Mom of a crying girl at the “Minute of Fame”: “I don’t understand why you should scold me? “At first it was hard”: what happened to Vikta Starikova, who was offended by Litvinova and Posner at the “Minute of Fame Clinical udots and omelet”

Maxim Fadeev on his Instagram page expressed his opinion about the performance of 8-year-old Vika Starikova on the “Minute of Fame” program and his attitude towards how some members of the jury treated her.

“I can’t ignore what happened on air, because I am a father, teacher and musician. Unlike everyone else gathered there on the jury. Therefore, I can evaluate this from a professional and pedagogical point of view... When I watched what the jury members told her, I cried with her,”- writes Maxim.

To understand the musician’s indignation, pain and tears, let us recall what happened on February 25 at the program.

Victoria Starikova, a contestant from Nizhny Tagil took the stage and performed Zemfira’s song “Live in Your Head.”

After this, the presenter of the program Mikhail Boyarsky turned to the jury so that they could express their opinion about the girl’s performance, and then the incredible happened. Well-known aunts and uncles, and some already grandfathers and great-grandfathers - Renata Litvinova, Vladimir Pozner and Sergei Yursky began to express their opinions with some incomprehensible bitterness. Their words simply sounded like slaps in the face.

Vladimir Pozner, looking at the little girl with a dissatisfied look, said: “When child prodigies go on stage, it’s already clear that they are great.” In his opinion, one should not “produce a mediocre child just to please the parent’s vanity.” It is interesting by what criteria Mr. Posner assessed her talent - it is unknown, but he grimaced very sincerely.

“I have always deeply respected Mr. Posner and considered him the smartest, subtlest person, a journalist of the highest class, but, in my opinion, his attitude towards this little child was very cruel and absolutely insensitive. He is also a father, and he knows very well that with a child you need to be extremely careful and attentive in your assessments and criticism towards him. Of course, there should be criticism, but it should be careful and not malicious. In relation to such a little girl, criticism should be in the form of a game or soft and paternal. So that the child would perceive it correctly, but Mr. Posner chose a different style of communication with a child no taller than 40 cm...", comments Maxim Fadeev.

Renata Litvinova also treated the girl unkindly. Pretentiously, she said that the girl did not understand what she was singing about, that it was a forbidden technique to sing adult songs, characterizing this situation as stupid.

“And cries. Why is he crying?”- asked Litvinova.

One can only imagine what was going on at that moment in the soul of an 8-year-old girl, when she listened to all this addressed to her, standing on stage in front of the whole country, but Vika rose to the occasion. She did not wipe away the tears that fell like beads from her eyes in front of her offenders.

“I will not comment on Litvinova’s behavior, grimaces and texts, everything is clear with her,”- continues Maxim Fadeev.

A writer, screenwriter and blogger expressed her attitude towards Renata Litvinova’s behavior on the “Minute of Fame” program Elena Miro:

“The vile woman simply trampled on the innocent child, driving him into feelings of shame and guilt. It’s not clear, really, why? Because the girl dared to sing the song that Ramazanova wrote for her Renata?...
It’s bad that the child was humiliated. Too early the man went through his first public humiliation in his life. This can traumatize the girl for a long time. Creatures, of course. Stupid, soulless creatures."

However, this is not the first time that these jury members have such an attitude towards the performers in this show.

A similar incident occurred with show participant Zhenya Smirnov, a dancer who is missing one leg. After watching his speech, Litvinova, calling Evgeniy an amputee, said that “probably this main reason, according to which he should stay in this project and suggested that he fasten his other leg so as not to “exploit the topic.”

To everything written, Maxim Fadeev writes on Instagram, after Zhenya Smirnov’s number I want to add: “I can’t understand how Litvinova’s remarks could be broadcast. If it were a live broadcast, then it would be understandable, but it is common knowledge that the show is on in recording. And this means that everything that goes on air is approved by all levels of management and can generally be considered the position of Channel One too? And this is the worst thing, because they make a show out of this pain.”

The performance of 8-year-old Vika Starikova in the “Minute of Fame” show on Channel One became one of the discussed topics of the past week. At the request of OG, Vladimir Pozner explained his principled position.

Let us remind you that the girl was not allowed past the second round, and social network users took up arms against jury members Renata Litvinova and Vladimir Pozner for cruelty, cynicism and unacceptable behavior towards to a small child categoricalness. At the same time, in fairness it is worth noting that the judges did not criticize Vika and her performing arts, but the choice of complex, non-childish compositions, and in general the participation of children in such competitions.

Vladimir Pozner:

I am absolutely convinced that most often when parents take their children to the competition stage, vanity speaks. In this case, I do not mean professional competitions, for example, for pianists or violinists, in which future professionals - children who are preparing to become professional musicians - compete. These are children who, through a competition, enter the music schools who study for many hours a day, for them competition is part of vocational education. But even in such competitions, children almost never compete with adults, since it is clear that they, children, still have a lot to learn, they need to grow up in order to perform fully. However, competitions such as “Minute of Fame” are a completely different matter. This is not a fight between future professionals, it is rather a kind of show in which people can show themselves and, if possible, win a certain amount of money and, perhaps, attract the attention of some agent. The organizers of such a competition proceed from one consideration: how to ensure that there is a high rating, how to attract the maximum number of viewers. For them, children are such a bait, the viewer is very susceptible to it. I am categorically against it, because a child perceives a loss as a tragedy (and a child has no chance of winning in a competition with adults). Everyone admired him, mom and dad admired him and - on you! It’s clear that Vika was crying, but her mother should have been crying. We still need to feel sorry for the children and not expose them to such stress.

Eight-year-old Victoria Starikova from Nizhny Tagil performs Zemfira’s song “Live in Your Head,” accompanying herself on the piano

In a show on Channel One, Vika Starikova performed Zemfira’s song “Live in Your Head” to her own accompaniment and greatly puzzled the jury members. The composition, complex for such an age, was completely confusing Sergei Yursky. Choosing his words, he nevertheless pressed the red button, after which Vika began to cry, and the “Minute of Fame” turned into a real test for her.

She spoke categorically Renata Litvinova: “What a stupid situation. I protest internally." Vladimir Pozner, who closed his eyes and covered his face with his hand during Vicky’s speech, criticized his parents.

The actor supported the compatriot Sergey Svetlakov, he voted for Vika: “At 8 years old, she is more mature than all of us and understands what she is singing about.” Thanks to the drawing of lots (the girl threw a coin), she was allowed into the second round, where she sang Trofim’s song “Motherland,” but the judges decided not to allow her to the next stage.

We also add that the day before Vika was warmly supported by the producer Maxim Fadeev. His large post on Instagram with words of indignation received more than two thousand comments within 24 hours. “When I watched what the jury members said to her, I cried with her,” the musician wrote, noting that in the show “The Voice. Children,” he would certainly turn to Vika. The vast majority of subscribers supported the author. But there were also those who rightly criticized the organizers of the competition, in which children compete on an equal basis with adults without any allowance for age, as well as parents who unsuccessfully selected a composition for an undoubtedly talented girl.

By the way, Vika’s mother told reporters the day before that she and her daughter chose Zemfira’s song after finding out who would be on the jury: the singer’s friend Renata Litvinova starred in the video for this song and, as expected, should have appreciated this choice.

Dossier "OG"

Vika Starikova is an eight-year-old singer, musician, and aerialist from Nizhny Tagil. By the age of 8, she had become very popular on the Internet thanks to her participation in online competitions. About 125 thousand people are subscribed to her YouTube channel, official group VKontakte has more than 3,500 users

  • Published in No. 39 of 03/07/2017 under the title “Children are such a bait”

“I internally protest against this,” 50-year-old Renata Litvinova uncompromisingly told eight-year-old Vika Starikova, who came to the capital from Nizhny Tagil for the “Minute of Glory” show. A moment ago, having performed the song “Live in Your Head” by the actress’s closest friend, singer Zemfira, masterfully accompanying herself on the piano, little Vika cried in front of the adult artists who attacked her with far from childish criticism. “I won’t vote against, although I should. Let the coin decide,” says 82-year-old Vladimir Pozner. The girl flips a coin and remains in the show. But not thanks to his talent. She understands this. Therefore, when asked why he continues to shed tears behind the scenes, without raising his eyes, he answers: “Because of the coin.”

IN exclusive interview Vika Starikova admits to Life for the first time: despite the harsh words, she is not offended by the jury. She was raised that way - to respect her elders.

Vika, tell me how you feel after that ill-fated number with Zemfira’s song?

Everything is fine, as always. Everyone was worried about me: the teachers were rooting for me, my friends said that they liked how I performed and that I shouldn’t be upset.

Why did you choose such a difficult song?

I like it, I sang it a year ago. And for the first time I heard “Live in Your Head” on the Internet, not at all performed by Zemfira, it was some kind of cover by a Ukrainian band. My parents and I really liked the treatment, it was very lively and not as slow as the original. We chose this song for the project because we wanted to make a pleasant surprise for Renata Muratovna.

What do you think the judges didn’t like about your performance?

They didn't say they didn't like it.

Still, you cried during their evaluations.

I just wanted to move on! But the most offensive thing was the sound of “oooooo” from the audience at the moment when the judges pressed the red button. I thought they were buzzing me and started crying. But then they explained to me that this was their way of showing their indignation at the jury’s decision.

You stayed on the show. And yet you were upset that you had to flip a coin? Why?

Because it's somehow not real.

How do you feel about Renata Litvinova after everything?

Well, how? As for a person who is much older than me! How to Renata Muratovna! Sincerely! I was brought up like that.

Before the competition, did you know anything about her work? Maybe she watched films?

Do you think she is an evil woman?

Well I do not know. But I ran past her dressing room on tiptoe and didn’t want to take a photo with her!

Have any of the jury members apologized for their harsh comments?

How did you even get into the “Minute of Fame”?

There was a casting. They put a synthesizer on me and asked me to sing. Then they asked me several questions: what is my name, how old am I, where did I come from.

And weren’t you afraid to fly to Moscow?

No, I like flying airplanes. But it was scary to go on stage! This is my first performance at such big stage. Well, of course, my legs and arms were shaking so much. Very true!

Yes! I enjoyed the filming process. I want mine future profession was connected to the cameras.

You do gymnastics, sing, act in shows. Do you still have time to study and play with your friends?

I got almost all A's. There is enough time for everything. At school, during the after-school program, we have time to play and go to clubs. In "Full House" - ours circus group- I also play with my friends during breaks. And on weekends, sometimes friends come to visit me.

Vika Starikova sang Zemfira’s song “Live in your head.” The jury felt that the composition chosen for the girl was clearly not according to her age.

There are people who dream of fame from the cradle and purposefully go towards it, getting involved in all sorts of competitions, quizzes, Olympiads and other events designed to increase their chance of becoming a star. And there are people who themselves failed to realize their ambitions and are now trying to realize them in their own children.

If you are not a fan of the competition, we will briefly tell you what the essence of the matter is.

8-year-old Vika Starikova is one of the participants in the show. The girl chose Zemfira’s song “Live in your head” for the performance. She played it herself, she sang it herself. But the judges didn't like her routine. Sergei Yursky was the first to press the red button. The girl was instantly upset, but still held on. Then Vladimir Pozner criticized her performance.

According to the stern TV presenter, the song for Vika was completely inappropriate.

This is parental vanity, so that children can go on stage and they can be proud of them,” Posner allowed himself to make a barb at Anna, Vika’s mother.

Renata Litvinova, who, as we understand, treats Zemfira’s work with special reverence, asked if Vika knew her other songs. No, Vika didn’t know. What the actress didn’t like: she was rather cold and poisonous about the girl’s performance. As Anna later said in a conversation with journalists from Komsomolskaya Pravda, they heard the song “Live in Your Head” no longer performed by the author. Someone managed to make a cover and Vika liked it.

In general, after such a powerful rebuke, the girl burst into tears right on stage. Only Sergei Svetlakov spoke in defense of the little singer and her mother.

“She herself wanted to go on stage,” said the showman.

As a result, the jury could not decide whether to leave Vika in the competition or not: Svetlakov and Yursky were for it, Litvinova and Pozner were against it. The contestant decided her fate herself by tossing a coin. Hurray: Vika coped with the casting and moved on to the next round.

Meanwhile, the network has developed real war: someone defended Vika and her mother, someone attacked Anna, claiming that she was crippling the child’s psyche by forcing her to participate in such shows. In response to the accusations, Vicky’s mother did not mince words.

Why should you scold me? For helping my daughter’s dream come true? I don't get fame. Vika still got it. She is quite famous. She has 130 thousand subscribers on YouTube,” Anna was perplexed. - A test for the psyche? There are many such moments in life. Take any other competition. Isn’t there any stress on the psyche on a math test? What about the Unified State Exam?

As for the repertoire, according to Anna, it is difficult to separate creativity intended for children and adults.

What do you think are children's songs? Children's poems? Do these include the poems about war that we teach from kindergarten every May 9th? And we explain to children what war, death, and loss are,” Anna said.

What do you think? Do I need to choose age-appropriate songs?

    Yes need. It's stupid when a child sings about something he doesn't understand.

15:10 / 02 March 2017

Anna Starikova said that the editors of the show suggested they perform Zemfira’s song.

Young Tagil resident Victoria Starikova, who was brought to tears by the jury of “Minute of Fame,” was unable to make it to the next round and left the show.

In the second round, Victoria performed Sergei Trofimov’s song “Motherland,” which she sang to the accompaniment of her mother Anna. But this time, Renata Litvinova and Vladimir Pozner did not like the performance, whose words brought the girl to tears in the last episode. Let us remind you: for the first time they considered that Zemfira’s song “Live in Your Head,” which the girl sang, was too “adult” for her. The girl’s mother cannot yet tell what they didn’t like the second time, since the episode has not yet aired. But she explained to NASHA’s correspondent why Victoria performed Zemfira’s song in the first round.

– How did you generally feel about the jury’s reaction to your daughter’s performance of this song?

- With bewilderment! Because we went there at the invitation of the producers and editors of this project. That is, initially it was not our initiative. Of course we agreed. But there were no auditions. The show's editors invited Victoria after seeing her YouTube channel. They liked the little angel who sings all kinds of songs. Because Vika can handle anything. And it affected them.

As the girl’s mother said, Vika has been singing since she was 4 years old and is not the first to participate in music competitions. True, so far only on the Internet, where, in addition to her channel, the 8-year-old girl has pages on all popular social networks.

– And it was the editors of the show who suggested performing Zemfira’s song and thus making a surprise for one of the jury members - Renata Litvinova. Together with Vika, we also considered this possible. Since there is no age limit initially in this show. And in previous seasons of this show, even small children reached the finals.

– So you didn’t choose the song?

- No, they offered it to us. And we supported the idea of ​​making a surprise. But we didn’t want to offend anyone with this. We just wanted to show how our little angel will perform Zemfira’s song, of which Renata Muratovna is a fan. And she performed it in her own way, with her own interpretation of this song. In no way did we want to touch on any deep topics; with us everything was much simpler, more life-like and more understandable to a small child.

– What do you think about Posner’s phrase that children on stage are the result of parental vanity?

- And when famous people They support their children in every possible way and are proud of them, and everyone around them talks about their offspring - is this normal? Why is it possible for some, but for others they immediately say that this is vanity?

– How did your daughter cope with criticism from the jury? And what can you say about her participation in this project?

– My daughter said that she was very sorry when it all ended. No, of course she said it was scary, her arms and legs were shaking. But she really enjoyed participating. After him, she said that she wanted her life to be connected with cameras, performances, and competitions. In general, everything is great with us. I think it was a very useful experience that Vika could not have gotten anywhere else.

And all the talk and comments about what the jury’s criticism did to Vika psychological trauma, Anna calls it far-fetched speculation, which for some reason is being inflated on the Internet.

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