Leningrad broke up with Alice Vox. Sergei Shnurov about Alisa Vox’s departure from Leningrad: “I’m making stars out of average singers.” “I cried all night after the concert and lost my voice for two weeks due to nervousness.”

Ex-soloist of the scandalous group "" and just beautiful girl Alisa Vox spoke about Shnur, fans and plans for the future.

Hello Alice! The group "Secret" in their song claims that Alice knows how to knit and cannot live a day without toffees. This is about you?

- Hello! This is my favorite birthday song! But in fact, I don't like sweets at all. For me, it’s better to eat something salty.

And if the musicians nevertheless decided to dedicate a song to you, what weaknesses of yours would they definitely note?

- This song would be called "Don't kill me, I won't screw up anymore." But I would still kill them. For prevention.

You, like many Russian singers, were tossed between two capitals - St. Petersburg and Moscow. Which metropolis is closer to you today?

— Life is easier in St. Petersburg. Here everyone knows each other, the atmosphere is almost homely... but in Moscow, of course, it’s easier to work.

You have more online subscribers than people in Veliky Novgorod. How do you communicate with them?

“I’m strict with them, but fair!” I hide my personal life, I do not tolerate rudeness and stupidity. But I also have my favorites. In general, it is very important to establish rules of communication. Then everyone is friendly and cultured.

You are a prominent girl. Were there anyone among your fans who immediately proposed marriage?

- There were, of course, and there are. But you understand: if a person offers his hand and heart to a generally unfamiliar girl, then he. most likely not very adequate. It's better to stay away from these guys.

Sergei Shnurov, with whom you worked for 4 years, taught you anything good - drink, smoke, swear?

- Taught me to hate people. This is the most addictive thing.

Do people sometimes guess your age when they first meet you, or do they always miss?

- No one has guessed yet. Sometimes they ask for a passport and they don’t believe me. Once they said that the passport was fake.

What is your favorite outfit to wear on stage?Personally, we like a jacket on a naked body.

- Well, a jacket on a naked body is, of course, High style, but somewhat non-functional. I love everything that is comfortable to move in. Previously it was suits, but now I plan to switch to shorts.

Do you listen to your own music, for example, when you are driving alone in the car or taking a bath?

- I’m listening, of course! In the car, usually. I listen either to work on mistakes, or for pleasure when the track is ready. I think if you don’t like the music you make. - that is, it makes sense to think about changing your profession.

Who do you dedicate your songs to?

“It happens that I am inspired by some person or event, both good and bad. But to directly dedicate a song to someone - no. I don’t dedicate it to anyone. Otherwise they will become arrogant.

- Well, I don’t have old topless photos either. We are currently actively writing an album. The songs were all written a long time ago, but I approach the issue of arrangement very scrupulously, and search for suitable sounds and affects. In addition, all instruments are written live, and this requires enormous forces and time.

Alisa Vox and Sergey Shnurov

The sudden departure of Alice Vox, a girl, from the Leningrad group shocked the public. Fans are wondering why another soloist couldn’t stay in the group and who are the new girls who took the stage with Sergei Shnurov at the concert on March 24 in Moscow.

Most of all, of course, we were waiting for the comment from Sergei Shnurov himself, and he did not hesitate to appear on the artist’s Instagram page:

I didn't promise anything to anyone. At my own whim, I turn average singers into stars. I come up with an image, material, and promote it. I decide how to present them so that they will be loved. The heroines of the myth, invented by me and created by the team, quite quickly and naively begin to believe in their Divine nature. But we don’t know how to deal with Goddesses.

Alice Vox

Sergei’s wife also spoke on this topic: Matilda Shnurova wished Alice good luck and creative path, at the same time reproaching the girl for ingratitude:

Alisa, it’s surprising that there was no thank you for either the Ice Palace, where 12 thousand spectators watched you, or for the sold-out Moscow concerts. You have it here most of subscribers - fans of the group "Leningrad".

The singer’s wife also said that the new soloists who performed in Moscow are named Vasilisa and Florida, and they were taken into the group “because they sing well and they are beautiful.”

Former lead singer of the group Yulia Kogan, whose departure from the group in 2013 was also accompanied by a considerable amount rumors, stated that she “is not at all interested in talking about another woman who has left Leningrad.”

We worked with some blonde before, yes, but I absolutely don’t care. There was one, there was another, a second and a third,

Kogan said, adding that she would never sing with Alisa Vox, because this is “not her level” - she sings only with talented people.

Yulia Kogan

Members of the Leningrad group, in turn, have no doubt: no matter what Vox wrote on her Instagram, her departure was not voluntary. The decision to fire the soloist was made by Sergei Shnurov himself.

Sergei fired her, we have no further comments yet,

Said one of the musicians.

30-year-old Alisa Vox, former vocalist of the Leningrad group, spoke about how she left the group, seemingly at the height of fame. Many fans of the group still consider her the best soloist of the group in the entire existence of Leningrad. In March 2016, Alice announced she was leaving and starting solo career. Sergei Shnurov then, at one of the concerts, sarcastically joked about her departure.

Everyone asks me - where is Alice? In my opinion, this is a stupid question, since it is clear that she is not here. But we will answer with a song that will be performed by Adolfych (one of the group members. - Note auto). Afterwards it sounded new song a collective whose name sounds like, to put it simply, “go back to where you were born from.”

After Vox released solo album, which many called a failure. Now the singer is still in free swimming. Recently she gave an interview to Cosmo magazine, in which she talked about her scandalous departure and the humiliation that she had to experience from Sergei Shnurov.

In fact, there was no trigger. After three years of working in the group, the relationship began to rapidly deteriorate, Sergei often began to lash out at me, shouting... We stopped understanding each other. I told Sergei about my decision to leave the team on March 12, 2016. In that conversation, I immediately reassured him, saying that I would remain in the group until I found and introduced a replacement. He took this news calmly, even friendly. I asked to stay until July. I agreed. We discussed technical issues, laughed, hugged and kissed goodbye... I started looking for vocalists, showed him demo recordings of different girls. I brought Vasilisa to the team, she worked for a year after I left. In the meantime, we went to Ufa, played a great concert, after which Shnurov stopped answering calls and SMS. I learned from Vasilisa that it is forbidden to even pronounce my name in a group, and from the group’s logistician I learned that big concerts Two new girls will go to Moscow on March 24. Just before the concert, Sergei called, said something incomprehensible and hung up, without even allowing me to say goodbye to him as a human being.

Vox admits that this act of Shnurov offended her very much, but she is not angry with former colleague:

What can you say to a person whom you regularly supported, treated, fed, consoled, inspired and encouraged... and he... I have never been so wrong about people. But I forgive him. Apparently, I am his weakness. But this does not justify him. That's why I'm not going to talk to him. And I still communicate with some of the guys from the group.

Although, according to her, Shnurov has a lot to apologize for. For example, for a concert during which, as Vox claims, he forced her to undress on stage. Then Alice, in front of hundreds of people, first took off her dress, remaining topless, and then even “accidentally” showed her breasts to the public. Having finished the song, she stood behind Sergei and, taking off her panties, threw them into the hall.


I didn’t like the division of the team into small communities of interests. These interests, as you understand, were far from books. In the third year, the same jokes and stories (again, not from books) began to irritate me. I remember with hostility my feelings on stage during the performance of humiliating shorthand performances, as well as the scoldings that Sergei gave me when I tried to avoid these gestures. My worst memory is June 6, 2014. This is a nightmare, the trail of which haunts me to this day. The process of adopting a law banning swearing was underway. Sergei was in a panic and couldn’t find anything better than to undress me on stage. To get me to do this, careful psychological work was carried out. Sergey is an experienced manipulator. And I, a 25-year-old girl who unconditionally trusted her leader, had no choice but to obey. All! Since then, my life has been divided into before and after. I cried all night after the concert and lost my voice for two weeks due to nervousness. To this day I have not been able to wash myself away from this humiliation, in which I was the only victim. Moreover, as it turned out, this sacrifice was completely in vain, since this law did not affect Sergei. I prefer to simply forget about many other episodes.


Still, Vox is grateful for that time because she “became a better judge of people.” She dreams of a house with panoramic windows and every day “to be the best version yourself."

— I have a rule: don’t set global goals for yourself. Setting a specific maximum goal means for me setting a ceiling for myself. Give up early. Marcus Aurelius said: “Do what you must, and come what may.” I live by this principle, and the result always exceeds my expectations. One more rule (my own): work and don’t whine. It opens up vast horizons for me, because I am used to achieving success in all my endeavors.


Alisa Burmistrova (known throughout Russia as Vox) even before “Leningrad” was an accomplished girl, realized - in the very in the best sense. That's why we love her so much. But after scandals, Louboutins, the Internet, the press and Russian haircuts, she was crushed by classic star fever. When it kills you star fever, you're definitely not going to a psychoanalyst, you're going to your boss. IN in this case- to Sergei Shnurov.

Alisa Burmistrova set clear demands for Shnur:

  • I'm a star and you'll take it into account.
  • A star gets paid a lot more.
  • They give me more time in the group and on stage. That is, in any concert there should be much more of my appearances, songs for me, otherwise there are so many people in the team that it is indecent for me, beautiful, to get lost in the crowd.
  • "Leningrad", of course, is good, but I have long matured solo project, and I need opportunities to devote time to it and promote it.

The old business folk of show business have heard this kind of speech a million times, and in the vast majority of cases one reliable answer will do. Shnur, stunned, voiced it out like in a textbook: “Fuck you...!”

But this is not the end! Of course, such messages in rock bands are a working, daily phenomenon. No one is offended for more than two or three days, and the show business machine rushes on without stopping.

Here is a different case. As our 100% knowledgeable special agent reported, in the situation with Alice Vox, things took an ugly turn. Namely: realizing that she was not a star, a beauty and a talent, the girl Alice began to hack. I stopped giving my best on stage, at the base, and in the studio. I decided that from now on I’ll just be lazy and work half-heartedly.

IN music business Anything is forgiven: infidelity, drugs, perversion, and even murder. It seems like hack work is the only thing you really can't afford if you're in a band.

Everything was heading towards the worst possible outcome. But there was another heavy burden pressing down from above: Matilda Mozgovaya, Shnur’s wife, began to experience discomfort from Shnur’s too frank and playful public communication with Alisa. In fact, Alice was doomed.

In a word, the story is so typical of show business that it may seem unpredictable only to those for whom show business is a distant extragalactic space.

Now for catharsis. Three or four days ago (as another insider reports), the Leningrad team went for a walk to the bathhouse with striptease and karaoke. And after a very impressive performance by two leisure business performers, the group accepted both of them into the lineup. They went on stage after a couple of rehearsals. Alice is free and, we hope, happy and full of creative impulses!

You know the rest.

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