmation. Buzova’s correspondence, which appeared on the Internet, became real compromising evidence.

Many fans of the couple wanted to receive reliable information, but the couple did not want to provide it, so when they saw the materials posted by hackers, Buzova’s fans, of course, paid attention to them and, after reading them, made their own conclusions. Most fans of the TV presenter are confident that the model is related to the scandal that arose in the family of Buzova and Tarasov.
In the correspondence that was published online, the name of Nastya Kostenko is mentioned.

This person appears in the message that Buzova sent to Tarasov’s mother.
The girl included a photo of the model in the message, and under it wrote angry words addressed to the football player himself, as well as his mother. After this, all fans have no doubt that the materials that were posted online are genuine. IN in this case There can be no talk of any forgery, since the TV presenter herself did not refute the information that suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Let us recall that earlier, Dmitry, addressing his fans, asked that they not draw quick conclusions and advised them to stop talking about divorce and speculation about cheating on Olga. However, now everyone has confidence that the opinion that was formed earlier about the divorce turned out to be correct, and the judgment about Kostenko’s involvement in the separation of the couple was also correct. However, previously there was a version that Tarasov and Buzova paid Nastya Kostenko serious money so that she could play the role of a mistress for the public. Now everyone has no doubt that the divorce will really take place. In the meantime, Tarasov, as well as his newly-made girlfriend Kostenko, are denying rumors that there is a love affair between them.

This couple once again he is not shown in public, because after the loud scandal the footballer has not yet dared to take such a step. The day before, he made a rather bold move - from his page on social network Instagram deleted all the photos in which he was depicted with Buzova. Information periodically appears in a number of media outlets that Dmitry appears together with Nastya. Some publications write that they dine in the capital's restaurants. However, it is still difficult to say whether this information is true. Therefore, we can only wait and hope that young people will soon make a confession.

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