Medicines for traveling with a child. How to properly collect all the necessary medications in a children's first aid kit?

March 6, 2012, 11:11 pm

Wherever you plan to go on vacation, you may need a first aid kit for your child on vacation. Its composition will depend on whether you have quick access to a pharmacy or not. If you are going to a well-known place, where there are pharmacies nearby, then you can take only the most necessary things with you, but if you are going to another country, it is better to be on “full combat readiness.” It's always better to play it safe and bring unused ones with you.medicines back rather than running around looking for a pharmacy and trying to explain to the pharmacist what you need.

So, let’s complete a children’s first aid kit:

1. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

a) Absorbents (for poisoning, diarrhea) - Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon

b) To restore the water-salt balance in the body, disturbed due to the loss of electrolytes during vomiting and diarrhea - Regidron

c) To restore intestinal microflora - Linex, Hilak forte, Bifiform baby

d) Simethicones (for bloating and gas formation) - Espumisan L/Espumisan 40, Plantex, Sub-Simplex, Baby Calm, Bobotik, Bebinos, Infacol

e) Remedies for constipation - glycerin suppositories, Microlax microenemas

2. With a runny nose

a) For rinsing the nose - Otrivin baby, Aquamaris, Aqualor baby, Salin, Humer, etc.

b) Vasoconstrictor drops - Nazivin for children, Vibrocil, Nazol baby

c) Antimicrobial drops - Isofra

d) Anti-inflammatory drops – Grippferon, Derinat

e) Nasal aspirator (to clean the nose from snot and mucus)

3. Antipyretics and painkillers:

a) Antipyretic - Nurofen for children (suppositories (up to 2 years) or syrup) or paracetamol (available under the brands Panadol (syrup), Efferalgan (suppositories, syrup), Cefekon D (suppositories)

b) Painkiller – Viburkol suppositories. Nurofen and paracetamol can also be used as painkillers.

4. For cough and sore throat – syrups Lazolvan, Gedelix (for coughs), Tantum Verde spray (for sore throat)

5. For allergies- antihistamines in the form of drops - Fenistil, Zyrtec.

6. For injuries

a) Antiseptics - 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, iodine, brilliant green, Baneocin powder, alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt 1%

b) Burns - Panthenol and Silvederm (sprays), Acerbin, Dermazin

c) Wound healing - Rescuer, Bepanten (ointment), Desitin, Drapolen, Sudocrem

What else you may need:

If your ears hurt - Otipax drops

Cotton wool, cotton pads, cotton buds, bandage

Wet antibacterial wipes

Adhesive plaster of different sizes

Thermometer for measuring temperature

- herbal packets with chamomile

A remedy for relieving pain during teething -Kalgel, Kamistad, Dentinox, Bebident, Holisal, Baby doctor, Dentol baby

Remedy for allergic rashes or insect bites - Fenistil gel

When I flew on vacation with my one-year-old child, the composition of my first aid kit was as follows:

1. Tsefekon-D suppositories (antipyretic), Nurofen syrup (antipyretic and analgesic)

2. Viburkol suppositories (has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispasmodic effects)

3. Zyrtec drops (anti-allergic)

4. Aqualor baby spray (for washing the nose), Nazivin baby drops (vasoconstrictor), Grippferon drops (anti-inflammatory), nasal aspirator (Otrivin baby)

5. Lazolvan syrup (for cough)

6. Enterosgel (in case of poisoning)

7. Smecta (for diarrhea, as well as to eliminate pain in various gastrointestinal diseases)

8. Regidron - (to restore the acid-base balance disturbed due to the loss of electrolytes during vomiting and diarrhea)

9. Glycerin suppositories (for constipation)

10. Bepanten ointment (remedy for rashes and irritation)

11. Hydrogen peroxide

12. Iodine/green stuff

13. Cotton wool, cotton pads, cotton swabs, bandage

14. Band-Aid

15. Thermometer

16. Herbal packets with chamomile

17. Spray Panthenol (burn remedy)

But out of the entire list, in 3 months I only needed Viburkol, Smecta suppositories and antiseptics.

When collecting a first aid kit, you must follow a number of safety rules:

1. Medicines should be stored in a dry, dark place, in tightly closed packaging, out of the reach of children.

2. When buying a medicine, pay attention to the date of manufacture, shelf life and storage conditions.

3. Monitor open drugs. Many of them can be stored for no more than a month after opening the package.

Advice from personal experience- it is better to transport the first aid kit in a thermal bag so that the candles do not melt during transportation.

When the long-awaited vacation arrives, you want to quickly plunge into the warm sea or climb high into the mountains to admire the beauty of the area from a bird's eye view. Or the whole family can go on a trip to some other city and get acquainted with its sights. But, no matter what vacation spot you choose, you must remember that you are taking your children with you and take care of them. security.

Children are fidgety creatures who can overheat in the sun, get some minor injury, or simply eat unwashed vegetables or fruits. After all, it’s not always possible to keep track of this. And it happens that there may not be a pharmacy or medical center nearby. Therefore, before going on vacation, first of all, you need to properly equip travel first aid kit for a child.

The composition of a first aid kit for the road depends on the type of your trip, whether it will be a city tour or a beach holiday with several trips on excursions. Let's give full list what should be included in a child's first aid kit, which you can adjust based on your travel plan.

1. Without dressings and antiseptics, it is impossible to imagine a single first aid kit, especially for children. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to put dressing- sterile cotton wool and sterile bandages different sizes, adhesive tape, as well as wet wipes and cotton swabs. Be sure to take hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green and potassium permanganate. All dressings and antiseptics should be in the most visible place.

2. Be sure to put anti-burn agents, especially if you are going to spend your holiday by the sea. Wound healing ointment - Rescuer, sunscreen, as well as Panthenol spray from sunburn and various paresis - all this should be in a children's first aid kit.

3. Of course, without cold and antipyretic drugs It’s impossible to get by while on vacation.
The children's first aid kit should include anti-cold medications - children's Nazivin, Aquamaris - nasal spray, only for children from 1 year; Gedelix, Hexoral spray, which helps with coughs and sore throats, is used from 1.5 years, and Otipax - ear drops.
For antipyretics, you should take Tsefekon suppositories and Nurofen strawberry-flavored baby syrup, which can be used from 6 months.

4. In case of poisoning or intestinal infection , the first aid kit should contain gastrointestinal medications: Hilak-Forte or Linex helps with food poisoning and intestinal infections; Gastrolit helps with diarrhea and vomiting, and suppositories with glycerin help with constipation.

5. We should not forget about anti-allergenic agents. For allergies or from insect vinegars, Fenistil drops will help your child well.

6. You should also put in the children's first aid kit:
Albucid eye drops;
Bodyaga will help with bruises or bruises;
To prevent intestinal disorders, pharmaceutical chamomile in tea bags is recommended.
And, of course, there should be an electronic thermometer in the first aid kit.

If you are taking on a trip baby, then for him in the first aid kit you need to put additionally: Kalgel, if the baby’s teething begins to bother him; Espumisan, because new food mothers can cause severe gas formation in the child; for diaper rash you should take Bepanten.

When assembling a children's first aid kit, all the medications in it should be sorted so that if necessary, they can be found immediately. collected separately from the first aid kit for an adult.

A children's first aid kit is necessary and always have it at hand. If you are going to fly by plane, then you need to pack a children's mini first aid kit and have it with you in your carry-on luggage.
When traveling by car, a first aid kit for a child should also not be hidden far away. Unfortunately, it is possible that the child will have to be helped on the road - but don’t think about the bad, the child may simply react to something with an allergy or catch a cold.

In this article we will look at the composition of a first aid kit for traveling with a child. Strictly speaking, this will be two first aid kits. One - just on the road (on a train, car, etc.). And the second is a set of medications to take with you (which you will get “on the spot”).

We will bring a complete set of medications “with you”, taking into account that you do not have to buy anything additional “on the spot”.

If you are traveling to a place where there will definitely be a normal supply of medications and they can be quickly and easily purchased without a prescription, then the list can be shortened.

And if difficulties are planned with anything, then it’s better to be safe.

First aid kit for travel with a child under one year old

I repeat, the listed set of tools are the tools that “go with you.” These are tools that you can use on the road (when you have not yet reached your vacation destination).

All these products can easily fit into a small one for mom. Buy:

Important! If you are flying by plane, the list of medications and medications will have to be shortened, taking into account the safety requirements on board the aircraft. You will need to cross syringes off the list. Take drops (in the nose, ears) in a minimum volume. Whether or not it is allowed to carry liquids on board an aircraft, and the permissible volume of them, depends on the rules of the particular airline. You don’t have to take dressing materials on the plane; they will definitely be in the first aid kit on board.

  • Dressing materials (bandage, adhesive plaster, sterile wipes, cotton wool).
  • Ear sticks (several pieces).
  • Iodine, hydrogen peroxide.
  • Rescuer.
  • Solcoseryl or Levomikol (healing for wounds and burns).
  • A thermometer (preferably electronic, more convenient).
  • Nasal drops (nasivin, vibrocil, children's otrivin).
  • Sprinkle (small enema for snot). On the road (simply from stress, dry air), the child’s nose may be stuffy, and the snot will have to be “pulled out.”
  • Any drops for rinsing the nose (by age, your “favorites”), Humer, Aquamaris, etc.
  • Drops in the ears (painkillers, such as Otipax).
  • For burns (panthenol spray and bepanthen (gel or cream)).
  • , with zinc (such as Sudocrem) can be applied prophylactically on the road.
  • Nise tablets (if a child’s temperature is above 39 degrees while traveling, it is not affected by the usual antipyretics, and an injection cannot be given).
  • (which the doctor will prescribe according to age, for example, Fenistil drops).
  • Antidiarrheal agent (according to age, prescribed by the doctor, Enterol, Nifuroxazide).
  • Espumisan (for colic, if it still exists).
  • Antiemetic (such as cerucal, sturgeon).
  • Smecta, rehydron (poisoning, dehydration).
  • Psilobalm (for bites).
  • No-shpa, noshpalgin (for abdominal pain).
  • Tantum verde, for treating the throat.
  • An ampoule of analgin, noshpa, dexamethasone (prednisolone), spasmolgon, plus two 5 ml syringes.

First aid kit when traveling with a child

The medications listed below can be checked into your luggage, or hidden deeper in your bags - you will not need these medications on the road.

To the list of “on the road” medications listed in paragraph, additional medications are added that you need to take on a trip with your child:

  • Antipyretics (both syrup and suppositories). It’s more difficult with candles; they need to be transported correctly (in the cold).
  • Candles with analgin.
  • Viburkol suppositories (increasing immunity).
  • Cough medications (dry and wet), as prescribed by the doctor (Lazolvan, for example).
  • Creon 10,000 (for problems with the pancreas).
  • Eye drops: chloramphenicol, albucid, floxal.
  • Fenistil drops (for allergies).
  • Take an antibiotic with you, but take it as prescribed by your doctor. Flemoxin-solutab 125 mg or Sumamed-suspension.
  • Syringes 2, 5 and 20 ml, small ones are convenient for instilling and giving medicine, and large ones are convenient for drinking (in case of dehydration).
  • If your child has chronic diseases that require constant medication, take them with you.
  • If a child has a tendency to laryngitis, edema, then you must take with you an inhaler (nebulizer), nebulas with solutions for inhalation (as prescribed by the doctor, for example Pulmicort, and have ampoules of adrenaline (you can do inhalation during an attack of laryngitis), a bottle of saline solution for injection , dexamethasone in ampoules for injections.

Be healthy and have fun!

When I went to France with my little daughter for the first time, I could not cope with a banal rotavirus infection. I was stumped! At the same time, I knew that it would help the baby, but I didn’t have any medications with me, I couldn’t buy them at the pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription, and the doctor believed that there was no need to treat the rotavirus infection - it would go away on its own. The daughter, of course, recovered on her own, but we lost about a week of rest, paid for and not cheap.

After that unfortunate incident, when my baby suffered, and I could not help her, I always pack a first aid kit on all trips (no matter small or large, abroad or in Russia).

Download the checklist “First aid kit for a child on a trip” and rest easy!

It is advisable to collect a travel first aid kit for children for several reasons:

  • familiar means are always at hand that will work as planned;
  • no need to run around a foreign city looking for a pharmacy or overpay for delivery;
  • There is always a feeling of confidence that everything is under control.

Traveling with a child up to six months

Previously, doctors categorically prohibited traveling with such babies. Now no one is prohibiting it. Moreover, travel companies are developing, and hotels are trying to make the stay with such little ones as comfortable as possible.

Age problems:

  • bloating (colic);
  • regurgitation;
  • unstable stool;
  • imperfect thermoregulation;
  • the baby's skin and mucous membranes are very sensitive to various types infections.
  1. when the temperature rises, use an antipyretic agent (Panadol or ibuprofen) in syrup;
  2. if the temperature does not respond to syrups, use cefecone suppositories (store in the refrigerator);
  3. with very loose stools - smecta;
  4. suffers from bloating - bobotik or espumizan (which works better);
  5. colic does not go away for a long time - no-spa in tablets;
  6. somewhere red (inflamed skin) - miramistin (spray);
  7. eyes festered - albucid;
  8. conjunctivitis or any abscess on the skin - tetracycline eye ointment.

Traveling with a child from six months to two years

Children from six months to two years are called active “crawlers” and walkers. Pediatricians jokingly use “vacuum cleaners” - everything they can get their hands on is sure to taste. There is no fear yet, but curiosity is at its maximum level. They willingly go into everyone's arms and are very sociable.

Age problems:

  • teeth are being cut;
  • oral infections - stomatitis;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • pustular skin diseases, conjunctivitis;
  • colds and viral infections.

First aid kit for children 6-24 months

  1. loose stools - smecta;
  2. restore intestinal microflora - bactisubtil, bifidobacteria in a form that can be stored without refrigeration;
  3. conjunctivitis and any pustules - tetracycline eye ointment;
  4. stomatitis - tea tree oil, stomatidine or iodinol;
  5. teething - Kalgel;
  6. ear pain - otofa;
  7. antibiotic (amoxiclav) - as a reserve, give only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Traveling with a child from two to seven years old

From two to seven years old, children are runners and jumpers. All outdoor games that you can and cannot even think of are their element. They prefer to play with other children, actively communicate and move around, love to try new tastes, and will easily eat what another child has given them without thinking about the consequences. At this age, some children are already characterized by chronic diseases. They also need to be taken into account.

Age problems:

  • increased risk of injury;
  • are more likely to become infected with viral and childhood infectious diseases;
  • the risk of poisoning increases.

First aid kit for children from two to seven years old:

  1. elevated temperature - paracetamol or ibuprofen;
  2. loose stools - smecta;
  3. if loose stools are infectious - enterofuril in suspension;
  4. for any redness of the skin or walls of the oral cavity - Miramistin in a spray;
  5. conjunctivitis - albucid and tetracycline eye ointment;
  6. ear pain - otofa;
  7. runny nose - vibrocil nasal drops;
  8. sore throat - stomatidine;
  9. if you communicate a lot with other children - in order to prevent sore throats and acute respiratory viral infections - lysobact, marimer spray for children;
  10. cuts, abrasions, wounds and minor injuries - adhesive plaster, bandage, hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green (there are forms convenient for travel - in the form of pencils);
  11. allergies - Zyrtec;
  12. bruises - ointment based on badyagi or another that you like;
  13. poisoning - enterosgel;
  14. antibiotic (amoxiclav) - as a reserve, give only after consultation with a pediatrician;
  15. if you have chronic diseases, a full set of medications in case of exacerbation.

Traveling with a child over seven years old

For schoolchildren, we assemble a first aid kit as for an adult. When traveling this is already quite reasonable people who behave predictably, listen to the opinions of adults and are already able to assess the degree of risk to their health and avoid a dangerous situation.

First aid kit for children over 7 years old and adults:

  1. antipyretic and pain reliever - paracetamol or ibuprofen, in reserve - ibuclin;
  2. antiviral agent: AnviMax (or another one that you like/suits);
  3. runny nose - vibrocil nasal drops;
  4. otitis - otofa;
  5. sore throat, stomatitis - stomatidine or stomatophyte;
  6. allergies - loratodine or whatever helps;
  7. antiseptic - miramistin;
  8. loose stools - imodium, enterofuril;
  9. injuries, cuts - brilliant green, adhesive plaster, synthomycin ointment, bandages, sterile wipes;
  10. antibiotic (Amoxiclav) in the maximum dosage so that, if necessary, an adult can be treated.

  • If you are traveling to a hot climate, take sunburn protection for your children.
  • If you are planning trips to mosquito-infested areas, do not forget about creams, aerosols and plates against mosquitoes and midges, otherwise your vacation will be ruined.
  • When traveling in your own car, pack your medications in an insulated bag to prevent them from spoiling.
  • Take your insurance policy with you health insurance. Sometimes you can’t cope with it on your own, which means you need to see a doctor. And it’s better to do it officially.

When collecting a first aid kit, take into account the characteristics of your baby and his reaction to different drugs.

The first aid kit is ready! But what if the baby does not tolerate the road well?

Download the checklist "First aid kit for a child on a trip"

Tickets have been purchased, suitcases have been packed... And so that the pleasure of travel is not overshadowed by health problems, we are putting together a first aid kit for the baby correctly. Don't tempt fate, download our checklist and rest easy!

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