Light waltz movements. How to learn to dance the waltz at home: description of technique and recommendations

Waltz is one of the most popular dances all over the world. This dance has existed for hundreds of years, but it still remains in demand and relevant at all times. Almost everyone likes the gentle sounds of the waltz; it’s impossible not to fall in love with this dance. We invite you to watch the video lesson “How to dance the waltz”, which talks about how to learn to dance a slow waltz in a fairly short period of time - in just five lessons.

Waltz lessons

The Boston waltz is considered to be the ancestor of the slow waltz. This is a great option if you need to quickly master this dance, for example, for a school ball or some other special event. In addition, the slow waltz is perfect as the first wedding dance of the bride and groom. Therefore, if the future spouses do not want to hire a choreographer in order to learn a wedding dance, they can easily cope on their own, using as teaching aid the above video tutorial.

Waltz for beginners

This lesson is designed specifically for beginner dancers, so the trainers begin their explanations from the very basics - with correct posture and foot position while dancing. You will learn what the position of the body should be, how to combine a light half-squat and an upward body movement. The feet should be in the sixth position, with both the toes and heels pressed together. The trainers accompany their explanations with a visual demonstration of all the movements, so it won’t be difficult for you to repeat them. Listen carefully and carefully follow the recommendations of the trainers, because during the waltz, as during any other dance, good posture and the correct position of the legs mean a lot. Once you have mastered your posture, you can move on to learning the basic slow waltz step called the square. It may be difficult for you to do all the movements correctly at first, but with a little practice you will find that you get better and better each time. We wish you a pleasant viewing of the video lesson and successful learning of such a wonderful and romantic dance like a slow waltz.

It is not for nothing that the waltz is considered the king of dances. He is always present at all events, various receptions and, of course, at the graduation party.

But everyone thinks about it at some point, since the time for prom is coming closer and closer, and there is simply no time to waste energy taking lessons from professionals. In this case, you can learn to dance the waltz yourself, at home.

But unlike the last century, when being able to dance the waltz was a mandatory requirement for everyone, now not many girls and boys know this type of dance.

First you need to look at the basic movements. Naturally, before you start learning to dance the waltz, you need to find a suitable partner who also wants to learn. Absolutely all movements occur on the count: one-two-three-time. This one is very important to remember because you need to maintain a good tempo when dancing.

As for the rotation, if you look from the outside, it may seem somehow complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact the rotation occurs counterclockwise in a square.

As for the steps, it is also worth noting a small nuance - for each corner of a simple square there are two small steps and one large one. This is very important to remember and keep in mind so as not to get confused.

I would also like to note, once again, that rotation in a waltz is one of the most important components. You always need to turn to the right side, and if you look from a purely mathematical point of view, then each turn consists of two half-turns, which are equal to one hundred and eighty degrees.

Now let's look at the steps. To begin the turn, you need to take one step forward with your right foot. It is very important to make a clockwise turn to the right. Next, you should take a step with your left foot, but at the same time continue to carry out the already started turn, after which the left foot should be placed on half-toes.

And finally, the right foot should be placed next to the left, after which both feet should be placed on the full foot. This is the first part of the square you will make.

To complete the second part, you need to do almost the same thing, only in reverse.
That is, first you need to take a step back with your left foot, and this step needs to be taken diagonally and transfer all the weight to your left leg.

After this, the right leg is transferred behind the heel of the left.
Next, a turn is performed on half-toes, after which you need to start making a square again.
At the same time, it is very important not to constantly forget to count “one-two-three-times”; without this, it will be very easy to get confused and lose the tempo, which is an equally important component of the waltz.

If you have never danced a waltz in your life, then you have definitely missed out on a lot. But don't be upset. Because it's never too late to learn. The most important thing is desire and effort. Farewell school waltz, which will forever remain in the memory of all of us. long years, a wedding waltz performed by two loving people, will bring a lot of pleasure and give great mood. The waltz is always danced by artists at concerts, athletes at various dance tournaments, as well as all those who are simply interested in it.

Classic is timeless
Waltz is a beautiful, gentle dance, which can be based on any story: a first date, dramatic story love with separation, warm relationships preserved over many years life together. The waltz is danced by children at matinees, young couples at school balls and in registry offices, and adults and elderly people on anniversaries and wedding anniversaries, or just for fun. For everyone it has its own meaning, while remaining the only most beautiful, classical dance many eras.

The history of the waltz begins with the combination of German peasant dance Landler, distinguished by his exquisite simplicity and spontaneity, and the Provençal volta dance with jumps and spins. Translated from German language The name of the dance "walzen" means "to whirl" or "to spin". The birthplace of the waltz is considered to be Vienna in the 80s of the 18th century. What makes the Viennese Waltz “alive” and rich is the frequently changing tempo and rhythm, and the constant alternation of left and right turns. Today there are many varieties of waltz. These are the Viennese waltz, which refers to any fast forms of dance, the classic waltz performed in closed positions, figure and slow waltzes and the Boston waltz.

Waltz: first lessons
In order to learn to dance the waltz, you need to love it and want to “dissolve” in it. Choosing a partner who is visually and emotionally similar to each other is the main key to success in the waltz, as in any dance.

The basic figure of the waltz is a full revolution with three steps in each measure, performed primarily in a closed position. To begin with, each partner needs to master this turn individually, separately from each other. To make the turn smooth and sliding, you need to direct the entire body weight to the center of the legs.
It is preferable to try the first steps without music, at your own expense or at the expense of a partner, this will give the main turn greater clarity and confidence.

The first step on the “one” count is the widest compared to the next two. You need to keep your torso straight, your shoulders back, your head slightly raised and look in front of you. It is advisable not to look at your feet during the first lessons, so as not to relearn later. When turning clockwise on the count of two and three, the turn should turn the body 180 degrees from its original position.

If the first turn began with the right foot forward, then the second should be with the left foot back. This way the steps lead in a straight line. When music is added and partners join, the main turns of the waltz themselves will begin to “smooth out”, forming a large circle.

When moving to pair dance lessons, the partner puts right hand slightly below his partner's left shoulder blade, keeping his elbow at a 90-degree angle to his own body, and his left arm extended to the side just below eye level to act as a support for her right arm.

Partner left hand puts it on her partner's shoulder, slightly pressing on him, in order to be more obedient in the dance, and looks over her, turning her head to the left and slightly upward. At the same time, she keeps her shoulders straight and pulls them back slightly. This position gives her balance and gives her partner confidence when controlling her in the dance. Partners must “glide” synchronously and smoothly to give the waltz its inherent grace and grandeur.

When you feel confident in the basic elements and your position in relation to each other, at the next stages of improving the waltz you can aspire to more complex staging and improvisation.
With good dedication, a “personal” waltz can become professional, extraordinary and unforgettable.

How to learn to dance the waltz?

Waltz: preparation

If you decide to self-teach, you can learn to dance the waltz using video lessons, which can be found in abundance on the famous website. But first you must undergo painstaking preparation, which includes the following basics:

  • Do warm-up movements every morning to improve your stretching.
  • To begin with, you can simply “warm up” your muscles, and then try to do the splits, touching the floor with your palms from a standing position.
  • Study all types of waltz - Boston, Viennese, figure, French, friendship waltz - determine the difference between style and step.
  • If you can't practice on your own, go to a dance studio.

Here, dance instructors will make you a professional from the basics.

Learn to dance the waltz

How to learn to dance the waltz at home or in the studio? The following requirements are met here:

  1. Two people should learn the waltz - a man and a woman.
  2. Chairs and other substitutes should not be used. They will not give a positive result.
  3. The woman places her left hand on her partner's shoulder, and the man lightly presses his partner to him, clasping her waist with his right hand.
  4. Free hands are extended to the side and closed - the lady puts her hand in her partner’s hand, as if showing her trust. Therefore, outstretched arms should not be tense - a soft bend at the elbow and lightness.

So, how to learn to dance the waltz at home or in a dance studio?

  1. Determine the opposite hand of the clock.
  2. Start your move by taking a step back from the woman (the man moves forward).
  3. The woman's left leg and the man's right take a step at the same time, also simultaneously turning 90 degrees relative to its original position.
  4. The second move is made in exactly the same way, but the partners change their legs - the man goes backward with his left leg, and the woman goes forward with her right.
  5. Thus, in 4 steps the pair should return to its original position.

Having studied the stroke technique, you can begin to work on ease and smoothness. This is where you start moving, moving around the room or studio. How to learn to dance the waltz at home? You need to listen to the music of your heart, learn to dance only with your loved one - this will help you open up to your partners and perform your first dance with a bang.

Not a single formal event is complete without a waltz. It is danced on proms, weddings, social events. Waltz is rightly called the king of all dances. Simple in structure, but such a beautiful and graceful dance everyone should be able to dance. However, if there is no time to study special schools and money for individual lessons With a teacher, you can learn to dance the waltz right at home. Just a few lessons with the video “Learning to Waltz” and dancing the waltz will not be difficult.

Video lesson “Teaching the waltz”

In the rhythm of a waltz

All movements in the waltz are performed to the unique 3/4 rhythm of this dance. That is, all movements are performed strictly in a one-two-three count. Before you start learning movements, it is important to learn to distinguish this rhythm and hear it in music. Next, you should learn the graceful sliding technique of the waltz, which distinguishes it from other dances. To do this, it is important to stand so that your body weight falls exactly in the center of your body, between your legs.

Basic movements and elements of the waltz:

  1. Partners rotate in a waltz in a square, counterclockwise.
  2. All movements in the dance are performed under counting.
  3. On each side of the square in the dance there is one large step and two small ones.
  4. Relative to each other, the partners rotate clockwise.
  5. The main movements in the dance are right turns and spinning. A turn in a waltz consists of two half-turns. The first half of the turn is performed with the right foot. We take a step forward and at the same time turn the body to the right clockwise. After this, continuing to turn, we take a step forward with our left foot and stand on our toes. Next, we place the right foot next to the left and lower both to the full foot. The second part of the half-turn is performed with the left foot. To do this, you need to step diagonally back and to the left. In this case, the entire body weight falls on the left leg. After this, the right foot is placed behind the heel of the second foot. At the end - a half-twist on the fingers. This is the basic movement in the waltz and this basic knowledge is enough for the classical waltz.
  1. However, those who want to add solemnity and variety to the dance can add several other movements to the waltz. The partner takes the lady's right hand with his right hand and lifts it above his head. In this position, the partner rotates under her. The gentleman's free hand is behind his back at this time. At home he turns to the standard waltz count of one-two-three.
  2. Another interesting waltz figure that deserves the attention of a novice dancer: the gentleman puts one hand behind his back, and the partner holds the hem of the dress with her hand. Starting with the right foot and counting, the partners take a step towards each other and raise their arms. After that, they move towards each other to the same rhythm, but from the left leg.
  3. The previous movement can also be performed in a different way: with a change of places. The lady and her partner approach each other, change places at the turn and go their separate ways. After that beautiful movement they stand in pairs and do the main element of the waltz - spinning in a circle.
  4. They end the dance with a beautiful bow to the audience.

The ability to dance a waltz will definitely come in handy in life, be it an official event, graduation or wedding. A few hard workouts and everything will work out. Good luck!

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