The prince's face was inscrutable. A week later, De Witt appeared in the office like a ghost and silently sat down in the chair next to Firely. His face was inscrutable, but despondency shone in his eyes

Movable face

Mobility human face- This is not a strictly controlled process. It is based on a simple biological fact of enormous significance. Nervous system The human body is designed in such a way that the visual impact of the movement of the facial muscles is much stronger than the kinetic one. For example, the small muscles around the mouth can move only a couple of millimeters, and sometimes the person himself will not even notice it, but others may perceive such an expression of the mouth as some kind of specific sign. You can check this in front of the mirror. How much a person does not perceive his own external appearance is easy to show in reality. ordinary example- when he tries to touch the outside of his lower or upper teeth with his tongue. It seems to him that he is doing this modestly and delicately. At the same time, the face seems to remain almost motionless. But if you look at yourself in the mirror, you will see that even a slight movement of the tongue causes a significant distortion of facial features, especially the chin, and is transmitted to the neck muscles. If a person listens to his feelings more sensitively than usual, he will notice the movement of muscles on both the forehead and temples.

In the heat of communication, this happens all the time. The person himself does not notice this; what seems to him the slightest muscular movement causes a change in the expression of his face. And at this time, the Child in his partner can greedily search (as far as this is allowed) good manners) confirmation of a change in his feelings and intentions. So the expression on a person’s face always reveals more than he himself assumes, unless, of course, he belongs to people who deliberately make their face motionless and impenetrable, so as not to reveal their true reactions. But in turn, this demonstrates how important facial expressions are during communication, since blank faces make others feel uncomfortable and do not contribute to contact and the desire to behave naturally in the current situation.

Such facts probably explain the almost supernatural intuition that determines the attitude of children towards other people. Children do not yet know that they cannot peer closely into the face of another, and therefore they look and see something that the subject himself is not aware of, and adults may not notice. Usually the Adult in a person politely avoids looking closely at the face of the interlocutor, while his Child stares impudently and concludes, most often correctly, about what the conversation partner actually thinks and feels. This is especially successful in the “first ten seconds” after meeting someone, when a person still does not know how to present himself and can give away something that he will later try to hide. This is the value of first impressions. As a result, a person does not know how much he has discovered due to the mobility of his face. What he tried to hide even from himself, the interlocutor will be able to see clearly and organize his behavior accordingly, to the surprise of his partner. Without realizing it, the man gave script signals. Those around him mainly react to them, and not to his “persona” or to his self-image. As a result, the scenario can unfold regardless of his wishes. He, of course, cannot feel responsible for this and says, maintaining the illusion of autonomy: “I don’t understand that he behaves this way. I didn't give any reason. Strange people after all...” If his behavior is unusual enough, those around him may react in a way completely incomprehensible to him. This is how deceptions and various difficult situations often arise and are reinforced.

Dealing with this situation is quite simple. By studying your own facial expressions using a mirror, you can understand what makes people react to it in one way or another. If you wish, you can learn to change the situation. If you are not an actor, you most likely will not have such a desire. In fact, most people are so immersed in their scripts that they use any excuse not to study their own reflection. Some people claim that this is an artificial procedure, as if it were natural to let the script mechanically produce predetermined situations.

Clara is a very well-mannered woman from Latin America. She is a striking example of how facial mobility profoundly affects human relationships. She appeared in a psychotherapeutic group due to the fact that her husband was planning to separate from her. According to her, she had no one to consult with, although their three adult children lived at home with them. My husband refused to come with her, but my twenty-year-old son readily accepted our invitation.

“It’s hard for me to talk to my mother at all,” he said, “and even now it’s not easy to talk about her. She is so vulnerable that she often feels like a martyr. Before I say anything to her, I have to think three times about how she will take it. I can’t tell her anything directly...” The son’s speech lasted several minutes, and at that time the mother sat nearby in a somewhat tense position, straightened up and with her hands folded in her lap, as she was used to doing in childhood. One could only see the movements of her face, head, and neck. Listening to her son, she first raised her eyebrows in surprise, then frowned, shook her head slightly, pursed her lips, bowed her head sadly, raised her eyes again, and then bowed her head to the side in the pose of a martyr. These plastic movements of the head and face lasted throughout his speech - a cinematic picture of emotional expressiveness. When her son finished, the psychotherapist asked her a question: “Why did you demonstrate your attitude towards your son’s words in such a way?” “I didn’t do it,” she objected in surprise. “...But facial expressions and head movements.” - “I didn’t notice it.” “It all happened,” said the psychotherapist. - When your son spoke, the expression on your face was a reaction to his words. This is why it is so difficult for him to contact you. You ask your son to say everything directly, but even if you don’t utter a single word, your thoughts are still visible on your face. Moreover, you yourself probably don’t even know about it. Do you see the effect this has on your son? Imagine what it was like for him three years old when he tried to look on his mother’s face for an answer to his words and actions. That’s why he has to think three times before talking to you, that’s why you have no one to talk to at home.” - "What to do now?" - she asked. “When you get home, stand in front of the mirror. Your son will talk to you, and you watch your reaction... Well, now what do you think about the substance of what he said?” asked the therapist.

IN in this case Clara's parent listened to her son's words with maternal attention, and this was the active state of her Self at that moment. At the same time, her Child reacted completely differently, and neither the Parent nor the Adult perceived or felt the movements of her own face. To her son, her Child’s reactions were literally striking. Her Parent's sincerity did not appear at all, and everyone in the group, with the exception of herself, clearly saw why it was so difficult for the son to speak directly and frankly with his mother.

The principle of a moving face applies to both a mother’s smile and a merry fellow’s grin. A mother may be completely unaware that her facial expressions greatly influence her children.

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  4. Of course, the pearl of Roman urban planning and architecture is Rome itself (film).
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– I hope everything went well? – Firely, unable to resist, quipped. – Were you allowed to press all the trigger buttons?

“We won’t move forward, Bob, until you achieve serious results,” De Witt replied wearily. – Tell me frankly, is there any hope of getting them in the foreseeable future?

“No way,” Firely said with a grin, enjoying the pain in the ex-colonel’s eyes. – And in general, I think that your boss Christensen is right. It is absurd to study unknown machines, especially those created on another planet, based on just two words “on” and “off.”

“It’s not so little,” De Witt objected quietly. – You surprised me, Bob. I hoped that a young man like you would become my ally, but you... you turned out to be a mossy old man. Christensen can still be understood; he is completely ossified. He long years I’ve been laying the foundation of my career brick by brick and now I’m simply unable to move forward without looking back. But you..., uh...

De Witt suddenly stood up and left the room, slamming the door loudly. Firely looked after him, stunned, and suddenly felt his cheeks burning. Anger flared up in him - and not only towards De Witt...

Unable to bear it, he turned on the treasured recording again and, closing his eyes, began to listen for the hundredth time to the voice of a long-dead woman from the stars. She called him, called him..., and he chickened out, taking the side of Christensen and the old guys from Washington. De Witt is right - he is already an old man who has never been truly young...

From that day on, Firely began to work with some kind of wild frenzy. The light in his office almost never went out at night; he slept no more than two or three hours a day, relying on black coffee and tonic pills.

And finally, a tiny crack appeared in the seemingly granite wall of the Unknown. Firely understood that this was most likely optical illusion– the idea that dawned on him was too crazy and hopeless, but he continued to stubbornly move forward.

Soon the crack turned into a chasm, at the end of which timid rays of light appeared.

He didn't tell anyone, not even Speer. De Witt pointedly did not appear, as if putting an end to it, but sometimes in the middle of the night Firely had an unpleasant feeling that someone was watching him through the window glass.

The work diary was swelling with hasty entries. Soon the first translation of one of the “instructions” for the alien machine appeared in it - it turned out to be a cybernavigator; it was followed by a second instruction, a third... One night Firely turned off the computer and looked with amazement and even some fear at the thick notebooks lying on the table. If he had not gone completely mad, then in front of him was the key to the stars. Photos of the cars found in Gassendi, their detailed description, made by engineers, and translations of instructions... Any of the aerospace companies working for NASA could start designing a starship based on all this material. Starship!!

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- Because I signed.

- Why?

- Because the money comes to me.

- I am not the heir of my own father? - she asked indignantly.

If Paul had left the money to you, creditors would have taken it. And if they are intended for me, they will remain with the nose. Don't worry, fireman Jack will figure out how to get the paperwork out of this case.

- What for? It's your money. You can buy with them new car. Nobody will say a word.

His face contorted in pain.

- How could you even think that...

I don't want to think anymore. Everything didn't turn out the way I wanted. I dreamed that I would get a license, we would work together with my dad and...

She stood up with a jerk and looked at the large window overlooking the parking lot. There a man trudged along with bags full of purchases, and a poodle on a leash got in the way under his feet, trying to describe every wheel that came along the road.

Beck stood behind her.

- Girl, I don’t need a penny of this money. They are all yours. Your dad wanted me to do this.

- He didn't trust me.

- He didn't trust creditors. I didn't want to let you have nothing left.

Beck timidly took her hand and pulled her towards him. She felt him trembling slightly.

“I won’t let you die of hunger,” he whispered. - I will do everything in my power. As soon as the money arrives, we will open a bank account for you. I swore on your father's grave.

Dad trusted him. Why can't I?

They stood there for several minutes, just looking out the window and not talking about anything. Eventually Beck walked away and returned to the desk with the papers. Riley forced herself to sit next to her and continue working: she needed to finish the job. They were silent for the rest of the time.

When all the paperwork was completed, Beck put the folders in his bag, grabbed his jacket from the sofa and left, muttering words of gratitude. Riley locked the door behind him, knowing she had to say something but not knowing what.

Late in the evening she saw on the table under a stack of receipts a plump white envelope, stuffed with twenty dollar bills. She counted them, putting them in piles of one hundred. There were ten stacks in total.

One thousand dollars.

Beck probably put them there when she went to the bathroom. Riley buried her head on the table. She wanted to die of shame. She suspected him of stealing the money, and all this time this envelope had been lying there. He didn't say a word to her.

She remembered how the two of them stood silently at the window. How he pouted, ashamed of the fact that he could read and write poorly. How her father had no doubt that Beck was capable of doing the right thing.

Denver Beck was hard to love and even harder to understand. But one thing was clear: his word was gold.

Why can't I come to terms with this?

Chapter Seventeen

What's wrong with this place? - Riley grumbled, taxiing towards the Oakland Cemetery. She then drove down a parallel street, looking for a parking spot. - Why should I hang around here? most own life?

The universe did not provide answers to the questions of why her school organized an excursion here today, and Riley simply moved on. She had to come to school for the first time after the events in the Chapel and was preparing for the fact that her classmates would bombard her with questions, wanting to know “how it all happened.”

Unfortunately, talking about it did not make the experience easier and did not get rid of terrible memories, but exactly the opposite. Each time, nightmare images readily appeared in Riley's head and ingrained themselves even deeper into her memory. If she could somehow stay away from all the nosy people, maybe they would move on to something else?

The main thing is that it has nothing to do with me.

Mandatory excursions were organized in schools three times a year. To avoid crowding, a separate day was appointed for several classes. At least two hundred students were expected to arrive in Oakland today, and since the school administration no longer bothered to organize shuttles or anything like that, there were no empty parking spaces. Riley managed to get into the car only three blocks from the cemetery. The schedule with an interval of half an hour for arriving schoolchildren did not change anything, and there was already a real pandemonium at the entrance: the children sadly, like well-dressed zombies, trudged to the meeting place.

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

I (couldn't) find what to say.

My words were (not) heard.

He looked around in surprise, as if (not) understanding what had happened to him.

Her face was (un)readable.

Bagration looked around the retinue with nothing (not) expressing his eyes.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here's the correct spelling:

I couldn't find anything to say.

My words were not heard.

He looked around in surprise, not exactly understanding what had happened to him.

Her face was unreadable. (short adjective, what is, not what is done).

Bagration looked around the retinue with expressionless eyes.


Answer: impenetrable

Rule: Combined and separate spelling of NOT and NI with in different parts speech.Task 13

Spelling NOT and NOR.

According to the specification, a task of this type checks:

− the ability to distinguish a NOT particle from a NI particle;

− ability to distinguish the prefix NOT from the prefix NI;

− the ability to write together or separately NOT with all parts of speech.

In this regard, we draw attention to the fact that the conditions of tasks, depending on its goals, may vary significantly. At the same time, we also note that in typical Unified State Exam assignments(authors Tsybulko I.P., Lvov, Egoraeva) only the ability to write together or separately NOT with different parts of speech is tested, and in the tasks of other authors, including Senina, MMIO (StatGrad) there are also tasks to choose from NOT or NOT. The editors of RESHUEGE also consider it necessary to expand the types of this task within the specifications of the current year.

We also draw attention to the fact that a number of rules by which spelling is checked are not studied in school course. Such rules are marked with *.

12.1 Combined and separate spelling of particles NOT and NI.

The particle is not written separately:

1) If there is or is implied a contrast with names, adverbs and participles.

It is necessary to distinguish between direct opposition, in which one of the two features, called adjectives, is denied, and the second is affirmed, and opposition with a concessive shade of meaning, in which both features, called adjectives, are attributed to the subject, i.e. there is opposition, but without negation .

Wed: The lake is not deep, but shallow (the attribute “deep” is denied and the attribute “shallow” is affirmed). - The lake is shallow, but wide (both attributes are affirmed: “both shallow and wide”; “although shallow, but wide”) .

1) This is not happiness, but grief. The river is not shallow (deep). You are not my friend. They walked not quickly, but slowly. Not a silent, but a growing rumble.
2) *With adjectives, adverbs starting with -o and participles, words starting with -my, if the opposition is implied and the negation is strengthened by the words:

a) not at all, not at all, far from, not at all, not at all;

b) negative pronominal words: not at all, not at all, no one, no one, no one, never, nowhere, no, no, nothing, nothing, nothing, etc.

For convenience of explanation, we call them negatives and amplifiers.

a) This is not true at all; This case is not at all unique; This is by no means obvious; She is far from brave; He is not at all stupid; It's no fun talking about it; Not at all embarrassed; She is not at all more educated than her husband;

b) The case is in no way suitable; A worthless project; He's not my friend; not at all envious, not needed by anyone, not in any way useless, good for nothing, incapable of anything, not interesting in any way; He is not at all more beautiful than his sister;

3) *With short adjectives that are not used in full form.3) not happy, should not, is not right, is not visible, does not intend, is not disposed, is not ready, is not obliged, is not needed, does not agree.
4) With full participles in the presence of dependent words (except for words of degree intensifiers, see the list) or opposition (as a general rule)4) Fields of rye that had not yet been harvested could be seen. Not a laughing, but a crying child.
4) *C verbal adjectives, formed from imperfective transitive verbs using the suffixes -em-, -im- only if there is a dependent word in the instrumental case. Otherwise, they will not be participles, but will be verbal adjectives.4) The subject I didn’t like was to be taken this year.
5) With verbs, gerunds, short participles, with numerals, conjunctions, particles, prepositions:5) was not, could not, without recognizing, not ordered, not removed, not one, not five, not that... not that, not only, not above us.
6) *With adverbs and words of the state category

a) to a comparative extent

b) in the role of a predicate impersonal predicate

6) moved no louder, spoke no faster

I don't need it, she doesn't need it

7) in negative pronouns with a preposition with stress7) not with anyone, not in anything, not about anyone
7) in negative pronouns with a preposition without stress7) with no one, in nothing, about anyone

12.2 Continuous spelling of NOT and NOR.

The particle is not written together:

1) If the word without NOT is not used.A) Nouns: fable, tumbler, ignorance, ignorant, adversity, unseen, invisible, slave, scoundrel, touchy, ailment, forget-me-not, hatred, bad weather, problems, fidget, slob, foolish, loser, unchrist;

b) adjectives and adverbs formed from them: careless, inconspicuous, irrevocable, unharmed, inevitable, unchanging, absurd, necessary, invincible, unceasing, inseparable, unspeakable, never-ending, unceasing, undoubted, incomparable, awkward, unfortunate, clumsy, intolerable, unshakable, indisputable, indomitable; careless, absurd, necessary, undoubtedly;

V) Verbs: to dislike, to dislike, to be indignant, to be unwell, to be unwell, to hate, to be unwell, to be unwell, to be perplexed, to be unable to come, to be numb;

G) adverbs and other unchangeable words: unbearably, unbearably, unbearably, unknowingly, by chance, inadvertently, impossible, inadvertently, really, reluctantly; despite, despite (prepositions)

2) *NOT part of the prefix NEDO, which gives verbs the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency compared to some norm.” The same rules also apply to participles formed from verbs with the prefix NEDO. The prefix UNDER- is often antonymous with the prefix OVER-: under-salt - over-salt, under-full - over-full, under-full - over-fill, under-over-transfer.2) The child really missed the care of his parents. During the war, children were UNDERFOODED and LACKED OF SLEEP. Rozhdestvensky believed too much in his own abilities, considering himself a genius, but underestimated the abilities of his opponent.
3) With nouns, adjectives, adverbs ending in -o, -e, when a new word, a new concept is formed, often with a negative quality.3) misfortune (trouble), not easy (difficult), not easy, ugly, not far (close), nearby
4) *In combination with adjectives and adverbs, words denoting the degree of quality: very, extremely, very, extremely, clearly, quite (pretty much), sufficiently, blatantly, exclusively, extremely do not affect continuous or separate writing, therefore it is NOT written together.

For convenience of explanation, we call them strengths and degrees.

4) A very unpleasant incident. A completely uninteresting game was invented. He spoke rather incomprehensibly.
5) With full participles in the absence of dependent words or *when dependent words are power amplifiers5) We walked along the unlit streets of the town. I made a completely rash decision.
6) *In verbal adjectives formed from intransitive verbs or transitive verbs of the perfect form using the suffixes -em-, -im-. These are not participles, since participles with the suffixes -em, -they should only be of the imperfect form, they are the present tense.6) unfading, inexhaustible, irreconcilable, insurmountable, indomitable, inexhaustible, indestructible.
7) in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs depending on the stress, E or I, but together.7) nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nowhere-nowhere, nowhere-from-nowhere, no-no-nothing, no-time-never.

12.3. The particles NOT and NI differ in meaning:

For the right choice particles NOT and NOR, their semantic differences should be taken into account. Let's display them in tables.

Main uses of negative particles

The particle is NOT usedNI particle is used
1) to express negation:

There were no letters or telegrams.

Brother doesn't look like a liar.

It’s not the moon or the stars that interest me, but only meteorites.

1) to strengthen the negation expressed by the particle NOT

There were no letters or telegrams.

The brother does not look like a deceiver or a joker.

I'm not interested in the stars or the moon.

2) to express a statement with a connotation of obligation (double negative):

He couldn't help but call.

We couldn't help but notice.

2) to express quantitative negation:

The sky is clear.

Not a drop of dew in my mouth.

3) to express impossibility in impersonal sentences:

You won't be able to catch up with the crazy three!

There will be no war or fire!

3) for emotional expression prohibition, order, obligation:

No step back!

Not a sound! Not a day without a line!

4) when expressing uncertainty, fear or admiration:

Aren't you my guest?

No matter how cold the frost hits!

Why not a hero!

4) to express uncertainty:

He is neither old nor young, neither fat nor thin (cf.: He is either old or young).

In phraseological units: Neither this nor that, neither fish nor fowl.

5) in interrogative and exclamatory sentences when expressing an underlined statement:

Who didn't curse stationmasters who didn't quarrel with them!

(A. Pushkin)

Isn't it true that we have become wiser?

With your condition, how can you not get married? (L. Tolstoy)

5) in subordinate clauses with a generalized intensifying meaning (with allied words: whoever.., whatever.., wherever.., etc.).

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t cry.

Whenever you ask him, he won’t mince his words.

Complex cases of distinguishing between NEI and NOT

1.In subordinate clauses. Compare:
Does NOT express negation:

When my brother didn't come, everyone felt bored.

There are no wars where soldiers do not die.

NI expresses the statement with a touch of generality:

Whenever my brother came, he always brought excitement and joy.

Wherever soldiers die, they should be remembered and honored.

2. In revolutions not one and none; not once and not once. Compare:
Does not express negation:

Not one of us (that is, many) was ready for the ascent.

More than once (i.e. many times) I had to meet a wild beast.

Neither expresses increased negation:

Neither of us (that is, no one) was up to the climb.

Not once (that is, never) have I encountered a wild animal.

3. In pronominal phrases. Compare:
Expressive phrases with NOT contain the meaning of hidden opposition and are used in affirmative sentences (cf.: no one else, but..)

None other than a woodpecker was knocking dully in the forest.

Before us was nothing more than an ancient cave.

These phrases are used in negative sentences and serve to strengthen the negation: no one... not; nothing is not:

No one else could have led us to the right path.

Nothing else but music captivated me so much.


Compound amplification turns with particle ni:

at all costs, no matter what, wherever, wherever, as if nothing had happened, etc.

Spelling varies Not with verbal adjectives -my and with participles -my; if there are explanatory words, the first ones are written together (like denominate adjectives), the second ones are written separately, for example:

A) uninhabited since ancient times the island insoluble crystals in water, indistinguishable figures of people in the dark;

b) reserves not visited by hunters, unreadable non-specialist magazines, not my favorite mother child.

To adjectives on -my include words formed from intransitive verbs (for example: independent, waterproof, fireproof) or from perfective verbs (for example: incorrigible, impracticable, indestructible). These words apply general rules writing Not with adjectives, i.e. they are written together and in the presence of explanatory words (see examples above), as well as in short form(for example: island uninhabited, disease incurable, these countries are economically independent). However, the rule of writing adjectives separately with Not, if explanatory words are pronouns and adverbs starting with neither, or combinations far from, not at all, not at all(see above, paragraph 6, note 1. subparagraph 2), for example: with nothing incomparable the impression is that countries are not dependent on anyone, by no means insoluble crystals; This is a phenomenon neither from life nor from art irreparable. The exception is words that, without Not not used, for example: by no one invincible army, for no one incomprehensible case, under no circumstances unique experiment.


It is necessary to distinguish between spelling Not with words on -my, formed from imperfective transitive verbs: such words can be either passive present participles or adjectives (in the first case, spelled with Not separate, in the second - merged). They are participles if the instrumental case is used as an explanatory word actor, less often a creative tool (the so-called instrumental); in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (they lose the passive meaning and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Wed: not my favorite mother child - unloved games in childhood (in the second case, the word unloved indicates constant sign, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); movement, uninhibited by air - invisible from the Earth side of the Moon.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, irresponsible, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, unvisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, untaxed, unalienable, untranslatable, untransferable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant, etc. Cf. their writing with explanatory words: indivisible by three number, unforgettable for us to meet, through invisible tears to the world, unthinkable in the recent past records, indescribable in simple words feelings, unverifiable accounts from a long time ago, impassable mud in the spring, unyielding in Russian nouns, intolerant behavior in our society, etc.

Thea looked at me with narrowed eyes. She saw the fear, but she didn’t know where it came from. That is, either she read in my head only about her sons, or she did not understand why pregnancy scares me. If the first is good; if the second, she is too alien to me to talk to her.

I turned to Auggie and his angry girlfriend, the only woman on that side of the room. She stood over six feet in heels. But unlike Claudia, who was muscular and sinister, this woman was thin. The muscles in her arms and legs did not work. She angrily waved her large palms, her nails with dark varnish, right hand the diamond sparkled. The red dress with silver sequins hugged her like glittering skin. And it was so short that when she walked around the sofa with an excessively wide step, I noticed that there was nothing under it. Yeah...

Auggie brought her to me. Her face was beautiful, like a model's - with sunken cheeks, almost gaunt, but there was enough makeup on it that this word did not come to mind. Her hair is long, combed too high, as if she was still in the eighties, but dark. Maybe it was even her natural color. The dress's thin straps and light fabric were not designed to support breasts. Breasts of this size do not stick out forward without more serious help than from such a dress. She protruded from under him in a way that real breasts simply cannot.

The woman jerked towards me, holding Auggie's hand. A good gait, springy, but the chest did not even sway. Large breasts, well shaped, but held under the dress as if they were firmer than breasts should be.

It wasn't until Mika tugged at my arm that I realized I'd missed something while staring at her breasts. I shook my head and looked into Auggie's eyes.

Sorry, didn't I hear?

This is Bunny, my mistress.

Bunny. I wonder if this is his real name? Maybe. Who would want to be named Bunny?

I nodded:

Hello Bunny.

Auggie tugged her hand slightly and nodded to her.

She turned to me with a gloomy face:

At least one guy has me as a whore, not a dozen.

Mika literally pulled me away from her. I didn’t resist - I was so dumbfounded by her rudeness that I lost my speech. I didn’t even get angry yet - it was too unexpected. And too rude.

Auggie ordered her to kneel, and when she hesitated, he forced her down.

Apologize immediately!

His power filled the room, like cold water, gave me goosebumps.

Why am I a whore if she prostitutes her own sons, and this one fucks with everything that cannot escape?

I knew this intonation - measured, carefully controlled, when you yourself are afraid of what you might do if you yell.

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