Mars in Leo - Mars in signs - Planets in zodiac signs - Library - Star Club. Mars in the zodiac signs. Mars in Leo in the natal chart of a man or a woman. Mars in the zodiac sign Leo in astrology

// Mars in Leo for a man for a woman

Mars in the zodiac signs. Mars in Leo natal chart in a man, in a woman. Mars in the zodiac sign Leo in astrology.

Mars in Leo in the natal chart gives a large supply of energy and vitality. A person in whose natal chart Mars is located in the zodiac sign Leo is active, energetic, active. He is capable for a long time do one thing with enthusiasm.

The character of a person with Mars in Leo may contain stubbornness and willfulness. This person acts assertively, confidently, and knows how to stand up for himself. Strives for independence.

A person with Mars in Leo is resilient, he courageously overcomes obstacles in his path. He is not afraid of difficulties, he is decisive and courageous. Mars in Leo gives a constant flow of energy and this contributes to great vitality.

A person with Mars in Leo moves persistently towards his goals; he has ambition, patience, firmness and hard work, which is very favorable for the implementation of long-term projects.

A person with Mars in Leo is usually straightforward, expresses his desires openly, and does not weave intrigues behind the backs of other people. Even in the role of an enemy, he can be quite generous.

Mars in Leo gives a person a strong will. His performance is very high. The position of Mars in Leo helps a person achieve almost any goals he sets for himself. The main thing for him is to be interested in what he is doing and then his spirit can hardly be broken.

A person with Mars in Leo, on an instinctive level, has a desire to get the best from life, and he is ready to spend his time and energy on this. Competition does not frighten him, and the spirit of competition only strengthens his self-confidence.

Mars in Leo makes a person's character hot, which can sometimes turn into irritability and hot temper. It can be difficult for a person to restrain his passionate impulses.

A person with Mars in Leo is unlikely to agree to the role of a follower, because... this position of Mars makes a person a leader who does not tolerate instructions from the outside. A person strives for independence and finds it difficult to tolerate subordination. Sometimes there is a lust for power and a desire to take leadership positions.

If necessary, a person can take risks; there is a love of adventure and play. The character of a person with Mars in Leo is usually cheerful. Although qualities such as nobility and strength are sometimes put on display by a person so that others will appreciate and notice him.

The position of Mars in Leo is one of the best in the zodiac for this planet. Leo is a fixed sign, plus the fire element. And this combination is very favorable for the planet of will - the constant energy and enthusiasm of Mars in Leo gives stamina, perseverance, self-confidence, determination, which allows you to realize a lot of your ideas in real life and achieve the best results.

Mars in Leo – sexuality is average, above average.

Mars in Leo for a man.

A man with Mars in Leo has a courageous character; he will be able to stand up for himself and for his loved ones, for his woman. Although a man's Mars in Leo can make him stubborn, such a man will be a jealous owner. If a man has Mars in Leo affected in his natal chart, then he will be prone to quarrels, conflicts, and if severely affected (especially by the Sun or Pluto) even to cruelty and aggressive behavior.

Mars in Leo for a woman.

A woman with Mars in Leo instinctively looks for a man who is worthy, bright, strong, decisive and self-confident. In general, a woman with Mars in Leo needs a king. The woman herself with Mars in Leo has a punchy character and a fairly strong will. With appropriate instructions in the natal chart, such a woman is able to achieve a lot in life on her own. If a woman with Mars in Leo strong position Sun, then it will be almost impossible to subjugate and break her (like a man with such a position of the planets in the natal chart).

Recently I was rummaging through my chart archives and my gaze fell on the natal chart of a music teacher who has Mars in Leo. I recently watched a webinar by Evgeny Volokontsev, where he said that this planet in a sign makes an important contribution to the issue of career guidance.

I will not say that in the archives of my horoscopes the profession of Mars in the sign works 100%. But there is something in it. And today I want to touch on Mars in the sign not only from the perspective of personal life and psychology, but also from the point of view of the activities of the owner of Mars in Leo. So, what type of activity can the owner of Mars in Leo have?

Work related to creativity. Usually this is a stage or stage. It is clear that now you can open the horoscope of any pop artist and see Mars there in a completely different sign. Especially for such people, I will say that the stage is not always show business and there can even be a stage at school. For example, I know many accompanists and accompanists for whom this situation occurs quite often.

It could also be the work of a model. I remember one of my friends who works as a model and fashion model. By the way, before this profession he was a fitness instructor, which is actually symbolic.

Leo is a sign of demonstration, roughly speaking, of one’s Sun, i.e. myself. Therefore, representatives of the opposite sex may well do this even as a hobby.

Mars in Leo for a woman

Men can be arrogant and even heartless towards the owner of Mars in Leo. But women themselves are sometimes provocateurs when they behave selfishly and somewhat pretentiously. Unless Mars is in the houses.
Like Mars in Leo loves to fall in love with unavailable men. He should be the most popular at the institute, school, etc.

The very best because such women do not choose bad gray mice as their spouses. It is important for them to be proud of their man.

Mars in Leo for a man

In my opinion, it is interesting that men with Mars in Leo rarely take the initiative in dating. And this despite the fact that Leo belongs to the most proactive fire element.
It is generally accepted that Mars in Leo gives men high self-esteem. And indeed it is.

But, if you dig deeper, you find out that such men have many complexes. I knew men who grew up without a father and lacked paternal male attention and upbringing. Also, such men love increased attention to their person. He is ambitious, puts himself above others and has no objections. Such a man can flare up if he is not respected or criticized. Honestly, I don’t like working with such clients because such men have too high an opinion of themselves. Supposedly their natal chart is divine and I should worship him for providing this data :) Such representatives of the stronger sex have a hard time enduring competition. Therefore, it is better for them to work alone and preferably in public.

Mars here is in its friendly sign and receives energy. That's why this person can be physically strong, fearless, ambitious and proactive. Such people love travel and nature, physical exercise, are interested in politics. They have a noble heart, they are generous and have a large supply of vitality. May love mathematics, astrology or occult sciences. May become restless and angry; they are prone to heart disease and romantic conflicts.

Pavel Globa. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Here Mars is visiting the Sun, in the sign of the element of Fire. This is one of the strongest positions of Mars. Therefore, it can give you strong will, drive, perseverance and fearlessness, sometimes courage reaching the point of recklessness.
With this position of Mars, you will have clear authoritarian attitudes, and if you serve someone, then, as a rule, until the end, that is, having chosen your master or master, you will not change him. In addition, you will willingly take responsibility for many things and carry it honestly.
You usually have enormous self-confidence, based on the absence of internal inhibitions, and you noticeably have a strategy (for example, you can wait until everyone fights and then take what you need for yourself). Mars in Leo may be characterized by anger, ruthlessness and coldness towards enemies. You usually will not finish off defeated opponents, however, only if they cannot be dangerous in the future, that is, your generosity has certain limits.
As a rule, you are very cheerful and very generous with your friends and with those you love and respect. But rather strange manifestations are also possible: for example, you will fight only when your personal interests are hurt, and in the worst case, only “for yourself,” and in best case scenario- for your business or for your loved ones.
With “evil” Mars in Leo, you may be characterized by arrogance and ambition. In particular, you are sometimes able to reject useful tips friends.
Also, Mars in Leo can give you the ability to be very creative. The dynamics of the Fixed Cross will be noticeable here, that is, there may be periods of inactivity in creativity when you are not included. And then there is an instantaneous turn on, a revolution similar to a Lion leaping from a cage, and then for a long time you will most likely be able to work intensely and with great impact.
Moreover, with this position of Mars, you may generally be characterized by greater fertility, greater sexual activity, and sometimes large families. And with “evil” Mars in Leo, you may also have tense relationships with children, especially with your loved ones.
Apparently, you usually have almost no fighting and hunting enthusiasm, and it is usually very difficult to get you out of your temper. It will be difficult to provoke you, this will require very harsh influence from the outside or an extreme situation will be needed for you to join the fight. Otherwise, you will probably consider it beneath your dignity to humiliate yourself to the point of fighting. As an example, we can cite the parable about the Lion and the Dog: “One Dog ran to the Lion and said: “Let’s fight.” To this, the Lion refused. Then the Dog said: “I’ll run and tell all the animals that you, Leo, were afraid of fight with me." Leo replies: "It would be better for all the other animals to despise me because I was afraid of the Dog, than for the Lions to despise me because I fought with you." Approximately the same position will be in situations of the use of force in a person with Mars in Leo.

No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Often - an indicator that the person born will take a high social status. Energy, enterprise, courage. Creative skills. Natural leadership talent (their self-confidence inspires trust). These are ardent lovers, owners, jealous people. Men are lively and proud, they are very attracted to opposite sex. With bad aspects - selfishness, arrogance. Belief in one's own infallibility. If Mars and the constellation Leo occupy the VI, VIII or XII houses and/or Saturn is in conjunction or square with Mars, there is a danger of exile and death far from home through iron or fire. Diseases of the eyes and stomach. Wounds through large quadrupeds.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Activity, enhanced by confidence in success, vanity of a conqueror, love of struggle and of power captured in struggle. The “I” subordinates active activity to itself. Touchiness. Failures lead to fits of anger - or a refusal to admit failure.

Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Mars gives Leo exceptional energy and enthusiasm - sometimes to the point of self-forgetfulness. At the same time, it poses the problem of self-control, since a flow of such force must be precisely calculated, otherwise it will burn everything in its path.
Mars also aggravates Leo's stubbornness, tempting him to respond to unpleasant objections (regardless of their justice) with a powerful blow of his paw.
In the lower octave, this position of Mars gives rudeness, intransigence, harshness towards loved ones and cruelty towards enemies.
In a harmonious version, Mars in Leo speaks of the ability to work intensively with great enthusiasm, to lead close-knit teams that solve complex problems.
In case of defeat, the owner of the horoscope feels heavy blows, including to his pride. But as you work through it over the years, the necessary wisdom comes in dealing with people and the energy flow: then - a practical spiritual mentor.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Energy, will, pride, Creative skills, enterprise, firmness and determination. Natural leadership talent. They want to become famous. They wait a long time, keeping their distance, for opportunities for great achievements. They always want to be the very first, they are unshakable in their faith, which causes resistance from dissenters. Men radiate strength and courage, often going bald early. Lust for power, know-it-all, vanity, disappointment from satiety, selfishness, arrogance, shamelessness and posturing are possible. Characteristic diseases: cardiac hypertrophy, malaria, aneurysms, fainting and pleurisy.
You are a proud and ambitious person, you work hard to be the best, to stand out and be recognized for who and what you are. You have a highly developed “I” and you like to be the very first. It is difficult for you when you are commanded, it is difficult to be in the background. You don't like being wrong.
As a fast-moving, strong, energetic, and decisive person, you have a highly developed spirit of competition. You play hard, you play to win, not for life or death, you don’t give up easily. In fact, you look at life as a sporting competition, or as a performance on stage: you also appreciate admiration and applause. You have a developed sense of honor and do not compromise. You tend to be self-confident, even impudent, and by believing in yourself, you are capable of great achievements. But if your self-confidence is ever shaken, you become shy, go into active defense and are ready to respond with a blow. Perhaps you are even becoming pugnacious.

Planets in signs. The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash

You have the power to behave according to your desires.

Very special personal characteristics gives the owner of this fiery zodiac sign Mars in Leo. A woman with such astrological specificity has a lot of interesting character traits. She is characterized by dramatic gestures, she loves love affairs and dates, and is also extremely careful about her image. But this is only a small part of what can be said on this topic.


This is the first thing in which Mars in Leo manifests itself in a woman. Such ladies declare themselves confidently, dramatically and expressively, sometimes even arrogantly. However, there is an explanation for this behavior, because these girls are filled with vital energy, relevant ambitions and talents.

The Martian Lioness also experiences a constant need to defend her rights, which is perceived by many as imperiousness and unceremoniousness.

Also a distinctive characteristic of such a lady is her love of fashion. Image is everything to her. Therefore, at the top of the pyramid of interests are fashion, sports and what concerns style. Each Martian Lioness makes every effort to look perfect in all respects.

Personal qualities

Whether Mars is present in Leo in a woman can be guessed by what kind of person she is. Such a girl is distinguished by incredible endurance and the ability to stoically overcome any obstacles in her path. She is determined and courageous, and she is not afraid of failures, difficulties and problems. Plus, Mars in Leo for a woman provides her with a constant flow of energy. And this guarantees high viability.

This girl is also distinguished by her straightforwardness. She expresses her desires and opinions openly, and never weaves intrigues behind other people's backs. The Martian lioness is generous, and this quality shows even towards his enemies and ill-wishers. By the way, she likes to flaunt her nobility and strength. This girl likes to be appreciated and noticed. For the same reason, she strives to become a leader in the professional field of activity.

The planet makes this girl hot and passionate nature. But sometimes these qualities, under the influence of certain circumstances, are transformed into irritability and hot temper. If impetuous impulses arise, it is very difficult for her to restrain them.

Pair selection

Who this person will make joint plans for life with also largely determines the woman’s Mars in Leo. What kind of men do such ladies like? Self-sufficient, self-confident and able to carry themselves with dignity. These are those young ladies with whom you are not ashamed to go out in public or meet friends. Martian Lionesses pay special attention to men with high social status. They are not attracted to guys who have no goals or have achieved nothing in life. They will also never pay attention to someone who does not have charisma, generosity, passion and “fire”.


It is impossible not to note the presence of a certain consumer factor in the attitude shown by these ladies towards men. They themselves do not deny that they like to accept gifts and courtship, confirmed by actions.

But, having chosen a partner, this girl will definitely be proud of him, not hesitating to demonstrate her feelings. She will show them with public compliments or praise. Praising him in every possible way, this lady makes it clear to the man that no other girl is capable of such feelings. By the way, despite the material aspect in the relationship, the Martian Lioness is a faithful and devoted partner.

Astrological nuances

There is one more point that is important to discuss when talking about how Mars in Leo manifests itself in a woman. The natal chart, if you look closely, shows that the location of the planet in the zodiac in this case is one of the most successful and harmonious.

There are reasons for this. After all, Leo is fixed sign zodiac fire element. In connection with this, its owners (both men and women) are endowed with almost undying energy, self-confidence, enthusiasm, stamina, perseverance and determination. Therefore, Leo-Martians manage to implement a lot of bold plans and ideas in life, as well as achieve impressive results. The most important thing for them is interest. If the Leo Martian gets carried away by something, then his spirit will be impossible to break.

With whom is a strong alliance possible?

Now it is worth discussing this topic in more detail. You can't miss this important nuances, talking about the specifics that Mars in Leo has in a woman.

I would like to mention Gemini first. With a man born under this zodiac sign, she may have excellent compatibility. They will be united not only by a powerful physical attraction, but also by a commonality of interests. These people can really be called perfect couple. After meeting Gemini, he will be blinded by the charm and impeccable appearance of the Lioness. And she, in turn, will be amazed by his wit, eloquence and success.

Relationships with Gemini, influenced by Mercury, which is its patron planet, will be especially successful. With him, the Martian Lioness will never get bored. She will admire everything about this man - his brilliant ideas and ability to think scientifically, an impressive range of interests, countless useful connections, craving for diversity and change, eloquence and the need to constantly learn something new. Attraction to such versatile men also largely determines a woman’s Mars in Leo.

Gemini, however, over time may begin to be irritated by the pride of his chosen one. To come to mutual harmony, the girl will have to understand that he will not recognize all her actions and tolerate the pressure that she tends to show. He, in turn, should show respect for the principles of the chosen one and sometimes satisfy her ego.

Conflicting connection

When discussing how Mars in Leo determines a woman’s compatibility, we cannot ignore a very controversial connection. There are such strange relationships between partners that it is almost impossible to predict them. Such unions are not uncommon among Martian Lionesses. And often they turn out well.

So, the choice of which controversial partner can provoke Mars in Leo in a woman? Taurus is ruled by Venus. She either has a relationship with this man or she doesn’t. It's difficult to guess.

Why? Because the Taurus guy is careful and thrifty, he approaches financial issues wisely, and invests money only in his property. And the Martian Lioness, as mentioned above, values ​​generosity and even some extravagance. It is important for her to live in grand style.

But why does their union arise at all if they are so different in such a serious way? It's simple. Stylish, well-groomed and attractive Taurus, who values ​​constancy and stability, simply cannot help but attract the attention of the Lioness. And she, in turn, has all the qualities that he values ​​in a partner - cheerfulness, energy and passion. And this relationship can be successful. But only if they come to a financial compromise.

Double Passion

Perhaps this phrase perfectly describes the union of the “Martian” Leo woman and Scorpio man under the influence of Pluto. Their union is incredibly bright and passionate, and bursts of eccentricity accompany them life together daily. Domestic conflicts also often flare up - and all because of the mutual habit of constantly being a leader. However, any quarrels and problems are resolved thanks to ideal sexual compatibility.

A union with Scorpio often predetermines Mars in Leo for a woman. What kind of man she needs was said above. And Scorpio just meets all her requirements. Just like she did according to his criteria. Each member of this couple feels incredible happiness - he has finally found a worthy partner! And they really are all alike. Even those around them do not like these two for the same reason - because of ambition and pride.

If they learn to resolve conflicts, their relationship will never deteriorate. And it's easy to do. You just need to learn to negotiate and compromise. And also ask for concessions. After all, agreeing to them looks like a manifestation of nobility and condescension. And both Scorpio and Lioness love to display these qualities.

Harmony with Libra

Guys born under this air zodiac sign often become the chosen ones of Lionesses. And it’s worth noting that this is the most successful astrological pairing among all possible ones. According to statistics, these unions have the lowest divorce rate. It is not surprising, because literally from the first meeting they understand that a spark and the highest mutual interest flared up between them. And their life (both during the courtship period and after the wedding) is constantly filled with joy, happiness, warmth of soul and mutual understanding.

The relationship between the Martian Lioness and Libra is especially successful under the influence of Venus. These guys, by the way, are very picky about girls. They are interested in ladies with a harmonious figure, graceful facial features and a sense of style. That is why it will not be difficult for the Lioness to conquer him.

And he, in turn, attracts her with his aristocracy, a certain coldness, charm and highly developed talents, which he has innumerable.

Influence of Venus

Based on everything that was said earlier, one might think that the qualities of these girls are truly powerfully enhanced by Mars. And Venus in Leo in a woman, however, manifests itself no worse. This becomes clear from the first second of meeting such a lady.

These are completely unique girls. They love extravaganzas and shows; they cannot even live a day without events. Such girls love to play for the audience, get used to various roles for fun. They consider life to be a theater. And the Lionesses themselves simply adore art. They also like to dress in provocative outfits. But if on others it looks vulgar, then on them it looks as elegant and thoughtful as possible.

Influence of Mars on Leo man

It is also necessary to talk about it. Leo Martian has a very close personality characteristic to that of a girl with the same zodiac data. It is vital for this man to make an impression and attract attention. If he appears in society, then everyone notices his arrival. By the way, one can also characterize his style of behavior with women. They are not shy about showing off or showing off. However, they do it excellently. And girls are fascinated by such a man, because he has absolute charm.

The influence of the Red Planet on his personal characteristics is reflected in the same way as in the case when Mars is observed in Leo in a woman. The horoscope says that these men are characterized by strong masculine qualities, an unquenchable charge of energy, sustained will and stamina. But their most distinctive feature is the desire to be a leader in everything. However, since they have all the necessary qualities for this, they often manage to occupy a high-ranking position or open their own business.

Choice of the chosen one

I would like to talk about this, discussing how Mars manifests itself in Leo in a man. The ideal woman for him is a beautiful and well-groomed person whose appearance will delight not only him, but also everyone around him. A girl with the appearance of a goddess will excite his imagination and flatter his male vanity. Her perfection is so important for Leo the Martian that he is even ready to hire service staff in his and his wife’s house - as long as she has enough time to maintain her showiness.

In addition to appearance, the chosen one should have a feeling self-esteem and a pure soul. The ideal of Leo the Martian is a passionate girl who is at the same time soft. In her character, expressive outbursts of emotion should be combined with calm and balance. She must also have manners and be tactful. The girl’s ignorance and bad manners instantly detract from Leo the Martian’s interest in her.

In the women's horoscope, Venus and the Moon are responsible for the manifestations of the qualities of a lover and beloved (Venus) and wife and mother (Moon). in the case of a man, the same functions are performed by Mars and the Sun. Thus, the position of the Sun determines the behavior of a man in the family. As a husband and father, breadwinner and protector. As for Mars, here we're talking about about passion, sexuality and sensuality. In its turn. Mars in a man’s horoscope determines his behavior in the role of a lover, how he cares for a woman and wins her attention, and how his sexual temperament manifests itself.


The sun is in the fire element (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)

This is a pronounced patriarch who does not want to share his dominant position with anyone. Typically, the fiery Sun chooses the role of leader, responsible for all decisions. But such a man solves problems single-handedly. Or at least takes responsibility for their consequences. Very active and enterprising. A woman is better perceived as the keeper of the hearth, playing second fiddle and providing the rear. At the same time, proud and jealous people strive to show off their spouse at social events, which they adore. Tend to high status and respect in all ways. They may be despotic, but they are not alien to the concept of honor, both their own and family, as well as courage and self-sacrifice.

Sun in earth element (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn)

IN in this case A man's main focus is on more material and mundane things. Comfort and their own rhythm are important to them. For them, the family is a quiet haven, living according to its own laws. They love rituals and traditions. They are very economical and homely, they know how and want to work with their own hands. They show enviable patience and endurance and do not shy away from housework. They quickly develop certain habits and really don’t like when they are broken. Conservative, calm, rational, practical and thrifty.

Sun in the air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

The Airy Sun gives a man lightness and lack of prejudice. He easily adapts to new situations, changes habits and preferences. He will not make a patriarch, but he will not demand obedience from his wife. Such a man is carefree, impetuous and unpredictable. Most of all, he values ​​communication and needs new experiences. Their concept of family is very conditional, since at home there are often numerous friends and distant relatives. The Airy Sun is a wonderful friend and comrade who prefers to share responsibilities and responsibility. Usually he does not demand too much from his wife, does not claim free time on her, since he himself needs a certain freedom.

Sun in the water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

This position gives a man deep emotions and strong attachments. Such a man needs a constant feeling of his own importance for his household. Usually faithful to his chosen one. Can be touchy and vindictive if his feelings are hurt. Sentimental, values ​​family ties. The Water Sun is very attached to children, which is why it can be despotistic towards them. It is difficult to part with the habits of his parental family. But for the sake of his family he is capable of true self-sacrifice. It is very important for him to feel that everything is fine; he does not tolerate conflicts and tense situations well.

Mars in the element of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

This provision gives a man with pronounced sexuality and violent passions. Attraction flares up in him immediately, a split second. He does not want to hide his feelings, openly and assertively seeking the attention of the woman he likes. He does not like slowness and uncertainty, so if Mars in a man’s horoscope is located in the fire element, you should not lead him by the nose, this is fraught. But excessive activity on the part of a woman can also be repulsive. They want to feel like winners and conquerors, but preferably without excessive effort on their part. Long sieges cause fiery Mars to yawn, get bored and want to retreat.

Mars in the earth element (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus)

If Mars in a man’s horoscope is in the earth element, then its owner is likely to be slow and consistent. Such men court according to the rules, consistently and without pressure. They prefer serious prospects to non-binding passion. Not very inventive, romance is understood rather as part of a ritual that must be observed. Loyal and constant in feelings and sympathies. They are able to wait for a long time and woo the lady of their heart. Not too ardent and passionate, but very diligent.

Mars in the element of air (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini)

The position gives the owner openness and spontaneity. Such men make acquaintances easily, usually without thinking too much about the prospects. Witty and intellectually savvy, they just love to chat and flirt. They do not care about the opinions of others and are not burdened by conventions. They will be happy to support an initiative on the part of a woman if she can interest them. One thing is, their intentions are not always easy to understand, since behavior with a lover may be no different from behavior with numerous friends.

Mars in the element of water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces)

Watery Marses are sensual and emotional. Mars in a man’s horoscope, located in the water element, prefers not to be excessively active, winning over his chosen one with tenderness and affection. They are capable of caring like no one else, often taking on the role of savior or comforter. Their feelings are closely intertwined with their actions. They do not tolerate vulgarity and rudeness from women, they are easily offended and retreat. Perhaps, like no one else, they are capable of idealizing a partner.

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