Success in a solo career. Julianna Karaulova, biography, personal life

Russian singer, graduate of the fifth season music project"Star Factory ", former soloist R'n'B-groups 5sta Family... In 2014 she became the leading column “ Fashion & Style"Program" Summer Fresh "of the TV channel" Home».

Biography of Julianna Karaulova

Julianna Karaulova was born on April 24, 1988 in Moscow. Until the age of four she lived in Russia, after which she moved with her family to Sofia, where her father was sent to diplomatic service... Julianna studied at the school at the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria, studied vocal a lot, was fond of figure skating and dancing. After eight years in Bulgaria, she returned to Russia.

Karaulova passed the casting of the fifth season of the Star Factory project, where she did not take a prize, but acquired great experience and performed several songs that later became real hits.

In 2011, she became the lead singer of the R'n'B group 5sta Family, taking the place of the left the team Olga Zasulskaya(Loya). In September 2015, the singer, having recorded several hits during her performance in this group and having received a number of prestigious awards, including the Golden Gramophone (2013) for the song We Are Together, announced that she was leaving the group.

In the summer of 2014, Julianna was invited as one of the hosts in the Summer Fresh project of the Domashny TV channel. In her section "Fashion and Style" she began to tell viewers about fashion trends and give advice on how to correctly combine and select clothes according to the type of figure.

In 2014, Karaulova, having previously studied at the Faculty of Pop and Jazz Vocal at the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music, graduated from the same university for the second time - with a producer's diploma.

The artist presented her debut video for the song "You are not like that", the author of which was the popular R'n'B performer Bianca, in the spring of 2015, while still in the camp. 5sta Family. The composition became a real hit. Towards the end of 2015, Karaulova's second video was released - for the song "Houston", and at the beginning of spring 2016 - the third (the song "Out-of-Orbit"). Then, in June and July, the premieres of the composition "Sea" and the video for this song took place.

In 2016, Julianne was invited to participate in the First Channel show "Ice Age 2016", which returned to TV screens after a two-year hiatus. The titled figure skater Maxim Trankov was announced as the partner and mentor of the singer in the framework of the project, which started on October 1, 2016.

In 2016, the singer released solo album « Feeling Yu»And three videos for songs from this album. In 2017, Julianna's solo video for the song “ I do not believe».

In 2017, Karaulova became the host of the Russian Ninja sports and entertainment show on Channel One. Her colleagues were TV presenter Timur Soloviev, known for morning transmission Channel One "Good Morning", and Russian athlete and sports commentator Yevgeny Savin.

The jury members were selected using a focus group, and children who were participants in the first season voted for Viktor Drobysh. According to the young vocalists, Viktor Yakovlevich was the kindest mentor. The children even affectionately called him simply Uncle Vitya. Yulianna Karaulova was in the top three of the survey conducted among the children's audience, in which there would be one question: who would you like to see on the jury.

Yulianna Karaulova: "With the participants of the first season" You are super! " I met on the set new year show TV channel NTV "Super New Year”, Meeting with young colleagues on the stage gave a real pleasure. I am sure that every contestant "You are super!" will find on the project exactly what is most important for him. "

Personal life of Julianna Karaulova

According to media reports, while still a member of the fifth season “ Star factories", Julianna met with a project colleague Ruslan Masyukov, but later it turned out that this novel was just a PR move. Then an ordinary guy Pavel appeared in the singer's life, falling in love with her at first sight. This relationship ended two years later, despite the fact that it was going to the wedding.

Subsequently, the artist had a new chosen one of the heart - a sound producer Andrey Cherny... By the way, she and Yulianna are old acquaintances: their meeting took place at the very same " Star Factory”, However, after seven years, Andrei looked at the girl from the other side and began to look after her. Creative tandem already talked about plans for a wedding, family and children.

Yulianna: “Andrey and I are engaged in very different things. He is not a media person, but a person who will always be behind the scenes. As a sound producer in the studio, he is a real pro, working with top Russian musicians... It's also good that we differ in temperament with him, perhaps that's why we manage to be together. With regards to our personal life, we have already discussed a possible wedding and an unborn child, but still we have other plans in priority. "

Karaulova Yulianna Yurievna - Russian singer which started its musical career at the age of 15. Since then, she has been the soloist of several groups.

Participated in the "Star Factory" project. He believes that happiness lies in the realization of a person, and in moving towards his dream.

The singer herself dreams of joint project with Justin Timberlake and creating big family in a cozy country house.

Childhood and school years

Her parents had mundane professions, and had nothing to do with music.

Mom - Elena had medical education and worked as a doctor. Father - Yuri served in a diplomatic position.

Julianna as a child

However, the girl began to show interest in music and singing from the very first steps. Julianna grew up in a family without brothers and sisters.

When the girl was 4 years old, the family moved to Bulgaria. Father was transferred to the Russian Embassy in Sofia.

There, the girl went to a local interethnic school. She began to take private vocal lessons.

He is fond of dancing and figure skating. Then Julianne had a dream - to become famous singer... If it doesn't work, then a model.

The girl took Active participation in all extracurricular activities, performed at concerts.

At the age of 10, Yulianna Karaulova participates in her first Dobrich competition.

The Bulgarian jury highly appreciated her vocals and artistry, presenting her with a diploma.

After 8 years of living in Bulgaria, the family returns to Russia. Julianna was very enthusiastic about developing her vocal abilities.

However, difficulties arose in the Moscow gymnasium. The girl's existing knowledge in the main subjects did not reach the required level of the educational institution.

Julianna was extremely surprised, as in the Bulgarian school she won prizes at the Olympiads and studied best of all.

I had to urgently catch up with the rest of my classmates, and most the girl spent time reading textbooks.

Having successfully graduated from the gymnasium, the girl chooses Gnesinka for further education. She makes a choice in favor of the Faculty of Pop and Jazz Vocal.

Simultaneously with her studies, Yulianna Karaulova gets a job at the editorial office of the youth magazine "YES!"

After graduating from the conservatory with honors, future star show business again becomes a student of the same higher educational institution.

Now an enterprising girl decides to master the profession of a music producer.

First steps in music: the group "Yes!"

First Lucky case took place in 2003. At the age of 15, Julianna decides to take part in youth competition"Face of the Year".

It was organized by the editorial staff of the popular magazine for teenagers "Yes!" The girl took the "golden" mean in the top three winners.

After 2 years, Julianna again submits an application for participation in the same competition. This time, participation in a new girl group was at stake.

Group "Yes!"

Yulianna Karaulova was among the finalists. Together with other winners of the competition, Yulia and Anya, she is part of the main group "Yes!"

He became the producer of the young team. He also wrote songs for them.

All compositions were released on disks, which became an appendix to the magazine of the same name.

The most popular song of the group "Yes!" became "Changed her mind." A little later, a video clip was created for her.

Having received her first fee, Julianna learns about the tragedy in Beslan. She decides to send the entire amount to charity.

The girl sent the money to the international fund to help children who suffered from terrorists in North Ossetia.

Show business career

In 2004, the composition of the group "YES!" decides to try his luck and submits an application for casting for the "Star Factory" project.

Julianna owes her participation in this show to her father. She was afraid to go to qualifying round, because I decided that only "thieves" were elected there.

Dad found out about her desire and doubts, and he took her to the casting. As a result, the girl successfully passed the selection and became a full participant.

This was a good school. However, she could not become one of the finalists.

Within the framework of the project, Julianna performed a composition from the film "Titanic" - "My heart will go on".

She also sang her hit songs - "Rain" and "No You". Before reaching the final, Julianna won a much larger prize.

The producers of the project invited her to the composition new group"Netsuke". There were two more girls in the group - Aksinya Verzhak and Daria Klyushnikova.

Count on these girls a lot. He writes songs for them and tries to get more television coverage for his protégés.

The hits were compositions - "I got on the net" and "I will throw the joker on the table." The "Netsuke" group tours a lot.

Yulianna Karaulova is a bright soloist and leader of the group. The group often performs in tandem with other Star Factory alumni.

Group "5sta Family"

However, the collective, despite all the efforts, did not receive overwhelming success. And the group "Netsuke" soon disintegrates.

At the same time, Julianna meets the musicians of the 5sta Family collective.

In the group itself, there were some disagreements with the main soloist, and she left the composition.

Vasya Kosinsky and Valery Efremov begin casting for the female party, and invite Yulianna Karaulova to participate.

The girl easily bypasses the other participants. Now she becomes new soloist"5sta Family" and here Julianna becomes really famous.

Hit compositions appear steadily. Permanent tours are organized not only in their own country, but also in other countries.

In 2012, the first video sequence with a new line-up for the song "Together we" appears.

In 2013, this composition was awarded the Golden Gramophone award.

Almost immediately, the fans were able to enjoy the new album "Why?". The 5sta Family group is becoming more and more successful.

In 2014, the music video "My Melody" was released, and in the fall of next year, Yulianna Karaulova announced her decision to start a solo career.

However, she takes part in all planned concerts. In the fall of 2015, Julianna is already performing her debut solo song "Houston".

He shot a video for her famous director Konstantin Cherepkov, who collaborated a lot with Sergei Lazarev.

Personal life

Julianne's first desire to tie her life in marriage arose at the age of 18. Then she was in a relationship with Paul.

Then the girl's career began to gain momentum, and the young man was against the stage and touring.

Julianna, succumbing to the persuasion of her lover, for a while gives up creativity and leaves for London.

There, without music, she was able to hold out only six months. She breaks up with Pavel and returns to her homeland.

The next short romance happened under the sights of video cameras. On the Star Factory project, the girl closely communicates with Ruslan Masyukov.

Last year, the singer took third place in the "Ice Age" and received a marriage proposal, this year she became the host of the "Russian Ninja" show and postponed the wedding.

Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a singer. When I got to the "Star Factory", I was 16 years old. After the "factory" she signed a seven-year contract with Maxim Fadeev to participate in the Netsuke group. But soon our team broke up by itself. However, after a while Fadeev invited me to another project, but I refused. Then I thought that if I sign a new contract, then by the time the "seven-year plan" ends, I will be already infinitely old! So it seemed to me at the age of 17. Intuition told me not to agree. Then for a year or two I was very sorry about my decision. But now I understand that everything was for the best.

Didn't want to be a mom without education

I studied in Gnesinka at the faculty of pop and jazz vocal. If I signed a contract, I would have to leave the institute. So to some extent I donated musical career for the sake of education. Why? Probably, my parents raised me that way, plus I myself always really wanted to live the life of a student. I was not a nerd, but learning what was interesting was a pleasure for me. And I always understood that the profession that I chose is something unstable. It lacks stability as such. Today you are popular and you have dozens of concerts, but a year or two will pass and you don't know where you will be. I needed some kind of reserve parachute so that in case of something I could get a job. Besides, I am a girl, and in the long term - a mother, and I would like my children to receive a good education. It will be strange if I do not have a diploma, and I teach the children that they should have one. They will say to me: "Mom, but you didn't study, did you?" And I will have nothing to answer them.

Refused performing for love

At the age of 18 I was going to get married. My fiancé was not against music, but did not want to perform in public. At that time, I was so much in love that I accepted his position. Not that I always dreamed of a family, but then the emotional side overpowered rationality. Probably, now I would not do that, because I understand that it is impossible to be happy to the end, if you do not come true, do not go towards your dream. Sooner or later, you will begin to regret it, and the time has already been lost. I am a very ambitious person, it is important for me to achieve something myself. I never got married. We broke up, we just realized that it was too difficult for us to be together. But we still communicate. Moreover, I can call this man my best friend.

After a failed wedding, I flew to London, I wanted to find an institute where I could get a second education. I dreamed of singing, but as a second option I considered working in the media business, in journalism or something similar. Visited all days open doors in a huge number of universities. I loved it in London, but still I decided that I needed to return to Russia. Because if I stay there for three or four years, all my personal contacts with the same “factory”, people from television, whom I can turn to for help, - everything will be lost. And I returned and again went to Gnesinka at the Faculty of Management music industry.

The first clip was shot for 250 thousand rubles

First, I got a job as an editor for MTV. Then she began to work in a magazine and there she met the guys from the 5sta Family group, interviewed them, came to the shooting of the video. When the soloist left, they called me to take her place. As I remember now, I got a call on Saturday morning, when I, almost like Little Red Riding Hood, went to my grandmother with pies, but in the end I went to meet the producer. And the next day she told the editor-in-chief of the magazine that she had to resign. 5sta Family and I have worked together for almost five years. If the first years were friends within the team, then a difficult period came. They ceased to understand each other, disagreed in views on life, music, some everyday moments, began to quarrel. I understood that it would only get worse and that leaving the group would be a step into the unknown, but I left. Almost everyone dissuaded me. They said that starting a solo career is very difficult, how many such singers there were. But people began to appear around who spoke aloud my own thoughts, themselves offered some kind of help. I had a minimum of accumulated funds. My first video for the song “You’re not like that” was filmed by my friends. By the standards of clipmaking, it is not at all expensive, it took about 250 thousand rubles to cover all the expenses. The director, cameraman, stylist and everyone else worked on it for free. Only young man- we paid a fee to the model. The clip fired. Radio stations began to take the song, and it was at the top of the top list of the month. We did not expect that we would start giving concerts so quickly and making some money. Am I relaxed? Vice versa! It became scary. After all, declaring yourself is one thing, but staying at the top is quite another. And I started recording an album.

Called to get married at the rink

Now I have a lot of work to do. Even personal life faded into the background. Last year Andrey (Julianna's sound producer Andrey Cherny. - Approx. "Antenna") made me an offer. We have known each other for many years, first met after the "factory" at the recording studio where he worked, and I came to record the song. We were friends, talked, nothing foreshadowed that we could have any other relationship. When I left 5sta Family, we launched mine together solo project... As Andrei says, he himself did not understand what had happened, he just fell in love with me and started courting me. At first I was skeptical about it, laughed. But we decided to give it a try. And we agreed that in any case, even if we fail, we will remain friends. We've been together for four years. In December 2016, Andrei invited me to marry during the recording of the New Year's light on the TVC channel at the rink. I was even a little angry then, there were 150 extras around! It always seemed to me that the proposal should be made in a more intimate setting, but when he began to speak, she even shed a tear and answered “yes”. Andrei had his birthday the next day, December 24, and he wanted to have time to ask for my hand in marriage, while he is 33 years old. That's so symbolic. This shooting was organized by my friend, and Andrey had the opportunity to prepare everything in advance. And I was told on the site that some guy would propose to his girlfriend, but she could not even think that it was me!

Photo: "Instagram" by Julianna Karaulova

Music conflicts

To be honest, there is not enough time for the wedding right now. You need to plan everything, immerse yourself in preparation. Postponing the ceremony is our joint decision. Andrey perfectly understands everything, after all we work together, and this is more a plus than a minus. He is aware of the specifics of my activity, that I sometimes need to stay somewhere until the night. And he does not have questions that a man from another sphere would have, before whom he would have to justify himself and explain himself every time. Naturally, we have some conflicts over music, but these are working moments.

I think that by my 29 years I have achieved a lot. Probably, at 16, I would see myself more family man... Maybe in two years I will think about motherhood. I say hypothetically, because such things are ridiculous and strange to plan. Of course, I would not want to be the kind of mother who throws her child on some nannies, grandmothers and continues to go about her business. But in this matter it is impossible to say for sure how it will be right and how not. There are different life circumstances, and many mothers are forced to earn money and even feed their families, and they simply cannot be near their children. Therefore, I will not guess. Naturally, I would like to put off work for a while and enjoy the moment. But not right now. Now I am terribly comfortable in the state in which I am. I record songs, shoot videos. For the first time, I became the host of a sports and entertainment show and acted as a commentator. At first it was a little difficult for me, because in general, we commented on the participation of more than 300 people during the filming of "Russian Ninja"! But then I got involved.


Education: graduated from the Gnessin Academy of Music with a degree in " pop vocals"And" management of the music industry "with honors.

Career: participated in the "Star Factory - 5" under the direction of Maxim Fadeev and Alla Pugacheva, was a soloist of the groups "Netsuke" and 5sta Family. In 2015, she began a solo career, in 2016 she released her first album. Took third place in the project " ice Age- 6 "paired with Maxim Trankov. She released her second solo album in November 2017.

Family status: Single.


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"Russian ninja"

Sunday, 17:30

Julianna Karaulova: biography, personal life, photo

Let's take a closer look at the finalist of the fifth season of the TV show "Star Factory" - Yulianna Yurievna Karaulova? In this article, we have collected all the most Interesting Facts from the biography and personal life of a Russian pop singer. Let's start?

Julianna was born in the capital of Russia on April 24, 1988 in the family of a Russian diplomat. Her father served at that time in the diplomatic corps in Bulgaria, where our heroine lived her childhood from the age of 4.

IN childhood she was engaged (at the insistence of her father) figure skating, as well as dancing and horse riding. Julianna returned to Moscow at the age of 11, where she successfully graduated from high school.

How Julianna Karaulova became a singer

2003 for Julianna was marked by the fact that she won the second place at the festival “Face of the Year”, which was held under the auspices of the youth publication “Yes!”. This award gave her the opportunity to get into music group"Yes".

2004 brought her more more success- the singer got on the TV show "Star Factory", in which she was able to reach the final stage under the strict guidance of the prima donna of the domestic showbiz Alla Pugacheva.

On the project, Yulianna Karaulova and Ruslan Masyukov performed the duet “No You”, and our heroine also recorded the song “Rain”. Successful performance on the project allowed Julianna to get into new project Maxim Fadeev “Netsuke”, where she took part in the recording of the songs “I will throw the joker on the table” and “I got into the net”. By the way, the last specified track is often considered Julianna's solo composition.

After participating in the TV project, Karaulova flew away to study in London and even managed to work as an editor of Yes! Magazine.

Julianna Karaulova at 5sta Family

In 2011, Julianna replaced Loya as the lead singer of the 5sta Family group. Over the course of 4 years, Karaulova worked with this team rather productively, having created several hit songs and won a number of important awards - incl. “Golden Gramophone 2013”, which they received for the song “Together we”.

During this period, Julianna graduated from the Gnessin Academy at the faculty of pop and jazz vocal, and a little later (2014) - from the production faculty. In May 2015, she released a solo video for the song “You are not like that”, which became the debut for Julianna and in demand - for her fans. By the way, the music and lyrics for this composition were created by the star performer Bianca.

As a result, having gained experience and faith in herself, our heroine left 5sta Family for free swimming.

Solo career of singer Julianna Karaulova

  • In 2015 year Julianna received the award “ Golden Gramophone Award ”In St. Petersburg and Minsk, for the above composition“ You are not like that ”.
  • In 2016 she won the RU TV award, which is awarded for the best start of the season in showbiz.
  • At the end of the year, Karaulova's second video was released - for the song “ Houston ”, And three months later the audience saw the third video - this time the video was based on the composition“ Out-of-orbit ”.
  • For the same song, the singer received one more “ Golden Gramophone Award ”.
  • On June 12, 2016 the world saw the song “ Sea ”Julianna Karaulova and ST. A month and a half after the premiere, the duo presented to the public a video for this song.
  • Without delay, Julianna decides to immediately release a solo album, which she named quite unambiguously: “ Feeling Yu ”.. Presentation of the collection and the first personal concert singers took place on November 1, 2016 at the RED club.
  • The artist herself is very pleased with her first job. According to her, Julianna has put a lot of work into this collection, and is proud of the result. She had to modernize some of the old works, but she only benefited from this.
  • 2016 was also remembered for participation in the popular project “ ice Age ”, In which Yulianna got Maxim Trankov as a partner.

Personal life of Julianna Karaulova

Little is known about Julianna's personal life. Perhaps this is due to young age singers. Perhaps - she knows how to correctly hide the details of her personal life from the press. However, several important milestones we just have to reveal.

In 2012, Julianna met and began dating producer Andrei Cherny. 4 years later, in 2016, Andrey propose to move to a new level of relations. He made the offer directly during the filming of the Blue Light project, which took place at the VDNKh ice rink.

That's probably all. But you know that this is only the beginning of the biography and personal life of Julianna Karaulova. Her story is being written before our eyes. Let's wish the talented artist inspiration and health!

What else would you like to know about the biography and personal life of Yulianna Karaulova?

The future star was born in the Russian capital April 24, 1988 The baby's parents were very far from creative professions, and even more so music. My father was the ambassador to the Bulgarian capital - Sofia. Therefore, when she was four years old, she moved with her mother to Bulgaria, where she later entered a school at the Russian embassy.

Despite the fact that the parents were not creative people, the girl from childhood began to show tendencies to different types arts: dancing, singing and figure skating... Moreover, with her vocal talents, she pleased her parents almost from the cradle, and her first public appearance was a performance at school at the age of six. This was the beginning of her active artistic life, Karaulova did not miss a single school event and everywhere she showed herself at her best.

At the age of ten young talent received a diploma from a popular Bulgarian singer at the Dobrich competition. Having lived in Sofia for about eight years, the Karaulov family returned to their homeland. The girl did not give up her singing lessons, but became even more strengthened in her intention to become a professional in this matter.

As a fifteen-year-old teenager, the artist took part in the youth competition of the then fashionable gloss "Yes!", Where she took second place. Two years later, together with the finalists of this competition, she was the soloist of the group of the same name, with which they recorded four songs.

The girl did not forget about getting an education, though it happened a little later, after the "Star Factory". The girl's first thought was to submit a document to Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism, but in the end she entered Russian Academy Gnesins, which she graduated with honors. It is also known that she studied in the capital of Great Britain for six months.

Star Factory

Together with the girls from the YES team, Karaulova came to audition for the Star Factory 5 program. Of all of them women's team only Julianne was chosen. As the young manufacturer later said, she did not believe in the honesty and impartiality of the organizers and the jury of this competition, only her parents could convince her.

Musical career

After the breakup of the Netsuke group, and after graduating from the academy, Yulianna became a member of the 5sta Family music team, replacing her predecessor Loya. With the guys from the group, the singer quickly found mutual language, and it seems that it began to bring them good luck: soon it was published debut album"Why", in a year new composition the team received the Golden Gramophone award. But, having been a performer in the group for about four years, Karaulova decided to embark on a free voyage - to start her own career.

The song "You are not like that" became her debut composition. And instantly she soared to the top of the charts. The clip has been viewed over 20 million times on the Internet. The successful start inspired the girl, she began to regularly record new compositions and submit them to the audience. Her popularity became higher and higher, this was also facilitated by her first own album, released in 2016 under the title "Feeling Yu" and her debut solo concert.

The private life of Karaulova

As a contestant on the Star Factory project, the girl did not hide her romance with her colleague Ruslan Masyukov, which ended in nothing. Later, the girl met a young man, Pavel, with whom she had a real serious relationship. Initially, everything was fine, but the guy turned out to be jealous, persuaded Julianna to quit music, and the couple eventually broke up.

Later it became known about the affair with her longtime friend Andrey Cherny, with whom she had been friends since the days of "Factory". They were friends for about seven years, but then suddenly a spark slipped between them, and the young people decided to try to build a romantic relationship. On the New Year's Eve 2017, on the set " Blue light", Andrey delighted the audience by offering his hand and heart to the unsuspecting Karaulova.

Interesting Facts

  1. Julianne has two higher education: musical (pop-jazz vocals) and production.
  2. Karaulova has her own pages on social networks, where she communicates with fans and pleases them with new posts with photos.
  3. The singer speaks well 4 foreign languages: English, French, Bulgarian and Latin.
  4. Living in London, the girl was engaged in polo and horse riding.

Professional achievements

  1. Soloist of the group "YES".
  2. Participant in the Netsuke group.
  3. Soloist in the 5sta Family team.
  4. Solo career.
  5. Dubbing in the animated film "Moana" by Sina.

What do you think of Yulianna Karaulova? We are waiting for your comments.

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