Lunar month of the year. Moon calendar

The Moon is not only a satellite of the Earth, it also has a powerful influence on the biological rhythms of all living beings, as well as plants. Many life cycles depend on the Moon and natural phenomena. In order to be aware of upcoming changes and changes in health, and also to understand which day will be favorable or unfavorable for various endeavors, a lunar calendar was created.

It was developed in Ancient Egypt and is considered the oldest system for calculating lunar cycles. Moon calendar for 2017, like the calendars of previous years, is compiled on the basis of the phases of the moon’s movement and includes data on its position in a certain period of the year.

Why does the Moon have such an effect on people living on the planet? The answer is that our body is 70% water, and many have long known that the ebb and flow of the tides on Earth are completely dependent on this celestial body. Surprisingly, millions of people believe in the lunar calendar and claim that thanks to it they are able to plan many urgent matters.

It's called the lunar calendar detailed description cyclical changes of the four phases of the night star. This calendar indicates not only favorable and unfavorable periods, but also the days when it is best to get a haircut, go on a diet, start digging up a garden, or start a new business project.

The lunar month consists of 29-30 days. Lunar days are not always equal in length to each other. This is explained by the fact that the real lunar cycle is 29.5 sunny days. The lunar calendar we have compiled for 2017 will give you the opportunity to predict your actions in the future without resorting to astrological calculations.

Everything you plan will be most effective if you begin to adhere to the recommendations and warnings. Act thoughtfully and then you can get the best result.

Calendar for 2017 by month

Features of lunar days

Scientists and astrologers have long noticed that each lunar day has a special effect on a person’s condition and his actions. To understand which of these days is most favorable, you first need to find out when the lunar year begins. To be honest, it is impossible to name a specific date that would give rise to a new lunar year. As a rule, this period falls between January 21 and February 19.

The lunar year consists of lunar cycles that begin at the new moon and end at the new moon. These cycles can be complete or incomplete, and incomplete lunar cycles are regarded by eminent astrologers as unfavorable.

The lunar month consists of lunar days. Note that a lunar day can last only a few hours or be longer than an earthly day. It is these periods of time that can affect a person, but due to the strengthening or weakening of the energy of the Moon.

  • Favorable lunar days. As a rule, this is 3,7,12,16,24,28 days. During this period, the positive energy of the Moon intensifies, which means that all endeavors will be successful.
  • Not favorable days . Usually this is 4,18,26 days. These days a person may feel unwell, tired and apathetic to everything that is happening.
  • Neutral days fall on 8,11,14,19,20,25.
  • “Satanic” days. 9,15,23,29. As a rule, at this time there is a change in the lunar phases, which is why many of us may feel a loss of strength, and new things are unlikely to be successful.

Moon phases in 2017

The phases of the moon are called various shapes this celestial body, illuminated by the Sun, which is visible to us from the Earth. If lunar days influence our behavior and actions, then the phases of the moon determine the general condition of our body and are responsible for the degree of its endurance and activity.

There are several main phases of this celestial body:

  • New moon
  • First quarter
  • Full moon
  • Last quarter

New Moon called the state when the Moon is not visible in the sky. On the astrological chart it is conjunct with the Sun.

First quarter- in this state, only one side of the Moon is illuminated. With the Sun at this time it forms a right quadrature.

Full moon- this state opens up to us all the delights of the Earth’s satellite. It is completely illuminated by the Sun and is in opposition to it.

Last quarter- in this state, only one side of the Moon is illuminated. A left square is formed with the Sun.

New Moon and Full Moon- these are the main ones critical points lunar cycle. Based on statistics, it is on these days that it happens a large number of accidents, and chronic diseases worsen. A person feels unwell these days, and his psyche is in a depressed state. Astrologers do not recommend starting a new business on such days, because it is unlikely to be successful. Even folk wisdom warns people against new beginnings during the new moon or full moon.

Stargazers consider the most important astronomical and astrological events solar and lunar eclipses. Eclipses have a special impact on people and often act as catalysts for fatal events. During an eclipse, it is not recommended to make important decisions or start things that are important to you. Business deals or business trips are best postponed for a few days to avoid failure. During lunar eclipse Don't stress too much and be overly emotional.

The Moon is not only a satellite of the Earth, it also has a powerful influence on the biological rhythms of all living beings, as well as plants. Many life cycles and natural phenomena depend on the Moon. In order to be aware of upcoming changes and changes in health, and also to understand which day will be favorable or unfavorable for various endeavors, a lunar calendar was created.

It was developed in Ancient Egypt and is considered the oldest system for calculating lunar cycles. Lunar calendar for 2017, like the calendars of previous years, is compiled on the basis of the phases of the moon’s movement and includes data on its position during a certain period of the year.

Why does the Moon have such an effect on people living on the planet? The answer is that our body is 70% water, and many have long known that the ebb and flow of the tides on Earth are completely dependent on this celestial body. Surprisingly, millions of people believe in the lunar calendar and claim that thanks to it they are able to plan many urgent matters.

Lunar calendar: characteristics

The lunar calendar is a detailed description of the cyclic changes of the four phases of the night star. This calendar indicates not only favorable and unfavorable periods, but also the days when it is best to get a haircut, go on a diet, start digging up a garden, or start a new business project.

The lunar month consists of 29-30 days. Lunar days are not always equal in length to each other. This is explained by the fact that the real lunar cycle is 29.5 solar days. The lunar calendar we have compiled will not give you the opportunity to predict your actions in the future without resorting to astrological calculations.

Everything you plan will be most effective if you begin to adhere to the recommendations and warnings. Act thoughtfully and then you can get the best result.

Calendar for 2017 by month

Features of lunar days

Scientists and astrologers have long noticed that each lunar day has a special effect on a person’s condition and his actions. To understand which of these days is most favorable, you first need to find out when the lunar year begins. To be honest, it is impossible to name a specific date that would give rise to a new lunar year. As a rule, this period falls between January 21 and February 19.

The lunar year consists of lunar cycles that begin at the new moon and end at the new moon. These cycles can be complete or incomplete, and incomplete lunar cycles are regarded by eminent astrologers as unfavorable.

A lunar month consists of lunar days. Note that a lunar day can last only a few hours or be longer than an earthly day. It is these periods of time that can affect a person, but due to the strengthening or weakening of the energy of the Moon.

  • Favorable lunar days. As a rule, this is 3,7,12,16,24,28 days. During this period, the positive energy of the Moon intensifies, which means that all endeavors will be successful.
  • Unfavorable days. Usually this is 4,18,26 days. These days a person may feel unwell, tired and apathetic to everything that is happening.
  • Neutral days fall on 8,11,14,19,20,25.
  • “Satanic” days. 9,15,23,29. As a rule, at this time there is a change in the lunar phases, which is why many of us may feel a loss of strength, and new things are unlikely to be successful.

Moon phases in 2017

They name the various forms of this heavenly body, illuminated by the Sun, which are visible to us from the Earth. If lunar days influence our behavior and actions, then the phases of the moon determine the general condition of our body and are responsible for the degree of its endurance and activity.

There are several main phases of this celestial body:

  • New moon
  • First quarter
  • Full moon
  • Last quarter

New Moon called the state when the Moon is not visible in the sky. On the astrological chart it is conjunct with the Sun.

First quarter- in this state, only one side of the Moon is illuminated. With the Sun at this time it forms a right quadrature.

Full moon- this state opens up to us all the delights of the Earth’s satellite. It is completely illuminated by the Sun and is in opposition to it.

Last quarter- in this state, only one side of the Moon is illuminated. A left square is formed with the Sun.

New Moon and Full Moon- these are the main critical points of the lunar cycle. Based on statistics, it is on these days that a large number of accidents occur and chronic diseases worsen. A person feels unwell these days, and his psyche is in a depressed state. Astrologers do not recommend starting a new business on such days, because it is unlikely to be successful. Even folk wisdom warns people against new beginnings during the new moon or full moon.

Stargazers consider the most important astronomical and astrological events solar and lunar eclipses. Eclipses have a special impact on people and often act as catalysts for fatal events. During an eclipse, it is not recommended to make important decisions or start things that are important to you. Business deals or business trips are best postponed for a few days to avoid failure. During the period of a lunar eclipse, you should not overexert yourself and be overly emotional.

Among all existing calendars, the lunar calendar is one of the most ancient. Along with the solar energy, it was widespread and used by various civilizations of antiquity. It is believed that the lunar calendar first appeared in ancient Egypt and more than a dozen priests worked on its compilation. Fortunately, today this does not take so much effort, because observations of the satellite are carried out regularly, and calculations are made by scripts and program algorithms. Therefore, for daily use, we are offering you a ready-made lunar calendar for 2017 by month, where you will find favorable and neutral, unfavorable and “satanic” days and recommendations on what is best to do and when.

Why do you need a lunar calendar for 2017?

If everything is more or less clear with the ancients, then why the lunar calendar? to modern man? It is no secret that the Moon, being a natural satellite of the Earth, affects all living organisms on the planet: from animals and plants to humans. We can observe the ebb and flow of the tides due to the gravity of the Moon. And this is main reason the fact that the celestial body also influences people - we also consist of water.

As a rule, people neglect this fact, citing the fact that the moon is too far away and its mass is less than that of the earth, so there can be no talk of any attraction or magnetic field. Meanwhile, our ancestors noted that there are favorable days, and there are those on which it is better not to leave the house at all and not take any action. Such as, for example, days on which the lunar phase or full moon changes. You can find out when they will be by checking the calendar. Try to limit your activity these days, as well as a couple of days before and after.

The main thing to remember is that a lunar day is not equal to an earthly day; they can last only a few minutes or hours, or exceed twenty-four hours. That’s why it’s so important to have a lunar calendar for 2016-2017 on hand – it already takes these features into account and indicates the length of the day and the shift time for the next one down to the minute. Every day there is a diverse impact on a person and this is connected with the position of the Moon relative to the sun - the phase, and its zodiacal location. For knowledgeable person a phrase like: “Thirteenth lunar day, Moon in Capricorn” will be the most accurate forecast and prediction that he can receive for the day. If you learn to use the lunar calendar by month for 2017, and follow its tips, you can avoid a lot of trouble and increase your chances of success in new projects and endeavors.

Another fact that you should know: due to the fact that the length of the lunar day is not static, a lunar month usually has 29-30 days. Astronomers say that in fact the lunar month is 29.5 Earth days in terms of the number of hours, but it is the change of phases that brings such confusion. The lunar month lasts from new moon to new moon.

Find out more about lunar calendars on the website portal.

Lunar calendar 2017: favorable and unfavorable days

Conventionally, the calendar of lunar days 2017 can be divided into favorable days, unfavorable, neutral and “satanic” lunar days. Each of these days has its own characteristics and description, which should be used when planning your week or working day.

So, a favorable period - and this time falls on 3,7,12,16,24,28 lunar days - during this period the energy of the Moon has a positive effect on your affairs, your luck reaches its maximum, which means you can do any business. Take into account the phase of the Moon when planning, because projects need to be started on a growing one, and completed on a waning one.

Unfavorable period - 4,18,26 lunar days - on these days (or hours, depending on the length of the day), put all possible and impossible activities away and try not to get close to dangerous or even sharp objects. There is a high risk of getting into trouble out of the blue.

Neutral time - 8,11,14,19,20,25 lunar days - days when you can do whatever you want, but do not rely on help from heaven, everything will go on as usual and at the right speed. Don’t rush things during this period – it’s a pointless exercise.

“Satanic” days – 9,15,23,29 – are one of the most dangerous days in the lunar month. During this period, you are exposed to the negative energy of the Moon, and therefore often, instead of a loss of strength and lack of mood, you feel irritation and aggression towards people or events around you. Try to control yourself, otherwise you will make a mess.

By the way, although the lunar calendar for 2017 identifies favorable days exclusively according to the lunar day, you should remember that the lunar phase also has great importance– you also need to take it into account when drawing up your schedule.

Lunar phase calendar for 2017

Looking into the sky, you probably saw that the Moon does not always appear to us on the same side. It all depends on how the Sun illuminates it and what position it is in relative to it. It is precisely because of the position of the Moon between the Earth and the Sun, as well as due to the rotation of the planets in orbit and around their axis, that we see first one part of the planet, then another. What we used to call a “sickle” or “crescent” corresponds to a certain phase of the Moon. And depending on this, the influence of the heavenly body on the course of our lives will differ.

  • New Moon - during this period we usually do not see the Moon, since it is not illuminated and is aligned with the Earth and the Sun. At this time, we most often feel a loss of strength, apathy and are generally in a depressed state. This time is suitable for passive planning: come up with plans, sketch out a project in your mind. This is a kind of preparation for planning, but not yet its active phase.
  • The first quarter is considered the most suitable time for active planning and starting new things. Go on trips, make appointments and negotiate, do gardening, cut your hair (if you want it to grow faster), do everything that requires further rapid growth and implementation.
  • The second quarter is the period between the first quarter and the full moon, when you are still full of strength and can actively solve your affairs. Summarize the first result, adjust the plan, make efforts to achieve your goals, the Moon is on your side.
  • The full moon is one of the most dangerous and ominous times in the 2017 lunar phase calendar. You may feel weakness, fatigue even from little activity, headaches and malaise. Usually people are especially irritable these days and suffer from insomnia. And although the full moon itself is one day, the days before and after are also dangerous. Try to unload yourself during this time, relax or do something that does not require activity.
  • The third quarter is the time when you must complete your affairs; it is best at this time to get rid of the old - throw away things, move, quit your job. All this will be less painful and with the least loss for you. Try not to start anything new during this period - things will drag on, or even freeze.
  • Last quarter - dangerous period, because at the end lunar month one of the satanic days in which we are susceptible negative influence Moons. Finish your affairs completely, or add up a subtotal and put it aside until the first quarter during the new moon, so as not to cause harm. This is not the time for action.

Remember that a correctly compiled calendar of lunar days for 2017 already contains this important information and you just need to check the data in it, and not calculate favorable days and phases yourself.

Lunar calendar for 2017: phases of the moon

To make it easier to navigate the phases of the Moon for 2017, use the table below, which already indicates the most critical days - phase changes - on which it is best not to take any action, not plan events and not make deals. These are dangerous days of the year, in which the risks of acute situations increase.

New moon First quarter Full moon Last quarter
January 20th January 27 5 January 13th of January
February 19 25 February February 5th 12th of February
20th of March March 27 5th of March March 13
April 18th 26 April April, 4 12th of April
May 18 May 25 May 4th May 11
June 16 June 24 2 June the 9th of June
July 16 July 24 July 2/July 31 July 9
August 14 August 22 August 29 August 7
September 13 September 21 September 28 September 5
October 13 October 21 27th October October 5
11th of November November 19 November 26 the 3rd of November
December 11th December 18 December 25 December 3

Also, when using the lunar calendar for 2017, it is important to remember that not only the meaning of the lunar day and phase matters, but also the zodiac position. Zodiac signs have a greater influence on our lives, and the location of the Moon on a particular day. As a rule, the Moon is in one sign or another for up to three Earth days. Pay attention to the element of the sign, its general and medical meaning, as well as its impact on everyday affairs. Using this data, for example, you will be able to properly communicate with people, knowing what to expect from them.


The trumpet calls for the beginning of resolving important issues.

The day is lucky for any endeavors.

Creative impulse. Be active and decisive.

It is advisable to get a good night's sleep. Take care of your heart. A good day for a haircut. A good day for special occasions.

February 19, 2019

Harmony and balance of mind and body.

Keep your balance. Balance exercises are advisable. It’s good to do some general cleaning and take a bath. Communicate with your guardian angel.

Business and intellectual activities, you need to start with issues of great importance. Diet is advisable.

A good day for a haircut, manicure, hand care treatments.

February 21, 2019

The external reflects the internal.

Everything that happened to us on this day is a reflection of our inner nature. It is useful to look within ourselves and find the reasons for our opinions and actions there. Changing your reactions to external world, you can transform your entire life.

A good moment for communication, negotiations, organizing meetings.

February 23, 2019


Cleaning the soul and conscience.

Bad thoughts must go away. The spider weaves its web. Be careful with new ideas. You cannot pay off debts, borrow, or enter into an agreement. Cleaning Recommended: Clean yourself and your home. Repent, think about your actions. Get rid of useless things.

The moon is an unknown and interesting companion. For some time now, numerous scientists have been trying to fully study the influence of the moon on all living things. It has definitely been proven that the night luminary has the maximum influence on a person, but the stage of this influence depends on the phases of the Moon. The lunar calendar for 2017 will determine which dates during a certain month are favorable for various human affairs, and on which dates it would be better not to rush to take active actions.

The bright night star is very close to the Earth; in science it is called a satellite, but to many the moon is better known as a planet. The moon is in constant motion, it rotates around planet Earth. It has been proven that every 2.5 days the night star appears in one of the 12 zodiacal constellations. Of course, as soon as the night star enters a certain zodiac sign, a celestial influence of various levels occurs on a person.

If you download the lunar calendar 2017, you can accurately determine which dates will be the most unfavorable. Scientists have noticed that certain stage the night luminary has a corresponding influence on people.

There is a widespread belief in everyday life that the Full Moon is the most negative and unfriendly period. This is indeed true. On the Full Moon, a person and all living things are endowed with additional heavenly energy power, which overwhelms them and directs them to negative actions. It is on the day of the full moon that patients begin to feel serious complications, so experts do not recommend prescribing important operations or other serious medical procedures on such a day. What effect do other stages of the night star have on a person?

  • New Moon. During the period when there is practically no moon in the sky, the New Moon occurs. This stage is considered unfavorable; it can have a very negative impact on a person if the latter intensifies his actions. It has been proven that during the New Moon the risk of developing mental disorders, so people with problems at work nervous system may experience pathological fears. In addition, the New Moon directs people to criminal or dangerous activities. IN to a greater extent this stage spreads negativity to males; on such dates their potency is impaired, they feel aggression and irritation. A person on the New Moon is endowed with special activity, but the latter’s actions are not always reasonable and consistent.
  • Waxing Crescent. During periods of growth of the night star begins positive tense. The lunar calendar for 2017 indicates that on the dates of the moon’s rise you can actively plant crops. The waxing Moon also has a beneficial effect on the general well-being of each person, so on such dates it is good to start a course of health procedures. At this stage, a person has a positive attitude towards life; now it is possible to plan and immediately implement necessary and important things. The growth stage of the Moon helps a person solve complex life problems; it sets him up to make only the right decisions.
  • Full moon. As mentioned above, the stage when the Moon turns into a huge bright ball is negative. This position of the Moon provokes a person to commit adventurous actions; the Moon directs people to flirt and cheat. But there is also positive side of a similar phase - on the Full Moon, the conception of a child will be successful.
  • Waning moon. During the period of decreasing growth of the night star, it is important to carry out cleansing procedures; on such dates it is good to get rid of everything that is very unnecessary and negative. But what is not recommended to do now is to get involved in active physical as well as emotional stress. If you don’t take care of your well-being on the waning dates of the Moon, you may soon develop serious illnesses.

You can print out the lunar calendar 2017 at any time, because this will help you distribute and plan important actions from which you only want to get a positive result.

Negative dates

The lunar calendar for 2017 has already been determined; if you download the phases of the moon, you can determine the most negative dates of the specified year, on which new moons and also full moons fall.

New moon calendar

  • 28 January;
  • February 26;
  • March 28;
  • 26 April;
  • May 25;
  • June 24;
  • July 23;
  • August 21;
  • September 20;
  • October 19;
  • November 18th;
  • December 18.

Full moon calendar

  • January 12;
  • 11 February;
  • March 12;
  • 11 April;
  • May 11;
  • the 9th of June;
  • July 9;
  • August 7;
  • 6 September;
  • October 5;
  • November 4;
  • December 3.
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